Nathalie Chusseau Associate Professor of Economics University of Lille 1 Faculty of Economics and Sociology Bâtiment SH2 - Bureau 123 Cité Scientifique 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France Phone number: +33 (0)3 20 33 70 13 Fax: +33 (0)3 20 43 67 68 E-mail Address: [email protected] Homepage: _________________________________________ ACADEMIC POSITIONS_________________________ 2009-Present: Associate Professor of Economics, University of Lille 1 Science and Technology, France 2004-2009: Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Lille 1 Science and Technology, France 2003-2004: Junior CNRS Research Fellow, IFRESI-CNRS, Lille, France 2000-02: Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lille 1, Science and Technology 1997-2000: Teaching Assistant, University of Nantes _________________________________________ RESEARCH ACTIVITIES_________________________ Member of the Research Centre EQUIPPE (Quantitative Economics, Integration, Public Policies and Econometrics) and MESHS-CNRS, University of Lille 1 Research Fellow at Chair Demographic Transition, Economic Transition (TDTE, Risk Foundation) Founding Member of the Research Programme ‘Globalisation, Regionalisation and Social and Economic Inequality’, sponsored by the Scientific Research Network ‘Research Foundation Flanders: FWO’. Coordinator: Pr. G. Rayp, Univ. of Ghent Member of the Working Group on Economic and Social Inequalities of the Prospective College, Regional Council Nord - Pas de Calais Founding Member of the working group on Inequalities and Skills in Europe of EQUIPPE 2008-2012: Coordinator of the Research Programme MONDES: ‘Globalisation, Restructuration and Intergenerational Mobility’, sponsored by the French National Research Agency (ANR) Consulting Expert for the French National Research Agency (ANR) _________________________________________ RESEARCH INTERESTS________________________ Economics of Inequalities, International Macroeconomics, Labour Economics, Human Capital and Intergenerational Mobility, Social Segmentation, Social Policies _________________________________________ UNIVERSITARY EDUCATION_____________________ 2009: Habilitation à diriger des recherches (Ability to supervise PhD students), University of Lille 1. Title: Skills and Inequalities: Economic Mechanisms and Public Policies. Supervisor: Pr. Stefano Bosi. Jury members: Ph. Askenazy, L. Ragot, G. Rayp, H. Sneessens 2002: PhD in Economics (with honours), University of Lille 1. Title: Growing Wage and Unemployment Inequalities in advanced Countries: Interactions between Openness and Technical Progress 1997: Master in Economic Theory, University of Nantes (with honours) _________________________________________ SCHOLARSHIP AND AWARDS___________________ 2014: Award from the National Council of Universities for Research Leave, one semester 2013-2017: Scientific Excellence Grant (French Ministry for Higher Education and Research) 2009-2013: Scientific Excellence Grant (French Ministry for Higher Education and Research) 2010: CNRS Award for Research Leave at MESHS-CNRS, Lille (one semester) 1997-2000: PhD programme fellowship, French Ministry of Higher Education and Research _________________________________________ PUBLICATIONS________________________________ BOOK [1] Growing Income Inequalities, J. Hellier and N. Chusseau editors, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. ARTICLES [1] Skill Premia, and Intergenerational Education Mobility: The French Case, with B. Ben-Halima and J. Hellier, Economics of Education Review, 39, April, 50-64, 2014. [2] Globalization and Inequality: Where do we stand?, with J. Hellier, Journal of Income Distribution, 21 (34), September-December, 2012. [3] Generational inequalities and education (in French) with S. Lambrecht and J. Pelletan, Note for the Chair Demographic Transition, Economic Transition n°26 – Caisse des Dépôts,, 2013. [4] Educational Systems, Intergenerational Mobility and Social Segmentation, with J. Hellier, European Journal of Comparative Economics, 8 (2), 203-233, 2011. [5] Is the French Society more and more non-egalitarian? (in French), Nouvelles d’Archimède, Chroniques d'Economie Politique, n°56, Janvier-Février-Mars 2011, Université Lille 1, 2011. [6] Globalisation and the Inequality-Unemployment Trade-off, with J. Hellier, Review of International Economics, 18 (5), 1028-1043, 2010. [7] Explaining Rising Inequality: Skill Biased Technical Change and North-South Trade, with M. Dumont and J Hellier, Journal of Economic Surveys, 22 (3), 409-457, July 2008. [8] Social Policies and R&D Subsidies: Impact on Inequality, Unemployment, Growth and the Tax Burden, with J. Hellier, International Journal of Manpower, 29 (3), 239-262, July 2008. [9] Combining Minimum Wage and Exchange Rate Policy to Release the External Constraint on Growth, with N. Bauduin and J. Hellier, International Review of Applied Economics, 22 (3), 299-320, May 2008. [10] The impacts of North-South openness upon technical progress and wage inequality (Impacts de l’ouverture Nord-Sud sur le progrès technique et les inégalités salariales), with J. Hellier, Revue Economique, 58 (2), 455-479, Mars. CHAPTERS IN ENGLISH [1] Growing income inequalities in advanced countries” (with M. DUMONT), in: Growing Income Inequalities, J. HELLIER AND N. CHUSSEAU editors, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. [2] Inequality in emerging countries (with J. HELLIER), in: Growing Income Inequalities, J. HELLIER AND N. CHUSSEAU editors, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. [3] Education, intergenerational mobility and inequality (with B. BEN HALIMA AND J. HELLIER), in: Growing Income Inequalities, J. HELLIER AND N. CHUSSEAU editors, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. CHAPTERS IN FRENCH [1] Investir sur la jeunesse pour rétablir l'équité entre générations (with S. Lambrecht and J. Pelletan), in La France face au vieillissement : le grand défi, Jean-Hervé Lorenzi and Hélène Xuan editors, Descartes & Cie eds, Collection Chaire Transitions démographiques, Transitions économiques, Paris, 2013. [2] Income and wage inequality in Europe: where do we stand? (Les inégalités de salaire et de revenus dans l'Union Européenne : où en sommes nous ?), in: Elargissement de l’Union Européenne : enjeux et perspectives, L’Harmattan eds, Paris, 2007. _________________________________________ WORKS IN PROGRESS_________________________ [1] Offshoring, Unemployment, Labour Market Reforms and Inequality: Modelling the German Experience, 1995-2013, with Th. Beissinger and J. Hellier, 2014. [2] Globalization and Social Stratification, with J. Hellier, 2014. [3] Does an ageing population generate a trade-off between public education transfers and public retirement policies?, with S. Lambrecht and J. Pelletan. 2014. [4] Modelling educational systems in Northern countries: do they impact upon social stratification?, with J. Hellier and G. Standardi, 2012. _________________________________________ WORKING PAPERS____________________________ [1] Beissinger, T., N. Chusseau and J. Hellier (2014), ‘Offshoring, Unemployment, Labour Market Reforms and Inequality: Modelling the German Experience, 1995-2013’, ECINEQ Working Paper n°2014-330, [2] B. BEN-HALIMA, N. CHUSSEAU AND J. HELLIER (2013), "Skill Premia and Intergenerational Education Mobility: The French Case", ECINEQ Working Paper n°2013-313, November, [3] N. CHUSSEAU, AND J. HELLIER (2013), “Globalization, Social Stratification and the Elite”, 28th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA), Gothenburg, August 26-30, Invited Lecture.,%20social%20stratification%20and%20the%20Elite%20for%20EEA_25 %2008_EEA_1.pdf th [4] N. CHUSSEAU, AND J. HELLIER (2013), “Globalization and Social Stratification”, 5 ECINEQ Conference, Bari, 22-24 July. [5] B. BEN HALIMA, N. CHUSSEAU, AND J. HELLIER (2013), “Skill Premia and Intergenerational Skill Transmission: the French Case”, ECINEQ Working Paper n°2013-285, January, [6] N. CHUSSEAU, AND J. HELLIER (2012), “Globalization and Inequality: where do we stand?”, ECINEQ Working Paper n°2012-279, December, [7] N. CHUSSEAU, AND J. HELLIER (2012), “Education, intergenerational mobility and inequality”, ECINEQ Working Paper n°2012-261, September, and EQUIPPE Working paper 2012-26 ( [8] N. CHUSSEAU AND M. DUMONT (2012), “Growing income inequalities in advanced countries”, ECINEQ Working Paper n°2012-260, August,, and EQUIPPE Working paper 2012-24 ( [9] N. CHUSSEAN AND J. HELLIER (2012), “Inequality in emerging countries”, ECINEQ Working Paper n°2012-256, May,, and EQUIPPE Working paper 2012-25 ( [10] B. BEN HALIMA, N. CHUSSEAU, AND J. HELLIER (2012), “Skill premia and intergenerational skill transmission: the French case”, EQUIPPE Working Paper, November. 27th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Malaga, August 27-31. [11] N. CHUSSEAU AND J. HELLIER (2011), Educational Systems and Intergenerational Mobility, EQUIPPE rd Working Paper, May. 23 European Association of Labour Economists Annual Conference, Cyprus, September 22-24. [12] N. CHUSSEAU, M. DUMONT, J. HELLIER AND G. RAYP (2010), Is there a country-specific trade-off between wage inequality and unemployment?, EQUIPPE Working Paper, January, [13] N. CHUSSEAU ET J. HELLIER (2007), Globalisation and the Inequality-Unemployment Trade-off, 9th Annual INFER Conference: Economic and monetary Integration of Europe, Loughborough University, UK, 12-14 October. [14] N. CHUSSEAU, M. DUMONT, J. HELLIER, G. RAYP AND P. WILLEME (2007), Wage Inequality and Immigration: Western-Europe in the Sixties, Working Papers of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University, Belgium, n°07/471, [15] N. CHUSSEAU, M. DUMONT, J. HELLIER, G. RAYP AND P. WILLEME (2005), Wage Inequality and Immigration in Europe during the First Stage of the International Division of Labour (1960-1975), University of Antwerp Research Paper, Department of International Economics, n°2005-025, _________________________________________ TEACHING ACTIVITIES_________________________ Lectures, Master in Economics: Economics of Inequality and Poverty, Social Policies, Social and Labour Market Policies (in English), Globalization and Social Europe (in English) Lectures, Undergraduate: Economics of inequality, Labour Economics, Labour Market Policies, Introduction to Economics, Methodology of Scientific Research, Statistics, Topics in Economics (in English) ________MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING RESEARCH PROJECTS DURING THE LAST 10 YEARS____ 2014: International Education Competition, sponsored by the University of Lille 1. Coordinator: N. CHUSSEAU. 2013: Globalization and Social Systems in Europe, sponsored by the University of Lille 1. Coordinator: N. CHUSSEAU. 2008-2012: Globalization, Restructuration and Intergenerational Mobility, sponsored by the French National Research Agency ANR. Coordinator: N. CHUSSEAU, Univ. of Lille 1. 2011-2015: Globalization, Regionalization and Social and Economic Inequality, sponsored by the Scientific Research Network: Research Foundation Flanders: FWO. Coordinateur : Pr. G. Rayp (Ghent University). 2012-2015: IRT “Railenium”, Workpackage n°8: "Economics and sustainable development: inequalities in transportation accessibility." 2012-2015: “Economic and Social Consequences of Immigration”. Workpackage: “Inequality and Crime”. Sponsored by the Regional Council Nord – Pas de Calais, Coordinator: Claire Naiditch. 2012: Inequality in Emerging Countries, sponsored by the University of Lille 1. Coordinator: N. CHUSSEAU. 2006-2011: Globalisation, Regionalisation and Social and Economic Inequality, sponsored by the Scientific Research Network: Research Foundation Flanders: FWO. Coordinator: Pr. L. Cuyvers, Univ. of Antwerp. 2008-2010: Inequalities and Skills in Europe, sponsored by the University of Lille 1, Science and Technology. Coordinator: N. CHUSSEAU. 2007: The Intergenerational Transmission of Inequalities of Skills in Europe, sponsored by the Nord Pas de Calais Region and IFRESI-CNRS. Coordinators: N. CHUSSEAU and J. HELLIER. 2003-007: Inequalities and Skills in Europe, sponsored by the Regional Council Nord – Pas de Calais and IFRESI-CNRS. Coordinators: N. CHUSSEAU and J. HELLIER. _________________________________________ ADMINISTRATION_________________________ 2014-...: Head of the International Bachelor Programme 'Economic and Social Policies in a Globalized World' 2011-...: Head of the Master 1 'Economics and Public Management' 2010-...: Head of the Bachelor Programme 'Economics and Public Management' 2007-10: Head of the Bachelor Programme 'Economic Analysis' 2005-09: Head of the 1rst year of the Bachelor Programme in Economics 2007...: Elected member of the governing council of the research Centre EQUIPPE, Lille 1 2014: Member of assistant professors recruitment committee (University of Lille 1) 2013: Member of assistant professors recruitment committee (University of Lille 1, University of Valenciennes) 2012: Member of assistant professors recruitment committee (University of Lille 1) 2011: Member of assistant professors recruitment committee (University of Valenciennes) 2007-09: Elected member of assistant professors recruitment committee (University of Lille 1) _________________________CONFERENCE / WORKSHOP ORGANIZATION______________________ 2014: Organizer of the seminar ‘Wealth and Inequality’, Printemps des Sciences Sociales, Maison Européenne des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, April 10. Speakers: François Bourguignon, Nathalie Chusseau, Camille Landais. 2012: Organizer of the international conference « Inequality, Skills and Globalization », Lille 1 University, June 21-22. 2010: Organizer of the workshop ‘Globalisation, Inequality, Education and Social Downgrading’, ANR research project MONDES, MESHS & Lille 1 University, January 15.. 2008: Organizer of the workshop ‘Globalisation and Inequality’ funded by the Scientific Research Network, Research Foundation – Flanders: FWO, Lille 1 University. 2004: Organizer of the workshop ‘Inequalities in Europe’, Lille 1 University. 2004: Member of the Scientific Committee of the international conference ‘EU Enlargement: Challenges and prospects’, Lille 1 University, December 9-10. 2003: Member of the Scientific Committee of the meeting of the French Economic Association, Lille 1 University, May 26-27. ______________________________SOME CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS_______________________ 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 “Offshoring, Unemployment, Labour Market Reform and Inequality: Modelling the German th Experience”, 15 international meeting of Public Economic Theory, Seattle, July, 11-13. European Trade Study Group (ETSG), Sixteenth Annual Conference, Munich, 11-13 September. European th Economics and Finance Society (EEFS):13 Annual Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 12-15. th “Globalization and Social stratification”, European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS):13 Annual Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 12-15. “Labour Supply and Social Stratification”, 63rd Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association (AFSE), Lyon June 16-18. ‘How does the structure of public funding of education affect inequalities?’, Seminar organized by La Caisse des Dépôts, September, 18, Paris. (Invited Lecture). ‘Globalization and inequalities: social consequences and challenges’ (in French), Printemps des Sciences Sociales, Maison Européenne des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, Lille, April, 10. Invited Lecture. “Social Consequences of Globalization” (in French), Lille 1 University, February, 19. Invited Lecture. “Globalization and inequality: mechanisms at work”, La France face aux enjeux de la mondialisation, Lille 2 University, February, 6. Invited Lecture. “Globalization, inequalities and social mobility in advanced countries”, Vulnérabilités sanitaires et sociales, Colloque « bilan et perspectives » organised by the French National Research Agency (ANR), November, 14-15. Invited Lecture. “Globalization, Social Stratification and the Elite”, 62nd Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association (AFSE), Aix-en-Provence June 24-26; 28th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA), Gothenburg, August 26-30, Invited Lecture. th “Globalization and Social Stratification”, 5 ECINEQ Conference, Bari, July 22-24. « Systèmes éducatifs, mobilité intergénérationnelle et segmentation sociale », Séminaire de la Caisse des Dépôts, April, 26, Paris. Invited Lecture. “Globalization and Inequality in Emerging Countries”, Measuring Globalization: an international Workshop, Maastricht University, November 22-23, Invited Lecture. th “Long term inequalities”, 15 Summer School on History of Economic Thought, Economic Philosophy and Economic History, Lille, September 3-8, Invited Lecture “Skill premia and intergenerational skill transmission: the French case”, 27th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Malaga, August 27-31. International Conference on Inequality, Skills and Globalization, Lille, June 21-22. “Education, intergenerational mobility and inequality”, European Economics and Finance Society th (EEFS):11 Annual Conference, Koç University, Istanbul, 14th – 17th June 2012. International Conference on Inequality, Skills and Globalization, Lille, June 21-22. “Inequality in emerging countries”, International Conference on Global Firms, Global Finance and Global Inequalities, Loughborough, 25-26 April, Invited Lecture. International Conference on Inequality, Skills and Globalization, Lille, June 21-22. “Skill premia and intergenerational skill transmission: analysis of the French case”, European th Economics and Finance Society (EEFS):10 Annual Meeting, London, 9th – 12th June 2011. Fourth Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), Catania, Italy, July 18-20. rd “Educational Systems, Intergenerational Mobility and Social Segmentation”, 23 European Association of Labour Economists Annual Conference, Cyprus, September 22-24. th “Is the Trade-Off between Wage Inequality and Unemployment Country-Specific?”, 15 International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Rethymno, Crete, May 26-29. “Is the Trade-Off between Wage Inequality and Unemployment Country-Specific?”, European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS): ‘Global Imbalances, Financial Institutions, and Reforms in the Post-crisis Era’, Athens, Greece, 3rd – 6th June 2010. “Educational Systems, Intergenerational Mobility and Social Segmentation”, International Workshop of Applied Economics of Education (IWAEE), Catanzaro, June 14th-15th 2010. 2010 AISSEC Workshop on ‘Comparing Inequalities’, Assisi, June 22-23. AEA Conference: ‘Econometrics of Healthy Human Resources’, Rome, May 27-29. Workshop on ‘Globalisation, Inequality, Education and Social Downgrading’, University of Lille 1, January 15. 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007 2006 2006 2005 2004 2004 2003 2002 2002 “Is the French society more and more non-egalitarian?», University of Valenciennes, November, 23. Invited Lecture. “Is the Trade-Off between Wage Inequality and Unemployment Country-Specific?”, European Trade Study Group (ESTG), Eleventh Annual Conference, Rome, 10-12 September. “Educational Systems and Intergenerational Mobility”, European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS): “Current Challenges in the Global Economy: Prospects and Policy Reforms, Warsaw, Poland, 4th – 7th June. Third Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 20 – 23. “Globalisation and the Inequality-Unemployment Trade-Off”, Workshop on ‘Modelling Employment and Inequality’, Loughborough University, UK, 19th January. ”Globalisation and the Inequality-Unemployment Trade-off'” (avec J. Hellier), European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS), Prague, Czech Republic, 22-25 Mai, 23th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Milan, August 27-31. “Globalisation and the Inequality-Unemployment Trade-off” (avec J. Hellier), 9ème Annual INFER Conference: Economic and monetary Integration of Europe, Loughborough University, UK, October 12-14. “Social policies and R&D subsidies: impact on inequality, unemployment, growth and the tax burden” (avec J. Hellier), International Conference of the Applied Econometrics Association: ‘Policies against unemployment’, Naples, June 1-2. “Explaining rising inequality: Skill biased technological change and North-South trade” (avec M. th Dumont et J. Hellier), 18 European Association of Labour Economists Annual Conference, Prague, September 21-23. “Wage Inequality and Immigration in Europe (1960-1975)” (avec M. Dumont, J. Hellier, G. Rayp et P. nde Willemé), 2 Conference EALE-SOLE, San Francisco USA, June 2-5. « Les inégalités de salaire et de revenus dans l'Union Européenne : où en sommes nous ? », The Enlargement of the European Union, Lille, 9-10 Décembre. “Social policies and R&D subsidies: impact on inequality, unemployment, growth and the tax burden” (avec J. Hellier), Journées de l’Association Française de Sciences Économiques 2004, Rennes, 18ième 19 Mai, VIII Congrès de l’AFSE, Paris, 16-17 Septembre. “The Impact of Social Policies and R&D Subsidies on Inequality and Growth” (avec J. Hellier), Journées de l’Association Française de Sciences Économiques 2003, Lille, 26-27 Mai. “The Impacts of North-South Openness on Information Technologies and Wage Inequalities” (avec J. Hellier), European Association for Labour Economists Annual Conference, Paris, PanthéonSorbonne,19-22 Septembre. “Technological Change andInequalities in a North-South Model” (avec J. Hellier), 17th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Venise, 22-24 Août. ____________________________SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS BY INVITATION______________________ How does the structure of public funding of education affect inequalities?, Seminar organized by La Caisse des Dépôts, September, 18, Paris. Globalization and inequalities: social consequences and challenges, Printemps des Sciences Sociales, MESHS, Lille, April 10, 2014. Social Consequences of Globalization (in French), Lille 1 University, February, 19. Globalization and inequality: mechanisms at work (in French), La France face aux enjeux de la mondialisation, Lille 2 University, February 6, 2014. Globalization, inequalities and social mobility in advanced countries, Vulnérabilités sanitaires et sociales, Colloque « bilan et perspectives » organised by the French National Research Agency (ANR), November 14-15, 2013, Paris. Educational systems, intergenerational mobility and social segmentation, Caisse des Dépôts Seminar, April 2013, Paris. 28th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA), Gothenburg, August 26-30, Special Session on ‘Elite’. Globalization and Inequality in Emerging Countries, Measuring Globalization: an international Workshop, Maastricht University, November 22-23, 2012. th Long term inequalities, 15 Summer School on History of Economic Thought, Economic Philisophy and Economic History, Lille 3-8 September, 2012. Inequality in emerging countries, International Conference on Global Firms, Global Finance and Global Inequalities, Loughborough, April 25-26, 2012. Is the French Society more and more non-egalitarian? (in French), Université de Valenciennes, November 23, 2010.
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