3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method 1. Interpolation of Tabulated Data 2. Neville’s Method 3. Neville’s Iterated Interpolation C程式: ALG031 Neville’s Iterated Interpolation 開課班級: 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 授課教師: 吳漢銘 (淡江大學 數學系) 教學網站: http://www.hmwu.idv.tw Textbook: Burden & Faires’ Numerical Analysis, 9/E 系級: 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 學號: 姓名: 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 1 / 19 1. Application of Interpolation: illustration Table 3.2 lists values of a function f at various points. The approximations to f p1.5q obtained by various Lagrange polynomials that use this data will be compared to try and determine the accuracy of the approximation. (1) The most appropriate linear polynomial uses x0 1.3 and x1 1.6 because 1.5 is between 1.3 and 1.6. The value of the interpolating polynomial at 1.5 is P1 p1.5q 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 p1.5 1.6q f p1.3q p1.5 1.3q f p1.6q p1.3 1.6q p1.6 1.3q 1.6q p0.6200860q p1.5 1.3q p0.4554022q pp1.5 1.3 1.6q p1.6 1.3q 0.5102968 . 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 2 / 19 Application of Interpolation: illustration (conti.) (2) Two polynomials of degree 2 can reasonably be used, one with x0 1.3 , x1 1.6 , and x2 1.9 , which gives 1.6qp1.5 1.9q p0.6200860q pp1.5 1.3 1.6qp1.3 1.9q p1.5 1.3qp1.5 1.9q p0.4554022q p1.6 1.3qp1.6 1.9q p1.5 1.3qp1.5 1.6q p0.2818186q 0.5112857 p1.9 1.3qp1.9 1.6q and one with x0 1.0 , x1 1.3 , and x2 1.6 , which gives Pˆ2 p1.5q 0.5124715 . P2 p1.5q 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 , 3 / 19 Application of Interpolation: illustration (conti.) (3) In the third-degree case, (i) x0 1.3, x1 1.6, x2 1.9, and x3 2.2, which gives P3 p1.5q 0.5118302 . (ii) x0 1.0, x1 1.3, x2 1.6, and x3 Pˆ3 p1.5q 0.5118127 . 1.9, which gives (4) The fourth-degree Lagrange polynomial uses all the entries in the table. With x0 1.0, x1 1.3, x2 1.6, x3 1.9, and x4 2.2, the approximation is P4 p1.5q 0.5118200 . P3 p1.5q, Pˆ3 p1.5q, and P4 p1.5q all agree to within 2 105 units, we expect this degree of accuracy for these approximations. We also expect P4 p1.5q to be the most accurate approximation, since it uses more of the given data. (5) Because 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 4 / 19 Application of Interpolation: illustration (conti.) (7) The function value at 1.5 is known to be 0.5118277 . Therefore, the true accuracies of the approximations are as follows: |P1 p1.5q f p1.5q| |Pˆ2 p1.5q f p1.5q| |Pˆ3 p1.5q f p1.5q| 1.53 103 , 6.44 104 , 1.50 105 , |P2 p1.5q f p1.5q| 5.42 104 , |P3 p1.5q f p1.5q| 2.5 106 |P4 p1.5q f p1.5q| 7.7 106 , . (8) Although P3 p1.5q is the most accurate approximation, if we had no knowledge of the actual value of f p1.5q, we would accept P4 p1.5q as the best approximation since it includes the most data about the function. (9) The Lagrange error term derived in Theorem 3.3 cannot be applied here because we have no knowledge of the fourth derivative of f . Unfortunately, this is generally the case. 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 5 / 19 Lagrange Polynomial that Agrees with f pxq (1) A practical difficulty with Lagrange interpolation is that the error term is difficult to apply, so the degree of the polynomial needed for the desired accuracy is generally not known until computations have been performed. (2) A common practice is to compute the results given from polynomials until appropriate agreement is obtained. various Definition 3.4 Let f be a function defined at x0 , x1 , x2 , , xn , and suppose that m1 , m2 , , mk are k distinct integers, with 0 ¤ mi ¤ n for each i. The Lagrange polynomial that agrees with f pxq at the k points xm1 , xm2 , , xmk is denoted Pm1 ,m2 , ,mk pxq . 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 6 / 19 Example 1 Suppose that x0 1, x1 2, x2 3, x3 4, x4 6, and f pxq ex . Determine the interpolating polynomial denoted P1,2,4 pxq, and use this polynomial to approximate f p5q. Sol: À This is the Lagrange polynomial that agrees with f pxq at x1 x2 3, and x4 6. Hence P1,2,4 pxq Á f p5q P p5q px 3qpx 6q e2 px 2qpx 6q e3 px 2qpx 3q e6 . p2 3qp2 6q p3 2qp3 6q p6 2qp6 3q 3qp5 6q 2 p5 2qp5 6q 3 p5 2qp5 3q 6 pp25 3qp2 6q e p3 2qp3 6q e p6 2qp6 3q e 12 e2 e3 12 e6 218.105. end end 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 2, 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 7 / 19 Theorem 3.5 Theorem 3.5 Let f be defined at x0 , x1 , , xk , and let distinct numbers in this set. Then P px q xj pxi xj q rpx xj qP0,1, ,j and 1 px xiqP0,1, ,i1,i 1, 1,j 1, xi be two ,k pxq ,k pxqs is the kth Lagrange polynomial that interpolates f at the k points x0 , x1 , , xk . 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 1 8 / 19 Theorem 3.5 (conti.) (1) Theorem 3.5 implies that the interpolating polynomials can be generated recursively . For example, we have P0,1 P1,2 P0,1,2 1 rpx x0 qP1 px x1 qP0 s , 1 rpx x1 qP2 px x2 qP1 s , 1 rpx x0 qP1,2 px x2 qP0,1 s x1 x0 x2 x1 x2 x0 , and so on. They are generated in the manner shown in below, where each row is completed before the succeeding rows are begun. 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 9 / 19 Neville’s Method (2) The procedure that uses the result of Theorem 3.5 to recursively generate interpolating polynomial approximations is called Neville’s method . (3) To avoid the multiple subscripts, we let Qi,j pxq , for 0 ¤ j ¤ i , denote the interpolating polynomial of degree j the pj 1q numbers xij , xij 1 , , xi1 , xi ; that is, Qi,j Pij,ij 1, on ,i1,i . Using this notation provides the Q notation array in Table 3.4. 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 10 / 19 Example 2 Values of various interpolating polynomials at x 1.5 were obtained in the Illustration at the beginning of the Section using the data shown in Table 3.5. Apply Neville’s method to the data by constructing a recursive table of the form shown in Table 3.4. Sol: Table 3.5 À Let x0 1.0, x1 1.3, x2 1.6, x3 1.9, and x4 2.2, then Q0,0 f p1.0q, Q1,0 f p1.3q, Q2,0 f p1.6q, Q3,0 f p1.9q, and Q4,0 f p2.2q. Á These are the five polynomials of degree zero (constants) that approximate f p1.5q, and are the same as data given in Table 3.5. 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 11 / 19 Example 2 (conti.) Â Calculating the first-degree approximation Q1,1 p1.5q gives px x1 qQ0,0 px x0 qQ1,0 x1 x0 1,0 p1.5 1.3qQ0,0 p1.5 1.0qQ1.3 1.0 0.5p0.6200860q 0.2p0.7651977q 0.3 0.5233449. p1.5 1.3qp0.4554022q p1.5 1.6qp0.6200860q Q2,1 p1.5q 1.6 1.3 0.5102968, Q3,1 p1.5q 0.5132634, and Q4,1 p1.5q 0.5104270. Q1,1 p1.5q 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 12 / 19 Example 2 (conti.) Ã The best linear approximation is expected to be Q2,1 because 1.5 is between x1 1.3 and x2 1.6. Ä Approximations using higher-degree polynomials are given by q p1.5 1.6qp0.5233449q p1.5 1.0qp0.5102968 1.6 1.0 0.5124715, Q3,2 p1.5q 0.5112857, and Q4,2 p1.5q 0.5137361. Q2,2 p1.5q The higher-degree approximations are generated in a similar manner and are shown in Table 3.6. end end 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 13 / 19 Example 3 (a) Table 3.7 lists the values of f pxq ln x accurate to the places given. Use Neville’s method and four-digit rounding arithmetic to a pproximate f p2.1q ln 2.1 by completing the Neville table. Sol: Table 3.7 À Because x x0 0.1, x x1 0.1, x x2 0.2, and we are given Q0,0 0.6931, Q1,0 0.7885, and Q2,0 0.8329,we have Q1,1 Q2,1 Á Q2,2 1 rp0.1q0.7885 p0.1q0.6931s 0.14820.2 0.7410 0.2 1 rp0.1q0.8329 p0.2q0.7885s 0.07441 0.7441. 0.1 0.1 0.31 rp0.1q0.7441 p0.2q0.7410s 0.2276 0.3 0.7420. end end 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 14 / 19 Example 3 (b) Find the absolute error and the Lagrange error bound in Example 3(a). Sol: À In Example 3(a) we have f p2.1q ln 2.1 0.7419 to four decimal places, so the absolute error is |f p2.1q P2 p2.1q| |0.7419 0.7420| 104 . Á However, f 1 pxq 1{x, f 2 pxq 1{x2 , and f 3 pxq 2{x3 , so the Lagrange error formula gives the error bound |f p2.1q P 2p2.1q| ¤ end end 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 f 3 pξ p2.1qq p x x0 qpx x1 qpx x2 q 3! 1 p 0.1 qp 0.1 qp 0.2 q 3 3pξ p2.1qq 0.002 8.¯3 105 . 3p2q3 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 15 / 19 Example 3 (conti.) (1) Notice that the actual error, 104 , exceeds the error bound, 8.¯3 105 . This apparent contradiction is a consequence of finite-digit computations. (2) We used four-digit rounding arithmetic, and the Lagrange error formula (3.3) assumes infinite-digit arithmetic. This caused our actual errors to exceed the theoretical error estimate. (3) Remember: You cannot expect more accuracy than the arithmetic provides. 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 16 / 19 ALGORITHM 031: Neville’s Iterated Interpolation To evaluate the interpolating polynomial P on the n 1 distinct numbers x0 , , xn at the number x for the function f : 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 17 / 19 Exercise Set 3.2 (1) 用手、 或計算機算: 5, 7 (2) 用電腦或寫程式算 (列出表格): 1(a)(b), 3(a)(b) 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 18 / 19 C 程式: ALG031 Neville’s Iterated Interpolation 數學系資統組2A 數值分析 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville’s Method November 5, 2014 19 / 19
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