US007709517B2 (12) Unlted States Patent (10) Patent N0.2 Sawyers et al. (54) (45) Date of Patent: DIARYLHYDANTOIN COMPOUNDS 4,859,228 A Inventors: Charles L. Sawyers, NeW York, NY 10/1989 Coussediere et al. 4,938,949 A 7/1990 Borch et a1~ (Us); Michael E_ Jung, Los Angeless 4,944,791 A 7/1990 Sch-roder et a1. CA (Us); Charlie D- Chen’ Los An eles CA (US) Samedy Ouk Costa 4,992,478 A 5’0l0’l82 A g ’ ’ _ ’ 2/1991 Gena 4/1991 Blake et 31' 5,069,711 A 12/1991 Mesa’ CA wS);DerekW";lsb1e> 5,071,773 A 12/1991 Evans etal. 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Patent May 4, 2010 Sheet 4 0f 29 US 7,709,517 B2 EFFECT OF COMPOUNDS ON LNCaP-AR Al 20 12125 0M [3250 0M 0500 nM - $<2g 555 K n 1000 nM 32. . 1.7 .H 0mg FIG. 4 52Z...‘ . wmEmm.” US. Patent May 4, 2010 Sheet 5 0f 29 US 7,709,517 B2 INHIBITION EFFECT ON LNCaP-AR 0 100 nM E1200 nM (UMRENFLTAIOLSVDE) | E1 500 M E! 1000 nM j - ._ DMSO Bic'alutimde US. Patent May 4, 2010 Sheet 6 0f 29 US 7,709,517 B2 HORMONE REFRACTORY CELLS D 0.3 micM a 0.6 mjcM B 1.2 MM E! 2.5 micM DMSO Bicalulamide EXAMPLE 5-3b EXAMPLE 700 FIG. 6 US. Patent May 4, 2010 Sheet 7 0f 29 US 7,709,517 B2 Bic & EXAMPLE 7-3b ON LN/AR GROWTH (n=8) g‘ 10' +804 3 8_ +EXAMPLE 7-301 % 6 9 g 4‘ E E 2~ 0 . 0 10 20 30 40 DAYS EXAMPLE 7-30 ON LN/AR GROWTH (n=8) 12' g § 8_ % é % 4 5 0 +VEH +0.1 mpk —¢—1mpk 50 US. Patent May 4, 2010 Sheet 8 0f 29 US 7,709,517 B2 TISSUE PSA LNIAR (n=4) 450 - 400 - 350- I CA) C) CD PSA(ng/ml) —' 250 - T 200 q 150 - T 100 s0 - Veh ‘0.1mpk I 1mpk FIG. 8 I 10mpk US. Patent May 4, 2010 Sheet 9 0f 29 US 7,709,517 B2 LAPC4-HR GROWTH (n=4) 24 + VEH —I— Bic-1 18 - 1£93@0392 5 + EXAMPLE 7-3b-1 Al 062 q FIG. 9A LAPC4-HR PSA (DAY 17, n=4) 400 - T <2m2E2am; Veh Bic-1 FIG. 9B ' EXAMPLE 7-301 ' US. Patent May 4, 2010 Sheet 10 0f 29 US 7,709,517 B2 HORMONE SENSITIVE CELLS 0 n6. 0 u E! l3 121 0.3 micM 0.6 micM 1 2m:cM 2.5 micM c n 1Q 1.“250 DMSO ' Bicalutamide 'EXAMPLES-3DIEXAMPLEY-3b' FIG. 10 US. Patent May 4, 2010 Sheet 11 0129 US 7,709,517 B2 ARRgPB-Luc + Vehicle _|-_ BicaI.-10 ----- -- Bical.-50 _._-RD162-10 - -o- -- RD162-50 T (d) FIG. 11 US. Patent May 4, 2010 c 5%52> Sheet 12 0129 US 7,709,517 B2 0m?.GE E f 1 _. 5E0i:m2am aw?.QE am PW A2 . on a .an , % %8+a§~\w 5gE0? 1 W. a W gig1. 10w, we?.7 4 5k ..”.\ 01. . vain AV ,1a; v.» 70 gm§,,, “¢ 20351,‘£ a0 haw # w a W .m a m 1 _\ g ga,me\ g .L2%; $51 , E1 a; .\vEEom ,J/1‘, US. Patent May 4, 2010 Sheet 13 0f 29 US 7,709,517 B2 PK OF RD162I INTRAVENOUS AND ORAL ADMINISTRATION 5E2 8 3245.105 0 FIG. 13 US. Patent May 4, 2010 Sheet 14 0f 29 US 7,709,517 B2 LN-AR(HR) m100nM E1200 nM D500nM 131000 nM 2RU..41| u I a3<2$2582 0?u I — DMSO Bical FIG. 14 RD162 US. Patent May 4, 2010 Sheet 15 0129 US 7,709,517 B2 CHARACTERISTICS OF Bicalu1imide, RD37, RD131 AND RD162 NAME STRUCTURE B10. NC RD37 0 QF Css,10mpk Css,25mpk 033501101 [11M] [NM] 11111] 2.91 10.0 11.4 11.9 124 4.20 NA NA NA 3 00% F'igmimo 92 0% HN\ 34 .4 0.39 0.43 0.40 3.20 9.9 10.7 10.2 NWO?) Ncjiliijcm FC RD131 LogP 1000 F30 I; 1050 ["M] F 0 RD162 i @AH/ 122 H FIG. 15A 25 PK OF Bicalutamide, R0162, R0131 AND R037 _ _ + Blcalutamlde _ +RD162 5 20 ~ +RD131 5 +RD37 '- 15 - ‘2’ 10 - 8 E E 5 ~ % 0 ‘H 0 x 5 .—t 10 T (HOURS) FIG. 15B 15 20 US. Patent May 4, 2010 Sheet 16 0129 US 7,709,517 B2 NON ~TRPNSGEN|C ANMALS 000. uAVG PROSTATE 02 5 2%>> § 0 0. 5 0 H 029m H 02 m I o6 @NO 80 2.5 m 8.351 73.52 FIG. 16 @2 5.2 : 2 %)
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