Send through e-Despatch OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF HORTICULTURE: ODISHA; BHUBANESWAR No. [c (H5)23t2013 4 6 Qz /Hort., Dated f?,J ^ , l? To The Assistant Director of Horticulture, Nuapada, Khariar. Sub: - Submission of Non-refundable G.P.F advance proposal of Sri Bhramarbar Barik, J/D. Ref: -Your Ltr No-769 Dt-06.05.2014. Sir, With reference to your letter on the above cited subject I am to return herewith the N/R G.P.F proposal of Sri Bhramarbar Barik, Jeep Driver with the following objections and resubmit the proposal after due compliance. 1. Withdrawal during the period from 0412013 to till date may be taken in to the account of G.P.F application form. 2. Non drawal certificate may be attached with the application form. \. 6r\ Yours faithfully, Accounts Officer v: ! 'APPLICATION FORM FOR GENERAL PROVIDENT FUND (PART FINAL) ?- l,l, li 1. Name of the Subscriber: Sri Bhramarbar 2. Account No. AV(O) 33143 : \// Bytk " -/ JID. V.. '10650/- 3. Designation: 4. Pay: '24001- 5. G.P.: 6. Date of joining in service and the lfl " date of superannuation: 221)21rc85 & 31/03/2019 7. Balance at the credit of the subscriber on the date of application as I T I I ',, below: -1 (i) Closing balance as per the statement for the year 2013-14: 75AOU-'r.'Z (ii) Credit from 3/1 3lo 04114 on account of Monthly subscription and refund of withdrawals. (iii) Total: eo4oo/-' *t 166005/-'v- (iv)Withdrawals during the period from: (v)Netba|anceatcreditontheclateofapplication 8. Amount of withdrawal rli ' required' 124504F' g. (a) Purpose for which the withdrawal is reqtlired: Marriage Geremony of Daoughter (b) Rules under which the request is covered: Rule 30 Note-2 Appendix-F 10. Whether any withdrawal was taken for the same Purpose earlier, if so, indicate the amount and the year: 11.Name of the Accounts Officer maintaining AG (O), Bhubaneswar the Provident Fund Account: Date: Verified Cols.1 to 7 and found cr:rrect a*-''/ihADary re r :l S""i|l"ffiotn' 2f io at u Certified that the arrnual statement oi G.P'F. drawal of individual office subscriber for the Year 2013-14 has been sent to tfre A.G' Odisha vide this N1A \\lt letter No.648, dt. 27.03.2014- \@, recto r oYHorticulture' NuaPada, Khariar Assistant Di /t/' ' APPLICATION FOii,i,i FOR GEr',,Ii:RAL PROVltlEl',lT FUIiD {PART FINAL) 1. Name of the Subscriber Sri tshramarbar Barik 2. Account No. AV(O) 33143 : 3. Designation: 4. Pay: J/D. ' ,,.rUl.rrt- 5. G,P.: lt+vut - 6. Date of joining in ser,",ice and the date of superannuatiori: 22102119;?5 & 31i0312019 7. Balance at the creclll li tiie substriber on the date of application as bcior,v: (i) Cfosing balance i.,) 1-,i.1-the ste;,etnent for tiie yeur^2013-14. 756051: (ii) Credit from 3/13 tc i.r+i '14 on accounr of Monthly subsci"ipi:urr aiLd refu,ii,,l of withcirawals: (iii) Total: 90400/-' 166005/- ' '(iv) Withdrawals dui.,;g ilre period fiorn: 8. Amount of withdr;rivl.i 166005/- ' ;;r ilie ..-,i.c oi'appiicaiiuri: (v) Net balance ai r-.,r1,,i f.j:..tij jr'L=u: 9.(a) Purposeforwilii:tri::.-r,;'1i11;1,',;u*i (b) Rules under wlrir-';r .:r 10. Whether any v;itirti; el. 124504t-', iS ieqrt;teu. iviiirrii;gu.;^err:riruriycf Daoughte; r ieQU€st is covered: :l lf ule li0 Note-2 Appendix-F 'oas t:il:en for tlre same 'Purpose earlier, if so, ,;rdicate trrc arnount and the year: 11. Name of the Acco..,,- C;iiicer ri,:^,iiiairriii.i the Provident Fu,,u,,.--r,i,r ir. Date: Vbrified Cols.1 to 7 a,'ri*i ii.. ;,:-j ,.iurt"t,;:i o"r{r f, L^ratzztrt Y fuo' 4r qq l( ' . :i;c i:,fllr.t:tl s'tat3ll'lent of G.i.'.;t. ,.;;,.uval of individUal subscriber for the ),r i.: ; - ::-'iti irt: l,:ci::j-r S;;ii t,- i;.S A,.tl. l)...:,ita Vide this OffiCe Certiiic -t ., I letter No.648. dt. 27.:'- . \K i'lorticulture, ;iL;r^,- -.. ..r , .. rdl'ldf GPF Particulars cf $ri BhrarnarL'ar Barik, J/D, Office of the Assistant Director of Horticuliirre, Nuapaila, Khariar, GPF A/c No. 33143 AV(O) froiri ,.1arch'13 to Apr'14 lr iillNo. Moi:iiily Month Subscri..;ticn 3u0u I'i' 3U00 I April'13 j7u0 ri ri 3,i. 1!'J6 I Aug'13 I.,/.N0. i,7 r,'t ","i17.07.13 T.V.No, 22t17.07.13 | , , /,No. I 67;'-' I C: , !9.1! I ri'30 l70i) I 6, t r1- i I 3t'01) .: Sept'13 5i "1C 3CC! Oct'13 _3;.. Nov'13 I "t 3. . Dec'13 T.V No, 47t25.05.13 5;, -5.05,1 3 3;i,rr370013/36 July' 13 Dt. ',,'No, t r--i uii -i-;2i36 -it;tut) ';urlL June 13 f utr0 I i | i!;c0 Iii .; 3vv May'13 ] 1l March'13 /T.V No. & Toial Installment Recovery 36 iVNo, 't 1 6/36 3700 7136 67lii) -l7i)u , bi36 6i'0rr I 9/\j3.1 0.1 3 Dr 4 '-,', 3tu, i 31t)() iir 10/36 167,-u l-'" | Feb'14 rl Ma/ 14 r[i. .i7(;i) i,r-., 14 4-;-.i i A/cNo,38820AV(O) M; ,: Deposit March'13 to Apr ,. l3 :' Amount of Advance now aiied: Total Total ,,,r" V Balance,: lI No. '1.2.14 No, 4' i.03.14 N0, ; Ap/ i.09.13 67 C,r I 6;'lr! Jan'14 , , .'.No. i6 i700 -,. Checked found correct _ qJl'iu$ t _t_ 8; '10.8 +114 i;r.",u,J 75,u,;;;- _.__9!.,:itt.r,*i: : ' 1,6u,t,'r5/- ' ' ,i 1!r.16 1,2.,,iJ4i41501 I )4.14 f /9L'va-ryq-Loc'4a24 .\A rrticulture, ,,-,.:13..J, ,.,, iiar GpF particulars of Sri Bhrarnarbar Barik, J/D, Office of the Assistant Director of Horticulture, Nuapada, Khariar, GPF A/c No' 33143 AV(O) from March'13 to APr'14 BillNo. /T,V No. Monthly & Total lnstallment Recovery Subscription Month Remarks Dt. T.V No. 3000 3000 47t25.05.13 March'13 3000 3000 T.V.No. 50/25,05.13 T.V.No, April'13 May'13 3000 3700 1/36 6700 3000 i700 2t36 6700 30u0 3700 3/36 18t17.07.13 June 1 3 22t17.07.13 July' 13 T.V.No, 6700 07i04.09..13 Aug'13 Sept' 13 30c' 3700 4136 670C 30t)r 3700 5/36 6i00 T.V,No. 12t04.09.13 f.V.No. 1 o/J0 3700 3000 Oct'13 3000 U/Jo I or uu Jan'14 3000 | V/JO | 0i Feb'14 3000- I Mai --' | ;;, :i.lf. ll I i 14 T1",,'- i I Al lr,f 14 Total A/c No, 38820AV(O) Deposit March"t3 to Ma, APr'1' Total 13 : ' :zoo I tsill ,No, B8/13-14 7/36 Dec'13 I I | 6700 3700 ---- I 44400 75,tjU5l- 'JASaAJ: t'lo. I dillNo, | 1:.3/1 1.2.14 [- itt tto' | 12't"126.03.14 i: 1 | lRTr'r -i'""r""" l?.ot, 103/ 13-14 L-?t!u!a UU 1 4rt1.R EillNo. l--'i.v. i1 I 10/36 I 6700 I 1i36 87i,,:r 3700 9/08.1 0.1 3 6700 i 3700 Iii l-firo I l-'"" 3000 Nov'13 Ap/ T.V.No. Tv No 7 i23.04.14 ;illNo,8 .:014114 | 90_'iq!_ [_ Ih L-ra'z'7 ora an-k q*' Q : '1,66,0U5/- Amount of Advance now ;i,:pLi9d----11-41-Q-4/' . Balance: w Checked found correct ' 41501 /- \\ \1.]-A Vs' "x Assist;rii * iectoKi i Horticulture, . i,juaPada, l",iari?r w ,ffi i 0ss8L$? 'ffinssk* $FFlSfi *FTl*fi pfrtf{StpAl_ &S*St"lFdTAruT {**t{*ffie$- {& & S} *ffist4A. s*ij$.e-f,ls$w&ffi Annu# $tai*msnl,*f Fr*vicie ilt i:,ii:"'trJ A**oirr-:i* I*i in* Y**i il*riir* H*dr, 't f:: t Itxnre sf the F* !*sa i,lj*s $uh*crilrerr Bmff BtruX*ffifiF tlr* : fWt* l*r;,r,r r.i. Alr0 sg{r$ j lji . ,:i.il4 Ti*asurv: HIIAFIRA -i nhrcerdllolt|od[rre]lrffi tii *J Ili'f \a-;i C'i :^.,,r,Y ,..,i)ii:iiS I Cre*ii ilfr1aiis ll''S l I Sthsr iJletunc{ ,. qp ,,-::,,,$ ,.Ws@ 0 ryd w s o 'o ',, ,'- ! o -$ 0 o s[ry,, e? m g g ff ry.. s d008.: ,,10 ,$ I , l'. o:,td: 'f'*, * { . , -; .' .{' |.,i ' l; ' I I . i ,,,. ,. ', ,'$ii. ' i 'tu1n1 T: !:: ,)neninil Bal*nce tlqili t peposits $j; E li |,*Sithdrawals ii w ry ry 1fi9{ $rrterest \ i: __*t $tosing salanc* {+} ::*f; ra: r :*Y:rffi -[ -:""**l*l:: i ff^ft;' 'J'vr -.'"'i0r ^ qt' .;.f',v" '..'.3: .''-.',,)l . ,r, /- -.. -Y I t l. Certifiedthatthe Drite oi'birth , '.t1it)311961 (i) Date of Entry irt (jovt. :,clvicc : 2210211985 (ii) Date of superanrtriLioit : .il t03l20lt) 2. Certified that the anriual staternent rcgarding drau,al of norr lcliurcllrble temporary advance final withdrrn'al rirr the year 20 l3- vide letter No. 648 . l)t. l4 lras been scnt to AC (O) Bhubaneswar 2 l l03l 11.'or-Aa-Zfos"4 ;\ SSt. I)ilector o1' Nuapitcllt. .t I UTILISATION CERTIF'I CATE Utilized. hLrav'7o-ber9o'*'4 / ehramarbar, Assistant Directo-fof Horticulture Nuapada, Khariar ., Family Member 1. Bhramarabar Barik Self 2. Drupati Barik 3. Bhubaneswari Barik 4. Hotasan Barik 5. Chudamani Barik Wife Daughter Son Son Age: Age: Age: Age: Age: 53 yrs 47 yrs l9yrs L8 yrs 15 yrs r,f)Ava'rla'uLa-nail( \Bharamarabar Barik, Assistan t tue ctoY{i Ho rticulture, Nuapada, Khariar O Jeep Driver ', ;. . r --J sanction " i:xx::^"I::il Hflx!:'""ident Fund OFFICE OF THE ASSISTAN'T DIRECTOR OF HORTICUI"TURF, NUAPADA, KHARIAR OROgR Sanction is hereby accorded under Rute 15(3) of General Provident Fund {Orissa} Rule for the grant of an advance of Rs. 3a200/-(Rupees Thirty four thousand two hundred| only to Sri/Smt. Bhramarabar Barik, his GPF account No. 33143AV(O} enable him to depray expense on Marriage Ceremony of Daughter. {99o* will be recovered irr .,............ Monthly installment of Rs. ................/-P.M commencing frorn the salary for the month of ......,,....... payable in................. 2. The advance 3. A sum of Rs. 99,00A/- out of advance of Rs. 118,800/- Sanctioned in O/o No. 421, Dt. 27/08/2012 & paid to him on 9/2At2 will be outstanding till the cornmengement of the recovery of the consolidated amount as specified below. This amount together with the advance now sanctioned aggregating to 1,,33,20O/- will be recovered in 36 monthly installment at 37AAI-?.M each comrnencing from the salary for the rnonth of May 2013 payable in June 2013. 4. The balance as the credit of Sri Bhramarbar Barik as on below:- 2112-tg i) Balance as per account slip for the year ii) Subsequent deposits and refunds of advance at the Rate of .........and ...... respectively P.M from March'12 to Feb'13 iii) TotalCoolum {i} and (ii} vi Subsrrq uent',r,,iih d ravr.$ig,if a r,1, v) Balance as on'date of sanction today detaited \ ' 2696L1- 7s300/- r0225vztawi74461 1- Column {iii} minus (iv} 5. This issue with the concurrence of Date._ the Finance Deott of their J.O.R No. Certified that the annual $taternent of GPF drawal from GPF A/C of all individual 2At2-I3 has been subscriber in respect of T.A/N.R withdrawal/Final withdrawal for the year sent to the A.G.(o) BBSR vide T.O tette| No.H&_, Ot.-fu:4t_ s,4- Memo No. ?&D4 \ Assistant Direitor of Horticulture, Nuapada, Khariar - Date. Copy with a copy of the application in r:riginal is submited to Account General Orissa BBSR for information and necessary action. Copy forwarded to Sub-Treasury Officer,Khariar /CapV with the bill section for iniarmation and r'Iecessary action. Assistant Director of Horticulture, Nuapada, Khariar Memo *". M{i.,". z""l-l'u7l ./ .L_.- Copy along with A/c for 201?--13 forwarcled to Sri Bhramarbar b.u Mv * Assis{ant Directoi 6f horticulture, ;;.$lrapada, Khariar
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