TAGAWA CITY GUIDEBOOK tanto Discover Tagawa, an old coal mining town with heaps of charm. “tanto” is a Japanese word meaning both “a coal mining city/town” and “a lot of.” &RQWHQWV Tagawa - 03 We Love Tagawa 09 Sakubei Yamamoto, UNESCO Memory of the World 11 Tagawan Cuisine town. Though the coal mines have closed, the hospitality of this 13 Tagawan Treats close-knit mining community is still very much alive. 15 tanto Itinerary 1: Best of Tagawa Here you can explore the charms of Tagawa, a place to come and 17 tanto Itinerary 2: Stroll around Tagawa unwind. 19 Festivals & Other Events 21 Map & Access An unmissable city of hidden treasures Located in Fukuoka, Japan, Tagawa was once a bustling coal mining 7DJDZD&LW\·VPDVFRWFKDUDFWHU “Tagatan” 1RPDWWHUZKDWLW·VWUXH« We Love TAGAWA Take a stroll around town and meet people. Have a chat and experience local hospitality. Here, we will introduce you to some warm-hearted, cheerful Tagawa-lovers!! Motoki and Yuko Fukushima, café owners A café that brings people together A small café surrounded by an apartment complex. Here, you will find the pleasant aroma of coffee and the groovy sounds of jazz. The café serves specialty coffee that only accounts for a small percentage of global coffee bean sales. The muffins Yuko Fukushima bakes every morning are also very popular. Motoki Fukushima opened the café in 2011 after resigning from his long-term job. “I had always wanted to start from scratch and do something that would bring people together,” says Motoki with a smile on his face. The café has since become a focal point of the city, a place familiar to all where anyone can come to meet up with friends and relax. “I was born and raised in Tagawa, which I am proud to call my home. It is my love for this city that gives me the motivation to make my café a long-lasting success. If what I do makes more people want to start a business in Tagawa, I will be happy.” says Mr. Fukushima. He speaks quietly but with great enthusiasm. “Thank you for opening a café in Tagawa.” It is kind words of support from customers such as these that make it all worthwhile. /RRNIRUWKLVVLJQ $SRSXODUVHOHFWLRQRIPXIILQV 6SHFLDOW\FRIIHHFDIpbird coffee &ORVHG7KX&KLQ]HLGDQFKLWHQSR,WD7DJDZD&LW\7HO 3DSULNDSODQWVFDQJURZ DVWDOODVDSHUVRQ,WLVD GHOLFDWHYHJHWDEOHWKDWLV YXOQHUDEOHWRVKRFN7KLV SDSULNDKDVJURZQODUJH O H D Y H V W K D Q N V W R 0 U $UDPDNL·VFDUHIXOWHQGLQJ Masayuki Utsunomiya, Shinto priest Tadakatsu Aramaki, farmer Kawawatari Jinkosai, the pride of Tagawa Even the most stubborn paprika can be sweet Fuji Hachimangu Shrine, dedicated to the god of bountiful harvests, is much loved among local people. The shrine plays host to the Kawawatari Jinkosai Festival, one of the biggest festivals in the Chikuho region. “I am happy that more young people are returning home for the festival and that more people take part in the festival by helping to carry the portable shrine,” says Mr. Utsunomiya, a priest at this shrine. He used be a carefree person but “reluctantly” decided to take over the family shrine. He returned to his familiar hometown after completing his religious training a few years ago. His change of heart came as a result of the relationships he developed with local people through the festival. Now, his motto is “Try anything, anyway.” He has been putting a series of unconventional ideas into shape for the local community. “When I think of shrines, I think outside the box. I want this shrine to be a place that is open to all, where people feel free to stop by for a casual visit.” Mr. Aramaki has been in agriculture since the days of Tagawa’s flourishing coal mines. He has been growing paprika for nine years. “I don’t like ’em much to eat” he says as he shakes his head. However, he devotes himself to taking care of paprika so much that time just flies by. He also focuses on making organic fertilizers and studying water. “Paprika are stubborn, so they need a lot of care,” says Mr. Aramaki as he fondly checks the ripeness of his crop. The paprika he grows with so much love are big, colorful, and contain as much sugar as strawberries. He also utilizes uncommon cultivation methods, such as double cropping. Since last winter, he has been trying to perfect temperature control with his home-made woodstove. “Farmers should use each other’s techniques and develop them further.” An ambitious man, Mr. Aramaki gains his vigor by eating horumon nabe, a local hotpot dish. “We used to use a pot for lamb BBQ that my dad bought,” he says, smiling as he fondly remembers those days. “Someday I hope to grow coal-black paprika.” His enthusiasm for Tagawa’s specialties knows no bounds. )XML+DFKLPDQJX·VRULJLQDODPXOHWV 7KRVHRQWKHOHIWDUHGHVLJQHGIRU \RXQJZRPHQWKHRQHRQWKHULJKW LVIRUVDIHRYHUVHDVWUDYHOV Fuji Hachimangu 8RPDFKL7DJDZD&LW\7HO .LWHPLQQH.DQDJDZDWKHORFDOIDUPHUV· PDUNHWVHOOVSDSULNDVDXFHPDGHIURP 0U$UDPDNL·VSDSULND,WJRHVZHOOZLWK DZLGHYDULHW\RIYHJHWDEOHV )DUPHUV·PDUNHWKiteminne Kanagawa &ORVHG(QGRI\HDUDQG1HZ<HDUKROLGD\V1DWVX\RVKL7DJDZD&LW\7HO Sakubei Yamamoto, UNESCO Memory of the World i"DPBMNJOFSTIPVTFw i.JOJOHDPBMnBUPOPOFTCFMMZw Sakubei Yamamoto 1892-1984. Sakubei was involved in coal mining for about 50 years from the age of 15. While working in many of the pits of the Chikuho region, he recorded in his diaries t h e l i ve s o f m i n e r s . H e a l s o created nearly 2,000 paintings based on his memories and on anecdotes from others. He continued drawing and revising his works to keep them as true as Mr. Tadatoshi Inoue possible until his death at age 92. Photo by Masakatsu Hashimoto i.JOFSTCBUIJOHw c :BNBNPUP'BNJMZ Sakubei collection on display here This collection of annotated paintings and diaries produced, driven by an urge to capture the lives and by lifelong coal miner Sakubei Yamamoto was feelings of coal mining communities for posterity, registered as Japan· s first Memory of the World were so vivid that they sometimes scared the young heritage of UNESCO in 2011. To find out about Mr. Inoue. Sakubei was a gentle man with a strong Sakubei’ s paintings depict not only coal mining the man, we interviewed his grandson, Mr. Inoue. sense of social obligation, and he would readily work but also the lifestyles of the people in mining respond to personal requests for paintings, just to communities, including their customs and pastimes. put a smile on someone’ s face. The fact that such They have the power to invoke memories of the old works ended up being registered as a Memory of days in those who were around then. “I want people Sakubei would welcome his grandson, Mr. Inoue, the World heritage came as wonderful and surpris- who remember those days to see his works now. I with a smile whenever he visited. There were ing news. “However, it hasn’t changed the value of also hope they make local people proud of our city, always paintings in Sakubei’s home. The works he Sakubei to me – he is still just my grandpa.” which was a backbone of Japanese industry.” “Welcome!” with a bright smile Memory of the World: .FNPSZPGUIF8PSMEJTPOFPGUIFNBKPSQSPHSBNTPG6/&4$06OJUFE/BUJPOT&EVDBUJPOBM4DJFOUJmDBOE$VMUVSBM0SHBOJ[BUJPO *UQSPNPUFTQSFTFSWBUJPOBOEQSPUFDUJPOPGUIFXPSMETEPDVNFOUBSZIFSJUBHFQBJOUJOHTFUDTVDIBTUIF%JBSJFTPG"OOF'SBOLBOE UIF.BHOB$BSUB Bringing back memories of bygone coal mining days Tagawa City Coal Mining Historical Museum *UB5BHBXB$JUZ 5FM 0QFO&OUSBODFVOUJM $MPTFE.POJG.POJTBIPMJEBZ5VF %FD+BO Surprisingly big! Tagawan Cuisine Stop by for some Sanzoku nabe 4PVQNBEFUPBTFDSFUSFDJQFBOE DSVODIZDIJDLFOOFDLNJODFHJWF UIJTEJTIJUTEJTUJODUJWFUBTUF Tasty Tagawan cuisine Honke Sanzokunabe (Tagawa) Tel: +81 947-45-8987 2101-2 Ikari, Tagawa City Open 7 days a week Parking: Yes Botayama curry rice with whale meat 5IJTCMBDLDVSSZNBLFTUIFSJDF MPPLMJLFBIFBQPGDPBM:PVDBO PSEFSBTNVDISJDFBTZPVMJLF P17 Awogiri Tel: +81 947-42-1251 21-28 Shinmachi, Tagawa City Closed: Mon. Parking: Yes * Traditional Japanese party meals should be ordered in advance. Tagawa horumon nabe Try a Tagawan speciality. One bite and you·ll be hooked. Horumon nabeJTBmSN5BHBXBOGBWPSJUF 6OMJLFPUIFSIPUQPUEJTIFTJUJTTJNNFSFEXJUIPVUTPVQ$POUBJOJOHNFBUGSPNQBSUTPGUIFDPX OPUVTVBMMZGPVOEJOPUIFSDVJTJOFUIJTKVJDZPGGBMEJTIXJMMUBLFZPVSUPOHVFUPBOFXBOEFYPUJD XPSMEþ"WBJMBCMFBUBMNPTUBMMyakiniku+BQBOFTF,PSFBO##2 SFTUBVSBOUTJOUIFDJUZ Pasta fresca (Mediterranean style) "SFTUBVSBOUTQFDJBMJ[JOHJOGSFTIIPNFNBEFQBTUB P15 Spaghetti House Est! Tel: +81 947-42-3051 332-1 Yugeta, Tagawa City Closed: Mon. Parking: Yes Deep fried chicken combo Simple, but special. Bean sprout soba 4UJSGSJFEOPPEMFTXJUICFBO TQSPVUT"USVFFYQFSJFODFPG IFBSUZMPDBMDVJTJOF P15 Moyashisoba Miki Tel: +81 947-42-9697 8-41 Honmachi, Tagawa City Closed: Sun. & holidays Parking: No (Nearest parking lot: Gotoji Shopping Area Parking) 4VDDVMFOUEFFQGSJFEDIJDLFOUIBU UBTUFTHSFBUEJQQFEJOponzu DJUSVTCBTFETBVDF P15 Wakatori Tel: +81 947-42-7523 3-29 Honmachi, Tagawa City Closed: Sun. Parking: No (Nearest parking lot: Gotoji Shopping Area Parking) Chanko nabe (“Ozeki”) Chanko nabeJTBOBVUIFOUJDTVNPXSFTUMFSTEJTI *UTTPZTBVDFCBTFETPVQJTMJHIUBOEUBTUZBOEJT QBDLFEGVMMPGTFBGPPENFBUBOEWFHHJFT P15 Sumojaya Takanohana Tel: +81 947-45-8585 1776-1 Kawamiya, Tagawa City Closed: Tue. Parking: Yes Tagawan Treats Manpei cream puff Popular local sweets Each puff pastry is filled by hand with custard cream when you order, allowing you to enjoy a light, fluffy texture. Manpei Roman P18 Tel: +81 947-42-8859 3483-6 Ita, Tagawa City Closed: Mon. Kameya Nobunaga·s “Kurodaiya” (Black diamond) Tirol chocolate “Kurodaiya” (black diamond), a long-selling local dessert, is a type of yokan (traditional sweet made of bean paste) designed in the image of coal. These famous little squares of chocolate originate from Tagawa and are popular throughout Japan. They are so popular that queues start forming as soon as this only outlet shop opens. Kameya Nobunaga Tirol Outlet Shop P18 (Tagawaita-ekimae Store) (Daigetsudo) Tel: +81 947-44-2843 14-17 Itamachi, Tagawa City Closed: 3rd Thu. Baked doughnuts (nuts) These moist and soft doughnuts are made using silk powder, which contains amino acids. They make a delicious and healthy treat. P15 1336-4 Kawamiya, Tagawa City Closed: Sat., Sun. and holidays toy no donuts * The shop may close in the morning when products are sold out. * Please refrain from making inquiries by telephone. Tel: +81 947-45-5253 453-2 Natsuyoshi, Tagawa City Closed: Tue. P16 “Yama no Kioku” (Memory of coal pits) Crunchy baked chocolate with bamboo charcoal mixed in. The packaging features annotated paintings by local coal miner Sakubei Yamamoto, making it a good souvenir. Mannekenpis (Tagawa Store) P15 Tel: +81 947-42-5380 1337-3 Kawamiya, Tagawa City Irregular closing days during the year-end and New Year holidays “Kurogoma Kokutan” Toasted rice cake Contains a chocolate mousse filling that is rich but not overly sweet, with a coconut coating which makes for a pleasurable taste sensation. A whole sweet rice cake with adzuki filling wrapped inside a light puff pastry crust. The nutty aroma of black sesame complements this mingling of Japanese and Western flavors. A perfect combination of filling made from high-quality powdered Uji green tea and succulent rice cake that won·t go hard when cooled. Patisserie Ange Pâtisserie Marché Tel: +81 947-42-0986 9-15 Itamachi, Tagawa City Closed: Sun. & holidays (subscription sale only on holidays) “Tagawa no Botayama” (Slagheap of Tagawa) P15 Tel: +81 947-44-7373 738-23 Kawamiya, Tagawa City Closed: Tues. (subject to change if Tues. is a holiday) (Black sesame black coal) Tel: +81 947-49-0033 332-6 Yugeta, Tagawa City Closed: irregularly P15 (green tea filling) Tea Specialist Shinohara Chaho Taiyaki fish-shaped waffle with bean paste P17 This shop· s hallmark thin crust is so crispy that you may become addicted! Generously filled with mashed or whole sweet adzuki beans. Fumido P15 Tel: +81 947-45-9090 914-1 Kawamiya, Tagawa City Closed: Mon. Higashi-ohashi n sa ko Hi Stroll around Tagawa Sweets Meals r ve Ri Nagaura Even a casual stroll can lead to unexpected encounters. Just head for the Two Chimneys to find us! Tagawa City Coal Mining Historical Museum & Coal Mining Memorial Park Matsubara Onsen y ilwa Ra ho iku i Ch ise He Fukuoka Prefectural University Ita-ohashi e) Lin (Ita Matsubara Manpei Roman Fuji Hachimangu Shrine Walk into the museum and learn about the history of Tagawa. A guided tour (about 1 hour long) is held at 2pm every Sunday. Visit the park for a close-up view of the two brick chimneys which are often referred to as a symbol of Tagawa. 2734-1 Ita, Tagawa City Tel: +81 947-44-5745 Tagawa Public Health Center Awogiri Tagawa Museum of Art There is a park rich with greenery nearby. Jodoji Temple Shinohara Chaho Shinmachi JR This peaceful temple is home to a Hagemashi Jizo TUBUVFXIPXJUIIJTmTUJOUIFBJSJTSFBEZUPHJWF visitors a little encouragement in their lives. 10-21 Shiratori-machi, Tagawa City Tel: +81 947-45-1716 Line san hiko Hita Tagawa Elementary School Tagawa City Coal Mining Historical Museum & Coal Mining Memorial Park Kameya Nobunaga Kashiwagi Shoten Tagawa-Ita Sta. Jodoji Temple bird coffee Specialty coffee café bird coffee Unwind in relaxing surroundings Take a break in the quiet, relaxing environment of t his c afé. F in e sp e cialt y c of fe e a nd IPNFNBEFNVGmOTBSFBQPQVMBSDIPJDFBOE are both available for takeout. 'SFTIMZCBLFENVGmOT 9009 Chinzeidanchi-tenpo, 2717 Ita, Tagawa City Tel: +81 947-46-2232 Fuji Hachimangu Shrine Animal-print amulets popular with young women The air is crisp and the atmosphere friendly. The most prominent shrine in the Chikuho region, receives an endless stream of visitors. 2-30 Uomachi, Tagawa City Tel: +81 947-42-1135 Recommended Deep fried chicken Modern art gallery Hot spring bath house Find out what is on display. Kashiwagi Shoten TOKOPOLA Matsubara Onsen Tagawa Museum of Art Kashiwagi Shoten’s karaage deep fried chicken is large, crispy and succulent. It is a mSNGBWPSJUFBNPOHMPDBMT The gallery is worth visiting not only for its exhibitions but also for its stylish architecture. Be sure to check out the large Chinese citron tree in the courtyard, which is surprisingly old. Communal bathing areas and open-air baths ( * separate for men and women) with a view of Mt. Kawara. The water of this alkaline cold mineral spring feels smooth to the touch. This museum features accessible exhibitions which cater for local residents. 10-24 Uomachi, Tagawa City Tel: +81 947-42-3656 5000 Ita, Tagawa City Tel: +81 947-45-1152 5030-1 Itamachi, Tagawa City Tel: +81 947-42-1168 11-56 Shinmachi, Tagawa City Tel: +81 947-42-6161 F estivals & Other Events A major event to preserve the history and culture of tankobushi Tagawa Coal Mine Festival ~Tankobushi Matsuri~ 7DJDZD·VRWKHUIHVWLYDOVULFKLQQDWXUHDQGKLVWRU\ Participants can experience the real tankobushi, a famous traditional folk song about coal PLQLQJDJDLQVWDEDFNGURSRI0W.DZDUDDQGWKH7ZR&KLPQH\VIHDWXUHGLQWKHVRQJ·V lyrics. At night the Two Chimneys and Ita Shaft Tower are illuminated, with candles adding to the romantic atmosphere. Dates: 1st Sun. of Nov. and the day before Parking: Yes Venue: Coal Mining Memorial Park (2734-1 Ita, Tagawa City) 0DUX\DPD3DUN Flower Festival ,NDULSXSSHWWKHDWHU In spring a thousand cherry trees bloom into light pink canopies, offering a soothing experience to visitors. The park is illuminated at night, making it an ideal place for nighttime cherry blossom viewing. This theater performance originated with a divine revelation to devote puppet drama to the god of the shrine in response to prayers for the end of a disease that claimed the lives of children during the Edo period (1600 1868). Dates: around late Mar. to early Apr. Venue: Maruyama Park (19-1 Maruyama-machi, Tagawa City) Parking: Yes Dates: Jan. 1 (around 7:30am~) Venue: Iwagame Hachiman Shrine (1072 Ikari, Tagawa City) Approx. 5 min. by taxi or 30 min. on foot from Tagawa-Ita Sta. Parking: No One of the five major festivals in Fukuoka Prefecture Fuji Hachimangu Shrine Kawawatari Jinkosai This 450-year-old festival involves an exciting river-crossing race during a Shinto ritual of carrying sumptuous portable shrines and floats. These are decorated with lanterns at night, giving them a fantastic look – quite a contrast to their wild and vigorous image in the daytime. Check it out! Iwato kagura (Kasuga Shrine Jinkosai) Kasuga Shrine Jinkosai is a festival involving processions of portable TISJOFT*UGPSNTUIFHSBOEmOBMFPG the shrine ritual season in the Tagawa region. Kasuga Shrine Iwato kagura is a ritual dance with over 450 years of history, and is also devoted to Kasuga Shrine. The dance is also devoted in festivals in July and October. Dates: 4th Sat. of May and the following day (11am~) The Iwato kagura dance will be dedicated to the god starting around 4pm Sat. Venue: Area around Kasuga Shrine and Tagawa-Gotoji Sta. Parking: Yes *UHDWVKRSSLQJHYHQWV Dates: 3rd Sat. of May and the following day Venue: Area around Uomachi, Tagawa City (Fuji Hachimangu Shrine - Ita Shopping Street - Hikosan River riverbed) Parking: Yes The Shishigaku lion dance is GHGLFDWHGWRWKHVKULQH·VJRG SanQ Ichi +DWVXND,FKL Ichigo Ichi (Thank You Market) (Twentieth Day Market) (Fifteenth Day Market) L o c a l s h o p ke ep er s h o ld t his market to express their gratitude for people’s continuing custom. Buy a lucky grab bag or enjoy sweet and drink giveaways and events for children. Each shop in the arcade has one promotional item marked with a “recommended” sticker. Shoppers can participate in a draw to win a prize at the shop where they make their purchase. Retailers from Kitakyushu and Fukuoka Cities also participate in this monthly market. A real valuefor-money shopping opportunity! Dates: 15th of Feb., Apr., Jun., Oct., and Dec. (if the 15th falls on Sat. or Sun., Fri. immediately before) Venue: Sunshine Street, Gotoji Shopping Area Dates: 20th of every month Venue: Gotoji Shopping Area covered arcade Dates: 15th of every month (if the 15th falls on Sat. or Sun., Fri. immediately before) Venue: Tachibana-dori, Ita Shopping Street Goya Limestone Cave Romance-gaoka Map Mt. Kawara Kawara Town Hikosan River Access Come by car at your own pace or choose a leisurely trip by train. To Kitakyushu City Shimonoseki Exit JR Kokura Sta. Fukuoka Pref. Ippommatsu Sta. Magarikane Sta. Approx. 50 min. (35km) from Kitakyushu City Gotoji Bus Center Iwagame Hachiman Shrine Tagawa-Gotoji Sta. Approx. 70 min. (43km) from Chikugo Ogori Exit / IC Gotoji Shopping Area Approx. 40 min. (23km) from Kokura-minami Exit / IC Maruyama Park Sanzokunabe Approx. 70 min. (50km) from Fukuoka Airport Ikejiri Sta. Iizuka City Tagawa City I look forward to seeing you in Tagawa soon! Kumamoto Pref. 7DJDZD&LW\·VPDVFRWFKDUDFWHU “Tagatan” Approx. 70 min. from Nishitetsu Tenjin Bus Center to Gotoji Bus Center Shimoita Sta. Matsubara Teppomachi way Rail ho hiku ei C Heis Line) (Ita Hyper Mall Merx Tagawa Shinmachi Fukuoka Prefectural University Approx. 90 min. from Kokura Station Bus Center to Gotoji Bus Center Shinbashi ine Ita Shopping Street nL osa ahik Hit JR Tagawa Elementary School Tagawa-Ita Sta. Tagawa City Office Shiyakusho-shita Tagawa City Coal Mining Historical Museum & Coal Mining Memorial Park (Enlarged area map) Approx. 90 min. from Fukuoka Airport to Gotoji Bus Center Ita-ohashi Tagawa Wide Area Tourism Association Tagawa Museum of Art Library To Kurume City Tagawa-Ita Sta. Oita Pref. By Nishitetsu Bus Nagaura Kitakyushu Airport ita E xpre sswa y Bypass Entrance Higashi-ohashi Kama City Tosu Exit Saga Pref. Kyushu Expres sway Tagawa-Ita Sta. Tagawa City Tourist Association, Tagawa Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tagawa-Gotoji Sta. Chikugo Ogori Exit O Approx. 60 min. (42km) from Fukuoka City Tagawa City Office Kasuga Shrine By car Kyus hu Sh inkan sen To Fukuoka City Funao Sta. Fukuoka Airport Kamiita Sta. Oyabu Sta. Line otoji JR G JR Hakata Sta. Heisei Chikuho Railway (Tagawa Line) Shimoita Sta. Iizuka Shonai Ta gawa Bypass u Yu kuho tak ku aL ine e Lin ain oM pp Ni JR e Lin an os k i tah Hi JR Hitahiko san Line Tagawa Municipal Hospital Sta. ima osh Kag ine in L Ma Kokura-minami sen Yahata Exit kan Exit Shin o y San way Express F Kyushu Kawara Sta. ) Line ) Line toda ay (I ailw ho R hiku ei C Heis Itoda Town Hoshii Sta. (Ita ilway o Ra ikuh ei Ch Heis Kamikanada Sta. By JR (Kyushu Railway Company) Approx. 70 min. from Hakata Sta. to Tagawa-Gotoji Sta. Change at Shin-Iizuka Sta. on Fukuhoku Yutaka Line (bound for Nogata) to Gotoji Line and get off at Tagawa-Gotoji Sta. Approx. 60 min. from Kokura Sta. to Tagawa-Ita Sta. Hitahikosan Line (no change necessary) For inquiries about festivals, other events and the content of this pamphlet: Commerce, Industry, and Tourism Division Department of Industrial Promotion Tagawa City Office Tel: +81 947-44-2000 Fax: +81 947-46-0124 E-mail [email protected]
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