ENsEN: Machine Learning For Sentence Selection Mazen Alsarem INSA-Lyon, 69100 Villeurbanne, France Abstract. As described in our approach ENsEN, we select a sentence (excerpt) from the document and show it in our snippet. This excerpt (we call it main-sentence) gives the user an idea about the content of this document, and how it’s related to her query. In addition, when we show the top-k resources (sometimes we use the term concepts) in this snippet, we associate each resource with a sentence that justify its selection as top-k resource. This sentence is the most relevant one in the document, considering the query, the corresponding resource, the text and other resources, we call it a concept-sentence. Here we propose a machine learning process to select these two types of sentences from a web page. We represent a relevant or not sentences by a binary class (true, false) for main-sentence or concept-sentence. Keywords: ENsEN, Machine learning, Linked Data, Features selection 1 Objective The ultimate objective is to build two classifiers (one for each dataset). These classifiers are able to predicate if a sentence is relevant (or not) to be used in the ENsEN snippets. 2 Experiment Setup In order to train the classifiers, we need sample data with the corresponding relevance values (i.e. pre-labelled data). The datasets used to train our models consist of sentences extracted from web-pages retrieved by Google using 20 different queries, and annotated using DBpedia spotlight[3]. We built an evaluation system, where evaluators can manually label sentences relevant or not (see figure 1). The evaluation has two objectives (two datasets): (1) evaluate if a sentence is relevant for whole document (i.e. can be used as textual snippet for this document, as main-sentence). (2) evaluate if a sentence is relevant for a resource (i.e. can be used as a description for a resource, as concept-sentence). The evaluators must consider the context of each sentence, i.e. the document, the query, the annotated resources. For each sentence in a document, evaluators 2 ENsEN: Machine Learning For Sentence Selection can say ”it is appropriate or not”, and for each resource (annotated in it) ”it is appropriate for this resource or not”. The result of this manual evaluation are two datasets, one for main-sentence selection, and the second one is for conceptsentence selection. Fig. 1. Example of evaluating sentence We extracted 5 web-pages per query (182 HTML documents),and we used some search filters in Google like: English documents only, HTML documents only (no PDF, no doc ...). We extracted the text from each HTML document using the Boilerplate Detection[2], and we also used ICU BreakIterator 1 to split text into sentences. We pre-process the sentences in order to eliminate ones without any annotated resources, the figure 2 shows some statistic over the training datasets. Fig. 2. Example of evaluated dataset We came up with 3206 sentences, and 1.54 resource in average per sentence (see figure 3). These sentences were manually labelled by two of our researcher (evaluators). So we got the two datasets (see example in figure 2): 1 http://site.icu-project.org/home http://icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/BreakIterator.html ENsEN: Machine Learning For Sentence Selection Fig. 3. Statistics over the used queries 3 4 ENsEN: Machine Learning For Sentence Selection (1) main-sentence dataset with 3206 instances, (2) concept-sentence dataset with 4884 instances. 3 Features 3.1 Features of main-sentence dataset The selection of a sentence to be the document’s main-sentence is related to many factors: 1. The annotated resources in this sentence: – (AR) how many resources (annotated by DBpedia) are there? – (MR) how many top-k resources 2 are there? – (AS) the average of the annotation scores 3 returned by the annotation tool, i.e. DBpedia spotlight? – (ARL) how many terms shared between this sentence and the labels of the annotated resources? – (MRL) how many terms shared between this sentence and the labels of the top-k resources? – (CS) the average score of the annotated resources, calculated by our LDSVDP algorithm, a resource score is normalized by the maximum score, CS = ( (Scorei /M axS core))/AR. 2. The query – (QR) how many resources are shared between this sentence and the query (we annotate the query using the same tool)? – (QMR) how many top-k resources are shared between this sentence and the query? – (QT) how many terms shared between this sentence and the query? 3. The RDF graph – (CNS) the number of links (arcs) between sentence resources in the document’s graph. – (PT) how many top-predicates exist in this sentence? the top-predicate selected by our second algorithm, where after applying the tensor decomposition (see tensor decomposition section), we generate groups of triples, in each one we have a set of predicates ranked by importance, we take the most important predicates (score over 0.1) in each group and put them together to build the top-predicates set. 4. The sentence’s text – (LEN) the sentence length. – (SSS) how many small sub-sentence are there? we consider sub-sentence (separated by ’,’) a small one when it has less than four words. 2 3 top-k resources are the top 10 resources selected by our algorithm (LDSVD) as the most important in the document’s RDF graph, using the graph structure and the text analysis (see LDSVD section) This score is defined by DBpedia spotlight as: ”score from comparing the context representation of an entity with the text (e.g. cosine similarity with if-icf weights)” ENsEN: Machine Learning For Sentence Selection 5 – (TT) how many terms are shared between this sentence and page’s title? – (SS,SE) the sentence start (character, number,other) and the sentence end (’.’ or ’,’ or ...). – (HL) the text contains URL or ”HTTP”? – (D) the text contains a date or not? – (PHP) the sentence position in the document, normalized by the number of sentences in the document: P HP = i ∗ 100/m, i is the sentence order, and m is the number of sentences in the document. – (FPH) is it the first sentence in the document? – (LPH) is it the last sentence in the document? – (NCH) the ratio non-alphabetic characters to alphabetic characters. 3.2 Features of concept-sentence dataset The selection of a sentence (or more) to describe an annotated resource in the document is related to these factors: 1. All the features of main-sentence dataset. 2. The resource itself – (TCT) the shared terms between the sentence and the selected resource’s label. – (CA) the shared terms between the sentence and the selected resource’s abstract. – (CN) how many resource’s neighbours (in the RDF graph) are annotated in this sentence? (We don’t normalize this score, in order to not penalize the high connected resources). – (CB) how many resource’s brothers (Resource’s brothers are the top resources selected by our second algorithm) are annotated in this sentence? – (CNL) the number of shared terms between this sentence and resource’s neighbours labels. – (CBL) the number of shared terms between this sentence and resource’s brothers labels. – (CP) this resources position in the sentence, normalized by the sentence length: CP = (LEN − P osition)/LEN . – (CSC) this resource’s score from LDSVD algorithm, normalized by the maximum score: CSC = Scorei /M axS core . – (CAS) this resource’s annotation score (returned by the DBpedia spotlight). 4 Classification We merged the manual evaluated datasets with the generated features, in order to build a complete machine learning training datasets, then we stored it in ARFF files and employed Weka machine learning tool-kit for training different classifiers. We chose classifiers which give as output confidence values, we will use this values to order sentences in function of its probability, then we select the top sentence as a main-sentence (or concept-sentence). 6 4.1 ENsEN: Machine Learning For Sentence Selection Classification algorithms The selected classifier algorithms are: Logistic (Regression), Naive Bayes, J48, RBFClassifier and SVM (LIBSVM). A brief description of each of these classifiers is provided below: Logistic (Regression) : Regression classifier models are used to predict the probability of occurrence of an event by trying to fit the data to a logistic (linear, polynomial, etc.) curve in a multidimensional space. Based on the location of the data point in the multidimensional space (relative to the logistic curve), a label is assigned to it. For example, in the case of linear regression, all points lying on one side of line in the 2-dimensional space are given one label, and those on the other side are given another label. Logistic regression is mainly used when there are two classes of data (where the classes can be separated by a line in the point space), but multinomial versions also exist [7]. The Naive Bayes Classifier technique is based on the so-called Bayesian theorem and is particularly suited when the dimensionality of the inputs is high. Despite its simplicity, Naive Bayes can often outperform more sophisticated classification methods. The Naive Bayes classifier tries to reduce this complexity by making a conditional independence assumption that dramatically reduces the number of parameters to be estimated when modeling P (X|Y ) [4]. C4.5 is an algorithm used to generate a decision tree developed by Ross Quinlan. It is descended from an earlier system called ID3 and is followed in turn by C5.0. C4.5 builds decision trees from a set of training data using the concept of information entropy. J48 is an open source Java implementation of the C4.5 algorithm in the weka data mining tool [6]. Radial basis function networks were introduced into the neural network literature by Broomhead and Lowe (1988). The RBF network model is motivated by the locally tuned response observed in biologic neurons. The theoretical basis of the RBF approach lies in the field of interpolation of multivariate functions. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are a popular machine learning method for classification, regression, and other learning tasks. They have been shown to be highly effective at traditional text categorization. They are large-margin rather than probabilistic, classifiers, the basic idea behind the training procedure is to find a hyperplane, represented by a vector, that not only separates the document vectors in one class from those in the other, but for which the separation, or margin, is as large as possible. This search corresponds to a constrained optimization problem. LIBSVM is an open source Java implementation of the SVM algorithm in the weka data mining tool [5]. ENsEN: Machine Learning For Sentence Selection 5 7 Unbalanced classes We notice that the ”true” class (i.e. is-relevant class) is far less presence in our two datasets, comparing to ”false” class, see table 1. So, we decided to apply pre-processing filter that over-sample the smaller class in order to overcome the unbalanced classes problem. We used SMOTE [1] oversampling filter to got 50% for each class. Class — Main-sentence dataset — Concept-sentence dataset ”true” class — 9,84% — 13,4% ”false” class — 90,16% — 86,6% Table 1. unbalanced classes We made a classification study using the last classifiers, where we applied 10-fold cross-validations to measure the prediction performance of each one of them (see next chapter for the results). 6 Experimental Results The next tables (figure 4) show the performance results of multiple classifiers over our two datasets. The F-True measure is the F-measure of the ”true” class, it computes some average of the precision and recall metrics over this class. In this experiments we use all features, the best performance were obtained using Naive Bayes for main-sentence dataset, and J48 for concept-sentence dataset. As we believe that we can obtain better results (or the same results at least) using less features, we applied a features selection study presented in the next paragraph. Fig. 4. Results without features selection 8 7 ENsEN: Machine Learning For Sentence Selection Features selection As mentioned in section 3, we generated 23 features for the main-sentence dataset, and 30 features for concept-sentence dataset, Considering the big number of features, we decided to apply a features selection study, where the main objective is to improve the prediction performance, providing faster and more cost-effective prediction by selecting a subset of features, This selection not only improve the performance, but it also gives the prediction more flexibility against the overfitting. The features selection methods divide into Filters and Wrappers. 7.1 Filters approach The methods of this approach select subset of features as a pre-processing step, independently of the chosen predictor, they score and rank each feature on a particular metric, then we select the top k features as new machine learning features. Most knowing method is the information gain method which use the difference in the information entropy: Inf oGain(Class, Attribute) = H(Class) − H(Class|Attribute) Filters can be used to reduce space dimensionality and overcome overfitting, they are faster than wrappers and provide generic selection. On the other side, filters methods have two main weakness: (1) they don’t consider features redundancy, i.e. Two redundant features will have the same score, and will be selected (or not) together. (2) they don’t detect dependencies between features. 7.2 Wrappers approach This type of methods use the learning machines to score subsets of features, and the used score is the prediction performance of these subsets. The main idea is to build a space of all possible combinations of features, search this space using the prediction performance as a guide. Many search strategies can be used(best-first, branch-and-bound...). The validation usually done by cross-validation in order to assess the selected subset. Wrappers methods have two types: (1) forward selection: where we start by small subset of features then we progressively add more features; (2) backward elimination: where we start with all features in the same set, then we eliminate weak ones. Wrappers are more adapted to features selection using the context of other features, The only drawback of wrappers is the performance, since the built features space (all possible subsets) is huge, most methods search the locally optimal solution, using a greedy algorithm. There is a spacial type of wrappers, which are embedded ones, i.e. integrate features selection in the training phase. ENsEN: Machine Learning For Sentence Selection 7.3 9 How many features? In the wrapper methods, there are no need to define the number of features, these methods search in the solutions space the best combination of features, i.e. best feature subset, with no prefixed size of this subset, On the other side, the filter methods like InfoGain, rank features, and they don’t propose an ideal subset of features, leaving this task to users. 7.4 Our strategy In order to select the most effective features selection method, we did the next experiments, where we applied the different methods taking multiple parameters in account: 1. The features selection method (filters, wrappers) 2. For filters, we use InfoGain method with nosedive threshold, i.e. a big drop in values between two successive ranks. 3. For wrappers, we use ClassifierSubsetEvaluator as features selector, with multiple machine learning algorithms (correspond to the run method): – J48 – NaiveBayes – Logistic regression – SVM – RBFClassifier 4. For wrappers, we have two modes of applying methods (forward and backward), in this study we use backward mode, except when we combine wrapper with filters, in this case we use forward with a start subset defined by the InfoGain filter. PS: when we say InfoGain(top), it means applying InfoGain filter, then take top features by cutting when we have a nosedive drop in the ranking score. The InfoGain(top) for first dataset main-sentence was at 8th feature, and at 11th feature for the second one concept-sentence dataset. The study results shown in the next tables: Fig. 5. Main-sentence features selection study results (values represent the F-True) 10 ENsEN: Machine Learning For Sentence Selection Fig. 6. Concept-sentence features selection study results (values represent the F-True) 7.5 Discussion In the figure 5 (i.e. features selection over the main-sentence dataset), the Naive Bayes gives the best results (0.927 of F-True), applying the InfoGain filter reduces the number of used features from 22 to 8, and keeps the same performance. We tried to enhance the features selection by combining the two methods (filters and wrappers). So we use InfoGain filter to select a small (base) subset of features, then we use these features as a start subset in a forward wrapper, we tried different subset size and results (figure 7) shows that we can get the same prediction performance using less features, but this methodology can’t achieve better results than applying only InfoGain (same performance with only 8 features). Fig. 7. Main-sentence features selection: results of combining filters and wrappers The 8 selected features are: – All features related to the query: (1) QT, sentence’s terms shared with the query, (2) QR, sentence’s resources shared with the query, (3) QMR, sentence’s top-k resources shared with the query. – Features related to the resources in this sentence: (4) MR, the number of top-k resources, (5) AR, the number of annotated resources. – Features related to the labels of the resources: (6) ARL, shared terms between this sentence and the labels of the annotated resources, (7) MRL, shared terms between this sentence and the labels of the top-k resources. – Features related to the web page: (8) TT, shared terms between this sentence and the page’s title. PS1 : the 13 features selected by InfoGain then wrapper (over 6 features start subset) are the same of the 8 features list, but with replacing the MR, by: a) features related to LDSVD results: CS, the average resources’ score returned by LDSVD algorithm, b)features related to sentence’s text: LEN, the length of ENsEN: Machine Learning For Sentence Selection 11 the sentence; SS, the starting character; SE, the ending character; HL, if the sentence contain links or not, and finally the average of the annotation score AS. PS2 : It is interested that we can obtain good results (0.807 as F-True) using only 3 features: (1) QT, sentence’s terms shared between this sentence and the query, (2) HL, if the sentence contains links or not, (3) D, if the sentence contains a date or not. In the figure 8 (i.e. features selection over the concept-sentence dataset), the J48 gives the best results (0.883 of F-True), applying the InfoGain filter reduces the number of used features from 29 to 11, and gives little bit better performance (0.886). Fig. 8. Concept-sentence features selection: results of combining filters and wrappers As on the first dataset, we tried to enhance the features selection by combining the two methods (filters and wrappers). So we used InfoGain filter to select a small (base) subset of features, then we used these features as a start subset in the wrapper, we tried different subset size. Results (figure 8) shows that we can get a better prediction performance using less features. So we can use Infogain to select 10 features as start subset in the wrapper, which gives us a subset of 17 features. This subset produce better results. The results obtained using 6-features as start subset are good with advantage of using less features. The selected 17 features are (find features description at section 3): – Features related to the query: (1) QT, sentence’s terms shared with the query, (2) QR, sentence’s resources shared with the query. – Features related to the resources in this sentence: (3) MR, the number of top-k resources, (4) AR, the number of annotated resources. – Features related to the labels of the resources: (5) ARL, shared terms between this sentence and the labels of the annotated resources, (6) MRL, shared terms between this sentence and the labels of the top-k resources. – Features related to LDSVD’s results: (7) CSC, the resource’s score returned by LDSVD algorithm. – Features related to second algorithm : (8) CB, (9) CBL. – Features related to selected resource : (10) CA, (11) CP. – Textual Features : (12) LEN, (13) HL, (14) NCH, (15) SSS. – And others: (16) PT, (17) TT. 12 ENsEN: Machine Learning For Sentence Selection PS1 : The 13 selected features (using InfoGain start subset of 6 features) are: TCT, CB, CBL, CP, AR, ARL, MRL, CAS, LEN, TT, CSC, NCH, PHP. 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