Metal Mobility During Metamorphism: A Review D.K. Tinkham Laurentian University Mineral Exploration Research Centre Metamorphic metal mobility NEOMMS 2014 2 Metal mobility in the crust – the culprits • Fluids facilitate mobility • Melts facilitate mobility • Deformation facilitates mobility • They sometimes (usually) work as a team • Scale of mobility is variable: • Up to kilometer-scale in a fluid • Potential remobilization of metals out of a deposit into wall rocks or from one part of a deposit to another • Reconstitution of ore and movement of metals within an ore-body via deformation/recrystallization +- fluids (not discussed here; see Marshall et al. 2000) • We’ll cover concepts related to low-T metallic melts and metamorphic fluids • We’ll only discuss some of the more interesting metals NEOMMS 2014 Metamorphic melts 3 Melting of Broken Hill ore (granulite facies) Mavrogenes, MacIntosh, Ellis (2001): • Observations suggested Broken Hill ore melted at granulite conditions • Experiments indicate addition of Ag reduces melting temperature in PbZn-F-Ag-S system Melting in Fe-Zn-Pb-S system at 1 atm. Mavrogenes, MacIntosh & Ellis (2001) Frost, Mavrogenes & Tomkins (2002) Metamorphic melts NEOMMS 2014 Melting of Broken Hill ore 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FeS-PbS-ZnS FeS-PbS-ZnS + 1 wt.% Ag2S Same as #2 with Fe0.96S PbS-FeS-S(liq); Brett & Kullerud (1967) PbS-Ag2S; Urazov & Sokolova (1941) Mavrogenes, MacIntosh & Ellis (2001) 4 Metamorphic melts NEOMMS 2014 Low-T melting in LMCE systems Frost – Mavrogenes – Tomkins (2002) model: • Melting can occur at low-T in low-melting point chalcophile metals (LMCE) systems: Ag, As, Au, Bi, Hg, Sb, Se, Sn, Tl, Te • Initial melts enriched in LMCE elements • At higher T, progressive melting leads to higher Cu & Pb 5 Metamorphic melts NEOMMS 2014 Low-T melting in LMCE systems Frost – Mavrogenes – Tomkins (2002) model: • Melting can occur at low-T in low-melting point chalcophile metals (LMCE) systems: Ag, As, Au, Bi, Hg, Sb, Se, Sn, Tl, Te • Initial melts enriched in LMCE elements • At higher T, progressive melting leads to higher Cu & Pb 6 Metamorphic melts NEOMMS 2014 Low-T melting during metamorphism Frost – Mavrogenes – Tomkins (2002) model: • Arsenopyrite -> As-S melt at 500-600 oC Clarke (1960); Frost, Mavrogenes & Tomkins (2002) 7 Metamorphic melts NEOMMS 2014 8 Low-T melting in LMCE systems Some features used to identify them (Frost et al., 2002): • Irregular enrichment in LMCE’s • Multi-phase sulfide inclusions in wall rock enriched in LMCE’s • Included in phase while above melting point of inclusion assemblage? • Low grain-boundary angles • LMCE assemblages filling fractures (without evidence for fluid-related alteration).. Difficult • Mn- or Ca-rich selvage (seen at Broken Hill, Cannington, Aguilar) Most importantly, understand the relative timing of metamorphism and mineralization and determine peak metamorphic temperatures Metamorphic melts Low-T melting in LMCE systems Potential occurrences (Frost et al., 2002): NEOMMS 2014 9 Metamorphic melts NEOMMS 2014 10 What does all of this have to do with real mobility? 1. Granulite facies mobility (high-T) • Immiscible polymetallic melts (with Au) mobilized with silicate partial melts at Challenger deposit (Tomkins & Mavrogenes, 2002); remobilization within an existing deposit 2. Amphibolite facies mobility (medium-T) • Low-T polymetallic melts via arsenopyrite and stibnite melting and mobilization into shear zones and into low-strain sites at Hemlo (Tomkins, Pattison & Zaleski, 2004); remobilization within an existing deposit Granulite facies mobility (high-T) NEOMMS 2014 1. Challenger deposit, South Australia • Archean gold deposit in metapelitic migmatites • Peak metamorphism at granulite conditions (800oC, 7.5 kbars; Tomkins et al, 2002) • Au zones are lineation shoots with higher silicate-melt content; strain partitioned into silicate melt-rich zones Tomkins et al., 2002 11 Granulite facies mobility (high-T) NEOMMS 2014 12 1. Challenger deposit, South Australia • Peak metamorphism at granulite conditions resulted in fluid-absent silicate rock melting • Identification of fluid-absent (dehydration) melting important as it indicates influx of H2O is unlikely (though not entirely impossible) Tomkins et al., 2002 Granulite facies mobility (high-T) NEOMMS 2014 13 1. Challenger deposit, South Australia • Initial Au mineralization in deposit is interpreted as pre-peak metamorphic • Garnet constrained to have grown at peak conditions during silicate melting • Discrete spherical inclusions of arsenopyrite + Au interpreted to represent garnet including As-S Au-bearing melt during silicate rock partial melting • Coexisting silicate melt and arsenopyrite-Au melt. Tomkins et al., 2002 Granulite facies mobility (high-T) NEOMMS 2014 14 1. Challenger deposit, South Australia • Po + Ccp +- Pnt in mesosomes, melanosomes and leucosomes; concentrated in melanosomes • Polymetallic melts within leucosome and melanosomes Au in annealled fracture in Qtz; no fluid inclusions Tomkins et al., 2002 Granulite facies mobility (high-T) NEOMMS 2014 15 Challenger summary • Deposit is pre-peak metamorphic • Au shoots associated with silicate melts (anhydrous melting) and As-rich envelope • Polymetallic LMCE melt coexisted with silicate melt; silicate melt mobilized during deformation, and LMCE melt mobilized with it • This would represent internal remobilization in the classification scheme of Marshall (2000) as Au was apparently not mobilized far distances to outside of the initial deposit region Amphibolite facies mobility (medium-T) NEOMMS 2014 2. Hemlo deposit • Tomkins et al. (2004) documented metamorphic polymetallic melts • Archean gold deposit • Middle amphibolite facies (600-650oC) metamorphism after main mineralization event • Arsenopyrite (FeAsS) and stibnite (Sb2S3) melt mobilized through compressional zones (scavenging Au) and into dilational sites to crystallize and concentrate Au Polymetallic melt collection sites Tomkins et al., 2004 16 Amphibolite facies mobility (medium-T) NEOMMS 2014 2. Requirements for FeAsS melting • Need relatively high sulfur fugacity ( fS2 ) with increasing T • If Py and Po present (on Py-Po ‘buffer’) fS2 increases with increasing T, but… • Fe oxides/silicates and low-S fluid fluxing will consume S generated by Py breakdown. • If Py is completely consumed before reaching high fS2, and arsenopyrite is present, the path will traverse up T to where arsenopyrite is converted to löllingite (FeAs2) and Po • If Py not consumed, move to higher fS2 and arsenopyrite can melt • Other more complicated paths are possible Tomkins et al., 2004 17 NEOMMS 2014 Amphibolite facies mobility (medium-T) 2. Hemlo deposit, summary • Schematic melt fields in LMCE section envisioned for Hemlo polymetallic melts at 600-650oC (Tomkins, 2004 and earlier experimental workers) • Remobilization and concentration of metals within an existing ore deposit • Again, facilitated by deformation that played an important role in the actual metal mobility Tomkins et al., 2004; others 18 Metamorphic fluids and metals Metamorphic fluids and metals NEOMMS 2014 19 NEOMMS 2014 Metamorphic fluids and metals 1 kbar, 1.5 m NaCl, 0.5 m KCl Kfs-Ms-Qtz buffered pH Tot S = 0.01m; Hem-Mt Au solubility and speciation • Au speciation dependent on T & P, salinity, pH, oxidation. • These show AuCl2- as the most relevant species at high T (for the given salinity of diagrams); if there is less Cl in your fluid the diagrams are not of use to you; other species will be the dominant transporter of Au Fields of predominance (HS-, etc.) And Au solubility 1 kbar, 1.5 m NaCl, 0.5 m KCl Kfs-Ms-Qtz buffered pH Py-Po-Mt (max S = 0.1m) Williams-Jones, 2009 20 Metamorphic fluids and metals NEOMMS 2014 21 Metamorphic devolatilization model (Phillips & Powell, 2010) • Arguably, the model was formulated over decades of research by many people, but they have modelled the fluid production and chemistry • Could be applicable to some ‘Au-only’ deposits in Archean greenstone belts • Timmins, Red Lake and Hemlo goldfields cited as prime Canadian examples • Basics of model: • Mid-crustal, carbonate-bearing hydrated mafic rocks with 1-4 ppb Au • During prograde heating, major pulses of fluid are produced via dehydration with a range of H2O-CO2 compositions (dominantly around the greenschist-amphibolite facies boundary) • This fluid incorporates S and Au from the source rocks themselves • The fluid is eventually mobilized upwards, partly in structurally controlled zones • The fluid is rock-buffered initially but during much of the upward migration the fluid is not buffered by the host rock • eventually precipitates Au and can results in Fe and carbonate alteration Metamorphic fluids and metals NEOMMS 2014 22 Source zone – generating H2O-CO2-H2S fluid • Across the greenschist-amphibolite facies transition, a generic reaction for fluid production from mafic rocks would be: pyrite + chlorite + epidote + ankerite/dolomite + albite + quartz = amphibole + plagioclase + fluid + pyrrhotite - Cl-bearing phases are of low abundance; fluid is low salinity - Fluid is rock buffered such that the fluid composition is dictated by the source rocks Phillips & Powell, 2010 Metamorphic fluids and metals NEOMMS 2014 23 Incorporating Au • Thermodynamic model - - - - Up to 5 wt% of fluid produced from 440-520 oC 0.15 million t fluid per cubic km Au (soft cation) takes advantage of reduced S in fluid (which it prefers anyway) Since Cl is low, base metals in fluid will be low Phillips & Powell, 2010 Metamorphic fluids and metals NEOMMS 2014 Incorporating Au • Thermodynamic model Au Complex formation equilibria: At constant S content, maximum solubility results when activities of H2S and HS- are equal. This is a function of pH: As the fluid will be rock-buffered during migration, it is advantageous to have an internal fluid buffering capacity to resist major changes in pH in the early stages of mobility: Phillips & Powell, 2010 24 Metamorphic fluids and metals NEOMMS 2014 25 Maintaining Au in solution As the fluid will be rock-buffered during migration, it is advantageous to have an internal fluid buffering capacity to resist major changes in pH in the early stages of mobility. Due to the amount of CO2 in the fluid, the aqueous species H2CO3 and HCO3- should be approximately equal, and the predominance field boundary is at nearly the same pH as the optimal H2S = HS- boundary. Their calculations predict 3-15 t of Au will be liberated from each cubic km of source rock Phillips & Powell, 2010 Metamorphic fluids and metals NEOMMS 2014 26 Effectiveness of Au scavenging Phillips & Powell argue that their dehydration model is very effective at scavenging nearly all Au during dehydration due to: - Au is incorporated at the site of dehydration; nearly the entire rock is reconstituted in the sequence of reactions, exposing all Au to the fluid - Models requiring the fluid to episodically travel through Au-bearing rocks at a stage later than generation of the fluid is less efficient; fluid in that scenario is unlikely to come into contact with all pre-existing Au in the rocks through which it passes Cox, 2005 Metamorphic fluids and metals NEOMMS 2014 27 Au deposition – metamorphic devolatilization model • Fluid mobilizes Au (and other soft cations) upward 3-10 km (starting at 500-520 oC; ending near 300 oC) • Suggest three common mechanisms for Au deposition are most likely: Decrease oxygen fugacity by interacting with reduced carbon horizons (decreases pH, depositing Au) 2. Decrease total sulfur in fluid (wallrock sulfidation) 3. Increase oxygen fugacity to sulfate field (interact with hematite, or more likely with magnetite: 1. magnetite + CO2(fluid) = siderite + hematite Melts, fluids, metals, NEOMMS 2014 28 Conclusions • Low-T LMCE melting in the metamorphic environment, popularized by Tomkins, coworkers, and authors over the last 12 years, results in local mobilization of metals within existing deposits or to nearby host rocks. Deformation plays a fundamental role in this process, potentially upgrading a deposit. • Mobility of some metals in metamorphic fluids potentially operates over the km-scale. Again, deformation plays a fundamental role. • Metamorphic metal mobility via a fluid phases is likely at the deposit scale. Again, deformation could play a fundamental role in promoting delivery of metals to the fluid phase. NEOMMS 2014 29 References • Cox, S. F., 2005, Coupling between deformation, fluid pressures, and fluid flow in ore-producing hydrothermal systems at depth in the crust: Economic Geology, v. 100th Anniversary Volume, p. 39-75. • Frost, B. R., Mavrogenes, J. A., and Tomkins, A. G., 2002, Partial melting of sulfide ore deposits during medium- and high-grade metamorphism: Canadian Mineralogist, v. 40, no. 1, p. 1-18. • Marshall, B., Vokes, F.M., and Larocque, A.C.L. 2000, Regional metamorphic remobilization: upgrading and formation of ore deposits, in Metamorphosed and Metamorphogenic Ore Deposits, eds. Spry, P.G., Marshall, B., and Vokes, F.M., 310pp. • Mavrogenes, J. A., MaciIntosh, I. W., and Ellis, D. J., 2001, Partial melting of the Broken Hill galena-sphalerite ore: Experimental studies in the system PbS-FeS-ZnS-(Ag2S): Economic Geology, v. 96, p. 205-210. • Phillips, G. N., and Powell, R., 2010, Formation of gold deposits: a metamorphic devolatilization model: Journal of Metamorphic Geology, v. 28, no. 6, p. 689-718. • Tomkins, A. G., and Mavrogenes, J. A., 2002, Mobilization of Gold as a polymetallic melt during pelite anatexis at the Challenger deposit, South Australia: A metamorphosed Archean Gold deposit: Economic Geology, v. 97, p. 1249-1271. • Tomkins, A. G., Pattison, D. R. M., and Zaleski, E., 2004, The Hemlo Gold Deposit, Ontario: An example of melting and mobilization of a precious metal-sulfosalt assemblage during amphibolite facies metamorphism amd deformation: Economic Geology, v. 99, no. 6, p. 1063-1084. • Williams-Jones, A. E., Bowell, R. J., and Migdisov, A. A., 2009, Gold in Solution: Elements, v. 5, no. 5, p. 281-287.
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