Completed and future projects [email protected] Last projects: • Qntra Park – Parking system in business center Siven • Automatic parking system Qntra Park in INTERNATIONAL Hotel Casino & Towers Suites • Automatic parking system Qntra Park in BILLA Market Poduyane • Automatic parking system Qntra Park in BILLA Market Nadezhda [email protected] • Automatic parking system Qntra Park in Burgas Airport • Automatic parking system Qntra Park – Plovdiv Airport • Automatic parking system Qntra Park in JUMBO Market •Automatic parking system Qntra Park in „Sopharma Business Towers“ Trade Center • Qntra Park Parking system in hypermarket Piccadilly Strelbishte • Qntra Park Parking system in hypermarket Piccadilly - Mladost • Qntra Park Parking system in Albena resort • Qntra Park Parking system in SPA Hotel Carsko selo • Automatic parking system Qntra Park in Varna Airport • Automatic parking system Qntra Park in Tokuda Hospital • Automatic parking system Qntra Park in hypermarket LIDL • Automatic parking system Qntra Park in Hotel Rila- Borovec • Automatic parking system Qntra Park in Hotel RilaBorovec • Automatic parking system Qntra Park in Action Aquapark- Sunny Beach Current project • Automatic parking system Qntra Park in Multifunctional complex San Stefano Plaza – under construction The project is on high security level, it includes Entrance terminal: QPM-100Entrance, Exit terminal: QPM-200-Exit, Pay station: QPM-1000-PS and high intensity barriers Park Plus 101. The deadline for the project is August 2014. Introduction : Parking system Qntra Park in trade center Siven : Entrance terminal for barcode tickets issuing, Paying by Payment station with an operator, Terminal for free validation of barcode tickets for LIDL Market, Car Count system, high quality barriers, provided by the Belgian partner of Qntra - Automatic Systems S.A [email protected] BI LL A BILLA Market – Poduyane BILLA Market – Nadezhda E n t r a n c e te r m i n a l Q P M - 1 0 0 - E n t r a n c e , E x i t te r m i n a l Q P M - 2 0 0 - E xi t , A u to m a t ic P ay m e n t Te r m in a l Q P M 1 0 0 0 - P S , E l e c t r o me c h a ni c a l b a r r i e r B L 1 2 , I n d u c t iv e l o o p , Tr a f fi c l i g h t , Q P S - P a r k i n g m a n a g e m e n t s o f t wa r e – s o f t wa r e f o r p ay m e n t m a n a g e m e n t . E n t r a n c e te r m i n a l Q P M - 1 0 0 - E n t r a n c e , E x i t te r m i n a l Q P M - 2 0 0 - E xi t , A u to m a t i c p ay m e n t Te r m in a l Q P M - 1 0 0 0 - P S , E l e c t r o me c h a n i c a l b a r r i e r B L 1 2 , I n d u c t i v e l o o p, Tr a f fic l i g h t , Q P S P a r k i n g m a n a g e m e n t s o f t wa r e – s o f t wa r e f o r p ay m e n t m a n a g e m e n t . I N T E R N AT I ON A L H OT E L C A S I N O & T OW E RS SUITES The Automatic Parking System Qntra Park in Hotel Casino International at Golden Send include: Entrance Te r m i n a l Q P M - 1 0 0 Entrance, Exit Te r m i n a l Q P M - 2 0 0 Exit, Payment Te r m i n a l Q P M 1000-PS,automatic barrier BL 229, software for parking solution QPS, system for counting the cars and visualization by LED signboard– Q-LED. BILLA P i c t ur e s f r o m t h e p r o j ec t Po d uya n e BILLA Pictures from the project Nadezhda BURGAS AIRPORT “ Q n t r a L t d ” c o m p a ny s u c c e s s f ul ly f i n i s h e d p r o j ec t f o r a u to m a t i c p a r k i n g s y s te m Q n t r a Pa r k o n B u r g a s A i r p o r t , to g et h e r w i t h “ D a t a S y s te m s E n g i n e e r i n g L t d ” . T h e s y s tem i n c l ud e s t h r e e e n t r a n c e te r m i n a l s Q P M - 1 0 0 - E n t r a n c e , t h r e e ex i t te r m i n a l s Q P M - 2 0 0 - E x it , f o ur p ay s t a t i o n s Q P M - 10 0 0 P S , s i x a u to m a t i c al l y b a r r i e r s P a r k P l u s 1 0 0 , S o f t wa r e f o r parking management QPS. BURGAS AIRPORT PLOVDIV AIRPORT “Qntra Ltd” company successfully finished its project for automatic parking system Qntra Park at Plovdiv Airport. The system include: E n t r a n c e Te r m i n a l Q P M - 1 0 0 - E n t r a n c e , E x i t Te r m i n a l Q P M - 2 0 0 - E x i t , P a y m e n t Te r m i n a l QPM-1000-PS, automatic barrier Park Plus 100, software for parking solution QPS. VARNA AIRPORT In May “Qntra Ltd” company successfully finished project for automatic parking system Qntra Park on Varna Airport, together with “Data Systems Engineering Ltd” The system includes two entrance terminals QPM-100-Entrance, three exit terminals QPM-200-Exit , three automatic pay stations QPM-1000 PS , five automatic barrier Park Plus 100, Software for parking management QPS. JUMBO MARKET Integrated parking system Qntra Park includes Entrance Terminal QPM-100Entrance and Exit terminal QPM-200-Exit. SOPHARMA BUSINESS TOWERS Automated parking system includes: Entrance terminal QPM-100Entrance, Exit terminal QPM200-Exit, Automatic Payment Terminal QPM-1000 PS, with additional functionality for parking payments Automatic barrier Park Plus 101 and Software for parking management QPS. “Qntra Ltd.” company successfully realized its own project for automatic parking system Qntra Park in Albena resort. The system includes two Entrance Terminals QPM100-Entrance, three Exit Terminals QPM-200-Exit , six automatic Payment Terminals QPM-1000 PS , four automatic barriers BL 229, Software for parking management - QPS. ALBENA RESORT MBAL NADEJDA The Automatic Parking System Qntra Park in M B A L N a d e j d a i n c l u d e : E n t r a n c e Te r m i n a l Q P M 1 0 0 - E n t r a n c e , E x i t Te r m i n a l Q P M - 2 0 0 - E x i t , P a y m e n t Te r m i n a l Q P M - 1 0 0 0 - P S , s o f t w a r e f o r parking solution QPS, LED signboard–Q-LED. “Qntra Ltd.” company successfully realized its own project for automatic parking system Qntra Park in Action Aqapark in Sunny beach. The system includes: two automatic barrier Park Plus 100, system for payment via an operator, QPS Sof tware for parking system. ACTION AQUAPARK SPA HOTEL CARSKO SELO Qntra Ltd. finished the installation of a Parking system in SPA Hotel Carsko selo. The system includes: Entrance Terminal QPM 100-Entrance, Exit Terminal QPM-200-Exit, Automatic Payment Terminal QPM-1000 PS, 2 Operator Station and Software for parking solution QPS. TO K U DA H O S P I TA L SOFIA Hypermarket LIDL The Automatic Parking System Qntra Park in hypermarket LIDL include: Entrance Terminal QPM -100Entrance, Exit Terminal QPM-200-Exit, Payment Terminal QPM-1000PS,Terminal for validation OP FREE, two barriers Park Plus 100. Hotel Rila-Borovec The Automatic Parking System Qntra Park in Hotel Rila-Borovec include: Entrance Terminal QPM-100Entrance, Exit Terminal QPM-200-Exit and Operator Station. CONTACTS: 1 5 0 5 S o fi a , Bulgaria R e d o ut a 47 P o p ova S h a p ka S t r. , F l o o r 2 Phone : ( 0 2 ) 4 21 97 07 0 8 87 3 9 0 7 97 e - m a i l: o f f ic e @ q n t r a .c o m
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