Open Source Software for Model Driven Engineering 2014 On Open Source Tools for Behavioral Modeling and Analysis with fUML and Alf Zoltán Micskei, Raimund-Andreas Konnerth, Benedek Horváth, Oszkár Semeráth, András Vörös, and Dániel Varró This work was partially supported by Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Measurement and Information Systems Model Based Analysis of Distributed Systems System design Mathematical analysis Model generation High-level System Model Fix problem Receive request Mathematical model Calculate Rating Yes Accept? No Send offer Send rejection Receive answer Receive update request No Send reply Update? List of inconsistencies Yes Analysis (e.g. model checker) Overview of the Approach OMG standard UML fUML Alf Formal Methods State Machine Activity Diagram Alf Model Timed Automata 1. What open source tools are available for fUML and Alf? 2. What level of support do they provide? 3. What are their maturity level? 4. What techniques are available for model generation? 3 Open Source Tooling Overview UML fUML Alf Formal Methods State Machine Activity Diagram Alf Model Timed Automata Alf Editor Model Checker UML Editor fUML Reference Impl. AlfRef. Impl. Papyrus Alf Editor Moka Moliz 4 UPPAAL Running Example: Fibonacci Calculation ALF UML State Machine let tmp: Integer = 0; if (input == 1) { return 1; } else if (input ==2) { return 1; } let i: Integer = 3; while (i <= input) { tmp = var1 + var2; var1 = var2; var2 = tmp; i++; } return tmp; 5 UPPAAL Lesson Learned No list of tools: Even collecting the tools was considerable effort o Promote tools on OMG website Few examples: Few example fUML models or Alf code available. o Version and tool incompatibility hinders Reference implementations: o Help understand the specifications, o Good starting point Alf grammar: Complex structures to ensure unambiguity o Good for evaluation of expressions o Not good for semantic information to help verification Transformation: Mapping of state machines? 6 Technologies for M2M Java over EMF API Concrete Syntax while (i <= input){ i++; } Abstract Syntax :Guard block :WhileStatement exp="!(i<=input)" condition :Block :ConditionTest :Increment :Relation :VariableRef name = "i" op="<=" :VarRef name = "i" :VarRef name = "input" 8 :Edge trg :Edge src :Location trg :Edge src :Edge src trg :Location :Update :Guard exp="i++" exp="!(i<=input)" Java over EMF API Concrete Syntax Defined by Java code while (i <= input){ i++; } 1. Traversal by code 2. Manual model building 3. No traceability Abstract Syntax for(state:block) - High Maintenance - Low Reusability + Easy to start 1 instanceof A,B,CState block :WhileStatement Factory.create condition :Block :ConditionTest :Increment :Relation :VariableRef name = "i" op="<=" :VarRef name = "i" :VarRef name = "input" 2 :Guard exp="!(i<=input)" :Edge trg setTarget() :Edge src :Location trg :Edge src :Edge src trg :Location :Update :Guard exp="i++" exp="!(i<=input)" Transformation code Location transform(WhileStatement w) { for(Statement s: w.block.statements) { /* map the inner states */} for(Location l : locations) { /* Link the locations to a circle */} // Map the condition // Set the guards of the outgoing edges } 1 l = factory.createLocation(); 2 3 e.setSource(locationMap.get( edgeMap.get(w.condition))); 9 M2M Languages • Example: ATL • Alternatives: o o o o Epsilon QVT Xtend … Concrete Syntax while (i <= input){ i++; } Abstract Syntax :Guard block :WhileStatement exp="!(i<=input)" condition :Block :ConditionTest :Increment :Relation :VariableRef name = "i" op="<=" :VarRef name = "i" :VarRef name = "input" :Edge trg :Edge src :Location trg :Edge src :Edge src trg :Location :Update :Guard exp="i++" exp="!(i<=input)" ATL Code module Alf2UPPAAL; create OUT : Machine from IN : Block { rule State2Location { rule Condition2Guard { from s: Alf!State from s: Alf!Condition to l: UPPAAL!Location} to positiveGuard: UPPAAL!Guard( rule Transition2Edge { from s1: Alf!State, negativeGuard: UPPAAL!Guard( s2: Alf!State ( /* next state */ ) to e: UPPAAL!Edge( src <- /*...*/ trg <- /*...*/ )} 10 location <- /*...*/ expression <- /*...*/) location <- /*...*/ expression <- /*...*/)}} Declarative Queries + MT languages Concrete Syntax Defined by Queries + Templates 1. Traversal Queries 2. Building by Templates 3. (Match, Result) traces while (i <= input){ i++; } Abstract Syntax While match block :Guard :WhileStatement exp="!(i<=input)" condition :Block :ConditionTest :Increment :Relation :VariableRef name = "i" Relation match Queries op="<=" :Edge trg While trg template :VarRef name = "i" :VarRef name = "input" Templates :Edge src :Location src :Edge :Edge src trg :Location :Update :Guard exp="i++" exp="!(i<=input)" Relation template pattern While(W,Condition,States){ WhileStatement.condition(W,Condition); WhileStatement.block(W,Block);} def dispatch transform(WhileStatement w) { val innerStates=WhilePattern.getStates(w).map[createState] val condition=WhilePattern.getCondition(w) /* link the edges */ } pattern Relation(R,Op1,Op2){ Relation.left(R,Op1); Relation.right(R,Op1); Relation.op(R,"<=");} def dispatch transform(Relation condition) { val m=RelationPattern.getMatch(condition) createGuard()=>[exp='''«» <= «»''']} 11 Query-based Features Declarative build by Queries 1. Queries 2. Declarative model build Concrete Syntax while (i <= input){ i++; } Abstract Syntax Object, References, Attributes 3. Implicit, referrable traces "Guard Image of while" :Guard block :WhileStatement exp="!(i<=input)" condition :Block :ConditionTest :Increment :Relation :VariableRef name = "i" op="<=" :VarRef name = "i" :VarRef name = "input" :Edge trg :Edge src :Location trg :Edge src :Edge src trg :Location :Update :Guard exp="i++" exp="!(i<=input)" Query Based Features @QueryBasedObject(Location) pattern Statement(S) @QueryBasedObject(Guard) @QueryBasedFeature(exp, "($Expression$)") @TraceLookup(Incoming, Edge) @QueryBasedFeature(guard, Edge, Guard) pattern PositiveWhileCondition(Incoming, Condition, Expression) @QueryBasedObject(Edge) @QueryBasedFeature(src, Edge, From) @QueryBasedFeature(trg, Edge, To) pattern nextState(From,To) @QueryBasedObject(Guard) @QueryBasedFeature(exp, "! ($Expression$)") @TraceLookup(Outgoing, Edge) @QueryBasedFeature(guard, Edge, Guard) pattern NegativeWhileCondition(Outgoing, Condition, Expression) 12 Technologies for M2T Native Java over EMF API Defined by Java code 1. Traversal by code 2. Manual text building 3. No traceability Concrete Syntax while (i <= input){ i++; } Abstract Syntax :Guard block - High Maintenance - Low Reusability + Easy to start :WhileStatement exp="!(i<=input)" condition :Block :ConditionTest :Increment :Relation :VariableRef name = "i" op="<=" :VarRef name = "i" :VarRef name = "input" :Edge trg :Edge src :Location trg :Edge src :Edge src trg :Location :Update :Guard exp="i++" exp="!(i<=input)" Transformation code Location transform(WhileStatement w) { for(Statement s: w.block.statements) { /* map the inner states */} for(Location l : locations) { /* Link the locations to a circle */} // Map the condition // Set the guards of the outgoing edges } "<location name=\"Location_"+ i +"\"/>" 14 2 „M2T”: Queries + AST generation Model Template Code Model Template Model Grammar Code Direct code generation AST generation Simple structure Low complexity Fast development Linear output generation (single pass) ⁻ Problematic formatting ⁻ Problematic M2C synchronization Represents the program structure (PSM) ⁻ Can be very complex ⁻ Slower development ⁻ Distributed generation process Support for M2C synchronization Incremental code generation ”pretty formatting” E.g., Eclipse JDT 15 Chaining Transformations along Views Outlook: An Avionics Project Avionics R&D project o Model-driven toolchain o Allocate SWs onto HWs o Platform: ARINC 653 Component database Functional Architecture Platform description Allocation Integrated System Model Outlook: An Avionics Project Avionics R&D project o Model-driven toolchain o Allocate SWs onto platform Simplified Example PilotControl Simulink tag: func SubS1 FAM_PilotControl : Function SubS2 Navigation tag: func Id Other SubSystem without tag Port Blocks InPort/OutPort consumer FAM_Navigation : Function tag: func provider nav2ems :InformationLink View tag: func Function SubSystem with "func" tag) FAM_EMS : Function subFunctions EMS FMS Id FAM consumer FAM_FMS : Function id:Function provider id:InformationLink EMS: Engine Management System FMS: Flight Management System 18 nav2fms :InformationLink Maintanence Maintenance: • Incrementally • Immediately Summary of Behavior Modeling Tools Alf fUML Tool Version Modified Platform Goal fUML Ref. Impl. 1.1.0 2013-06 Java / console Interpreter Moka 1.0.0 2014-06 Eclipse Execution engine Moliz 1.0 2014-06 Eclipse Execution engine 0.4.0 2014-05 Java / console Interpreter - 2014-07 Eclipse Editor 4.0 2010-09 Application Model Checker Alf Ref. Impl. Papyrus Alf Editor UPPAAL Maturity • Proven: Eclipse platform, UPPAAL • Early prototype: fUML engines (Moka, Moliz) • Alpha: Alf editor in Papyrus is still in active development 19 Transformation Summary of Transformation Tools Tool Version Modified Platform Goal EMF 2.10.0 2013-05 Eclipse Metamodelling tool ATL 3.5 2013-13 Eclipse M2M transformation XTend 2.7 2014-09 Eclipse Template Language IncQuery 0.8 2014-07 Eclipse Query engine Eclipse M2M transformation Query Based Feat. Maturity • Proven: Eclipse platform and core services (e.g. EMF, Xtend), ATL • Stable: EMF-IncQuery (note: local developer support) 20
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