List of Important Dates Name of Work:Construction of Jila Karagar Santkabir Nagar 1. Notice Inviting Tender/Bid 2. Period 13.10.2014 to 20.10.2014 Sale of Bidding Document Date 3. Pre-Bid Meeting 4. Deadline of Receiving Bid 5. Place of Receiving Bid 5. Opening of Technical Bid 6. Opening of Financial Bid 7. Date of Issue 12.10.2014 - Time Date 21.10.2014 Place Office of G.M U.P.R.N.N. Ltd Faizabad Zone, Lucknow Time 03:00 PM - Office of General Manager (Faizabad Zone), Ashok Marg, Lucknow Date 21.10.2014 Time 04:00 PM Place Office of G.M U.P.R.N.N. Ltd. Faizabad Zone, Lucknow Date & Time To be notified by a notice to individual technically qualified bidders and displayed in the Office of General Manager Faizabad Zone. Completion Period of Work/Project 8. Validity Period of Bid Place To be downloaded from, Website: - 12 Months - 90 Days Printed by BoltPDF (c) NCH Software. Free for non-commercial use only. 7 Page 1 of 2 BILL Ni \ME OF WORK oFEUAI,ITITv- CONSTRUCTION OF NON RESTDENTIAL BUILDINGS aT saruT KABEER NAGARJAIL /INTtrRNAI trIEEvr.\rt E.TTDIEI^, tvn tt\,[\, SCHEDULED I rEMS SNo Unit Qtv each 494 each 7' 633.3( 266 613 3s each 74 268.83 19,893.42 each o 7*.87 0.00 each 18 522.0c 9,396.00 each 0 501.12 0.00 wart anO ths reinforcement before ' each concreating,complete with.14 SWG copper earth continuty wire 36 936.99 2050 145.29 Wirinq ooint for tior,r-*iil-7Fl^-^^-- - coie Copper conductor in heavy guage 1 :lr:P.?d.singte conduit pipe parfly concealed in the wall anO partty laid in slab alongwith lhe reinforcement before concretinj c6mptete with wire,.piano.type swirch & ceiting r6se/angte/batten ::lj"_r ",th noroer on 3 mm thick phenolic paminated backalite sheet etc -'-l complete in all respect as directed i/c matching *rJ Rate Amount (Rs) MS 522.00 257,868.00 "ofor, ska n d ed . 2 s in s re core ;;r'r]i. Wirinn sin g I ;i.';ili ;';"d' re coie A/irinn nai^+ f p* 4 i:,fl "'H C"*"; :ya :onduit pipe parfly concealed in the wall anO parily 5,::l"T LiO in staO tlongwith' the reinforcement before concretinj compfete witn wire,.piano type switch & ceitinj riseiangrebatten ' each ::ll"_r "rlh mm thick phenolic roroer on.3 paminated backalite sheet etc :omplete in all respect as directed i/c matching cotour wastr. ii:,i 3 i,J;'. ff i::"rXT conduit pipe parfly conceared in the waI and partty raid in srai alongwith the reinforcement before concreting c6mptete witi wire,.piano type switch & ceiling rose/angte/batter ::lf-"r-":1h noroer on 3 mm thick phenolic paminated backalite sheet etr complete in all respect as directed i/c matching colour wash. re g "ifll 6 7 4,, rdil wrrn t.J sq mm pvc insulated multi stranded single core copper conductor in heavy guage MS conduit concealed in wall Eame 2c ahnrro ac .."," i+^- .,v ^^h r vvr rvr Jypdrdre ptug polnl. --- -_ wiring - point for ca, be, with r.o stranded single core conductor in heavy grrg" rffi concealed in wall pVClnsurated,,rii.i..J,ilg I J ,ijia :::J::il:,l,,XJ;?,il rigid steet conduit parUy'conceateJln f::V partly 9.,r.S". laid in slab . alongwith conduit | 63.1 51 .1 lfilj,l A piano type "n9 19 colour wash. switch etc. comptete in ati respect itc matching I 1 33.731.64 tnnlv end _: ._ r.,i;;;J,..:..,u v, euvl,olr wr{il z ty(Js z.c sq mm FR pvc l, ,i 1 multistrand single core Copper conductor in steel li,rr,,ri:d conourt parily raid in srab arongwith reinforcement before concreting and parfly concealed in wall, with one no 14 SWG coqp:J eartfr continuity wire etc complete in all respects i/c rmt 297,844.50 matching colour wash. 10 Same rc 2h^\/6 hrr+f^.a wts 11 same As 2h6\/o 12 A.R.E. 0 i;;"; :"".:,:l; ;t" j['fj::"T3 "i,'sparfly "!r;ronduit pipe concealed in the wail and partty tzio in stau longwith the reinforcement before concretinf cJmplete with wire,.piano rype switch & socket-etc, comptete in :?!:: rr respect rc matching colour wash. 5 4,433.52 rmt 0 162.6S rmt 0.00 700 199.23 139,461.00 rmt 0 294.06 0.00 :]//, tl /I Page 2 of 2 i ( NAME oF _ woRK : coNSrRU"r,o*?:i,31, RE, 3IDENTIAL BUILDINGS AT SANT NAGARJATL (INTERNAaT KABEER :LECTRIFICATION) __ l- i -------- \NT|TY EMS IJ 5/Fof 14 rmt l^gtrl_ruWffi =-"," 15 16 I unit " lx40WBoxtyp# oty*rnaG each 473.28 439 961.35 each 17 18 reghtonwal b1 each 24 each 14 rmt 3000 20 23,81 1.90 6s7,720.0c ob 362 7qo nn rml rmt 150 354.96 rmt 150 eacf 51/,65 zo each 24 each 78 30 2 27 t!1F "r grr.d r", so 500 62 64 each 2 0 each 68 31 each 48 32 each 16 5: 6 25.23 33 u 35 , _,, - Luyp vJ l'qmm ourrytng of Gl earth ntero S/fixinqoftestiH 37 5ur.1t 39 HWSPNDB 40 2,129 76 1,879.20 131.37 ----;156.601 - -"t 15.6( each 6 AA each 4 22.62 each 0 rmt 94.83 10 3774 93 JO 53,244.00 77,647.5C 131 JI each 29 u.00 1,064.88 793.44 266.22 90 U, r0 37,7493A each 285 each 30 each 41 .76 30 683.82 20,514.6A 16,004.52 11 9.19 33,969.15 1,252.80 each 18 41 889.1 each 0 42 1827.0t each 168 182.70 0.0c 30 6a? An 886 53 26,595.9C 43 each 30 44 each ,IB 45 each 0 1749.57 each 0 1749.57 46 47 S/ fix ng of call bell tfirr lgoforn# 48 49 ,1"':ti,a::Ig!r..:,Tgf,;___-l 50 51 52 53 ,""J#ino""" 54 q EE Srt of nxng or MS drum @ TOTAL 886.53 each 0 200.1A each 0 127 0) each . each 7 266 each each rmt zot) each .0 each n mtr 340 15,957 .54 000 0.00 0.001 o ool 377.58 102.66 0 212.28 0 _2017.53 27,307.56 0.00 97.44 542.88 93.96 ,88€t 0.00 0.00 3,042,355.20 A.R.E. ,592. 10 ).24 22 1 000 1 176,289.84 23 24 25 28 ).00 422 03 rAq 26.1A 7345.4 t- .rr. ln. 4522.26 each 19 A 0 BILL OF QUANTITY NAME OF WORK : CONSTRUCTION OF NON RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ATSANT KABEER NAGAR JAIL (INTERNAL ELECTRIFICATTON) . NON SCHEDULED ITEMS Description of ltem P.S.No Unit Qty Supply of ceiting fan 1200 mm MR each 16t] lxpep lSl'marked Supply and fixing ot sunGn-typE MR each 74 SNo 1 2 switch board having lockable Rate 1,400.0c 372,400.0c 2,500.00 185,000.00 46,400.00 arrangement Supply anO fixing oi tocXaUte$E MS covers for DB 520mm x 375 MR each 29 1,600.00 4 Suppiy and laying of Ot pipe tOOnrm dia Jindal/ Tata make MR rmt 250 855.0C 5 Supply and fixing of a way verilcat DB complete with 100 A MCCB at incoming and MCBs for outgoing MR rmt 0 19,500.00 6 Supply and fixing of gOOmrn sweep exhaust fan MR each 0 2,800.00 7 Supply and fixing of +SOmnr sweep exhaust fan MR each 0 3,200.0c B SIT&Commissionin[--of Ouid6E Type Feeder panel l/coming-125A MCCB-1 no, O/going-63A Dp -8 no MR each 1 3 Amount (Rs) mm TOTAL A.R.E. 68,000.00 213.750.0C 68,000.00 281,750.00 ,u t_.P* ffi po^orddy O/y1d dn / po^o.rddy IUdC luorrg/urolrol[e[eg Bluod roqcuy 7 euqdo; ygg uotcttuorC / sdIITrId / [B[Bg clIV/o{Ios ldec puel8e1 sIIo^BH / uosql€u sIIo^EH 7 IaqBx uu / xolouTd / sIIo^EH 'c'g'B / ltBx 'I\tr OE ,Pts IBIIId rBpaod pa{rerrr ISI wur 00ZI uug 8uqre3 lo{cos T I{o}I/Y\S sarnlxrd T 8uI++I.{ (/hBoH) edr6 lrnpuoC CAd s,gcl^tr ry rooo alqnoo s,Bo 'J'T oIqBC pornornrv urnrurrunlv c^d UH puur?s/trAl'orr/V\ reddo3 3n4 actr4 lrnpuoC SW sIIIo+I IBcIr+coIu Jo o{BRl IBFBN rlqux +uBS IIBf '++sIC 6 8 L 9 I v. 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