0402 Box 62,SE-81522 Tierp Column type: 8m conical with bracket Sweden ldentificationno: J 601l / 08 0402-cPD-49 67 01 EN 40-7 PartA Nominalheight Columnshaftmaterial Materialdesignskength (f) No- of door openrngs Dooropeningsize Cross sectionof base compartment Acceptablepositionsof bracket arms relativeto door 00sition 8 m Fiberglassreinforcedplasticwith polyoleflncoating 165 Nhm' I 400mmx 80 mm 400mmx90mmx90mm 90' and 270' in plan Resistance to horizontal loads Single bracket Doublebracket Maximumwind velocitvV ref lvlaximumbracketlength(m) Luminairearea0lm' Including Shape Coefficient,c Luminairearea0.16m'z IncludingShape 0 Deflectionclass 2 Deflection class3 0.5 '1.0 1.5 2.0 0 0,5 1 32.0 30.6 2 8 . 4 2 5 . 7 22,9 25.0 2 4 , 5 23.9 23.4 37.8 3 5 6 ot,z 29.3 29.7 28.4 27.2 26.1 2 22.8 25.2 Deflection class2 29.0 2 7. 6 22.7 20.3 22.4 2 2 . 1 2 1. 7 21.3 20,8 33.9 3 1 , 8 2 9 , 8 28.0 z o , J z o . t z c . I 24.7 23.9 23.1 Structuralvaluesobtainedby calculationusingsectionpropertiesderivedfrom full scaletesting WindvelocitiescalculatedusingJerol LightingColumnProgramwhich has beenverfiedby InspectaOy NB*Calculations and specificCE documentation areavailablefor othersizesof luminaire Deflectionclass 3 Partialload factor class. B Attitude0 TerrainCategoryll; Topography Factor= '1 Maximumluminairemass:accuratevalueshownin the Jerolcalculation program Maximum luminairewind area: accuratevalue shown in the Jerol calculationorooram. Structuralvalues oblained by calculationusing section propertiesderivedfrom full scale testing Trafflcsign allowedfor in design Area 0.30 m': offset 300 mm; heiqhtto centre 2 5 m Note: 0 bracketis post top; double post top allows for two lumrnairesback to back, or an equivalenttarge Performance under vehicle impact (passive safety 100:NE:2and 70:LE:3 No deformationto roof of crash test vehicle Plantingdepth Plantedin Jerolpre-castconcretefoundation typeRBJ-si UKB-6C 1500mm Diameter of ore-castconcretefoundation 424 mm (ifany) Diameter of in-situ concrete surround Notrequired for anysoilclassification factorc (BD94i07) Luminaireconnection Post top verticaltube material Z 60 mm x '150mm length Aluminiumtube @ 60 mm. gradeSS 6060-T6 Material design strength 180 N/mm'? Foundation type: Single and double arm bracket Luminaire fixingangle Z 60 mm x '150mm length 5' (horizontalis optional) Bracketmaterial Aluminium tubeZ 60 mm,gradeSS6060-T6 lMaterialdesignstrength Resistance to Denet.ation of dust and water 180 N/mm2 At dooropeningwithdoorclosed:lP 54 Fiberglassreinforcedplasticwith polyoleflncoating has inherentdurabilityand no additional surface trealmentsare necessary Luminaire connection Durability,resistanceto corrosion Certificate issuedby: JerolIndustriAB RolfJernstrom Manaqinq Director Kj6llLindberf QualityManaqer
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