Official Swedish Pedigree Pedigree certificate issued in accordance with Commission Decision 2005/379/EC for intracommunity trade Approved Breeding Organisation Name: VR GUNNARSTORP KOBY GAMOR 99081 Breeder Born: 2009-04-08 SE id: SE-041553-2428-5 GUNNARSTORP Hb: SWE 92104 534 RBV 103 Fat kg 571 PETRA Hb: SWE SE-Id. SE-041553-0571 27.5 EBV 2005 base 104 110 Yield index Fat kg 33.4 Prot kg 32.7 Fat% Prot% PGD 1131 EDA SE-id SE-023047-1131 Hb SWE 10846 455 390 4.2 3.6 2Y 11M 11909 512 446 4.3 3.7 79 Legs Udder No of daughters Growth 179 Mature eq. Milk kg 7933 10313 Fat, kg 349 454 4,4 109 Rel EBV 2005 base 501 Fertility, daughters SWE Yield index 101 1999-02-02 * +8 SE-id 503 PETRA SE-041553-0503 Hb SWE Av/year Type 3Y * 107 Rel Yield index Milk kg 1M 10936 80 Body Fat kg 481 Legs Prot kg 404 79 Udder 1999-12-20 99 TMI Rel +2 2004-11-26 66 TMI +14 Fat% 4,4 Hb 81 Total AAA 38824 C 9573 ÄLY 2 FIN 1074146 AAA PGDS PGDD SYD ABRU DNK 34105 973 EDA SE-id 14-023047-0973 MGSS SKÖLE Hb SWE 93395 MGSD MGDS 185LENA SWE 117721 PETERSLUND Hb SWE 91213 Hb * 1990-05-10 * 1995-09-10 * 1996-08-20 * 2002-11-04 MGDD SE-id. Prot% 3,7 FIN PGSD Hb 74 TMI Rel 91678 Yield index 100 SE-041553-0441 80 98 102 Calving index heifers Sire effect Dam effect daughters 105 99 369 Mastitis Other diseases 94 TMI Longevity +21 RBV 115 PREVIEW/COPY 104 107 Claw health index 95 Body 94 103 Legs 112 32.5 109 117 0.120 31.1 110 106 104 Udder 0.072 99 TMI -5 * 201703 1996-03-03 53294 SKARA NIEMEN VERNERI Disease resistance 284 3,6 Prot, kg Prot % Total 82 Breeding values No of herds 219 85 * MGS K LENS MGD 110 81 PGSS AAA 40347 C 70 TMI +20 108 Progeny test in 305 days 1:st lactation Prot % Fat, kg Fat % Rel 103 1:st 305d Prot, kg FIN SVENSK AVEL ÖRNSRO Yield index 103 Rel 23.2 105 Milk kg 486 RBV Milk kg Hb Hb Fat % Owner PGS KANGASSALON KELLI Prot kg *2006-12-15 Dam Yield index * 2002-06-20 99 TMI +19 Yield index 105 Rel EBV 2005 Body 99081 74971 FJÄRDHUNDRA Milk kg Type Herdbook: PETTERSON SVEN ERIK SIMTUNA KOBY 12 Sire Av/year Swedish Red Milking speed 97 Temperament 104 80 100 120 Date of issue 2014-07-28
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