YORKSHIRE FEDERATION of REFEREES’ SOCIETIES www.yorkshirereferees.org MINUTES FOR MOPG MEETING (Date of Meeting:Tuesday 11th February 2014 at 1915 hrs) Present : Thomas White (TW), Keith Chafen (KC), David Linsey (DL) Stuart Howie (SH). Jim Turner (JT) Apologies: Rob Staines (RS),Neil Copsey (NC),Carl Walsh (CW),Chris Younger (CY),John Clayton (JC), Stuart Grey Cowan (SC), 1. Minutes of last meetings January 2014 th nd th nd January 7 Proposed by JT and 2 by SH. January 28 Proposed by KC and 2 by DL 2. Matters arising a) Matters arising from January (2) meetings. Both meetings were discussed in some detail with many of the ideas and policies being added to or minor changes applied. The results were as follows. th No changes required to minutes of January 7 meeting th Final draft for policies, and other procedures from January 28 meeting: It was decided that the Grading Policy should be implemented with immediate effect. Grading of Match Officials General Guidelines for Progression a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Advancement to a grade does not guarantee that the referee will receive only games at his new grade. Appointments MAY be made with a spread of games at different levels. In the table below, ‘reports’ mean a report in the 4 competitive rugby months immediately prior to the MOPG committee meeting for levels 5-8. Min required number of reports is no guarantee of automatic re-grading Fitness levels are to be achieved as prescribed below and when being re graded. Each referee should be observed by a Match Observer a minimum of once per season. Where possible it would be preferable to watch all referees once Sept – Dec and once Jan – Apr, dependent on available resources. Referees should NOT be watched on games below their current levels in order to ensure a fair distribution of resources. Where suitable evidence is available, referees may be able to be fast tracked, with the agreement of the MOPG Committee and their Member Society. To be confirmed at levels 8-5, a fitness test for that level or above must have been completed in that season. Until this has been achieved the new grading will not be confirmed Member Societies are able to award an initial grading of Level 12 when first observing referees – subject to evidence and agreement of their Member Society grading committee. Subsequently the minimum requirements become applicable save for point g. To achieve level Minimum Requirements 12 1 Match Observer report showing capable at this Level supported by evidence from review cards. 11 2 Match Observer reports at minimum level 12 showing capable at the next Level supported by evidence from review cards. Valuing people: Committed to improvement 10 2 Match Observer reports at minimum Level 11 showing capable at the next Level, supported by evidence from review cards. 9 2 Match Observer reports at minimum Level 10 with a recommendation for advancement. At least one of these observer reports must be on a league fixture. 8 A Fitness Level of 8+ must have been achieved to confirm to this grade 2 Match Observer REPORTS at minimum Level 9 with a recommendation for advancement. 1 report must be from outside the referees member society 7 2 Match Observer reports at minimum Level 8 with a recommendation for advancement. Must have achieved or be willing to take the current Assistant Referee Module at the next opportunity. 6 2 Match Observer reports at minimum Level 7, with a recommendation for advancement. 5 Criteria to be advised by those that manage the Level 5 games. Guidance for Downward Grading a) Referees who receive adverse comments on 2 Match Observer Reports, will potentially be re-graded at the next MOPG Committee Meeting. b) Referees who fail to meet the current fitness level for his/her Refereeing Level will be given more opportunities to pass the current fitness. If he/she continues to fail, then the individual will be re-graded, to the level they have achieved, at the next MOPG Committee Meeting. They may return to their original level on passing the appropriate test for that level. c) Referees may choose to operate at a level below the one which they are at. They may choose to be formally downgraded. 1) Fitness Testing Fitness testing at levels 8 and above is MANDATORY. The tests will be carried out by member societies between st ST the 1 July & 1 August. If a referee does not take the test by the above dates, then appointments will not be made at a Federation Level until undertaken. At Level 9 and below, fitness testing will be aspirational but Member Societies are to take into account those that have passed the tests when making appointments to level 9 and below matches. Referees who have achieved the minimum standards should take precedence wherever feasible. Referees will be notified of the requirements in advance of the test and each Member Society will have an appointed testing officer (likely to be STO’s unless otherwise advised to MOPG) in charge. The STO will forward the ‘results’ to MOPG. Referees need to pass one of the two tests below. Member societies may determine which options are available to their members. If the MOPG committee deem necessary for specified members, due to feedback/reports, then further individuals may be requested to re-test at a later date in the season. In order to qualify for the referee bandings, the relevant fitness test is detailed below but only forms one part of the banding process. Valuing people: Committed to improvement TEST L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 JAM (mins) 13m 30s 12m 30s 11m30s 10m30s 9m30s Yo-Yo 15 14.4 14.2 13.4 13 Suggested Implementation Methods Jam … can be set up either on grass, in a gym or on tarmac by appointed Member Society representative. All times to be recorded and e-mailed to Federation Training Officer and MOPG Grading Chairman. Yo–Yo – can be set up either on grass, in a gym or on or tarmac by appointed Member Society representative. All times to be recorded and e-mailed to Federation Training Officer and MOPG Grading Chairman. All referees should attend Society meetings, Open Meetings & Training Sessions in order to keep up with all current initiatives and directives. Non attendance at meetings, may affect grading opportunities for that referee. Work commitments can cause difficulties for attendance and these should be noted separately, but member societies must be informed of these, in advance of each meeting. Development Squad It was discussed at some length as to how the Development Squad should be moved forward. It was decided that the Development squad should remain as it is, to Develop ALL suitable referees within certain constraints. The squad, will in future, have two levels. Level 1 will be for referees who have significant potential to quickly, progress up the levels and would be expected achieve RFU National Panel or RFU Divisional-Operations and Deployment Team (North) status. These referees will all have an allocated Coach and will have priority to Video appointments and Exchange fixtures where possible. They will be individually ranked, as a group, so that assessment priorities and appointment priorities, can be put in place when appropriate. If appropriate they may be relocated to Level 2 should their progress warrant this. Level 2 will be for referees who have potential to progress up the levels, but who may not be expected to achieve RFU National Panel or RFU Divisional-Operations and Deployment Team (North) status. These referees will have an allocated Coach, if resources allow, if not they will have pool coaches who may look after several referees. They may not have priority to Video appointments and Exchange fixtures but may, where possible, to ensure further development. They will be individually ranked, as a group, so that assessment and appointment priorities can be put in place, when appropriate. If appropriate they may be relocated to Level 1 should their progress warrant this. ENTRY AND EXIT CRITERIA Referees nominated for the Development Squad should display all of the following criteria: • Has received assessment reports that indicate they have the potential to progress quickly to higher levels. and is working on further development modules. • Has taken an approved RFU National Fitness Test and demonstrated an acceptable level. • Is prepared to take a full and active part in all aspects of the Development Squad training programme. • Is prepared to maintain and share a Personal Development Plan. • Is prepared to take the current Development Assistant Referee Award and current RFU Mentoring award • Age is no restriction, but it is important to bear in mind that anyone who reaches the Panel of National Referees is expected to offer at least five year’s service at this level. To get there it will probably take a minimum of one year on this Development Squad and minimum of one year on the RFU Divisional-Operations Valuing people: Committed to improvement and Deployment Team (North ) Exit Criteria • • • • Referee is accepted onto the RFU Divisional-Operations and Deployment Team (North ) or National Panel Pattern of assessment reports indicate that the Referee is not likely to perform at a higher level. Commitment to the Squad is lacking. Referee is not showing significant improvement and has been a squad member for two years Nomination Form: YORKSHIRE FEDERATION DEVELOPMENT SQUAD ENTRY CRITERIA Name of Nominee: Society The Yorkshire Federation has approved entry criteria for its Development squad. Those for the Development Squad are shown below. Please could you indicate, (by ticking the boxes below) how many of the criteria your nominee meets? Once all of this is complete please return to the Development Squad Manager. Referees and Mentors selected for the Development Squad should display some or all of the following: Has received assessments or produced reports that show the potential to progress quickly or operate at higher levels Please include their last two reports Has the potential to progress to the RFU Divisional-Operations and Deployment Team (North ) and / or ultimately the Panel of National Referees / Mentors. Has passed the current Development Referee / current RFU Mentoring Award / or is prepared to take it at the next opportunity. Has taken a National Fitness Test and demonstrated an acceptable level.(Minimum Yorkshire Level 7) Is prepared to take a full and active part in all aspects of the Development Squad training programme. Is prepared to maintain and share a Personal Development Plan. Is prepared to take the current Development Assistant Referee course and has passed the current Society Assistant Referee course Societies that nominate a referee or mentor to the Development Squad should: Offer complimentary training activities for the Referee / Mentor Provide appointments that allow development to take place on a regular basis. Provide appointments that allow the Referee / Mentor to be stretched when appropriate. Provide copies of all Assessments / Mentoring reports, for the Development Squad Manager. Exchange policies a) Incoming referee societies to be asked for information on referees and to confirm, Grade of referee, If they require a match observer, If they are a Development Squad referee, this information to be supplied to Assessor & Grading Officer and MOPG chairman who will make a decision on suitable match observers. b) At the conclusion of EACH season a review of exchanges will take place and a policy for exchanges will be REVIEWED Appointments a) It was decided that fixtures may not necessarily be allocated on a equal number basis, for all referees. MOPG would have to allocate a ranking system to highlight referees needing more development Valuing people: Committed to improvement opportunities than others, which may mean they have more fixtures than other same level referees. This to be further discussed. b) Part of the process in a) needs to be sought out, as to their wishes, from all referees in the federation and this, it was proposed to done (via survey monkey) before next season.(CW) c) To aid the appointments and other procedures the Federation will be looking at the “Who’s the Ref” system in February date to be confirmed by NC Systems used by MOPG officers and committee a) A Referee report summary report sheet compiled by Assessor & Grading Officer. The Federation Assessor and Grading officer shall be responsible for keeping records on reports for games level 6 to 8 for Federation referees. Having read their reports he shall mark All Reports on the record either 1 This was a performance above that expected of a level (?) referee 2 This was a performance expected of a level (?) referee 3 This was a performance below that of a level (?) referee Care must be taken when compiling the summary document that the level of referee and level of game are taken into account. These “Phrases” above are to be used by ALL Assessors and Advisors on their reports. The reports should now include these phrases so that the match observers can complete them in this fashion (SC). The summary report shall be submitted to the monthly MOPG meeting for the committee to vote on the outcomes where appropriate. Following each game, once the report is returned by the referee, the Assessor will send the report to the Federation Assessor and Grading officer, with a copy to their Society Grading officer and a copy to the Federation Assessor Development Officer Society Grading officers shall keep records of all levels 12 to 9 on the same format as the Assessor & Grading Officer. Each society wishing to nominate a Level 9 referee for level 8 shall forward two positive reports, recommending the next level, (one of which must be from out of society) to MOPG Chairman for circulation at least two weeks before the next MOPG meeting. They must ensure that the referee has passed a level 8 or more fitness test prior to proposing re-grading. This is to enable the committee members to view the reports, prior to the meeting, and to enable a speedy decision to be made, via E mail, thus allowing the referee to be included in the next set of appointments, should fixtures be available. b) The Tester sheet is no longer required. c) It was asked that the meeting proposed for the “Who’s the Ref” could be circulated as soon as is possible to MOPG committee members (NC) 3. RFU Policy & Strategy Updates for Match officials No New policies 4. Grading of Match Officials i. Inform the General Committee of the outcomes of the potential re grading of Match Officials. ii. Grading and re-grading of all Match Officials at levels 6 to 8 Carl Walsh confirmed at level 7 Mike Dickinson confirmed at level 7 Valuing people: Committed to improvement Hanson Haigh confirmed at level 7 Jason Garrick confirmed at level 7 Paul Garbutt confirmed at level 7 Steve Ritchings confirmed at level 8 Mark Smith confirmed at level 8 Laurence Pearson confirmed at level 8 Thomas Doig confirmed at level 8 Jason Cockerill confirmed at level 8 iii. iv. Recommendations for the nomination of Match Officials to the Level 5 Scheme Inform all Match Officials at levels 6 to 8 of their current grade, and the reasons for any re-grading 5. Discuss and approve Appointments i. Appointment Issues This week there was a shortage of referees at Level 6 and a first appointment was to be given to Paul Finken who has recently joined the North society ii. Re-appointment Issues Some weeks we have been very short of referees can all referees let societies know if they do not have a fixture and want one 6. Budget Reports & Issues i. Report to / from the General Committee ii. Areas for further funding 7. Calendar of activities and meetings i. Training Events ii. Other Meetings 8. Development Squad i. Nominations from Member Societies to the Development Squad Michael Hurdley was accepted onto the Development squad and TW and SH will contact him in the near future ii. iii. Development activities for Federation Development Squad members: The January meeting featured Jamie Leahy who described his season so far, his first on the National Panel. This gave great details to the squad on what is expected of a referee operating at this level and the pressures that it may bring, also the rewards it also brings. We thank him for giving us more of his time and also for such insight as to what the panel requires Selection and de-selection of members of the Federation Development Squad: None 9. Federation Executive Committee Representations to and providing reports to the Federation Executive Committee Policies or directives received from the Federation Executive Committee th No new meetings, next meeting is on 18 February and a MOPG report has been submitted 10. A O B: None 11. Meeting CLOSED @ 2150 hours 12. Date of next meeting ( Tuesday 11th March 2014 ) Valuing people: Committed to improvement
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