ANKIT BHATIA (412) · 378 · 1092 [email protected] 1 Bayard Road, Apt 53 Pittsburgh PA 15213 RESEARCH INTERESTS Dynamics and Controls, Robotics, Mechatronics, Embedded Systems, Actuators EDUCATION Carnegie Mellon University M.S. in Mechanical Engineering Overall GPA: 3.67/4 December 2014 Manipal University B.E. in Mechatronics Engineering Overall GPA: 8.21/10 August 2011 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Spherical Induction Motors for Balancing Mobile Robots January 2013 - December 2014 Master’s Project Microdynamic Systems Lab, Robotics Institute · · · · · Simulated the spherical induction motor(SIM) in Comsol Multiphysics Completed the assembly of a SIM with maximum torque output of 8Nm Developed a method to wind the three-phase SIM Implemented actuation and sensing transforms and velocity controller Designed new Vector controller boards for higher current throughput Mobile Self-balancing Surveillance Robot Bachelor’s Thesis January 2011 - June 2011 Robosoft Systems, Mumbai, India · Developed a miniature segway clone using frugal hardware · Assisted in development of an Inverse Kinematics package for a desktop 5 DOF robotic arm · Designed arduino based development boards for the ATmega168 µC using EagleCAD and debugged manufactured products Course Projects · Series Elastic Actuator Exoskeleton Torque Control · Sliding Mode Control of Linear Induction Motor · Full-Body Controller for PR2 PUBLICATIONS Ankit Bhatia, Masaaki Kumagai and Ralph Hollis. ”Six-stator Spherical Induction Motor for Balancing Mobile Robots” In Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. (accepted) TEACHING EXPERIENCE Design of Biomechatronic Systems for Humans Teaching Assistant Micro/Nano Robotics Course Assistant August - December 2014 Prof. Steve Collins January 2014 - May 2014 Prof. Metin Sitti WORK EXPERIENCE Mahindra & Mahindra Assistant Manager August 2011 - December 2012 Mumbai, India · Mapped competetive positionining and helped identify strengths and weaknesses in SUV product offerings with respect to technology and value for money · Designed research studies for understanding customer pychographics ABB Robotics Intern May 2009 - July 2009 Bangalore, India · Completed prototype design of a pneumatic welding jig positioner for a robotic cell using SolidWorks · Rewired a ABB FlexPicker robot in collaboration with other interns for a sorting application · Programmed the IRB 120 T training robot using the teach pendant and ABB RobotStudio Maruti Suzuki Ltd. Intern December 2007 - January 2008 Delhi, India · Assisted in Fanuc robot arm programming using the teach pendent AWARDS AND LEADERSHIP Second Prize, Bennett Conference Biomedical and Robotics, Poster Presentation 2014 Certified Associate LABview Developer(CLAD) National Instruments 2010 President Astronomy Club, Manipal July 2009 - May 2010 Creative Head Astronomy Club, Manipal July 2009 - May 2010 TECHNICAL STRENGTHS Mechanical Design & Simulation ProEngineer, SolidWorks, Comsol Multiphysics, MATLAB Electronics Deisgn Altium Designer, EagleCAD, PIC/ARM/Atmega Series µ C Programming C/C++,Python, Embedded C, ROS, LABview Tools Vim, GIT, Windows, Linux, QNX RTOS, LATEX
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