TOOLING NEWS E-123 P M K N S H Polygon - Shank Tool Holder Series – Double-clamping system D-Type for negative holders – Holders for general turning, copying and facing – Available for negative and positive insert types Polygon - Shank Holder Features The Sumitomo polygon shank holders enable an extremely high stiffness connection between machine and tool. The conical polygon can take high bending and torque moments based on the combination of the face contact to the spindle. This self-guiding coupling system offers high precision and a repeatability of ± 2µm in X, Y and Z axis. While using this easy and quick coupling system it is possible to gain higher machine utilization time as the set-up and tool change times are reduced. The compact design and the high stiffness connection to the spindle offer a versatile use e.g. on multi-task machines, machining centers and turning-milling centers. Characteristics ● original SUMITOMO D-type double clamping system ● compact design ● monoblock system - no additional interfaces ● precise positioning; self-guiding with high repeatability ● high stiffness supported by face contact of holder ● carbide shims to prevent holders from damage ● simple tool holder change and low-maintenance operation ● internal coolant supply directly to the cutting edge ● Polygon shank and insert seat hardened for long holder life Polygon - shank holder - produced according to ISO 26623-1 Negative Insert Type Positive Insert Type Classification System for Polygon - Shank Holder PSC 4 0 Polygon Shank Size (ØD) D C Clamping System D: Double Clamp S: Screw Clamp Insert Shape L N R Feed Direction R: Right Hand L: Left Hand N: Neutral Holder Style Seat Clearance Angle N = 0° C = 7° P = 11° 2 27 050 - 12 Size (f) Holder Length (L1) Insert Cutting Edge Length Polygon - Shank Holder Negative Insert Type General Turning, Copying and Facing Inserts ØD DCLN f 95° Holders Cat. No. CNMG1204_ _ NGE (Representative example) L1 Spare Parts Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Applicable Insert R L L1 f ØD PSC40 DCLN R/L 27050-12 50 27 40 PSC50 DCLN R/L 35060-12 60 35 50 CN□□ 1204 Clamp Set Recomm. Torque (N·m) SCP-2 5.0 Shim Shim Screw CNS1204 BFTX0409N TRX15 (*) ØD (Representative example) L1 Spare Parts Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Applicable Insert R L L1 f ØD PSC40 DDJN R/L 27055-15 55 27 40 PSC50 DDJN R/L 35060-15 60 35 50 DN□□ 1506 5.0 Shim Screw Shim Wrench DNS1506 BFTX0409N TRX15 (*) Wrench LH040 DNMG1506_ _ NGE (Representative example) L1 Spare Parts Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Applicable Insert Clamp Set Recomm. Torque (N·m) SCP-2 5.0 Shim Shim Screw Shim Wrench DNS1506 BFTX0409N TRX15 (*) Wrench LH040 Inserts ØD DSBN SNMG1204_ _ NGE f 75° Cat. No. SCP-2 Shim Inserts R L L1 f ØD PSC40 DDHN R/L 27055-15 55 27 40 PSC50 DDHN R/L 35060-15 60 35 50 DN□□ 1506 Holders Recomm. Torque (N·m) f 107,5° Cat. No. Clamp Set ØD DDHN Holders LH040 DNMG1506_ _ NGE f 93° Cat. No. Wrench Inserts DDJN Holders Shim Wrench (Representative example) L1 Spare Parts Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Applicable Insert R L L1 f ØD PSC40 DSBN R/L 22050-12 50 22 40 PSC50 DSBN R/L 27060-12 60 27 50 SN□□ 1204 Clamp Set Recomm. Torque (N·m) SCP-2 5.0 Shim Shim Wrench SNS1204 BFTX0409N TRX15 (*) * ( ) 3 Shim Screw Item is sold separately. Wrench LH040 Euro stock Polygon - Shank Holder Negative Insert Type General Turning and Facing Inserts f ØD DTJN 93° Holders TNMG1604_ _ NGE 95° (Representative example) L1 Spare Parts Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Cat. No. Applicable Insert R L L1 f ØD PSC40 DTJN R/L 27050-16 50 27 40 PSC50 DTJN R/L 35060-16 60 35 50 TN□□ 1604 Recomm. Torque (N·m) SCP-1 5.0 Shim Shim Screw Shim Wrench TNS1604 BFTX0307N TRX15 (*) Wrench LH040 Inserts ØD DWLN f WNMG0804_ _ NSE (Representative example) 95° L 1 Holders Clamp Set Spare Parts Right hand shown. Cat. No. PSC40 DWLN R/L 27050-06 PSC50 DWLN R/L 35060-06 PSC40 DWLN R/L 27050-08 PSC50 DWLN R/L 35060-08 Stock Dimensions (mm) R L L1 50 60 50 60 f 27 35 27 35 ØD 40 50 40 50 Clamp Set Recomm. Torque (N·m) WN□□ 06 SCP-1 5.0 WNS0604 BFTX0307N TRX15 (*) LH040 WN□□ 08 SCP-2 5.0 WNS0804 BFTX0409N TRX15 (*) LH040 Applicable Insert Shim * ( ) 4 Shim Screw Item is sold separately. Shim Wrench Wrench Euro stock Polygon - Shank Holder Positive Insert Type General Turning, Copying and Facing Inserts ØD SCLC CCMT09T3_ _ NSU f (Representative example) 95° L 1 Holders Spare Parts Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Cat. No. Applicable Insert R L N L1 f ØD PSC40 SCLC R/L 27050-09 50 27 40 PSC50 SCLC R/L 35060-09 60 35 50 CC□□ 09T3 Insert Screw CCS09T3 KGBS1111 KSS1111 Recomm. Torque (N·m) Wrench Shim Wrench 3,5 LT15K LH035K* Inserts f DCMT11T3_ _ NMU (Representative example) 93° Holders Shim Screw ØD SDJC Shim Spare Parts L1 Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Cat. No. PSC40 SDJC R/L 27050-11 PSC50 SDJC R/L 35060-11 Applicable Insert R L N L1 f ØD 50 27 40 60 35 50 DC□□ 11T3 Shim Shim Screw Insert Screw DCS11T3 KGBS1111 KSS1111 Recomm. Torque (N·m) Wrench Shim Wrench 3,5 LT15K LH035K* Inserts ØD SDHC DCMT11T3_ _ NMU f (Representative example) 107,5° Holders Cat. No. L1 Spare Parts Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Applicable Insert R L N L1 f ØD PSC40 SDHC R/L 27050-11 50 27 40 PSC50 SDHC R/L 35060-11 60 35 50 DC□□ 11T3 Shim Shim Screw Insert Screw DCS11T3 KGBS1111 KSS1111 Recomm. Torque (N·m) Wrench Shim Wrench 3,5 LT15K LH035K* Inserts ØD SSBC SCMT1204_ _ NMU f (Representative example) 75° Holders Cat. No. L1 Spare Parts Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Applicable Insert R L N L1 f ØD PSC40 SSBC R/L 22050-12 50 22 40 PSC50 SSBC R/L 27060-12 60 27 50 SC□□ 1204 Shim Shim Screw Insert Screw SCS1204 KGBS1221 KSS1221 * ( ) 5 Recomm. Torque (N·m) Wrench Shim Wrench 4,5 LT15K LH045K* Item is sold separately. Euro stock Polygon - Shank Holder Positive Insert Type General Turning, Copying and Facing Inserts ØD STJC f 93° Holders TCMT16T3_ _ NSU (Representative example) Spare Parts L1 Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Cat. No. Applicable Insert R L N L1 f ØD PSC40 STJC R/L 27050-16 50 27 40 PSC50 STJC R/L 35060-16 60 35 50 TC□□ 16T3 Wrench Shim Wrench 3,5 LT15K LH035K* ØD VBMT1604_ _ NSU (Representative example) Spare Parts L1 Stock Dimensions (mm) PSC40 SVJB R/L 27050-16 PSC50 SVJB R/L 35060-16 Applicable Insert R L N L1 f ØD 50 27 40 60 35 50 VB□□ 1604 Shim Shim Screw Insert Screw VCS1604 KGBS1111 KSS1111 Recomm. Torque (N·m) Wrench Shim Wrench 3,5 LT15K LH035K* Inserts ØD SVVB VBMT1604_ _ NSU (Representative example) 72,5° L1 Spare Parts Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Cat. No. PSC40 SVVB N 00050-16 PSC50 SVVB N 00060-16 R L N L1 50 60 f ØD 40 50 Applicable Insert VB□□ 1604 Shim Shim Screw Insert Screw VCS1604 KGBS1111 KSS1111 Recomm. Torque (N·m) Wrench Shim Wrench 3,5 LT15K LH035K* Inserts ØD SVHB f VBMT1604_ _ NSU (Representative example) 107,5° Spare Parts L1 Cat. No. TCS16T3 KGBS1111 KSS1111 Recomm. Torque (N·m) Right hand shown. Cat. No. Holders Insert Screw f 93° Holders Shim Screw Inserts SVJB Holders Shim Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Applicable Insert R L N L1 f ØD PSC40 SVHB R/L 27050-16 50 27 40 PSC50 SVHB R/L 35060-16 60 35 50 VB□□ 1604 Shim Shim Screw VCS1604 KGBS1111 KSS1111 * ( ) 6 Insert Screw Recomm. Torque (N·m) Wrench Shim Wrench 3,5 LT15K LH035K* Item is sold separately. Euro stock Polygon - Shank Holder Positive Insert Type General Turning, Copying and Facing Inserts ØD SVJC f 93° Holders VCMT1604_ _ NSU (Representative example) Spare Parts L1 Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Cat. No. Applicable Insert R L N L1 f ØD PSC40 SVJC R/L 27050-16 50 27 40 PSC50 SVJC R/L 35060-16 60 35 50 VC□□ 1604 Shim Shim Screw Insert Screw VCS1604 KGBS1111 KSS1111 Recomm. Torque (N·m) Wrench Shim Wrench 3,5 LT15K LH035K* Inserts ØD SVVC VCMT1604_ _ NSU (Representative example) 72,5° L1 Holders Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Cat. No. PSC40 SVVC N 00050-16 PSC50 SVVC N 00060-16 R L N L1 50 60 f 40 50 VC□□ 1604 Shim Shim Screw Insert Screw VCS1604 KGBS1111 KSS1111 Recomm. Torque (N·m) Wrench Shim Wrench 3,5 LT15K LH035K* ØD VCMT1604_ _ NSU f 107,5° Cat. No. ØD Applicable Insert Inserts SVHC Holders Spare Parts (Representative example) L1 Spare Parts Right hand shown. Stock Dimensions (mm) Applicable Insert R L N L1 f ØD PSC40 SVHC R/L 27050-16 50 27 40 PSC50 SVHC R/L 35060-16 60 35 50 VC□□ 1604 Shim Shim Screw Insert Screw VCS1604 KGBS1111 KSS1111 * ( ) 7 Recomm. Torque (N·m) Wrench Shim Wrench 3,5 LT15K LH035K* Item is sold separately. Euro stock Polygon - Shank Holder (Germany) SUMITOMO ELECTRIC Hartmetall GmbH Siemensring 84, D - 47877 Willich (UK and Ireland) SUMITOMO ELECTRIC Hardmetal Ltd. Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 9PW, UK Tel. +49(0)2154 4992-0, Fax +49(0)2154 41072 e-Mail: [email protected] Internet: Tel. +44(0)1844 342081, Fax: +44(0)1844 342415 e-Mail: [email protected] Internet: Distributed by: E-123-07/14-MD-LU 8
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