Francis Patricia Medina - Oregon State University

Francis Patricia Medina
Department of Mathematics
Snell Hall 349
Oregon State University
Corvallis Oregon 97331-4605
Phone: 541.737.4686
[email protected]
Ph.D. (Mathematics). Oregon State University, May, 2014
Advisor: Dr. Malgorzata Peszy´
M.A. (Mathematics) Bowling Green State University, 2009
Successful completion of written comprehensive examination based
on Mathematical Analysis and Abstract Algebra.
M.S. (Mathematics) Universidad de los Andes, 2003
Thesis: Non-complementarity of Orlicz spaces in L1 [0, 1] and
C[0, 1]. Advisor: Dr. Diomedes B´
B.Sc. (Mathematics). Five year version with mandatory thesis requirement Universidad Central
de Venezuela, 2001
Thesis: Regression Analysis using local polynomials
(non-parametric statistics)
Advisor: Dr. Ricardo Rios
Research areas
Applied mathematics: Numerical analysis, partial differential equations, applied functional analysis. More
specific: Methane hydrate models, evolution equations, multicomponent adsorption.
Refereed journal publications
1. N. Gibson, P. Medina, M. Peszynska, R. Showalter. Evolution of phase transitions in methane
hydrate , J. Math. Anal. Appl., Volume 409, Issue 2 (2014), pp 816-833, doi=10.1016/j.jmaa.2013.
2. P. Medina and M. Peszynska. Numerical analysis of adsorption systems in ECBM, in preparation.
1. F. Patricia Medina. Mathematical Treatment and Simulation of Methane Hydrates and Adsorption
Models, Ph.D. Dissertation, Oregon State University, 2014, Corvallis, Oregon. U.S.A.
2. F. Patricia Medina. Non-complementarity of Orlicz spaces in L1 [0, 1] and C[0, 1], Master’s Thesis,
Universidad de Los Andes , 2003, M´erida, Venezuela.
3. F. Patricia Medina Regression Analysis using local polynomials, Licenciado Thesis, Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2000, Caracas, Venezuela.
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1. (Talk) Hyperbolic Systems for Adsorption. Cascade Computational and Applied Mathematics Seminar. April 5th, 2014. Corvallis, Oregon.
2. (Invited Talk) Numerical approximation for a model of methane hydrates. Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar. October 19th, 2013. Seattle, Washington (http://faculty.washington.
3. (Poster) Systems of conservation laws for thermodynamically consistent adsorption with subscale
diffusion and memory terms. Department of Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy. SIAM Conference on Computational and Mathematical issues in the Geosciences. June 17-20, 2013. Padova, Italy.
4. (Contributed Talk) Numerical approximation for a model of methane hydrates. Department of
Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy. SIAM Conference on Computational and Mathematical
Issues in the Geosciences. June 17-20, 2013. Padova, Italy.
5. (Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar talk) Oregon State University. Numerical
Approximation for a model of methane hydrates, June 7, 2013.
6. (Poster) Systems of conservation laws for thermodynamically consistent Adsorption with sub-scale
diffusion (joint with M. Peszynska). SIAM Annual Meeting. July 9-13, 2012.
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
7. (Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar talk) Oregon State University. Hyperbolic
systems for adsorption (joint with M. Peszynska). May 25, 2012.
8. (Probability Seminar talk) Oregon State University. The Dunford-Pettis theorem, Orlicz spaces
and related topics. April 6, 2010.
9. (Probability Seminar talk) Oregon State University. On the convergence in mean of martingale
difference sequence. April 20, 2010.
10. (Analysis Seminar talk) Bowling Green State University. Uniform integrability and the De La Valle
Poussin and Dunford-Pettis theorems. March 10, 2008.
11. (Conference talk) XVII Jornadas Venezolanas de Matem´aticas. Non-complementarity of Orlicz
spaces in L1 [0, 1] and C[0, 1]. March 31-April 2, 2004. Trujillo, Venezuela.
12. (Functional Analysis Seminar talk) Orlicz Spaces. Universidad de Los Andes, 2003,
13. (Functional Analysis Seminar) Topology in C[0, 1]. Universidad de los Andes, M´erida, Venezuela.
Francis Patricia Medina (3 of 5)
Current Projects
1. Research Assistant. Oregon State University, Jan. 2012–present
Research duties under project NSF-DMS 1115827 “Hybrid modeling in porous media” (PI: Dr. Malgorzata Peszynska).
2. Participant. Oregon State University, Nov. 2013–present
“Feasibility of Biogeochemical Sealing of Wellbore Cements: Lab and Simulation Tests”, DOE NETL
project (PI: Dr. Marta Torres, CEAOS OSU, Co-PI: Dr. Malgorzata Peszynska).
Professional Development
1. IMA Special Workshop: Careers and Opportunities in Industry for Mathematical Scientists, Minneapolis, MN, April 7–9, 2014.
2. Summer Graduate Workshop. Berkeley, CA. The Dirichlet Space: Connections between Operator Theory, Function Theory, and Complex Analysis, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute,
Berkeley, CA, June 20–July 1, 2011
3. Infinite Dimensional Analysis Conference. Kent, OH. Kent State University, OH, 2005.
4. Universidad Sim´
on Bol´ıvar Mathematics graduate classes (Harmonic Analysis I and II), Caracas,
Venezuela, 2005–2006
5. XVII Escuela Venezolana de Matem´
aticas y IV EMALCA. M´
erida, Venezuela Escuela de
aticas de Am´erica latina y el Caribe. Tensor products of Banach spaces by Joe Diestel and
Johan Swart (Kent State University, USA). Sept. 5–Sept. 11, 2004.
6. XV Escuela Venezolana de Matem´
aticas y IV EMALCA. M´
erida, Venezuela Escuela de
aticas de Am´erica latina y el Caribe I. Semigroups of operators and some applications by
Diomedes B´
arcenas and Hugo Leiva (Universida de los Andes) II. Ultraproducts in Analysis by Jose
Iovino (University of Texas, San Antonio). Sept. 8–Sept. 14, 2002.
7. XIV Escuela Venezolana de Matem´
aticas. M´
erida, Venezuela. Gaussian Processes extremes
by Mario Wschebor (Universidad de la Rep´
ublica, Uruguay). Sept. 9–Sept. 15, 2001.
1. Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar. Selected among students in various Pacific
Northwest universities to give a talk in the PNWNAS 2014. Nominated by the the department of
Mathematics at Oregon State University.
2. SIAM. International student travel award for to present at SIAM Conference on Computational and
Mathematical issues in the Geosciences. June 17-20, 2013. Padova, Italy, 2013.
3. SIAM. Student travel award for SIAM student chapter representative. SIAM Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2012.
4. OSU. Nominated by the department of mathematics for attending MSRI summer workshop 2011.
5. MSRI. Student travel award for MSRI summer graduate workshop. Berkeley, California, 2011.
6. Universidad Sim´
on Bol´ıvar Partial funding for professors in leave for PhD studies, 2006 – 2008
7. Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research. Travel Award for “Escuela Venezolana de Matem´
Francis Patricia Medina (4 of 5)
8. FUNDACITE/ CONICIT(Ministry of Science and Technology). Scholarship for graduate studies
(Master in Science), 2001 – 2003.
9. Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research. Scholarship for first two terms of graduate studies,
1. Instructor. Oregon State University, Fall 2014. Currently teaching Mathematics for Management,
Life, and Social Sciences (MTH 245) for international students.
2. Teaching Assistant. Oregon State University, Spring 2013
Taught lecture course in Differential Calculus (MTH 251).
3. Teaching Assistant. Oregon State University, Sept. 2009–Dec. 2011
Taught practice sessions in sections for Mathematics. [Differential Calculus (MTH 251), Integral
calculus (MTH 252), Vector calculus (MTH 254), Applications to Ordinary differential equations (MTH
4. Teaching Assistant Bowling Green State University, 2006 – 2009
Taught lecture courses for Mathematics. (Pre-calculus, college algebra)
5. Assistant Professor. Universidad Sim´on Bol´ıvar, Sept. 2005–July 2006
Taught lecture courses for Mathematics. (Calculus, linear algebra).
Held position through 2008 due to partial financial support for graduate studies.
6. Instructor (Assistant level). Universidad Sim´on Bol´ıvar, Jan. 2004–2006
Taught lecture courses for Mathematics (Calculus, linear algebra).
7. Instructor. Universidad Central de Venezuela, October 2003–2005
Taught lecture courses for Mathematics (Calculus).
8. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant. Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1998–2000
Taught practice sections for general mathematics. (Calculus).
1. Cascade Computational and Applied Mathematics Seminar Student organizing committee.
April, 2014.
2. SIAM Student Chapter. President,2013–2014. Vice-President, 2012 – 2013. Treasurer, 2010–2011
Oregon State University.
3. AWM Student Chapter. President,2010–2011. Vice-President 2011–2012.Treasurer, 2013 – 2014.
Oregon State University.
4. Organizational committee. SIAM Student Chapter speaker series. Speaker: Dr. Thomas Grandine (Senior researcher at Boeing and SIAM Vice-president for industry),Oregon State University, 2013
5. Member of panel. Question, answer session for graduate student in Mathematics. MTH 599 ,Oregon
State University, March 2013
6. Chair of organizational Committee. Sonia Kovalevskaya Days. Oregon State University, May 2011
7. Chair of student committee for faculty promotion and tenure. Department of Mathematics.
Oregon State University, 2011.
Francis Patricia Medina (5 of 5)
8. Chair of student committee for faculty promotion and tenure. Department of Mathematics.
Oregon State University, 2010.
Selected courses
OC669. Multicomponent Reactive Flow and Transport Modeling [OSU, Winter 2014]
MTH 607. Seminar applied mathematics and computation journal club. [Oregon State UniversityWinter 2011, Spring 2011, Winter 2012, Spring 2012, Winter 2013, Spring 2013, Winter 2014]
ME667. Computational fluid dynamics. [Oregon State University, Fall 2012]
MTH 659. Topics in numerical analysis: Large scale scientific computation (with weekly lab) [Oregon
State University, Winter 2013]
MTH 659. Topics in numerical analysis: Finite volume and discontinuous Galerkin methods. [Oregon
State University, Winter 2012]
MTH 655. Finte element methods [Oregon State University, Winter 2011]
MTH 621, MTH 622, MTH 623. Differential and integral equations of mathematical physics (three
parts) [Oregon State University, Fall 2009, Winter 2010, Fall 2010]
MTH 664, MTH 665. Probability theory I and II. [Oregon State University, Winter 2010, Spring 2010]
Computer Skills
Mathematics Software. MAPLE and STATISTICA.
Productivity Software. LATEX, WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, etc.
Other Software CruchFlow.
Operating Systems. WINDOWS, UNIX, MAC (basic).
English (fluent)
Spanish (native)
French, Italian and Portuguese (basic reading)
Professional associations
SIAM (Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics). Activity group: Geoscience.
AWM (Association of Women in Mathematics)
AMS (American Mathematical Society)
All from the department of Mathematics at Oregon State University.
Dr. Malgorzata Peszynska[[email protected]]. Professor.
Dr. Ralph E. Showalter [[email protected]]. Professor.
Dr. Mina Ossiander [[email protected]]. Professor.
Dr. Thomas Dick [[email protected]]. Professor
Harold Parks [[email protected]]. Professor (Emiriti)
Scott Peterson [[email protected]]. Senior Instructor.