GENReports: Market & Tech Analysis > Enal Razvi, Ph.D. Managing Director Select Biosciences, Inc. [email protected] GENReports: Market & Tech Analysis, Produced by Enal Razvi, Ph.D. © 2014 Scope of this Report: Clinical Trials Using Fat-‐ derived Stem Cells • There is much interest of late in the deployment of adipose Assue and adipose-‐derived stem cells for regeneraAve medicine • The use of adipose Assue in cosmeAc and reconstrucAve surgery is well documented and now there is a collision taking place between clinicians who are focusing on adipose Assue and clinician-‐scienAsts who are seeking to understand the acAve moieAes within the adipose Assue—namely the adipose-‐derived stem cells as well as other components of this milieu which mediate regeneraAon • In this GEN report we explore this expanding space Clinical Trials Assessing the UFlity of Adipose-‐derived Stem Cells for RegeneraFve Medicine in Various Disease Classes is the Focus of this Report GENReports: Market & Tech Analysis, Produced by Enal Razvi, Ph.D. © 2014 Clinical Trials IniFated in 2011 Trial ID Country Phase Condition Cell type/ Manipulation Donor Acad/ type Industry Company # pts to Sponsor enroll Ageless Regenerative Institute 10 Ageless Regenerative Institute 10 Ageless Regenerative Institute 10 NCT01502514 Mexico 1 heart failure SVF auto industry NCT01502488 Mexico 1/2 SVF auto industry NCT01502501 Mexico 1/2 autism non-ischemic heart failure auto industry NCT01399749 1/2 SVF adipose SC expanded/ chondrocytes auto academia 30 adipose SC expanded auto academia 60 adipose SC expanded auto industry Cellerix 56 SVF on synthetic graft (TE) auto industry Tissue Genesis 60 auto industry RNL Bio 8 auto industry Regeneus Pty 40 Anterogen 6 Spain NCT01449032 Denmark 2 NCT01378390 Spain 3 NCT01305863 US 1/2 osteoarthritis heart failure ischemic Chron's disease Peripheral Vascular Disease NCT01274975 S. Korea 1 spinal cord injury adipose SC expanded ACTRN126110 unknow 01046998 n Australia osteoarthritis SVF KCT0000188 S. Korea 1 Crohn's fistula ACTRN126110 unknow 00274976 n Australia osteoarthritis adipose SC expanded SVF allo industry unknow n academia 60 GENReports: Market & Tech Analysis, Produced by Enal Razvi, Ph.D. © 2014 Clinical Trials IniFated in 2012 Trial ID Country Phase Condition Cell type/ Manipulation Donor type Acad/ Industry Company - Sponsor # pts to enroll Cytori 20 NCT01556022 US 1/2 cardiology (chornic myocardial ischemia) SVF auto industry NCT01559051 Mexico 1/2 COPD (lung disease) SVF auto academia NCT01586715 Spain 2 perianal fistulae SVF auto academia spinal cord injury adipose SC expanded auto industry Bukwang Pharmaceutical osteoarthritis SVF auto industry Regeneus Ltd osteoarthritis adipose SC expanded auto academia NCT01624779 S. Korea 1 ACTRN1261200067 2853 Australia unknown NCT01585857 France EUCTR2011-006064 Spain -43-ES (EU) 1 3 perianal fistulae adipose SC expanded allo industry NCT01548092 Spain 1/2 recto-vaginal fistula SVF auto academia NCT01584713 Spain 1/2 Enterocutaneous Fistula SVF auto academia EUCTR2010-01977 4-33-ES Spain 1/2 CLI diabetic BM MNC/ CD133+, adipose SC expanded auto academia NCT01643681 S. Korea 1/2 adipose SC expanded auto 30 10 18 Cellerix AS /TiGenix 208 industry RNL Bio 8 NCT01643655 S. Korea 1/2 orthopedics - vertebral disc degeneration orthopedics - femoral head necrosis adipose SC expanded auto industry RNL Bio 15 NCT01663376 S. Korea 1/2 CLI adipose SC expanded auto industry RNL Bio 20 NCT01674439 IRCT201202169044 N1 Brazil 2 plastic surgery SVF auto academia 22 Iran unknown burns adipose SC expanded auto academia 30 NCT01709279 JPRNUMIN000009066 Japan 1 heart failure adipose SC expanded auto academia 6 Japan 1? ischemic heart failure SVF auto academia 6 NCT01745744 Spain IRCT201207071020 1N1 Iran EUCTR2011-001393 -26-ES Spain JPRNUMIN000007698 Japan 1/2 CLI adipose SC expanded auto academia 33 unknown scars - cosmetics adipose SC expanded auto academia 60 2 ischemic stroke adipose SC expanded unknown academia 20 unknown periodontitis SVF auto academia 12 GENReports: Market & Tech Analysis, Produced by Enal Razvi, Ph.D. © 2014 Clinical Trials IniFated in 2013 Trial ID NCT01769872 NCT01771913 NCT01801878 NCT01799876 NCT01803347 NCT01809769 NCT01824069 NCT01828723 NCT01840540 NCT01850342 NCT01853501 NCT01856140 NCT01885819 NCT01885832 NCT01889888 IRCT2012091781 77N5 NCT01902082 EudraCT 2012-000292-16 NCT01915927 NCT01974128 Country Phase S. Korea 1/2 Brazil Condition spinal cord injury plastic breast reconstitution 2 unknow n S. Korea skin cosmetic defects unknow n US orthopedics/ trauma Spain 3 perianal fistula (IBD) China 1/2 knee osteoarthritis Spain 1/2 CLI US 1 skin cosmetic defects atherosclerotic kidney occlusive disease US 1 Russia 1/2 urinary incontinence premature ovarian failure China 4 unknow n S. Korea orthopedics/ trauma Panama 1/2 rheumatoid arthritis Panama 1/2 osteoarthritis Russia 1/2 urethral strictures Iran China Spain US Mexico UMIN000010143 Japan NCT02024269 US ACTRN12613001 332718 Australia Cell type/ Manipulation adipose SC expanded Donor type auto Acad/ Industry industry SVF auto academia SVF auto academia 1 myocardial infarction CLI eye diseases wounds (venous leg ulcers) # pts to enroll 15 24 10 InGeneron, Inc. / Fondren Orthopedic Group SVF adipose SC expanded SVF adipose SC expanded SVF auto auto auto auto auto industry academia industry academia industry adipose SC expanded SVF auto auto academia academia 15 12 adipose SC expanded auto academia 4 adipose SC expanded SVF SVF SVF adipose SC expanded + amniotic membrane (TE) adipose SC expanded allo auto auto auto academia industry industry academia auto allo academia academia 20 20 auto academia 8 auto academia 1/2 burns 1 ARDS unknow n bronchopleural fistula adipose SC expanded perianal fistula (Crohn's adipose SC expanded + matrix disease) (TE) 1 1/2 unknow n 1 Company - Sponsor RNL Bio SVF auto industry Cellular Biomedicine Group Antria Translational Biosciences Translational Biosciences 48 80 120 10 6 12 20 20 12 20 Ageless Regenerative Institute 10 SVF Market & Tech autoAnalysis, academia GENReports: Produced by Enal Razvi, Ph.D. © 2014 40 SVF auto industry SVF auto academia Bioheart Inc. 100 60 Summary of IndicaFons Addressed in the Trials Cardiovascular Neurology/ behavioral Muskuloskeletal Skin diseases/ defects Digestive tract (incl. fistulae) 2011 4 2012 6 2013 4 2 3 2 5 1 7 0 3 5 2 4 2 GENReports: Market & Tech Analysis, Produced by Enal Razvi, Ph.D. © 2014 Breakout of the Trials UFlizing Adipose-‐Derived SCs Total number of Trials 30 25 20 15 21 23 11 10 5 0 2011 2012 2013 GENReports: Market & Tech Analysis, Produced by Enal Razvi, Ph.D. © 2014 Breakout of the Trials vis-‐à-‐vis Type of SCs Deployed SVF Adipose SC expanded 100% 80% 10 6 12 60% 40% 13 20% 5 9 0% 2011 2012 2013 GENReports: Market & Tech Analysis, Produced by Enal Razvi, Ph.D. © 2014 SVF: Stromal vascular fracAon The Stakeholders in Adipose Tissue and Stem Cells for RegeneraFve Medicine Come Together at the Clinical TranslaFon of Stem Cells 2014 Select Biosciences Conference Brings Together all the Stakeholders in this Broad Space Composed of Clinical TranslaFon of Stem Cells v v v v Focus on Adipose Tissue as a Means for MediaAng RegeneraAve Medicine Blend of Clinicians, Surgeons, Clinician-‐ScienAsts, and Researchers Current Progress and Challenges in the Clinical Deployment of Stem Cells Stem Cells for Dermatological, Orthopedic, and Dental ApplicaAons à Illustrated by PresentaAons from Clinicians from Around the World v Clinical PracAcum à Presents Hands-‐On and in Real-‐Time the IsolaAon and Processing of Adipose Tissue to Harvest Stem Cells v John Sterling, Editor-‐in-‐Chief of GEN Hosts a Panel DMiscussion Focusing n the Bbig icture RegeneraAve GENReports: arket & Tech Analysis, o Produced y EPnal Razvi, oPf h.D. © 2014 Medicine The Stakeholders in Adipose Tissue and Stem Cells for RegeneraFve Medicine Come Together at the Clinical TranslaFon of Stem Cells 2014 Topics Addressed v Adipose-‐derived Stem Cells v Clinical UAlity Illustrated with Case Studies v Clinical PerspecAves v CosmeAc Surgery and Associated ApplicaAons v Clinical TranslaAonal ApplicaAons with Pluripotent Stem Cells v Disease Classes Addressed and Current Status of Ongoing Clinical Trials with Adult Stem Cells v Regulatory Landscape and Ethical ConsideraAons v TranslaAonal Research AcAviAes with Adult Stem Cells v Dental ApplicaAons v Orthopaedic ApplicaAons v Dermatological ApplicaAons v Veterinary ApplicaAons of Stem Cells GENReports: Market & Tech Analysis, Produced by Enal Razvi, Ph.D. © 2014 For More InformaFon: hVp://
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