Woof-A-Roo 2014 8-10-14 FIRST LAST DOG SP #1 - 12P 14 SAT AUG 10 SP #2 - 2PM21 SAT AUG 10 SP #3 - 12P 22 SUN AUG 11 SP #4 - 2PM19 SUN AUG 11 SP #5 - 4PM36 SUN AUG 11 JUMP 1 W JUMP 1 X JUMP 1 Y JUMP 1 Z JUMP 1 AA JUMP 2 JUMP 2 JUMP 2 JUMP 2 FT IN FT IN FT 16 3 13 4 9 12 8 11 4 14 2 Logan 20 8 14 2 Kathy and LZubick Maze 16 8 17 6 Kathy and LZubick Dasher 11 2 11 4 Kathy and LZubick Rebound 23 4 24 4 Kathy and LZubick Rubix Cube 8 4 5 Dawn Dorazio Frazzle 12 2 11 8 Dawn Dorazio Bonkers 22 8 21 4 Wendy O'Leary Rocket 13 6 13 4 12 4 12 6 Wendy O'Leary Whiskey 6 2 10 4 6 10 3 8 Wendy O'Leary Keylee 13 2 9 2 Jo-Ann Hutchison Stella! 18 18 10 18 8 17 2 19 4 20 4 Flora Deluce 15 5 13 6 15 2 14 6 14 6 13 5 10 13 10 Susan Harrington ZOOM Susan Harrington MeepMeep Karen McNichol Mo Hammond Myrra Kathy and LZubick Cosmo FT IN FT IN FT IN FT IN FT IN FT 17 2 16 2 16 8 15 1 17 6 17 14 8 14 10 15 6 15 8 14 10 14 Cosmo IN FT IN JUMP 2 17 6 12 10 10 8 11 IN 2 10 23 4 23 2 23 3 23 10 23 8 21 8 23 2 23 25 4 24 2 6 18 2 18 6 18 19 4 18 8 14 8 20 2 18 2 16 4 17 4 17 Terry & Lyn Campbell Jasper 17 6 19 2 18 8 18 11 18 Lori Leaney DIVA 18 10 18 3 20 6 17 10 20 John Kueppers Henny 16 2 17 2 17 Linda Mintzas Tucker 17 4 17 4 16 8 17 2 15 8 17 10 18 10 17 4 Carolyn Campbell Shadow 15 6 14 10 12 8 16 6 16 10 18 8 17 10 17 8 13 8 18 2 Ashley Hopkins Ryder 16 2 16 8 17 10 18 2 17 2 16 8 Ashley Hopkins Austin 8 24 4 22 8 24 8 24 10 Laurie Soutar Shirri beth crawford kemo 16 2 16 10 17 8 22 4 19 4 16 2 14 10 21 4 20 10 20 4 Carmen Heron Jimmy 17 6 17 2 15 8 16 2 16 10 17 2 15 4 15 8 17 2 15 10 James Morton Shadie 12 10 12 8 11 4 12 2 12 2 12 6 James Morton Willow 12 2 12 8 Judy Vodden Ellie 15 4 19 5 Karen Sandford Pepper 18 2 17 10 21 6 Karen McNichol Katniss Karen McNichol Switch 7 10 Chris Burkowski Ice 18 4 Carmen Heron Jett Brian Anderson Kenji Julie King-Bray Bella 9 2 8 4 Daniel Inverafit Ridge 20 6 19 Daniel Inverafit Joe 8 2 7 Chantelle Cecile Oakley Mark Larocque Bond 8 7 4 Mark Larocque Earl 8 8 8 Cindy O'Reilly Rose Kurt 19 22 2 22 11 4 12 2 11 4 10 2 18 7 18 4 17 2 18 4 17 2 17 4 21 4 19 6 20 2 19 2 8 4 8 6 20 8 17 4 19 8 2 2 4 19 2 18 8 22 8 19 4 4 21 2 20 9 21 4 20 2 8 8 2 7 4 8 8 10 4 5 6 6 2 6 4 8 2 10 8 Dexter 13 8 16 4 Angotti Lucy 15 6 17 2 Sauve Hurley 14 10 12 8 SAT AUG 9 Woof-A-Roo 2014 kemo 13 Austin 16 ZOOM 18 Kenji 16 Keylee 10 11' 12' 14' 15' 16' 17' 18' 19' 20' c c c xc c xc c xx c c xc xx 2 xc xx 3 xc xx xc xx 21' 22' 23' 24' 25' PLACE 13' BEST DOG START DISTANCE 10' 1 4 5 SAT AUG 9 Woof-A-Roo 2014 MA LE MA 4 LE MA 4 LE MA 5 LE 2 MA year LE 5 BREED SEX AGE JUMP 1 Cattl e dog Labr ador Bord er Gold en white shep CITY ST PB FUN FACT JUMP 2 TOTAL FT IN FT IN FT IN DIVISION PLACE Branchton ON 25'6" Sponsored by Nutram Pet Foods 20 8 23 8 44 4 Ultimate 1 Put In Bay Ohio 26.1 Eats lobster and watermelon 22 2 19 8 41 10 Ultimate 2 15 8 15 8 3 He is a rescue Foresters Falls ON niagara falls 20.06 ontario 20'8" Senior Loves to shop(lift); certified therapy dog 4 he loves to jump when the crowd yells 4 Woof-A-Roo 2014 8-11-14 St. PB FUN FACT 23 10 Ultimate 1 16 4 16 10 Senior 2 8 10 9 2 Novice 3 2 10 Novice 4 Rescue dog, given up because he had too much en 24 4 MALJRT X Paris ON 21' 4" Carmen Heron Jimmy 3 MALAE Burlington ON 18.04 Jimmy is a rescue! Daniel Inverafit Joe 2 MaleCS Harrow ON Carmen Heron Jett ON 6 IN Rebound Burlington IN2 FT Kathy and Lu Zubick 1 EMALAE FT2 Place City DIV. Breed She is afraid of heights JUMP 1 JUMP 2 Place Logan 11 MALEBC Paris ON 23' 11" Wild man on the dock, couch potato at home! 19 2 18 4 Sr. Elite 1 Kathy and Lu Zubick Maze 8 EMALBC Paris ON 16 2 17 6 Sr. Elite 2 Wendy Rocket 7 MALEIWS Strathroy 9 8 12 8 Junior 3 Dasher 12 MALEBC Paris Retired from Dock jumping but recently decided to r 11 6 11 8 Junior 4 Last Name O'Leary Kathy and Lu Zubick Dog Sex Kathy and Lu Zubick First Name Age DIV. VETERANS HERE JUMP 2 Colum Dog Colum Last Name Colum First Name Sex HERE JUMP 1 Age FEATHERWEIGHTS Colum SPECIALTY FINALS Breed City St. PB 22' 4" Will only jump for her kong on a rope! Ontario ON FUN FACT Not a poodle or a doodle please 11' FT IN FT2 IN2 Woof-A-Roo 2014 James Morton Willow 2 EMALL Manilla Wendy O'Leary Keylee 3 MALEIWS Strathroy PB Ontario FUN FACT Not a poodle or a doodle please On Ontario Baby of the family. FT2 IN2 8 12 10 Junior 1 13 2 13 6 Junior 2 12 10 12 6 Junior 3 FT IN 14 11 2 11 4 Junior 4 11 4 10 2 Junior 4 FemaleL LaSalle On 6 EMALCBR Tillsonburg Ont Cindy O'Reilly Dexter 5 mALEgsp Windsor On Mo Hammond Myrra 5 EMALL Hamburg NY Flora Deluce Cosmo 5 MALEIWS London On 15 2 17 10 Sr. Elite 1 Henny's best friend is a dummy!! 16 10 17 2 Senior 2 Jumps at home in own dock pool 16 2 17 11 10 15 2 10 PB 19' 6" 17"1" FUN FACT Myrra LOVES ice cream... and her brother Trooper howls at the phone FT 11 Ice Mintzas Tucker Breed City St. PB ON 19 4 17 10 Sr. Elite 2 Freak in the water but a snuggle bug on dry land 18 6 16 10 Sr. Elite 3 17 10 16 2 Sr. Elite 4 15 2 15 Senior 5 Ontario MALEAS Branchton ON Grafton Ontario 19'2" St. PB 6 years EMALBC/ ON 17'09" Sponsored by Nutram Pet Foods Dumped off 401 in middle of winter took 4 days to get her Sex Breed FUN FACT Inverafit Ridge 5 Harrow On beth crawford kemo 2 years MALEWS niagara falls ontario 20'8" he loves to jump when the crowd yells Lori Leaney DIVA 3 On sled dog that loves dock jumping go figure Karen Sandford Pepper Anderson Dawn Dorazio 11 Port Colborne Toronto MALEBC Paris ON ON 21'10" 20.11 23' 11" Wild man on the dock, couch potato at home! Dog Breed City Kenji 4 MALEBC/BSD Bonkers 3 MALEBEARD/BC Branchton Whitby St. PB ON ON 24' FUN FACT Hopkins Austin Susan Harrington ZOOM Rebound 5 4 4 Breed City MALEACD/ Branchton MALEL Put In Bay MALEJRT X Paris St. ON PB 4 12 10 20 2 8 19 8 17 18 8 18 1 18 17 25'6" Ohio 26.1 ON 21' 4" 2 Master 1 Master 2 Sr. Elite 3 Sr. Elite 4 Sr. Elite 5 JUMP 2 FT2 IN2 10 22 2 Master Elite 1 10 19 10 Master Elite 2 FT IN He is a rescue 23 This guy can FLY!!!! 23 FUN FACT IN2 19 JUMP 1 Dog Ashley JUMP 2 FT2 20 24'1" & OVER Last Name IN JUMP 1 Sex Brian 19 Place 22'6" - 24' FEMASH MALEGR FT IN2 DIV. Logan MASTER ELITE FINALS 2 Sex Kathy and Luke Zubick Male RR City Daniel Last Name FT2 JUMP 1 Age 20'-22'5" Dog 1 16'10" London 4 Sr. Elite 10 Maidstone Ryder 5 19 MALEGR Shadow Junior Loves to shop(lift); certified therapy dog MALEL Hopkins 4 JUMP 2 20.06 6 Campbell 4 IN Foresters Falls Carolyn 3 Senior FT MALEGR 2.8 Senior 4 FUN FACT 5 Ashley Last Name IN2 Place Burkowski Linda FT2 DIV. Chris Sex Dog Jasper IN JUMP 1 Age 17'6"-19'11" Campbell JUMP 2 Place 4 Henny St. DIV. Sex Lucy Kueppers City Colum Age Angotti Last Name JUMP 2 JUMP 1 Breed Place 2 3 15"-17'5" Dog Colum Novice Novice 4 On John Kathy and Luke Zubick 4 4 Colum St. Rose First Name 8 7 Place Strathroy Manilla First Name 6 10 Place MALEIWS EMALL First Name 7 FT IN Sponsored by Nutram Pet Foods 21 Eats lobster and watermelon Rescue dog, given up because he had too much energy! JUMP 2 Place 7 4 First Name Colum Sex Rocket Shadie 1 She is afraid of heights Essex O'Leary ULTIMATE FINALS HERE EMALL Morton MASTER FINALS HERE 5 City Junior DIV. Hurley Breed Wendy Terry & Lynn HERE Dog Last Name 4 6 Colum Sauve SENIOR ELITE FINALS HERE ON 12 JUMP 1 James First Name His big brother Logan showed him how to take plunge!!!! Colum Last Name SENIOR FINALS HERE Burlington 10' ON Colum Kurt FEMAAE Sex First Name 1 Amherstburg 10'-14'11" Age HERE Jett Paris IN2 DIV. Heron JUNIOR FINALS ON MALEBC MALEL 12 JUMP 2 FT2 DIV. Carmen 2 wonderful dog sledder IN DIV. Oakley ON FT Colum 2 Cecile Windsor FUN FACT Colum Rubix Cube Chantelle FEMAL/GSD PB Colum Kathy and Luke Zubick St. Colum 2 City Colum Bella Breed Colum King-Bray Dog Age Julie JUMP 1 Last Name Age First Name Age HERE 8-11-14 0"-9'11" Colum FINALS NOVICE FINALS Ultimate 1 2 Ultimate 2 10 Master Elite 3 FT2 IN2 4 24 4 23 8 24 23 8 23
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