vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NO. 1 TITLE PAGE NO. ABSTRACT iii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xv LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS xx INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 GLOBAL WATER SCENARIO 1 1.2 TANNERY INDUSTRY 2 1.2.1 Preliminary Processing 5 1.2.2 Tanning 5 1.2.3 Post Tanning 6 1.2.4 Finishing 6 1.2.5 Mechanical Finishing Processes and Applying a Surface Coat 1.3 7 1.2.6 Global Perspective 8 1.2.7 Indian Perspective 9 1.2.8 Tannery Pollutants 11 TREATMENT METHODS FOR TANNERY EFFLUENT 12 1.3.1 Conventional 12 1.3.2 Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) 13 viii CHAPTER NO. 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 PAGE NO. 1.3.3 Electrochemical Treatment Techniques 14 ELECTRO OXIDATION 16 1.4.1 Direct Oxidation 17 1.4.2 Indirect Oxidation 17 ELECTROCHEMICAL REACTORS 18 1.5.1 Selection of Electrochemical Reactors 20 1.5.2 Rotating Disc Electrochemical Reactor 20 SCOPE OF THE PRESENT RESEARCH 22 LITERATURE REVIEW 23 2.1 TANNERY INDUSTRY 23 2.2 TREATMENT METHODS 24 2.2.1 Conventional Methods 24 2.2.2 Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) 26 ELECTROCHEMICAL TREATMENT 27 2.3.1 Electro Oxidation 28 2.4 RESIDENCE TIME DISTRIBUTION 38 2.5 ELECTROCHEMICAL REACTORS 48 2.5.1 Rotating Disc Electrode 49 RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY 50 2.3 2.6 3 TITLE MATERIALS AND METHODS 53 3.1 EXPERIMENTATION 53 3.1.1 Sample 53 3.1.2 Rotating Disc Electrochemical Reactor 55 PERFORMANCE OF RDE REACTOR 59 3.2 ix CHAPTER NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 3.2.1 Experimental Apparatus and Procedures for Residence Time Distribution 3.3 4 59 3.2.2 Non Ideal Reactor Model 61 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS 62 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 66 4.1 66 RESIDENCE TIME DISTRIBUTION MODEL 4.1.1 Effect of Flow Rate on Exit Age Distribution 78 4.1.2 Effect of Rotation Speed on Exit Age Distribution 4.2 4.3 79 COMPARISON OF RTD WITH MODEL 81 4.2.1 Unequal volume 81 4.2.2 Equal volume 82 4.2.3 Active Center Compartment Volume 82 4.2.4 Color Removal Efficiency 86 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS 87 4.3.1 Flow Pattern without Cathode Rotation 87 4.3.2 Flow Pattern Generated by the RDE Reactor with Cathode Rotation 4.3.3 Model Validation 91 98 4.3.4 Effect of Flow Rate and Rotational Speed on Turbulent Parameters (TKE, TI) and Colour Removal 100 4.3.5 Effect of Flow Rate and Rotational Speed on Vorticity Magnitude 4.4 103 ELECTRO – OXIDATION 106 4.4.1 Electro Oxidation Mechanism 106 x CHAPTER NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 4.4.2 Characteristics of the Effluent 4.5 109 OPTIMIZATION OF ELECTROCHEMICAL REACTOR CONFIGURATIONS 110 4.5.1 Batch Reactor 110 Effect of Current Density 112 Effect of Cathode Rotation Speed 113 Effect of Initial pH 115 4.5.2 Batch Recirculation Reactor 117 Effect of Electrolyte Flow Rate 4.5.3 Once Through Reactor 118 122 4.5.4 Performance Comparison of the 4.6 4.7 Reactors 125 4.5.5 Specific Energy Consumption 125 4.5.6 Kinetic Study 126 SOPHISTICATED ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS 127 4.6.1 GC-MS Analysis 127 4.6.2 FT – IR Analysis 129 PILOT SCALE STUDY 131 4.7.1 Response Surface Methodology (RSM) 131 4.7.2 The Combined Effect of Operating Parameters on Dye Effluent Degradation 135 4.7.3 Electrolysis Performance Under Optimum Condition 140 4.7.4 Analytical Instruments 140 FT-IR 140 UV-Visible 142 HPLC 143 xi CHAPTER NO. 5 TITLE PAGE NO. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 144 5.1 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 144 5.2 SCOPE FOR FUTURE WORK 146 REFERENCES 147 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 165 CURRICULUM VITAE 166 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 1.1 TITLE Water consumption in various leather processing stages 2.1 8 Literature collection on organic effluent, EO, Reactor configurations 3.1 PAGE NO. 36 Initial characteristics and the discharge norms according to Tamilnadu pollution control board (TNPCB) 3.2 55 Specifications of Rotating disc electrochemical reactor 60 3.3 Non-ideal reactor model equations for RTD 61 3.4 Boundary conditions for stationary domain 65 4.1 Experimental observation of RTD for pulse input. Q=30 lph, N= 0 rpm 4.2 Experimental observation of RTD for pulse input. Q=30 lph, N= 150 rpm 4.3 74 Experimental observation of RTD for pulse input. Q=60 lph, N= 250 rpm 4.6 72 Experimental observation of RTD for pulse input. Q=30 lph, N= 500 rpm 4.5 70 Experimental observation of RTD for pulse input. Q=30 lph, N= 250 rpm 4.4 68 76 Experimental observation of RTD for pulse input. Q=90 lph, N= 250 rpm 77 xiii TABLE NO. 4.7 TITLE PAGE NO. Experimental parameters calculated at different operating conditions 79 4.8 Variation of Reactor Active Volumes (V1, V2) 82 4.9 Characteristics of the secondary effluent collected at Pallavaram CETP 4.10 Effect of current density on the performance of the batch electrochemical reactor 4.11 109 116 Effect of cathode rotation speed on the performance of the batch electrochemical reactor 4.12 Effect of initial pH on the performance of the batch electrochemical reactor 4.13 117 117 Effect of electrolyte flow rate on the performance of the batch recirculation electrochemical reactor 4.14 121 Effect of cathode rotation speed on the performance of the batch recirculation electrochemical reactor 4.15 Effect of current density on the performance of the batch recirculation electrochemical reactor 4.16 122 Effect of initial pH on the performance of the batch recirculation electrochemical reactor 4.17 121 122 Effect of electrolyte flow rate on the performance of the once through electrochemical reactor 4.18 123 Effect of current density on the performance of the once through electrochemical reactor 123 xiv TABLE NO. 4.19 TITLE PAGE NO. Effect of cathode rotation speed on the performance of the once through electrochemical reactor 4.20 Effect of initial pH on the performance of the once through electrochemical reactor 4.21 131 Design of experiments and response for dye effluent degradation 4.24 127 Range of independent variables used in dye effluent degradation 4.23 124 Major organic compounds observed in raw effluent 4.22 124 133 Estimated regression coefficient and corresponding t- and P-values for percentage of chemical oxygen demand removal 4.25 134 ANOVA for percentage of chemical oxygen demand removal 135 xv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 1.1 TITLE General flow diagram of leather tanning process 1.2 14 Mechanism on (a) direct oxidation, (b) indirect oxidation 1.4 4 Advanced Oxidation Processes for wastewater treatment 1.3 PAGE NO. 16 Classification of electrochemical reactors according to electrode geometry and configuration 19 1.5 Idealized flow pattern of RDE. 21 3.1 Flow diagram for treatment Process carried out in Common Effluent treatment Plant at Pallavaram, India 3.2 54 Experimental setup of Rotating Disc Electrochemical reactor (RDE) 57 3.3 Photograph of the Rotating Disc Electrode 58 3.4 Experimental setup of RDE for RTD 60 3.5 Assumptions for RDE 62 3.6 Domains split up using a moving reference frame 63 4.1 Effect of liquid flow rate on RTD 78 4.2 Effect of rotational speed on RTD curves in an RDE 4.3 80 Comparison of model simulation of saravanathamizhan et al (2009) with experimental observation for the pulse input for the cases I and II 81 xvi FIGURE NO. 4.4 TITLE PAGE NO. Comparison of model simulation of exit age distribution with experimental observation of increasing centre volume 4.5 83 Comparison of simulated E(t) distribution with experimental observation in an RDE for pulse input 4.6 84 Comparison of simulated E(t) distribution with experimental observation in an RDE for pulse input 4.7 85 Comparison of simulated E(t) distribution with experimental observation in an RDE for pulse input 4.8 Confirmation of RTD conditions through color removal efficiency 4.9 85 87 Velocity contours plot without rotation of cathode (a) 30 lph, (b) 60 lph, (c) 90 lph along z-x axis. 4.10 Velocity magnitude as a function of position at (a) Q= 30 lph, (b) Q= 60 lph,(c) Q= 90 lph 4.11 94 Velocity contour plot of Q=60 lph for (a)N= 150 rpm, (b) 250 rpm, (c) 500 rpm 4.14 93 Velocity contour plot of Q=30 lph for (a) N= 150 rpm, (b) 250 rpm, (c) 500 rpm 4.13 90 Flow Pattern in RDE Reactor at Q=30 lph, N= 250 rpm 4.12 88 95 Velocity contour plot of Q=90 lph for (a) N= 150 rpm, (b) 250 rpm, (c) 500 rpm 96 xvii FIGURE NO. TITLE 4.15 Velocity Vectors at Q= 60 lph, N= 500 rpm 4.16 CFD Model Validation through comparison PAGE NO. 97 between experimental exit age distribution with CFD at 30 lph and 500 rpm 4.17 Transient Contours of Tracer Mass Fraction along YZ axis at Q=30 lph, N=500 rpm 4.18 104 Volume Averaged Vorticity Magnitude as a function of rotational speed. 4.23 103 Contours of Vorticity Magnitude at Q= 30 lph (a) 150 rpm, (b) 250 rpm, (c) 500 rpm 4.22 102 Variation of averaged turbulent intensity with rotational speed 4.21 101 Effect of flow rate and rotational speed on percentage colour removal. 4.20 99 Contours of Turbulent Intensity at Q= 30 lph (a) 150 rpm, (b) 250 rpm, (c) 500 rpm 4.19 98 105 Effect of current density on percentage TOC removal in batch mode at cathode rotation speed: 250 rpm, pH: 7.5 4.24 113 Effect of cathode rotation speed on percentage TOC removal in (a) batch mode at current density: 15mA/cm2, pH: 7.5 4.25 114 Effect of initial pH on percentage TOC removal in (a) batch mode at current density: 15mA/cm2, cathode rotation speed: 500 rpm 115 xviii FIGURE NO. 4.26 TITLE PAGE NO. Effect of wastewater flow rate on percentage TOC removal in batch recirculation mode at current density: 15mA/cm2, cathode rotation speed: 500 rpm, pH: 7.5 4.27 119 Effect of current density on percentage TOC removal in batch recirculation mode at cathode rotation speed: 250 rpm, pH: 7.5, flow rate: 60 lph 4.28 119 Effect of cathode rotation speed on percentage TOC removal in batch recirculation mode at current density: 15mA/cm2, pH: 7.5, flow rate: 60 120 lph 4.29 Effect of initial pH on percentage TOC removal in batch recirculation mode at current density: 15mA/cm2, cathode rotation speed: 500 rpm, flow rate: 60 lph 4.30 120 GC-MS Spectra of the organic pollutants in (a) raw effluent; (b) treated effluent 128 4.31 FT – IR spectra of (a) Raw (b) Treated effluent 130 4.32 Photograph of treated samples collected at (a) 0, (b) 30, (c) 60, (d) 90, (e) 120, (f) 150 minutes of treatment respectively at the optimum condition 4.33 Combined effects 131 of supporting electrolyte concentration and cathode rotation speed on percentage of chemical oxygen demand removal: (a) contour plot and (b) response surface 136 xix FIGURE NO. 4.34 TITLE Combined effects of PAGE NO. supporting electrolyte concentration and electrolyte flow rate on percentage of chemical oxygen demand removal: (a) contour plot and (b) response surface 4.35 138 Combined effects of current density and electrolyte flow rate on percentage of chemical oxygen demand removal: (a) contour plot and (b) response surface 4.36 139 Colour and chemical oxygen demand removal and pH of methyl orange with electrolysis time at optimum conditions 140 4.37 FT - IR spectra of (a) raw and (b) treated effluent 141 4.38 UV–Vis spectra of dye house effluent during the process of electro-oxidation for different time 4.39 intervals 142 HPLC plot of (a) raw (b) treated effluent 143 xx LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ANNOVA - Analysis of variance D/uL - Axial dispersion number N - Cathode rotation speed (rpm) COD - Chemical oxygen demand (mg/l) Q - Circulation volumetric flow rate (lph) CETP - Common effluent treatment plant CFD - Computational fluid dynamics C - Concentration at time ‘t’ C(t) - Concentration of tracer at exit (g/l) tc - Contact time (min) A - Cross sectional area perpendicular to the direction of flow (cm2) I - Current (A) CD - Current density (mA/cm2) DF - Degree of freedom C E( ) - Difference in TOC (mg/l) - Dimensionless exit age distribution - Dimensionless Time Ve - Effluent volume (l) EO - Electro oxidation EC - Energy consumption (kWh/kg of TOC) E(t) - Exit age distribution (min-1) FT-IR GC-MS HPLC Fourier transform – infrared - Gas chromatography – mass spectra High pressure liquid chromatography xxi tm - Hydraulic residence time (Sec) Ci - Initial concentration (mg/l) MS - Mean square n - Number of tanks k - Rate constant (min-1) R2 - Regression coefficient RTD - Residence time distribution RSM - Response surface methodology RDE - Rotating disc electrochemical reactor SS - Sum of square t - Time (Sec) TDS - Total dissolved solids (mg/l) TOC - Total Organic Carbon (mg/l) TSS - Total suspended solids (mg/l) TI - Turbulent intensity TKE - Turbulent kinetic energy UV-Visible - Ultraviolet – visible spectroscopy 2 - Variance V - Voltage (V) VR - Volume of the reactor (l)
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