PUSH TO PARTY - Große Freiheit 36

Pascaline Dupas
Department of Economics • 579 Serra Mall • Stanford, CA 94305
Email: [email protected] • Phone: (650) 725 1870
Webpage: http://www.stanford.edu/~pdupas/
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Stanford University
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Stanford University
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, UCLA
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Dartmouth College
Associate Editor, Econometrica
Associate Editor, Quarterly Journal of Economics
Associate Editor, AEJ-Applied Economics
Foreign Editor, Review of Economic Studies
July 2014-present
July 2011-June 2014
July 2008-June 2011
July 2006-June 2008
July 2014 –
July 2014 –
January 2014 –
March 2013 –
Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Sep 2014 –
Previously Faculty Research Fellow (2008-2014)
Board member, Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD)
May 2014–
Previously Fellow (2013-2014), Affiliate (2008-2013)
August 2009–
Research Affiliate, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
Affiliate, Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA)
May 2009 –
Affiliate, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (JPAL)
August 2006 –
Associate Researcher, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)
July 2006 –
Applied Microeconomics, Development. Health, Education, Savings.
Ph.D., Economics, EHESS & PSE-DELTA (France)
Visiting Scholar, NYU (Institute of French Studies)
Visiting Student, MIT (Economics Department)
Visiting Fellow, Harvard (Economics Department)
MSc. (Economic Analysis and Policy), PSE-DELTA (France)
BA (Economics and Econometrics), Ecole Normale Supérieure – Ulm (France)
June 2006
Fall 2000, Spring 2002
June 2000
June 1999
Stanford Economics Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, 2013-2014
AEJ: Applied Economics Best Paper Prize, 2014
National Science Foundation CAREER Grant, 2013-2018
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 2012-2014
American Economic Review Excellence in Refereeing Award, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013
Quarterly Journal of Economics Excellence in Refereeing Award, 2011, 2012
Journal of European Economic Association Excellence in Refereeing Award, 2013
Co-Runner-up, 2012 Best Young French Economist Under 40
Last update: December 2014
Hellman Faculty Scholarship, 2012-2013
Rainer Arnhold Fellowship, Mulago Foundation, 2005-2007
1. Duflo, Esther, Pascaline Dupas and Michael Kremer (September 2014). “School Governance, PupilTeacher-Ratios, and Teacher Incentives: Experimental Evidence from Kenyan Primary Schools”.
NBER Working Paper # 17939. Forthcoming, Journal of Public Economics.
2. Cohen, Jessica, Pascaline Dupas and Simone Schaner (2014). “Price Subsidies, Diagnostic Tests, and
the Targeting of Malaria Treatment: Evidence from a Randomized Trial”. Forthcoming, American
Economic Review.
3. Benhassine, Najy, Florencia Devoto, Esther Duflo, Pascaline Dupas and Victor Pouliquen (2014).
“Turning a Shove into a Nudge: A ‘Labeled Cash Transfer’ for Education”. Forthcoming, American
Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
4. Dupas, Pascaline (2014). “Short-Run Subsidies and Long-Run Adoption of New Health Products:
Experimental Evidence from Kenya”. Econometrica 82(1): 197-228.
5. Dupas, Pascaline, and Jonathan Robinson (2013). “Why Don’t the Poor Save More? Evidence from
Health Savings Experiments”. American Economic Review 103(4): 1138-71.
6. Dupas, Pascaline, and Jonathan Robinson (2013). “Savings Constraints and Microenterprise
Development: Evidence from a Field Experiment”. AEJ: Applied Economics 5(1): 163-92
7. Devoto, Florencia, Esther Duflo, Pascaline Dupas, William Parienté, Vincent Pons (2012). “Happiness
on Tap: Piped Water Adoption in Urban Morocco”. AEJ: Economic Policy 4(4): 68-99.
8. Dupas, Pascaline, and Jonathan Robinson (2012). “The (Hidden) Costs of Political Instability: Evidence
from Kenya’s 2007 Election Crisis”. Journal of Development Economics 99(2): 314-329.
9. Bhattacharya, Debopam and Pascaline Dupas (2012). “Inferring Welfare Maximizing Treatment
Assignment under Budget Constraints”. Journal of Econometrics, 167(1): 168-196.
10. Duflo, Esther, Pascaline Dupas and Michael Kremer (2011). “Peer Effects and the Impact of Tracking:
Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in Kenya.” American Economic Review, 101(5), pp. 1739-74.
11. Dupas, Pascaline (2011). “Do Teenagers respond to HIV Risk Information? Evidence from a field
experiment in Kenya.” AEJ: Applied Economics, 3(1), pp. 1-36.
o Awarded the 2014 AEJ: Applied Economics Best Paper Prize
12. Cohen, Jessica, and Pascaline Dupas (2010). “Free Distribution or Cost-Sharing? Evidence from a
Randomized Malaria Prevention Experiment” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 125(1), pp. 1-45.
1. Dupas, Pascaline (2014). “Getting Essential Health Products to Their End Users: Subsidize, but How
Much?” Science Vol. 345, Issue 6202, pp. 1279-1281, 12 September 2014.
2. Dupas, Pascaline (2014). “Global Health Systems: Pricing and User Fees.” Elsevier Encyclopedia of Health
Economics, vol. 2. Anthony J. Culyer, Ed. (Elsevier, San Diego, 2014). pp. 136-141.
3. Dupas, Pascaline, Sarah Green, Anthony Keats, and Jonathan Robinson (2011). “Challenges in Banking
the Rural Poor: Evidence from Kenya's Western Province”. Forthcoming, African Successes: Modernization
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and Development. Sebastian Edwards, Simon Johnson, and David N. Weil, editors. University of Chicago
4. Dupas, Pascaline (2011). “Health Behavior in Developing Countries.” Annual Review of Economics 3: 425449.
5. Dupas, Pascaline, and Jonathan Robinson (2010). “Coping with Political Instability: Micro Evidence
from Kenya’s 2007 Election Crisis.” American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 100(2): 120-124.
6. Dupas, Pascaline (2009). “What matters (and what does not) in households' decision to invest in
malaria prevention?” American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 99(2): 224-30.
7. Duflo, Esther, Pascaline Dupas and Michael Kremer (2009). “Can Tracking Improve Learning?
Evidence from Kenya.” Education Next, 9 (3), pp. 64-70.
8. Cohen, Daniel, and Pascaline Dupas (2000). “Comparing the Paths of the Unemployed in France and
the United States.” Economie et Statistique, 332-333, pp. 17-26.
1. Duflo, Esther, Pascaline Dupas and Michael Kremer (December 2014). “Education, HIV and Early
Fertility: Experimental Evidence from Kenya”. Revised and Resubmitted, American Economic Review.
2. Dizon-Ross, Rebecca, Pascaline Dupas and Jonathan Robinson (November 2014). “Governance and
Effectiveness of Public Health Subsidies”.
3. Dupas, Pascaline, and Jonathan Robinson (February 2014). “Daily Needs, Income Targets and Labor
Supply: Evidence from Kenya”. NBER Working Paper # 19264.
4. Bhattacharya, Debopam, Pascaline Dupas and Shin Kanaya (January 2013). “Estimating the Impact of
Means-tested Subsidies under Treatment Externalities with Application to Anti-Malarial Bednets”.
“Micro-Ordeals, Targeting and Habit Formation” (with Vivian Hoffmann, Michael Kremer and Alix
“Barriers and Returns to Secondary Education: Evidence from Ghana” (with Esther Duflo and Michael
“Local Leadership and Targeting of Subsidies: Evidence from Chiefs in Rural Malawi” (with Pia Basurto and
Jonathan Robinson)
Esther Duflo, Pascaline Dupas, Michael Kremer and Samuel Sinei (2006). “Education and HIV/AIDS
Prevention: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in Western Kenya” (2006). World Bank Policy
Research WP Series 4024.
Dupas, Pascaline (2005). “The Impact of Conditional Subsidies on Preventative Health Behaviors:
Evidence from Kenya”. Working paper.
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