PLANNING APPLICATIONS - TOWN COUNCIL 11/09/2014 14/02318/REM Land East of Stocksbridge Steel Works, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge Residential development of 110 dwellinghouses (application to approve details in relation to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale – matters reserved by 11/00384/FUL). 14/01885/FUL 40 Carr Road, Deepcar Retention of rear decking to dwellinghouse. 14/02542/FUL 2 Bank Farm, Bank Lane, Bolsterstone Extensions to outbuilding including raised patio for use as an annex for a dependant relative. 14/02447/FUL 39 Hills Road, Deepcar Retention of 1.5 metre high boundary fencing. 14/02598/FUL 63 The Rookery, Deepcar Single storey rear extension to dwellinghouse. 14/02801/FUL Deepcar Home Improvements, 247 Manchester Road, Deepcar Single-storey front extension to building including demolition of front conservatory (retrospective). 14/02859/COND Land at Station Road and Manchester Road, Deepcar Application to approve details in relation to condition 17. Travel Plan relating to planning permission 03/00020/OUT. 14/02858/COND Land at Station Road and Manchester Road, Deepcar Application to approve details in relation to condition number 19.archaological report relating to planning permission 03/00020/OUT. 14/02860/COND Land at Station Road and Manchester Road, Deepcar Application to approve details in relation to condition number 20. ecological appraisal relating to planning permission 03/00020/OUT. 14/02870/COND Land at Station Road and Manchester Road, Deepcar Application to approve details in relation to condition numbers 13. highways improvements and 14. details of highways improvements relating to planning permission 03/00020/OUT. 14/02811/COND Land at Station Road and Manchester Road, Deepcar Application to approve details in relation to condition 8. surface water drainage relating to planning permission 03/00020/OUT. 14/02761/FUL 49 Victoria Road, Stocksbridge Conversion of existing workshop to form garage and habitable accommodation including raising the roof height and a single-storey rear extension. 13/03682/COND2 Stocksbridge Nursery and Infant School, Pot House Lane, Stocksbridge Application to approve details in relation to condition 3. details of external materials relating to planning permission 13/03682/RG3. 14/02984/FUL 5 Ellorslie Drive, Stocksbridge Erection of single-storey rear extension and pitched roof over existing garage (re-submission of 13/03566/FUL). 14/00628/FUL Wellhouse Farm, Park Lane, Stocksbridge Alterations to barn to form a dwellinghouse (bat survey received 24.6.14 and revised drawings and red line Boundary received 27.8.14). 14/02813/FUL Curtilage of 2 Bank Farm, Bank Lane, Bolsterstone Extension to existing general purpose agricultural building. 14/02814/FUL Curtilage of 2 Bank Farm, Bank Lane, Bolsterstone Erection of 2 agricultural buildings for general agricultural use including storage of vehicles, feed and bedding and the housing of livestock. 14/02994/LBC Cruck Barn, Green Lane, Stocksbridge Replacement of windows/doors. The undermentioned planning application has been received from Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, copies of this correspondence had been previously circulated to members’:2014/1017 Land at Dyson Cote Farm, Dyson Cote Lane, Snowden Hill, S36 8YR Erection of 1 no. 50KW wind turbine with a height to the hub of 36.6m and 49m to blade tip with associated infrastructure. PLANNING APPLICATIONS – DECISIONS – TOWN COUNCIL – 11/09/2014 The undermentioned planning application has been Granted:14/01590/TPO Townend Bungalow, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge Pruning of Trees (TPO number 808/20). The undermentioned planning applications have been Granted Conditionally:14/02116/FUL 4 Winston Avenue, Stocksbridge Demolition of a conservatory, singlestorey rear extension to dwellinghouse and erection of a hipped roof over existing garage. 13/03629/FUL TATA Steel, Stocksbridge Works, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge Erection of a two storey building to house ancillary equipment including hydraulic power units, cooling water pump, vacuum pump and high and low voltage equipment, provision of a bulk gas storage compound and siting of air blast cooling units on roof of new building in connection with installation of a vacuum induction melting furnace and associated equipment in No. 2 melting shop (As amended 27/06/2014). 14/01892/FUL 28 Hollin Busk Road, Stocksbridge Replacement pitched roof to existing garage. 14/02356/FUL The Poplars Long Lane, Stocksbridge Demolition of garage/storage outbuilding and erection of single-storey building to provide additional habitable accommodation with garage space and workshop (Re-submission of 14/01268/FUL). 14/02598/FUL 63 The Rookery, Deepcar Single storey rear extension to dwellinghouse. The undermentioned planning applications have been given Condition Application Decided:14/01610/COND Land and buildings including Corus and Outokumpu Works off Ford Lane and Hunshelf Road, Stocksbridge Application to approve details in relation to condition number 54. Land Contamination (remediation strategy report) relating to planning permission 11/02480/FUL. 14/00981/COND Land East of Stocksbridge Steelworks, Manchester Road Stocksbridge (Sites 3 And 4, Application B) Application to approve details in relation to condition 22 (Part iii) (Improvements to the system of footpaths, bridleways and riverside cycle/walkways (tying in) beyond the red-line boundary of the application site) as imposed by planning permission 11/00384/FUL (as amended 21.5.14). The undermentioned planning application has been Withdrawn:14/02264/FUL Hollin Busk Farm, Hollin Busk Lane, Stocksbridge Conversion of existing stable to form habitable accommodation and erection of new stables and ménage (amended plans).
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