NHS Education for Scotland Mental Health STB 14.02.14 1 MENTAL

NHS Education for Scotland
Minutes of the meeting held on 14 February 2014 at 10.30am in Room 5, 2CQ, Glasgow
Present: Susan Miller (SM) Chair, Anita Ganai (AG), Kathy Leighton (KL), Robin McGilp (RMcG),
Norman Nuttall (NN), John Russell (JR), Chris Sheridan (CS)
Videoconference: Aberdeen – Gillian Needham (GN) and Dick Athawes (DA), Edinburgh – Rhiannon
Puig (RP) and John Crichton (JCr)
Apologies: Roger Blake (RB), Margaret Bremner (MB), David Brown (DB), Tom Brown (TB), Ashley
Catto (ACa), Alastair Cook (ACo), Euan Easton (EE), Helen Goode (HG), Alex Keith (AK), Siobhan
Murphy (SB), Judy Thomson (JT) and Carol Wilson (CW).
In attendance: Paola Solar (PS)
1. Apologies and welcome
The apologies were read and the group was welcomed to the meeting, in particular Chris
Sheridan, new BMA trainee rep.
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2013
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
3. Matters Arising
3.1. Foundation
There were no updates related to Foundation development. GN noted that there was
nothing specific to Psychiatry as far as she was aware but she could ask around and report
Action: GN
3.2. Proposed National Training Programme for Learning Disability Psychiatry
Not much had happened so far to take this forward. It was agreed that GN will speak with
Karen Shearer to put in motion the TPD HR request.
Action: GN
RMcG and JR will do the job in the interim.
SM will send an email list of all LDP consultants to GN, who will pass it to Karen Shearer to
ask for expressions of interest.
Action: SM
3.3. Locum Consultants as trainers
The negative response from the College had been circulated to the group for information.
3.4. Shape of Training – paper from Wendy Burn
Mental Health STB 14.02.14
NHS Education for Scotland
The Shape of Training paper has been circulated and widely distributed. The RCPsy has set
up a group to look at its implementation. SM has been asked to supply a Scottish rep for the
group. She will email around for interest.
Action: SM
It was noted that the general reaction to the Shape of Training was favourable. Psychiatry
are keen on broad-based training. Some think that it might lead to a lengthening of training.
JCr noted that higher training programmes can become credentialing programmes, which
would be very easy to do but might not be appropriate. GN noted that the BMA had had a
negative reaction to the report and it was about to launch a publicity campaign against it.
She suggested that if the members of this group were favourable and had influence with
the College they could take a more active position to back it up.
3.5. NES Deanery re-structuring
GN reported that there was no further update since the last paper. NHS Grampian had
replied to the paper. The West of Scotland Working Group had queried circulating
information more widely. Although the move is new to the territorial Health Boards, all
Medical Directorate staff at NES should be well aware of it by now.
GN confirmed that she was happy for SM to circulate the report around the STB and to have
the information circulated as widely as possible.
Action: SM
4. Recruitment
4.1. Recruitment 2014 update
4.2. Additional posts for recruitment
4.3. Recruitment Subgroup
JR informed the group that there had been two days of interviews for Core Training
recruitment in January. 57 candidates had been interviewed, 9 had been deemed nonappointable, which left 48 candidates in principle. There were 43 posts plus 5 posts that had
been recently approved. Offers will be out on the 25th of February, the candidates will be
allowed to hold until the 12th of March, and all upgrades to be done by 19th of March. Then
they will know if there is need for a Round 2. The recruitment team had given some
feedback about the process.
The group debated whether it would be better to publish the questions before the
interviews as other regions do. Damian Longson, Head of Recruitment and the RCPsy, is
going to speak to HEE about it.
JR reported that there had been some issues with Konetic for the recruitment of ST4, and
another system will be used next year. Candidates are allocated to deaneries and within
them they can preference the regions. There are 9 interview dates for higher training in
March and April, to be held in London. The Recruitment Board will be present at
recruitment days to have oversight of the process. JR will be there for two of the dates.
JR will check if there is need for more interviewers, although Scotland has provided the
number of interviewers that was requested.
Action: JR
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NHS Education for Scotland
The three stations being piloted are working well.
JCr reported that all TPDs had been invited to the Forensic Faculty meeting in December.
There was some concern as the people on College FECC were not the same as those
delivering the education. It seems that the Forensic questions had been done by the Chair
of the Forensic FECC without much consultation with TPDs. It was felt that much more TPD
input was needed.
The autumn round of recruitment will start in August, with interviews held in October and
clearing in November.
SM noted that there had been a webinar organised by the StART initiative, to boost
recruitment. ACo had chaired the session in Westport, which had been watched live by 10
people, but was now in the website where it can be seen by anybody. It had been a very
positive experience and SM wanted to thank all those involved in it. The group will consider
having another webinar for the next recruitment round.
As part of the StART project, Alistair McLellan is organising a Scottish Medical Careers Fair
on the 20th of September, to be held in Glasgow. It was suggested that the STB members
start thinking about what kind of input and involvement they would like from Psychiatry.
MB had asked DA to note that the North of Scotland had only 2 posts advertised for General
Adult Psychiatry, when there should be 10. GN noted that Karen Shearer is looking into it.
SM indicated that if there were any issues like this related to recruitment they can contact
Michele Laverty directly.
5. Forensic Psychotherapy Specialty Trainee post in Scotland
SM noted that Jon Patrick had asked for the possibility to have a Forensic Psychotherapy
programme in Scotland. RPu will prepare a paper for the next Board.
Action: RPu
6. Workforce
The suggested disestablishments for this year were 2 Forensic posts, 1 in CAMHS and 1 in LD.
There was no problem to disestablish the 2 Forensic posts, and they had reluctantly agreed the 1
in CAMHS but they had not agreed to disestablish the 1 in Learning Disabilities. Rowan Parks will
take this information back and reply for next year.
7.1. Subgroup update
JR reported that the process has started for June ARCPs and he will circulate the e-ARCPs
Action: JR
It is envisaged that the Deanery re-structure will bring more harmonisation. The College’s
Chris Murphy is leading on the development of ARCP forms. RMcG noted that the West of
Scotland had been working on this with higher trainees and they have made their form
available both to the rest of Scotland and to the College.
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NHS Education for Scotland
7.2. Externality for ARCPs
It is not certain whether Scotland has signed up to use the external system for ARCPs. JCr
noted that we have externality via the College but they have gaps in specialties and
geographical areas. The pragmatic approach is to keep doing it as before, using externality
from other regions.
There is a training day for ARCP and visits for new External Advisors at the College. External
Advisors in Scotland are JR, Sandra Duke, EE, NN, JCr (reserve) and Pauline McConville.
8. Training opportunity in Ghana
The information for this placement in Ghana had been received from the College. SM wanted
the group to have sight of it although it might duplicate our work in Malawi. She noted that she
has a colleague from Ghana who goes to the country regularly and might visit the project site
and feed back to the group.
Action: SM
GN highlighted that England, through HEE, was trying to embargo recruitment to LAT posts,
although the move has now been shelved for a year. If this was successful there would be no
opportunity to backfill if trainees went in OOP or any other gaps. Psychiatry recruits LATs at
Core, not at High training, so if this is not allowed they will have to join a round 2 of recruitment.
9. Training opportunity with Scottish Patient Safety programme
A trainee had been involved in the SPS programme and she thought it was an excellent
opportunity. David Hall was keen to set up 3 month attachments for higher trainees. The group
was generally supportive. David will be asked to put together a presentation for this Board.
Action: SM
10. NTS Specialty Specific reports
JR felt that the reports were not consistent across specialties, but it had highlighted a couple of
issues in the South-East of Scotland, so it was very useful.
GN noted that the questions had been developed by the College FACS, which the GMC had
added to the survey. If there are any issues (wording for example) it was suggested to check with
the QI Managers in the first instance.
SM will ask all specialty TPDs to look at the SSR in detail and to feed back.
Action: SM
11. StART – Psychiatry Webinar
This item was discussed above.
12. Updates
12.1. Liaison Dean/MDET update
GN reported that the version 5 of the Gold Guide was almost approved for publication,
only Scotland and Northern Ireland still to sign off. The content most worth looking at is
Section 7, which makes ARCP outcomes and appeals paths much clearer.
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NHS Education for Scotland
GN further reported that there was a lot happening around Recognition of Trainers. The
DMEs will send out a letter to all trainers. The letter explains the main points of
Recognition of Trainers and it includes some FAQs. DMEs should be working to get the
names of their trainers into Pinnacle by the end of July.
12.2. Deanery and Specialty updates – West deanery visit to Lanarkshire
There had been a deanery visit to Lanarkshire on the basis of the red flags received in the
trainee survey. There was concern regarding timing in core placements. Due to their large
number of rotas, there were trainees doing only 1 or 1.5 sessions in their actual
placement. This had been taken to the Heads of School who had confirmed that at least
60% of the time should be spent at their own placements. They might have to take it to
the QA Committee to perhaps put this down in the curriculum.
Another issue in Lanarkshire was the lack of direct clinical supervision, for example in
outpatient clinics. SM will ask John Taylor to take this issue to the Medical Managers
Action: SM
The third major issue was about handover and consultant presence at weekends. There is
an on call system in the West of Scotland but the routine presence of a consultant is not
compulsory, it is left to the trainee to call the consultant if he feels there is a need. This
has changed in Edinburgh so now the consultant goes to the clinic on Saturday and
Sunday morning to do the ward rounds when he is on call. In the North of Scotland there
is always a consultant doing the weekend handover.
There were no updates from the Specialties.
12.3. College update – previous speciality time counting to CCT
SM had circulated the email with the College position at the moment. SM will send round
the paper when it is finalised.
12.4. Service update
There was no Service update.
12.5. Academic update
The West of Scotland has been requested to free up a LD and a GAP post for SCREDS.
12.6. Regional Planning update
There was no regional planning representative.
12.7. Trainee/Specialty Doctor update
CS, the new BMA trainee rep noted that he was not aware of a campaign concerning the
Shape of Training. There had been some concerns expressed in general, but nothing in
particular to Psychiatry. There was some concern that credentialing might replace CCT.
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NHS Education for Scotland
12.8. STARG
There was no update.
12.9. Heads of School update
SM and RPu had been to the last Heads of School meeting the previous week. The main
theme for discussion had been recruitment and prioritisation within deaneries. SM will
send the notes around once they are ready.
Action: SM
13. Received for Information
No items received for information.
14. AOB
Section 22 training – AMP training (Approved Medical Practitioner)
This was a training commissioned by the Scottish Government and delivered by an external
provider. Now the Scottish Government had asked NES to manage the training. ACo is drafting a
paper about it on behalf of the College.
The Professional Development Workstream (led by GN and Anthea Lints) is going to work on it
and will lead the next steps. They will be asking for ideas and information.
They are keen to continue the work on Forensic Medical Advisors. JCr noted that there is a
training programme set for multidisciplinary practitioners around Forensic Physicians work.
GN understood that there was plenty of expertise on the delivery side of AMP, but needed to
look at capacity and scheduling. JCr indicated that, although there are some well developed
modules, it might be helpful to enhance AMP by specialty in addition to the basic AMP training.
GN noted that there might not be a chance to do much more unless there was a Business Case in
place. The Health Board were funding the costs as employers.
The Board agreed that it would be helpful to have a representative of this STB as a point of
contact for this work. JCr agreed to liaise with Anthea Lints on this project. MB will possibly also
be happy to contribute.
Action: GN/JCr/MB
15. Date of next meeting
The next Mental Health STB will take place on Monday 28th of April 2014 at 10.30am, in Room 5,
Westport, Edinburgh, with VC links.
Mental Health STB 14.02.14