CURRICULUM VITAE MAŁGORZATA DERENIOWSKA, PH.D. Greqam, Aix-Marseille University 2 Rue de la Charité 13236 Marseille cedex 02, France Phone: + 33 491140749 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] PERSONAL DETAILS Maiden name: Kaczmarek Citizenship: Polish EDUCATION AND SCIENTIFIC DEGREES December 17, 2012 2007 2006 – 2007 2007 2005 Ph.D. in Philosophy Dissertation title: “On values of nature from the perspective of pluralistic environmental philosophy,” Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU), Institute of Philosophy, Poland. Supervisor: Prof. UAM dr hab Honorata Korpikiewicz. Referees: Prof. AMU, Dr. hab. Ewa Nowak, Prof. SGGW, Dr. hab. Krystyna Najder-Stefaniak. Postgraduate Studies of Ecological Auditing, Faculty of Management, Gdansk University, Poland (Diploma in Ecological Auditing). Program of Student Mobility “MOST,” specialization: Environmental Protection, Warsaw University, Poland. M.A. in Philosophy; specialization: Social Communication. Institute of Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. B.S. in Biology; specialization: Ecology and Management of Natural Resources, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. EMPLOYMENT AND FELLOWSHIPS February 2014-present June-July 2013 September 2012 – March 2013 August 2009 – August 2010 July – October 2008 Post-doc for the project Dynamics of Inequalities and Their Perceptions at GREQAM, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, AixMarseille University, France. Contracted Researcher, Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Science, Poland (research topic: pluralism of environmental values and its implications for environmental decision making processes) Lecturer at Institute of Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland (teaching the course on Environmental Ethics). Visiting Researcher at Department of Philosophy, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Visiting Researcher at Department of Philosophy, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. 1 RESEARCH INTERESTS Economic philosophy; Sustainability Economics; Sustainability Science; Environmental values; Environmental ethics; Theoretical and practical ethics; Environmental and climate justice; Democracy and decision making; Pluralism in social sciences. PUBLICATIONS Papers and book chapters 2014. “Introduction: Interdisciplinary Foundations for Environmental and Sustainability Ethics,” Ethics-in-Progress, 5(1): pp. 07-32 (with Jason Matkze). 2013. From the contested terrain of sustainability concept toward pluralistic and democratic practice. In: Krystyna Najder-Stefaniak (ed.), “Philosophy and Practice of Sustainable Development.” Zakład Filozofii WNS SGGW: Warsaw, pp. 22-51 (with Jason Matzke and Peter Söderbaum). 2013. “Marine ecosystem services in urban areas: Do the strategic documents of Polish coastal municipalities reflect their importance?” Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning 109 (1): pp. 85-93 (with Joanna Piwowarczyk and Jakub Kronenberg) 2012. “Contested concept of sustainability: a consumer society and dialectic of human desire.” Environment, Place and Space 4 (2): pp. 25-62. 2012. “Connections and Abstractions: Blending Epistemologies of Love and Separation in Environmental Education.” Ethics-in-Progress Quarterly 3 (1): pp. 71-81 (with Jason Matzke) 2011. “The cycle of lived-space: From knowing-making toward designing-building.” Environment, Place and Space 3 (1): pp. 7-44. 2010. Axiological dimensions of consumption in the context of the sustainable development concept. In: N. Vasiljeviene, A. Jurčiukonytė (eds.), “Environmental Ethics: The Power of Ethics for Sustainable Development,” Vilnus: Mykolas Romeris University, pp. 271-288 (with Janina Kubka). 2010. “Listening to anima mundi: The organic metaphor in the cosmo-ecological perspective.” Lingua ac Communitas 20: pp. 13-36 (with Honorata Korpikiewicz). Edited Journals, Special Issues Guest Editor (with Jason P. Matzke, University of Mary Washington) of the special issue “Environment, ethics, and sustainability: Crossroads of our future” of the journal Ethics in Progress, 5(1), 2014. Guest Editor (with Peter Söderbaum and Joachim Spangenberg) of special issue of International Journal of Sustainable Development, “Sustainability Economics: Missing Points in the Sustainability Debate” (Forthcoming). Book reviews 2014. “Climate Change Ethics. Navigating the Perfect Moral Storm by Donald A. Brown. London and New York: Earthscann from Routledge, 2013,” Ethics-in-Progress, 5(1). 2013. “Molly Scott Cato, The Bioregional Economy: Land, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Environmental Politics 22 (6): pp. 1051-1053 (with Ioana Negru). 2007. “A new nature of practical philosophy: dialogue and ethics as a consolidating interdisciplinary concept of sustainable development.” Lingua ac Communitas 17: pp. 109-11. 2 Papers and book chapters in Polish 2013. “Aspekty normatywne i metodologiczne ekologii stosowanej – na styku nauki i polityki.” Journal of Methodological Studies 30: pp. 207-238. 2011. Synchronizacja czasu ludzkiego i czasu natury, wyzwania kryzysu ekologicznego – dyskusja. In: P. Orlik (ed.), “Aporie czasu.” Seria wydawnicza PROBLEMY/DYSKUSJE. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM, pp. 325-348. 2011. W poszukiwaniu zrozumienia czasu: między wskazówkami zegara a rytmami natury.” In: P. Orlik (ed.), “Aporie czasu.” Seria wydawnicza PROBLEMY/DYSKUSJE. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe IF UAM, pp. 349-386. 2010. “Wokół przestrzeni natury: substytuty kulturowe jako narzędzie tworzenia przestrzeni życiowej człowieka.” INTERLINIE. Interdyscyplinarne Czasopismo Internetowe 1(2): pp. 36-41. 2009. Ujęcie człowieka w koncepcji homo ecologicus universalis. In: H. Romanowska–Łakomy (ed.), “Odrodzenie człowieczeństwa. Ludzkie transformacje.” ENETEIA Press, Warszawa, pp. 201-208. 2008. “Życie w zgodzie z naturą a homo praedatorius. Studium relacji człowiek – natura.” Estetyka i Krytyka 1: pp. 103-116. 2007. “Aspekty bioróżnorodności w relacji człowiek-środowisko.” Episteme 4: pp. 25-36. 2007. Język i komunikacja z perspektywy ekolingwistyki. In: B. Bączkowski, P. Gałkowski (eds.), “Komunikacja przez sztukę. Komunikacja przez język.” Zakład Teorii i Filozofii Komunikacji w Instytucie Filozofii UAM, pp. 135-143 (with Anna Szanecka) Submitted work (in review) Coping with change: Ethics, environmental decision making, and the role of science. In: J.M. Węsławski, L. Stempniewicz, and W. Masłowski (eds.), “The New Face of the Arctic: The Polar Marine Ecosystem in Transformation.” Cambridge University Press (with: Jason Matzke, University of Mary Washington, and Joanna Piwowarczyk, Polish Academy of Sciences). Selected works in progress Procedural Rationality and Procedural Justice: in Search of the Liberal Rationality (with Jean-Sébastien Gharbi, Greqam, Aix-Marseille University). Giving Place to Nonanthropocentric Individualism in Sustainability Models (with Jason Matkze, University of Mary Washington). An Analysis of “Forbidden Place” (with Jason Matkze, University of Mary Washington). Sustainability Through Considerations of Justice (with Jean-Sébastien Gharbi, Greqam, Aix-Marseille University). Ecosystem services as dependent on human perception: The role of human valuing in ecosystem services mapping (with Joanna Piwowarczyk, Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences). PRESENTATIONS Invited Talks “Public decision making: methodological pluralism, democratic competences, and conditions of constructive stakeholder dialogue.” Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, a meeting on public debate of the Working Group “Assessments and Scientific Policy Advice.” Berlin, Germany: November 29, 2012. 3 “Ecological Debt and its Ethical ambiguities,” Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Sixth Workshop in the Series “Is it Possible to Have Another Economics for Another Economic Policy?” Berlin, Germany: December 01, 2012. “End of Life Decision Making in Poland,” Ethics Grand Rounds, Mary Washington Hospital, Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA: November 17, 2011. “Methodological Pluralism for Sustainability Science,” ENRI Rights to a Green Future, WG 1: Reflection on future climate developments and methods to predict them, Bucharest, Romania: November 1. “Shaping a pluralistic and deliberative democratic approach for sustainability economics,” Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s Workshop: Understanding Sustainability Economics, Berlin, Germany: October 29, 2011. “How Sustainable is Sustainable Development?”, Public Lecture at University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA: September 1, 2011. International Conference Presentations 2014 2nd International Conference Economic Philosophy, Strasbourg, October 9-10, 2014 (with JeanSébastien Gharbi, Greqam). 3rd ECOSERV Symposium on Ecosystem Services as a Subject of Transdisciplinary Research, Adam Mickiewicz University and Polish Academy of Science, Poznań, September 25-26, 2014 (with Joanna Piwowarczyk, Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences). The 5th International Conference in Political Economy Crisis: Scholarship, Policies Conflicts and Alternatives, the University of Naples L’Orientale, Naples, September 16-18, 2014 (with Ioana Negru, SOAS, University of London). The 8th International Symposium on Moral-Democratic Competence & Conflict Resolution, Konstanz University, Konstanz, July 28 – 30, 2014 (with Jason P. Matzke, University of Mary Washington). The Second Workshop of the DynIPer, Marseille, July 1, 2014 (with Jean-Sébastien Gharbi, Greqam). The first workshop of the project Dynamics of Inequalities and their Perceptions, DynIPer Workshop, Marseille, January 23, 2014. 2013 Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s Workshop: Beyond Ostrom, Berlin, Germany: November 8-11, 2013. X Summer Conference on Environmental Aesthetics Values in the Environment – Relations and Conflicts. Lahti, Finland: August 1, 2013 (with Joanna Piwowarczyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, and Jason Matzke, University of Mary Washington). International Society of Environmental Ethics Tenth Annual Meeting on Environmental Philosophy Thinking and Acting Ecologically. University of East Anglia. Norwitch, UK: June 12, 2013 (with Jason Matzke, University of Mary Washington). International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place’s Ninth Annual Meeting. University of Florida. Gainesville, Florida: April 27, 2013. 2012 Minding Animals Conference 2012. Utrecht University. Utrecht, The Netherlands: July 4-6, 2012 (with Jason Matzke, University of Mary Washington). International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place’s Eighth Annual International Conference. Towson University. Towson, Maryland: April 27, 2012 (with Jason Matzke, University of Mary Washington). 4 2011 Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas (EMECS) Ninth International Conference Ensuring Accountability and Effective Communication for Successful Integrated Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas. Baltimore, Maryland, USA: August 28-31, 2011 (with: Jakub Kronenberg, Lodz University, and Joanna Piwowarczyk, Polish Academy of Sciences). Zlot Filozoficzny 2011, Toruń: June 25, 2011 (with Jason Matzke, University of Mary Washington). 2010 International Society for Ecological Economics 11th Biennal International International Conference: Advancing Sustainability in a Time of Crisis. Bremen and Oldenburg, Germany: August 22-25, 2010. International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place’s Sixth Annual International Conference Spacings of technologies: Geographies of human makings and formings of human life. Towson University, Towson, Maryland, USA: April 30, 2010. 2009 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Researchers Insatiability: Between scarcity and excess. Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw: June 2009. 3rd International Conference Humans and the World – dimensions of responsibility. Ecological global crisis: technological correction or axiological redefinition? Warsaw, Poland: May 2009. International Conference The category of subject in Western and Easter philosophy. Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczno – Ekonomiczna Łodz, Poland: May 2009. 2008 International Association for Environmental Philosophy’s International Conference Thinking through nature: philosophy for an endangered world. Eugene, Oregon, USA: June 2008. Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education’s International Conference Humans' responsibility for evolution. Warsaw, Poland: May 2008. Summer Schools and Training The IRCS-SENSE Summer School on Urban Transitions to Sustainability, Rheims, France, 22-26 June 2014. Konstanz Method of Dilemma-Discussion (KMDD) Trainee Certificate, trained by Prof. Georg Lind at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland, 2012. SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS 2008-2012 Travel grants received from the Faculty of Social Science and the Vice-Chancellors of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. 2009-2011 Scientific Scholarship for best doctoral students of the Institute of Philosophy, AMU. 2007 2007 Award of the Dean of Faculty of Social Science AMU for best students of Social Communication. Award of the Head of Institute of Philosophy AMU for best students of Social Communication. LANGUAGE SKILLS English (proficient) Polish (native language) 5 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND EXPERIENCE Co-organiser of the seminar Social-Environmental Inequalities (with Jean-Sebastien Gharbi) (2014-2015), within DynIPer project (A*MIDEX project, n° ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02), GREQAM, AixMarseille University, France. Co-organiser of a workshop on Environmental Risks, Health Inequalities, and Well-Being (with Feriel Kandil), forthcoming November 28, 2014, within DynIPer project (A*MIDEX project, n° ANR-11IDEX-0001-02), GREQAM, Aix-Marseille University, France. A permanent member of Conference Organizing Committee, World Economics Association (since June 2013). A member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education. Co-leader of World Economics Association’s on-line conference “Sustainability – Missing Points in the Development Dialogue,” 24th September to 21st October, 2012. Conference leader: Prof. Peter Söderbaum. Referee for International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education and Ethics-in-Progress. Guest expert in the program Rights to a Green Future, Uncertainty, Intergenerational Human Rights and Pathways to Realization (ENRI-Future) WG 1: Reflection on future climate developments and methods to predict (coordinator: Joachim Spangenberg, Köln), 2011; network guest member by 2014. REFERENCES Professor UAM Dr. hab. Ewa Nowak Adam Mickiewicz University Institute of Philosophy Szamarzewskiego 89c Street, Poznań, Poland e-mail address: [email protected] Professor Peter Söderbaum Mälardalen University School of Economics, Technology and Society, Box 883, 72123 Västerås, Sweden e-mail address: [email protected] Dr. Jason Matzke University of Mary Washington, U.S. Department of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion 1301 College Avenue Fredericksburg, VA 22401, United States e-mail address: [email protected] Dr. Joachim Spangenberg UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environment Research Department of Community Ecology Vorsterstr. 97 / D-51103 Köln-Kalk, Germany e-mail address: [email protected] , 6
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