Farrer Community News Term 4 Week 8, 4 December 2014 Established 1970 - 44 Years of Quality Education Phone: 62057911 (Adrienne Buckeridge) Email: [email protected] Principal: Deputy Principal: Linda Heath A/g Trish Foster A/g Web site: www.farrerps.act.edu.au School Board Chair: Arron Scolnik Senior Years Executive: Junior Years Executive: Sarah Reece Trish Foster P & C President: Ingrid Reimers Business Manager: Maree Hardwicke Events Calendar Update Date Event Note Date Event 9/12 Drama Club Production 2.00pm 16/12 December Choir visit to Goodwin 11/12 17/12 Last Day of Term 4 12/12 Yr 6 Graduation Assembly & Dinner Yr 6 Excursion 2/2/5015 15/12 Japanese Fun Day 3/2/2015 Preschool Echidnas/Kindy & New Students First day Back Rest of School Return for Start of Term 1 2015 Note Principal’s Message Dear Parents, Carers and Community, PARENT MORNING TEA We highly value family and community engagement in school activities and believe that volunteer involvement has a positive impact on your child’s education. From helping in the classroom, on our School Board and P&C, or enhancing our school environment, our students and staff are grateful for your assistance. We would like to thank you for your contributions this year and invite you to morning tea on Wednesday 10 December from 11 am in the staffroom. All volunteers welcome. ACT MINISTER FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING JOY BURCH MLA It is with great pleasure we welcome ACT Minister for Education and Training, Joy Burch MLA to a visit at Farrer Primary School. We look forward to showcasing our wonderful school and learning programs. I am sure Minister Burch will be impressed by the quality education our students are receiving at Farrer Primary School. SCHOOL PARLIAMENT ‐ GAI BRODTMANN MP VISIT It is with great pleasure we welcome Member for Canberra Gai Brodtmann to Farrer Primary School to announce the results from our recent elections for our School Parliament. Our year 5 students should be very proud of their campaigning efforts and we look forward to their work in promoting a positive student voice in our school next year. JAPANESE FUN DAY Sarah Aby, our ever‐motivated and wonderful Japanese teacher, has once again coordinated a wonderful whole school Japanese Fun Day. Students across the school will participate in a wide‐range of Japanese activities throughout the day. Students are encouraged to dress up in Japanese costumes or traditional dress. Thank you to all of our terrific staff who will provide Japanese activities and to Sarah Aby for her amazing coordination of this event. DRAMA CLUB PRODUCTION ‐ Cinderella!’ We would love family and friends to come to our production of ‘Cinderella!’ on Tuesday 9th of December at 2pm in the school hall. We hope to see you there! FAREWELL I would like to acknowledge and farewell Trish Foster. Trish has been a valued staff member at Farrer and will be dearly missed. She has added much value to the school, particularly in literacy and numeracy. I would like to acknowledge and farewell Tracy Johnston who has come to the end of her time at Farrer and will commence in a new position in 2015. Tracy has been a wonderful staff member at Farrer for many years and we have appreciated all her work, including promoting sport and dance at Farrer. I would like to acknowledge and thank Steven Jeremy who has been delivering fantastic chess lessons for students at Farrer and we thank him for his work in this area and wish him all the best for his future endeavours. I would like to thank and farewell Alison Hatcher, our school counsellor and Olga Solntseva, our student welfare officer who have supported our students and families this year. We wish them all the best in their future roles. I would also like to thank and farewell Hikari, our Japanese assistant, who has shared her culture and experience with us throughout the year. We have valued her contributions and wish her well. QUALITY WORK I would like to acknowledge and congratulate the following students: 1B– Excellent Reading Angelique 4R – Great Information About Ecosystems Amali W and Ruby 5J – Excellent Research Skills Aileen, Tia and Haylee 2M/S ‐ Excellent Procedure for Making Paper Rice Rolls Kiera 2M/S ‐ Terrific Writing Luka, Ava, James and Freya Have a wonderful weekend Linda Heath School Principal A/g Japanese Fun Day 2014 Our Farrer Japanese Fun Day is on Monday 15th December. Students will be participating in mixed group rotations and will experience many different activities related to Japanese culture. Students can come dressed in Japanese clothes or even just wear Japanese colours. HELP WANTED! We need some parents to help with some of the more complicated tasks. Please send a note to the front office with your name and contact details if you are able to help. Arigatou! Sarah Aby and Hikari Arakawa Music News Our resident piano teacher, Jackelyn Kemp, would like to congratulate the following students on their achievements in recent piano exams: Lily Ahmed‐Davis Preparatory First Class Honours Ben James Grade Two Credit Well done! Library News Congratulations to Sarah Hall, Milly Giumelli, Kiah Noble and Natasha Giumelli who were all winners in our recent Reading Slogan Competition. I received over 100 entries and it was very hard to choose between them! Thank you to all the students who entered, there were lots of very creative slogans, well done. These will be hanging in the library for the remainder of the year so please pop in and have a look at them. I would also like to remind families that all library books are now due in and there will be no more borrowing for the remainder of the term. Thank you to the parents who have helped out in the library this year, especially to Ingrid Reimers who gives up many hours of her time helping out with class borrowing, stocktaking and other administrative tasks. If there are any parents able to help out next year with re‐ shelving, covering of new books and repairs please let Adrienne in the front office know. Sharon Brown Salvation Army Giving Tree Many thanks to the families who donated goods to our Giving Tree Appeal, your generosity is much appreciated. Vanessa from the Salvation Army came to our assembly today to accept the donations and was very grateful. Sharon Brown Farrer Primary School Board Elections – 2015 If you are keen to contribute to the governance of Farrer Primary School, then the School Board needs you. The 2015 School Board will have vacancies for 1 Parent representative. This position will be for a term of 2 years. Nominations will open 11 am, Monday 2 February 2015 and will close 11 am, Monday 16 February 2015. Official nomination forms will be given to families when they become available. For more information please contact the Assistant Returning Officer, Adrienne on 6205 7911 or by emailing [email protected] Thank you To Preschool Parents A big thank you to all parents that came along to the Numeracy Mornings last week. Both groups had fantastic support with lots of fun leaning through play. Lana Thank you Morning Tea The staff of Farrer Primary School would like to thank all parents and volunteers for their help and support during 2014. To show our gratitude we invite you to join us for a special thank you morning tea. Date: Wednesday 10th December Time: 11am Where: Staffroom PLEASE RSVP by Monday 8th December if you are able to attend. Enviro News We are lucky enough to have some Conservation Volunteers join us in week 9 to work on our gardens. Our students will be working with them to put in some new vegetable garden beds near the canteen and rejuvenating the Ellyard rose garden. We will be working on the gardens throughout the day and would appreciate any parent helpers who have time to come and work with us. The Ellyard garden does not have a close water source. Planting so close to our Summer holiday means that we won’t be able to get the students to water the new roses. If you live close by, you may be able to help us out. If you have time, or will be walking past the school, you could pack some extra water bottles and empty them on the new plants. Your efforts would be appreciated! The year 3s and 4s have been working with me on deciding how to extend the Carbon Forest. They have lots of interesting ideas and are now grappling with working on a scaled map. They are finding that ideas and reality don’t always match. Even so, they are coming up with some ingenious ideas for the space. It has been interesting to hear their conversations about what they think our school play and garden areas need. We will be continuing this work next year and hope to present our proposals and funding request in time to have the new plantings done by the end of next year. As the year comes to an end, I would like to thank my amazing Green Team who have kept our gardens and animals thriving all year. The Green Team will be spending their time in their last week’s training next year’s Green Team and will be having an end of year celebration in week 9. The new Green Team are being selected based on nominations and by considering how much students can take on in their final year of primary school. I am looking forward to working with the new Green Team. I also need to give my thanks to the amazing parents who have helped in the Environment Centre this year. They have kept the gardens going, looked after our centre over the holidays, fund raised for our new Green House and then spent a whole day erecting it. Without parent help our gardens would not be as productive for our students. I realise time is precious when you have children and I am glad you are able to donate some of it to us. Finally I need to also say a HUGE thank you to Carol. Carol is our scientist in residence who comes every week to work with me teaching science and running the gardens. She is a keen gardener who lets me know where I need to be up to with planting and harvesting and what jobs the students need to be doing. She is also invaluable in the classroom with her scientific expertise. The students enjoy working with her and she always has interesting tales to tell – if you get a chance, ask the year 6 students about her cat story! Many Thanks Kate Elliott News from ‘The Kids' Kitchen’ our School Canteen SCHOOL24 For those families who are leaving our wonderful school and still have money in your Kids’ Kitchen account a refund is pretty simple. Please email to the link below your account name; BSB and account number and your balance will be transferred that day. We are keen to finalise our accounts in the next couple of weeks so we’d appreciate your assistance. For those families who are continuing for 2015, if you don’t already have an account now is the perfect time to setup before the New Year. The Kids’ Kitchen will be open in week 1 and we can now announce that the trial of opening on Wednesdays was a huge success and our new trading hours for 2015 will continue as per this term. We will be open Wednesday to Friday for lunch and recess, with ordering closing at 8.30am each day for same day delivery. School24 is a user friendly program and all you need from us is our school ID (listed below) and your child’s class. For new families just setup with your child’s current class and that can be updated after the first day of school next year. We are also happy to accept account top-ups right through to the end of term. 2015 MENU – OPEN WEEK ONE! We will be fine tuning the menu over the holidays and will open School24 for trading on Wednesday 28th January. Those families who have an account will be able to access the new menu before the rest of the school. We will open for business on Wednesday 4th February. Thanks for your support Farrer and see you in 2015. Have a safe and happy holiday. Marnie Boreham-Smith and Gemma Spain Mobile: 0418 196 529 Email: [email protected] Hours: Wednesday to Friday (lunch & recess) Phone: 6205 7919 Online ordering: www.school24.com.au School ID: 25128963 Farrer P & C Fundraising and Fun Event News FABULOUS FARRER COIN DRIVE – it’s finally over What an amazing success! We ended up with over 8200 coins, raising a grand total of $792 for the P and C. The students donated over 8000 of the total, with the staff and teachers chipping in around 150 coins. Interesting Facts: The final weight of all the coins was over 35 kilograms!! If we could stack our coins in piles (not end to end, just on top of each other), the pile would be over 13 metres tall. That’s a tiny bit taller than our three school flagpoles stacked on top of each other!! Lining all our coins end to end would now be over 175 metres long – or as I like to think of it, 90 Mr Wittes. Winners Our Winners are the incredible 4P who donated an almost unbelievable 1991 coins. You will be enjoying a pizza and cupcake lunch party on Friday of Week 9. Well done. Second is the awesome 5Q with a total of 1174 coins. Special mention to 3N who did not miss a single day, and came home strong to grab 3rd position on the very last day with 1082 coins. Top 10 Classes 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th =8th =8th 10th Class 4P 5Q 3N 1B 2MS 1X 2C KL 5J KL Number of Coins 1991 1174 1082 966 629 475 440 387 387 307 Thanks to everyone for their enthusiasm and generosity in supporting this fundraiser. Special thanks to Maree and Adrienne in the office who have coordinated the daily collection of the coins, and to our wonderful class‐room teachers who collected coins each day. Other Term 4 Events P and C Christmas Raffles A collection point for the Raffles has been set up in the front office foyer. Thanks to families who have already donated. Suggestions for donations are: Toys Decorations Seasonal Food items (non-perishable) Gift wrap Novelty Christmas Items Pre-packaged Christmas hampers Serving and table ware Gift vouchers Seasonal Fruit Fundraiser If you love yummy mangoes and/or cherries, please order some for delivery in the last week of term. The order form is supplied in this newsletter and all orders need to be received at school by this Friday, 5th December. 2014 Recap and 2015 Planning With the end of Term 4 almost upon us, it’s worth noting and celebrating the achievements of the whole school community this year. Not only have you all supported our P and C fundraising efforts this year, but you have also generously contributed towards other school fundraising activities like Jump Rope for Heart, Jeans for Genes, The Indigenous Book Swap, the Book Fair, the school Walkathon, Environment Centre and Year 6 Graduation fundraising and no doubt a few others that have slipped my mind. You have responded to Canteen Requests for non‐perishable goods, and given your time to work at the school sports day and swimming carnival as marshalls and timekeepers. You have helped pack canteen meal‐deal offers, donated decorations, and run raffles. You have pitched in doing face painting and security at the school disco. You bought raffle tickets and came along to the Fathers’ Day Movie Night. You have supported the school uniform shop which donates its profits back to the school. You have covered readers, fed animals, planted, watered and weeded. You have helped our kindy kids with their reading. You have helped out at preschool. You put together the trampoline for the MAC unit. You came to the Learning Journey and the Mr Tim show (yay!). You turn up at assemblies. You have made a difference. You help make our school such a wonderful place. This year, the P and C committee has worked closely with our amazing Canteen staff to establish a pathway to profitability. We are very pleased with the progress made so far, and will continue our efforts next year. With all the other activities going on, unfortunately our big plan for Term 1 has had to be shelved. We were unable to get a Committee organised and are therefore not going to be able to hold a School Fair in Term 1. Instead, we will have a Term 1 Disco, as well as our traditional Easter Raffle and Welcome Morning Tea. The Kid’s Kitchen will be open from Week1 for the first time. Families who are already registered with School24, our on‐line ordering website, will be contacted via email in late January when ordering opens up again. Best wishes to all staff, students and families leaving Farrer. We look forward to seeing the rest of you again in Term 1, and welcoming a new group of families to our school. I hope you all have a happy and safe holiday. Ingrid Reimers Farrer School Community Association President 2014 This week at OSHClub, we had an art extravaganza! The art show experience has encouraged the children to create even more art work this week. We explored different techniques for creating art, such as food colouring bubble painting and fun puffy painting. What a fun experience it was to get our feet tickled with paint and create reindeers from the shape! Children cooperated to make art creations together, reflecting the children’s strong collaboration skills. Of course, we believe our final fashion show will be a great finale for the year! The children have already designed and made their costumes by hand for the fashion show. Sabrina and OSHClub team
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