Page 1 of 7 Lindsey M. McDougle, PhD Northern Illinois University School of Public and Global Affairs; Department of Public Administration Phone: 267.315.1788 [cell]; 815.753.0183 [office] e-mail: [email protected] ACADEMIC POSITIONS 08/13 – term Northern Illinois University Assistant Professor Department of Public Administration 08/13 – 01/14 University of Pennsylvania Lecturer School of Social Policy and Practice 01/11 – 01/14 University of Pennsylvania Postdoctoral Research Associate School of Social Policy and Practice EDUCATION 08/06 – 05/11 University of San Diego Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) [William Foster Outstanding Dissertation Award recipient] Nonprofit Leadership and Management Dissertation Title: “Voluntary sector-rich” and “voluntary sector-poor”: What difference does the distinction really make? Robert Donmoyer, PhD [Chair], Fred Galloway, EdD, Mary McDonald, PhD 08/04 – 05/06 Duke University Master of Environmental Management (MEM) Environmental Economics and Policy Business and the Environment 08/00 – 03/04 The Ohio State University Bachelors of Science (BS) Human Dimensions in Natural Resources Integrated Resources and Policy Planning 06/03 – 08/03 Czech Agricultural University Study Abroad Diploma [Prague, Czech Republic] Rural Agriculture and Sustainable Development RESEARCH INTERESTS Philanthropy and volunteerism Nonprofits, social inequality, and community structure McDougle – January 2014 Page 2 of 7 I. PUBLICATIONS PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Philanthropy and Volunteerism • McDougle, L., & Handy, F. [Accepted]. Understanding the impact of information costs on information-gathering strategies used prior to donating. Nonprofit Management & Leadership. • McDougle, L., Handy, F, Konrath, S., & Walk, M. [2013] The role of religiosity in the relationship between volunteering and health outcomes of middle-aged and older adults. Social Indicators Research. [Reference #003] • McDougle, L., Greenspan, I., &, Handy, F [2011]. Generation green: understanding the motivations and mechanisms influencing young adults’ environmental volunteering. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 16[4] 325–341. • McDougle, L., Lee, H., Greenspan, I., Katz, T., & Handy, F. [Revise & Resubmit - Submitted]. Factors predicting student environmental volunteerism in the US and Korea. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Nonprofits, Social Inequality, and Community Structure • McDougle, L. & Lam, M. [2013]. Individual- and community-level determinants of public attitudes toward nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. doi: 10.1177/0899764013479830. [Reference #002] • McDougle, L. [Revise and Resubmit - Submitted]. Research Note: How many nonprofits are there really? The accuracy and reliability of the Core Files for studying nonprofit location. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. [Reference #002] • Shier, M. McDougle, L., & Handy, F. [Revise and Resubmit]. How nonprofit organizations promote civic engagement: A conceptual framework for understanding their ‘civic footprint’ in local communities. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research. PUBLICATIONS UNDER REVIEW Philanthropy and Volunteerism • McDougle, L. Understanding public awareness of nonprofit organizations: exploring the awareness– confidence relationship. [Reference #001] Nonprofits, Social Inequality, and Community Structure • Lam, M., & McDougle, L. Local variation in the financial health of human services nonprofits: An exploration of San Diego County. [Reference #002] BOOK REVIEWS • McDougle, L. [2011]. Leadership in nonprofit organizations: a reference handbook. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/0899764011419626. McDougle – January 2014 Page 3 of 7 I. PUBLICATIONS (cont’d) WORKS IN PROGRESS Philanthropy and Volunteerism • McDougle, L. Exploring barriers to giving in membership associations [Reference #004] [status: data preparation] • McDougle, L., McIntyre Miller, W., & Olberding, J. Student philanthropy: an innovative approach to service learning? [status: data preparation] • McDougle, L., McIntyre Miller, W., & Olberding, J., & McGinnis, J. Understanding grant making using an in indirect model of student philanthropy. [status: developing] • Walk, M., McDougle, L., Konrath, S., & Handy, F. The effect of collective coping strategies on mortality risk among older adults. [status: analysis] Nonprofits, Social Inequality, and Community Structure • McDougle, L., Lam, M., & Kil, HJ. Community variation in nonprofit quality: exploring the relationship to public perceptions toward the sector. [Reference #002] [status: analysis] • McDougle, L. Community factors influencing the prevalence of child and youth serving nonprofit organizations. [status: developing] • McDougle, L. & McGinnis, J. Consumer preference for nonprofit services in mixed industry sectors: a mixed methods analysis. [status: developing] • McDougle, L. Exploring the moderating role of civic organizations in the relationship between neighborhood poverty and civic participation. [status: analysis] WORKING PAPERS • Lam, M., & McDougle, L. [2012]. Nonprofit vulnerability across communities: an examination of San Diego County. Baruch College Center for Nonprofit Strategy & Management. [Reference #002] • McDougle, L. [2009]. Getting to know you: awareness and confidence in the nonprofit sector. RGK Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy. [Reference #001] RESEARCH REPORTS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS • Hitchcock, M., Deitrick, L., Cessarini, T., McDougle, L., Roberts, T., & Zinser, J. [2010]. Spotlight on San Diego’s third sector. Caster Family Center for Nonprofit Research. • Deitrick, L., McDougle, L., & Roberts, T. [2010]. Operating in uncertain times: economic conditions and San Diego’s nonprofit sector. Caster Family Center for Nonprofit Research. • McDougle, L., Deitrick, L., Libby, P., & Donmoyer, B. [2008]. The appreciated sector: public confidence in San Diego County nonprofits. Caster Family Center for Nonprofit Research. • Britnell, W., Coady P., & McDougle, L. [2006]. Comparison of occupational health and safety management systems. The Synergist, 17[7], 38-43. • Powell, L. M., Rohr, E. S., Canes, M. E., Cornet, J. L., Dzuray, E. J., & McDougle, L. M. [2005]. Low impact development strategies and tools for local governments: building a business case. LMI, Government Consulting Research Report [LID50T1]. McDougle – January 2014 Page 4 of 7 II. GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS, AWARDS, AND HONORS GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS 2013 North Carolina State University - Institute for Nonprofits Investigator Incentive Grant [Reference: #004] Understanding the nature of philanthropic support to membership associations $3,500 [Principal Investigator] 2012 The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/University of Pennsylvania Health and Society Scholars Program [Reference: #003] The role of religion in the relationship between volunteering and health outcomes $6,000 [Co-Principal Investigator] 2011 Kresge Foundation/Indiana University Advancing Knowledge in Human Services Philanthropy [Reference: #002] Variation in quantity and quality of nonprofit and human services organizations $25,000 [Principal Investigator] 2009 University of Texas - RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service RGK Center Summer Fellowship [Reference: #001] Getting to know you: awareness and confidence in the nonprofit sector $3,000 AWARDS AND HONORS 2011 William Foster Outstanding Dissertation Award, for outstanding doctoral dissertation, University of San Diego. 2010 ARNOVA Emerging Scholars Award, designed to help develop the next generation of scholars, foster dissemination of research into practice. 2008 SOLES Diversity Scholarship, for academic excellence and diversity, University of San Diego [Tuition]. 2006 Dean’s Merit Fellowship, for academic excellence, University of San Diego [Full tuition]. 2003 Wolfe Study Abroad Scholarship, for academic excellence, The Ohio State University [Travel support]. 2001 Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, national society for academic excellence, The Ohio State University. 2001 Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, national society for academic excellence, The Ohio State University. 2000 Morill Scholars Excellence Scholarship, for academic excellence, The Ohio State University [Full undergraduate tuition]. 2000 Gates Millennium Scholarship, for academic excellence, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [Full undergraduate through doctoral tuition, including: books, fees, room, board, and other expenses. Over $250,000 in total funds awarded]. McDougle – January 2014 Page 5 of 7 III. EXPERIENCE RESEARCH 2006 – 2010 University of San Diego Research Associate Caster Family Center for Nonprofit Research 2009 [Summer] University of Texas Summer Research Fellow RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service TEACHING 2014 [Spring] Northern Illinois University [PSPA 656] Assistant Professor: Nonprofit Management - Graduate 2014 [Spring] Northern Illinois University [PSPA 326] Assistant Professor: Nonprofit Management - Undergraduate 2013 [Fall] University of Pennsylvania [NPLD 794] Instructor: Poverty and the Nonprofit Sector 2012 [Fall] University of Pennsylvania [DYNM 617] [Sept. 27, 2012] Guest Instructor: Economics of Philanthropic Action 2011 [Fall] University of Pennsylvania [NPLD 786] Co-Instructor: Nonprofits in a Changing World 2011 [Spring] Columbia University [T7124] [April 13, 2011] Guest Instructor: Nonprofit and Human Service Delivery 2010 [Spring] University of San Diego [LEAD 505] Teaching Assistant: Organizational Theory 2009 [Spring] University of San Diego [LEAD 511] Teaching Assistant: Strategic Planning 2008 [Fall] University of San Diego [EDLD 356S] Teaching Assistant: Nonprofit Agency Seminar PROFESSIONAL 2004 – 2006 IBM [Research Triangle Park, NC] Sustainability Coordinator Coordinated Wildlife Habit Council “Wildlife at Work” programs. Managed site-wide Earth Week activities. 2005 [Summer] LMI Government Consulting [McLean, VA] Government Consultant Intern Researched tools relating to federal safety management systems. 2002 – 2004 The Ohio State University [Columbus, OH] Government Documents Intern Cataloged state and federal documents. McDougle – January 2014 Page 6 of 7 IV. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS SELECTED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action [42nd Annual] Geographic variation in the financial health of human services organizations [2013] Hartford, Connecticut Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action [42nd Annual] The role of religiosity in the relationship between volunteering and health outcomes [2012] Indianapolis, Indiana International Society for Third Sector Research [ISTR] Individual and community level determinants of attitudes toward nonprofits [2012] Siena, Italy Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action [40th Annual] The role of nonprofits in society: Conceptualization of a “Civic Footprint” [2011] Toronto, Canada Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action [39th Annual] ARNOVA 2.0: social media for social good [2010] Washington, DC International Leadership Association Conference [12th Annual] Curricular variation in leadership education [2010] Boston, Massachusetts West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference [7th Annual] Community variations in public attitudes toward nonprofit organizations [2010] Portland State University Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action [38th Annual] Understanding public preference for nonprofit organizations in mixed industry sectors [2009] Cleveland, Ohio West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference [6th Annual] Exploratory analysis of race, class, and gender effects on public perceptions of nonprofits [2009] University of California, Los Angeles [UCLA] Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action [37th Annual] Public awareness of the nonprofit sector: implications on confidence and service in the sector [2008] Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Multi-Sector Leadership Forum Public confidence in NPOs: the role of awareness and perceptions of ethical behavior [2008] Indiana University - Purdue University West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference [5th Annual] Assessing public confidence in the nonprofit sector using a measure of nonprofit awareness [2008] Arizona State University Third Transatlantic Dialogue: “Leading the Future of the Public Sector” Maintaining ethical values in the public sector through an integrated approach to leadership [2007] University of Delaware McDougle – January 2014 Page 7 of 7 V. SERVICE AND MEMBERSHIPS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2010 Annual Conference Planning Committee Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action [ARNOVA] 2009 Research Committee Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action [ARNOVA] UNIVERSITY SERVICE 2010 Annual Book Award Committee Member University of San Diego, School of Leadership and Education Sciences 2009 Research Curriculum Committee Member University of San Diego, School of Leadership and Education Sciences 2009 Doctoral Student Discussion Group Founder and President University of San Diego, School of Leadership and Education Sciences 2009 University Search Committee Member [Head Librarian] University of San Diego 2008 Doctoral Student Representative University of San Diego, School of Leadership and Education Sciences 2008 Environmental/Sustainability Task Force Committee Member University of San Diego 2008 University Finance Committee Member University of San Diego 2007 Graduate/Law Student Task Force Committee Member University of San Diego 2005 University Judicial Board Committee Member Duke University PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action [ARNOVA] Academy of Management [AoM] International Leadership Association [ILA] PEER REVIEWER Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly [NVSQ] Nonprofit Management and Leadership [NML] Canadian Review of Social Policy International Journal of Marketing Studies McDougle – January 2014
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