3000 Series Tapping Machines Descrip(on Tapping machines are used for making connec(ons to pipelines, tanks, and plant piping without shutdown and are used to make hot taps in prepara(on for plugging machine applica(on. Our Models series 3000 can be either air or hydraulically used. Specifica(ons Drilling Capacity Stroke Model 3048 3” – 12” 48” Model 3066 3” – 14” 66” Model 3070 3” – 20” 70” Dimensions Length 2100mm, Width 500mm, Height 536mm Weight 337kg Moun(ng 4”Class 600 RTJ Type Flange Boring Bar Chrome Plated One piece bar-‐ Sealed with Chevron Gland 400Bar at 100Deg C Tool Moun(ng Industry Standard taper Tool Reten(on Manual Drawbar Max Pressure ra(ng 100Bar (1480psi) Spindle Speed 40RPM with Propipe – H1515 Power Pack Feed Rate 0.07mm / rev Depth Measurement by measuring rod Drive system Hydraulic Motor, lubrica(on free belt drive Hydraulics Pressure 1750psi(118 bar)-‐2000psi(135bar) Features The machine includes: Lower in crank, Measuring rod, Retainer rod pusher, Ring Gasket, Bleeder valve and nipple, Motor adapter, Set of bolts and nuts, Lock-‐O-‐Ring bypass gauge ! propipe HQ Hermanos Gascon, 14 28050 Madrid-Spain Ph +34 913 588 589 Fx +34 911 518 465 propipe engineering (Madrid) propipe fze (Dubai) propipe USA (Houston) [email protected] www.propipe.es RAISED FACE (RF) ADAPTOR Size inch 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 mm 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Class 150 Class 300 Class 600 Stock Number HA-3000-150-04 HA-3000-150-06 HA-3000-150-08 HA-3000-150-10 HA-3000-150-12 HA-3000-150-14 HA-3000-150-16 HA-3000-150-18 HA-3000-150-20 Stock Number HA-3000-300-04 HA-3000-300-06 HA-3000-300-08 HA-3000-300-10 HA-3000-300-12 HP-3000-300-14 HP-3000-300-16 HP-3000-300-18 HP-3000-300-20 Stock Number HA-3000-600-04 HA-3000-600-06 HA-3000-600-08 HA-3000-600-10 HA-3000-600-12 HP-3000-600-14 HP-3000-600-16 HP-3000-600-18 HP-3000-600-20 LINESTOP CUTTER STANDARD CUTTER Size inch 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Size Stock Number mm 87.3 138.9 185.8 241.3 292.1 323.9 373.1 383.0 432.0 inch 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 SC-3000-04 SC-3000-06 SC-3000-08 SC-3000-10 SC-3000-12 SC-3000-14 SC-3000-16 SC-3000-18 SC-3000-20 PILOT DRILL inch mm Stock Number 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 PD-3000-04 PD-3000-06 PD-3000-08 PD-3000-10 PD-3000-12 PD-3000-14 PD-3000-16 PD-3000-18 PD-3000-20 CUTTER HOLDER Size mm 4 6 - 20 100 150 - 500 Stock Number LC-3000-04 LC-3000-06 LC-3000-08 LC-3000-10 LC-3000-12 LC-3000-14 LC-3000-16 LC-3000-18 LC-3000-20 AUTOBLOCK PLUG HOLDER Size Stock Number inch mm 100.0 150.8 200.0 250.8 300.1 331.8 382.6 432.0 483.0 CH-3000-04 CH-3000-06 inch mm 4 - 20 100 - 400 Stock Number PH-3000-0420 Sandwich Valves Size inch 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ! mm 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Class 150 Class 300 Class 600 Stock Number SV-04-15 SV-06-15 SV-08-15 SV-10-15 SV-12-15 SV-14-15 SV-16-15 SV-18-15 SV-20-15 Stock Number SV-04-30 SV-06-30 SV-08-30 SV-10-30 SV-12-30 SV-14-30 SV-16-30 SV-18-30 SV-20-30 Stock Number SV-04-60 SV-06-60 SV-08-60 SV-10-60 SV-12-60 SV-14-60 SV-16-60 SV-18-60 SV-20-60 propipe HQ Hermanos Gascon, 14 28050 Madrid-Spain Ph +34 913 588 589 Fx +34 911 518 465 propipe engineering (Madrid) propipe fze (Dubai) propipe USA (Houston) [email protected] www.propipe.es 5000 Series Tapping Machines Descrip(on Tapping machines are used for making connec(ons to pipelines, tanks, and plant piping without shutdown and are used to make hot taps in prepara(on for plugging machine applica(on. Our Models series 5000 are hydraulically operated. Specifica(ons Drilling Capacity Stroke Model 5078 12” – 36” 78” Model 5108 12” – 42” 108” Model 5130 12” – 56” 130” Dimensions Length 3100mm, Height 760mm, Width 870mm Weight 990 kg Moun(ng 6”Class 600 RTJ Type Flange Boring Bar 100 mm Diameter Chrome Plated One piece bar Sealed with Chevron Gland 400Bar at 100Deg C Tool Moun(ng Industry Standard taper Tool Reten(on Manual Drawbar sealed with Chevron Gland Max Pressure ra(ng 100Bar (1480psi) Spindle Speed 25 RPM with Propipe – H3024 Power Pack Feed Rate 0.12 mm / rev Depth Measurement Absolute Linear Scale mounted alongside machine, no measuring rod required. Three presentable pointers. Drive system Hydraulic Motor driving spindle via HTD Belt ensuring lubrica(on and maintenance free spindle drive. Rapid Boring Bar Travel by Hydraulic Motor Hydraulics Pressure 1750psi(118bar)-‐2000psi (135bar) Max Features The machine includes: Lower in crank, Measuring rod, Retainer rod pusher, Ring Gasket, Bleeder valve and nipple, Motor adapter, Set of bolts and nuts, Lock-‐O-‐Ring bypass gauge ! propipe HQ Hermanos Gascon, 14 28050 Madrid-Spain Ph +34 913 588 589 Fx +34 911 518 465 propipe engineering (Madrid) propipe fze (Dubai) propipe USA (Houston) [email protected] www.propipe.es RAISED FACE (RF) ADAPTOR Size inch 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 36 40 42 mm 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1050 Class 150 Class 300 Class 600 Stock Number HA-5000-150-12 HA-5000-150-14 HA-5000-150-16 HA-5000-150-18 HA-5000-150-20 HA-5000-150-24 HA-5000-150-28 HA-5000-150-32 HA-5000-150-36 HA-5000-150-40 HA-5000-150-42 Stock Number HA-5000-300-12 HP-5000-300-14 HP-5000-300-16 HP-5000-300-18 HP-5000-300-20 HA-5000-300-24 HP-5000-300-28 HP-5000-300-32 HP-5000-300-36 HP-5000-300-40 HP-5000-300-42 Stock Number HA-5000-600-12 HP-5000-600-14 HP-5000-600-16 HP-5000-600-18 HP-5000-600-20 HA-5000-600-24 HP-5000-600-28 HP-5000-600-32 HP-5000-600-36 HP-5000-600-40 HP-5000-600-42 STANDARD CUTTER Size inch 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 mm 292 324 373 383 432 483 533 584 635 686 737 787 838 889 937 987 LINESTOP CUTTER Size Stock Number SC-5000-12 SC-5000-14 SC-5000-16 SC-5000-18 SC-5000-20 SC-5000-22 SC-5000-24 SC-5000-26 SC-5000-28 SC-5000-30 SC-5000-32 SC-5000-34 SC-5000-36 SC-5000-38 SC-5000-40 SC-5000-42 inch 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 mm 300 332 383 432 483 533 584 635 686 737 787 838 889 937 987 1038 Stock Number LC-5000-12 LC-5000-14 LC-5000-16 LC-5000-18 LC-5000-20 LC-5000-22 LC-5000-24 LC-5000-26 LC-5000-28 LC-5000-30 LC-5000-32 LC-5000-34 LC-5000-36 LC-5000-38 LC-5000-40 LC-5000-42 PILOT DRILL Size inch 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 mm 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 Stock Number PD-5000-12 PD-5000-14 PD-5000-16 PD-5000-18 PD-5000-20 PD-5000-22 PD-5000-24 PD-5000-26 PD-5000-28 PD-5000-30 PD-5000-32 PD-5000-34 PD-5000-36 PD-5000-38 PD-5000-40 PD-5000-42 CUTTER HOLDER Size Stock Number inch mm 12 - 42 300 - 1050 CH-5000-1242 AUTOBLOCK PLUG HOLDER Size Stock Number inch mm 12 - 42 300 - 1050 PH-5000-1242 Sandwich Valves Size inch 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 ! mm 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 Class 150 Class 300 Class 600 Stock Number SV-12-15 SV-14-15 SV-16-15 SV-18-15 SV-20-15 SV-22-15 SV-24-15 SV-26-15 SV-28-15 SV-30-15 SV-32-15 SV-34-15 SV-36-15 SV-38-15 SV-40-15 SV-42-15 Stock Number SV-12-30 SV-14-30 SV-16-30 SV-18-30 SV-20-30 SV-22-30 SV-24-30 SV-26-30 SV-28-30 SV-30-30 SV-32-30 SV-34-30 SV-36-30 SV-38-30 SV-40-30 SV-42-30 Stock Number SV-12-60 SV-14-60 SV-16-60 SV-18-60 SV-20-60 SV-22-60 SV-24-60 SV-26-60 SV-28-60 SV-30-60 SV-32-60 SV-34-60 SV-36-60 SV-38-60 SV-40-60 SV-42-60 propipe HQ Hermanos Gascon, 14 28050 Madrid-Spain Ph +34 913 588 589 Fx +34 911 518 465 propipe engineering (Madrid) propipe fze (Dubai) propipe USA (Houston) [email protected] www.propipe.es Hydraulic Pack Power Specially designed hydraulic power pack has air cooled diesel engine and additional take off for ancillary equipment. HYDRAULIC POWER PACK NAME HP STOCK NUMBER POWER PACK 30 HP PPP-5000-30 POWER PACK 15 HP PPP-3000-15 Hydraulic Power Pack 30 HP Diesel
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