Module- en Lokaalrooster Module and Venue Timetable 2015 INHOUDSOPGAWE CONTENTS Bladsy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Algemene inligting Roostertye Gebouesimbole Afkortings in die rooster Gebruiksaanwysings Module- en Lokaalrooster 2015 1. ALGEMENE INLIGTING 2 2 3 4 5 6 Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. General information Timeslots Building codes Abbreviations in the timetable User instructions Module and Venue Timetable 2015 2 2 3 4 5 6 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Volgens die Algemene Institusionele Reëls van die Universiteit, (A8(b)), moet 'n student 'n kurrikulum in ooreenstemming met die module- en lokaalrooster en die betrokke Fakulteitsregulasies saamstel. 1.1 In terms of the General Institutional Rules of the University, (A8(b)), a student must compile a curriculum according to the Module and Venue Timetable as well as the relevant Faculty Regulations. 1.2 Wesenlike botsings in die module- en lokaalrooster moet binne vyf dae na die inskrywing van die student skriftelik (deur die betrokke student) by Kamer 166 in die George du ToitAdministrasiegebou ingedien word. 1.2 Significant clashes in the Module and Venue Timetable must be reported in writing (by the student concerned) at Room 166 in the George du Toit Administration Building within five days of the enrolment of students. 1.3 Vir modules wat gedruip is, kan ongelukkig nie uitsonderinge op die module- en lokaalrooster gemaak word nie. 1.3 No exception can be made on the Module and Venue Timetable for modules which were failed. 2. 2. ROOSTERTYE (alle kampusse): Periode 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14 ... 15 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Tydsgleuf ... 07:10 – 08:00 ... 08:10 – 09:00 ... 09:10 – 10:00 ... 10:10 – 11:00 ... 11:10 – 12:00 ... 12:10 – 13:00 ... 13:10 – 14:00 ... 14:10 – 15:00 ... 15:10 – 16:00 ... 16:10 – 17:00 ... 17:10 – 18:00 ... 18:10 – 19:00 ... 19:10 – 20:00 ... 20:10 – 21:00 ... 21:10 – 22:00 ROOSTERTYE (all campuses): Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 2 of 131 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Timeslot ... 07:10 – 08:00 ... 08:10 – 09:00 ... 09:10 – 10:00 ... 10:10 – 11:00 ... 11:10 – 12:00 ... 12:10 – 13:00 ... 13:10 – 14:00 ... 14:10 – 15:00 ... 15:10 – 16:00 ... 16:10 – 17:00 ... 17:10 – 18:00 ... 18:10 – 19:00 ... 19:10 – 20:00 ... 20:10 – 21:00 ... 21:10 – 22:00 3. GEBOUE-SIMBOLE 3. BUILDING CODES All the buildings are on main campus, except when indicated differently Alle geboue is op hoofkampus, tensy anders aangedui Simbool Beskrywing Code Description A1-5 AG AR AWO B B00... B1-5 BIB OUD B Kok BL BTG BTVL C C00... C1 - 6 CH COMPLAB CRS D DEPT DG DISS.SAAL E A – lesinglokale, Suidkampus Argitektuurgebou Arena, Suidkampus Albert Wessels Ouditorium Blok B, Gesondheidswetenskappe B – lesinglokale, QwaQwakampus B – lesinglokale, Suidkampus SASOL-Biblioteek Ouditorium Benedictus Kok-gebou Biologie-gebou Biotegnologie-gebou Biotegnologie Vaardigheidslaboratoriums Chemie-gebou, Hoofkampus C – lesinglokale, QwaQwakampus C – lesinglokale, Suidkampus Callie Human Saal Rekenaarlaboratoriums CR Swart-gebou Dierkunde-gebou Departement Dramagebou (Scaena) Disseksiesaal, Gesondheidswetenskappe E – lesinglokale, QwaQwakampus Blok A – Eerste vloer Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe-gebou Blok A – Laer grondvlak Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe-gebou Blok A – Grondvlak Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe-gebou Ouditorium in Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe-gebou Nuwe Opvoedkunde-gebou Ouditorium: Nuwe Opvoedkunde-gebou Raadsaal, Nuwe Opvoedkunde-gebou Eksamenlokale Farmakologie Fisiologie Laboratorius Fisika-gebou Flippie Groenewoud-gebou Geografie-gebou Geologie-gebou Geneeskunde H – lesinglokale, QwaQwakampus Hematologie H. van der Merwe Scholtzsaal Geneeskundige Fisika Lesingsale, Gesondheidswetenskappe Kovsiekerk-gebou Laboratoriums in Biologie-gebou GENMIN-Lectoriums Landbou-gebou Biblioteekgebou, Suidkampus Mabaleng-gebou Mabaleng Ouditorium Mandela Saal, Qwaqwa kampus Mikrobiologie Laboratorium, Gesondheidswetenskappe Plantkunde-gebou Rindlsaal A1-5 AG AR AWO B B00... B1-5 BIB OUD B Kok BL BTG BTVL C C00... C1–6 CH COMPLAB CRS D DEPT DG DISS.SAAL E A – lecture halls, South Campus Architecture Arena, South Campus Albert Wessels Auditorium Block B, Health Sciences B-lecture halls, QwaQwa Campus EBW A1... EBW ALG... EBW G... EBW OUD EDU EDU OUD EDU RAADS EXR FARMAKOLO FISIO LAB FG FGG GEO GG GN H HAEMATO HMS K KINE KOVSI KERK LAB LCT LG LIB MAB MAB OUD MH MICLAB PL RINDLS EDU EDU OUD EDU RAADS EXR FARMAKOLO FISIO LAB FG FGG GEO GG GN H HAEMATO HMS K KINE KOVSI KERK LAB LCT LG LIB MAB MAB OUD MH B – lecture halls, South Campus SASOL Library Auditorium Benedictus Kok Building Biology Building Biotechnology Building Biotechnology Skills Laboratories Chemistry Building, Main Campus C – lecture halls, QwaQwa Campus C – lecture halls, South Campus Callie Human Hall Computer Laboratories CR Swart Building Zoology Building Department Drama Building (Scaena) Dissection Hall, Health Sciences E – lecture halls, QwaQwa Campus Block A – First floor Economic and Management Sciences Building Block A – Lower ground level Economic and Management Sciences Building Block A – Ground level Economic and Management Sciences Building Auditorium in the Economic and Management Sciences Building New Education Building Auditorium: New Education Building Council Chambers, New Education Building Examination Rooms Pharmacology Physiology Laboratory Physics Building Flippie Groenewoud Building Geography Building Geology Building Health Sciences H – lecture halls, QwaQwa Campus Haematology H. van der Merwe Scholtz Hall Medical Physics Lecture Halls, Health Sciences Kovsie Church Building Laboratories in Biology Building GENMIN-Lectoria Agriculture Building Library Building, South Campus Mabaleng Building Mabaleng Auditorium Mandela Hall, Qwaqwa campus MICLAB Microbiology Laboratory, Health Sciences PL RINDLS Plant Sciences Building Rindl Hall EBW A1... EBW ALG... EBW G... EBW OUD Page 3 of 131 S S00... SG SPORT SSB STB STEF C TLG TO W WD WWG 4. Suidblok van Hoofgebou S-Lesinglokale, QwaQwa-kampus Sielkunde-gebou Sportsentrum Sysaal Bo, H. van der Merwe Scholtzsaal Stabilis-gebou Stef Coetzee-gebou Teologie-gebou Tegnologiese Opvoedkunde-gebou Wesblok van Hoofgebou Winkie Direko-gebou Wiskundige Wetenskappe-gebou AFKORTINGS IN DIE ROOSTER Afkorting Tipe kontaksessie 4YS ACQ AFS HIS LEC LIN PRC TUT 4. Betekenis A001 of A002 ens. AE Eng A of Eng B ens. E001 of E002 ens. Vierdejaar ondersteuning Bekwaamheidsverwerwing Akademiese Fasiliteringsessie Geskiedenis Lesing Linguistiek Prakties Tutoriaal ABBREVIATIONS IN THE TIMETABLE 4YS ACQ AFS HIS LEC LIN PRC TUT Meaning Fourth year support Acquisition Academic Facilitation Session History Lecture Linguistic Practical Tutorial Group name Groep A of Groep B wat in Afrikaans aangebied word Groep 1of Groep 2 wat in Afrikaans aangebied word Groep wat in Afrikaans en Engels in dieselfde tydsgleuf aangebied word Groep A of Groep B wat in Engels aangebied word Groep 1 of Groep 2 wat in Engels aangebied word Termyn Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 S1 S2 YR South Block of Main Building S-Lecture Hall, QwaQwa Campus Psychology Building Sport Centre Upper Hall, H. van der Merwe Scholtz Hall Stabilis Building Stef Coetzee Building Theology Building Technological Education Building West Block of Main Building Winkie Direko Building Mathematical Sciences Building Abbreviation Type of contact session Groepnaam Afr A of Afr B ens. S S00... SG SPORT SSB STB STEF C TLG TO W WD WWG Afr A or Afr B etc. Group A or Group B presented in Afrikaans A001 or A002 etc. Group 1or Group 2 presented in Afrikaans AE Group presented in Afrikaans and English in the same timeslot Eng A or Eng B etc. Group A or Group B presented in English E001 or E002 etc. Group 1 or Group 2 presented in English Term Eerste kwartaal Tweede kwartaal Derde kwartaal Vierde kwartaal Eerste semester Tweede semester Jaar Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 S1 S2 YR Page 4 of 131 First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter First semester Second semester Year 5. GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS 5. 5.1 Verkry die modulekode in die rooster waar al die modules alfabeties gelys is. 5.2 Direk na die modulekode verskyn die aard van die klas, d.w.s. watter soort klas aangebied word, bv. Lecture, Practical e.d.m. 5.3 Selekteer dan of u die Afrikaanse of Engelse klas/prakties wil bywoon. 5.4 BELANGRIK: As daar verwys word na Klas 1, Klas 2 en Klas 3, moet u al drie die klasse bywoon - dit is NIE die aanduiding van keuses nie. 5.5 Die (A), (B) ens. verwys na groepe binne dieselfde module en kom gewoonlik voor waar daar baie studente in 'n module is. Deur uit meer as een groep te kan kies, word u persoonlike klasrooster beter bestuur. 5.6 In die volgende kolom verskyn die tydgleuf. Gebruik die roostertye soos hierbo uiteengesit om die betrokke periode te bepaal. 5.7 In die volgende kolomme verskyn die lokaal waarin die betrokke module aangebied word, direk onder die betrokke dag. Die kodes vir die lokale word in die diagram oor gebouesimbole aangedui. 5.8 Indien u enige verdere probleem ondervind, doen navraag by die Roosterafdeling, Kamer 166, George du Toit-Administrasiegebou. USER INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 Find the module code in the timetable where all the modules are listed alphabetically. 5.2 Immediately next to the module code the type of class is indicated, that is what type of class will be presented e.g. Lecture, Practical, etc. 5.3 Then select the Afrikaans or English class/practical that you want to attend. 5.4 IMPORTANT: If Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 are indicated in the timetable, you have to attend all three the classes. This is NOT an indication of choice. 5.5 The (A), (B) etc. refer to groups in the same module and are usually indicated where a large number of students have registered for a specific module. To be able to choose a particular group you can manage your personal timetable better. 5.6 In the next column the timeslot is indicated. Determine the period that you will attend the module by using the timeslots as indicated above. 5.7 In the following columns appear the venue in which the specific module will be presented, indicated below the specific day of the week. The codes for the venues are provided in the diagramme with the codes of buildings. 5.8 If you experience any further problems, please enquire at the Timetable Section at Room 166 in the George du Toit Administration Building. Page 5 of 131 6 MODULE- EN LOKAALROOSTER –MODULE AND VENUE TIMETABLE 2015 Description Beskrywing ABE 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ABE 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ABE 214 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) ABE 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ABE 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ABE 224 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) ABE 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ABE 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ABE 314 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) ABE 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ABE 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ABE 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) ABV 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ABV 112 Lecture 1 English (A) ACSF1513 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ACSF1513 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ACSF1523 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ACSF1523 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ACSF3706 Lecture 1 English (A) ACSF3706 Lecture 2 English (A) ACSG6800 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ACSG6800 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ACSL3706 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ACSL3706 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ACSL3706 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) ACSL3706 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ACSL6815 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AEO 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AEO 112 Lecture 1 English (A) AEO 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AEO 112 Lecture 2 English (A) AEO 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AEO 132 Lecture 1 English (A) AEO 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AEO 132 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van 13:10 To Tot 14:00 Monday Maandag FGG 259 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag 13:10 14:00 13:10 14:00 13:10 14:00 13:10 14:00 13:10 14:00 09:10 10:00 11:10 12:00 10:10 11:00 09:10 10:00 11:10 12:00 10:10 11:00 13:10 11:10 07:10 14:00 12:00 09:00 07:10 08:00 W 111 08:10 09:00 BL 3 08:10 09:00 08:10 08:10 13:10 10:00 10:00 15:00 13:10 15:00 12:10 13:00 08:10 09:00 WWG 114 13:10 14:00 FGG 257 14:10 17:00 17:10 20:00 08:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 FGG 259 FGG 260 FGG 259 FGG 259 FGG 259 FGG 259 FGG 258 FGG 258 FGG 260 FGG 259 LG 9 CRS 10 EBW OUD LG 2 N2 FGG 363 FGG 258 N1 WD 46 EBW A102 EBW G4 FG 117 WD 46 WD 46 WD 46 WD 46 WD 46 WD 46 WD 46 WD 46 Page 6 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing AFN 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFN 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFN 124 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFN 124 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) AFN 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFN 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFN 314 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFN 314 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) AFN 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFN 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFN 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFN 324 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) AFNK2724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFNK2724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFNK2724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFNK2724 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) AFNL1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFNL1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFNL1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFNL1624 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) AFNT1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFNT1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) AFNT1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFNT1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) AFNT1614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFNT1614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (B) AFNT1614 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) AFNT1614 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (B) AFNT2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFNT2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFNT2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFNT2614 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) AFPA1512 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFPA1512 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) AFPB1512 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFPB1512 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) AFPC1522 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFPC1522 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) AFPD1522 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFPD1522 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) AFPD1522 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) AFR 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFR 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFR 124 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFR 124 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) AFRL1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFRL1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFRL1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFRL1624 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) AFRL2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFRL2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFRL2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFRL3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFRL3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFRL3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFRL3724 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) AFRT1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFRT1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFRT1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFRT1514 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) AFRT2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFRT2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van 08:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 10:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 10:10 09:10 12:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 12:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 18:10 11:10 18:10 09:10 18:10 11:10 18:10 19:10 13:10 11:10 13:10 13:10 13:10 11:10 13:10 13:10 13:10 12:10 08:10 09:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 13:10 11:10 13:10 13:10 13:10 12:10 To Tot 09:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 09:00 13:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 19:00 12:00 19:00 10:00 19:00 12:00 19:00 20:00 14:00 12:00 15:00 14:00 14:00 12:00 15:00 14:00 14:00 13:00 09:00 10:00 14:00 12:00 11:00 14:00 12:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 13:00 Monday Maandag STB 2 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag STB 3 EBW OUD W 202 FGG 168 FGG 170 EBW G2 EDU 12 EBW G2 EBW G3 EBW G2 LG 3 GEO 1.5 GEO 1.5 N1 N2 STB 2 STB 3 EBW OUD W 202 LCT C STB 2 LCT D STB 1 STB 2 STB 3 STB 2 STB 3 WD 144 EDU 12 FGG 184 W 111 EBW ALG8 EBW ALG8 LG 3 LG 3 BL 2 BL 3 W 111 CRS 10 CRS 10 FGG 184 SG 1 S1 FGG 184 FGG 184 SG 1 S1 FGG 184 FGG 168 FGG 184 EBW G3 FGG 376 FGG 257 FGG 376 CRS 6 FGG 184 FGG 184 LCT C FGG 184 EDU 13 FGG 169 Page 7 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing AFRT2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFRT3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AFRT3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AFRT3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AFRT3714 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) AGAE1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGAE1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) AGAE1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (C) AGAE1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (D) AGAE1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (E) AGAE1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (F) AGAH1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGAH1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) AGAH1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (C) AGAH1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (D) AGAH1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (E) AGAH1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (F) AGAH1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (G) AGAH2508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGAH2508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) AGAH2508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (C) AGAL1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGAL1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) AGAM1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGAM1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) AGAM1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (C) AGAN1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGAN1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) AGAN1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (C) AGAN1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (D) AGB 705 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGEC1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGEC1514 Lecture 1 English (A) AGEC1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGEC1514 Lecture 2 English (A) AGEC1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGEC1514 Lecture 3 English (A) AGEC1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) AGEC1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGEC1514 Practical 1 English (A) AGEC1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGEC1624 Lecture 1 English (A) AGEC1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGEC1624 Lecture 2 English (A) AGEC1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGEC1624 Lecture 3 English (A) AGEC1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGEC1634 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGEC1634 Lecture 1 English (A) AGEC1634 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGEC1634 Lecture 2 English (A) AGEC1634 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGEC1634 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) AGEC2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGEC2614 Lecture 1 English (A) AGEC2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGEC2614 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van 08:10 09:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 14:10 15:10 16:10 18:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 15:10 10:10 15:10 16:10 18:10 10:10 13:10 08:10 16:10 15:10 15:10 08:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 10:10 14:10 To Tot 10:00 10:00 14:00 12:00 11:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 20:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 17:00 12:00 17:00 18:00 20:00 12:00 15:00 10:00 18:00 17:00 17:00 10:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 12:00 16:00 Monday Maandag 13:10 09:10 07:10 14:10 13:10 12:10 07:10 15:10 14:00 10:00 08:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 08:00 17:00 LG 2 LG 2 07:10 13:10 09:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 15:10 08:00 14:00 10:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 17:00 LG 4 LG 5 FGG 257 09:10 11:10 09:10 11:10 15:10 10:00 12:00 10:00 12:00 17:00 LG 1 W 201 15:10 17:00 13:10 11:10 13:10 13:10 14:00 12:00 14:00 14:00 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag FGG 169 Friday Vrydag FGG 376 FGG 257 FGG 376 FGG 376 SG 1 N1 FGG 167 LCT E WD 145 FGG 168 N1 HMS 10 FGG 363 EBW A101 LG 7 EDU 13 WD 145 N2 EDU 13 FGG 169 LG 1 WD 142 WD 145 LG 5 EDU 13 LCT F WWG 113 FG 116 FGG 184 FGG 376 LG 2 EBW G4 LG 2 EBW G4 LG 4 FGG 168 N2 LG 1 EBW G2 LG 5 MAB OUD EBW A101 HMS BL 3 S1 LG 7 LG 5 LG 5 LG 7 Page 8 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing AGEC2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGEC2614 Lecture 3 English (A) AGEC2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGEC2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGEC2624 Lecture 1 English (A) AGEC2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGEC2624 Lecture 2 English (A) AGEC2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGEC2624 Lecture 3 English (A) AGEC2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGEC3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGEC3714 Lecture 1 English (A) AGEC3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGEC3714 Lecture 2 English (A) AGEC3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGEC3714 Lecture 3 English (A) AGEC3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGEC3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGEC3724 Lecture 1 English (A) AGEC3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGEC3724 Lecture 2 English (A) AGEC3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGEC3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGEG2624 Lecture 1 English (A) AGEG2624 Lecture 2 English (A) AGEG2624 Lecture 3 English (A) AGEG2624 Practical 1 English (A) AGEG3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGEG3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) AGEG3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) AGEG3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGEG3724 Lecture 1 English (A) AGEG3724 Lecture 2 English (A) AGEG3724 Lecture 3 English (A) AGEG3724 Practical 1 English (A) AGEG4814 Lecture 1 English (A) AGEG4814 Lecture 2 English (A) AGEG4814 Practical 1 English (A) AGEG4824 Lecture 1 English (A) AGEG4824 Lecture 2 English (A) AGEG4824 Practical 1 English (A) AGMA3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGMA3744 Lecture 1 English (A) AGMA3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGMA3744 Lecture 2 English (A) AGMA3744 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGMA3744 Lecture 3 English (A) AGMA3744 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGMA3762 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGMA3762 Lecture 1 English (A) AGR 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGR 314 Lecture 1 English (A) AGR 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGR 314 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van 10:10 08:10 15:10 To Tot 11:00 09:00 17:00 Monday Maandag 09:10 08:10 08:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 10:00 09:00 09:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 17:00 LG 5 LG 4 09:10 13:10 13:10 10:10 08:10 13:10 14:10 10:00 14:00 14:00 11:00 09:00 14:00 17:00 13:10 09:10 13:10 13:10 13:10 15:10 14:00 10:00 14:00 15:00 14:00 16:00 LG 1 12:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 12:10 13:00 12:00 10:00 15:00 13:00 LG 5 09:10 10:00 12:10 13:00 14:10 17:00 LG 10 09:10 09:10 08:10 14:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 07:10 11:10 14:10 11:10 07:10 08:10 07:10 10:10 12:10 14:10 10:00 10:00 09:00 17:00 09:00 10:00 15:00 08:00 12:00 15:00 12:00 08:00 09:00 08:00 11:00 13:00 17:00 FGG 167 08:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 11:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag LG 6 FGG 378 LCT A LG 5 LG 4 LG 4 LG 5 LG 4 LG 3 LG 4 LG 6 LG 2 LG 6 LG 2 LG 4 LG 6 FGG 167 FGG 167 LG 3 LG 5 LG 4 LG 5 LG 1 LG 6 LG 7 LG 9 LG 2 LG 9 LG 10 BL 3 FG 117 LG 9 LG 10 LG 6 LG 10 FGG 167 LG 3 LG 6 LG 6 LG 2 FGG 167 LG 6 EBW G4 LG 4 EBW G2 WD 145 EDU 12 EDU 12 Page 9 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing AGR 314 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGR 314 Lecture 3 English (A) AGR 314 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGR 314 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) AGR 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGR 324 Lecture 1 English (A) AGR 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGR 324 Lecture 2 English (A) AGR 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGR 324 Lecture 3 English (A) AGR 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGR 414 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGR 414 Lecture 1 English (A) AGR 414 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGR 414 Lecture 2 English (A) AGR 414 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGR 414 Lecture 3 English (A) AGR 414 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGR 424 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGR 424 Lecture 1 English (A) AGR 424 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGR 424 Lecture 2 English (A) AGR 424 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGR 424 Lecture 3 English (A) AGR 424 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGR 434 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGR 434 Lecture 1 English (A) AGR 434 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGR 434 Lecture 2 English (A) AGR 434 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGR 434 Lecture 3 English (A) AGR 434 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGR 444 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGR 444 Lecture 1 English (A) AGR 444 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGR 444 Lecture 2 English (A) AGR 444 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGR 444 Lecture 3 English (A) AGR 444 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGR 451 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGRI1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGRI1514 Lecture 1 English (A) AGRI1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGRI1514 Lecture 2 English (A) AGRI1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGRI1514 Lecture 3 English (A) AGRI1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) AGRI1534 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGRI1534 Lecture 1 English (A) AGRI1534 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGRI1534 Lecture 2 English (A) AGRI1534 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) AGRI1534 Practical 1 English (A) AGRI1534 Practical 1 English (B) From Van 09:10 12:10 14:10 To Tot 10:00 13:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag 14:10 17:00 11:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 12:10 14:10 12:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 17:00 10:10 09:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 11:10 11:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 09:00 11:00 14:00 EBW A102 EBW A102 EBW A102 11:10 09:10 08:10 13:10 11:10 09:10 14:10 12:00 10:00 09:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 17:00 LG 7.204 LG 7.204 12:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 11:10 14:10 13:00 13:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 12:00 17:00 LG 10 LG 6 13:10 08:10 12:10 10:10 12:10 11:10 14:10 14:00 09:00 13:00 11:00 13:00 12:00 17:00 LG 7.204 LG 7.204 08:10 10:00 10:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 10:10 08:10 14:10 11:00 13:00 09:00 11:00 11:00 09:00 17:00 LG 2 FGG 166 12:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 13:00 11:00 13:00 11:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 LG 7 LG 3 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag EBW ALG8 EBW ALG8 LG 10.K03 Friday Vrydag LG 9 EDU 15 FGG 377 EDU 12 N1 WD 145 EDU 13 LG 10.K03 EBW A102 EBW ALG7 FGG 167 LG 3.201 LG 7.204 LG 7.204 LG 7.204 LG 7.204 LG 7.204 LG 10 LG 3 FGG 167 LG 2 LG 3.206 LG 7.204 FGG 376 FGG 167 LG 7.204 LG 7.204 FGG 167 LG 2 LG 10 DEPT 15 LG 7 LG 5 LG 5 LG 2 LG 8.G02 LG 8.G02 LG 8.G02 Page 10 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing AGRI1554 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) AGRI1554 Lecture 1 English (A) AGRI1554 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) AGRI1554 Lecture 2 English (A) AGRI1554 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) AGRI1554 Lecture 3 English (A) AGRI1554 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) AGRI1554 Practical 1 English (A) ALC 208 Lecture 1 English (A) ALC 208 Lecture 1 English (B) ALC 208 Lecture 1 English (C) ALC 208 Lecture 1 English (D) ALC 208 Lecture 1 English (E) ALC 208 Lecture 1 English (F) ALC 208 Lecture 1 English (G) ALC 208 Lecture 1 English (H) ALC 208 Lecture 1 English (I) ALC 208 Lecture 1 English (J) ANBA3716 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANBA3716 Lecture 1 English (A) ANBA3716 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANBA3716 Lecture 2 English (A) ANBA3716 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBE3726 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANBE3726 Lecture 1 English (A) ANBE3726 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANBE3726 Lecture 2 English (A) ANBE3726 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBG1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANBG1524 Lecture 1 English (A) ANBG1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANBG1524 Lecture 2 English (A) ANBG1524 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANBG1524 Lecture 3 English (A) ANBG1524 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBG1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBG2616 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANBG2616 Lecture 1 English (A) ANBG2616 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANBG2616 Lecture 2 English (A) ANBG2616 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANBG2616 Lecture 3 English (A) ANBG2616 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBG2616 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBG2626 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANBG2626 Lecture 1 English (A) ANBG2626 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANBG2626 Lecture 2 English (A) ANBG2626 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANBG2626 Lecture 3 English (A) ANBG2626 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBG2626 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBH2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANBH2614 Lecture 1 English (A) ANBH2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van 11:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 10:10 08:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 08:10 08:10 17:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 09:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 14:10 To Tot 12:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 11:00 09:00 17:00 17:00 16:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 10:00 10:00 19:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 13:00 12:00 17:00 Monday Maandag LG 2 LG 7 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag 11:10 09:10 12:10 11:10 14:10 13:00 11:00 13:00 12:00 17:00 KINE13 KINE13 08:10 10:10 09:10 13:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 09:00 11:00 10:00 14:00 09:00 10:00 13:00 B203 B203 10:10 11:00 11:10 10:10 09:10 11:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 12:00 11:00 10:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 17:00 11:10 13:00 11:10 10:10 09:10 11:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 12:00 11:00 10:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 17:00 11:10 13:00 09:10 08:10 11:10 10:00 09:00 12:00 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag LG 6 FGG 167 FGG 167 LG 6 LG 5 LG 4 WD 145 BL 2 FG 116 S1 LCT F WWG 223 EBW G3 LG 7 LCT A WD 46 KINE2 KINE2 B119 B119 B119 KINESEM KINESEM FRC 402 B203 B203 B203 B203 DISS. SAAL B203 KINE13 KINE13 KINESEM KINE13 KINESEM DISS. SAAL B119 DISS. SAAL KINE13 KINE13 KINESEM KINE12 KINESEM B119 FRB 120 FRB 120 KINESEM KINESEM KINESEM Page 11 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing ANBH2614 Lecture 2 English (A) ANBH2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANBH2614 Lecture 3 English (A) ANBH2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBH2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANBH2624 Lecture 1 English (A) ANBH2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANBH2624 Lecture 2 English (A) ANBH2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANBH2624 Lecture 3 English (A) ANBH2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBH3704 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANBH3704 Lecture 1 English (A) ANBH3704 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANBH3704 Lecture 2 English (A) ANBH3704 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBO1608 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANBO1608 Lecture 1 English (A) ANBO1608 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANBO1608 Lecture 2 English (A) ANBO1608 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANBO1608 Lecture 3 English (A) ANBO1608 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBP1608 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANBP1608 Lecture 1 English (A) ANBP1608 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANBP1608 Lecture 2 English (A) ANBP1608 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANBP1608 Lecture 3 English (A) ANBP1608 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANBT3704 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANBT3704 Lecture 1 English (A) ANIB2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANIB2624 Lecture 1 English (A) ANIB2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANIB2624 Lecture 2 English (A) ANIB2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANIB2624 Lecture 3 English (A) ANIB4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANIB4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ANIB4824 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANIG1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANIG1624 Lecture 1 English (A) ANIG1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANIG1624 Lecture 2 English (A) ANIG1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANIG1624 Lecture 3 English (A) ANIG1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) ANIG1624 Practical 1 English (A) ANIG2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANIG2614 Lecture 1 English (A) ANIG2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANIG2614 Lecture 2 English (A) ANIG2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANIG2614 Lecture 3 English (A) From Van 10:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 To Tot 11:00 10:00 11:00 14:00 Monday Maandag 09:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 10:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 14:00 10:10 09:10 09:10 12:10 14:10 11:00 10:00 10:00 13:00 17:00 B119 B119 11:10 09:10 09:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 14:10 12:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 17:00 KINE2 11:10 09:10 09:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 14:10 12:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 17:00 KINE2 12:10 11:10 07:10 13:10 12:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 11:10 13:00 12:00 08:00 14:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 13:00 12:10 13:00 14:10 17:00 13:10 14:10 10:10 13:10 13:10 10:10 14:10 14:10 12:10 08:10 11:10 07:10 08:10 09:10 14:00 15:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 11:00 16:00 16:00 13:00 09:00 12:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag KINESEM Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag KINESEM KINESEM FRC 402 KINESEM KINESEM KINESEM KINESEM KINESEM KINESEM FRC 402 B119 B119 MICLAB 402 KINE12 KINE3 KINE3 KINE2 KINE2 DISS. SAAL KINE12 KINE3 KINE3 KINE2 KINE2 DISS. SAAL B119 B119 FGG 168 BL 2 BL 2 BL 2 BL 3 EBW ALG8 LG 3.GO4 LG 3.GO4 LG 3.GO4 FGG 183 W 201 W 201 LG 5 LG 5 W 201 LCT C SSB LG 4 LG 1 FGG 183 LG 3 LG 4 LG 3 Page 12 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing ANIG2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) ANIG2614 Practical 1 English (A) ANIG2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANIG2624 Lecture 1 English (A) ANIG2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANIG2624 Lecture 2 English (A) ANIG2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANIG2624 Lecture 3 English (A) ANIG2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANIG3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANIG3714 Lecture 1 English (A) ANIG3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANIG3714 Lecture 2 English (A) ANIG3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANIG3714 Lecture 3 English (A) ANIG3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANIG3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANIG3744 Lecture 1 English (A) ANIG3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANIG3744 Lecture 2 English (A) ANIG3744 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANIN3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANIN3734 Lecture 1 English (A) ANIN3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANIN3734 Lecture 2 English (A) ANIN3734 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANIN3734 Lecture 3 English (A) ANIN3734 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANIN3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANIN3744 Lecture 1 English (A) ANIN3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANIN3744 Lecture 2 English (A) ANIN3744 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANIN3744 Lecture 3 English (A) ANIN3744 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANIN4864 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANIN4864 Lecture 1 English (A) ANIN4864 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANIN4864 Lecture 2 English (A) ANIN4864 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ANIN4864 Lecture 3 English (A) ANIN4864 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANT 116 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) ANT 116 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) ANT 116 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) ANT 116 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans (A) ANT 116 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (A) ANT 116 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (B) ANT 116 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANT 116 Lecture 1 English (A) ANT 116 Lecture 1 English (B) From Van 12:10 13:10 11:10 12:10 09:10 11:10 10:10 10:10 14:10 To Tot 13:00 14:00 12:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 11:00 11:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag 10:10 09:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 07:10 14:10 11:00 10:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 08:00 17:00 CRS 5 FGG 169 08:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 14:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 17:00 CRS 6 08:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 15:00 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 08:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 17:00 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 09:10 12:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 10:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 LG 4 11:10 12:00 14:10 15:00 10:10 11:00 DEPT 01 12:10 13:00 EBW A103 15:10 16:00 09:10 10:00 12:10 15:10 17:10 13:00 16:00 18:00 Friday Vrydag LG 4 LG 3 LG 5 FGG 167 LG 5 LG 9 LG 4 LG 9 LG 3.KO4 LG 5 FGG 169 LG 2 LG 5 LG 3 LG 9 LG 2 FGG 170 LCT B LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 9 LG 5 LG 10 LG 5 LG 9 LG 10.202 SG 1 S1 S1 DEPT 15 CRS 3 W 202 FGG 377 Page 13 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing ANT 116 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANT 116 Lecture 2 English (A) ANT 116 Lecture 2 English (B) ANT 116 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) ANT 116 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) ANT 116 Tutorial 1 English (A) ANT 116 Tutorial 1 English (B) ANT 116 Tutorial 1 English (C) ANT 116 Tutorial 1 English (D) ANT 116 Tutorial 1 English (E) ANT 116 Tutorial 1 English (F) ANT 116 Tutorial 1 English (G) ANT 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) ANT 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) ANT 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) ANT 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans (A) ANT 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (A) ANT 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (B) ANT 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANT 124 Lecture 1 English (A) ANT 124 Lecture 1 English (B) ANT 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANT 124 Lecture 2 English (A) ANT 124 Lecture 2 English (B) ANT 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) ANT 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) ANT 124 Tutorial 1 English (A) ANT 124 Tutorial 1 English (B) ANT 124 Tutorial 1 English (C) ANT 124 Tutorial 1 English (D) ANT 124 Tutorial 1 English (E) ANT 124 Tutorial 1 English (F) ANT 124 Tutorial 1 English (G) ANT 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANT 214 Lecture 1 English (A) ANT 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANT 214 Lecture 2 English (A) ANT 214 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANT 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANT 224 Lecture 1 English (A) ANT 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANT 224 Lecture 2 English (A) ANT 224 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANT 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANT 314 Lecture 1 English (A) ANT 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANT 314 Lecture 2 English (A) ANT 314 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ANT 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANT 324 Lecture 1 English (A) ANT 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANT 324 Lecture 2 English (A) ANT 324 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) From Van 12:10 10:10 17:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 11:10 To Tot 13:00 11:00 18:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 12:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag CRS 5 STB 1 Thursday Donderdag 14:10 15:00 09:10 10:00 LG 9 12:10 13:00 CRS 5 14:10 15:00 10:10 11:00 12:10 15:10 17:10 12:10 10:10 17:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 13:10 08:10 14:10 12:10 12:10 13:00 16:00 18:00 13:00 11:00 18:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 14:00 09:00 15:00 13:00 13:00 LG 1 HMS S1 13:10 08:10 14:10 12:10 12:10 14:00 09:00 15:00 13:00 13:00 EBW A103 W 202 12:10 08:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 13:00 09:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 CRS 1 CRS 4 12:10 08:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 13:00 09:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 FGG 169 EDU 13 Friday Vrydag FGG 377 LCT C LG 1 FGG 183 FGG 184 CRS 10 CRS 1 CRS 7 CRS 6 FGG 167 CRS 4 CRS 3 CRS 5 LG 2 LCT E EBW OUD SG 1 CRS 5 CRS 1 EBW G4 FGG 169 EBW ALG8 EBW A103 N2 EBW G3 EBW A103 EBW A102 FGG 377 FGG 170 W 202 FGG 377 EBW G3 W 202 W 201 FGG 257 CRS 5 FGG 184 LG 2 EDU 13 MAB OUD Page 14 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing ANTC1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) ANTC1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) ANTC1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) ANTC1624 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans (A) ANTC1624 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (A) ANTC1624 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (B) ANTC1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANTC1624 Lecture 1 English (A) ANTC1624 Lecture 1 English (B) ANTC1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANTC1624 Lecture 2 English (A) ANTC1624 Lecture 2 English (B) ANTC1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) ANTC1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) ANTC1624 Tutorial 1 English (A) ANTC1624 Tutorial 1 English (B) ANTC1624 Tutorial 1 English (C) ANTC1624 Tutorial 1 English (D) ANTC1624 Tutorial 1 English (E) ANTC1624 Tutorial 1 English (F) ANTC1624 Tutorial 1 English (G) ANTI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) ANTI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) ANTI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) ANTI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans (A) ANTI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (A) ANTI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (B) ANTI1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ANTI1514 Lecture 1 English (A) ANTI1514 Lecture 1 English (B) ANTI1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ANTI1514 Lecture 2 English (A) ANTI1514 Lecture 2 English (B) ANTI1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) ANTI1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) ANTI1514 Tutorial 1 English (A) ANTI1514 Tutorial 1 English (B) ANTI1514 Tutorial 1 English (C) ANTI1514 Tutorial 1 English (D) ANTI1514 Tutorial 1 English (E) ANTI1514 Tutorial 1 English (F) ANTI1514 Tutorial 1 English (G) ATH 204 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ATW 164 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ATW 164 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ATW 164 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) ATW 164 Practical 1 From Van 11:10 To Tot 12:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag CRS 4 14:10 15:00 09:10 10:00 LG 9 12:10 13:00 CRS 5 14:10 15:00 10:10 11:00 12:10 15:10 17:10 12:10 10:10 17:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 11:10 13:00 16:00 18:00 13:00 11:00 18:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 12:00 14:10 15:00 10:10 11:00 DEPT 01 12:10 13:00 EBW A103 15:10 16:00 09:10 10:00 12:10 15:10 17:10 12:10 10:10 17:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 14:10 13:00 16:00 18:00 13:00 11:00 18:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 17:00 08:10 09:00 08:10 09:00 FGG 170 12:10 13:00 FGG 170 14:10 17:00 Friday Vrydag CRS 3 CRS 5 LG 2 LG 1 HMS S1 LCT E EBW OUD SG 1 CRS 5 CRS 1 EBW G4 FGG 169 EBW ALG8 EBW A103 N2 EBW G3 EBW A103 SG 1 S1 S1 DEPT 15 CRS 3 W 202 FGG 377 CRS 5 STB 1 FGG 377 LCT C LG 1 FGG 183 FGG 184 CRS 10 CRS 1 CRS 7 CRS 6 FGG 167 DEPT 01 FGG 169 FGG 169 Page 15 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) ATW 216 Lecture 1 English (A) ATW 216 Lecture 2 English (A) ATW 216 Lecture 3 English (A) ATW 226 Lecture 1 English (A) ATW 226 Lecture 2 English (A) ATW 226 Lecture 3 English (A) ATW 316 Lecture 1 English (A) ATW 316 Lecture 2 English (A) ATW 316 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ATW 608 Lecture 1 English (A) ATW 608 Lecture 2 English (A) BCA 122 Lecture 1 (A) BCA 122 Lecture 1 (B) BCA 122 Lecture 2 (A) BCA 122 Lecture 2 (B) BCIS1513 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BCIS1513 Lecture 1 English (A) BCIS1513 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BCIS1513 Lecture 2 English (A) BCIS1513 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BCIS1513 Lecture 3 English (A) BCIS1623 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BCIS1623 Lecture 1 English (A) BCIS1623 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BCIS1623 Lecture 2 English (A) BCIS1623 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BCIS1623 Lecture 3 English (A) BCIS1623 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BEO 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BEO 122 Lecture 1 English (A) BEO 122 Lecture 2 English (A) BEO 142 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) BEO 142 Tutorial 1 English (A) BEO 142 Tutorial 2 English (A) BES 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BES 314 Lecture 1 English (A) BES 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BES 314 Lecture 2 English (A) BES 314 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BES 314 Lecture 3 English (A) BFS 312 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BFS 312 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 114 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 114 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 114 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BKO 114 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) BKO 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 124 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 124 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 124 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BKO 134 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 134 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 134 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van To Tot 12:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 09:10 14:10 13:00 13:00 14:00 13:00 13:00 14:00 13:00 10:00 17:00 08:10 08:10 10:10 15:10 12:10 12:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 12:10 09:10 09:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 14:10 10:00 10:00 11:00 16:00 13:00 13:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 17:00 15:10 16:10 16:10 15:10 16:10 14:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 11:10 14:10 14:10 08:10 10:10 07:10 07:10 15:10 17:00 18:00 18:00 17:00 17:00 15:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 12:00 16:00 16:00 09:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 17:00 09:10 11:00 08:10 10:10 07:10 07:10 15:10 09:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 17:00 09:10 09:10 14:10 11:00 10:00 15:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag WWG 226 WWG 113 WWG 226 WWG 113 W 111 WWG 113 WWG 114 WWG 113 FGG 258 FGG 363 FGG 258 HMS W 202 MAB OUD W 201 WWG 114 FGG 377 WWG 113 WWG 114 WWG 114 WWG 114 DEPT 15 FGG 378 FGG 378 WWG 226 WWG 226 WWG 226 WWG 113 FG 117 WD 144 EDU 15 FGG 258 FGG 258 FGG 258 LG 9 LG 9.101 LG 9 LG 9 LG 9 LG 9.101 FGG 259 FGG 257 CRS 2 FGG 184 FGG 168 FGG 377 FGG 377 FG 116 EBW A103 STB 3 EBW A101 FGG 377 S1 S1 LG 4 STB 4 BL 1 Page 16 of 131 Description Beskrywing BKO 134 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 134 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BKO 134 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (AA) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (BB) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (C) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (CC) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (D) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (DD) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (E) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (EE) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (F) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (FF) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (G) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (H) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (I) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (J) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (K) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (L) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (M) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (N) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (O) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (P) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (Q) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (R) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (S) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (T) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (U) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (V) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (W) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 From Van 13:10 15:10 To Tot 14:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag LG 4 16:10 18:00 08:10 09:00 11:10 12:00 09:10 10:00 12:10 13:00 10:10 11:00 08:10 09:00 11:10 12:00 09:10 10:00 08:10 09:00 11:10 12:00 09:10 10:00 12:10 13:00 10:10 11:00 FGG 258 11:10 12:00 FGG 257 08:10 09:00 FGG 257 09:10 10:00 CRS 3 10:10 11:00 FGG 257 11:10 12:00 FGG 257 08:10 09:00 FGG 257 09:10 10:00 FGG 257 10:10 11:00 EDU 15 11:10 12:00 FGG 258 08:10 09:00 CRS 6 09:10 10:00 EBW ALG7 11:10 12:00 FGG 170 12:10 13:00 FGG 260 08:10 09:00 N1 09:10 10:00 FGG 257 11:10 12:00 EBW ALG7 12:10 13:00 EBW ALG7 FGG 183 LCT B CRS 5 FGG 260 FGG 257 FGG 261 FGG 258 FGG 260 FGG 258 EBW ALG7 CRS 6 EBW A102 FGG 261 CRS 1 Page 17 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (X) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (Y) BKO 134 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (Z) BKO 144 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 144 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 144 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 144 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 144 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BKO 154 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 154 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 154 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 154 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 154 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BKO 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 214 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 214 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 214 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BKO 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 224 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 224 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 224 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BKO 234 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 234 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 234 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 234 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 234 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BKO 244 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 244 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 244 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 244 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 244 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BKO 254 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 254 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BKO 254 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 254 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 254 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 264 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 264 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 264 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 264 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 264 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 264 Practical 1 English (A) BKO 264 Practical 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 264 Practical 2 English (A) BKO 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 324 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 324 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 324 Practical 1 English (A) BKO 334 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 334 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag 08:10 09:00 EBW ALG7 09:10 10:00 EBW ALG7 11:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 12:00 13:00 09:00 11:00 14:00 FGG 183 HMS 11:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 12:00 13:00 09:00 11:00 14:00 15:10 14:10 09:10 10:10 16:10 16:00 15:00 10:00 11:00 18:00 FGG 167 FGG 167 15:10 14:10 09:10 10:10 16:10 16:00 15:00 10:00 11:00 18:00 FGG 378 LG 5 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 10:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 16:00 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 10:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 16:00 08:10 13:10 09:00 15:00 EBW G2 HMS 09:10 09:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 13:10 12:10 15:10 16:10 14:10 17:10 09:10 08:10 11:10 08:10 15:10 15:10 10:10 09:10 10:00 10:00 09:00 09:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 16:00 17:00 15:00 18:00 10:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 17:00 17:00 11:00 10:00 BL 1 Thursday Donderdag FGG 377 HMS FGG 184 LG 5 HMS RINDLS HMS SG 1 FGG 169 FGG 169 STB 4 FGG 184 W 111 LCT D TLG 207 FGG 184 TLG 207 FGG 184 W 202 SSB S1 FGG 183 STB 2 STB 2 EBW G3 W 201 FGG 183 RINDLS FGG 183 BL 1 LCT D LCT D LCT F LCT D FGG 170 EBW A103 FGG 169 EBW ALG8 LG 1 LG 6 CRS 6 W 111 Page 18 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing BKO 334 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 334 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 334 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 334 Practical 1 English (A) BKO 344 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 344 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 344 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 344 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 344 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 344 Practical 1 English (A) BKO 354 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 354 Lecture 1 English (A) BKO 354 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKO 354 Lecture 2 English (A) BKO 354 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) BKO 354 Practical 1 English (A) BKT 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKT 214 Lecture 1 English (A) BKT 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKT 214 Lecture 2 English (A) BKT 214 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BKT 214 Lecture 3 English (A) BKT 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BKT 314 Lecture 1 English (A) BKT 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BKT 314 Lecture 2 English (A) BKT 314 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BKT 314 Lecture 3 English (A) BLGY1513 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BLGY1513 Lecture 1 English (A) BLGY1513 Lecture 1 English (B) BLGY1513 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BLGY1513 Lecture 2 English (A) BLGY1513 Lecture 2 English (B) BLGY1513 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) BLGY1513 Practical 1 Afrikaans (B) BLGY1513 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1513 Practical 1 English (A) BLGY1513 Practical 1 English (B) BLGY1513 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1623 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BLGY1623 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 11:10 10:10 14:10 14:10 10:10 09:10 11:10 10:10 14:10 14:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 13:10 08:10 11:10 13:10 12:10 11:10 09:10 08:10 13:10 12:10 11:10 13:10 14:10 10:10 09:10 13:10 09:10 10:10 13:10 14:10 18:10 14:10 To Tot 12:00 11:00 16:00 16:00 11:00 10:00 12:00 11:00 16:00 16:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 14:00 09:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 10:00 09:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 14:00 15:00 11:00 10:00 14:00 10:00 11:00 14:00 17:00 21:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag EBW G4 LG 5 14:10 18:10 08:10 17:00 21:00 12:00 11:10 09:10 12:00 10:00 BLGY1623 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BLGY1623 Lecture 2 English (A) BLGY1623 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1623 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) BLGY1623 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) BLGY1623 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (D) BLGY1643 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BLGY1643 Lecture 1 English (A) 11:10 09:10 14:10 12:00 10:00 17:00 BL 28 18:10 21:00 BL 28 18:10 21:00 BL 28 14:10 17:00 BL 28 09:10 12:10 10:00 13:00 BLGY1643 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BLGY1643 Lecture 2 English (A) BLGY1643 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1643 Practical 2 13:10 08:10 14:10 14:00 09:00 17:00 BL 28 18:10 21:00 BL 28 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag LG 3 W 201 FGG 260 LCT A FGG 260 FG 116 FGG 260 SG 1 CRS 3 N2 CRS 1 BL 2 EBW G2 RINDLS LG 3 FG 116 W 201 FGG 183 FGG 183 BL 1 S1 EBW ALG7 CRS 2 EBW A102 CRS 3 CRS 3 STB 2 STB 1 FGG 184 STB 1 STB 1 W 201 BL 28 BL 28 BL 28 BL 28 BL 28 EBW OUD BL 1 KOVSI KERK FGG 183 STB 1 BL 1 KOVSI KERK S1 EBW OUD Page 19 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1643 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1643 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1643 Practical 5 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1643 Practical 6 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1663 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BLGY1663 Lecture 1 English (A) BLGY1663 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BLGY1663 Lecture 2 English (A) BLGY1663 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1663 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1663 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1663 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1663 Practical 5 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1683 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BLGY1683 Lecture 1 English (A) BLGY1683 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BLGY1683 Lecture 2 English (A) BLGY1683 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BLGY1683 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) BLGY1683 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) BLGY1683 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (D) BMBO1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BMBO1508 Lecture 1 English (A) BMBO1508 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BMBO1508 Lecture 2 English (A) BMBO1508 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BMBO1508 Lecture 3 English (A) BMBO2608 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BMBO2608 Lecture 1 English (A) BMBO2608 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BMBO2608 Lecture 2 English (A) BMMP1523 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) BMMP1523 Practical 1 English (A) BMMP1523 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) BMMP1523 Tutorial 1 English (A) BMMT1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BMMT1524 Lecture 1 English (A) BMMT1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BMMT1524 Lecture 2 English (A) BMMT1524 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BMMT1524 Lecture 3 English (A) BMMT1524 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) BMMT1524 Lecture 4 English (A) BMMT1524 Lecture 5 Afrikaans (A) BMMT1524 Lecture 5 English (A) BMMT1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BMNP1523 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag 18:10 21:00 BL 28 14:10 17:00 BL 28 14:10 17:00 BL 28 18:10 21:00 BL 28 09:10 13:10 09:10 13:10 14:10 10:00 14:00 10:00 14:00 17:00 14:10 17:00 18:10 21:00 18:10 21:00 14:10 17:00 12:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 13:00 12:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 BL 1 STB 1 18:10 21:00 BTVL 8 18:10 21:00 BTVL 8 14:10 17:00 BTVL 8 09:10 11:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 15:10 11:00 12:00 09:00 13:00 11:00 10:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 16:00 14:10 14:10 15:10 10:10 07:10 14:10 16:10 15:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 07:10 12:10 10:10 15:00 15:00 16:00 11:00 08:00 15:00 17:00 16:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 08:00 13:00 11:00 15:10 16:00 BL 1 EBW OUD FG 116 STB 1 DEPT 19 DEPT 15 DEPT 20 DEPT 20 DEPT 20 MAB OUD EBW OUD BTVL 8 DEPT 12 B203 B203 B203 B203 DEPT 13 DEPT 19 DEPT 13 DEPT 07 DEPT 14 DISS. SAAL DISS. SAAL KINE4 KINE4 KINE3 KINE2 KINE4 KINE4 KINE4 KINE2 KINE2 KINE5 KINE2 KINE5 KINE5 DISS. SAAL Page 20 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing BMNP1523 Practical 1 English (A) BMNP1523 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) BMNP1523 Tutorial 1 English (A) BMNP2613 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BMNT1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BMNT1524 Lecture 1 English (A) BMNT1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BMNT1524 Lecture 2 English (A) BMNT1524 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BMNT1524 Lecture 3 English (A) BMNT1524 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) BMNT1524 Lecture 4 English (A) BMNT1524 Lecture 5 Afrikaans (A) BMNT1524 Lecture 5 English (A) BMNT1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BMNT2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BMNT2614 Lecture 1 English (A) BMNT2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BMNT2614 Lecture 2 English (A) BMNT2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BMNT2614 Lecture 3 English (A) BMNT2614 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) BMNT2614 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) BMNT2614 Lecture 4 English (A) BMNT2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) BMNT2614 Practical 1 English (A) BOC 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BOC 324 Lecture 1 English (A) BOC 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BOC 324 Lecture 2 English (A) BOC 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BOC 334 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BOC 334 Lecture 1 English (A) BOC 334 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BOC 334 Lecture 2 English (A) BOC 334 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BOC 344 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BOC 344 Lecture 1 English (A) BOC 344 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BOC 344 Lecture 2 English (A) BOC 344 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BOCB2616 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BOCB2616 Lecture 1 English (A) BOCB2616 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BOCB2616 Lecture 2 English (A) BOCB2616 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BOCB2616 Lecture 3 English (A) From Van 14:10 14:10 15:10 14:10 To Tot 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 Monday Maandag 10:10 07:10 14:10 16:10 15:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 07:10 12:10 10:10 11:00 08:00 15:00 17:00 16:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 08:00 13:00 11:00 KINE3 KINE2 KINE4 KINE4 KINE4 10:10 07:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 10:10 14:10 11:10 13:00 08:00 11:00 09:00 13:00 13:00 15:00 12:00 15:10 14:10 15:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 16:00 15:00 16:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 12:00 17:00 13:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 17:10 14:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 20:00 12:10 08:10 09:10 13:10 17:10 13:00 09:00 10:00 14:00 20:00 11:10 10:10 12:10 08:10 12:10 12:10 12:00 11:00 13:00 09:00 13:00 13:00 BOCB2616 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BOCB2616 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) BOCE2626 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BOCE2626 Lecture 1 English (A) BOCE2626 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BOCE2626 Lecture 2 English (A) BOCE2626 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) 14:10 17:00 14:10 17:00 11:10 10:10 12:10 08:10 12:10 12:00 11:00 13:00 09:00 13:00 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag DISS. SAAL KINE4 KINE4 DISS. SAAL Friday Vrydag KINE2 KINE2 KINE5 KINE2 KINE5 KINE5 KINE2 KINE2 KINE3 KINE3 KINE2 KINE5 KINE4 KINE2 KINE4 DEPT 20 DEPT 15 FGG 259 N1 FGG 257 FGG 378 BTVL 13 FGG 166 WWG 114 CRS 3 LG 3 BTVL 13 LG 10 W 111 LG 10 LG 7 BTVL 7 CRS 2 S1 CRS 1 CRS 10 CRS 2 KOVSI KERK BTVL 8 BTVL 7 CRS 5 CRS 10 CRS 5 CRS 10 EBW A101 Page 21 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing BOCE2626 Lecture 3 English (A) BOCE2626 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BOCE2626 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) BOCH2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BOCH2614 Lecture 1 English (A) BOCH2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BOCH2614 Lecture 2 English (A) BOCH2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BOCH2614 Lecture 3 English (A) BOCM3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BOCM3714 Lecture 1 English (A) BOCM3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BOCM3714 Lecture 2 English (A) BOCM3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BOCP3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BOCP3724 Lecture 1 English (A) BOCP3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BOCP3724 Lecture 2 English (A) BOCP3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BOCS3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BOCS3724 Lecture 1 English (A) BOCS3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BOCS3724 Lecture 2 English (A) BOCS3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BTNY2616 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BTNY2616 Lecture 1 English (A) BTNY2616 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BTNY2616 Lecture 2 English (A) BTNY2616 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BTNY2616 Lecture 3 English (A) BTNY2616 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BTNY2626 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BTNY2626 Lecture 1 English (A) BTNY2626 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BTNY2626 Lecture 2 English (A) BTNY2626 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) BTNY2626 Lecture 3 English (A) BTNY2626 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BTNY3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BTNY3714 Lecture 1 English (A) BTNY3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BTNY3714 Lecture 2 English (A) BTNY3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) BTNY3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BTNY3724 Lecture 1 English (A) BTNY3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BTNY3724 Lecture 2 English (A) BTNY3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BTNY3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BTNY3734 Lecture 1 English (A) BTNY3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BTNY3734 Lecture 2 English (A) BTNY3734 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) BTNY3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BTNY3744 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 12:10 14:10 To Tot 13:00 17:00 Monday Maandag 14:10 17:00 11:10 10:10 08:10 08:10 13:10 12:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 12:00 11:00 09:00 09:00 14:00 13:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 12:00 17:00 FGG 169 CRS 1 08:10 12:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 09:00 13:00 12:00 12:00 17:00 FGG 259 12:10 08:10 09:10 13:10 17:10 13:00 09:00 10:00 14:00 20:00 08:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 BL 2 FGG 168 08:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 BL 2 BL 3 10:10 12:10 08:10 11:10 14:10 10:10 12:10 08:10 11:10 14:10 11:00 13:00 09:00 12:00 17:00 11:00 13:00 09:00 12:00 17:00 BL 3 BL 2 12:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 17:10 12:10 10:10 13:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 20:00 13:00 11:00 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag STB 3 BTVL 7 Friday Vrydag BTVL 7 FGG 169 CRS 3 FGG 167 CRS 5 CRS 1 LCT F LG 2 EDU 13 BTVL 13 N1 FGG 257 FGG 378 BTVL 13 LG 10 W 111 LG 10 LG 7 BTVL 7 BL 2 BL 2 BL 2 BL 2 LAB 28 BL 2 BL 3 BL 2 BL 3 LAB 28 BL 3 FGG 168 PL 49 BL 3 BL 2 LG 10 EBW G2 PL 49 CRS 2 BL 3 BL 3 BL 3 PL 49 FGG 259 FGG 168 Page 22 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing BTNY3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BTNY3744 Lecture 2 English (A) BTNY3744 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) BTNY3754 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) BTNY3754 Lecture 1 English (A) BTNY3754 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) BTNY3754 Lecture 2 English (B) BTNY3754 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1512 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1512 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM1512 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1512 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM1512 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1513 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1513 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM1513 Lecture 1 English (B) CHEM1513 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1513 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM1513 Lecture 2 English (B) CHEM1513 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1513 Lecture 3 English (A) CHEM1513 Lecture 3 English (B) CHEM1513 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1513 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1513 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) CHEM1513 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1513 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1513 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1513 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1513 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1513 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1513 Practical 5 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1514 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM1514 Lecture 1 English (B) CHEM1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1514 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM1514 Lecture 2 English (B) CHEM1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1514 Lecture 3 English (A) CHEM1514 Lecture 3 English (B) CHEM1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) CHEM1514 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1514 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (B) From Van 11:10 09:10 17:10 To Tot 12:00 10:00 20:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag 11:10 13:10 12:10 10:10 14:10 12:00 14:00 13:00 11:00 17:00 12:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 12:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 12:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 13:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 09:00 09:00 09:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 17:00 EBW ALG8 18:10 21:00 C131A 10:10 13:00 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 08:10 08:10 08:10 12:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 09:00 09:00 09:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 17:00 RINDLS W 202 LG 4 18:10 21:00 C131A 10:10 13:00 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A Friday Vrydag BL 2 FGG 168 PL 49 BL 3 BL 3 BL 3 BL 2 BL 132 EBW ALG8 BL 2 EBW A101 LG 7 RINDLS W 202 LG 4 RINDLS W 201 STB 3 RINDLS W 202 W 201 C131A C131A C131A RINDLS W 201 STB 3 RINDLS W 202 W 201 C131A C131A Page 23 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing CHEM1514 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1514 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1514 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1514 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1514 Practical 5 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1551 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1551 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM1551 Lecture 1 English (B) CHEM1551 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1551 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM1551 Lecture 2 English (B) CHEM1551 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1551 Lecture 3 English (A) CHEM1551 Lecture 3 English (B) CHEM1551 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1551 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1551 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) CHEM1551 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1551 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1551 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1551 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1551 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1551 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1551 Practical 5 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1561 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1561 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1561 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM1561 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM1561 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1561 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1561 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM1561 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM1561 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1561 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1561 Lecture 3 English (A) CHEM1561 Lecture 3 English (A) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) From Van 14:10 To Tot 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag C131A Thursday Donderdag 18:10 21:00 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 08:10 08:10 08:10 12:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 09:00 09:00 09:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 17:00 RINDLS W 202 LG 4 18:10 21:00 C131A 10:10 13:00 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 12:10 12:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 11:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 09:00 09:00 09:00 09:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 17:00 FGG 183 RINDLS CRS 10 LCT C 14:10 17:00 C131C 18:10 21:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131C 10:10 13:00 18:10 21:00 Friday Vrydag C131A C131A RINDLS W 201 STB 3 RINDLS W 202 W 201 C131A C131A C131A CRS 10 LCT A FGG 183 STB 3 RINDLS W 111 FGG 377 LCT D C131A C131A C131C Page 24 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (D) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (E) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (F) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (G) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (H) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (I) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (J) CHEM1561 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (K) CHEM1561 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (D) CHEM1561 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (E) CHEM1561 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (F) CHEM1561 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (G) CHEM1561 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (H) CHEM1561 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (I) CHEM1561 Practical 5 Afrikaans/English (J) CHEM1561 Practical 5 Afrikaans/English (K) CHEM1623 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1623 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM1623 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1623 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM1623 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1623 Lecture 3 English (A) CHEM1623 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1623 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1623 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) CHEM1623 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (D) CHEM1623 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (E) CHEM1623 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (F) CHEM1623 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (G) CHEM1623 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (H) CHEM1623 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (I) CHEM1623 Practical 5 Afrikaans/English (J) CHEM1623 Practical 5 Afrikaans/English (K) CHEM1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1624 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1624 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van 14:10 To Tot 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag C131C Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag 14:10 17:00 C131C 18:10 21:00 C131C 14:10 17:00 C131C 18:10 21:00 C131C 14:10 17:00 C131C 18:10 21:00 C131C 10:10 13:00 C131C 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 08:10 08:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 09:00 09:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 17:00 RINDLS CRS 10 18:10 21:00 C131A 10:10 13:00 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 08:10 08:10 12:10 12:10 09:00 09:00 13:00 13:00 LCT A FGG 183 W 111 FGG 377 C131A C131A RINDLS CRS 10 LCT A FGG 183 Page 25 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing CHEM1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1624 Lecture 3 English (A) CHEM1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) CHEM1624 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (D) CHEM1624 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (E) CHEM1624 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (F) CHEM1624 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (G) CHEM1624 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (H) CHEM1624 Practical 4 Afrikaans/English (I) CHEM1624 Practical 5 Afrikaans/English (J) CHEM1624 Practical 5 Afrikaans/English (K) CHEM1644 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1644 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM1644 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1644 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM1644 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CHEM1644 Lecture 3 English (A) CHEM1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) CHEM1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) CHEM1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (D) CHEM1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (E) CHEM1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (F) CHEM1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (G) CHEM1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (H) CHEM1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (I) CHEM1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (J) CHEM1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (K) CHEM2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM2614 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM2614 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM2614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM2624 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van 11:10 11:10 14:10 To Tot 13:00 13:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag W 111 FGG 377 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag 18:10 21:00 C131A 10:10 13:00 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 14:10 17:00 C131A 18:10 21:00 C131A 08:10 08:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 09:00 09:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 17:00 FGG 183 LCT C 18:10 21:00 C131C 18:10 21:00 C131C 14:10 17:00 C131C 14:10 17:00 C131C 18:10 21:00 C131C 14:10 17:00 C131C 18:10 21:00 C131C 14:10 17:00 C131C 18:10 21:00 C131C 10:10 13:00 C131C 08:10 13:10 13:10 11:10 14:10 09:00 14:00 14:00 12:00 20:00 C238 13:10 14:00 EDU 12 08:10 13:10 13:10 09:00 14:00 14:00 C131A C131A CRS 10 STB 3 RINDLS LCT D C131C FGG 376 WWG 226 FGG 259 FGG 377 C108 W 201 C108 Page 26 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing CHEM2624 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM2624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM2632 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM2632 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM2632 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM2642 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM2642 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM2642 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM3714 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM3714 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM3724 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM3724 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM3734 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM3734 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM3734 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM3734 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM3744 Lecture 1 English (A) CHEM3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CHEM3744 Lecture 2 English (A) CHEM3744 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM3744 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) CHEM3744 Tutorial 1 English (A) CHEM6814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM6824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM6834 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM6844 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM6854 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM6864 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (E) CHEM6874 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM6884 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CHEM9100 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR1508 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) From Van 11:10 14:10 To Tot 12:00 20:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag RINDLS Friday Vrydag 13:10 14:00 WWG 113 10:10 09:10 14:10 11:00 10:00 20:00 C108 LG 5 C238 10:10 09:10 14:10 11:00 10:00 20:00 C108 W 201 C238 11:10 13:10 09:10 13:10 14:10 12:00 14:00 10:00 14:00 20:00 C108 C108 11:10 13:10 09:10 13:10 14:10 12:00 14:00 10:00 14:00 20:00 C108 C108 10:10 13:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 11:00 14:00 09:00 10:00 20:00 13:10 14:00 10:10 13:10 12:10 08:10 14:10 11:00 14:00 13:00 09:00 20:00 13:10 09:10 08:10 14:00 10:00 10:00 DEPT 14 08:10 10:00 DEPT 16 08:10 11:00 DEPT 20 08:10 11:00 DEPT 16 11:10 13:00 DEPT 18 11:10 13:00 DEPT 20 11:10 13:00 DEPT 18 11:10 13:00 DEPT 18 14:10 17:00 C 103 12:10 13:00 HMS 33 13:10 14:00 HMS 33 C238 C108 C108 C231 C108 C108 C231 C108 C108 C108 C108 C231 CRS 7 C108 C108 C108 C108 C231 C108 C108 Page 27 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing CLGR1508 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR1508 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR1508 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR2608 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR2608 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR2608 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR2608 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR3714 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CLGR3724 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CLIM2614 Lecture 1 English (A) CLIM2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CLIM2614 Lecture 2 English (A) CLIM2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CLIM2614 Lecture 3 English (A) CLIM2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) CLIM2614 Practical 1 English (A) CLIM2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CLIM2624 Lecture 1 English (A) CLIM2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CLIM2624 Lecture 2 English (A) CLIM2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CLIM2624 Lecture 3 English (A) CLIM2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) CLIM2624 Practical 1 English (A) CLIM3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CLIM3714 Lecture 1 English (A) CLIM3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CLIM3714 Lecture 2 English (A) CLIM3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CLIM3714 Lecture 3 English (A) CLIM3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM3724 Practical 26 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM4814 Lecture 1 From Van 10:10 To Tot 11:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag HMS 33 10:10 11:00 15:10 16:00 09:10 10:00 09:10 10:00 09:10 10:00 14:10 15:00 14:10 15:00 HMS 34 15:10 16:00 HMS 34 14:10 15:00 HMS 34 15:10 16:00 HMS 34 14:10 15:00 HMS 34 15:10 16:00 HMS 34 14:10 15:00 HMS 34 15:10 16:00 HMS 34 10:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 09:10 12:10 14:10 14:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 10:10 09:10 12:10 14:10 14:10 12:10 13:10 07:10 13:10 11:10 07:10 14:10 11:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 10:00 13:00 17:00 17:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 10:00 13:00 17:00 17:00 13:00 13:59 08:00 13:59 12:00 07:59 16:00 FGG 183 CRS 10 12:10 13:00 LG 6 12:10 13:00 12:10 13:00 08:10 11:00 10:10 11:00 Friday Vrydag HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 CRS 10 LG 3 CRS 10 LG 1 EBW G3 LG 1 LG 3 LG9.201 W 201 LG 6 CRS 10 LG 3 DEPT 18 DEPT 14 LG 2 LG 1 LG 6 LG 10 FGG 261 LG 2 DEPT LG 7 LG 1 LG 1 LG-S5 Page 28 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM4814 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM4814 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM4824 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM4824 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM4844 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM4844 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM4844 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CLIM4844 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLLC1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CLLC1624 Lecture 1 English (A) CLLC1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CLLC1624 Lecture 2 English (A) CLLC1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CLLC1624 Lecture 3 English (A) CLLC1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLLT1608 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CLLT1608 Lecture 1 English (A) CLLT1608 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CLLT1608 Lecture 2 English (A) CLLT1608 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CLLT1608 Lecture 3 English (A) CLLT1608 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) CLLT1608 Lecture 4 English (A) CLLT3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLLT3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CLLT3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CLLT3714 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) CLLT3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLLT3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CLLT3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CLLT3724 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) CLNS3702 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CLNS3702 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CNCS1622 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNCS1622 Lecture 1 English (A) CNCS1622 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNCS1622 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag 08:10 09:00 LG-S5 08:10 09:00 DEPT 20 13:10 16:00 09:10 10:00 13:10 14:00 12:10 13:00 14:10 17:00 09:10 10:00 LG-S5 13:10 14:00 LG-S5 11:10 12:00 11:10 14:00 12:10 09:10 10:10 12:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 13:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 15:10 10:10 12:10 11:10 09:10 15:10 11:10 09:10 13:10 16:00 11:00 13:00 12:00 10:00 16:00 12:00 10:00 14:00 FGG 376 N2 14:10 15:00 DEPT 16 14:10 15:00 11:10 12:00 13:10 14:00 DEPT 15 14:10 15:00 DEPT 17 14:10 15:00 11:10 12:00 07:10 08:00 07:10 08:00 09:10 12:10 08:10 09:10 10:00 13:00 09:00 10:00 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag DEPT 17 LG-S5 LG-S5 LG-S5 LG-S5 LG-S5 LG-S5 EBW A101 FGG 378 FGG 169 EBW G3 BL 3 BL 3 STB 4 DEPT 12 CRS 7 DEPT 11 FGG 258 DEPT 17 FGG 259 DEPT 15 DEPT 15 DEPT 16 DEPT 13 DEPT 20 FG 116 FG 116 SG 1 DEPT 02 FGG 167 LG 9.101 Page 29 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing CNCS1622 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CNCS1622 Lecture 3 English (A) CNCS1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNCS1624 Lecture 1 English (A) CNCS1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNCS1624 Lecture 2 English (A) CNCS1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) CNCS1624 Practical 1 English (A) CNCS1634 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNCS1634 Lecture 1 English (A) CNCS1634 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNCS1634 Lecture 2 English (A) CNCS1634 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CNCS1634 Lecture 3 English (A) CNCS1634 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CNCS2622 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNCS2622 Lecture 1 English (A) CNCS2622 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNCS2622 Lecture 2 English (A) CNCS2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNCS2624 Lecture 1 English (A) CNCS2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNCS2624 Lecture 2 English (A) CNCS2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CNCS2624 Lecture 3 English (A) CNCS3732 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNCS3732 Lecture 1 English (A) CNCS3732 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNCS3732 Lecture 2 English (A) CNCS3732 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CNFD1532 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNFD1532 Lecture 1 English (A) CNFD1532 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNFD1532 Lecture 2 English (A) CNFD2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNFD2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNFD2614 Lecture 1 English (A) CNFD2614 Lecture 1 English (A) CNFD2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNFD2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNFD2614 Lecture 2 English (A) CNFD2614 Lecture 2 English (A) CNFD2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CNFD2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CNFD2614 Lecture 3 English (A) CNFD2614 Lecture 3 English (A) CNFD2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CNFD2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CNFD2614 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CNFD2614 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CNFD2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNFD2624 Lecture 1 English (A) CNFD2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNFD2624 Lecture 2 English (A) CNFD2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CNFD2624 Lecture 3 English (A) From Van 13:10 12:10 10:10 13:10 12:10 09:10 10:10 13:10 11:10 13:10 12:10 11:10 13:10 12:10 08:10 To Tot 14:00 13:00 11:00 14:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 10:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag DEPT 07 LG 9.101 09:10 10:10 10:10 12:10 10:10 08:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 13:10 08:10 10:10 10:00 11:00 11:00 13:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 14:00 09:00 15:00 14:10 14:10 15:10 15:10 07:10 11:10 10:10 12:10 08:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 11:10 14:10 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 09:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 18:00 14:10 18:00 14:10 18:00 LG 8.100 14:10 18:00 DEPT 20 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag FGG 184 DEPT 08 CRS 2 LG 9.101 DEPT 13 LG 9.104 LG 1 LG 9.101 FGG 167 LG 9.101 LG 2 LG 9.101 COMPLAB D LG 9.101 LG 9.104 LG 9.104 LG 9.104 LG 9 DEPT 08 LG 10 LG 9.101 LG 10 LG 9.101 LG 3 LG 9.101 LG 10 LG 9.101 FGG 166 FGG 378 LG 2 FGG 378 LG 2 LG 5 W 111 FGG 167 FGG 183 LG 2 LG 3 LG 9.101 LG 4 LG 4 LG 5 LG 6 LG 6 LG 8.100 LCT B LG 6 DEPT 04 FGG 168 LG 8.100 EBW G3 LG 9.101 Page 30 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing CNFD2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CNFD2624 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CNFD3713 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNFD3713 Lecture 1 English (A) CNFD3713 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNFD3713 Lecture 2 English (A) CNFD3713 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CNFD3732 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNFD3732 Lecture 1 English (A) CNFD3732 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNFD3732 Lecture 2 English (A) CNFD3732 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CNST1534 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNST1534 Lecture 1 English (A) CNST1534 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNST1534 Lecture 2 English (A) CNST1534 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CNST1534 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CNST1534 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CNST1644 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNST1644 Lecture 1 English (A) CNST1644 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNST1644 Lecture 2 English (A) CNST1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CNST1644 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CNST2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNST2614 Lecture 1 English (A) CNST2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNST2614 Lecture 2 English (A) CNST2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CNST2614 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CNST3712 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNST3712 Lecture 1 English (A) CNST3712 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNST3712 Lecture 2 English (A) CNST3712 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CNST3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNST3734 Lecture 1 English (A) CNST3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CNST3734 Lecture 2 English (A) CNST3734 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CNST3754 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CNST3754 Lecture 1 English (A) CNST3754 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CNST3754 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CONS3706 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) COQS3704 Lecture 1 From Van 14:10 To Tot 18:00 Monday Maandag DEPT 09 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag 14:10 18:00 08:10 09:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 09:10 10:10 09:10 08:10 10:10 10:00 11:00 10:00 09:00 13:00 08:10 11:10 18:10 17:10 09:10 09:00 12:00 19:00 18:00 13:00 13:10 17:00 10:10 14:00 16:10 10:10 17:10 10:10 08:10 17:00 11:00 18:00 11:00 11:00 12:10 15:00 09:10 08:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 10:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 11:10 13:00 11:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 12:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 08:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 14:10 09:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 18:00 08:10 09:10 14:10 09:00 10:00 17:00 14:10 17:00 DEPT 15 12:10 13:00 EBW ALG8 09:10 10:00 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag DEPT 10 LG 6 LG 6 LG 6 FGG 376 LG 6 LG 2 LG 9 LG 7 LG 9 LG 1 LG 3 LG 3 LG 1 LG 9.101 LG 8.100 LG 9.104 LG 9.104 LG 2 LG 9.101 LG 2 LG 9.101 DEPT 02 DEPT 14 LG 2 LG 9.104 LG 3 LG 9.104 DEPT 16 LG 9.104 LG 9 LG 9.104 LG 6 LG 9.104 LG 7.G01 LG 9.104 LG 9.104 DEPT 16 DEPT 16 LG 9.104 LG 10 LG 10 LG 9.101 EBW G2 Page 31 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) CROP2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CROP2614 Lecture 1 English (A) CROP2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CROP2614 Lecture 2 English (A) CROP2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CROP2614 Lecture 3 English (A) CROP2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CROP2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CROP2624 Lecture 1 English (A) CROP2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CROP2624 Lecture 2 English (A) CROP2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CROP2624 Lecture 3 English (A) CROP2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSCC1522 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSCC1522 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CSCC1522 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSCC1542 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSCC1542 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CSCC1542 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSID6843 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSID6863 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIE1606 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIE1606 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIE1606 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIE1606 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIE2613 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIE2613 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIE6813 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSII6813 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSII6833 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIL1511 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIL1511 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) CSIL1511 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (C) CSIL1511 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (D) CSIL1511 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIL1511 Lecture 1 English (B) CSIL1511 Lecture 1 English (C) CSIL1511 Lecture 1 English (D) CSIL1511 Lecture 1 English (E) CSIL1511 Lecture 1 English (F) CSIL1521 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIL1521 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag 10:10 12:10 10:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 11:00 13:00 11:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 11:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 12:10 14:10 12:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 17:00 EDU 15 FGG 377 14:10 15:00 N1 14:10 15:00 14:10 15:00 14:10 15:00 14:10 15:00 14:10 15:00 17:10 22:00 17:10 22:00 09:10 10:00 WWG 316 10:10 11:00 WWG 316 11:10 12:00 14:10 17:00 WWG 316 11:10 12:00 WWG 316 12:10 13:00 WWG 316 17:10 22:00 17:10 22:00 17:10 22:00 WWG 223 11:10 17:10 12:10 10:10 12:10 18:10 08:10 11:10 11:10 15:10 12:10 17:10 12:00 18:00 13:00 11:00 13:00 19:00 09:00 12:00 12:00 16:00 13:00 18:00 STB 4 STB 4 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag LG 3 EBW G2 S1 CRS 7 LG 7 CRS 3 LG 10.K03 EDU 12 N1 WD 145 EDU 13 LG 10.K03 FGG 257 N1 N1 FGG 257 N1 WWG 223 WWG 223 WWG 316 WWG 223 WWG 223 STB 4 STB 4 STB 4 STB 4 STB 4 STB 4 STB 4 STB 4 STB 4 STB 4 Page 32 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing CSIL1521 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (C) CSIL1521 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIL1521 Lecture 1 English (B) CSIL1521 Lecture 1 English (C) CSIL1521 Lecture 1 English (D) CSIL1521 Lecture 1 English (E) CSIP6833 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIP6853 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIP6883 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIQ1682 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIQ1682 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIQ1682 Lecture 1 English (B) CSIQ1682 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIQ1682 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIQ1682 Lecture 2 English (B) CSIQ1682 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CSIQ1682 Lecture 3 English (A) CSIQ1682 Lecture 3 English (B) CSIQ2634 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIQ2634 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIQ2634 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIQ2634 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIQ2634 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIQ2642 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIQ2642 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIQ2664 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIQ2664 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIQ2664 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIQ2664 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIQ3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIQ3714 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIQ3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIQ3714 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIQ3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS1534 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1534 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIS1534 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1534 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIS1534 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1534 Lecture 3 English (A) CSIS1534 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS1534 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS1553 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1553 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIS1553 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1553 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIS1553 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1553 Lecture 3 English (A) CSIS1553 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1614 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIS1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1614 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIS1614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1614 Lecture 3 English (A) From Van 09:10 12:10 18:10 12:10 10:10 15:10 17:10 To Tot 10:00 13:00 19:00 13:00 11:00 16:00 22:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag 17:10 22:00 17:10 22:00 WWG 223 11:10 12:10 09:10 11:10 12:10 09:10 11:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 19:10 10:10 18:10 14:10 12:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 20:00 11:00 19:00 17:00 WWG 225 WWG 225 WWG 225 07:10 09:10 13:10 16:10 08:10 09:10 12:10 19:10 10:10 18:10 14:10 08:00 10:00 14:00 17:00 09:00 10:00 13:00 20:00 11:00 19:00 17:00 12:10 13:10 12:10 13:10 13:10 07:10 14:10 13:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 08:00 17:00 FG 116 FG 116 17:10 20:00 WWG 316 09:10 12:10 10:10 13:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 10:00 13:00 11:00 14:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 CRS 1 FGG 184 12:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 07:10 09:10 13:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 08:00 10:00 FGG 378 FGG 378 Wednesday Woensdag STB 4 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag STB 4 STB 4 STB 4 STB 4 STB 4 WWG 223 WWG 223 WWG 225 WWG 225 WWG 225 WWG 225 WWG 225 WWG 225 WWG 114 WWG 226 WWG 226 WWG 226 WWG 316 WWG 222 WWG 222 WWG 226 WWG 226 WWG 226 WWG 226 WWG 114 WWG 226 WWG 226 WWG 226 WWG 316 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 WWG 225 EBW ALG8 FGG 378 CRS 4 WWG 113 WWG 314 FGG 378 FGG 378 FGG 378 FGG 378 Page 33 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing CSIS1614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS1614 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1624 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIS1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1624 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIS1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1624 Lecture 3 English (A) CSIS1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) CSIS1644 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1644 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIS1644 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1644 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIS1644 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1644 Lecture 3 English (A) CSIS1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS1644 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS1664 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1664 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIS1664 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1664 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIS1664 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) CSIS1664 Lecture 3 English (A) CSIS1664 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS1664 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) CSIS2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIS2614 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIS2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIS2614 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIS2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIS2624 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIS2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIS2624 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIS2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIS3734 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIS3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIS3734 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIS3734 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) CSIS3744 Lecture 1 English (A) CSIS3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) CSIS3744 Lecture 2 English (A) CSIS3744 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS6808 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSIS6813 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSL 112 Lecture 1 From Van 14:10 To Tot 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag WWG 225 Friday Vrydag 17:10 20:00 12:10 07:10 10:10 13:10 13:10 09:10 14:10 13:00 08:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 10:00 17:00 FGG 378 FGG 378 17:10 20:00 WWG 225 12:10 13:10 10:10 13:10 13:10 07:10 14:10 13:00 14:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 08:00 17:00 N1 FG 116 17:10 08:00 WWG 316 13:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 07:10 13:10 14:10 14:00 13:00 09:00 11:00 08:00 14:00 17:00 17:10 20:00 WWG 225 09:10 13:10 08:10 07:10 14:10 10:00 14:00 09:00 08:00 17:00 FGG 378 FGG 378 10:10 07:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 11:00 08:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 17:10 12:10 09:10 17:10 14:10 18:00 13:00 10:00 18:00 17:00 11:10 17:10 09:10 17:10 14:10 12:00 18:00 10:00 18:00 17:00 10:10 13:00 WWG 223 17:10 22:00 WWG 223 14:10 17:00 STB 3 WWG 316 FGG 378 FGG 378 FGG 378 FGG 378 WWG 225 FGG 170 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 WWG 225 FGG 378 FGG 183 FGG 378 FGG 183 FGG 378 FGG 183 WWG 225 FGG 378 FGG 378 WWG 225 WWG 223 WWG 226 FGG 378 FGG 378 WWG 225 FGG 378 FGG 378 WWG 225 FGG 378 WWG 225 FGG 260 FGG 378 CRS 6 LG 1 DEPT 20 Page 34 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) CSL 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSLR3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSLR3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CSLR3734 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) CSMT1512 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSMT1512 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CSMT1512 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSMT1532 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSMT1532 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CSMT1532 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSRM3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) CSRM3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) CSRM3744 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) DAC 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DAC 112 Lecture 1 English (A) DAC 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DAC 122 Lecture 1 English (A) DAC 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DAC 122 Lecture 2 English (A) DAC 122 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) DAC 122 Practical 1 English (A) DAF 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DAF 314 Lecture 1 English (A) DAF 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DAF 314 Lecture 2 English (A) DAF 314 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) DAF 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DAF 324 Lecture 1 English (A) DAF 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DAF 324 Lecture 2 English (A) DAF 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) DAF 324 Lecture 3 English (A) DAF 414 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DAF 414 Lecture 1 English (A) DAF 414 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DAF 414 Lecture 2 English (A) DAF 414 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) DAF 414 Lecture 3 English (A) DAF 414 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) DAF 424 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) DAF 424 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) DAF 424 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) DAF 424 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag 14:10 17:00 12:10 13:00 11:10 12:00 13:10 14:00 14:10 15:00 14:10 15:00 14:10 15:00 14:10 15:00 14:10 15:00 14:10 15:00 12:10 13:00 11:10 12:00 13:10 14:00 13:10 10:10 15:10 10:10 15:10 18:10 13:10 10:10 13:10 13:10 10:10 10:10 14:10 16:00 13:00 17:00 11:00 17:00 19:00 15:00 12:00 14:00 14:00 11:00 11:00 17:00 11:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 12:10 11:10 13:10 13:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 14:10 12:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 12:00 14:00 14:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 17:00 LG 3 LG 6 08:10 09:00 LG 2 10:10 11:00 LG 10 09:10 10:00 14:10 17:00 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag STB 3 DEPT 20 DEPT 16 XXX N1 N2 N1 N1 N2 N1 DEPT 20 DEPT 17 DEPT 20 EBW G3 EBW G3 LCT E LCT F FGG 378 LCT E CL D6 CL D6 LG 3 LG 6 LG 7 LG 1 LG 3.KO4 LG 7 LG 6 LG 7 LG 9 DEPT 14 LG 10 DEPT 15 FGG 166 DEPT 15 FGG 258 DEPT 14 LG 2 LG 10.GO3 Page 35 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing DAF 603 Lecture 1 (A) DHS 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DHS 122 Lecture 1 English (A) DLO 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DLO 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) DLO 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (C) DLO 112 Lecture 1 English (A) DLO 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DLO 122 Lecture 1 English (A) DLS 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DLS 112 Lecture 1 English (A) DLS 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DLS 122 Lecture 1 English (A) DME 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DME 112 Lecture 1 English (A) DME 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DME 112 Lecture 2 English (A) DME 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DME 122 Lecture 1 English (A) DME 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DME 122 Lecture 2 English (A) DME 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DME 132 Lecture 1 English (A) DME 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DME 132 Lecture 2 English (A) DME 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DME 142 Lecture 1 English (A) DME 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DME 142 Lecture 2 English (A) DNU 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DNU 112 Lecture 1 English (A) DNU 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DNU 112 Lecture 2 English (A) DNU 112 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) DNU 112 Tutorial 1 English (A) DNU 112 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (A) DNU 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DNU 122 Lecture 1 English (A) DNU 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DNU 122 Lecture 2 English (A) DNU 122 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) DNU 122 Tutorial 1 English (A) DNU 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DNU 132 Lecture 1 English (A) DNU 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DNU 132 Lecture 2 English (A) DNU 132 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) DNU 132 Tutorial 1 English (A) DNU 132 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (A) DNU 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DNU 142 Lecture 1 English (A) DNU 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DNU 142 Lecture 2 English (A) DNU 142 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) DNU 142 Tutorial 1 English (A) DOV 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DPH 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DPH 112 Lecture 1 English (A) DPH 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DPH 132 Lecture 1 English (A) DTL 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DTL 314 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 11:10 11:10 12:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 13:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 09:10 08:10 07:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 12:10 09:10 09:10 08:10 07:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 07:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 13:10 13:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 13:10 13:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 13:10 13:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 13:10 13:10 15:10 17:10 17:10 13:10 13:10 08:10 08:10 To Tot 12:00 12:00 13:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 14:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 08:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 13:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 08:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 08:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 17:00 18:00 18:00 14:00 14:00 09:00 09:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag DEPT 09 Friday Vrydag FGG 378 SG 1 CRS 3 CRS 2 CRS 3 CRS 3 EDU 12 EDU 12 LCT D LCT C EDU 12 FGG 184 LCT A LCT A FGG 183 LCT A LCT C LCT F LCT A WD 145 LCT A LCT A FGG 183 LCT A LCT C FGG 183 LCT A WD 144 EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU 13 EDU 13 EDU 13 EDU 13 W 202 SG 1 SG 1 EDU 13 SG 1 EDU 13 EDU 15 EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU 13 EDU 13 EDU 13 EDU 13 FGG 377 EDU 15 SG 1 EDU 13 SG 1 EDU 13 EDU 15 WD 139 SG 1 FGG 257 LCT A LCT E LG 3.GO4 LG 3.GO4 Page 36 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing DTL 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DTL 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) DTL 314 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) DTL 314 Lecture 3 English (A) DTL 314 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) DTL 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DTL 324 Lecture 1 English (A) DTL 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DTL 324 Lecture 2 English (A) DTL 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) DTL 324 Lecture 3 English (A) DTL 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) DTL 414 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) DTL 414 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) DTL 414 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (B) DTS 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (B) DTS 124 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 124 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (B) DTS 124 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 124 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (B) DTS 124 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 124 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (B) DTS 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 224 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 224 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 224 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 314 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 314 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 314 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 324 Lecture 2 From Van 11:10 09:10 To Tot 12:00 10:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag LG 3.GO4 LG 3.GO4 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag 08:10 09:10 14:10 09:00 10:00 17:00 08:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 14:10 09:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 17:00 LG 3.GO4 10:10 12:00 LG 3.GO4 10:10 11:00 14:10 17:00 08:10 09:00 17:10 18:00 09:10 10:00 16:10 17:00 09:10 10:00 17:10 18:00 10:10 11:00 FGG 258 17:10 18:00 FGG 259 10:10 11:00 FGG 259 09:10 10:00 FGG 259 10:10 11:00 09:10 10:00 08:10 09:00 08:10 09:00 10:10 12:00 10:10 11:00 10:10 11:00 08:10 09:00 09:10 10:00 11:10 12:00 10:10 11:00 10:10 11:00 LG 3.GO4 LG 3.GO4 LG 3.GO4 LG 3.GO4 LG 3.GO4 LG 3.GO4 LG 3.GO4 LG 3.GO4 LG 3.GO4 DEPT 18 DEPT 20 CRS 6 FGG 166 FGG 259 FGG 260 FGG 257 FGG 259 FGG 376 CRS 4 FGG 184 FGG 376 CRS 3 FGG 321 FGG 321 FGG 321 FGG 321 FGG 321 FGG 321 FGG 321 Page 37 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 324 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) DTS 324 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) DVL 414 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DVL 414 Lecture 1 English (A) DVL 414 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DVL 414 Lecture 2 English (A) DVL 414 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) DVL 414 Lecture 3 English (A) DVL 414 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) DVL 434 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) DVL 434 Lecture 1 English (A) DVL 434 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) DVL 434 Lecture 2 English (A) DVL 434 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) DVL 434 Lecture 3 English (A) DVL 434 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) DVL 444 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EAA 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EAA 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EAA 124 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EAA 124 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) EACC1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EACC1614 Lecture 1 English (A) EACC1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EACC1614 Lecture 2 English (A) EACC1614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EACC1614 Lecture 3 English (A) EACC1614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC1614 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC1614 Tutorial 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC1614 Tutorial 4 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EACC1624 Lecture 1 English (A) EACC1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EACC1624 Lecture 2 English (A) EACC1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EACC1624 Lecture 3 English (A) EACC1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC1624 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC1624 Tutorial 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC1624 Tutorial 4 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC2608 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EACC2608 Lecture 1 English (A) EACC2608 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EACC2608 Lecture 2 English (A) EACC2608 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EACC2608 Lecture 3 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag 08:10 09:00 09:10 10:00 11:10 12:00 08:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 15:00 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 09:10 12:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 10:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 LG 4 LG 3.GO4 08:10 11:00 12:10 12:10 12:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 08:10 14:10 10:10 08:10 10:10 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 15:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 16:10 17:00 09:10 10:00 EBW G4 16:10 17:00 EBW G2 09:10 17:10 11:10 14:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 10:00 18:00 12:00 15:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 07:10 08:00 15:10 16:00 16:10 17:00 08:10 07:10 13:10 07:10 17:10 13:10 09:00 08:00 14:00 08:00 18:00 14:00 FGG 321 FGG 321 FGG 321 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 10.GO3 LG 7 FGG 167 LG 7 EBW G2 LG 10.202 LG 3.GO6 LCT C LCT C W 202 LG 4 FGG 183 EBW OUD CRS 10 HMS CRS 10 EBW OUD EBW G4 EBW A103 FGG 184 HMS WWG 226 HMS BL 1 STB 1 N1 EBW A101 EBW G4 EBW G2 LCT B EBW OUD FGG 378 STB 1 LG 2 KOVSI Page 38 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag KERK Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag EACC2608 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) EACC2608 Lecture 4 English (A) 08:10 08:10 09:00 09:00 EACC2608 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC2608 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC2608 Tutorial 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC2608 Tutorial 4 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC3708 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EACC3708 Lecture 1 English (A) EACC3708 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EACC3708 Lecture 2 English (A) EACC3708 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EACC3708 Lecture 3 English (A) EACC3708 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) EACC3708 Lecture 4 English (A) EACC3708 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EACC3708 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) EACC3708 Tutorial 1 English (A) EACC3708 Tutorial 1 English (B) EACC3708 Tutorial 1 English (C) EACC3708 Tutorial 1 English (D) EACC3708 Tutorial 1 English (E) EACC3708 Tutorial 1 English (F) EACC3708 Tutorial 1 English (G) EACC3708 Tutorial 1 English (H) EACC3708 Tutorial 1 English (I) EACC3708 Tutorial 1 English (M) EACC6808 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EACC6808 Lecture 1 English (A) EACC6808 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EACC6808 Lecture 2 English (A) EACC6808 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EACC6808 Lecture 3 English (A) EACC6808 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) EACC6808 Lecture 4 English (A) EACC6808 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC6808 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EACC6808 Tutorial 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EALE1508 Lecture 1 English (A) EALE1508 Lecture 1 English (B) EALE1508 Lecture 1 English (C) EALE1508 Lecture 1 English (D) EALE1508 Lecture 1 English (E) EALE1508 Lecture 1 English (F) EALE1508 Lecture 1 English (G) EALE1508 Lecture 1 English (H) EALE1508 Lecture 1 English (I) EALE1508 Lecture 1 English (J) EALE1508 Lecture 1 English (K) EALE1508 Lecture 1 English (L) EALE1508 Lecture 2 English (A) EALE1508 Lecture 2 English (B) EALE1508 Lecture 2 English (C) EALE1508 Lecture 2 English (D) EALE1508 Lecture 2 English (E) 18:10 19:00 14:10 15:00 07:10 08:00 FGG 168 15:10 16:00 FGG 168 11:10 18:10 12:10 19:10 17:10 14:10 18:10 15:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 17:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 11:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 14:10 12:00 19:00 13:00 20:00 18:00 15:00 19:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 19:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 12:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 15:00 15:10 16:00 FGG 168 14:10 16:00 FGG 184 18:10 16:10 14:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 12:10 18:10 17:10 11:10 15:10 10:10 17:10 11:10 17:10 08:10 12:10 20:00 18:00 16:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 14:00 20:00 19:00 13:00 17:00 12:00 19:00 13:00 19:00 10:00 14:00 BL 1 KOVSI KERK FGG 170 FGG 168 LG 7 STB 1 LG 3 STB 1 LCT E MAB OUD LCT E MAB OUD EBW G3 CRS 7 WWG 226 BL 1 DEPT 18 EBW A103 BL 1 FGG 260 BL 3 WD 145 DEPT 14 FGG 169 S1 STB 2 S1 STB 2 LCT C STB 4 LCT C STB 4 FGG 168 CRS 4 LCT C CRS 5 WD 144 WD 145 WD 144 EBW ALG8 CRS 5 WD 145 FGG 363 FGG 363 BL 1 EBW ALG8 WD 144 CRS 7 SSB N1 Page 39 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing EALE1508 Lecture 2 English (F) EALE1508 Lecture 2 English (G) EALE1508 Lecture 2 English (H) EALE1508 Lecture 2 English (I) EALE1508 Lecture 2 English (J) EALE1508 Lecture 2 English (K) EALE1508 Lecture 2 English (L) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (A) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (B) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (C) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (D) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (E) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (F) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (G) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (H) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (I) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (J) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (K) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (L) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (M) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (N) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (O) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (P) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (Q) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (R) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (S) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (T) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (U) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (V) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (W) EALH1508 Lecture 1 English (X) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (A) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (B) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (C) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (D) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (E) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (F) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (G) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (H) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (I) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (J) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (K) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (L) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (M) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (N) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (O) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (P) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (Q) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (R) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (S) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (T) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (U) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (V) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (W) EALH1508 Lecture 2 English (X) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (A) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (B) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (C) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (D) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (E) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (F) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (G) From Van 16:10 12:10 16:10 16:10 12:10 14:10 12:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 15:10 15:10 16:10 17:10 18:10 11:10 11:10 12:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 15:10 15:10 16:10 16:10 18:10 18:10 10:10 17:10 17:10 16:10 11:10 11:10 12:10 15:10 15:10 16:10 17:10 18:10 11:10 11:10 12:10 12:10 13:10 08:10 15:10 15:10 16:10 16:10 08:10 18:10 10:10 09:10 17:10 16:10 08:10 11:10 11:10 13:10 13:10 15:10 15:10 To Tot 18:00 14:00 18:00 18:00 14:00 16:00 14:00 13:00 13:00 16:00 17:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 13:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:00 18:00 18:00 20:00 20:00 12:00 19:00 19:00 18:00 13:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 13:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 15:00 10:00 17:00 17:00 18:00 18:00 10:00 20:00 12:00 11:00 19:00 18:00 10:00 13:00 13:00 15:00 15:00 17:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag FGG 170 FGG 168 LG 2 LG 6 N2 Friday Vrydag BL 2 WD 145 WD 46 CRS 7 EBW ALG8 STB 1 FGG 363 CRS 5 LG 2 FGG 183 WWG 223 FGG 170 CRS 7 LG 3 CRS 4 CRS 5 EDU 12 LG 5 EDU 15 EBW ALG8 CRS 1 LG 2 WWG 223 N2 GEO 1.5 FGG 184 EBW G3 WD 46 CRS 1 LG 9 FGG 170 CRS 5 BL 2 FGG 377 WWG 223 CRS 7 FGG 363 FGG 261 BL 2 EBW G2 N2 FGG 363 WWG 113 CRS 6 N1 CRS 5 W 201 LCT A LG 3 FGG 184 CRS 2 CRS 6 CRS 5 CRS 4 CRS 6 CRS 6 FG 117 Page 40 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (H) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (I) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (J) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (K) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (L) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (M) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (N) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (O) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (P) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (Q) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (R) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (S) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (T) EALH2508 Lecture 1 English (U) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (A) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (B) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (C) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (D) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (E) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (F) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (G) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (H) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (I) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (J) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (K) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (L) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (M) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (N) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (O) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (P) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (Q) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (R) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (S) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (T) EALH2508 Lecture 2 English (U) EALL1508 Lecture 1 English (A) EALL1508 Lecture 1 English (B) EALL1508 Lecture 1 English (C) EALL1508 Lecture 1 English (D) EALL1508 Lecture 1 English (E) EALL1508 Lecture 1 English (F) EALL1508 Lecture 1 English (G) EALL1508 Lecture 2 English (A) EALL1508 Lecture 2 English (B) EALL1508 Lecture 2 English (C) EALL1508 Lecture 2 English (D) EALL1508 Lecture 2 English (E) EALL1508 Lecture 2 English (F) EALL1508 Lecture 2 English (G) EALM1504 Lecture 1 English (A) EALN1508 Lecture 1 English (A) EALN1508 Lecture 1 English (B) EALN1508 Lecture 1 English (C) EALN1508 Lecture 1 English (D) EALN1508 Lecture 1 English (E) EALN1508 Lecture 1 English (F) EALN1508 Lecture 1 English (G) EALN1508 Lecture 1 English (H) EALN1508 Lecture 1 English (I) EALN1508 Lecture 2 English (A) EALN1508 Lecture 2 English (B) EALN1508 Lecture 2 English (C) From Van 17:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 12:10 14:10 14:10 16:10 17:10 14:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 12:10 13:10 16:10 16:10 15:10 11:10 12:10 12:10 12:10 14:10 14:10 15:10 17:10 11:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 16:10 09:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 14:10 14:10 10:10 17:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 11:10 08:10 14:10 17:10 18:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 08:10 08:10 17:10 To Tot 19:00 13:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 16:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 16:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 17:00 16:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 17:00 11:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 16:00 16:00 12:00 19:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 10:00 16:00 19:00 20:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 10:00 10:00 19:00 Monday Maandag EBW ALG8 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag WD 46 WWG 223 WD 145 EDU 12 EDU 13 EBW ALG8 WD 144 WD 46 GEO 1.5 LG 9 FGG 378 LG 1 FGG 169 EDU 13 FGG 363 WWG 223 WD 145 EBW ALG8 CRS 1 CRS 3 EBW G2 W 202 FG 116 CRS 7 FGG 170 CRS 4 CRS 2 HMS CRS 7 FGG 169 LG 9 FGG 167 CRS 2 CRS 7 FGG 363 EBW G2 FGG 378 FGG 170 FGG 169 BL 2 BL 3 FGG 363 EBW A103 FGG 377 EBW A101 N1 EDU 15 FGG 170 WD 145 CRS 1 EBW G2 LG 6 LG 4 LG 6 LG 9 N1 EBW A103 N2 BL 2 N2 EBW G2 Page 41 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing EALN1508 Lecture 2 English (D) EALN1508 Lecture 2 English (E) EALN1508 Lecture 2 English (F) EALN1508 Lecture 2 English (G) EALN1508 Lecture 2 English (H) EALN1508 Lecture 2 English (I) EARH3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EARH3724 Lecture 1 English (A) EARH3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EARH3724 Lecture 2 English (A) EARH3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EARH3724 Lecture 3 English (A) EAUD2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EAUD2624 Lecture 1 English (A) EAUD2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EAUD2624 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van 08:10 08:10 11:10 08:10 12:10 17:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 12:10 10:10 09:10 12:10 11:10 09:10 To Tot 10:00 10:00 13:00 10:00 14:00 19:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 13:00 11:00 10:00 13:00 12:00 10:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag CRS 6 CRS 7 EDU 12 FGG 363 BL 2 EAUD3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EAUD3724 Lecture 1 English (A) EAUD3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EAUD3724 Lecture 2 English (A) EAUD6808 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EAUD6808 Lecture 1 English (A) EAUD6808 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EAUD6808 Lecture 2 English (A) EBCS1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBCS1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) EBCS1514 Lecture 1 English (A) EBCS1514 Lecture 1 English (B) EBCS1514 Lecture 1 English (C) EBCS1514 Lecture 1 English (D) EBCS1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBCS1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) EBCS1514 Lecture 2 English (A) EBCS1514 Lecture 2 English (B) EBCS1514 Lecture 2 English (C) EBCS1514 Lecture 2 English (D) EBCS1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EBCS1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) EBCS1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) EBCS1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (D) EBCS1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (E) EBCS1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (F) EBCS1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (G) EBCS1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBCS1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) EBCS1524 Lecture 1 English (A) EBCS1524 Lecture 1 English (B) EBCS1524 Lecture 1 English (C) EBCS1524 Lecture 1 English (D) EBCS1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBCS1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) EBCS1524 Lecture 2 English (A) EBCS1524 Lecture 2 English (B) EBCS1524 Lecture 2 English (C) EBCS1524 Lecture 2 English (D) 15:10 13:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 15:10 14:10 13:10 16:10 10:10 12:10 12:10 15:10 10:10 13:10 13:10 16:10 14:10 16:00 14:00 13:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 17:00 11:00 13:00 13:00 16:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 17:00 16:00 EBW G2 EBW OUD 14:10 16:00 LG 7 14:10 16:00 LG 3 14:10 16:00 FGG 184 14:10 16:00 FGG 378 14:10 16:00 WWG 113 14:10 16:00 WWG 114 15:10 14:10 13:10 16:10 10:10 12:10 12:10 15:10 10:10 13:10 13:10 16:10 16:00 15:00 14:00 17:00 11:00 13:00 13:00 16:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 17:00 EBW G3 CRS 5 LCT B CRS 5 LCT B CRS 6 LCT B CRS 5 STB 2 CRS 5 KOVSI KERK EBW G2 STB 1 FGG 377 STB 2 S1 MAB OUD LCT E LG 2 W 111 FGG 184 LCT A BL 3 FGG 378 N1 W 111 LG 5 RINDLS LCT A LCT F WWG 114 FGG 378 WWG 226 WWG 226 LCT D BL 3 WWG 226 WD 144 FGG 377 WWG 226 WWG 226 WWG 226 Page 42 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing EBCS1524 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EBEL2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBEL2614 Lecture 1 English (A) EBEL2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBEL2614 Lecture 2 English (A) EBEL2708 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBEL2708 Lecture 1 English (A) EBEL2708 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBEL2708 Lecture 2 English (A) EBEL2708 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EBEL2708 Lecture 3 English (A) From Van 14:10 To Tot 16:00 08:10 11:10 15:10 13:10 16:10 13:10 17:10 14:10 10:10 08:10 09:00 12:00 16:00 14:00 17:00 14:00 18:00 15:00 11:00 09:00 EBEL6808 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBEL6808 Lecture 1 English (A) EBEL6808 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBEL6808 Lecture 2 English (A) EBEL6808 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EBEL6808 Lecture 3 English (A) EBEL6808 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EBEL6808 Tutorial 1 English (A) EBLS3708 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBLS3708 Lecture 1 English (A) EBLS3708 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBLS3708 Lecture 2 English (A) EBLS3708 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EBLS3708 Lecture 3 English (A) EBLS3708 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EBLS3708 Tutorial 1 English (A) EBLS6808 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBLS6808 Lecture 1 English (A) EBLS6808 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBLS6808 Lecture 2 English (A) EBLS6808 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EBLS6808 Lecture 3 English (A) EBLS6838 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBLS6838 Lecture 1 English (A) EBLS6838 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBLS6838 Lecture 2 English (A) EBLS6838 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EBLS6838 Lecture 3 English (A) EBMA2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBMA2624 Lecture 1 English (A) EBMA2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBMA2624 Lecture 2 English (A) EBMA2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EBMA3715 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBMA3715 Lecture 1 English (A) EBMA3715 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBMA3715 Lecture 2 English (A) EBMA3715 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EBMA3715 Lecture 3 English (A) EBMA3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBMA3724 Lecture 1 English (A) EBMA3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBMA3724 Lecture 2 English (A) EBMA3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EBMA3724 Lecture 3 English (A) EBMA3725 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBMA3725 Lecture 1 English (A) EBMA3725 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) 11:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 11:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 07:10 09:10 07:10 09:10 07:10 09:10 07:10 09:10 07:10 09:10 07:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 16:10 14:10 12:10 12:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 12:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 09:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 15:00 13:00 08:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 08:10 13:10 16:10 14:10 09:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 09:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 09:00 14:00 17:00 15:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag EBW OUD EBW A103 HMS EBW ALG8 STB 2 W 111 EBW OUD W 111 EBW OUD MAB OUD KOVSI KERK FGG 168 RINDLS FGG 168 RINDLS LCT B STB 2 LCT B STB 2 LCT E EDU 13 LCT E EDU 13 WD 144 RINDLS WD 144 RINDLS W 202 W 202 EBW A103 SG 1 EBW A101 S1 W 202 W 202 EBW A103 SG 1 EBW A101 S1 LG 3 W 202 FGG 169 BL 1 STB 2 WD 145 LCT D WD 145 LCT D LCT F LCT D EBW A103 CRS 10 EBW A103 CRS 10 EBW A103 CRS 10 EBW G3 LG 4 EBW G3 Page 43 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing EBMA3725 Lecture 2 English (A) EBMA3725 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EBMA3725 Lecture 3 English (A) EBP 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBP 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EBRF3708 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBRF3708 Lecture 1 English (A) EBRF3708 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBRF3708 Lecture 2 English (A) EBRF3708 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EBRF3708 Lecture 3 English (A) EBRF3708 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EBRF3708 Tutorial 1 English (A) EBRF6808 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBRF6808 Lecture 1 English (A) EBRF6808 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBRF6808 Lecture 2 English (A) EBRF6808 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EBRF6808 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EBRF6808 Tutorial 1 English (A) EBRF6838 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBRF6838 Lecture 1 English (A) EBRF6838 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBRF6838 Lecture 2 English (A) EBRF6838 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EBRF6838 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EBRF6838 Tutorial 1 English (A) EBUS1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBUS1514 Lecture 1 English (A) EBUS1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBUS1514 Lecture 2 English (A) EBUS1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBUS1614 Lecture 1 English (A) EBUS1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBUS1614 Lecture 2 English (A) EBUS1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBUS1624 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 17:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 07:10 10:10 07:10 10:10 13:10 12:10 To Tot 18:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 12:00 17:00 14:00 13:10 07:10 10:10 07:10 10:10 13:10 12:10 17:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 12:00 17:00 14:00 13:10 10:10 08:10 13:10 12:10 16:10 18:10 08:10 08:10 13:10 08:10 17:00 11:00 09:00 14:00 13:00 17:00 19:00 09:00 09:00 14:00 09:00 EBUS1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBUS1624 Lecture 2 English (A) EBUS2714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBUS2714 Lecture 1 English (A) EBUS2714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBUS2714 Lecture 2 English (A) EBUS2715 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EBUS2715 Lecture 1 English (A) EBUS2715 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EBUS2715 Lecture 2 English (A) EBUS2715 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EBUS2715 Lecture 3 English (A) 09:10 07:10 13:10 11:10 11:10 13:10 09:10 16:10 13:10 17:10 14:10 11:10 10:00 08:00 14:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 10:00 17:00 14:00 18:00 15:00 12:00 ECAP2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ECAP2614 Lecture 1 English (A) ECAP2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ECAP2614 Lecture 2 English (A) ECBR6814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ECC 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ECC 122 Lecture 1 English (A) ECD 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) 14:10 08:10 15:10 09:10 18:10 15:00 09:00 16:00 10:00 20:00 08:10 15:10 10:10 09:00 16:00 11:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag LG 4 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag EBW G4 LCT D LCT E LCT F SG 1 W 111 SG 1 W 111 EDU 12 CRS 10 EDU 12 CRS 10 LG 5 SG 1 W 202 EDU OUD DEPTS 10 W 202 DEPT 09 LG 5 SG 1 W 202 EDU OUD DEPTS 10 W 202 DEPT 09 HMS HMS HMS HMS STB 1 EBW OUD STB 1 EBW OUD HMS KOVSI KERK HMS EBW OUD W 111 EBW OUD W 111 EBW OUD EBW OUD EBW OUD EBW OUD EBW OUD EBW OUD KOVSI KERK EBW A103 MAB OUD EBW A103 MAB OUD FGG 258 LCT D EDU 12 W 111 Page 44 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing ECD 112 Lecture 1 English (A) ECD 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ECD 122 Lecture 1 English (A) ECE 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ECE 112 Lecture 1 English (A) ECL 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 11:10 10:10 11:10 16:10 16:10 09:10 To Tot 12:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 17:00 10:00 Monday Maandag EDU 12 WD 144 WD 144 Tuesday Dinsdag ECL 122 Lecture 1 English (A) 08:10 09:00 ECM 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) 09:10 10:00 ECM 112 Lecture 1 English (A) 08:10 09:00 ECOM6814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ECPM1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ECPM1514 Lecture 1 English (A) ECPM1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ECPM1514 Lecture 2 English (A) ECPM1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ECS 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ECS 122 Lecture 1 English (A) ECS 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ECS 122 Lecture 2 English (A) ECT 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ECT 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ECT 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ECW 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ECW 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EDA 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EDA 122 Lecture 1 English (A) EDA 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EDA 142 Lecture 1 English (A) EDC 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EDC 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EDC 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EDC 122 Lecture 1 English (A) EDL 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EDL 122 Lecture 1 English (A) EDM 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EDM 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EDM 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EDM 152 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EDM 152 Lecture 1 English (A) EDS 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EDS 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EDS 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EDS 132 Lecture 1 English (A) EDS 132 Lecture 1 English (B) EDS 132 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EDS 132 Tutorial 1 English (A) EDS 152 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EDS 152 Lecture 1 English (A) EDUB1613 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EDUB1613 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (B) EDUB1613 Lecture 2 17:10 19:00 08:10 12:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 09:00 13:00 11:00 09:00 13:00 18:10 17:10 17:10 18:10 19:10 19:00 18:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 18:10 20:00 WD 147 13:10 14:00 WD 46 08:10 09:10 11:10 10:10 17:10 16:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 12:10 16:10 13:10 13:10 09:00 10:00 12:00 11:00 18:00 17:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 17:00 14:00 14:00 16:10 17:10 13:10 13:10 17:10 19:10 20:10 13:10 14:10 17:10 18:10 12:10 17:00 18:00 14:00 14:00 18:00 20:00 21:00 14:00 15:00 18:00 19:00 13:00 12:10 13:00 13:10 14:00 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag SG 1 SG 1 COMPLAB E COMPLAB E KOVSI KERK KOVSI KERK FGG 258 FGG 259 FGG 170 FGG 261 FGG 170 EBW G2 EDU OUD LCT B EDU OUD LCT B WD 147 WD 144 WD 144 LCT E LCT B EDU 13 EDU 12 EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU 12 EDU 12 FGG 183 EDU 12 MAB OUD LCT B MAB OUD EDU 12 EDU 13 LCT A LCT A MAB OUD MAB OUD MAB OUD MAB OUD S1 LCT E LCT E MAB OUD EBW OUD MAB OUD Page 45 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) EDUB1613 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (B) EDUB1623 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EDUB1623 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (B) EDUB1623 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EDUB1623 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (B) EEBS2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EEBS2614 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag 13:10 14:00 12:10 13:00 12:10 13:00 13:10 14:00 13:10 14:00 15:10 13:10 16:00 14:00 EEBS2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EEBS2614 Lecture 2 English (A) EECF1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EECF1614 Lecture 1 English (A) EECF1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EECF1614 Lecture 2 English (A) EECF1614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EECF1614 Lecture 3 English (A) 12:10 10:10 12:10 19:10 11:10 09:10 09:10 14:10 13:00 11:00 13:00 20:00 12:00 10:00 10:00 15:00 EECF1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EECF1624 Lecture 1 English (A) EECF1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EECF1624 Lecture 2 English (A) EECF1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EECF1624 Lecture 3 English (A) EECM3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EECM3714 Lecture 1 English (A) EECM3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EECM3714 Lecture 2 English (A) EECM3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EECM3714 Lecture 3 English (A) EECM3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EECM3724 Lecture 1 English (A) EECM3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EECM3724 Lecture 2 English (A) EECM3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EECM3724 Lecture 3 English (A) EECT3725 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EECT3725 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EECT3725 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EEE 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EEE 132 Lecture 1 English (A) EEE 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EEE 132 Lecture 2 English (A) EEMN6824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EFA 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EFA 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EFAC1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EFAC1614 Lecture 1 English (A) EFAC1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EFAC1614 Lecture 2 English (A) EFAC1614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EFAC1614 Lecture 3 English (A) EFAC1614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) 12:10 18:10 14:10 17:10 08:10 09:10 16:10 14:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 13:10 09:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 14:10 16:10 13:00 19:00 15:00 18:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 15:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 14:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 09:00 15:00 17:00 17:10 18:00 08:10 09:00 10:10 09:10 12:10 11:10 17:10 11:00 10:00 13:00 12:00 19:00 LCT B LCT D 18:10 17:10 08:10 11:10 08:10 13:10 11:10 09:10 14:10 19:00 18:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 15:00 LCT B STB 2 LCT E STB 2 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag MAB OUD MAB OUD EBW OUD MAB OUD EBW OUD FGG 184 KOVSI KERK W 111 HMS EDU OUD EBW OUD MAB OUD EBW OUD EDU OUD KOVSI KERK W 202 EBW OUD W 202 EBW OUD W 201 EBW OUD FGG 261 LG 3 FGG 261 FGG 378 FGG 261 FGG 378 CRS 5 BL 1 CRS 5 BL 1 EBW ALG8 LCT D STB 2 STB 2 W 202 LCT B WD 144 FGG 258 LCT E S1 LCT F CRS 10 EBW A101 Page 46 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing EFAC1614 Tutorial 1 English (A) EFAC1614 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EFAC1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EFAC1624 Lecture 1 English (A) EFAC1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EFAC1624 Lecture 2 English (A) EFAC1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EFAC1624 Lecture 3 English (A) EFAC1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EFAC1624 Tutorial 1 English (A) EFAC1624 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EFAC1624 Tutorial 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EFAC1624 Tutorial 4 Afrikaans/English (A) EFAC2708 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EFAC2708 Lecture 1 English (A) EFAC2708 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EFAC2708 Lecture 2 English (A) EFAC2708 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EFAC2708 Lecture 3 English (A) EFAC2708 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) EFAC2708 Lecture 4 English (A) EFAC2708 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EFAC2708 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) EFAC2708 Tutorial 1 English (A) EFAC2708 Tutorial 1 English (B) EFAC2708 Tutorial 1 English (C) EFAC2708 Tutorial 1 English (D) EFAC2708 Tutorial 1 English (E) EFAC2708 Tutorial 1 English (F) EFD 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EFD 122 Lecture 1 English (A) EFD 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EFD 122 Lecture 2 English (A) EFEF1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EFEF1624 Lecture 1 English (A) EFEF1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EFEF1624 Lecture 2 English (A) EFES2714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EFES2714 Lecture 1 English (A) EFES2714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EFES2714 Lecture 2 English (A) EFES2714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EFES2714 Lecture 3 English (A) EFES2724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EFES2724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EFES2724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EFET3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EFET3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EFET3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EFET3714 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) EFET3724 Lecture 1 From Van 15:10 07:10 To Tot 16:00 08:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag EBW G4 14:10 11:10 11:10 13:10 11:10 09:10 17:10 15:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 18:00 W 111 STB 2 15:10 08:10 16:00 09:00 08:10 09:00 EBW A101 10:10 11:00 EBW G2 11:10 09:10 15:10 07:10 16:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 17:10 13:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 17:10 13:10 13:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 17:10 15:10 13:10 16:10 13:10 16:10 14:10 17:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 12:00 10:00 16:00 08:00 17:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 19:00 15:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 15:00 15:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 18:00 16:00 14:00 17:00 14:00 17:00 15:00 18:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 11:10 12:00 09:10 10:00 17:10 18:00 W 201 18:10 19:00 W 201 09:10 10:00 W 201 10:10 11:00 W 201 13:10 14:00 Friday Vrydag EBW A101 S1 RINDLS W 111 W 201 FGG 170 FGG 169 EBW G3 BL 3 LCT A N1 BL 1 N1 BL 1 N2 LCT D EBW A103 LCT D EBW G3 BL 1 FGG 261 N1 FGG 167 FGG 168 WD 145 EDU 15 EDU 12 SSB EBW ALG8 RINDLS EBW ALG8 RINDLS FGG 258 STB 3 FGG 258 STB 3 FGG 260 STB 3 STB 3 STB 3 STB 4 FGG 377 Page 47 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) EFET3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EFET3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EFIN3708 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EFIN3708 Lecture 1 English (A) EFIN3708 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EFIN3708 Lecture 2 English (A) EFIN3708 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EFIN3708 Lecture 3 English (A) EFIN3708 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) EFIN3708 Lecture 4 English (A) EFIN3708 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EFIN3708 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EFIN3708 Tutorial 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EFIN6808 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EFIN6808 Lecture 1 English (A) EFIN6808 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EFIN6808 Lecture 2 English (A) EFIN6808 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EFIN6808 Tutorial 1 English (A) EFIN6838 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EFIN6838 Lecture 1 English (A) EFIN6838 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EFIN6838 Lecture 2 English (A) EFIN6838 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EFIN6838 Tutorial 1 English (A) EFK 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EFK 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EFMA6808 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EFT 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EFT 122 Lecture 1 English (A) EFT 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EFT 122 Lecture 2 English (A) EGDC1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EGDC1614 Lecture 1 English (A) EGDC1614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EGDC1614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EGDC1614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) EGDC1614 Tutorial 1 English (A) EGDC1614 Tutorial 1 English (B) EGDC1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EGDC1624 Lecture 1 English (A) EGDC1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EGDC1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EGDC1624 Tutorial 1 English (A) EGDC1624 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (A) EGDC1624 Tutorial 2 English (A) EGE 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EGE 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EGE 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EGE 112 Lecture 2 English (A) EGM 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EGM 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) EGM 114 Lecture 1 English (A) EGM 114 Lecture 1 English (B) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag 14:10 15:00 11:10 12:00 11:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 14:10 12:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 15:00 15:10 16:00 WWG 226 14:10 16:00 W 202 10:10 07:10 10:10 07:10 13:10 13:10 10:10 07:10 10:10 07:10 13:10 13:10 18:10 17:10 08:10 12:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 17:00 17:00 12:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 17:00 17:00 19:00 18:00 10:00 EBW G4 EDU 13 09:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 12:10 16:10 10:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 18:00 12:00 WD 145 WD 46 15:10 15:10 10:10 10:10 12:10 16:10 10:10 17:00 17:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 18:00 12:00 15:10 10:10 15:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 07:10 17:10 08:10 18:10 17:00 12:00 17:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 13:00 08:00 18:00 09:00 19:00 Friday Vrydag FGG 377 FGG 183 LG 1 FGG 184 LG 1 FGG 184 N1 EDU OUD N1 EDU OUD WD 144 EBW ALG8 FGG 183 DEPT 12 DEPT 13 EBW G4 EDU 13 EBW ALG8 FGG 183 DEPT 12 DEPT 13 EDU OUD EDU OUD CRS 1 WD 145 FGG 377 DEPT 17 DEPT 18 DEPT 17 DEPT 19 DEPT 13 DEPT 09 DEPT 14 DEPT 19 DEPT 20 DEPT 14 DEPT 19 DEPT 20 DEPT 11 DEPT 13 LCT F EDU 12 LCT F LCT E EDU OUD EDU OUD LCT D EDU OUD Page 48 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing EGM 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EGM 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) EGM 114 Lecture 2 English (A) EGM 114 Lecture 2 English (B) EGM 114 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EGM 114 Tutorial 1 English (A) EGM 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EGM 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) EGM 124 Lecture 1 English (A) EGM 124 Lecture 1 English (B) EGM 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EGM 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) EGM 124 Lecture 2 English (A) EGM 124 Lecture 2 English (B) EGM 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EGM 124 Tutorial 1 English (A) EHD 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EHD 122 Lecture 1 English (A) EHD 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EHD 122 Lecture 2 English (A) EHRM1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EHRM1514 Lecture 1 English (A) EHRM1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EHRM1514 Lecture 2 English (A) EINT3715 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EINT3715 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) EINT3715 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EIOP1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EIOP1524 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 10:10 18:10 11:10 18:10 16:10 14:10 07:10 17:10 08:10 17:10 10:10 17:10 11:10 18:10 14:10 14:10 11:10 10:10 09:10 08:10 13:10 11:10 14:10 19:10 09:10 To Tot 11:00 19:00 12:00 19:00 18:00 16:00 08:00 18:00 09:00 18:00 11:00 18:00 12:00 19:00 16:00 16:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 09:00 14:00 12:00 15:00 20:00 10:00 10:10 11:00 08:10 09:00 16:10 10:10 17:00 11:00 EIOP1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EIOP1524 Lecture 2 English (A) EJI 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EJI 122 Lecture 1 English (A) EJI 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EJI 122 Lecture 2 English (A) ELA 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELA 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ELA 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELA 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ELA 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELA 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) ELA 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ELA 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) ELA 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELA 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) ELA 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ELA 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) ELA 142 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) ELA 142 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) ELA 142 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (C) ELA 142 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (D) ELC 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELC 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELC 132 Lecture 1 English (A) ELC 132 Lecture 1 English (B) ELC 142 Lecture 1 English (A) ELC 142 Lecture 2 English (A) ELE 112 Lecture 1 13:10 19:10 18:10 17:10 17:10 18:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 13:10 08:10 09:10 13:10 10:10 13:10 14:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 12:10 14:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 18:00 19:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 14:00 09:00 10:00 14:00 11:00 14:00 15:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 13:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag EDU OUD EDU OUD LCT B LCT C LCT D FGG 378 EDU OUD EDU OUD LCT A LCT A EDU OUD EDU OUD FGG 183 LCT A LCT B LCT A WD 142 LCT F WD 142 LCT F FGG 183 EBW OUD LCT B EBW OUD LCT C LCT C MAB OUD STB 2 KOVSI KERK LG 4 EBW OUD EDU OUD LCT D EDU OUD LCT B FGG 378 SG 1 WD 145 LG 5 LCT C WD 139 LCT B LCT F EDU 12 WD 139 EDU 12 EDU 15 WD 46 WD 46 FGG 257 CRS 3 WD 144 WD 145 FGG 170 FGG 258 FGG 258 WD 139 LCT D Page 49 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) ELE 112 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ELE 112 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) ELE 112 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (C) ELE 112 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (D) ELE 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ELE 122 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ELE 122 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ELE 132 Lecture 2 English (A) ELE 142 Lecture 1 English (A) ELE 152 Lecture 1 English (A) ELE 152 Tutorial 1 English (A) ELE 152 Tutorial 2 English (A) ELE 162 Lecture 1 English (A) ELE 162 Tutorial 1 English (A) ELF 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELF 112 Lecture 1 English (A) ELF 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ELF 112 Lecture 2 English (A) ELL 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELL 122 Lecture 1 English (A) ELL 122 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ELL 122 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ELL 122 Tutorial 3 Afrikaans/English (A) ELL 122 Tutorial 4 Afrikaans/English (A) ELL 122 Tutorial 5 Afrikaans/English (A) ELL 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELL 142 Lecture 1 English (A) ELL 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ELL 142 Lecture 2 English (A) ELO 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELO 112 Lecture 1 English (A) ELO 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELO 122 Lecture 1 English (A) ELRM2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELRM2624 Lecture 1 English (A) ELRM2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ELRM2624 Lecture 2 English (A) ELX 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ELX 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ELX 112 Lecture 1 English (A) ELX 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ELX 112 Lecture 2 English (A) EMAC2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMAC2624 Lecture 1 English (A) EMAC2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EMAC2624 Lecture 2 English (A) EMAC2714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMAC2714 Lecture 1 English (A) EMAC2714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag 14:10 15:00 W 201 12:10 13:00 09:10 10:00 11:10 12:00 LCT B 12:10 13:00 LCT B 13:10 14:00 LCT E 14:10 15:00 11:10 11:10 09:10 14:10 13:10 10:10 09:10 18:10 17:10 09:10 10:10 10:10 12:10 14:10 12:00 12:00 10:00 15:00 14:00 11:00 10:00 19:00 18:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 13:10 14:00 EDU 13 15:10 16:00 LCT D 13:10 14:00 08:10 09:00 09:10 10:10 12:10 14:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 08:10 15:10 09:10 10:10 16:10 10:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 09:00 16:00 10:00 11:00 18:00 13:10 12:10 13:10 15:10 17:10 13:10 14:10 09:10 08:10 13:10 14:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 14:00 15:00 10:00 09:00 14:00 Friday Vrydag LCT C LCT D LCT E STB 3 LCT C LG 7 EDU 15 EDU 12 LCT C EDU 12 LCT E LCT E EBW A103 EBW A103 LCT A LCT F WD 144 FGG 377 BL 1 WD 147 WD 147 LCT F LCT E LCT E LCT E LCT E LCT E LG 3 HMS LG 3 HMS FG 116 WD 145 FGG 183 STB 2 FGG 183 EBW A103 MAB OUD EBW ALG8 STB 1 LG 5 EBW OUD EDU 12 Page 50 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing EMAC2714 Lecture 2 English (A) EMAC2714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EMAC2714 Lecture 3 English (A) EMAC2724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMAC2724 Lecture 1 English (A) EMAC2724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EMAC2724 Lecture 2 English (A) EMAC2724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EMAC2724 Lecture 3 English (A) EMAF6808 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMAF6808 Lecture 1 English (A) EMAF6808 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EMAF6808 Lecture 2 English (A) EMAF6808 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EMAF6808 Lecture 3 English (A) EMAF6808 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) EMAF6808 Tutorial 1 English (A) EMC 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMC 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EMC 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EMC 112 Lecture 2 English (A) EMD 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMD 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EMEP2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMEP2624 Lecture 1 English (A) EMEP2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EMEP2624 Lecture 2 English (A) EMG 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMG 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EMG 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EMG 112 Lecture 2 English (A) EMIC2714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMIC2714 Lecture 1 English (A) EMIC2714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EMIC2714 Lecture 2 English (A) EMIC2714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EMIC2714 Lecture 3 English (A) EMKT82408 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EMMA2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMMA2614 Lecture 1 English (A) EMMA2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EMMA2614 Lecture 2 English (A) EMMA2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMMA2624 Lecture 1 English (A) EMMA2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EMMA2624 Lecture 2 English (A) EMMA3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMMA3714 Lecture 1 English (A) EMMA3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EMMA3714 Lecture 2 English (A) EMMA3725 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMMA3725 Lecture 1 English (A) EMMA3725 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EMMA3725 Lecture 2 English (A) EMNF2724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EMNF2724 Lecture 1 English (A) EMNF2724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EMNF2724 Lecture 2 English (A) EMNF2724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EMNF2724 Lecture 3 English (A) EMP 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 16:10 12:10 10:10 17:10 09:10 13:10 18:10 14:10 17:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 11:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 10:10 10:10 12:10 08:10 08:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 10:10 08:10 10:10 10:10 12:10 08:10 17:10 09:10 17:10 18:10 12:10 17:10 19:10 To Tot 17:00 13:00 11:00 18:00 10:00 14:00 19:00 15:00 18:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 12:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 13:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 13:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 11:00 13:00 09:00 18:00 10:00 18:00 19:00 13:00 18:00 21:00 09:10 11:10 17:10 15:10 11:10 10:10 17:10 15:10 10:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 12:10 09:10 16:10 13:10 08:10 11:10 10:00 12:00 18:00 16:00 12:00 11:00 18:00 16:00 11:00 09:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 17:00 14:00 09:00 12:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag STB 1 Friday Vrydag LG 5 STB 1 LG 5 HMS FGG 184 HMS FGG 378 HMS LCT B LCT B LCT B LCT B S1 STB 2 S1 STB 2 EDU 13 FGG 167 EDU 13 EBW G3 FGG 183 EBW ALG7 EBW A102 EBW G3 CRS 5 EBW G4 WD 46 CRS 3 WD 46 CRS 4 LCT F HMS WWG 113 HMS FGG 184 HMS FGG 258 FGG 166 BL 1 FGG 166 BL 1 EBW ALG7 STB 1 EBW A102 WWG 113 FGG 259 SG 1 FGG 259 LG 5 FGG 166 EBW A101 FGG 166 EBW A103 FG 116 EBW OUD FGG 183 EBW OUD CRS 10 EBW OUD LCT F Page 51 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing EMP 112 Lecture 1 English (A) ENC 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ENC 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) ENC 114 Lecture 1 English (A) ENC 114 Lecture 1 English (B) ENC 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ENC 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) ENC 114 Lecture 2 English (A) ENC 114 Lecture 2 English (B) ENC 114 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ENC 114 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ENC 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ENC 124 Lecture 1 English (A) ENC 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ENC 124 Lecture 2 English (A) ENC 124 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) ENC 124 Practical 1 English (A) ENG 124 Lecture 1 English (A) ENG 124 Lecture 1 English (B) ENG 124 Lecture 2 English (A) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (A) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (B) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (C) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (D) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (E) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (F) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (G) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (H) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (I) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (J) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (K) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (L) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (M) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (N) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (O) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (P) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (Q) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (R) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (S) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (T) ENG 124 Tutorial 1 English (U) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (A) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (B) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (C) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (D) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (E) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (F) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (G) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (H) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (I) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (J) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (K) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (L) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (M) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (N) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (O) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (P) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (Q) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (R) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (S) From Van 13:10 13:10 17:10 12:10 18:10 08:10 17:10 08:10 17:10 13:10 To Tot 14:00 14:00 18:00 13:00 19:00 09:00 18:00 09:00 18:00 17:00 14:10 16:00 13:10 12:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 13:10 09:10 14:10 10:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 16:10 16:10 14:10 14:10 16:10 14:10 14:10 15:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 16:10 16:10 14:10 15:10 16:10 15:10 14:00 13:00 09:00 09:00 09:00 17:00 10:00 15:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 17:00 17:00 15:00 15:00 17:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 17:00 17:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 16:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag LCT B Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU 12 EDU OUD LCT C EDU OUD EDU 13 EDU 18 EDU 18 LCT A EDU 12 LCT D LCT F EDU 12 EDU 17 EBW OUD EBW OUD EBW OUD FGG 166 FGG 167 FGG 169 FGG 170 FGG 184 FGG 257 CRS 3 CRS 4 CRS 6 CRS 7 CRS 10 EBW ALG8 FGG 376 EBW G2 FGG 257 EBW A102 EBW ALG7 LCT E CRS 7 EBW A101 CRS 7 FGG 166 FGG 167 FGG 169 FGG 170 FGG 184 FGG 257 CRS 3 CRS 4 CRS 6 CRS 7 CRS 10 FGG 376 EBW ALG8 FGG 376 EBW ALG8 EBW A102 EBW A102 WWG 114 CRS 7 Page 52 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (T) ENG 124 Tutorial 2 English (U) ENG 214 Lecture 1 English (A) ENG 214 Lecture 2 English (A) ENG 214 Lecture 3 English (A) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (A) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (B) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (C) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (D) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (E) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (F) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (G) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (H) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (I) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (J) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (K) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (L) ENG 214 Tutorial 1 English (M) ENG 224 Lecture 1 English (A) ENG 224 Lecture 2 English (A) ENG 224 Lecture 3 English (A) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (A) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (AA) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (B) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (BB) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (C) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (CC) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (D) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (DD) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (E) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (EE) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (F) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (FF) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (G) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (H) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (I) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (J) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (K) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (L) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (M) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (N) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (O) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (P) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (Q) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (R) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (S) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (T) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (U) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (V) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (W) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (X) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (Y) ENG 224 Tutorial 1 English (Z) ENG 314 Lecture 1 English (A) ENG 314 Lecture 2 English (A) ENG 314 Lecture 3 English (A) ENG 314 Tutorial 1 English (A) ENG 314 Tutorial 1 English (B) ENG 314 Tutorial 1 English (C) ENG 314 Tutorial 1 English (D) ENG 314 Tutorial 1 English (E) ENG 314 Tutorial 1 English (F) From Van 14:10 15:10 09:10 10:10 15:10 13:10 16:10 15:10 16:10 14:10 16:10 14:10 12:10 10:10 12:10 16:10 09:10 11:10 09:10 10:10 15:10 13:10 11:10 13:10 12:10 11:10 09:10 15:10 10:10 16:10 09:10 16:10 10:10 17:10 09:10 12:10 16:10 16:10 15:10 15:10 15:10 15:10 15:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 10:10 15:10 14:10 17:10 12:10 16:10 To Tot 15:00 16:00 10:00 11:00 16:00 14:00 17:00 16:00 17:00 15:00 17:00 15:00 13:00 11:00 13:00 17:00 10:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 16:00 14:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 10:00 16:00 11:00 17:00 10:00 17:00 11:00 18:00 10:00 13:00 17:00 17:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 11:00 16:00 16:00 18:00 13:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag FGG 257 CRS 6 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag EBW OUD EBW OUD STB 1 CRS 2 CRS 4 EBW ALG7 EBW A101 EBW ALG7 N2 LG 10 FGG 258 FGG 260 FGG 258 EBW A103 FGG 170 FGG 258 EBW OUD EBW OUD EBW OUD CRS 1 GEO 1.5 CRS 4 CRS 6 LCT E CRS 5 EBW A102 WWG 223 FGG 257 CRS 3 EBW A102 CRS 5 EBW A102 FGG 258 LCT E FGG 170 CRS 4 CRS 2 CRS 2 CRS 4 LG 3 CRS 1 CRS 1 CRS 3 CRS 2 N2 CRS 1 EBW ALG7 FGG 257 CRS 2 CRS 3 CRS 2 BL 1 BL 1 STB 4 FGG 261 EBW ALG7 EBW A103 CRS 7 EBW ALG7 EBW ALG7 Page 53 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing ENG 314 Tutorial 1 English (G) ENG 314 Tutorial 1 English (H) ENG 314 Tutorial 1 English (I) ENG 324 Lecture 1 English (A) ENG 324 Lecture 2 English (A) ENG 324 Lecture 3 English (A) ENG 324 Tutorial 1 English (A) ENG 324 Tutorial 1 English (B) ENG 324 Tutorial 1 English (C) ENG 324 Tutorial 1 English (D) ENG 324 Tutorial 1 English (E) ENG 324 Tutorial 1 English (F) ENG 324 Tutorial 1 English (G) ENG 324 Tutorial 1 English (H) ENG 324 Tutorial 1 English (I) ENG 324 Tutorial 1 English (J) ENGE1608 Lecture 1 English (A) ENGE1608 Lecture 1 English (B) ENGE1608 Lecture 2 English (A) ENGE1608 Lecture 2 English (B) ENGL1514 Lecture 1 English (A) ENGL1514 Lecture 2 English (A) ENGL1514 Lecture 3 English (A) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (A) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (B) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (C) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (D) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (E) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (F) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (G) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (H) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (I) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (J) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (K) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (L) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (M) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (N) ENGL1514 Tutorial 1 English (O) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (A) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (B) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (C) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (D) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (E) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (F) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (G) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (H) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (I) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (J) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (K) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (L) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (M) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (N) ENGL1514 Tutorial 2 English (O) ENGL1624 Lecture 1 English (A) ENGL1624 Lecture 1 English (B) ENGL1624 Lecture 2 English (A) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (A) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (B) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (C) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (D) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (E) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (F) From Van 10:10 13:10 13:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 13:10 14:10 14:10 17:10 12:10 15:10 10:10 12:10 16:10 16:10 12:10 12:10 10:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 15:10 07:10 16:10 16:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 15:10 07:10 16:10 16:10 09:10 14:10 10:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 To Tot 12:00 14:00 14:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 15:00 15:00 18:00 13:00 16:00 11:00 13:00 17:00 17:00 13:00 13:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 15:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 16:00 08:00 17:00 17:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 16:00 08:00 17:00 17:00 10:00 15:00 11:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag WD 145 Friday Vrydag EBW A102 CRS 6 W 201 W 201 LCT D FGG 260 FG 117 EBW A103 CRS 4 FGG 378 FGG 257 WD 144 N1 CRS 4 EBW A102 LCT D SSB S1 FGG 377 LCT C EBW OUD HMS FGG 261 FGG 260 EBW A102 CRS 6 CRS 3 EBW ALG7 LG 10 FGG 376 CRS 4 FGG 257 CRS 1 FGG 261 CRS 2 EDU 13 EBW ALG7 FGG 260 EBW ALG7 FGG 259 EBW A102 FGG 261 CRS 1 FGG 167 LG 10 FGG 376 CRS 2 CRS 7 FGG 170 FGG 257 FGG 167 EBW ALG7 EBW OUD EBW OUD EBW OUD FGG 166 FGG 167 FGG 169 FGG 170 FGG 184 FGG 257 Page 54 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (G) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (H) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (I) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (J) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (K) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (L) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (M) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (N) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (O) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (P) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (Q) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (R) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (S) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (T) ENGL1624 Tutorial 1 English (U) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (A) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (B) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (C) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (D) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (E) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (F) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (G) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (H) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (I) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (J) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (K) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (L) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (M) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (N) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (O) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (P) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (Q) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (R) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (S) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (T) ENGL1624 Tutorial 2 English (U) ENGS1504 Lecture 1 English (A) ENGS1504 Lecture 1 English (B) ENGS1504 Lecture 1 English (C) ENGS1504 Lecture 2 English (A) ENGS1504 Lecture 2 English (B) ENGS1504 Lecture 2 English (C) ENGS1608 Lecture 1 English (A) ENGS1608 Lecture 1 English (B) ENGS1608 Lecture 1 English (C) ENGS1608 Lecture 2 English (A) ENGS1608 Lecture 2 English (B) ENGS1608 Lecture 2 English (C) ENGS1624 Lecture 1 English (A) ENGS1624 Lecture 2 English (A) ENOV2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ENOV2624 Lecture 1 English (A) ENOV2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ENOV2624 Lecture 2 English (A) ENTO2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ENTO2614 Lecture 1 English (A) ENTO2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ENTO2614 Lecture 2 English (A) ENTO2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ENTO2614 Lecture 3 English (A) ENTO2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) From Van 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 16:10 16:10 14:10 14:10 16:10 14:10 14:10 15:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 07:10 16:10 16:10 14:10 15:10 16:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 09:10 11:10 14:10 12:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 14:10 12:10 12:10 13:10 10:10 11:10 15:10 12:10 10:10 12:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 14:10 To Tot 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 17:00 17:00 15:00 15:00 17:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 08:00 17:00 17:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 10:00 12:00 15:00 13:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 15:00 13:00 13:00 14:00 11:00 12:00 16:00 13:00 11:00 13:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag CRS 3 CRS 4 CRS 6 CRS 7 CRS 10 EBW ALG8 FGG 376 EBW G2 FGG 257 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag EBW A102 EBW ALG7 LCT E CRS 7 EBW A101 CRS 7 FGG 166 FGG 167 FGG 169 FGG 170 FGG 184 FGG 257 CRS 3 CRS 4 CRS 6 CRS 7 CRS 10 FGG 376 EBW ALG8 FGG 376 EBW ALG8 EBW A102 EBW A102 WWG 114 CRS 7 FGG 257 CRS 6 LCT D STB 3 LG 4 LCT D LCT D LG 5 S1 STB 3 LG 4 RINDLS W 202 LCT D EBW A102 EBW ALG8 LG 2 MAB OUD N2 CRS 10 D 121 D 121 D 121 D 121 D 121 D 121 D 121 Page 55 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing ENTO2616 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ENTO2616 Lecture 1 English (A) ENTO2616 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ENTO2616 Lecture 2 English (A) ENTO2616 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ENTO2616 Lecture 3 English (A) ENTO2616 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ENTO2626 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ENTO2626 Lecture 1 English (A) ENTO2626 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ENTO2626 Lecture 2 English (A) ENTO2626 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ENTO2626 Lecture 3 English (A) ENTO2626 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ENTO3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ENTO3714 Lecture 1 English (A) ENTO3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ENTO3714 Lecture 2 English (A) ENTO3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ENTO3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ENTO3724 Lecture 1 English (A) ENTO3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ENTO3724 Lecture 2 English (A) ENTO3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ENTO3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ENTO3734 Lecture 1 English (A) ENTO3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ENTO3734 Lecture 2 English (A) ENTO3734 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ENTO3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ENTO3744 Lecture 1 English (A) ENTO3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ENTO3744 Lecture 2 English (A) ENTO3744 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ENTO3754 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ENTO3754 Lecture 1 English (A) ENTO3754 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ENTO3754 Lecture 2 English (A) ENTO3754 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) EODT1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EODT1524 Lecture 1 English (A) EODT1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EODT1524 Lecture 2 English (A) EODT2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EODT2624 Lecture 1 English (A) EODT2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EODT2624 Lecture 2 English (A) EODT3708 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EODT3708 Lecture 1 English (A) EODT3708 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EODT3708 Lecture 2 English (A) EODT3708 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EODT3708 Lecture 3 English (A) EODT3708 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) EODT3708 Lecture 4 English (A) EODT6808 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 11:10 13:10 09:10 13:10 13:10 11:10 14:10 To Tot 12:00 14:00 10:00 14:00 14:00 12:00 17:00 Monday Maandag D 123 D 123 11:10 13:10 09:10 11:10 11:10 09:10 14:10 12:00 14:00 10:00 12:00 12:00 10:00 17:00 D 123 D 123 11:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 14:10 12:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 D 121 11:10 13:10 10:10 11:10 14:10 12:00 14:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 BL 101A 09:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 17:10 10:00 13:00 13:00 12:00 20:00 09:10 07:10 12:10 11:10 18:10 10:00 08:00 13:00 12:00 21:00 09:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 17:10 10:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 20:00 BL 101A BL 101A 09:10 12:10 11:10 09:10 15:10 13:10 12:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 11:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 09:10 10:00 13:00 12:00 10:00 16:00 14:00 13:00 11:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 12:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 11:00 W 111 MAB OUD Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag D 123 D 123 D 123 D 123 D 123 D 121 D 123 D 123 D 123 D 123 D 121 D 121 D 121 D 121 BL 101A BL 101A BL 101A D 206 D 121 D 121 D 123 D 123 D 121 BL 101A BL 101A BL 101A BL 101A D 123 BL 101A BL 101A DEPT 20 FGG 184 HMS FGG 378 EDU OUD FG 116 STB 2 FGG 378 LG 5 FGG 378 LG 5 WD 144 FGG 184 WD 144 FGG 184 EDU 13 Page 56 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing EODT6808 Lecture 1 English (A) EODT6808 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EODT6808 Lecture 2 English (A) EODT6808 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EODT6808 Lecture 3 English (A) EODT6838 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EODT6838 Lecture 1 English (A) EODT6838 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EODT6838 Lecture 2 English (A) EODT6838 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) EODT6838 Lecture 3 English (A) EORG3715 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EORG3715 Lecture 1 English (A) EORG3715 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EORG3715 Lecture 2 English (A) EPAH1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EPAH1624 Lecture 1 English (A) EPAH1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EPAH1624 Lecture 2 English (A) EPAL3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EPAL3714 Lecture 1 English (A) EPAL3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EPAL3714 Lecture 2 English (A) EPAM1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EPAM1514 Lecture 1 English (A) EPAM1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EPAM1514 Lecture 2 English (A) EPAM1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EPAM1624 Lecture 1 English (A) EPAM1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EPAM1624 Lecture 2 English (A) EPAM2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EPAM2614 Lecture 1 English (A) EPAM2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EPAM2614 Lecture 2 English (A) EPAM3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EPAM3714 Lecture 1 English (A) EPAM3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EPAM3714 Lecture 2 English (A) EPAM3725 Lecture 1 (A) EPAM3725 Lecture 1 English (A) EPAM3725 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EPAM3725 Lecture 2 English (A) EPD 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EPD 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EPFM3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EPFM3724 Lecture 1 English (A) EPFM3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EPFM3724 Lecture 2 English (A) EPI 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EPI 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EPI 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EPI 112 Lecture 2 English (A) EPL 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EPL 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EPM 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EPM 112 Lecture 1 English (A) EPM 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) EPM 112 Lecture 2 English (A) EPR 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) EPR 122 Lecture 1 English (A) EPR 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 07:10 09:10 07:10 09:10 07:10 09:10 07:10 09:10 07:10 09:10 07:10 15:10 13:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 09:10 15:10 13:10 09:10 12:10 11:10 09:10 09:10 11:10 11:10 09:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 14:10 16:10 14:10 12:10 10:10 10:10 13:10 12:10 10:10 10:10 13:10 19:10 18:10 15:10 13:10 11:10 09:10 10:10 13:10 12:10 13:10 15:10 08:10 10:10 10:10 12:10 08:10 07:10 08:10 09:10 To Tot 09:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 09:00 16:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 11:00 10:00 16:00 14:00 10:00 13:00 12:00 10:00 10:00 12:00 12:00 10:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 15:00 17:00 15:00 13:00 11:00 11:00 14:00 13:00 11:00 11:00 14:00 21:00 20:00 16:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 09:00 11:00 11:00 13:00 09:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag WWG 226 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag EDU 12 EDU 13 WD 144 WWG 226 EDU 13 WWG 226 EDU 12 EDU 13 WD 144 WWG 226 CRS 7 CRS 7 CRS 6 CRS 5 EBW ALG7 FGG 378 EBW A103 RINDLS SG 1 EDU 15 SG 1 EDU 13 FGG 376 RINDLS FGG 376 BL 1 FGG 259 FGG 378 FGG 259 LCT F FGG 257 WWG 113 FGG 257 WWG 113 FGG 259 CRS 1 FGG 166 FGG 169 FGG 166 FGG 170 FGG 376 FGG 170 WD 145 WD 145 EBW ALG7 EBW A101 FGG 257 EBW A101 LCT C W 201 STB 4 LCT D FGG 377 EDU 13 LCT A EDU 12 LCT A EDU 12 LCT B WD 144 LCT D Page 57 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing EPR 142 Lecture 1 English (A) ERKT2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ERKT2614 Lecture 1 English (A) ERKT2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ERKT2614 Lecture 2 English (A) ERRK1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ERRK1624 Lecture 1 English (A) ERRK1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ERRK1624 Lecture 2 English (A) ERRK1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ERRK1624 Lecture 3 English (A) ERRK1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ERRK1624 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ERRK1624 Tutorial 3 Afrikaans/English (A) ERS 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ERS 122 Lecture 1 English (A) ESBM2724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ESBM2724 Lecture 1 English (A) ESBM2724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ESBM2724 Lecture 2 English (A) ESCM2724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ESCM2724 Lecture 1 English (A) ESCM2724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ESCM2724 Lecture 2 English (A) ESCR6808 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ESCR6808 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ESEM6814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ESI 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ESI 122 Lecture 1 English (A) ESI 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ESI 122 Lecture 2 English (A) ESM 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ESM 122 Lecture 1 English (A) ESM 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ESM 122 Lecture 2 English (A) ESMT6824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ESS 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ESS 122 Lecture 1 English (A) ESS 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ESS 122 Lecture 2 English (A) ESW 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ESW 122 Lecture 1 English (A) ETC 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ETC 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ETC 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ETC 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ETG 101 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETG 101 Lecture 1 English (A) ETG 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETG 112 Lecture 1 English (A) ETG 112 Lecture 2 English (B) ETG 112 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 09:10 17:10 16:10 17:10 11:10 18:10 11:10 12:10 15:10 14:10 12:10 17:10 To Tot 10:00 18:00 17:00 18:00 12:00 19:00 12:00 13:00 16:00 15:00 13:00 18:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag LCT B Wednesday Woensdag 11:10 12:00 14:10 15:00 10:10 08:10 13:10 11:10 11:10 13:10 15:10 13:10 09:10 12:10 17:10 11:00 09:00 14:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 14:00 10:00 13:00 18:00 19:10 21:00 FGG 258 17:10 19:00 FGG 258 10:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 17:10 18:10 17:10 18:10 17:10 11:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 18:00 19:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 FGG 183 RINDLS 10:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 12:10 11:10 11:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 12:00 FGG 183 RINDLS 12:10 13:00 11:10 12:00 12:10 13:00 EBW A103 16:10 15:10 07:10 08:10 18:10 09:10 17:00 16:00 08:00 09:00 20:00 11:00 LCT F LCT D Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag SG 1 HMS SG 1 EBW OUD FGG 184 FGG 183 EBW G2 FGG 183 EBW G2 FGG 183 FGG 261 EBW A103 FGG 260 WD 144 LCT E LG 9 EBW G2 CRS 3 EBW G2 FGG 260 FGG 260 FGG 257 FG 117 FGG 258 LCT A EBW OUD LCT A LCT A LCT B LCT A FGG 258 LCT A EBW OUD W 111 SG 1 EBW G3 FGG 168 EBW G3 LCT A LCT A DEPT 20 DEPT 20 Page 58 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing ETG 112 Practical 1 Afrikaans (B) ETG 112 Practical 1 Afrikaans (C) ETG 112 Practical 1 English (A) ETG 112 Practical 1 English (C) ETG 112 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ETG 112 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) ETG 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETG 122 Lecture 1 English (A) ETG 122 Lecture 2 English (B) ETG 122 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) ETG 122 Practical 1 Afrikaans (B) ETG 122 Practical 1 Afrikaans (C) ETG 122 Practical 1 English (A) ETG 122 Practical 1 English (B) ETG 122 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ETG 122 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) ETG 201 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETG 201 Lecture 1 English (A) ETG 301 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETG 301 Lecture 1 English (A) ETG 401 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETG 401 Lecture 1 English (A) ETI 101 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETI 101 Lecture 1 English (A) ETI 201 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETI 201 Lecture 1 English (A) ETI 301 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETI 301 Lecture 1 English (A) ETI 401 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETI 401 Lecture 1 English (A) ETI 401 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ETI 401 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) ETRM3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETRM3714 Lecture 1 English (A) ETRM3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ETRM3714 Lecture 2 English (A) ETRM3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ETV 101 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETV 101 Lecture 1 English (A) ETV 201 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETV 201 Lecture 1 English (A) ETV 301 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETV 301 Lecture 1 English (A) ETV 401 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ETV 401 Lecture 1 English (A) ETV 401 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ETV 401 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) EVEN6814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FBE 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FBE 114 Lecture 1 English (A) FBE 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FBE 114 Lecture 2 English (A) FFL 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 08:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 To Tot 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag 16:10 18:00 EDU 15 07:10 08:10 18:10 09:10 08:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 08:00 09:00 20:00 11:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 LCT A LCT B DEPT 19 DEPT 17 16:10 18:00 EDU 15 15:10 14:10 14:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 12:10 13:10 13:10 14:10 14:10 15:10 14:10 16:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 11:10 13:00 08:10 13:10 09:10 14:10 12:10 09:00 14:00 10:00 15:00 13:00 FGG 170 SSB FGG 170 SSB 14:10 15:10 12:10 13:10 13:10 14:10 14:10 15:10 14:10 15:00 16:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 EDU OUD EDU OUD 11:10 13:00 17:00 18:00 11:10 10:10 15:10 14:10 16:10 12:00 11:00 16:00 15:00 17:00 Friday Vrydag DEPT 15 DEPT 19 DEPT 09 XXX EDU 15 DEPT 19 DEPT 20 DEPT 16 DEPT 12 EDU 15 EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU 12 EDU 17 EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU OUD LCT C LCT E DEPT 15 DEPT 15 FGG 183 EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU OUD EDU OUD LCT C LCT E DEPT 15 DEPT 15 FGG 258 DEPT DEPT DEPT DEPT LCT C Page 59 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing FFL 122 Lecture 1 English (A) FILO1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FILO1514 Lecture 1 English (A) FILO1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FILO1514 Lecture 2 English (A) FILO1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) FILO1514 Lecture 3 English (A) FILO1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FILO1624 Lecture 1 English (A) FILO1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FILO1624 Lecture 2 English (A) FILO1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) FILO1624 Tutorial 1 English (A) FILO1624 Tutorial 1 English (B) FIN 609 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FIN 609 Lecture 1 English (A) FIN 609 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FIN 609 Lecture 2 English (A) FIN 609 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) FIN 609 Tutorial 1 English (A) FORS2616 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FORS2616 Lecture 1 English (A) FORS2616 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FORS2616 Lecture 2 English (A) FORS2616 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) FORS2616 Lecture 3 English (A) FORS2616 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FORS2626 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FORS2626 Lecture 1 English (A) FORS2626 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FORS2626 Lecture 2 English (A) FORS2626 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) FORS2626 Lecture 3 English (A) FORS2626 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FORS3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FORS3714 Lecture 1 English (A) FORS3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FORS3714 Lecture 2 English (A) FORS3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FORS3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FORS3724 Lecture 1 English (A) FORS3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FORS3724 Lecture 2 English (A) FORS3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FORS3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FORS3734 Lecture 1 English (A) FORS3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FORS3734 Lecture 2 English (A) FORS3734 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FORS3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FORS3744 Lecture 1 English (A) FORS3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FORS3744 Lecture 2 English (A) FORS3744 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FPA 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FPA 122 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 16:10 14:10 14:10 15:10 15:10 11:10 15:10 14:10 14:10 15:10 15:10 16:10 14:10 15:10 10:10 07:10 10:10 07:10 13:10 13:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 To Tot 17:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 12:00 16:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 15:00 16:00 12:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 17:00 17:00 11:00 12:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 Monday Maandag 10:10 11:10 08:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 11:00 12:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 13:10 10:10 13:10 12:10 14:10 14:00 11:00 14:00 13:00 17:00 12:10 13:10 09:10 11:10 17:10 13:00 14:00 10:00 12:00 20:00 08:10 09:10 09:10 11:10 13:10 09:00 10:00 10:00 12:00 18:00 13:10 10:10 13:10 12:10 14:10 14:00 11:00 14:00 13:00 17:00 FGG 257 FGG 259 09:10 08:10 10:00 09:00 WD 144 WD 144 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag EDU 12 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag FGG 261 CRS 10 FGG 261 W 201 FGG 257 SG 1 DEPT 12 FGG 258 DEPT 12 FGG 258 FGG 376 FGG 258 FGG 258 EBW G4 EDU 13 EBW ALG8 FGG 183 DEPT 12 DEPT 13 N2 N2 FGG 378 BL 1 N2 N1 DEPT 01 CRS 1 CRS 1 EBW G2 BL 3 EBW G2 BL 3 BL 2 FGG 260 FGG 259 FGG 260 FGG 260 FG 117 FGG 259 FGG 259 FGG 261 FGG 258 FGG 260 DEPT 19 DEPT 13 FGG 257 FGG 166 FGG 258 FGG 260 FGG 261 Page 60 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing FPE 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FPE 112 Lecture 1 English (A) FPL 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FPL 122 Lecture 1 English (A) FRAN1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN1514 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN1514 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) FRAN1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN1524 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN1524 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN1524 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN1524 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN2614 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN2614 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN2614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN2624 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN2624 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) FRAN2624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FRM 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 14:10 15:10 17:10 17:10 16:10 To Tot 15:00 16:00 18:00 18:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag LCT F LCT F Thursday Donderdag 17:10 18:00 BL 3 17:10 18:00 BL 3 18:10 19:00 BL 3 17:10 18:00 17:10 18:00 11:10 12:00 16:10 17:00 CRS 1 17:10 18:00 CRS 2 17:10 18:00 CRS 6 18:10 19:00 CRS 6 17:10 18:00 11:10 12:00 17:10 18:00 15:10 16:00 14:10 15:00 13:10 14:00 FGG 12A 16:10 17:00 FGG 12A 13:10 14:00 17:10 18:00 08:10 09:00 08:10 09:00 09:10 10:00 08:10 09:00 FGG 12A 16:10 17:00 FGG 12A 10:10 11:00 09:10 11:00 FRM 214 Lecture 1 English (A) 10:10 12:00 FRM 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FRM 224 Lecture 1 English (A) FRM 224 Lecture 2 English (A) FRMB2612 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) 08:10 10:10 15:10 09:10 10:00 11:00 16:00 11:00 LCT C EDU 15 BL 3 FGG 183 FGG 168 CRS 1 FGG 167 EBW G3 EBW ALG7 FGG 12A FGG 12A FGG 12A FGG 12A FGG 12A FGG 12A FGG 12A FGG 12A FARMAKOL O FARMAKOL O KINE5 KINE1 KINE5 FARMAKOL Page 61 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag O FRMB2612 Lecture 1 English (A) 10:10 12:00 FRMB2622 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FRMB2622 Lecture 1 English (A) FRMB2622 Lecture 2 English (A) FRN 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FRN 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) FRN 314 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) FRN 314 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) FRN 314 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) FRN 314 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FRN 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FRN 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) FRN 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) FRN 324 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) FRN 324 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) FRN 324 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FSCA3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FSCA3714 Lecture 1 English (A) FSCA3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FSCA3714 Lecture 2 English (A) FSCA3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) FSCA3714 Lecture 3 English (A) FSCA3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FSCB3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FSCB3724 Lecture 1 English (A) FSCB3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FSCB3724 Lecture 2 English (A) FSCB3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) FSCB3724 Lecture 3 English (A) FSCB3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FSCC2612 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FSCC2612 Lecture 1 English (A) FSCC2612 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FSCC2612 Lecture 2 English (A) FSCC2612 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) FSCC2612 Lecture 3 English (A) FSCC2622 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FSCC2622 Lecture 1 English (A) FSCC2622 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FSCE3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FSCI2612 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FSCI2612 Lecture 1 English (A) FSCI2612 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FSCI2612 Lecture 2 English (A) FSCI2612 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) 08:10 10:10 15:10 11:10 10:00 11:00 16:00 12:00 FGG 12A 14:10 15:00 FGG 12A 15:10 16:00 10:10 11:00 11:10 12:00 09:10 10:00 11:10 12:00 15:10 16:00 11:10 12:00 11:10 12:00 FGG 12A 12:10 13:00 FGG 12A 12:10 13:00 12:10 11:10 14:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 14:10 13:00 12:00 15:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 17:00 LG 1 LG 1 09:10 11:10 10:10 12:10 09:10 08:10 14:10 10:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 09:00 17:00 LG 2 FGG 167 09:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 12:10 13:10 13:10 11:10 14:10 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 12:00 17:00 FGG 166 14:10 18:00 LG 9 12:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 10:10 13:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 CRS 3 LG 5 Friday Vrydag FARMAKOL O KINE5 KINE1 KINE5 FGG 12A FGG 12A FGG 12A FGG 12A FGG 12A FGG 12A FGG 12A FGG 12A LG 9 LG 3 LG 1 LG 10 LG 7.214 FGG 167 FGG 167 FGG 261 LG 6 LG 9 EBW G2 FGG 259 EBW G4 LG 3 CRS 5 FGG 166 FGG 257 LG 7.214 CRS 5 STB 2 CRS 3 Page 62 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing FSCI2612 Lecture 3 English (A) FSCM4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FSCM4814 Lecture 1 English (A) FSCM4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FSCM4814 Lecture 2 English (A) FSCM4814 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) FSCM4814 Lecture 3 English (A) FSCM4814 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FSCP3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FSCP3724 Lecture 1 English (A) FSCP3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FSCP3724 Lecture 2 English (A) FSCP3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) FSCP3724 Lecture 3 English (A) FSCP3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) FSCS2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) FSCS2624 Lecture 1 English (A) FSCS2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) FSCS2624 Lecture 2 English (A) FSCS2624 Lecture 3 English (A) FSCS2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) FSCS2624 Practical 1 English (A) FSCS2624 Practical 2 English (A) FSD 122 Lecture 1 English (A) FSD 122 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van 11:10 08:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 13:10 14:10 To Tot 12:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 09:00 14:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag W 111 11:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 11:10 10:10 13:10 12:00 11:00 09:00 12:00 12:00 11:00 16:00 LG 10 LG 7 10:10 09:10 14:10 10:10 10:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 10:10 10:10 11:00 10:00 16:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 12:00 12:00 GBT 314 Acquisition 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GBT 314 History 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GBT 314 Linquistic 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GBT 314 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GBT 324 Acquisition 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GBT 324 History 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GBT 324 Linquistic 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GBT 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GDD 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GDD 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GDD 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GDD 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GDD 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GDD 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GDD 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GDD 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GDD 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GDD 324 Lecture 1 09:10 10:00 13:10 14:00 11:10 12:00 11:10 12:00 EBW G2 09:10 10:00 EBW A102 13:10 14:00 11:10 12:00 11:10 12:00 12:10 13:00 HMS 10 13:10 14:00 HMS 34 12:10 13:00 08:10 09:00 HMS 10 09:10 10:00 HMS 10 08:10 09:00 HMS 33 09:10 10:00 HMS 33 10:10 11:00 HMS 10 11:10 12:00 HMS 33 10:10 11:00 FGG 166 LG 3 LG 10 FGG 166 FGG 166 FGG 166 LG 7.214 LG 10 LG 6 LG 10 LG 6 LG 7.214 FG 117 LG 7 FG 117 LG 7 LG 7 FGG 167 LG 8.100 LG 8.100 LCT F KOVSI KERK EBW G3 EBW A102 EBW ALG7 EBW A103 EBW A102 EBW G2 HMS 34 HMS 34 Page 63 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) GDD 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GEL 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GEL 122 Lecture 1 English (A) GEL 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GEL 122 Lecture 2 English (A) GEL 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GEL 142 Lecture 1 English (A) GEL 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GEL 142 Lecture 2 English (A) GENE2616 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GENE2616 Lecture 1 English (A) GENE2616 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GENE2616 Lecture 2 English (A) GENE2616 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GENE2616 Lecture 3 English (A) GENE2616 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GENE2616 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GENE2626 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GENE2626 Lecture 1 English (A) GENE2626 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GENE2626 Lecture 2 English (A) GENE2626 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GENE2626 Lecture 3 English (A) GENE2626 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GENE2626 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GENE3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GENE3714 Lecture 1 English (A) GENE3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GENE3714 Lecture 2 English (A) GENE3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GENE3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GENE3724 Lecture 1 English (A) GENE3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GENE3724 Lecture 2 English (A) GENE3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GENE3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) GENE3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GENE3734 Lecture 1 English (A) GENE3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GENE3734 Lecture 2 English (A) GENE3734 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GENE3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GENE3744 Lecture 1 English (A) GENE3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GENE3744 Lecture 2 English (A) GENE3744 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GENE3744 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GEO 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GEO 214 Lecture 1 English (A) GEO 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GEO 214 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag 11:10 12:00 HMS 34 12:10 08:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 08:10 14:10 13:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 17:00 WD 145 WD 46 08:10 11:00 12:10 11:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 08:10 14:10 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 17:00 08:10 11:00 11:10 10:10 10:10 08:10 14:10 12:00 11:00 11:00 09:00 17:00 09:10 08:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 10:00 09:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 14:10 17:00 09:10 08:10 08:10 09:10 17:10 10:00 09:00 09:00 10:00 20:00 11:10 12:10 10:10 09:10 17:10 12:00 13:00 11:00 10:00 20:00 PL 49 17:10 20:00 STB 2 10:10 11:10 09:10 11:10 11:00 12:00 10:00 12:00 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag WD 145 WD 145 WD 145 WD 46 WD 145 WD 145 FGG 168 LCT D FGG 168 W 201 FGG 168 LCT C PL 49 BTVL 8 FGG 167 LCT D FGG 167 LCT D FGG 170 RINDLS PL 49 BTVL 8 BL 2 BL 1 BL 3 BL 1 LAB 28 LCT C LG 3 LG 6 LG 3 PL 49 BL 3 BL 2 STB 3 FGG 168 BL 1 STB 2 FGG 168 BL 1 BL 2 BL 1 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 Page 64 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing GEO 214 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GEO 214 Lecture 3 English (A) GEO 214 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) GEO 214 Practical 1 English (A) GEO 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GEO 314 Lecture 1 English (A) GEO 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GEO 314 Lecture 2 English (A) GEO 314 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GEO 314 Lecture 3 English (A) GEOH1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GEOH1624 Lecture 1 English (A) GEOH1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GEOH1624 Lecture 2 English (A) GEOH1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GEOH1624 Lecture 3 English (A) GEOH1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) GEOH1624 Practical 1 English (A) GEOP1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GEOP1514 Lecture 1 English (A) GEOP1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GEOP1514 Lecture 2 English (A) GEOP1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GEOP1514 Lecture 3 English (A) GEOP1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GEOP1514 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GEOP2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GEOP2614 Lecture 1 English (A) GEOP2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GEOP2614 Lecture 2 English (A) GEOP2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GEOP2614 Lecture 3 English (A) GEOP2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GEOP2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GEOP2624 Lecture 1 English (A) GEOP2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GEOP2624 Lecture 2 English (A) GEOP2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GEOP2624 Lecture 3 English (A) GEOP2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) GEOP2624 Practical 1 English (A) GEOP3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GEOP3714 Lecture 1 English (A) GEOP3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GEOP3714 Lecture 2 English (A) GEOP3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GEOP3714 Lecture 3 English (A) GEOP3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GEOP3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GEOP3724 Lecture 1 English (A) GEOP3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GEOP3724 Lecture 2 English (A) GEOP3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GERB1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GERB1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (B) GERB1514 Lecture 2 From Van 10:10 08:10 14:10 14:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 10:10 13:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 12:10 08:10 13:10 09:10 11:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 To Tot 11:00 09:00 17:00 17:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 11:00 14:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 15:00 09:00 14:00 10:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 17:00 Monday Maandag 14:10 17:00 08:10 09:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 09:10 13:10 09:00 10:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 10:00 16:00 GEO 1.5 GEO 1.5 10:10 11:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 10:10 14:10 14:10 13:10 12:10 10:10 08:10 10:10 11:10 14:10 11:00 12:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 11:00 17:00 17:00 14:00 13:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 11:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 12:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 18:00 12:10 13:00 EBW ALG7 17:10 18:00 FGG 259 08:10 09:00 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag GEO 2.3 Friday Vrydag GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 1.5 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 CRS 7 FGG 183 CRS 3 LCT B CRS 1 FGG 377 SG 1 LCT C GEO 1.5 STB 4 GEO 1.5 STB 1 GEO 2.3 FGG 183 W 201 LCT D GEO 1.5 GEO 1.5 GEO 1.5 GEO 1.5 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 1.5 GEO 1.5 GEO 1.5 GEO 1.5 GEO 1.5 GEO 1.5 GEO 1.5 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 GEO 2.3 FGG 259 Page 65 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) GERB1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (B) GERB1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) GERB1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (B) GERB1514 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) GERB1514 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (B) GERB1514 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) GERB1514 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (B) GERB1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GERB1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (B) GERB1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GERB1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (B) GERB1524 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) GERB1524 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (B) GERB1524 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) GERB1524 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (B) GERB1524 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) GERB1524 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (B) GERM1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (B) GERM1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (B) GERM1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (B) GERM1514 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM1514 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (B) GERM1514 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM1514 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (B) GERM1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (B) GERM1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (B) GERM1624 Lecture 3 From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag 16:10 17:00 10:10 11:00 FGG 376 17:10 18:00 FGG 261 10:10 11:00 FGG 170 17:10 18:00 FGG 259 08:10 09:00 16:10 17:00 12:10 13:00 FGG 259 17:10 18:00 FGG 259 08:10 09:00 FGG 257 17:10 18:00 EBW ALG7 10:10 11:00 FGG 259 17:10 18:00 EBW A102 10:10 11:00 FGG 259 17:10 18:00 FGG 376 08:10 09:00 16:10 17:00 08:10 08:59 17:10 18:00 09:10 10:00 16:10 17:00 09:10 10:00 17:10 18:00 10:10 11:00 EBW ALG7 17:10 18:00 EBW ALG7 10:10 11:00 FGG 257 09:10 10:00 FGG 259 08:10 09:00 17:10 18:00 09:10 10:00 16:10 17:00 09:10 10:00 CRS 5 EBW A102 FGG 259 EBW A102 FGG 259 EBW A102 FGG 166 CRS 1 FGG 259 FGG 261 FGG 166 CRS 6 FGG 166 FGG 259 FGG 260 FGG 257 Page 66 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) GERM1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (B) GERM1624 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM1624 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (B) GERM1624 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM1624 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (B) GERM2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM2614 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) GERM2614 Lecture 5 Afrikaans/English (A) GES 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GES 314 Lecture 1 English (A) GES 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GES 314 Lecture 2 English (A) GES 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GES 324 Lecture 1 English (A) GES 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GES 324 Lecture 2 English (A) GISC2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GISC2624 Lecture 1 English (A) GISC2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GISC2624 Lecture 2 English (A) GISC2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GISC2624 Lecture 3 English (A) GISC2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) GISC2624 Practical 1 English (A) GISC2624 Practical 1 English (B) GISC2624 Practical 1 English (C) GISC3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GISC3724 Lecture 1 English (A) GISC3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GISC3724 Lecture 2 English (A) GISC3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GKD 214 Lecture 1 English (A) GKD 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GKD 214 Lecture 2 English (A) GKD 214 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GKD 214 Lecture 3 English (A) GKD 214 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 214 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GKD 224 Lecture 1 English (A) GKD 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GKD 224 Lecture 2 English (A) GKD 224 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GKD 224 Lecture 3 English (A) GKD 224 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) GKD 224 Practical 1 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag 17:10 18:00 10:10 11:00 FGG 258 17:10 18:00 FGG 259 10:10 11:00 FGG 259 09:10 10:00 FGG 259 09:10 10:00 08:10 09:00 08:10 09:00 10:10 11:00 11:10 12:00 12:10 11:10 13:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 13:10 08:10 14:10 14:10 13:10 08:10 13:10 07:10 15:10 15:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 13:10 10:10 12:10 11:10 13:00 12:00 14:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 14:00 09:00 15:00 15:00 14:00 09:00 14:00 08:00 18:00 18:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 11:10 12:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 14:10 12:00 13:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 14:10 17:00 11:10 12:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 12:00 13:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 17:00 FGG 259 FGG 259 FGG 376 FGG 259 FGG 376 FGG 376 CRS 2 N1 CRS 4 N1 FGG 258 FGG 378 FGG 260 EBW G4 GEO 2.8 GEO 1.5 GEO 2.8 GEO 1.5 GEO 2.8 GEO 1.5 GEO 2.8 GEO 2.8 GEO 2.8 GEO 2.8 GEO 2.8 GEO 2.8 GEO 2.8 GEO 2.8 GEO 2.8 LG 4 LG 4 LG 4 LG 4 LG 4 LG 4 LG 5 LG 5 LG 4 LG 4 S1 S1 W 202 BL 1 LCT B LG 5 Page 67 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing GKD 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GKD 314 Lecture 1 English (A) GKD 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GKD 314 Lecture 2 English (A) GKD 314 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GKD 314 Lecture 3 English (A) GKD 314 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 314 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GKD 324 Lecture 1 English (A) GKD 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GKD 324 Lecture 2 English (A) GKD 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 424 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 424 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 434 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 434 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) GKD 434 Practical 2 English (A) GKD 444 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 444 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 444 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) GKD 444 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GLGY1614 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY1614 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY1614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GLGY1614 Lecture 3 English (A) GLGY1614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY1614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) GLGY1614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) GLGY1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GLGY1624 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY1624 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GLGY1624 Lecture 3 English (A) GLGY1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) GLGY2612 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY2612 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) GLGY2612 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (C) GLGY2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 11:10 12:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 14:10 To Tot 12:00 13:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag LG 4 LG 4 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag 14:10 17:00 11:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 12:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 14:10 17:00 09:10 11:00 14:10 17:00 07:10 10:00 11:10 08:10 08:10 14:00 11:00 09:00 09:10 10:00 LG 6 10:10 11:00 LG 2 14:10 17:00 10:10 11:10 11:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 14:10 11:00 12:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 17:00 14:10 17:00 14:10 17:00 10:10 09:10 13:10 09:10 10:10 12:10 14:10 11:00 10:00 14:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 17:00 GG 2 EDU 12 14:10 17:00 GG 1 14:10 19:00 GG 2 14:10 19:00 14:10 19:00 10:10 11:00 LG 4 LG 4 LG 4 LG 4 LG 5 LG 5 LG 4 LG 5 LG 7 W 111 LG 3 SSB LG 1 LG 8.G02 LG 1 DEPT DEPT LG 2 FGG 166 GG 2 FGG 183 GG 2 FGG 377 GG 2 FGG 377 GG 1 GG 1 GG 1 GG 2 FGG 377 GG 2 LG 5 GG 1 GG 2 GG 2 GG 2 Page 68 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing GLGY2614 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY2614 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GLGY2614 Lecture 3 English (A) GLGY2622 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GLGY2624 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY2624 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GLGY2624 Lecture 3 English (A) GLGY2632 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY2642 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY2644 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GLGY2644 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY2644 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY2644 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY2644 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GLGY2644 Lecture 3 English (A) GLGY2652 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3714 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3714 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3714 Lecture 3 English (A) GLGY3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) GLGY3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3724 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3724 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3724 Lecture 3 English (A) GLGY3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3734 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3734 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY3734 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3744 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3744 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY3744 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY3744 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) GLGY3754 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3754 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY3754 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3754 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY3754 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3754 Lecture 3 English (A) From Van 09:10 09:10 12:10 09:10 08:10 14:10 To Tot 10:00 10:00 13:00 10:00 09:00 19:00 Monday Maandag 10:10 12:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 11:00 13:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 13:00 14:10 19:00 12:10 10:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 08:10 14:10 13:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 19:00 12:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 14:10 13:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 16:00 16:10 18:00 12:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 14:10 13:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 17:00 GG 3 GG 1 09:10 08:10 11:10 08:10 14:10 10:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 17:00 GG 2 GG 1 09:10 08:10 10:10 11:10 14:10 10:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 16:00 GG 2 GG 1 16:10 18:00 08:10 12:10 13:10 10:10 09:10 11:10 09:00 13:00 14:00 11:00 10:00 12:00 Tuesday Dinsdag GG 1 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag GG 2 GG 2 GG 2 GG 2 GG 1 GG 2 GG 1 GG 2 GG 1 GG 2 GG 1 GG 1 GG 1 GG 2 W 111 GG 2 FGG 377 GG 2 W 111 GG 1 GG 3 GG 1 GG 3 GG 1 GG 3 GG 1 GG 2 GG 2 GG 3 GG 1 GG 3 GEO 1.5 GG 2 GG 3 GG 1 EBW G2 GG 3 GG 1 GG 2 GG 2 GG 3 GG 1 GG 3 GG 1 GG 3 GG 1 Page 69 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing GLGY3754 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY3764 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3764 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY3764 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3764 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY3764 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3764 Lecture 3 English (A) GLGY3764 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY3774 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3774 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY3774 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3774 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY3774 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3774 Lecture 3 English (A) GLGY3774 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GLGY3784 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3784 Lecture 1 English (A) GLGY3784 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3784 Lecture 2 English (A) GLGY3784 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GLGY3784 Lecture 3 English (A) GLGY3784 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GOF 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GOF 122 Lecture 1 English (A) GOF 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GOF 122 Lecture 2 English (A) GOF 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GOF 142 Lecture 1 English (A) GOF 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GOF 142 Lecture 2 English (A) GOVE3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GOVE3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GOVE3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) GPED1623 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GPED1623 Lecture 1 English (A) GPED1623 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GPED1623 Lecture 2 English (A) GRAS2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GRAS2614 Lecture 1 English (A) GRAS2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GRAS2614 Lecture 2 English (A) GRAS2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GRAS2614 Lecture 3 English (A) GRAS2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) GRAS2614 Practical 1 English (A) GRAS3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GRAS3714 Lecture 1 English (A) GRAS3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GRAS3714 Lecture 2 English (A) GRAS3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GRAS3714 Lecture 3 English (A) GRAS3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRAS3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GRAS3724 Lecture 1 English (A) GRAS3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van 14:10 To Tot 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag GG 1 13:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 08:10 10:10 14:10 14:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 09:00 11:00 17:00 GG 3 GG 1 12:10 09:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 13:10 10:10 13:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 09:00 14:00 13:00 08:10 12:10 12:10 08:10 11:10 12:10 10:10 09:00 13:00 13:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 08:10 09:10 10:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 10:10 14:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 15:00 15:10 16:00 EBW G3 16:10 17:00 EBW G3 14:10 13:10 15:10 14:10 09:10 12:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 14:10 13:10 13:10 11:10 10:10 12:10 13:10 12:10 14:10 15:00 14:00 16:00 15:00 10:00 13:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 15:00 14:00 14:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 14:00 13:00 17:00 LG 4 10:10 11:10 10:10 11:00 12:00 11:00 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag GG 3 GG 1 GG 3 GG 1 GG 3 GG 3 GG 2 GG 3 GG 1 GG 3 GG 1 GG 2 GG 3 GG 1 GG 3 GG 1 GG 3 GG 1 GG 1 FGG 260 FGG 260 FGG 166 FGG 166 FGG 260 FGG 260 FGG 166 FGG 166 EBW G3 EDU 12 LG 4 EDU 12 FGG 378 N1 LG 4 LG 1 LG 6 FGG 167 EBW A103 LG 1 LG 9 LG 9 FGG 183 LG 9 LG 9 LG 9 LG 2 LG 2 LG 2 LG 2 Page 70 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing GRAS3724 Lecture 2 English (A) GRAS3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GRAS3724 Lecture 3 English (A) GRAS3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRAS4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRAS4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GRAS4824 Lecture 2 English (A) GRAS4824 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GRAS4824 Lecture 3 English (A) GRAS4824 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRAS4844 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GRAS4844 Lecture 1 English (A) GRAS4844 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GRAS4844 Lecture 2 English (A) GRAS4844 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GRAS4844 Lecture 3 English (A) GRAS4844 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRAS6834 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) GRAS6834 Lecture 1 English (A) GRAS6834 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) GRAS6834 Lecture 2 English (A) GRAS6834 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) GRAS6834 Lecture 3 English (A) GRAS6834 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 114 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 114 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 114 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 124 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 124 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 214 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 214 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 224 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) From Van 09:10 10:10 11:10 14:10 To Tot 10:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag EBW A103 10:10 11:00 LG 9 11:10 12:10 13:10 08:10 14:10 12:00 13:00 14:00 09:00 17:00 LG 1 10:10 09:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 14:10 11:00 10:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 LG 3.205 LG 3.205 10:10 11:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 11:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 FGG 166 FGG 166 12:10 13:00 HMS 33 13:10 14:00 HMS 33 10:10 11:00 10:10 11:00 15:10 16:00 12:10 13:00 HMS 33 13:10 14:00 HMS 33 10:10 11:00 10:10 11:00 15:10 16:00 09:10 10:00 09:10 10:00 09:10 10:00 14:10 15:00 09:10 10:00 09:10 10:00 09:10 10:00 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag LG 1 LG 1 LG 1 DEPT 19 LG 9 LG 9 LG 9 LG 3.205 LG 3.205 LG 3.205 LG 3.205 LG 3.205 FGG 376 FGG 376 FGG 261 FGG 260 FGG 166 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 Page 71 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing GRK 224 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 334 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 334 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 334 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) GRK 334 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) HCSL3704 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HEBR1514 Lecture 1 English (A) HEBR1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HEBR1514 Lecture 2 English (A) HEBR1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) HEBR1514 Lecture 3 English (A) HEBR1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) HEBR1514 Tutorial 2 English (A) HEBR1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HEBR1624 Lecture 1 English (A) HEBR1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HEBR1624 Lecture 2 English (A) HEBR1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) HEBR1624 Lecture 3 English (A) HEBR1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) HEBR1624 Tutorial 2 English (A) HEBR2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR2724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR2724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR2724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR3754 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR3754 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR3764 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) HEBR3764 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) HIST1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HIST1514 Lecture 1 English (A) HIST1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HIST1514 Lecture 2 English (A) HIST1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HIST1624 Lecture 1 English (A) HIST1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van 14:10 To Tot 15:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag HMS 33 Thursday Donderdag 14:10 15:00 HMS 34 15:10 16:00 HMS 34 14:10 15:00 HMS 34 15:10 16:00 HMS 34 14:10 17:00 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 15:10 15:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 15:10 15:10 11:10 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 16:00 16:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 16:00 16:00 12:00 11:10 12:00 12:10 13:00 11:10 12:00 11:10 12:00 11:10 12:00 12:10 13:00 12:10 13:00 14:10 15:00 14:10 15:00 16:10 17:00 16:10 17:00 16:10 17:00 16:10 17:00 11:10 08:10 13:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 13:10 12:00 09:00 14:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 14:00 Friday Vrydag STB 3 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 34 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 34 HMS 34 HMS 34 FGG 167 HMS EBW G2 STB 2 FGG 169 EDU OUD EBW G3 Page 72 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing HIST1624 Lecture 2 English (A) HIST2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HIST2614 Lecture 1 English (A) HIST2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HIST2614 Lecture 2 English (A) HIST2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HIST2624 Lecture 1 English (A) HIST2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HIST2624 Lecture 2 English (A) HKGK1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HKGK1514 Lecture 1 English (A) HKGK1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HKGK1514 Lecture 2 English (A) HKGK1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) HKGK1514 Lecture 3 English (A) HKGK4804 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) HKWS1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HKWS1624 Lecture 1 English (A) HKWS1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HKWS1624 Lecture 2 English (A) HKWS1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) HKWS1624 Tutorial 1 English (A) HKWS4804 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HKWS4804 Lecture 1 English (A) HLIN1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HLIN1514 Lecture 1 English (A) HLIN1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HLIN1514 Lecture 2 English (A) HLIN1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) HLIN1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) HLIN1514 Tutorial 1 English (A) HLIN1514 Tutorial 1 English (B) HLIN1514 Tutorial 1 English (C) HMBG3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HMBG3714 Lecture 1 English (A) HMBG3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HMBG3714 Lecture 2 English (A) HMBG3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HMBG3724 Lecture 1 English (A) HMBG3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HMBG3724 Lecture 2 English (A) HMBG3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HMBG3734 Lecture 1 English (A) HMBG3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HMBG3734 Lecture 2 English (A) HMBG3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HMBG3744 Lecture 1 English (A) HMBG3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HMBG3744 Lecture 2 English (A) HRG 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HRG 214 Lecture 1 English (A) HRG 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HRG 214 Lecture 2 English (A) HRT 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HRT 314 Lecture 1 English (A) HRT 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HRT 314 Lecture 2 English (A) HRT 314 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) HRT 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HRT 324 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 09:10 13:10 10:10 14:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 14:10 11:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 11:10 To Tot 10:00 14:00 11:00 15:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 15:00 12:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 Monday Maandag 11:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 10:10 09:10 12:10 14:10 13:10 14:10 14:10 15:10 15:10 14:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 09:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 11:10 10:10 12:10 09:10 11:10 09:10 16:10 11:10 16:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 09:10 12:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 13:00 15:00 14:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 10:00 17:00 12:00 17:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 13:00 MAB C12 MAB C12 14:10 10:10 15:00 11:00 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag STB 3 Friday Vrydag LG 5 CRS 3 CRS 2 W 111 EBW A102 SG 1 FGG 260 LG 3 DEPT 18 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 STEF C LG 10 STEF C STEF C FGG 259 FGG 376 STEF C FGG 259 WD 144 HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO HAEMATO CRS 10 MAB OUD LCT A MAB OUD LG 6 FGG 167 LG 6 LG 6 EBW ALG8 LG 7.204 LG 9 Page 73 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing HRT 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) HRT 324 Lecture 2 English (A) HRT 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) HRT 324 Lecture 3 English (A) HRT 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) HSS 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HSS 112 Lecture 1 English (A) HSS 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) HSS 132 Lecture 1 English (A) ICOJ3718 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ICOJ3718 Lecture 1 English (A) ICOJ3718 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ICOJ3718 Lecture 2 English (A) ICOJ3718 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) ICOJ3718 Practical 1 English (A) ICT 111 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 15:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 14:10 To Tot 16:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 17:00 07:10 15:10 07:10 13:10 09:10 08:10 11:10 08:10 15:10 15:10 08:10 08:00 16:00 08:00 14:00 10:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 17:00 17:00 11:00 ICT 111 Lecture 1 English (A) 11:10 14:00 ILK 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ILK 214 Lecture 1 English (A) ILK 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ILK 214 Lecture 2 English (A) ILK 214 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) IMA 605 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) IPA 122 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) IPA 122 Practical 1 English (A) IPM 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) IPM 112 Lecture 1 English (A) IQMQ2622 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) IQMQ2622 Lecture 1 English (A) IQMQ2622 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) IQMQ2622 Lecture 2 English (A) ISC 164 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ISC 164 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) ISC 354 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ISD 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ISD 122 Lecture 1 English (A) ITR 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ITR 224 Lecture 1 English (A) ITR 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ITR 224 Lecture 2 English (A) ITR 224 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) ITR 224 Practical 1 English (A) ITR 234 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ITR 234 Lecture 1 English (A) ITR 234 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ITR 234 Lecture 2 English (A) ITR 234 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ITR 234 Lecture 3 English (A) ITR 234 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) KFA 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KFA 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KFA 144 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KFA 144 Lecture 2 09:10 08:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 10:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 16:00 18:10 20:00 14:10 11:10 17:10 16:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 11:10 14:10 16:00 13:00 19:00 18:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 12:00 16:00 14:10 16:00 14:10 16:00 14:10 11:10 10:10 13:10 12:10 09:10 10:10 13:10 11:10 13:10 12:10 11:10 13:10 12:10 08:10 16:00 13:00 11:00 14:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 10:00 12:10 17:10 16:10 13:00 18:00 17:00 17:10 18:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag LG 7.204 LG 1 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag LG 1 EBW ALG8 LG 9 LCT F WD 144 LCT F LCT E FGG 260 EBW G4 FGG 169 FGG 169 FGG 378 LCT B COMPLAB E COMPLAB E W 201 W 201 S1 S1 MAB OUD FGG 260 DEPT 20 CL D6 LG 7 EDU 15 FGG 261 EBW A101 FGG 258 EBW A101 FGG 376 FGG 257 EBW A102 EDU 13 FGG 168 FGG 184 DEPT 08 CRS 2 LG 9.101 DEPT 13 LG 9.104 LG 1 LG 9.101 FGG 167 LG 9.101 LG 2 LG 9.101 COMPLAB D EBW A102 WD 46 WD 139 WD 144 Page 74 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) KGK 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KGK 214 Lecture 1 English (A) KGK 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KGK 214 Lecture 2 English (A) KGK 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KGK 224 Lecture 1 English (A) KGK 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KGK 224 Lecture 2 English (A) KGK 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KGK 324 Lecture 1 English (A) KGK 334 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KGK 334 Lecture 1 English (A) KLE 134 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KLE 134 Lecture 1 English (A) KLE 134 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KLE 134 Lecture 2 English (A) KLE 134 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KLE 134 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) KLE 134 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (A) KLE 144 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KLE 144 Lecture 1 English (A) KLE 144 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KLE 144 Lecture 2 English (A) KLE 144 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KLE 144 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) KLE 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KLE 214 Lecture 1 English (A) KLE 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KLE 214 Lecture 2 English (A) KLE 214 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KLE 214 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) KLE 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KLE 314 Lecture 1 English (A) KLE 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KLE 314 Lecture 2 English (A) KLE 314 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KLE 414 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KLE 414 Lecture 1 English (A) KLE 414 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KLE 414 Lecture 2 English (A) KLE 414 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KLE 424 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KLE 424 Lecture 1 English (A) KLE 424 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KLE 424 Lecture 2 English (A) KLE 444 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KLE 444 Lecture 1 English (A) KLE 444 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag 11:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 18:10 17:10 09:10 13:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 12:00 19:00 18:00 13:00 13:10 17:00 10:10 14:00 16:10 10:10 17:10 10:10 08:10 17:00 11:00 18:00 11:00 11:00 12:10 15:00 09:10 08:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 10:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 11:10 13:00 10:10 11:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 11:00 12:00 12:00 13:00 19:00 LG 9.104 LG 9.101 10:10 11:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 11:00 12:00 12:00 13:00 19:00 LG 9.104 LG 9.101 10:10 08:10 10:10 13:10 12:10 13:10 15:10 11:00 09:00 11:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 20:00 FGG 166 15:10 16:00 16:10 17:00 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 LG 3 LG 3 LG 1 LG 9.101 LG 8.100 LG 9.104 LG 9.104 LG 2 LG 9.101 LG 2 LG 9.101 DEPT 02 DEPT 14 LG 2 LG 9.104 LG 3 LG 9.104 DEPT 16 LG 9.104 LG 9.104 LG 9.104 LG 9.104 LG 9.104 LG 9.104 LG 9.104 LG 2 LG 10 FGG 166 DEPT 01 LG 9.104 LG 9.104 CRS 2 LG 1 Page 75 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (C) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (D) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (E) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (F) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (G) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans (A) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (A) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (B) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (C) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (D) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (E) KOM 114 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (F) KOM 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 114 Lecture 1 English (A) KOM 114 Lecture 1 English (B) KOM 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KOM 114 Lecture 2 English (A) KOM 114 Lecture 2 English (B) From Van 16:10 To Tot 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag EBW G3 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag 16:10 17:00 BL 1 17:10 18:00 CRS 6 16:10 17:00 CRS 7 17:10 18:00 FGG 257 11:10 12:00 12:10 13:00 TLG 207 15:10 16:00 LG 2 15:10 16:00 FGG 169 15:10 16:00 LG 6 09:10 10:00 17:10 18:00 N2 17:10 18:00 FGG 260 09:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 14:10 11:10 10:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 15:00 12:00 KOM 114 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 114 Practical 2 English (A) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (C) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (D) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (E) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (F) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (G) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (I) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans (A) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (A) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (B) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (C) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (D) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation 12:10 11:10 15:10 13:00 12:00 16:00 16:10 17:00 FGG 168 16:10 17:00 CRS 7 16:10 17:00 EBW A101 17:10 18:00 CRS 1 16:10 17:00 BL 1 16:10 17:00 CRS 2 16:10 17:00 CRS 5 10:10 11:00 12:10 13:00 FGG 260 15:10 16:00 CRS 3 15:10 16:00 CRS 5 15:10 16:00 EBW G3 09:10 10:00 17:10 18:00 Friday Vrydag FGG 260 CRS 2 STB 3 HMS HMS STB 4 DEPT 18 KOVSI KERK STB 1 HMS FGG 168 FGG 258 CRS 1 FGG 260 Page 76 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Session 2 English (E) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (F) KOM 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (G) KOM 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 124 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag 17:10 19:00 LG 1 17:10 19:00 DEPT 20 09:10 09:10 10:00 10:00 KOM 124 Lecture 1 English (B) 14:10 15:00 KOM 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KOM 124 Lecture 2 English (A) KOM 124 Lecture 2 English (B) 10:10 10:10 11:10 11:00 11:00 12:00 KOM 124 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 (P) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 (Q) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 (R) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 (S) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 (T) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 (U) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 (V) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 (W) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (P) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (Q) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (R) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (A) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (B) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (C) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (D) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (E) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (F) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (G) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (H) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (I) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (J) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (K) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (L) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (M) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (N) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (O) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (P) KOM 124 Tutorial 1 English (Q) KOM 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 214 Lecture 1 English (A) KOM 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KOM 214 Lecture 2 English (A) KOM 214 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KOM 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 224 Lecture 1 English (A) KOM 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KOM 224 Lecture 2 English (A) KOM 224 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) 11:10 13:00 08:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 11:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 09:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 11:10 12:00 08:10 09:00 FGG 168 09:10 10:00 FGG 258 11:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 13:10 10:10 12:10 08:10 13:10 12:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 14:00 11:00 13:00 09:00 16:00 CRS 2 11:10 10:10 13:10 08:10 12:10 12:00 11:00 14:00 09:00 13:00 STB 4 STB 2 STB 3 KOVSI KERK KOVSI KERK LCT D HMS KOVSI KERK HMS EBW A102 EBW ALG7 FGG 167 FGG 169 FGG 168 FGG 170 FGG 258 FGG 260 EBW ALG8 CRS 4 CRS 4 FGG 258 CRS 7 FGG 170 CRS 4 CRS 2 FGG 170 LG 6 CRS 1 FGG 258 CRS 4 FGG 169 CRS 4 CRS 7 CRS 2 CRS 1 CRS 3 LG 1 STB 1 MAB OUD STB 1 STB 1 STB 1 STB 4 MAB OUD STB 1 Page 77 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing KOM 224 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) KOM 234 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 234 Lecture 1 English (A) KOM 234 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KOM 234 Lecture 2 English (A) KOM 234 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KOM 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 314 Lecture 1 English (A) KOM 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KOM 314 Lecture 2 English (A) KOM 314 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 314 Practical 1 English (A) KOM 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 324 Lecture 1 English (A) KOM 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KOM 324 Lecture 2 English (A) KOM 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 324 Practical 1 English (A) KOM 334 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 334 Lecture 1 English (A) KOM 334 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KOM 334 Lecture 2 English (A) KOM 334 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 334 Practical 1 English (A) KOM 344 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 344 Lecture 1 English (A) KOM 344 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KOM 344 Lecture 2 English (A) KOM 344 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) KOM 344 Practical 1 English (A) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans/English (B) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans/English (C) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans/English (D) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans/English (E) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (M) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (P) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (Q) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans/English (A) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans/English (B) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans/English (C) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans/English (D) KRIM1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans/English (E) KRIM1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KRIM1514 Lecture 1 English (A) KRIM1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KRIM1514 Lecture 2 English (A) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 From Van 13:10 To Tot 14:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag STB 4 Thursday Donderdag 09:10 08:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 10:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 16:00 W 201 W 201 10:10 14:10 16:10 09:10 17:10 14:10 10:10 14:10 10:10 09:10 15:10 13:10 13:10 12:10 13:10 08:10 17:10 15:10 13:10 08:10 13:10 08:10 17:10 17:10 14:10 11:00 15:00 17:00 10:00 19:00 16:00 11:00 15:00 11:00 10:00 17:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 09:00 19:00 17:00 14:00 09:00 14:00 09:00 19:00 19:00 15:00 14:10 15:00 LG 1 14:10 15:00 EBW A101 13:10 14:00 W 111 13:10 14:00 EBW G3 13:10 14:00 EBW A103 14:10 15:00 N2 14:10 15:00 SG 1 15:10 16:00 W 111 15:10 16:00 WWG 113 15:10 16:00 EBW A101 14:10 15:00 RINDLS 14:10 15:00 LG 7 10:10 08:10 13:10 07:10 16:10 11:00 09:00 14:00 08:00 17:00 S1 S1 MAB OUD EBW G2 STB 2 LG 1 LCT D LG 7 STB 4 LCT E STB 1 LG 3 LCT C EDU 13 MAB OUD FGG 169 BL 1 LG 6 LCT D STB 3 MAB OUD EBW A101 BL 1 EBW A103 LCT D WWG 114 W 202 W 111 LCT D EBW OUD RINDLS EBW OUD EBW OUD Page 78 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (C) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (D) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (E) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (F) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (G) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (H) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (I) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (J) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (K) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 English (A) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 English (B) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 English (C) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 English (D) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 English (E) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 English (F) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 English (G) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 English (H) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 English (I) KRIM1514 Tutorial 1 English (J) KRIM1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) KRIM1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (B) KRIM1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (C) KRIM1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (D) KRIM1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (E) KRIM1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (F) KRIM1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (G) KRIM1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (H) KRIM1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (I) KRIM1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (J) KRIM1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (K) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans/English (B) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans/English (C) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans/English (D) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans/English (E) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag 16:10 17:00 CRS 2 16:10 17:00 EBW ALG7 16:10 17:00 FGG 257 16:10 17:00 FGG 261 16:10 17:00 LCT F 16:10 17:00 LG 9 16:10 17:00 N1 16:10 17:00 N2 16:10 17:00 WD 145 16:10 17:00 WD 46 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 16:10 17:00 CRS 2 16:10 17:00 CRS 6 16:10 17:00 EBW A102 16:10 17:00 FG 117 16:10 17:00 FGG 168 16:10 17:00 FGG 257 16:10 17:00 FGG 258 16:10 17:00 FGG 260 16:10 17:00 LCT E 16:10 17:00 LG 10 13:10 15:00 EBW G2 13:10 15:00 FGG 170 13:10 15:00 CRS 3 13:10 15:00 LCT E 13:10 15:00 EBW A101 CRS 2 FGG 168 FGG 261 FGG 258 LG 10 LG 7 N2 FGG 170 WD 145 EBW A101 LCT F Page 79 of 131 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (C) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (D) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (E) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (F) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (G) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (H) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (I) KRIM1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (J) KRIM1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KRIM1624 Lecture 1 English (A) KRIM1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KRIM1624 Lecture 2 English (A) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (AA) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (BB) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (C) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (D) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (E) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (F) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (G) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (H) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (I) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (J) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (K) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (L) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (M) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (N) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (O) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (P) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (Q) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 From Van 14:10 To Tot 15:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag 15:10 16:00 CRS 4 14:10 15:00 LG 7 15:10 16:00 FGG 167 15:10 16:00 CRS 1 14:10 15:00 LG 3 14:10 15:00 LCT E 14:10 15:00 CRS 6 15:10 16:00 LG 2 15:10 16:00 BL 1 10:10 08:10 13:10 07:10 16:10 16:10 11:00 09:00 14:00 08:00 17:00 17:00 16:10 17:00 16:10 17:00 16:10 17:00 16:10 17:00 CRS 7 16:10 17:00 EBW A103 16:10 17:00 EBW ALG8 16:10 17:00 FGG 168 16:10 17:00 FGG 261 16:10 17:00 WD 46 16:10 17:00 CRS 4 16:10 17:00 LG 3 16:10 17:00 EDU 13 16:10 17:00 FGG 378 16:10 17:00 GEO 1.5 16:10 17:00 LCT E 16:10 17:00 LG 1 16:10 17:00 LG 10 16:10 17:00 LG 3 16:10 17:00 SG 1 LG 4 EBW OUD RINDLS EBW OUD LG 7 CRS 2 LG 3 CRS 3 LG 7 Page 80 of 131 Thursday Donderdag EBW G4 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (R) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (S) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (T) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (U) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (V) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (W) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (X) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (Y) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (Z) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 English (A) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 English (B) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 English (C) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 English (D) KRIM1624 Tutorial 1 English (E) KRIM2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KRIM2614 Lecture 1 English (A) KRIM2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KRIM2614 Lecture 2 English (A) KRIM2614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) KRIM2614 Tutorial 1 English (A) KRIM2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KRIM2624 Lecture 1 English (A) KRIM2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KRIM2624 Lecture 2 English (A) KRIM2624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) KRIM2624 Tutorial 1 English (A) KRIM3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KRIM3714 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag 16:10 17:00 LG 4 16:10 17:00 EBW ALG7 16:10 17:00 EBW ALG7 16:10 17:00 FGG 257 16:10 17:00 FGG 378 16:10 17:00 LCT E 16:10 17:00 LCT F 16:10 17:00 LG 2 16:10 16:10 16:10 09:10 14:10 17:10 10:10 13:10 08:10 15:10 15:10 17:10 10:10 13:10 08:10 15:10 15:10 07:10 11:10 17:00 17:00 17:00 11:00 16:00 18:00 11:00 14:00 09:00 16:00 16:00 18:00 11:00 14:00 09:00 16:00 16:00 08:00 12:00 LCT D N2 WD 144 CRS 1 LG 10 KRIM3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KRIM3714 Lecture 2 English (A) KRIM3714 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) KRIM3714 Tutorial 1 English (A) KRIM3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KRIM3724 Lecture 1 English (A) KRIM3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KRIM3724 Lecture 2 English (A) KRIM3724 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) KRIM3724 Tutorial 1 English (A) KRIM3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KRIM3744 Lecture 1 English (A) KRIM3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KRIM3744 Lecture 2 English (A) KRIM3744 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) KRIM3744 Lecture 3 English (A) KWS 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) KWS 124 Lecture 1 English (A) KWS 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) KWS 124 Lecture 2 English (A) KWS 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) KWS 124 Tutorial 1 English (A) LAT 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LAT 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) 11:10 09:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 11:10 14:10 09:10 19:10 17:10 17:10 16:10 14:10 13:10 14:10 15:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 12:00 10:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 12:00 15:00 10:00 20:00 18:00 18:00 17:00 15:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 09:00 08:10 09:00 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag FGG 183 STB 1 SG 1 HMS FGG 167 RINDLS W 111 STB 1 W 111 STB 1 LCT E RINDLS FGG 184 KOVSI KERK RINDLS MAB OUD CRS 5 CRS 10 FGG 170 LCT A EBW A103 FGG 183 CRS 7 LCT A CRS 3 EDU OUD FGG 167 STB 4 CRS 5 MAB OUD MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 MAB C12 DEPT DEPT 02 Page 81 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing LAT 214 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) LAT 214 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) LBEN3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LBEN3714 Lecture 1 English (A) LBEN3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LBEN3714 Lecture 2 English (A) LBEN3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LBEN3724 Lecture 1 English (A) LBEN3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LBEN3724 Lecture 2 English (A) LBTL3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LBTL3714 Lecture 1 English (A) LBTL3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LBTL3714 Lecture 2 English (A) LBV 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LBV 224 Lecture 1 English (A) LBV 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LBV 224 Lecture 2 English (A) LBV 224 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LCIL3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LCIL3714 Lecture 1 English (A) LCIL3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LCIL3714 Lecture 2 English (A) LCON2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LCON2614 Lecture 1 English (A) LCON2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LCON2614 Lecture 2 English (A) LCPR2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LCPR2624 Lecture 1 English (A) LCPR2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LCPR2624 Lecture 2 English (A) LCRM1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LCRM1514 Lecture 1 English (A) LCRM1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LCRM1514 Lecture 2 English (A) LCRM1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LCRM1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LCRM1524 Lecture 1 English (A) LCRM1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LCRM1524 Lecture 2 English (A) LCRM1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) LCRM1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) LCRM1524 Tutorial 1 English (A) LCRM1524 Tutorial 1 English (B) LCRM1524 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (A) LCRM1524 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (B) LCRM1524 Tutorial 2 English (A) LCRM1524 Tutorial 2 English (B) LCRM2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LCRM2614 Lecture 1 English (A) LCRM2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LCRM2614 Lecture 2 English (A) LCRM2614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LCRM2614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) LCSP4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LCSP4814 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 08:10 To Tot 09:00 08:10 09:00 12:10 15:10 10:10 12:10 12:10 15:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 15:10 14:10 12:10 14:10 15:10 16:10 09:10 13:00 16:00 11:00 13:00 13:00 16:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 12:00 14:10 13:10 12:10 16:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 17:10 16:10 18:10 18:10 14:10 13:10 15:10 15:10 13:10 18:10 15:00 14:00 13:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 18:00 17:00 19:00 19:00 15:00 14:00 16:00 16:00 14:00 19:00 14:10 13:10 15:10 13:10 18:10 10:10 09:10 12:10 16:10 10:10 15:10 15:10 14:10 16:10 13:10 15:10 10:10 15:00 14:00 16:00 14:00 19:00 11:00 10:00 13:00 17:00 11:00 16:00 16:00 15:00 17:00 14:00 16:00 11:00 11:10 12:00 15:10 14:10 16:00 15:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag DEPT 01 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag DEPT 02 FGG 184 STB 3 EDU 13 FGG 377 EDU 15 RINDLS LCT C FGG 377 DEPT 19 DEPT 20 DEPT 18 DEPT 19 LG 4 FGG 167 LG 4 FGG 169 LG 3 FGG 183 STB 3 FGG 378 CRS 10 CRS 10 STB 4 LCT B EDU OUD RINDLS RINDLS RINDLS RINDLS BL 1 STB 1 FGG 183 STB 1 FGG 377 FGG 184 STB 2 FGG 183 W 201 CRS 7 CRS 5 CRS 2 CRS 2 FGG 168 CRS 3 FGG 170 CRS 2 SG 1 STB 3 FGG 377 EDU OUD CRS 2 CRS 6 CRS 10 CRS 10 Page 82 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing LCSP4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LCSP4814 Lecture 2 English (A) LCSP4814 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) LCSP4814 Lecture 3 English (A) LCVP4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LCVP4814 Lecture 1 English (A) LCVP4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LCVP4814 Lecture 2 English (A) LDAM4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LDAM4814 Lecture 1 English (A) LDAM4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LDAM4814 Lecture 2 English (A) LDEL3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LDEL3714 Lecture 1 English (A) LDEL3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LDEL3714 Lecture 2 English (A) LDEL3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) LDEL3714 Lecture 3 English (A) LDEL3714 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LDEL3714 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) LDEL3714 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (C) LDEL3714 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (D) LEIL4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LEIL4824 Lecture 1 English (A) LEIL4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LEIL4824 Lecture 2 English (A) LEK 414 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 414 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 424 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 424 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 424 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 424 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 434 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 434 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 434 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 444 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 444 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 444 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 444 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LEK 461 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LENV4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LENV4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) LEVD2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LEVD2624 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 16:10 17:10 07:10 08:10 16:10 17:10 15:10 18:10 17:10 16:10 14:10 15:10 18:10 14:10 18:10 17:10 16:10 13:10 11:10 To Tot 17:00 18:00 08:00 09:00 17:00 18:00 16:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 15:00 16:00 19:00 15:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 14:00 12:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag CRS 10 CRS 10 10:10 11:00 FGG 260 10:10 11:00 10:10 11:00 13:10 12:10 13:10 12:10 11:10 14:00 13:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 14:10 17:00 07:10 08:00 07:10 08:00 LG 5 08:10 09:00 LG 5 14:10 16:00 LG 5 07:10 08:00 07:10 08:00 07:10 08:00 11:10 12:00 08:10 09:00 08:10 09:00 09:10 10:00 12:10 13:10 14:00 14:00 13:10 14:00 16:10 17:10 17:00 18:00 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag CRS 10 CRS 10 CRS 10 CRS 10 CRS 10 CRS 10 CRS 7 CRS 3 CRS 1 CRS 3 W 111 FGG 183 WWG 226 S1 FGG 184 FGG 183 FGG 169 FGG 260 CRS 2 CRS 2 CRS 5 CRS 1 CRS 4 LG 6 LG 3 LG 7 LG 1 LG 1 LG 1 LG 6 LG 1 LG 1 LG 2 LG 5 CRS 1 CRS 2 FGG 377 FGG 183 Page 83 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing LEVD2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LEVD2624 Lecture 2 English (A) LFAM1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFAM1524 Lecture 1 English (A) LFAM1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LFAM1524 Lecture 2 English (A) LFAM1524 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) LFAM1524 Lecture 3 English (A) LFAM1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) LFAM1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) LFAM1524 Tutorial 1 English (A) LFAM1524 Tutorial 1 English (B) LFAM1524 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (A) LFAM1524 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (B) LFAM1524 Tutorial 2 English (A) LFAM1524 Tutorial 2 English (B) LFPE1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFPE1514 Lecture 1 English (A) LFPE1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFPE1524 Lecture 1 English (A) LFPE1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LFPE1524 Lecture 2 English (A) LFPL1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFPL1514 Lecture 1 English (A) LFPL1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFPL1524 Lecture 1 English (A) LFPL2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFPL2614 Lecture 1 English (A) LFPL2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFPL2624 Lecture 1 English (A) LFPL3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFPL3714 Lecture 1 English (A) LFPL3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFPL3724 Lecture 1 English (A) LFPL4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFPL4814 Lecture 1 English (A) LFPL4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LFPL4814 Lecture 2 English (A) LFPL4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFPL4824 Lecture 1 English (A) LFPP1512 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFPP1512 Lecture 1 English (A) LFPP1522 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LFPP1522 Lecture 1 English (A) LFPP2622 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LFPP3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LHIS1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LHIS1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) LHIS1514 Lecture 1 English (A) LHIS1514 Lecture 1 English (B) From Van 16:10 17:10 12:10 14:10 13:10 14:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 17:10 12:10 16:10 11:10 17:10 16:10 16:10 08:10 14:10 13:10 12:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 11:10 11:10 09:10 08:10 10:10 09:10 11:10 09:10 11:10 13:10 11:10 14:10 13:10 13:10 12:10 14:10 12:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 10:10 To Tot 17:00 18:00 13:00 15:00 14:00 15:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 18:00 13:00 17:00 12:00 18:00 17:00 17:00 10:00 16:00 14:00 13:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 13:00 11:00 10:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 13:00 15:00 14:00 14:00 13:00 16:00 14:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 11:00 13:10 14:00 14:10 14:10 16:10 16:10 15:00 15:00 17:00 17:00 LHIS1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LHIS1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) LHIS1514 Lecture 2 English (A) LHIS1514 Lecture 2 English (B) LHIS1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (B) LHIS1514 Lecture 3 English (B) 13:10 11:10 15:10 08:10 13:10 15:10 14:00 12:00 16:00 09:00 14:00 16:00 LHIS1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) LHIS1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) 11:10 11:10 12:00 12:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag W 111 W 201 Friday Vrydag RINDLS STB 2 W 202 STB 4 STB 4 STB 3 W 111 WWG 226 W 111 FGG 184 S1 LG 5 FGG 183 LCT A DEPT 17 DEPT 14 DEPT 16 DEPT 16 DEPT 16 DEPT 16 DEPT 17 DEPT 11 DEPT DEPT DEPT 11 DEPT 11 DEPT 18 DEPT 19 DEPT 16 DEPT 18 DEPT DEPT DEPT 19 DEPT 20 DEPT 11 DEPT 19 DEPT 16 DEPT 16 DEPT 19 DEPT 20 DEPT DEPT 18 DEPT DEPT LCT A LCT B STB 4 KOVSI KERK CRS 10 EBW A101 STB 3 MAB OUD S1 KOVSI KERK LCT A LG 3 Page 84 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing LHIS1514 Tutorial 1 English (A) LHIS1514 Tutorial 1 English (B) LHIS1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (A) LHIS1514 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (B) LIEL4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LIEL4814 Lecture 1 English (A) LIEL4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LIEL4814 Lecture 2 English (A) LILL4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LILL4824 Lecture 1 English (A) LILL4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LILL4824 Lecture 2 English (A) LILS1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LILS1514 Lecture 1 English (A) LILS1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LILS1514 Lecture 2 English (A) LILS1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) LILS1514 Lecture 3 English (A) LILS1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LILS1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) LILS1524 Lecture 1 English (A) LILS1524 Lecture 1 English (B) LILS1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LILS1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) LILS1524 Lecture 2 English (A) LILS1524 Lecture 2 English (B) LILS1524 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (B) LILS1524 Lecture 3 English (B) LIN 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LIN 214 Lecture 1 English (A) LIN 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LIN 214 Lecture 2 English (A) LIN 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LIN 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) LIN 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LINS4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LINS4814 Lecture 1 English (A) LINS4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LINS4814 Lecture 2 English (A) LINT4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LINT4824 Lecture 1 English (A) LINT4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LINT4824 Lecture 2 English (A) LINT4824 Lecture 3 English (A) LIOP3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LIOP3724 Lecture 1 English (A) LIOP3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LIOP3724 Lecture 2 English (A) LIPL4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LIPL4824 Lecture 1 English (A) LIPL4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LIPL4824 Lecture 2 English (A) LJUR4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LJUR4814 Lecture 1 English (A) LJUR4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LJUR4814 Lecture 2 English (A) LJUR4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LJUR4824 Lecture 1 English (A) LJUR4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van 14:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 17:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 14:10 11:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 14:10 13:10 14:10 08:10 16:10 13:10 08:10 10:10 13:10 13:10 10:10 09:10 16:10 15:10 13:10 14:10 15:10 To Tot 15:00 13:00 13:00 12:00 18:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 15:00 12:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 15:00 14:00 15:00 09:00 17:00 14:00 09:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 11:00 10:00 17:00 16:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 Monday Maandag STB 2 Tuesday Dinsdag 13:10 14:00 14:10 15:00 STEF C 16:10 15:10 15:10 13:10 16:10 17:10 16:10 17:10 09:10 13:10 17:10 13:10 12:10 16:10 19:10 16:10 19:10 17:10 16:10 17:10 16:10 17:10 16:10 17:10 17:00 16:00 16:00 14:00 17:00 18:00 17:00 18:00 10:00 14:00 18:00 14:00 13:00 17:00 19:59 17:00 19:59 18:00 17:00 18:00 17:00 18:00 17:00 18:00 DEPT 12 DEPT 16 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag LCT A LCT A LG 3 CRS 1 CRS 7 CRS 3 CRS 2 CRS 10 CRS 10 EDU 12 EDU 13 CRS 10 MAB OUD LCT B STB 1 W 201 STB 1 LCT D W 111 EDU OUD LCT C LCT C RINDLS STB 2 STB 3 RINDLS LCT A STEF C STEF C STEF C STEF C STEF C STEF C DEPT 12 DEPT 19 CRS 10 RINDLS FGG 184 RINDLS FGG 377 LCT F STB 3 LCT F LCT C CRS 1 CRS 4 CRS 4 CRS 3 CRS 10 CRS 10 CRS 10 FGG 378 CRS 10 CRS 10 CRS 10 Page 85 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing LJUR4824 Lecture 2 English (A) LLAA5815 Lecture 1 (A) LLAB2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LLAB2614 Lecture 1 English (A) LLAB2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LLAB2614 Lecture 2 English (A) LLAB2614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LLAB2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LLAB2624 Lecture 1 English (A) LLAB2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LLAB2624 Lecture 2 English (A) LLAB2624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) LLAB2624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) LLAB2624 Tutorial 1 English (B) LLAB2624 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (A) LLAB2624 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (B) LLAB2624 Tutorial 2 English (A) LLAB2624 Tutorial 2 English (B) LLBR2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LLBR2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LLBR2614 Lecture 1 English (A) LLBR2614 Lecture 1 English (A) LLBR2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LLBR2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LLBR2614 Lecture 2 English (A) LLBR2614 Lecture 2 English (A) LLBR2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LLBR2624 Lecture 1 English (A) LLBR2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LLBR2624 Lecture 2 English (A) LLST1513 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 16:10 17:10 15:10 16:10 15:10 14:10 12:10 To Tot 17:00 19:00 16:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 13:00 Monday Maandag 15:10 16:10 15:10 16:10 11:10 12:10 17:10 11:10 12:10 09:10 17:10 07:10 07:10 14:10 14:10 10:10 10:10 15:10 15:10 09:10 15:10 10:10 15:10 14:10 16:00 17:00 16:00 17:00 12:00 13:00 18:00 12:00 13:00 10:00 18:00 08:00 08:00 15:00 15:00 11:00 11:00 16:00 16:00 10:00 16:00 11:00 16:00 15:00 S1 STB 3 LLST1513 Lecture 1 English (A) LLST1513 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LLST1513 Lecture 2 English (A) LMDF4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LMDF4814 Lecture 1 English (A) LMDF4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LMDF4814 Lecture 2 English (A) LMDF4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LMDF4824 Lecture 1 English (A) LMDF4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LMDF4824 Lecture 2 English (A) LMDF4824 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LMDF4824 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (C) LMER1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LMER1514 Lecture 1 English (A) LMER1514 Lecture 1 English (B) LMER1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LMER1514 Lecture 2 English (A) LMER1514 Lecture 2 English (B) LMER1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LMER1524 Lecture 1 English (A) LMER1524 Lecture 1 English (B) LMER1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LMER1524 Lecture 2 English (A) LMER1524 Lecture 2 English (B) LMER2604 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LMER2604 Lecture 1 English (A) 13:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 14:10 13:10 12:10 13:10 12:10 13:10 14:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 12:10 13:00 11:10 16:10 08:10 12:10 08:10 08:10 10:10 16:10 08:10 12:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 13:10 12:00 17:00 09:00 13:00 09:00 09:00 11:00 17:00 09:00 13:00 09:00 09:00 12:00 14:00 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag CRS 10 Friday Vrydag LG 3 FGG 183 STB 2 STB 2 LCT D CRS 6 S1 RINDLS CRS 4 S1 CRS 5 FGG 169 EBW G4 CRS 4 FGG 168 LG 3 LG 3 S1 S1 FGG 183 FGG 183 S1 S1 W 111 W 111 W 111 FGG 377 KOVSI KERK EBW OUD DEPT 19 DEPT 20 CRS 1 CRS 1 CRS 4 CRS 3 CRS 9 CRS 9 CRS 5 CRS 9 GEO 1.5 GEO 1.5 MAB OUD STB 2 STB 2 STB 2 STB 3 STB 3 CRS 6 CRS 3 CRS 7 EBW A103 CRS 4 CRS 1 FGG 377 LG 6 Page 86 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing LMER2604 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LMER2604 Lecture 2 English (A) LMER2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LMER2624 Lecture 1 English (A) LMER2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LMER2624 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van 12:10 12:10 10:10 16:10 09:10 16:10 To Tot 13:00 13:00 11:00 17:00 10:00 17:00 LNW 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LNW 112 Lecture 1 English (A) LOBL3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LOBL3724 Lecture 1 English (A) LOBL3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LOBL3724 Lecture 2 English (A) LOM 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LPIL4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPIL4814 Lecture 1 English (A) LPIL4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LPIL4814 Lecture 2 English (A) LPLU2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPLU2624 Lecture 1 English (A) LPLU2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LPLU2624 Lecture 2 English (A) LPRC1512 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPRC1512 Lecture 1 English (A) LPRC1522 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPRC1522 Lecture 1 English (A) 09:10 12:10 17:10 14:10 12:10 15:10 12:10 10:00 13:00 18:00 15:00 13:00 16:00 14:00 16:10 15:10 16:10 13:10 11:10 16:10 15:10 16:10 12:10 17:10 13:10 15:10 17:00 16:00 17:00 14:00 12:00 17:00 16:00 17:00 13:00 18:00 14:00 16:00 LPRC2514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPRC2514 Lecture 1 English (A) LPRC2514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LPRC2514 Lecture 2 English (A) LPRC3712 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPRC3712 Lecture 1 English (A) LPRC3722 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPRC3722 Lecture 1 English (A) LPRC4812 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPRC4812 Lecture 1 English (A) LPRC4822 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPRC4822 Lecture 1 English (A) LPRO3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPRO3724 Lecture 1 English (A) LPRO3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LPRO3724 Lecture 2 English (A) LPSN1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPSN1514 Lecture 1 English (A) LPSN1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LPSN1514 Lecture 2 English (A) LPSN1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) LPSN1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) LPSN1514 Tutorial 1 English (A) LPSN1514 Tutorial 1 English (B) LPSN1514 Tutorial 1 English (C) LPUB3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPUB3714 Lecture 1 English (A) LPUB3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LPUB3714 Lecture 2 English (A) LPUB3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPUB3724 Lecture 1 English (A) LPUB3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LPUB3724 Lecture 2 English (A) LPUB4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) 12:10 13:10 16:10 14:10 14:10 18:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 12:10 12:10 13:10 16:10 08:10 16:10 13:10 13:10 07:10 07:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 17:10 13:10 17:10 13:10 17:10 18:10 14:10 13:10 17:10 15:10 13:10 13:00 14:00 17:00 15:00 15:00 19:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 13:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 09:00 17:00 14:00 14:00 08:00 08:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 18:00 14:00 18:00 14:00 18:00 19:00 15:00 14:00 18:00 16:00 14:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag LG 2 FGG 169 EDU OUD HMS EDU 13 KOVSI KERK EDU 18 EDU 18 LCT F FGG 184 LCT F W 111 FGG 260 CRS 4 CRS 3 CRS 4 CRS 1 MAB OUD MAB OUD MAB OUD MAB OUD W 201 MAB OUD WWG 114 KOVSI KERK W 111 STB 4 FGG 183 EBW OUD LG 2 S1 CRS 9 S1 CRS 10 S1 CRS 10 CRS 10 FGG 183 STB 3 LCT B LCT B RINDLS EBW OUD FGG 184 STB 1 FGG 167 W 111 CRS 3 FGG 168 FGG 170 FGG 184 STB 2 LCT F LCT B RINDLS STB 2 FGG 183 STB 2 FGG 377 Page 87 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing LPUB4814 Lecture 1 English (A) LPUB4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LPUB4814 Lecture 2 English (A) LPUB4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LPUB4824 Lecture 1 English (A) LPUB4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LPUB4824 Lecture 2 English (A) LROM1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LROM1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) LROM1524 Lecture 1 English (A) LROM1524 Lecture 1 English (B) LROM1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LROM1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) LROM1524 Lecture 2 English (A) LROM1524 Lecture 2 English (B) LROM1524 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (B) LROM1524 Lecture 3 English (B) LROM1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) LROM1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) LROM1524 Tutorial 1 English (A) LROM1524 Tutorial 1 English (B) LROM1524 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (A) LROM1524 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (B) LROM1524 Tutorial 2 English (A) LROM1524 Tutorial 2 English (B) LSAE2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LSAE2624 Lecture 1 English (A) LSAE2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LSAE2624 Lecture 2 English (A) LSCF1604 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LSCF1604 Lecture 1 English (A) LSCF1604 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LSCF1604 Lecture 2 English (A) LSCI1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LSCI1614 Lecture 1 English (A) LSCI1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LSCI1614 Lecture 2 English (A) LSCI1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LSCI1624 Lecture 1 English (A) LSCI1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LSCI1624 Lecture 2 English (A) LSIN2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LSIN2614 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 17:10 14:10 17:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 14:10 13:10 11:10 12:10 12:10 13:10 13:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 08:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 14:10 13:10 15:10 14:10 14:10 10:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 13:10 14:10 09:10 10:10 13:10 14:10 16:10 15:10 To Tot 18:00 15:00 18:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 09:00 12:00 12:00 15:00 13:00 13:00 12:00 15:00 14:00 16:00 15:00 15:00 11:00 11:00 09:00 12:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 14:00 15:00 10:00 11:00 14:00 15:00 17:00 16:00 Monday Maandag LSIN2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LSIN2614 Lecture 2 English (A) 14:10 15:10 15:00 16:00 LSKL1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LSKL1514 Lecture 1 English (A) LSKL1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LSKL1514 Lecture 2 English (A) LSKL1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LSKL1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LSKL1524 Lecture 1 English (A) LSKL1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LSKL1524 Lecture 2 English (A) LSKL1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) LSKL1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) LSKL1524 Tutorial 1 English (A) LSKL1524 Tutorial 1 English (B) LSKL1524 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (A) 10:10 09:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 11:00 10:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 FGG 167 STB 4 10:10 09:10 15:10 16:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 11:00 10:00 16:00 17:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 CRS 4 STB 1 Tuesday Dinsdag FGG 377 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag LCT A LCT F LG 2 LG 2 LCT C LCT C LCT A STB 3 MAB OUD EDU OUD FGG 377 STB 3 EDU OUD LCT C FGG 183 LG 4 FGG 184 LG 3 LCT B STB 1 EDU 12 LG 3 STB 2 LCT B FGG 184 FGG 183 W 111 STB 1 RINDLS EDU OUD S1 EDU OUD EBW ALG8 EBW ALG8 EDU 13 EDU 13 EBW ALG8 EBW G3 EDU 13 EDU 12 LCT A KOVSI KERK LCT A KOVSI KERK CRS 1 STB 2 CRS 2 EBW A103 STB 4 CRS 3 FGG 169 MAB OUD CRS 1 CRS 2 Page 88 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing LSKL1524 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans (B) LSKL1524 Tutorial 2 English (A) LSKL1524 Tutorial 2 English (B) LSSB4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LSSB4814 Lecture 1 English (A) LSSB4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LSSB4814 Lecture 2 English (A) LTAX3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LTAX3714 Lecture 1 English (A) LTAX3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LTAX3714 Lecture 2 English (A) LTM 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LTM 112 Lecture 1 English (A) LTM 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LTM 112 Lecture 2 English (A) LTM 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LTM 132 Lecture 1 English (A) LTM 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LTM 132 Lecture 2 English (A) LTPC4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LTPC4824 Lecture 1 English (A) LTPC4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LTPC4824 Lecture 2 English (A) LTRL4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LTRL4824 Lecture 1 English (A) LTRL4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LTRL4824 Lecture 2 English (A) LWL 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LWL 124 Lecture 1 English (A) LWL 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LWL 124 Lecture 2 English (A) LWL 124 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) LWL 124 Lecture 3 English (A) LWL 124 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) LWL 124 Practical 1 English (A) LWL 151 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) LWL 151 Practical 1 English (A) LWL 164 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LWL 164 Lecture 1 English (A) LWL 164 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LWL 164 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) LWL 164 Lecture 3 English (A) LWL 164 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LWL 312 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) LWL 312 Lecture 1 English (A) LWL 312 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) LWL 312 Lecture 2 English (A) LWR 434 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) LWR 434 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) LWR 434 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) LWR 434 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MAD 605 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATA1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATA1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) MATA1614 Lecture 3 From Van 11:10 09:10 09:10 17:10 15:10 17:10 16:10 13:10 12:10 15:10 14:10 18:10 19:10 20:10 19:10 18:10 19:10 20:10 19:10 14:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 17:10 18:10 18:10 19:10 08:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 14:10 14:10 08:10 10:10 09:10 11:10 09:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 To Tot 12:00 10:00 10:00 18:00 16:00 18:00 17:00 14:00 13:00 16:00 15:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 20:00 15:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 19:00 20:00 09:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 16:00 16:00 10:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 10:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag CRS 2 GEO 1.5 Thursday Donderdag 07:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 13:10 08:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 DEPT 15 DEPT 15 11:10 12:00 11:10 12:00 LG-S5 13:10 16:00 LG-S5 20:10 22:00 12:10 13:00 11:10 12:00 13:10 14:00 Friday Vrydag CRS 2 CRS 4 CRS 3 DEPT DEPT LCT C LCT C STB 2 STB 2 LCT F LCT E LCT E LCT E LCT F LCT E LCT E LCT E CRS 10 CRS 10 CRS 10 CRS 10 CRS 3 CRS 5 CRS 3 CRS 5 W 201 S1 LG 5 LG 5 LG 5 STB 2 W 201 EDU 13 LG 8.G04 LG 8.G04 LG 6 LG 7 LG 3 LG 3 EBW G2 LG 4 DEPT 15 LG 9 LG-S5 LG-S5 FGG 170 DEPT 15 DEPT 15 DEPT 20 Page 89 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) MATA2634 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATA2634 Lecture 1 English (A) MATA2634 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATA2634 Lecture 2 English (A) MATA2634 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATA2644 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATA2644 Lecture 1 English (A) MATA2644 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATA2644 Lecture 2 English (A) MATA2644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATA3764 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATA3764 Lecture 1 English (A) MATA3764 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATA3764 Lecture 2 English (A) MATA3764 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATA3774 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATA3774 Lecture 1 English (A) MATA3774 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATA3774 Lecture 2 English (A) MATA3774 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATA3784 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATA3784 Lecture 1 English (A) MATA3784 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATA3784 Lecture 2 English (A) MATA3784 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATM1534 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM1534 Lecture 1 English (A) MATM1534 Lecture 1 English (B) MATM1534 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATM1534 Lecture 2 English (A) MATM1534 Lecture 2 English (B) MATM1534 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) MATM1534 Lecture 3 English (A) MATM1534 Lecture 3 English (B) MATM1534 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM1534 Practical 1 English (A) MATM1534 Practical 1 English (B) MATM1544 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM1544 Lecture 1 English (A) MATM1544 Lecture 1 English (B) MATM1544 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATM1544 Lecture 2 English (A) MATM1544 Lecture 2 English (B) MATM1544 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) MATM1544 Lecture 3 English (A) MATM1544 Lecture 3 English (B) MATM1544 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM1544 Practical 1 English (A) MATM1574 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM1574 Lecture 1 English (A) MATM1574 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATM1574 Lecture 2 English (A) MATM1574 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) MATM1574 Lecture 3 English (A) MATM1574 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag 12:10 11:10 08:10 07:10 14:10 13:00 12:00 09:00 08:00 17:00 10:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 11:00 12:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 10:10 08:10 08:10 09:10 12:10 11:00 09:00 09:00 10:00 14:00 WWG 113 WWG 113 08:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 WWG 113 WWG 226 08:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 15:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 WWG 114 WWG 113 10:10 13:10 13:10 09:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 11:00 14:00 14:00 10:00 09:00 09:00 09:00 12:00 12:00 17:00 14:10 14:10 10:10 13:10 13:10 09:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 17:00 17:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 10:00 09:00 09:00 09:00 12:00 12:00 17:00 14:10 13:10 14:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 11:10 11:10 17:00 14:00 15:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 12:00 12:00 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag WWG 113 WWG 226 WWG 114 WWG 114 WWG 114 STB 4 WWG 114 WWG 114 CRS 10 STB 4 WWG 113 WWG 113 WWG 114 DEPT 12 WWG 114 DEPT 12 WWG 113 WWG 226 WWG 226 LG 4 STB 3 STB 4 W 202 STB 4 LG 4 RINDLS STB 1 STB 3 RINDLS BL 1 STB 3 WWG 226 STB 3 STB 4 W 202 STB 1 STB 3 WWG 226 STB 1 STB 2 WWG 113 W 201 BL 1 FGG 170 BL 1 CRS 3 FGG 184 N1 STB 2 Page 90 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing MATM1574 Lecture 4 English (A) MATM1574 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM1574 Practical 1 English (A) MATM1584 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM1584 Lecture 1 English (A) MATM1584 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATM1584 Lecture 2 English (A) MATM1584 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) MATM1584 Lecture 3 English (A) MATM1584 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) MATM1584 Lecture 4 English (A) MATM1584 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM1584 Practical 1 English (A) MATM1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM1614 Lecture 1 English (A) MATM1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATM1614 Lecture 2 English (A) MATM1614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) MATM1614 Lecture 3 English (A) MATM1614 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) MATM1614 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM1614 Practical 2 English (A) MATM3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATM3714 Lecture 1 English (A) MATM3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) MATM3714 Lecture 2 English (A) MATM3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATM3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM3724 Lecture 1 English (A) MATM3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATM3724 Lecture 2 English (A) MATM3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATM3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM3734 Lecture 1 English (A) MATM3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATM3734 Lecture 2 English (A) MATM3734 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATM3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MATM3744 Lecture 1 English (A) MATM3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MATM3744 Lecture 2 English (A) MATM3744 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATN6814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MATN6814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) MBW 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBW 132 Lecture 1 English (A) MBW 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBW 132 Lecture 2 English (A) MBW 132 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWA1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWA1514 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 12:10 14:10 To Tot 13:00 16:00 Monday Maandag 14:10 13:10 14:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 11:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 16:00 14:00 15:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 12:00 12:00 13:00 16:00 14:10 11:10 13:10 10:10 10:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 14:10 16:00 12:00 14:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 17:00 14:10 09:10 17:00 10:00 10:10 11:10 11:00 12:00 09:10 16:10 10:00 18:00 09:10 12:10 11:10 13:10 16:10 10:00 13:00 12:00 14:00 18:00 WWG 226 WWG 114 08:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 14:10 09:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 16:00 FGG 376 08:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 14:10 09:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 16:00 WWG 113 16:10 17:00 WWG 114 16:10 17:00 08:10 07:10 10:10 10:10 14:10 09:00 08:00 11:00 11:00 17:00 11:10 12:10 12:00 13:00 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag GEO 1.5 W 202 FGG 184 W 201 W 202 STB 4 CRS 2 SG 1 W 202 STB 4 WWG 226 W 111 WWG 226 W 202 W 201 STB 1 W 201 WWG 113 W 201 WWG 226 EBW G4 RINDLS DEPT 12 DEPT 19 DEPT 12 DEPT 19 DEPT 13 WWG 226 WWG 114 WWG 113 CRS 4 FGG 166 FGG 167 WWG 113 WWG 113 WWG 114 WWG 114 WWG 113 N1 LCT B WD 144 LCT A LCT F DEPT 17 WD 145 LCT E Page 91 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing MBWA1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWA1514 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWB1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWB1514 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWB1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWB1514 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWB1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWB1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWB1524 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWB1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWB1524 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWB1524 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWB2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWB2614 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWB2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWB2614 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWB2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWB2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWB2624 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWB2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWB2624 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWB2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWC3702 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWC3702 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWC3722 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWC3722 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWC3722 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWC3722 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWC3722 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWD1512 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWD1512 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWD1512 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWD1512 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWD1512 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWE2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWE2614 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWE2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWE2614 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWE3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWE3724 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWE3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWE3724 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWG1512 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWG1512 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWG1512 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWG1512 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWG1512 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWM1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWM1524 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWM1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWM1524 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWM1524 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWM2622 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 11:10 09:10 08:10 12:10 08:10 08:10 07:10 To Tot 12:00 10:00 09:00 13:00 09:00 09:00 08:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag 08:10 12:10 08:10 08:10 07:10 09:00 13:00 09:00 09:00 08:00 LCT E LCT A 09:10 10:10 13:10 08:10 14:10 10:00 11:00 14:00 09:00 15:00 09:10 10:10 13:10 08:10 14:10 10:00 11:00 14:00 09:00 15:00 DEPT 20 08:10 09:00 WD 145 14:10 17:00 09:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 12:10 10:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 LCT F LCT F 07:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 14:10 08:00 09:00 09:00 12:00 17:00 LCT B LG 7 15:10 16:10 15:10 16:10 14:10 15:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 07:10 10:10 10:10 14:10 16:00 17:00 16:00 17:00 15:00 16:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 08:00 11:00 11:00 17:00 08:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 14:10 09:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 17:00 15:10 16:00 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag LCT E LCT E Friday Vrydag LCT F LCT B LG 5 FGG 168 DEPT 20 LCT E LCT E DEPT 19 LCT F LCT D LCT C FGG 261 DEPT 11 WD 144 CRS 4 LCT A CRS 7 LCT F LCT E LCT E LCT A W 111 LCT F SPORT LCT F LCT E LCT A WD 46 LCT F LCT F LCT C LCT F LCT B WD 144 LCT A LCT F DEPT 17 LCT B EDU 13 FGG 378 EDU 13 DEPT 20 LCT F Page 92 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing MBWM2622 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWM2622 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWM2622 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWN3722 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWN3722 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWN3722 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWN3722 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWO3712 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWO3712 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWO3712 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWO3712 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWP2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWP2614 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWP2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWP2614 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWP2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWP3712 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWP3712 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWP3712 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWP3712 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWR3712 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWR3712 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWR3712 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWR3712 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWR3712 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) MBWR3712 Lecture 3 English (A) MBWR3712 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWS2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWS2624 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWS2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWS2624 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWS2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MBWS3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWS3714 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWS3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWS3714 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWT1522 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWT1522 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWT1522 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWT1522 Lecture 2 English (A) MBWW3712 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MBWW3712 Lecture 1 English (A) MBWW3712 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MBWW3712 Lecture 2 English (A) MCBB3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MCBB3724 Lecture 1 English (A) MCBB3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MCBB3724 Lecture 2 English (A) MCBB3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MCBG3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MCBG3714 Lecture 1 English (A) MCBG3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MCBG3714 Lecture 2 English (A) MCBG3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MCBH2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MCBH2614 Lecture 1 English (A) MCBH2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van 16:10 15:10 16:10 09:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 08:10 08:10 10:10 14:10 To Tot 17:00 16:00 17:00 10:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 12:00 09:00 09:00 11:00 17:00 13:10 16:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 15:10 14:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 14:00 17:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 15:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 10:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 14:10 11:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 17:00 12:10 11:10 09:10 08:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 09:10 14:10 16:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 07:10 09:10 10:10 17:10 13:00 12:00 10:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 10:00 15:00 17:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 08:00 10:00 11:00 20:00 11:10 10:10 09:10 08:10 17:10 12:00 11:00 10:00 09:00 20:00 10:10 07:10 11:10 11:00 09:00 12:00 Monday Maandag LCT F Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag LCT A LCT A LCT F LCT F LCT E LCT E LCT F LCT F LCT F LCT E LCT B WWG 226 LCT B LCT F SPORT LCT F LCT E LCT A LCT E LCT B LCT F LCT F LCT F LCT A LCT F SPORT LCT A LCT F LCT F LCT F SPORT LCT F LCT F EBW A103 LCT E LCT A LG 2 W 201 LCT E LCT E LCT E LCT A LCT F CRS 1 FGG 169 CRS 3 FGG 184 BTVL 13 FGG 260 W 111 CRS 7 LG 5 BTVL 13 LG 7 SG 1 CRS 10 Page 93 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing MCBH2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MCBH2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MCBH2624 Lecture 1 English (A) MCBH2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MCBH2624 Lecture 2 English (A) MCBH2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MCBM3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MCBM3724 Lecture 1 English (A) MCBM3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MCBM3724 Lecture 2 English (A) MCBM3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MCBP2616 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MCBP2616 Lecture 1 English (A) MCBP2616 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MCBP2616 Lecture 2 English (A) MCBP2616 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) MCBP2616 Lecture 3 English (A) MCBP2616 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MCBP2626 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MCBP2626 Lecture 1 English (A) MCBP2626 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MCBP2626 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van 14:10 To Tot 15:00 Monday Maandag 17:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 19:00 13:00 09:00 10:00 14:00 FGG 168 EBW A103 10:10 12:10 12:10 09:10 14:10 11:00 13:00 13:00 10:00 17:00 CRS 2 FGG 169 10:10 08:10 09:10 12:10 08:10 11:10 14:10 11:00 09:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 12:00 18:00 10:10 08:10 09:10 12:10 11:00 09:00 10:00 13:00 MCBP2626 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) MCBP2626 Lecture 3 English (A) MCBP2626 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MCBP3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MCBP3714 Lecture 1 English (A) MCBP3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MCBP3714 Lecture 2 English (A) MCBP3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MDB 192 Lecture 1 (A) MDB 244 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MDB 244 Lecture 1 English (A) MDB 264 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MDB 264 Lecture 1 English (A) MDB 264 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MDB 264 Lecture 2 English (A) MDB 282 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MDB 282 Lecture 1 English (A) MDB 334 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MDB 334 Lecture 1 English (A) MDB 334 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MDB 334 Lecture 2 English (A) MDB 374 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MDB 374 Lecture 1 English (A) MDB 374 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MDB 374 Lecture 2 English (A) MFZ 122 Lecture 1 English (A) MFZ 122 Lecture 1 English (B) MFZ 142 Lecture 1 English (A) MFZ 142 Lecture 1 English (B) MKM 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 314 Lecture 3 08:10 11:10 14:10 09:00 12:00 17:00 13:10 11:10 13:10 09:10 17:10 14:00 12:00 14:00 10:00 20:00 12:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 11:10 11:10 11:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 11:10 08:10 08:10 15:10 18:10 09:10 18:10 12:10 13:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 09:00 09:00 12:00 12:00 09:00 09:00 16:00 19:00 10:00 19:00 13:00 13:10 14:00 10:10 11:00 Tuesday Dinsdag BTVL 7 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag CRS 6 EBW A101 BTVL 7 FGG 166 SG 1 BTVL 13 CRS 7 CRS 10 CRS 2 FGG 183 CRS 2 S1 BTVL 7 FGG 261 FGG 184 FGG 169 KOVSI KERK FGG 261 FG 116 BTVL 7 LG 9 WWG 113 FGG 258 EDU 13 BTVL 13 EBW G4 EBW ALG7 EBW ALG8 FGG 260 EBW ALG8 FGG 258 BL 2 EBW ALG7 EBW ALG8 EBW A101 FGG 169 EBW A101 LCT F EBW A101 FGG 169 EBW A101 LCT F LG 3 LG 7 LG 7 LG 5 MICLAB 402 MICLAB 402 MICLAB 402 Page 94 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 314 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 334 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 334 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 334 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 334 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 344 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 344 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 344 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) MKM 344 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MPRS2613 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MPRS2613 Lecture 1 English (A) MPRS2613 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MPRS2613 Lecture 2 English (A) MPRS2613 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MPRS2623 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MPRS2623 Lecture 1 English (A) MPRS2623 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MPRS2623 Lecture 2 English (A) MPRS2623 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MPRS2633 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MPRS2633 Lecture 1 English (A) MPRS2633 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MPRS2633 Lecture 2 English (A) MPRS2643 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MPRS2643 Lecture 1 English (A) MPRS2643 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MPRS2643 Lecture 2 English (A) MPRS3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MPRS3714 Lecture 1 English (A) MPRS3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MPRS3714 Lecture 2 English (A) MPRS3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) MPRS3714 Lecture 3 English (A) MPRS3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MPRS3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MPRS3724 Lecture 1 English (A) MPRS3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MPRS3724 Lecture 2 English (A) MPRS3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) MPRS3724 Lecture 3 English (A) MPRS3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag 14:10 18:00 10:10 11:00 08:10 09:00 08:10 09:00 MICLAB 402 14:10 18:00 MICLAB 402 10:10 11:00 08:10 09:00 08:10 09:00 MICLAB 402 14:10 18:00 MICLAB 402 12:10 13:00 13:10 14:00 10:10 11:00 14:10 18:00 13:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 14:10 14:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 17:00 K 445E K 445E 13:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 14:10 14:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 17:00 K 445E K 445E 10:10 09:10 08:10 13:10 10:10 09:10 08:10 13:10 11:10 09:10 09:10 13:10 12:10 09:10 14:10 11:00 10:00 09:00 14:00 11:00 10:00 09:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 10:00 14:00 13:00 10:00 17:00 11:10 09:10 09:10 13:10 12:10 09:10 14:10 12:00 10:00 10:00 14:00 13:00 10:00 17:00 Friday Vrydag MICLAB 402 MICLAB 402 MICLAB 402 MICLAB 402 MICLAB 402 MICLAB 402 MICLAB 402 MICLAB 402 MICLAB 402 K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E FGG 259 FGG 259 FGG 257 FGG 376 K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E Page 95 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing MPRS3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MPRS3734 Lecture 1 English (A) MPRS3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MPRS3734 Lecture 2 English (A) MPRS3734 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) MPRS3734 Lecture 3 English (A) MPRS3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MPRS3744 Lecture 1 English (A) MPRS3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MPRS3744 Lecture 2 English (A) MPRS3744 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) MPRS3744 Lecture 3 English (A) MRF 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MRF 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) MRF 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MRF 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) MRF 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MRF 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) MSI 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MSI 114 Lecture 1 English (A) MSI 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MSI 114 Lecture 2 English (A) MSU 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MSU 124 Lecture 1 English (A) MTCF1604 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MTCF1604 Lecture 1 English (A) MTCF1604 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MTCF1604 Lecture 2 English (A) MTCF1604 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (A) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (B) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (C) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (D) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (E) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (F) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (G) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (H) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (I) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (J) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (K) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (L) MTDH1508 Lecture 1 English (M) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (A) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (B) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (C) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (D) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (E) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (F) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (G) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (H) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (I) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (J) From Van 12:10 12:10 10:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 12:10 10:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 To Tot 13:00 13:00 11:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 11:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 Monday Maandag K 445E Tuesday Dinsdag 12:10 13:00 14:10 16:00 12:10 13:00 09:10 10:00 12:10 13:00 17:10 08:10 18:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 15:10 18:00 09:00 19:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 CRS 4 11:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 07:10 10:10 15:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 11:10 13:10 13:10 14:10 07:10 13:10 13:10 13:10 18:10 07:10 17:10 17:10 14:10 13:00 13:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 08:00 11:00 16:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 13:00 14:00 14:00 16:00 09:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 20:00 09:00 19:00 19:00 16:00 EDU 13 EBW A101 FGG 169 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E K 445E FGG 259 FGG 259 WD 142 EBW ALG7 FGG 259 EDU 15 CRS 5 CRS 4 CRS 5 WD 139 WD 147 WD 145 FGG 168 FGG 183 LG 6 FGG 260 EBW A103 EBW A103 LG 2 EBW A101 FGG 170 CRS 3 GEO 1.5 CRS 4 LCT B EDU 13 W 202 EDU 13 WWG 223 EBW A101 EDU 12 EBW A101 EBW A103 EBW A101 EBW G2 CRS 2 LCT A FGG 168 EDU 12 EBW A103 Page 96 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (K) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (L) MTDH1508 Lecture 2 English (M) MTDL1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) MTDL1508 Lecture 1 English (A) MTDL1508 Lecture 1 English (B) MTDL1508 Lecture 1 English (C) MTDL1508 Lecture 1 English (D) MTDL1508 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) MTDL1508 Lecture 2 English (A) MTDL1508 Lecture 2 English (B) MTDL1508 Lecture 2 English (C) MTDL1508 Lecture 2 English (D) MTDL1508 Lecture 3 English (D) NEC 302 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NEC 302 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) NGSD3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NGSD3714 Lecture 1 English (A) NNPP4804 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NNPP4804 Lecture 1 English (A) NNUR3716 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NNUR3716 Lecture 1 English (A) NNUR3716 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) NNUR3716 Lecture 2 English (A) NNUR3716 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) NNUR3716 Lecture 3 English (A) NNUR3716 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) NNUR3716 Lecture 4 English (A) NNUR3726 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NNUR3726 Lecture 1 English (A) NNUR3726 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) NNUR3726 Lecture 2 English (A) NNUR3726 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) NNUR3726 Lecture 3 English (A) NNUR3726 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) NNUR3726 Lecture 4 English (A) NPSI4815 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NPSI4815 Lecture 1 English (A) NPSI4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NPSI4824 Lecture 1 English (A) NRES3704 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NRES3704 Lecture 1 English (A) NUTE1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NUTE1514 Lecture 1 English (A) NUTE1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) NUTE1514 Lecture 2 English (A) NUTE1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) NUTE1514 Lecture 3 English (A) NUTE1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NUTE1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NUTE1524 Lecture 1 English (A) NUTE1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) NUTE1524 Lecture 2 English (A) NUTE1524 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) NUTE1524 Lecture 3 English (A) NUTE1524 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NUTE2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NUTE2614 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 13:10 07:10 13:10 11:10 10:10 10:10 14:10 10:10 12:10 10:10 10:10 07:10 11:10 10:10 07:10 To Tot 15:00 09:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 12:00 16:00 11:00 13:00 11:00 11:00 08:00 12:00 11:00 08:00 Monday Maandag 07:10 08:00 10:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 11:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 13:00 11:00 16:00 16:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 13:00 12:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 13:00 13:00 10:00 10:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 16:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 09:00 14:00 11:10 12:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 12:10 12:10 12:00 13:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 DEPT 18 DEPT 18 12:10 11:10 13:00 12:00 DEPT 20 DEPT 20 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag EDU 13 EDU 12 LG 3 EBW G4 W 201 EBW ALG8 RINDLS FGG 363 LG 1 STB 3 LCT F LCT D LG 7 FGG 363 FG 116 FG 116 N2 N2 B KOK 3 B KOK 4 CRS 7 CRS 1 FGG 168 CRS 4 CRS 4 CRS 4 W 201 CRS 1 N2 WD 46 N2 WD 46 FGG 378 LG 6 W 111 WD 46 B KOK 3 B KOK 4 B KOK 3 B KOK 4 DEPT 19 DEPT 01 DEPT 18 DEPT 18 DEPT 19 DEPT 20 DEPT 17 DEPT 17 DEPT 12 DEPT 17 DEPT 17 DEPT 18 DEPT 18 DEPT 18 Page 97 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing NUTE2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) NUTE2614 Lecture 2 English (A) NUTE2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) NUTE2614 Lecture 3 English (A) NUTE2614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NUTE2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NUTE2624 Lecture 1 English (A) NUTE2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) NUTE2624 Lecture 2 English (A) NUTE2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) NUTE2624 Lecture 3 English (A) NUTE2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NUTE3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NUTE3714 Lecture 1 English (A) NUTE3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) NUTE3714 Lecture 2 English (A) NUTE3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NVER4815 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NVER4815 Lecture 1 English (A) NVER4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NVER4824 Lecture 1 English (A) NVRP1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NVRP1514 Lecture 1 English (A) NVRP1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) NVRP1514 Lecture 2 English (A) NVRP1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NVRP1524 Lecture 1 English (A) NVRP1524 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NVRP2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NVRP2614 Lecture 1 English (A) NVRP2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NVRP2624 Lecture 1 English (A) NVRP3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NVRP3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NVRT1516 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NVRT1516 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NVRT1516 Lecture 1 English (A) NVRT1516 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) NVRT1516 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) NVRT1516 Lecture 2 English (A) NVRT1528 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) NVRT1528 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NVRT1528 Lecture 1 English (A) NVRT1528 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) NVRT1528 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) NVRT2617 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NVRT2617 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) NVRT2629 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) NVRT2629 Lecture 2 From Van 11:10 12:10 09:10 11:10 14:10 To Tot 12:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 17:00 Monday Maandag 09:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 09:10 13:10 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 16:00 DEPT 20 DEPT 20 14:10 13:10 12:10 11:10 13:10 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 14:00 EBW A102 FGG 257 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 12:10 08:10 12:10 08:10 14:10 08:10 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 12:00 16:00 12:00 16:00 10:00 16:00 16:00 14:10 14:10 11:10 11:10 11:10 16:00 16:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 14:10 16:00 12:10 08:10 16:00 10:00 08:10 12:10 14:10 12:00 16:00 16:00 08:10 14:10 08:10 12:00 16:00 09:00 08:10 08:10 10:00 16:00 09:10 11:00 08:10 10:00 08:10 10:00 13:10 16:00 10:10 13:00 Tuesday Dinsdag DEPT 18 DEPT 19 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag DEPT 17 DEPT 19 DEPT 17 DEPT 17 DEPT 18 DEPT 16 DEPT 20 DEPT 17 FGG 257 FGG 258 FGG 257 B KOK 3 B KOK 4 B KOK 3 B KOK 4 DEPT 02 DEPT 08 DEPT 03 DEPT 13 DEPT 18 DEPT 18 DEPT 08 DEPT 10 DEPT 12 DEPT 13 DEPT 14 DEPT 17 DEPT 15 DEPT 11 DEPT 04 DEPT 09 DEPT 14 DEPT 05 DEPT 04 DEPT 10 DEPT 11 DEPT 12 DEPT 09 DEPT 03 W 111 W 111 W 111 CRS 10 Page 98 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) NVRT2629 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) OCTA1504 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) OCTA1504 Lecture 1 English (A) PEDF1623 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PEDF1623 Lecture 1 English (A) PEDF1623 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PEDF1623 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBD2608 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBD2608 Lecture 1 English (A) PHBD2608 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHBD2608 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBD2608 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHBD2608 Lecture 3 English (A) PHBD2608 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBD2608 Tutorial 1 English (A) PHBD2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBD2614 Lecture 1 English (A) PHBD2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHBD2614 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBD2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHBD2614 Lecture 3 English (A) PHBD2614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBD2614 Tutorial 1 English (A) PHBD2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBD2624 Lecture 1 English (A) PHBD2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHBD2624 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBD2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHBD2624 Lecture 3 English (A) PHBD2624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBD2624 Tutorial 1 English (A) PHBE3722 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBE3722 Lecture 1 English (A) PHBE3722 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBG2616 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBG2616 Lecture 1 English (A) PHBG2616 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHBG2616 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBG2616 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHBG2616 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) PHBG2616 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PHBG2626 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBG2626 Lecture 1 English (A) PHBG2626 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHBG2626 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBG2626 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHBG2626 Lecture 3 English (A) PHBG2626 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) PHBG3716 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBG3716 Lecture 1 English (A) PHBG3716 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHBG3716 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBG3716 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHBG3716 Lecture 3 English (A) PHBG3716 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PHBG3726 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBG3726 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag 08:10 10:00 15:10 14:10 14:10 13:10 15:10 14:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 12:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 12:10 09:10 09:10 08:10 14:10 16:00 15:00 15:00 14:00 16:00 15:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 14:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 13:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 16:00 EDU 15 EDU 15 08:10 09:10 12:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 09:00 10:00 13:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 16:00 KINE12 11:10 10:10 10:10 08:10 10:10 10:10 14:10 12:00 11:00 11:00 09:00 11:00 11:00 16:00 B119 KINE13 11:10 10:10 12:00 11:00 B119 KINE13 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag W 202 LCT B EDU 15 LCT B EDU 15 KINE2 KINE2 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE2 KINE2 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE2 KINE2 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 B203 B203 B203 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 B119 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 B119 B119 KINE13 DEPT 16 KINE13 B119 Page 99 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing PHBG3726 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHBG3726 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBG3726 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHBG3726 Lecture 3 English (A) PHBG3726 Lecture 4 Afrikaans/English (A) PHBN3712 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBN3712 Lecture 1 English (A) PHBN3712 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHBN3712 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBO2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBO2614 Lecture 1 English (A) PHBO2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHBO2614 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBO2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHBO2614 Lecture 3 English (A) PHBO2614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBO2614 Tutorial 1 English (A) PHBO2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBO2624 Lecture 1 English (A) PHBO2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHBO2624 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBO2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHBO2624 Lecture 3 English (A) PHBO2624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBO2624 Tutorial 1 English (A) PHBP2608 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBP2608 Lecture 1 English (A) PHBP2608 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHBP2608 Lecture 2 English (A) PHBP2608 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHBP2608 Lecture 3 English (A) PHBP2608 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) PHBP2608 Tutorial 1 English (A) PHYA1554 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYA1554 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYA1554 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYA1554 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYA1554 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHYA1554 Lecture 3 English (A) PHYA1554 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYA1664 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYA1664 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYA1664 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYA1664 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYA1664 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHYA1664 Lecture 3 English (A) PHYA1664 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYA2623 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYA3708 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYA3772 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYA3772 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYA3782 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYA3782 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS1512 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1512 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS1512 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1512 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van 10:10 08:10 10:10 10:10 14:10 To Tot 11:00 09:00 11:00 11:00 16:00 Monday Maandag 12:10 11:10 13:10 12:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 13:10 12:10 09:19 13:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 13:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 14:00 13:00 10:00 14:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 KINE13 B203 13:10 12:10 09:10 13:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 14:00 13:00 10:00 14:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 FG 117 FG 117 14:10 15:00 FG 202 14:10 16:00 11:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 11:10 08:10 11:10 12:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 12:00 Tuesday Dinsdag FRB 204 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag KINE13 FRB 204 KINE13 B119 KINE13 B203 KINE2 KINE2 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE2 KINE2 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE2 KINE2 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 KINE3 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 116 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 304 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 116 BL 3 FG 116 FG 116 Page 100 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing PHYS1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1514 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1514 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYS1514 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1514 Lecture 3 English (A) PHYS1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS1514 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS1534 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1534 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS1534 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1534 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYS1534 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1534 Lecture 3 English (A) PHYS1534 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS1534 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS1543 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1543 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS1543 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1543 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYS1543 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1543 Lecture 3 English (A) PHYS1543 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS1543 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1624 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1624 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYS1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1624 Lecture 3 English (A) PHYS1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS1624 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS1644 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1644 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS1644 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1644 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYS1644 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHYS1644 Lecture 3 English (A) PHYS1644 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS1644 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2614 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2614 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYS2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2614 Lecture 3 English (A) PHYS2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2624 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2624 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYS2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2624 Practical 1 English (A) PHYS2632 Practical 1 From Van 09:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 14:10 To Tot 10:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 17:00 14:10 17:00 09:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 14:10 10:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 17:00 14:10 17:00 09:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 14:10 10:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 17:00 14:10 17:00 09:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 14:10 10:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 17:00 14:10 17:00 09:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 14:10 10:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 17:00 14:10 17:00 11:10 12:10 09:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 07:10 12:00 13:00 10:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 11:00 14:00 10:00 Monday Maandag FG 116 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 MAB OUD HMS STB 3 HMS STB 4 STB 1 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 GEO 1.5 FG 116 EDU OUD FG 116 SG 1 FG 116 FG 116 FG 117 FG 116 FG 117 FG 116 FG 117 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 GEO 1.5 FG 116 EDU OUD FG 116 SG 1 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 EBW G4 FG 116 CRS 3 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 FG 116 FG 304 FG 304 FG 304 Page 101 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS2632 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS2632 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS2642 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2642 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS2642 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2642 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYS2654 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2654 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS2654 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2654 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYS2654 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2654 Lecture 3 English (A) PHYS2664 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2664 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS2664 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2664 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYS2664 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHYS2664 Lecture 3 English (A) PHYS3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS3714 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS3714 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYS3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHYS3714 Lecture 3 English (A) PHYS3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS3724 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PHYS3724 Lecture 2 English (A) PHYS3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PHYS3724 Lecture 3 English (A) PHYS3732 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS3732 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS3742 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PHYS3742 Lecture 1 English (A) PHYS3752 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PHYS3762 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PJB 222 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PLK 212 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PLK 212 Lecture 1 English (A) PLK 212 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PLK 212 Lecture 2 English (A) PLK 212 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PLK 212 Lecture 3 English (A) PLK 212 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PLK 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PLK 214 Lecture 1 English (A) PLK 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PLK 214 Lecture 2 English (A) PLK 214 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PLK 214 Lecture 3 English (A) PLK 214 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PLK 216 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PLK 216 Lecture 1 English (A) PLK 216 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PLK 216 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag 10:10 13:00 FG 304 14:10 17:00 FG 304 09:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 07:10 08:10 07:10 08:10 07:10 08:10 07:10 08:10 08:10 07:10 08:10 07:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 10:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 14:10 10:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 08:00 09:00 08:00 09:00 08:00 09:00 08:00 09:00 09:00 08:00 09:00 08:00 11:00 12:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 20:00 14:10 20:00 FG 304 13:10 14:00 EBW A102 08:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 BL 2 FGG 168 08:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 BL 2 FGG 168 08:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 09:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 BL 2 FGG 168 FG 116 FGG 170 FG 116 EBW A103 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 S1 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 202 FG 116 FG 116 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 117 FG 304 BL 2 BL 2 BL 2 BL 2 LAB 28 BL 2 BL 2 BL 2 BL 2 LAB 28 BL 2 BL 2 Page 102 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing PLK 216 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PLK 216 Lecture 3 English (A) PLK 216 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PLK 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PLK 224 Lecture 1 English (A) PLK 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PLK 224 Lecture 2 English (A) PLK 224 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PLK 224 Lecture 3 English (A) PLK 224 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PLK 226 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PLK 226 Lecture 1 English (A) PLK 226 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PLK 226 Lecture 2 English (A) PLK 226 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PLK 226 Lecture 3 English (A) PLK 226 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PLK 262 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PLK 262 Lecture 1 English (A) PLK 262 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PLK 262 Lecture 2 English (A) PLK 262 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PLK 262 Lecture 3 English (A) PLK 262 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PLR 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PLR 122 Lecture 1 English (A) PLT 424 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PLT 424 Lecture 1 English (A) PLT 424 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PLT 424 Lecture 2 English (A) PLT 424 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PLT 424 Lecture 3 English (A) PLT 424 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PLTB2613 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PLTB2613 Lecture 1 English (A) PLTB2613 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PLTB2613 Lecture 2 English (A) PLTB2613 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PLTB2613 Lecture 3 English (A) PLTB2613 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PLTB2623 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PLTB2623 Lecture 1 English (A) PLTB2623 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PLTB2623 Lecture 2 English (A) PLTB2623 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PLTB2623 Lecture 3 English (A) PLTB2623 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PLTB3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PLTB3714 Lecture 1 English (A) PLTB3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PLTB3714 Lecture 2 English (A) PLTB3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PLTB3714 Lecture 3 English (A) PLTB3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PLTB3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 11:10 12:10 08:10 To Tot 12:00 13:00 13:00 Monday Maandag 08:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 BL 2 BL 3 08:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 BL 2 BL 3 08:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 BL 2 BL 3 09:10 10:10 12:10 13:10 12:10 13:10 08:10 11:10 14:10 10:00 11:00 13:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 09:00 12:00 17:00 FGG 183 FGG 378 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 10:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 10:10 14:10 11:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 11:00 17:00 DEPT 02 DEPT 19 10:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 10:10 14:10 11:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 11:00 17:00 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 10:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 11:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 10:10 11:00 DEPT 17 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag BL 2 BL 2 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag LAB 28 BL 2 BL 3 BL 2 BL 3 LAB 28 BL 2 BL 3 BL 2 BL 3 LAB 28 BL 2 BL 3 BL 2 BL 3 LAB 28 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 DEPT 18 DEPT 20 LG 7 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 LG 4.107 Page 103 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing PLTB3724 Lecture 1 English (A) PLTB3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PLTB3724 Lecture 2 English (A) PLTB3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PLTB3724 Lecture 3 English (A) PLTB3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) POLS1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) POLS1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) POLS1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (C) POLS1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (D) POLS1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans (A) POLS1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (A) POLS1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (B) POLS1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (C) POLS1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS1514 Lecture 1 English (A) POLS1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) POLS1514 Lecture 2 English (A) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (A) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (B) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (C) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (D) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (E) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (F) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (G) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (H) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (I) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (J) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (K) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (L) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (M) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (N) POLS1514 Tutorial 1 English (O) POLS1524 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS1524 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) POLS1524 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) POLS1524 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (C) POLS1524 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (D) POLS1524 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans (A) POLS1524 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (A) POLS1524 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (B) POLS1524 Academic Facilitation From Van 08:10 09:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 To Tot 09:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 Monday Maandag DEPT 19 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag 15:10 16:00 09:10 10:00 LCT E 13:10 14:00 FGG 167 13:10 14:00 CRS 5 09:10 10:00 FGG 170 09:10 10:00 FGG 169 12:10 13:00 FGG 170 12:10 13:00 FGG 260 10:10 11:00 15:10 14:10 11:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 12:10 13:10 11:10 13:10 10:10 11:10 11:10 10:10 12:10 09:10 09:10 15:10 16:00 15:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 14:00 12:00 14:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 10:00 16:00 CRS 4 MAB OUD 09:10 10:00 WD 46 09:10 10:00 LG 10 13:10 14:00 FGG 168 13:10 14:00 FGG 170 09:10 10:00 12:10 13:00 FGG 258 12:10 13:00 EBW G4 11:10 12:00 DEPT 20 DEPT 16 DEPT 20 DEPT 20 DEPT 07 CRS 5 CRS 7 CRS 2 STB 1 FGG 259 FGG 259 WD 46 CRS 4 CRS 2 EBW ALG7 EBW A102 CRS 2 EBW ALG7 FGG 376 CRS 1 CRS 5 CRS 1 CRS 1 FGG 167 CRS 4 EBW A102 CRS 3 FGG 378 CRS 7 Page 104 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Session 2 English (C) POLS1524 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (D) POLS1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS1524 Lecture 1 English (A) POLS1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) POLS1524 Lecture 2 English (A) POLS1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) POLS1524 Tutorial 1 English (A) POLS1524 Tutorial 1 English (B) POLS1524 Tutorial 1 English (C) POLS1524 Tutorial 1 English (D) POLS1524 Tutorial 1 English (E) POLS1524 Tutorial 1 English (F) POLS1524 Tutorial 1 English (G) POLS1524 Tutorial 1 English (H) POLS1544 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS1544 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) POLS1544 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) POLS1544 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans (A) POLS1544 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS1544 Lecture 1 English (A) POLS1544 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) POLS1544 Lecture 2 English (A) POLS1544 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS1544 Tutorial 1 English (A) POLS1544 Tutorial 1 English (B) POLS1544 Tutorial 1 English (C) POLS1544 Tutorial 1 English (D) POLS1544 Tutorial 1 English (E) POLS2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS2614 Lecture 1 English (A) POLS2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) POLS2614 Lecture 2 English (A) POLS2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS2624 Lecture 1 English (A) POLS2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) POLS2624 Lecture 2 English (A) POLS2634 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS2634 Lecture 1 English (A) POLS2634 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) POLS2634 Lecture 2 English (A) POLS2644 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS2644 Lecture 1 English (A) POLS2644 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) POLS2644 Lecture 2 English (A) POLS3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS3714 Lecture 1 English (A) POLS3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) POLS3714 Lecture 2 English (A) POLS3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS3724 Lecture 1 English (A) POLS3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) POLS3724 Lecture 2 English (A) POLS3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS3734 Lecture 1 English (A) POLS3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van To Tot 11:10 12:00 15:10 14:10 11:10 09:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 12:10 13:10 11:10 13:10 09:10 16:00 15:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 14:00 12:00 14:00 10:00 10:10 11:00 08:10 09:00 08:10 09:00 15:10 13:10 15:10 13:10 10:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 13:10 12:10 16:10 10:10 16:10 10:10 15:10 10:10 14:10 11:10 15:10 11:10 15:10 12:10 15:10 12:10 17:10 11:10 10:10 16:10 16:10 12:10 16:10 10:10 17:10 13:10 11:10 10:10 13:10 16:00 14:00 16:00 14:00 11:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 17:00 11:00 17:00 11:00 16:00 11:00 15:00 12:00 16:00 12:00 16:00 13:00 16:00 13:00 18:00 12:00 11:00 17:00 17:00 13:00 17:00 11:00 18:00 14:00 12:00 11:00 14:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag FGG 167 FGG 261 STB 3 CRS 6 STB 3 EBW A102 FGG 259 FGG 259 FGG 257 FGG 166 FGG 166 EBW A102 FGG 257 EBW ALG7 LG 10 FGG 170 FGG 260 CRS 5 FGG 258 FGG 259 LCT B FGG 259 FGG 377 CRS 4 FGG 260 FGG 261 EBW A102 FGG 258 CRS 3 EBW A102 CRS 10 CRS 7 CRS 10 FGG 184 FGG 184 FGG 169 FGG 184 FGG 259 FGG 184 FGG 257 FGG 184 EBW ALG7 FGG 184 LG 6 STB 4 FGG 166 SG 1 FGG 257 EBW A101 FGG 259 FGG 184 FGG 257 LG 7 FGG 261 CRS 2 FGG 261 Page 105 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing POLS3734 Lecture 2 English (A) POLS3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) POLS3744 Lecture 1 English (A) POLS3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) POLS3744 Lecture 2 English (A) POLS6816 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) POLS6826 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) POLS6836 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) POLS6846 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) POLS6856 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) POLS6866 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PPG 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PPG 224 Lecture 1 English (A) PPG 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PPG 224 Lecture 2 English (A) PPG 224 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PPG 224 Lecture 3 English (A) PPG 224 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PPG 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PPG 324 Lecture 1 English (A) PPG 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PPG 324 Lecture 2 English (A) PPG 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PPG 324 Lecture 3 English (A) PPG 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PPG 334 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PPG 334 Lecture 1 English (A) PPG 334 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PPG 334 Lecture 2 English (A) PPG 334 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PPG 334 Lecture 3 English (A) PPG 334 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PPG 424 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PPG 424 Lecture 1 English (A) PPG 424 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PPG 424 Lecture 2 English (A) PPG 424 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PPG 424 Lecture 3 English (A) PPG 424 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PPG 434 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PPG 434 Lecture 1 English (A) PPG 434 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PPG 434 Lecture 2 English (A) PPG 434 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PPG 434 Lecture 3 English (A) PPG 434 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PPG 434 Practical 1 English (B) PPG 444 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PPG 444 Lecture 1 English (A) PPG 444 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PPG 444 Lecture 2 English (A) PPG 444 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) From Van 13:10 11:10 16:10 09:10 12:10 14:10 To Tot 14:00 12:00 17:00 10:00 13:00 17:00 Monday Maandag 14:10 17:00 LG 7 14:10 17:00 FGG 259 14:10 17:00 FGG 166 14:10 17:00 14:10 17:00 07:10 08:10 13:10 08:10 11:10 10:10 14:10 08:00 09:00 14:00 09:00 12:00 11:00 17:00 BL 2 09:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 13:10 14:10 10:00 12:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 14:00 17:00 FGG 168 FGG 168 09:10 12:10 07:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 14:10 10:00 13:00 08:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 STB 2 SG 1 10:10 12:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 10:10 14:10 11:00 13:00 11:00 12:00 09:00 11:00 17:00 FGG 168 FGG 168 08:10 11:10 09:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 14:10 09:00 12:00 10:00 09:00 09:00 12:00 17:00 10:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 11:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 11:00 09:00 Tuesday Dinsdag EBW G2 EBW A102 FGG 170 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag FGG 166 CRS 2 FGG 166 FGG 260 FGG 259 N1 BL 2 FGG 169 BL 2 FGG 167 PL 49 BL 3 FGG 168 BL 3 BL 3 BL 302 BL 1 BL 1 SG 1 SG 1 BL 236 FGG 168 BL 2 FGG 168 FGG 260 BL 236 FGG 166 FGG 166 BL 3 FGG 259 LG 9 FGG 257 BL 302 BL 302 FGG 259 FGG 259 LG 9 FGG 257 FGG 259 Page 106 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing PPG 444 Lecture 3 English (A) PPG 444 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PPLG3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PPLG3714 Lecture 1 English (A) PPLG3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PPLG3714 Lecture 2 English (A) PPLG3714 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) PPLG3714 Lecture 3 English (A) PPLG3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PSY 112 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) PSY 112 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) PSY 112 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) PSY 112 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (C) PSY 112 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (D) PSY 112 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (E) PSY 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 10:10 14:10 To Tot 11:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag EBW ALG7 13:10 12:10 14:10 09:10 12:10 14:10 14:10 14:00 13:00 15:00 10:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 FGG 168 FGG 376 17:10 18:00 FGG 167 16:10 17:00 FGG 170 16:10 17:00 CRS 4 16:10 17:00 EBW ALG8 16:10 17:00 FGG 169 16:10 17:00 LG 6 11:10 12:00 KOVSI KERK PSY 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) PSY 112 Lecture 1 English (A) PSY 112 Lecture 1 English (B) PSY 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PSY 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) PSY 112 Lecture 2 English (A) PSY 112 Lecture 2 English (B) PSY 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) PSY 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (B) PSY 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) PSY 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) PSY 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (C) PSY 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (D) PSY 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (E) PSY 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (F) PSY 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (G) PSY 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (H) PSY 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PSY 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) PSY 124 Lecture 1 English (A) PSY 124 Lecture 1 English (B) PSY 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PSY 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) PSY 124 Lecture 2 English (A) PSY 124 Lecture 2 English (B) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (C) 17:10 17:10 11:10 08:10 16:10 16:10 08:10 18:10 18:00 18:00 12:00 09:00 17:00 17:00 09:00 19:00 10:10 11:00 16:10 17:00 CRS 2 16:10 17:00 CRS 6 16:10 17:00 FGG 260 16:10 17:00 GEO 1.5 10:10 11:00 CRS 7 10:10 11:00 FGG 167 10:10 11:00 CRS 6 10:10 11:00 GEO 1.5 11:10 17:10 17:10 12:10 12:10 17:10 17:10 13:10 10:10 12:10 12:10 12:00 18:00 18:00 13:00 13:00 18:00 18:00 14:00 11:00 13:00 13:00 BL 236 BL 3 BL 2 BL 2 FGG 260 BL 236 STB 2 RINDLS HMS W 201 RINDLS LG 4 HMS CRS 3 CRS 1 HMS LG 4 W 202 EBW OUD HMS LCT D W 201 HMS FGG 378 LG 6 FGG 260 Page 107 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (D) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (E) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (C) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (D) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (E) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (F) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (G) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (H) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (I) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (J) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (K) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (L) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (M) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (N) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (O) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (P) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (Q) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (R) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (S) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 English (A) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 English (B) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 English (C) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 English (D) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 English (E) PSY 124 Tutorial 1 English (F) PSY 152 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PSY 152 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) PSY 152 Lecture 1 English (A) PSY 152 Lecture 1 English (B) PSY 152 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PSY 152 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) PSY 152 Lecture 2 English (A) PSY 152 Lecture 2 English (B) PSY 212 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PSY 212 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) PSY 212 Lecture 1 English (A) PSY 212 Lecture 1 English (B) PSY 212 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PSY 212 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) PSY 212 Lecture 2 English (A) PSY 212 Lecture 2 English (B) From Van 11:10 11:10 10:10 To Tot 12:00 12:00 11:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag FGG 261 Friday Vrydag 11:10 12:00 CRS 6 12:10 13:00 EBW ALG7 10:10 11:00 FGG 261 11:10 12:00 FGG 167 12:10 13:00 EBW A102 10:10 11:00 EBW A102 11:10 12:00 EBW A102 13:10 14:00 CRS 3 14:10 15:00 CRS 3 15:10 16:00 CRS 3 16:10 17:00 EBW G2 13:10 14:00 FGG 260 14:10 15:00 CRS 3 15:10 16:00 LG 9 16:10 17:00 CRS 3 10:10 11:00 CRS 2 11:10 12:00 CRS 2 12:10 13:00 FGG 258 12:10 17:10 18:10 08:10 09:10 11:10 13:10 18:10 18:10 13:10 13:10 17:10 17:10 13:10 12:10 17:10 17:10 12:10 10:10 17:10 17:10 10:10 13:00 18:00 19:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 19:00 19:00 14:00 14:00 18:00 18:00 14:00 13:00 18:00 18:00 13:00 11:00 18:00 18:00 11:00 CRS 6 EBW A102 FGG 261 LG 10 LG 10 CRS 2 BL 3 CRS 1 EBW OUD STB 1 EBW OUD MAB OUD HMS RINDLS EBW OUD STB 3 HMS LCT C W 202 STB 4 EBW OUD RINDLS W 202 KOVSI KERK Page 108 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (C) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (D) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (E) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (F) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (G) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (H) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (I) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (J) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (K) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (L) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (M) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (N) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (O) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (P) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (A) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (B) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (C) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (D) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (E) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (F) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (G) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (H) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (I) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (J) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (K) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (L) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (M) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (N) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (O) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (P) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (Q) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (R) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (S) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (T) PSY 212 Tutorial 1 English (U) PSY 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PSY 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) PSY 224 Lecture 1 English (A) PSY 224 Lecture 1 English (B) PSY 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PSY 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) PSY 224 Lecture 2 English (A) PSY 224 Lecture 2 English (B) PSY 232 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 08:10 09:10 10:10 12:10 16:10 17:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 10:10 11:10 17:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 14:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 09:10 17:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 15:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 17:10 17:10 11:10 10:10 19:10 19:10 12:10 12:10 To Tot 09:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 17:00 18:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 11:00 12:00 18:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 15:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 10:00 18:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 12:00 18:00 18:00 12:00 11:00 20:00 20:00 13:00 13:00 PSY 232 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) PSY 232 Lecture 1 English (A) PSY 232 Lecture 1 English (B) PSY 232 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) 18:10 18:10 12:10 09:10 19:00 19:00 13:00 10:00 PSY 232 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) PSY 232 Lecture 2 English (A) PSY 232 Lecture 2 English (B) PSY 312 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PSY 312 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) PSY 312 Lecture 1 English (A) PSY 312 Lecture 1 English (B) PSY 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PSY 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) PSY 324 Lecture 1 English (A) 18:10 18:10 09:10 17:10 10:10 17:10 10:10 17:10 10:10 17:10 19:00 19:00 10:00 19:00 12:00 19:00 12:00 19:00 12:00 19:00 Monday Maandag CRS 3 CRS 5 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag CRS 6 CRS 4 FGG 378 FGG 170 CRS 5 FGG 258 FGG 170 FGG 169 FGG 378 FGG 378 CRS 2 CRS 5 FGG 170 FGG 168 WD 46 WD 46 FGG 169 CRS 1 CRS 4 CRS 4 W 201 CRS 7 CRS 4 FGG 168 CRS 4 CRS 5 CRS 1 CRS 4 FGG 258 CRS 4 FGG 169 FGG 260 FG 117 FGG 260 FGG 258 HMS RINDLS W 201 EBW OUD STB 4 LCT C LCT D HMS KOVSI KERK LCT D LCT C EBW OUD KOVSI KERK LG 4 RINDLS HMS EDU 15 STB 3 LG 5 STB 4 FGG 377 STB 4 CRS 10 Page 109 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing PSY 324 Lecture 1 English (B) PSY 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) PSY 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) PSY 324 Lecture 2 English (A) PSY 324 Lecture 2 English (B) PSY 332 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) PSY 332 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) PSY 332 Lecture 1 English (A) PSY 332 Lecture 1 English (B) PSY 332 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (B) PSY 332 Lecture 2 English (B) PVR 224 Lecture 1 English (A) PVR 224 Lecture 2 English (A) REO 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) REO 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) REO 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) REO 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) RIS 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) RIS 324 Lecture 1 English (A) RIS 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) RIS 324 Lecture 2 English (A) RIS 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) RKRM2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) RKRM2614 Lecture 1 English (A) RKRM2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) RKRM2624 Lecture 1 English (A) RKRM2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) RKRM2624 Lecture 2 English (A) RLB 108 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) RLB 108 Lecture 1 English (A) RLB 108 Lecture 1 English (B) RLB 108 Lecture 1 English (C) RLB 108 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) RLB 108 Lecture 2 English (A) RLB 108 Lecture 2 English (B) RLB 108 Lecture 2 English (C) RLB 108 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) RLB 108 Lecture 3 English (A) RLB 108 Lecture 3 English (B) RLB 108 Lecture 3 English (C) RLB 108 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) RLB 108 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) RLB 108 Tutorial 1 English (A) RLB 108 Tutorial 1 English (B) RLB 108 Tutorial 1 English (C) RLB 108 Tutorial 1 English (D) RLO 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) RLO 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) RLO 122 Lecture 1 English (A) RLO 122 Lecture 1 English (B) RLO 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) RLO 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) RLO 142 Lecture 1 English (A) RLO 142 Lecture 1 English (B) RSO 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) RSO 114 Lecture 1 English (A) RSO 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van 10:10 09:10 17:10 09:10 17:10 17:10 09:10 17:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 19:10 To Tot 12:00 11:00 19:00 11:00 19:00 19:00 10:00 19:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 20:00 18:10 20:00 19:10 20:00 18:10 20:00 12:10 17:10 10:10 18:10 20:10 13:00 18:00 11:00 19:00 22:00 07:10 07:10 18:10 17:10 16:10 15:10 08:10 13:10 17:10 07:10 11:10 13:10 17:10 07:10 09:10 13:10 17:10 12:10 14:10 15:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 16:10 17:10 17:10 16:10 16:10 17:10 17:10 16:10 11:10 15:10 11:10 09:00 09:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 09:00 14:00 18:00 08:00 12:00 14:00 18:00 08:00 10:00 14:00 18:00 13:00 16:00 17:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:00 17:00 17:00 18:00 18:00 17:00 12:00 16:00 12:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag STB 3 SG 121 FGG 183 MAB OUD STB 3 STB 2 LG 4 STB 3 RINDLS FGG 377 MAB OUD DEPT 19 DEPT 17 FGG 258 FGG 261 FGG 258 FGG 261 W 111 SG 1 WWG 226 SG 1 WWG 316 LCT C STB 4 LG 3 FGG 183 FGG 183 FGG 183 SG 1 STB 1 STB 1 FGG 184 LG 4 HMS MAB OUD W 111 STB 1 HMS STB 1 W 111 STB 1 LG 3 GEO 1.5 EDU 13 SG 1 FGG 184 S1 BL 1 BL 1 EBW G2 S1 BL 1 BL 1 EBW G2 WD 145 WD 145 FGG 376 Page 110 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing RSO 124 Lecture 1 English (A) RTK 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) RTK 114 Lecture 1 English (A) RTK 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) RTK 114 Lecture 2 English (A) RTK 114 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) RTK 114 Lecture 3 English (A) RTK 114 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SAS 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SAS 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SAS 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL1514 Acquisition 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL1514 History 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL1514 Linquistic 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL1514 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) SASL1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) SASL1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (C) SASL1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (D) SASL1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (E) SASL1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (F) SASL1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (G) SASL1524 Acquisition 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL1524 Linquistic 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL1524 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL1524 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (B) SASL1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) SASL1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (C) SASL1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (D) SASL1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (E) SASL2614 Acquisition 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL2614 History 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL2614 Linquistic 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL2614 Practical 1 From Van 15:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 12:10 09:10 10:10 10:10 To Tot 16:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 13:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag WD 145 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag 16:10 17:00 LG 7 16:10 17:00 LG 7 16:10 17:00 EBW A101 08:10 09:00 LCT A 10:10 11:00 10:10 11:00 09:10 10:00 LCT E 10:10 11:00 LCT E 09:10 10:00 EBW A102 11:10 12:00 FGG 261 13:10 14:00 EBW A103 10:10 11:00 FGG 259 11:10 12:00 EBW ALG7 12:10 13:00 11:10 12:00 08:10 09:00 LCT D 10:10 11:00 LCT D 09:10 10:00 LCT E 10:10 11:00 LCT E 12:10 13:00 FGG 258 09:10 10:00 EBW A101 12:10 13:00 FGG 257 13:10 14:00 FGG 258 10:10 11:00 08:10 09:00 11:10 12:00 10:10 11:00 09:10 10:00 Friday Vrydag EBW G4 EBW G4 EBW G3 EBW G3 EBW A103 EBW A103 EBW G3 LCT B EDU 15 EBW A102 FGG 259 FGG 376 SSB LCT E WD 46 EDU 12 Page 111 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) SASL2614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL2614 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL2624 Acquisition 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL2624 History 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL2624 Linquistic 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL2624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL2624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SASL2624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) SCCS 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SCCS 124 Lecture 1 English (A) SCCS 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SCCS 124 Lecture 2 English (A) SCCS 124 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) SCCS 124 Lecture 3 English (A) SCCS 124 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) SCCS 124 Practical 1 English (A) SCCS4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SCCS4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) SCCS4814 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) SCCS4814 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (B) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (C) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (D) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (E) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (F) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (A) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (B) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (C) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (D) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (E) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (F) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (G) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (H) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (I) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (J) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (K) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (L) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (M) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (N) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (O) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (P) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (Q) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (R) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (S) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (T) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (U) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (V) SCLL1508 Lecture 1 English (W) SDH 414 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag 12:10 13:00 09:10 10:00 08:10 09:00 11:10 12:00 10:10 11:00 09:10 10:00 EDU 12 12:10 13:00 FGG 376 09:10 10:00 09:10 11:10 08:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 14:10 14:10 09:10 10:00 12:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 10:00 17:00 17:00 10:00 11:10 12:00 10:10 11:00 LG 6 14:10 17:00 LG 9.G05 14:10 08:10 08:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 12:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 12:10 14:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 11:10 11:10 11:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 14:10 08:10 18:10 18:10 18:10 11:10 17:00 11:00 11:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 15:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 15:00 17:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 11:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 12:00 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag N1 LCT F LG 2 LCT E LCT C EBW A102 RINDLS LG 4 RINDLS LG 4 LG 4 LG 4 LG 4 LG 5 LG 7 LG 6 CRS 6 DEPT 18 CRS 6 EBW G2 DEPT 19 DEPT 18 DEPT 15 WD 145 EBW ALG8 WD 46 FGG 377 EBW G3 EBW A101 EBW G3 DEPT 17 EBW G2 FGG 261 CRS 4 CRS 5 FGG 261 DEPT 12 DEPT 13 LG 6 DEPT 14 DEPT 11 FGG 260 FGG 183 FGG 184 FGG 378 LG 10 Page 112 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing SDH 414 Lecture 1 English (A) SDH 414 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SDH 424 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SDH 424 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SDL 322 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SDL 322 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) SDL 322 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) SHI 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SHI 112 Lecture 1 English (A) SHI 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SHI 112 Lecture 2 English (A) SHI 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SHI 122 Lecture 1 English (A) SHI 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SHI 122 Lecture 2 English (A) SHI 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SHI 132 Lecture 1 English (A) SHI 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SHI 132 Lecture 2 English (A) SHI 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SHI 142 Lecture 1 English (A) SHI 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SHI 142 Lecture 2 English (A) SHQ 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SHQ 114 Lecture 1 English (A) SHQ 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SHQ 114 Lecture 2 English (A) SHQ 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SHQ 124 Lecture 1 English (A) SHQ 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SHQ 124 Lecture 2 English (A) SOCF2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SOCF2614 Lecture 1 English (A) SOCF2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SOCF2614 Lecture 2 English (A) SOCF2614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) SOCF2614 Lecture 3 English (A) SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (C) SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (D) SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (E) SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (F) SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans (A) SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (A) SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (B) From Van 09:10 14:10 To Tot 10:00 17:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag FGG 166 FGG 167 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag 17:10 18:00 LG 9.104 18:10 21:00 LG 9.104 14:10 15:00 EBW G3 15:10 16:00 EBW G3 16:10 17:00 EBW G3 14:10 16:10 16:10 14:10 14:10 16:10 16:10 14:10 15:10 17:10 17:10 15:10 15:10 17:10 17:10 15:10 13:10 12:10 13:10 12:10 13:10 12:10 13:10 12:10 08:10 17:10 16:10 15:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 15:00 17:00 17:00 15:00 15:00 17:00 17:00 15:00 16:00 18:00 18:00 16:00 16:00 18:00 18:00 16:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 13:00 09:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 10:10 11:00 EBW G4 10:10 11:00 CRS 1 10:10 11:00 FGG 261 10:10 11:00 WD 46 10:10 11:00 LG 7 08:10 09:00 10:10 11:00 08:10 09:00 CRS 2 08:10 09:00 FGG 168 LCT C CRS 1 CRS 2 CRS 1 CRS 1 CRS 2 CRS 1 CRS 1 CRS 4 CRS 3 CRS 5 CRS 2 CRS 1 CRS 7 CRS 4 CRS 2 CRS 3 CRS 1 LG 9 CRS 3 CRS 5 CRS 1 CRS 7 CRS 2 EBW G3 HMS EBW G3 EBW OUD FGG 168 EBW OUD CRS 7 WD 46 CRS 4 Page 113 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (C) SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (D) SOCI1514 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (E) SOCI1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SOCI1514 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 08:10 To Tot 09:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag FGG 170 08:10 09:00 FGG 169 08:10 09:00 FGG 258 10:10 13:10 11:00 14:00 SOCI1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SOCI1514 Lecture 2 English (A) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (C) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (A) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (B) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (C) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (D) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (E) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (F) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (G) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (H) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (I) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (J) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (K) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (L) SOCI1514 Tutorial 1 English (M) SOCI1532 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SOCI1532 Lecture 1 English (A) SOCI1532 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SOCI1532 Lecture 2 English (A) SOCI1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) SOCI1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) SOCI1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) SOCI1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (C) SOCI1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (D) SOCI1624 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (E) SOCI1624 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans (A) SOCI1624 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (A) SOCI1624 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (B) SOCI1624 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (C) SOCI1624 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (D) SOCI1624 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (E) SOCI1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SOCI1624 Lecture 1 English (A) 08:10 12:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 15:10 15:10 15:10 15:10 12:10 10:10 08:10 11:10 11:10 09:00 13:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 13:00 11:00 09:00 12:00 12:00 10:10 11:00 LG 6 10:10 11:00 EBW G4 10:10 11:00 EBW G3 10:10 11:00 EBW A103 10:10 11:00 FGG 260 10:10 11:00 08:10 09:00 CRS 2 08:10 09:00 CRS 3 08:10 09:00 CRS 4 08:10 09:00 CRS 1 08:10 09:00 CRS 5 10:10 13:10 11:00 14:00 SOCI1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SOCI1624 Lecture 2 English (A) 08:10 12:10 09:00 13:00 SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) 12:10 13:10 13:00 14:00 FGG 377 KOVSI KERK CRS 10 EBW OUD CRS 2 CRS 6 LG 7 CRS 6 CRS 1 CRS 5 FGG 184 CRS 2 LCT E LG 2 CRS 5 CRS 4 BL 3 CRS 6 LG 1 LG 7 CRS 5 CRS 4 CRS 3 CRS 3 FGG 261 LG 3 CRS 10 KOVSI KERK FGG 377 KOVSI KERK CRS 4 FGG 170 Page 114 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (C) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 English (A) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 English (B) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 English (C) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 English (D) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 English (E) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 English (F) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 English (G) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 English (H) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 English (I) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 English (J) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 English (K) SOCI1624 Tutorial 1 English (L) SOCI2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SOCI2624 Lecture 1 English (A) SOCI2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SOCI2624 Lecture 2 English (A) SOCI2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) SOCI2624 Lecture 3 English (A) SOCP2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SOCP2624 Lecture 1 English (A) SOCP2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SOCP2624 Lecture 2 English (A) SOCP2624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) SOCP2624 Lecture 3 English (A) From Van 14:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 17:10 16:10 15:10 10:10 09:10 To Tot 15:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 11:00 12:00 09:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 11:00 10:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag CRS 2 FGG 169 CRS 2 EBW A101 CRS 6 CRS 3 FGG 170 CRS 3 CRS 5 CRS 4 CRS 7 FGG 167 CRS 6 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag SOF 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SOF 112 Lecture 1 English (A) SOF 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SOF 112 Lecture 2 English (A) SOF 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SOF 132 Lecture 1 English (A) SOF 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SOF 132 Lecture 2 English (A) SOS 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 Afrikaans (A) SOS 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (A) SOS 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (B) SOS 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (C) SOS 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (D) SOS 124 Academic Facilitation Session 1 English (E) SOS 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 Afrikaans (A) SOS 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (A) SOS 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (B) SOS 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (C) SOS 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (D) SOS 124 Academic Facilitation Session 2 English (E) SOS 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SOS 124 Lecture 1 English (A) 12:10 08:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 11:10 11:10 13:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 EDU 12 FGG 257 10:10 11:00 LG 6 10:10 11:00 EBW G4 10:10 11:00 EBW G3 10:10 11:00 EBW A103 10:10 11:00 FGG 260 10:10 11:00 08:10 09:00 CRS 2 08:10 09:00 CRS 3 08:10 09:00 CRS 4 08:10 09:00 CRS 1 08:10 09:00 CRS 5 10:10 13:10 11:00 14:00 SOS 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SOS 124 Lecture 2 English (A) 08:10 12:10 09:00 13:00 FGG 377 EBW OUD WWG 114 HMS W 111 STB 1 BL 3 STB 1 FGG 167 STB 1 LCT E KOVSI KERK LCT A LCT E EDU 12 FGG 257 LCT A LCT E FGG 261 LG 3 CRS 10 KOVSI KERK FGG 377 KOVSI Page 115 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag SOS 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (B) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (C) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 English (A) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 English (B) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 English (C) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 English (D) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 English (E) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 English (F) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 English (G) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 English (H) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 English (I) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 English (J) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 English (K) SOS 124 Tutorial 1 English (L) SOS 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SOS 214 Lecture 1 English (A) SOS 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SOS 214 Lecture 2 English (A) SOS 214 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) SOS 214 Lecture 3 English (A) SOS 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SOS 314 Lecture 1 English (A) SOS 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SOS 314 Lecture 2 English (A) SOS 314 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) SOS 314 Lecture 3 English (A) SOS 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SOS 324 Lecture 1 English (A) SOS 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SOS 324 Lecture 2 English (A) SOS 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) SOS 324 Lecture 3 English (A) SOV 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SRB 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SRB 324 Lecture 1 English (A) SRB 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SRB 324 Lecture 2 English (A) SSM 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSM 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSM 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSM 132 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSM 132 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) SSM 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSM 212 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSM 222 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSM 232 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSM 242 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSM 312 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSM 322 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) 12:10 13:10 14:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 09:10 11:10 09:10 15:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 14:10 09:10 15:10 09:10 08:10 10:10 15:10 16:10 12:10 11:10 09:10 08:10 16:10 13:00 14:00 15:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 10:00 12:00 10:00 16:00 11:00 09:00 13:00 15:00 10:00 16:00 10:00 09:00 11:00 16:00 18:00 13:00 12:00 10:00 09:00 17:00 16:10 17:00 LG 7 16:10 17:00 LG 5 18:10 19:00 11:10 12:00 16:10 17:00 16:10 17:00 BL 2 16:10 17:00 EBW G4 10:10 11:00 EBW G2 10:10 11:00 EBW A101 16:10 17:00 BL 1 17:10 18:00 FGG 167 Thursday Donderdag KERK Friday Vrydag CRS 4 FGG 170 CRS 2 FGG 169 CRS 2 EBW A101 CRS 6 CRS 3 FGG 170 CRS 3 CRS 5 CRS 4 CRS 7 FGG 167 CRS 6 LG 6 EDU OUD EBW A101 STB 1 LG 2 STB 1 EBW G4 MAB OUD EBW G4 MAB OUD EBW G4 MAB OUD EBW G4 W 201 FGG 170 STB 1 EBW ALG8 STB 1 WD 139 MAB 103A MAB 103A MAB 103A MAB 103A LG 7 LG 9 FGG 260 EBW A101 Page 116 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing SSM 332 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSM 342 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSML1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSMT1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSMT1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSMT1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) SSO 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 112 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 112 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) SSO 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 122 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 122 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (C) SSO 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 132 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 132 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) SSO 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 142 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 142 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (C) SSO 212 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 222 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 232 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 242 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 312 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 322 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 332 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSO 342 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSOL1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSOL1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) From Van 13:10 To Tot 14:00 Monday Maandag FGG 170 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag 13:10 14:00 FGG 167 16:10 17:00 LG 7 16:10 17:00 LG 5 18:10 19:00 11:10 12:00 15:10 16:00 11:10 12:00 08:10 09:00 16:10 17:00 15:10 16:00 11:10 12:00 08:10 09:00 16:10 17:00 15:10 16:00 11:10 12:00 08:10 09:00 16:10 17:00 15:10 16:00 11:10 12:00 08:10 09:00 16:10 17:00 17:10 18:00 09:10 10:00 14:10 15:00 FGG 169 09:10 10:00 EBW A102 08:10 09:00 FGG 260 10:10 11:00 10:10 11:00 08:10 09:00 15:10 16:00 11:10 12:00 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag LG 9 FGG 260 CRS 2 CRS 7 CRS 1 CRS 1 CRS 2 CRS 6 CRS 3 EBW A102 CRS 2 CRS 7 CRS 1 CRS 1 CRS 2 CRS 6 CRS 3 EBW A102 FGG 259 FGG 259 FGG 257 FGG 260 EBW ALG7 CRS 2 CRS 7 Page 117 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing SSOL1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSOL1514 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) SSOL1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSOL1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) SSOL1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SSOL1524 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (C) STK 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) STK 114 Lecture 1 English (A) STK 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) STK 114 Lecture 2 English (A) STK 114 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) STK 114 Practical 1 English (A) STK 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) STK 124 Lecture 1 English (A) STK 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) STK 124 Lecture 2 English (A) STK 124 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) STK 124 Lecture 3 English (A) STK 124 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) STK 124 Practical 1 English (A) STK 326 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) STK 326 Lecture 1 English (A) STK 326 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) STK 326 Lecture 2 English (A) STK 326 Lecture 3 English (A) STK 326 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STS 613 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STS 623 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STS 629 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSA2616 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) STSA2616 Lecture 1 English (A) STSA2616 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) STSA2616 Lecture 2 English (A) STSA2616 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) STSA2616 Lecture 3 English (A) STSA2616 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSA2626 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) STSA2626 Lecture 1 English (B) STSA2626 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) STSA2626 Lecture 2 English (B) STSA2626 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) STSA2626 Lecture 3 English (B) STSA2626 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSA3716 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) STSA3716 Lecture 1 English (A) STSA3716 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) STSA3716 Lecture 2 English (A) STSA3716 Lecture 3 English (A) STSA3716 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSA3732 Lecture 1 From Van 08:10 To Tot 09:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag 16:10 17:00 CRS 1 15:10 16:00 11:10 12:00 08:10 09:00 16:10 17:00 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 15:10 15:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 15:10 15:10 12:10 08:10 08:10 10:10 13:10 14:10 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 13:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 14:00 17:00 17:10 20:00 18:10 20:00 17:10 19:00 LG 9 10:10 11:10 09:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 14:10 11:00 12:00 10:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 17:00 WWG 226 S1 10:10 11:10 09:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 14:10 11:00 12:00 10:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 17:00 EBW G2 LCT A 12:10 08:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 13:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 17:00 14:10 16:00 Wednesday Woensdag CRS 1 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag CRS 2 CRS 6 CRS 3 EBW A102 FGG 377 W 202 BL 1 W 202 LCT C WD 144 S1 W 202 S1 W 202 LCT B W 202 BL 1 W 202 GEO 1.5 WWG 114 WWG 113 WWG 113 WWG 113 WWG 114 LG 10 W 202 FGG 261 CRS 10 WWG 114 FGG 183 FGG 183 EBW G3 S1 FGG 169 CRS 10 CRS 10 WWG 114 WWG 113 WWG 226 WWG 113 WWG 113 WWG 114 COMPLAB Page 118 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) STSA3742 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSA6815 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSB6815 Lecture 1 English (A) STSB6815 Lecture 2 English (A) STSB6815 Lecture 3 English (A) STSC6815 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSE6825 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSF6815 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSF6825 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSF7910 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSF7920 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSF7940 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSM1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) STSM1614 Lecture 1 English (B) STSM1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) STSM1614 Lecture 2 English (B) STSM1614 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) STSM1614 Lecture 3 English (B) STSM1614 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSM1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) STSM1624 Lecture 1 English (B) STSM1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) STSM1624 Lecture 2 English (B) STSM1624 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) STSM1624 Lecture 3 English (B) STSM1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSM2616 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) STSM2616 Lecture 1 English (A) STSM2616 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) STSM2616 Lecture 2 English (A) STSM2616 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSM3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) STSM3714 Lecture 1 English (B) STSM3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) STSM3714 Lecture 2 English (B) STSM3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSM3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) STSM3724 Lecture 1 English (A) STSM3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) STSM3724 Lecture 2 English (A) STSM3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSM6825 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSM6845 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSP6815 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSP6825 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag A 14:10 16:00 17:10 19:00 COMPLAB A DEPT 09:10 09:10 09:10 17:10 10:00 11:00 10:00 19:00 17:10 19:00 18:10 20:00 W 111 18:10 20:00 W 201 18:10 20:00 W 111 18:10 20:00 W 201 18:10 20:00 10:10 09:10 13:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 10:10 11:00 10:00 14:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 13:00 WWG 226 WWG 113 10:10 09:10 13:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 10:10 11:00 10:00 14:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 13:00 WWG 113 WWG 114 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 WWG 114 WWG 113 11:10 13:10 10:10 13:10 14:10 12:00 14:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 WWG 114 WWG 114 11:10 13:10 09:10 12:10 14:10 12:00 14:00 10:00 13:00 17:00 WWG 223 WWG 223 17:10 19:00 CRS 6 17:10 19:00 17:10 20:00 WWG 226 17:10 20:00 W 12 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag DEPT 20 DEPT 20 DEPT 18 DEPT 10 FGG 376 W 202 WWG 114 W 201 WWG 114 WWG 114 WWG 113 WWG 114 WWG 226 WWG 113 WWG 226 WWG 114 WWG 114 WWG 113 WWG 223 WWG 226 WWG 113 WWG 223 WWG 223 WWG 223 WWG 223 CRS 2 Page 119 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing STSP7920 Lecture 1 English (A) STSS6815 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) STSX7920 Lecture 1 English (A) STSX7920 Lecture 2 English (A) SWPA4816 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPA4816 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPA4816 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SWPA4816 Lecture 2 English (A) SWPA4816 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) SWPA4816 Lecture 3 English (A) SWPB4816 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPB4816 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPB4816 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SWPB4816 Lecture 2 English (A) SWPB4816 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) SWPB4816 Lecture 3 English (A) SWPC1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPC1614 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPC1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SWPC1614 Lecture 2 English (A) SWPC2714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPC2714 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPC2714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SWPC2714 Lecture 2 English (A) SWPC3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPC3714 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPC3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SWPC3714 Lecture 2 English (A) SWPD1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPD1624 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPD1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SWPD1624 Lecture 2 English (A) SWPG2614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPG2614 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPG2614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SWPG2614 Lecture 2 English (A) SWPL2624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPL2624 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPL2624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SWPL2624 Lecture 2 English (A) SWPL3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPL3724 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPL3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SWPL3724 Lecture 2 English (A) SWPP3712 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SWPP3722 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) SWPR3824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPR3824 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPR3824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SWPR3824 Lecture 3 English (A) SWPR4804 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPR4804 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPS1514 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPS1514 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPS1514 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) SWPS1514 Lecture 2 English (A) SWPS1524 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) SWPS1524 Lecture 1 English (A) SWPS1524 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van 17:10 17:10 To Tot 20:00 19:00 11:10 10:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 12:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 12:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 12:10 13:10 11:10 14:10 11:10 10:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 09:10 09:10 08:10 11:10 08:10 08:10 13:10 12:10 13:00 12:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 12:00 11:00 14:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 12:00 11:00 14:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 09:00 10:00 13:00 14:00 12:00 15:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 13:00 11:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 09:00 14:00 13:00 10:10 11:00 13:10 12:10 09:10 13:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 08:10 12:10 14:00 13:00 10:00 14:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 09:00 13:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag W 12 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag DEPT 15 FGG 169 N1 EBW A103 SG 1 FGG 170 EBW A103 W 111 BL 1 EBW A103 SG 1 FGG 170 EBW A103 W 111 BL 1 EBW A101 EBW G2 FGG 166 LG 3 FGG 167 EBW G2 FGG 257 FGG 184 EDU 12 EDU 12 CRS 6 CRS 3 N1 FGG 378 CRS 3 S1 FGG 260 CRS 4 EBW A102 N2 FGG 261 LCT B W 201 FGG 169 FGG 170 FGG 169 CRS 2 CRS 6 EBW A103 EBW A103 FGG 166 EBW ALG8 FGG 261 FGG 169 S1 LCT E N2 WD 144 N1 WD 145 N2 FGG 168 CRS 3 Page 120 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing SWPS1524 Lecture 2 English (A) TEGC1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TEGC1614 Lecture 1 English (A) TEGC1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TEGC1614 Lecture 2 English (A) TEGC1614 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) TEGC1614 Practical 1 English (A) TEGC1614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) TEGC1614 Tutorial 1 English (A) TEGC1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TEGC1624 Lecture 1 English (A) TEGC1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TEGC1624 Lecture 2 English (A) TEGC1624 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) TEGC1624 Practical 1 English (A) TEGC1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TEGC1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) TELG1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TELG1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TELG1614 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TELG2714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TELG2714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TELG2714 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TELG3712 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TELG3712 Lecture 1 English (A) TELG3732 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TELG3732 Lecture 1 English (A) TELG4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TELG4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TELG5814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TGN 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TGN 214 Lecture 1 English (A) TGN 214 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) TGN 214 Practical 1 English (A) TGN 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TGN 224 Lecture 1 English (A) TGN 224 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) TGN 224 Practical 1 English (A) TGN 224 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) TGN 224 Tutorial 1 English (A) TGN 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TGN 314 Lecture 1 English (A) TGN 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TGN 314 Lecture 2 English (A) TGN 314 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) TGN 314 Practical 1 English (A) TGN 314 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TGN 314 Tutorial 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TGN 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TGN 324 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 09:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 12:10 08:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 12:10 08:10 To Tot 10:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 10:00 12:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 10:00 Monday Maandag 10:10 12:00 13:10 14:00 09:10 10:00 12:10 13:00 10:10 11:00 HMS 10 11:10 12:00 HMS 10 13:10 14:00 10:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 11:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 HMS 10 09:10 10:00 HMS 10 12:10 13:00 08:10 08:10 16:10 14:10 10:10 08:10 16:10 14:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 15:10 14:10 12:10 10:10 08:10 10:00 10:00 18:00 16:00 12:00 10:00 18:00 16:00 12:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 10:10 12:00 09:10 08:10 10:00 09:00 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag FGG 168 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 DEPT 13 DEPT 18 EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 DEPT 14 DEPT 16 DEPT 17 DEPT 14 DEPT 12 HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 33 LG 3 WD 46 LG 8.100 LG 8.100 LCT A LCT F DEPT 17 DEPT 17 DEPT 15 DEPT 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 DEPT 19 DEPT 16 EDU 15 EDU 15 Page 121 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing TGN 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TGN 324 Lecture 2 English (A) TGN 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) TGN 324 Practical 1 English (A) TGN 324 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TGN 324 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (B) TMIS3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TMIS3714 Lecture 1 English (A) TMIS3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TMIS3714 Lecture 2 English (A) TMIS4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TMIS4814 Lecture 1 English (A) TMIS4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TMIS4814 Lecture 2 English (A) TMIS4834 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TMIS4834 Lecture 1 English (A) TMIS4834 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TMIS4834 Lecture 2 English (A) TMIS5824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TMIS5824 Lecture 1 English (A) TMIS5824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TMIS5824 Lecture 2 English (A) TMS 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TMS 114 Lecture 1 English (A) TMS 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TMS 124 Lecture 1 English (A) TMT 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TMT 114 Lecture 1 English (A) TMT 114 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TMT 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TMT 124 Lecture 1 English (A) TMT 124 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TNTT1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TNTT1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TNTT2724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TNTT2724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TNTT2724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) TNTT3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TNTT3724 Lecture 1 English (A) TNTT3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TNTT3724 Lecture 2 English (A) TNTT3724 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) TNTT3724 Lecture 3 English (A) TNTT3724 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) TNTT3744 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TNTT3744 Lecture 1 English (A) TNTT3744 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TNTT3744 Lecture 2 English (A) TNTT3744 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) TNTT3744 Lecture 3 English (A) TNTT3744 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) TNTT4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TNTT4824 Lecture 1 English (A) TNTT4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van 15:10 14:10 12:10 10:10 08:10 To Tot 16:00 15:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 10:10 12:00 12:10 08:10 13:10 09:10 09:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 08:10 13:10 08:10 11:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 10:10 08:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 13:10 13:00 09:00 14:00 10:00 10:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 09:00 14:00 09:00 12:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 10:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 12:00 14:00 12:10 11:10 13:10 13:00 12:00 14:00 13:10 14:00 13:10 14:00 10:10 11:00 10:10 11:00 13:10 14:00 08:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 08:10 13:10 09:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 08:10 13:10 09:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 09:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 14:00 10:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 14:00 10:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag DEPT 20 DEPT 19 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 33 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 EDU 15 DEPT 20 DEPT 14 DEPT 19 DEPT 20 DEPT 14 DEPT 19 HMS 10 HMS 33 HMS 10 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 Page 122 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing TNTT4824 Lecture 2 English (A) TNTT4824 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) TNTT4824 Lecture 3 English (A) TNTT4824 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) TNTT4844 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TNTT4844 Lecture 1 English (A) TNTT4844 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TNTT4844 Lecture 2 English (A) TNTT4844 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) TNTT4844 Lecture 3 English (A) TNTT4844 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) TNTT5824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TNTT5824 Lecture 1 English (A) TNTT5824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TNTT5824 Lecture 2 English (A) TNTT5824 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) TNTT5824 Lecture 3 English (A) TNTT5824 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) TNTT5844 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TNTT5844 Lecture 1 English (A) TNTT5844 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TNTT5844 Lecture 2 English (A) TNTT5844 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) TNTT5844 Lecture 3 English (A) TNTT5844 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) TOTT1614 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT1614 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT2714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT2714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT2734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT2734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT4814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT4814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT4814 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT4834 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT4834 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT4834 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT5814 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT5814 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT5814 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) From Van 12:10 08:10 13:10 09:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 08:10 13:10 09:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 08:10 13:10 09:10 08:10 12:10 09:10 12:10 08:10 13:10 09:10 08:10 To Tot 13:00 09:00 14:00 10:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 14:00 10:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 14:00 10:00 09:00 13:00 10:00 13:00 09:00 14:00 10:00 09:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag HMS 34 08:10 09:00 09:10 10:00 09:10 10:00 09:10 10:00 09:10 10:00 08:10 09:00 08:10 09:00 08:10 09:00 08:10 09:00 10:10 11:00 10:10 11:00 HMS 10 11:10 12:00 HMS 10 10:10 11:00 10:10 11:00 HMS 10 11:10 12:00 HMS 10 11:10 12:00 HMS 10 12:10 13:00 HMS 10 09:10 10:00 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 34 HMS 10 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 33 HMS 33 HMS 10 Page 123 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing TOTT5834 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT5834 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TOTT5834 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) TOV 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TPP 114 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPP 114 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TPP 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TPP 124 Lecture 1 English (A) TPP 124 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) TPP 124 Practical 1 English (A) TPP 144 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPP 144 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TPP 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPP 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TPP 234 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPP 244 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TPP 244 Lecture 1 English (A) TPP 244 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TPP 244 Lecture 2 English (A) TPP 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPP 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TPP 334 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPP 334 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TPP 364 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPTH3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPTH3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TPTH3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPTH3714 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TPTH3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPTH3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TPTH3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPTH3724 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TPTH4804 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TPTH4804 Lecture 1 English (A) TPTH4804 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPTH4804 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TPTH5801 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TPTH5801 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 11:10 To Tot 12:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag HMS 10 Wednesday Woensdag 12:10 13:00 09:10 10:00 14:10 13:10 16:00 15:00 15:10 16:00 13:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 16:10 14:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 16:10 17:00 13:10 14:00 14:10 15:00 11:10 13:00 11:10 12:10 12:10 11:10 08:10 12:00 13:00 14:00 12:00 09:00 STEF C STEF C 09:10 10:00 STEF C 11:10 12:00 STEF C 12:10 13:00 STEF C 16:10 18:00 14:10 15:00 HMS 33 15:10 16:00 HMS 33 15:10 16:00 HMS 10 16:10 17:00 HMS 10 14:10 15:00 HMS 33 15:10 16:00 HMS 33 15:10 16:00 HMS 10 16:10 17:00 HMS 10 12:10 11:10 12:10 13:00 12:00 13:00 HMS 10 13:10 14:00 HMS 10 11:10 13:10 12:00 14:00 Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag HMS 10 HMS 10 WD 139 FGG 376 FGG 167 STEF C STEF C STEF C STEF C STEF C STEF C STEF C STEF C STEF C FGG 376 STEF C STEF C STEF C HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 33 HMS 34 Page 124 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing TPTH5801 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TPTH5801 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TRLS3624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TRLS3624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TRO 111 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TRO 111 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TSK 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TSK 324 Lecture 1 English (A) TSK 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) TSK 324 Lecture 2 English (A) TSK 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) TSK 324 Lecture 3 English (A) TSK 324 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TSK 424 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TSK 424 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS1624 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS1624 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS1624 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS2724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS2724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS2724 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS3724 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS4824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS4824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS4824 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS5824 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS5824 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TSYS5824 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TTB 322 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TTB 322 Lecture 1 English (A) TTB 322 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TTB 322 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) TTK 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TTK 214 Lecture 1 English (A) TTK 214 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) From Van 14:10 To Tot 15:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag HMS 10 15:10 16:00 10:10 11:00 HMS 10 11:10 12:00 HMS 10 15:10 16:00 WD 44 17:10 18:00 WD 44 08:10 09:10 08:10 14:10 09:10 14:10 17:10 09:00 10:00 09:00 15:00 10:00 15:00 19:00 LG 9 LG 9.101 12:10 15:00 LG 9.101 11:10 14:00 08:10 09:00 HMS 33 09:10 10:00 HMS 33 12:10 13:00 14:10 15:00 HMS 10 15:10 16:00 HMS 10 13:10 14:00 12:10 13:00 10:10 11:00 HMS 10 11:10 12:00 HMS 10 08:10 09:00 HMS 10 09:10 10:00 HMS 10 08:10 09:00 10:10 11:00 12:10 13:00 09:10 10:00 10:10 09:10 07:10 11:00 10:00 09:00 DEPT 19 DEPT 19 DEPT 17 11:10 12:00 DEPT 20 14:10 16:10 14:10 16:00 18:00 16:00 HMS 10 LG 9 LG 9.101 LG 10 LG 9.101 LG 7.G01 LG 9.101 HMS 10 HMS 10 HMS 33 HMS 10 HMS 33 HMS 10 HMS 10 DEPT 18 DEPT 20 DEPT 17 Page 125 of 131 Friday Vrydag Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing TTK 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TTK 224 Lecture 1 English (A) TTK 224 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) TTK 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TTK 314 Lecture 1 English (A) TTK 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TTK 314 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) TTK 322 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) TTK 322 Lecture 1 English (A) TTK 322 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) TTK 322 Lecture 3 Afrikaans/English (A) VBL 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VBL 112 Lecture 1 English (A) VBL 112 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VBL 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VBL 122 Lecture 1 English (A) VBL 122 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VBL 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VBL 132 Lecture 1 English (A) VBL 132 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VBL 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VBL 142 Lecture 1 English (A) VBL 142 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VBL 162 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VBL 162 Lecture 1 English (A) VBL 162 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VBL 182 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VBL 182 Lecture 1 English (A) VBL 182 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VBW 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VBW 124 Lecture 1 English (A) VBW 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) VBW 124 Lecture 2 English (A) VBW 124 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) VBW 124 Lecture 3 English (A) VBW 124 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) VBW 124 Practical 1 English (A) VBW 312 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VBW 312 Lecture 1 English (A) VBW 312 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) VBW 312 Lecture 2 English (A) VBW 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VBW 324 Lecture 1 English (A) VBW 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) VBW 324 Lecture 2 English (A) VBW 324 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) VBW 324 Lecture 3 English (A) VBW 324 Lecture 4 (A) VBW 324 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) VBW 414 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VBW 414 Lecture 1 English (A) VBW 414 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) From Van 14:10 16:10 14:10 To Tot 16:00 18:00 16:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag DEPT 15 DEPT 18 10:10 09:10 07:10 11:00 10:00 09:00 DEPT 12 DEPT 20 DEPT 17 11:10 12:00 DEPT 19 10:10 09:10 07:10 11:00 10:00 09:00 DEPT 19 DEPT 19 DEPT 17 11:10 12:00 DEPT 20 07:10 11:10 08:10 08:00 12:00 11:00 EDU 17 EDU 17 07:10 11:10 08:10 08:00 12:00 11:00 EDU 17 EDU 17 07:10 11:10 08:10 08:00 12:00 11:00 EDU 17 EDU 17 07:10 11:10 08:10 08:00 12:00 11:00 EDU 17 EDU 17 07:10 11:10 08:10 08:00 12:00 11:00 EDU 17 EDU 17 07:10 11:10 08:10 08:00 12:00 11:00 EDU 17 EDU 17 09:10 11:10 08:10 09:10 13:10 12:10 08:10 14:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 10:10 09:10 11:10 11:10 09:10 12:10 13:10 10:00 12:00 09:00 10:00 14:00 13:00 10:00 16:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 11:00 10:00 12:00 12:00 10:00 13:00 14:00 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag DEPT 19 EDU 17 EDU 17 EDU 17 EDU 17 EDU 17 EDU 17 EBW G2 FGG 166 LG 7 LG 10 LG 1 LG 6 LG 9 LG 10 FGG 167 LG 2 LG 1 LG 1 CRS 7 LG 9.101 CRS 6 LG 9.101 LG 5 LG 6 LG 2 LG 2 LG 3 LG 9.101 LG 10 Page 126 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing VBW 414 Lecture 2 English (A) VBW 414 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VBW 424 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VBW 424 Lecture 1 English (A) VBW 424 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VBW 424 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) VBW 434 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VBW 434 Lecture 1 English (A) VBW 434 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) VBW 434 Lecture 2 English (A) VDS 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VDS 214 Lecture 1 English (A) VDS 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) VDS 214 Lecture 2 English (A) VDS 214 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) VDS 214 Lecture 3 English (A) VDS 214 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VDS 214 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) VDS 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VDS 224 Lecture 1 English (A) VDS 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) VDS 224 Lecture 2 English (A) VDS 224 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) VDS 224 Lecture 3 English (A) VDS 224 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VDS 224 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) VDS 224 Practical 3 Afrikaans/English (A) VDS 344 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VDS 344 Lecture 1 English (A) VDS 344 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) VDS 344 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VDS 344 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) VNS 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VNS 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VNS 122 Lecture 1 English (A) VNS 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VNS 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VNS 162 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VNS 162 Lecture 1 English (A) VNS 182 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VSS 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VWS 414 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VWS 414 Lecture 1 English (A) VWS 414 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) VWS 414 Lecture 2 English (A) VWS 414 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) VWS 414 Lecture 3 English (A) VWS 414 Practical 1 From Van 08:10 10:10 To Tot 09:00 15:00 Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag LG 9.101 11:10 10:10 14:10 12:00 11:00 17:00 17:10 20:00 10:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 07:10 10:10 08:10 09:10 12:10 11:10 14:10 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 09:00 11:00 09:00 10:00 13:00 12:00 18:00 14:10 18:00 08:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 09:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 18:00 14:10 18:00 09:10 10:00 LG 8.100 10:10 08:10 09:10 10:10 11:00 09:00 10:00 13:00 LG 8.100 08:10 09:00 14:10 17:00 09:10 09:10 14:10 12:00 12:00 17:00 14:10 17:00 09:10 09:10 14:10 12:00 12:00 17:00 EDU 18 14:10 15:00 EBW ALG7 10:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 12:10 09:10 14:10 11:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 17:00 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag FGG 166 LG 10 LG 9.101 LG 7.G01 LG 7.G01 LG 9.101 LG 9.101 LG 9.101 LG 5 LG 5 FGG 167 LG 2 LG 9.101 LG 5 LG 6 LG 8.100 LG 8.100 LG 1 FGG 261 LG 3 LG 7 LG 2 LG 1 LG 8.100 LG 8.100 LG 8.100 LG 8.100 LG 8.100 CRS 1 LCT E EDU 18 EDU 18 EDU 18 EDU 18 EDU 18 EDU 18 EBW A101 LG 9 LG 10 FGG 166 FGG 166 LG 9 LG 7.G02 Page 127 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing Afrikaans/English (A) VWS 424 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VWS 424 Lecture 1 English (A) VWS 424 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) VWS 424 Lecture 2 English (A) VWS 424 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) VWS 424 Lecture 3 English (A) VWS 424 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) VWS 434 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) VWS 434 Lecture 1 English (A) VWS 434 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) VWS 434 Lecture 2 English (A) VWS 434 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) VWS 434 Lecture 3 English (A) VWS 434 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WDK 414 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WDK 414 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WDK 414 Lecture 2 English (A) WDK 414 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) WDK 414 Lecture 3 English (A) WDK 414 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WKS 226 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WKS 226 Lecture 1 English (A) WKS 226 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WKS 226 Lecture 2 English (A) WKS 226 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WKS 334 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WKS 334 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) WKS 334 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WKS 344 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WKS 344 Lecture 2 Afrikaans/English (A) WKS 344 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WOF 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WOF 112 Lecture 1 English (A) WOF 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WOF 112 Lecture 2 English (A) WOF 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WOF 122 Lecture 1 English (A) WOF 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WOF 122 Lecture 2 English (A) WOF 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WOF 132 Lecture 1 English (A) WOF 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WOF 132 Lecture 2 English (A) WOF 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WOF 142 Lecture 1 English (A) WOF 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WOF 142 Lecture 2 English (A) WOS 112 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WOS 112 Lecture 1 English (A) WOS 112 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WOS 112 Lecture 2 English (A) From Van To Tot Monday Maandag Tuesday Dinsdag 10:10 09:10 09:10 10:10 12:10 09:10 14:10 11:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 17:00 FGG 169 LG 9 12:10 11:10 11:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 13:00 12:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 17:00 LG 7.110 LG 7.110 08:10 09:00 LG 5 11:10 10:10 10:10 08:10 14:10 12:00 11:00 11:00 09:00 17:00 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 17:00 13:10 14:00 13:10 14:00 10:10 13:00 13:10 14:00 13:10 14:00 09:10 14:00 13:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 13:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag LG 10 LG 1 LG 10 FGG 166 LG 7.G02 LG 7.110 LG 7.110 LG 7.110 LG 7.110 LG 9.101 LG 9 LG 10 LG 10 DEPT FGG 166 WWG 113 WWG 114 WWG 114 WWG 114 WWG 223 BL 2 BL 2 LCT D COMPLAB A COMPLAB A COMPLAB D WWG 223 WWG 223 EBW A103 EBW A103 FGG 261 CRS 4 CRS 3 CRS 3 FGG 166 EDU 15 FGG 166 FGG 166 FGG 168 EDU 15 FGG 258 FGG 258 WWG 223 WWG 223 EBW A103 EBW A103 Page 128 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing WOS 122 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WOS 122 Lecture 1 English (A) WOS 122 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WOS 122 Lecture 2 English (A) WOS 132 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WOS 132 Lecture 1 English (A) WOS 132 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WOS 132 Lecture 2 English (A) WOS 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WOS 142 Lecture 1 English (A) WOS 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WOS 142 Lecture 2 English (A) WTW 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WTW 124 Lecture 1 English (A) WTW 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WTW 124 Lecture 2 English (A) WTW 124 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) WTW 124 Lecture 3 English (A) WTW 124 Lecture 4 Afrikaans (A) WTW 124 Practical 1 Afrikaans (A) WTW 124 Practical 1 English (A) WTW 142 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WTW 142 Lecture 1 English (A) WTW 142 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WTW 142 Lecture 2 English (A) WTW 142 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WTW 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WTW 214 Lecture 1 English (A) WTW 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WTW 214 Lecture 2 English (A) WTW 214 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WTW 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WTW 224 Lecture 1 English (A) WTW 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WTW 224 Lecture 2 English (A) WTW 224 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WTW 254 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WTW 254 Lecture 1 English (A) WTW 254 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WTW 254 Lecture 2 English (A) WTW 254 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WTW 264 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WTW 264 Lecture 1 English (A) WTW 264 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WTW 264 Lecture 2 English (A) WTW 264 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WTW 264 Practical 2 Afrikaans/English (A) WYS 124 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WYS 124 Lecture 1 English (A) WYS 124 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WYS 124 Lecture 2 English (A) WYS 124 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) WYS 124 Tutorial 1 English (A) WYS 124 Tutorial 1 English (B) WYS 214 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WYS 214 Lecture 1 English (A) From Van 08:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 08:10 12:10 11:10 10:10 09:10 13:10 11:10 10:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 14:10 14:10 09:10 08:10 09:10 08:10 14:10 To Tot 09:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 09:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 14:00 12:00 11:00 11:00 13:00 10:00 17:00 17:00 10:00 09:00 10:00 09:00 16:00 Monday Maandag FGG 261 CRS 4 10:10 12:10 09:10 11:10 13:10 11:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 15:00 10:10 12:10 09:10 11:10 14:10 11:00 13:00 10:00 12:00 17:00 12:10 13:10 09:10 08:10 15:10 13:00 14:00 10:00 09:00 17:00 WWG 113 WWG 113 12:10 13:10 12:10 11:10 07:10 13:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 08:00 WWG 226 W 202 07:10 08:00 14:10 14:10 15:10 15:10 16:10 14:10 15:10 14:10 15:10 15:00 15:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 15:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 Tuesday Dinsdag Wednesday Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Friday Vrydag CRS 3 CRS 3 FGG 166 EDU 15 FGG 166 FGG 166 FGG 168 EDU 15 FGG 258 FGG 258 WWG 226 STB 1 WWG 226 STB 3 STB 2 LCT B W 201 BL 2 STB 3 STB 4 WWG 226 STB 1 STB 2 STB 4 WWG 114 WWG 226 WWG 223 WWG 113 WWG 226 WWG 114 WWG 226 WWG 114 WWG 113 STB 2 WWG 114 WWG 113 DEPT 02 WWG 113 WWG 114 WWG 113 WWG 113 DEPT 12 FGG 258 DEPT 12 FGG 258 FGG 376 FGG 258 FGG 258 GEO 1.5 CRS 7 Page 129 of 131 Saturday Saterdag Description Beskrywing WYS 214 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WYS 214 Lecture 2 English (A) WYS 214 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) WYS 214 Tutorial 1 English (A) WYS 214 Tutorial 1 English (B) WYS 224 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WYS 224 Lecture 1 English (A) WYS 224 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WYS 224 Lecture 2 English (A) WYS 224 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) WYS 224 Tutorial 1 English (A) WYS 224 Tutorial 1 English (B) WYS 314 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WYS 314 Lecture 1 English (A) WYS 314 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WYS 314 Lecture 2 English (A) WYS 314 Tutorial 1 Afrikaans (A) WYS 314 Tutorial 1 English (A) WYS 324 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) WYS 324 Lecture 1 English (A) WYS 324 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) WYS 324 Lecture 2 English (A) WYS 603 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WYS 604 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WYS 605 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) WYS 606 Lecture 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ZLGY2616 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ZLGY2616 Lecture 1 English (A) ZLGY2616 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ZLGY2616 Lecture 2 English (A) ZLGY2616 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ZLGY2616 Lecture 3 English (A) ZLGY2616 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ZLGY2626 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ZLGY2626 Lecture 1 English (A) ZLGY2626 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ZLGY2626 Lecture 2 English (A) ZLGY2626 Lecture 3 Afrikaans (A) ZLGY2626 Lecture 3 English (A) ZLGY2626 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ZLGY3714 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ZLGY3714 Lecture 1 English (A) ZLGY3714 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ZLGY3714 Lecture 2 English (A) ZLGY3714 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ZLGY3724 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ZLGY3724 Lecture 1 English (A) ZLGY3724 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ZLGY3724 Lecture 2 English (A) ZLGY3724 Practical 1 Afrikaans/English (A) ZLGY3734 Lecture 1 Afrikaans (A) ZLGY3734 Lecture 1 English (A) ZLGY3734 Lecture 2 Afrikaans (A) ZLGY3734 Lecture 2 English (A) ZLGY3734 Practical 1 From Van 14:10 15:10 14:10 14:10 15:10 11:10 12:10 11:10 12:10 14:10 14:10 15:10 10:10 11:10 10:10 11:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 09:10 10:10 14:10 To Tot 15:00 16:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 12:00 13:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 11:00 12:00 11:00 12:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 16:00 Monday Maandag 14:10 16:00 14:10 16:00 14:10 16:00 10:10 12:10 08:10 09:10 12:10 10:10 14:10 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