NIPT Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing Ben Caljon, NGS platform (UZ Brussel, VUB, ULB) Overview Summary/introduction on invasive testing History of prenatal diagnosis Current first trimester screening strategy Types of Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis (IPD) Assessing IPD results Non-invasive testing Detection of cfDNA NIPT methodologies NIPT technique (Lo et al) Claimed accuracy Indications and limitations 2 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Invasive testing Summary/introduction History (1) Prenatal diagnosis 1970 to early 1980 : advanced maternal age (+35y) <1/3 of Down syndrome pregnancies diagnosed 2% of IPD had chromosomal abnormalities Data from England and Wales in the period of 1990-1998 Morris JK, Mutton DE, Alberman E. Revised estimates of the maternal age specific live birth prevalence of Down's syndrome. J Med Screen. 2002;9(1):2-6 4 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 History (2) Late 1980, early 1990 : introduction of second-trimester maternal serum markers Ca. 2/3 of Down syndrome pregnancies diagnosed 4% of IPD had chromosomal abnormalities Marker Full name Origin Tr 21 AFP alphafetoprotein Yolk sac/fetal liver ↓ (MoM : 0,73) HCG beta-human chorionic gonadotropin Trophoblast ↑ (MoM : 2) UE3 unconjugated estriol Feto-placental unit ↓ (MoM : 0,73) Marker levels vary with gestation week 5 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 History (3) Complex data analysis Necessary to use MoM (multiple of median) values Need for accurate population parameters Need for likelihood ratio distribution Need for correct curve fitting for medians of the markers Need for correction for other factors such as maternal weight Software prediction tools available MoM = 6 Patient value Median value normal pregnancies NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 History (4) Late 1990, early 2000 : combined first-trimester testing Ca. 90% of Down syndrome pregnancies diagnosed 6% of IPD had chromosomal abnormalities Marker Full name Origin Tr 21 HCG beta-human chorionic gonadotropin Trophoblast ↑ (MoM : 1,8) PAPP-A Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A trophoblast and decidualized endometrial stroma cells ↓ (MoM : 0,4) Ultrasound measurement NT 7 Nuchal translucency thickness NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing ↑ (MoM : 2-2,5) 09-05-2014 History (5) 8 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 History (6) Normal Disadvantage : inter-operator differences Trisomy 21 Advantage : useful in twins, elevated in other trisomies Fluid filled space (cardiac failure, structural malformation, delayed/abnormal development of lymphatic system) 9 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 History (7) Factors influencing 1st trimester testing : 10 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Current first trimester screening Curtosy Dr. Anniek Vorsselmans : 11 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Prenatal testing – Invasive (1) Chorion Villus Sampling (CVS) 10-13 weeks after gestation Transabdominal or Transcervical (depending on access to placenta/skills physician) Risk : Vaginal bleeding/spotting Chorioamnionitis Fetal loss: 1/200 Pro : Results are available earlier in pregnancy Less parental anxiety Earlier/safer methods for pregnancy termination 12 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Prenatal testing – Invasive (2) Amniocentesis >14 weeks after gestation (earlier possible but higher risk) Risk Transient vaginal spotting: 1-2% Amniotic fluid leakage: 12% Chorio-amnionitis: < 0.1% Needle injuries to the fetus are rare when ultrasonographic guidance is used. Fetal loss: 1/200 (overestimate) 13 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Prenatal testing – Invasive (3) Cordocentesis >17 weeks after gestation (mostly > 20 weeks) Only if CVS or AC not possible Risk (similar to AC) Transient vaginal spotting: 1-2% Amniotic fluid leakage: 12% Chorio-amnionitis: < 0.1% Needle injuries to the fetus are rare when ultrasonographic guidance is used. Fetal loss: 1/200 14 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Assessing invasive results (1) Preparation of samples CVS : microscopic separation of maternal tissue from villi = dissection of decidua Centrifugation of cord blood (serum/plasma for biochemistry, WBC for DNA/biochemical) Check for maternal cell contamination (MC) Via fragment analysis (PowerPlex 16HS) Dependent on analysis : put AC/CVS cells in culture Risk for overgrowth with maternal cells 15 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Assessing invasive results (2) Example Maternal Cell Contamination Prenatal sample Mother For biochemistry analysis, MC detection is more difficult : comparison in enzymatic activities decidua/villi • β-glucuronidase • β-hexosaminidase 16 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing Father 09-05-2014 Assessing invasive results (3) Biochemistry analysis Only possible if enzyme is expressed in the analyzed tissue (AC/CVS/cord blood) Power : one assay for many mutations Measure enzymatic activities via artificial substrates (fluorimetric dosage over time) Cytogenetics CVS : Direct/KT LT AC 17 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Assessing invasive results (4) Karyotype FISH >5 Mb dup/del AC lower error rates than CVS : • Confined Placental Mosaicism (CPM) • MC • Banding resolution 18 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing QF-PCR MLPA aCGH (+ SNP array) 09-05-2014 Assessing invasive results (5) Molecular DNA analysis Wide range of molecular test/techniques can be applied if DNA is available Restriction digestion Southern blotting Fragment analysis Sequencing … 19 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Non-invasive testing Detection of cfDNA Detection of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma in 19971 Shedding of trophoblast cells microparticles of fragmented DNA maternal bloodstream short half life (2 h clearance) Pro : multigravid pregnancy Median prevalence of 3% (real time PCR) to 10%2 (digital PCR) in 1st and 2nd trimester Reliable detection from 11-12 weeks on Increasing % during 2 and 3rd trimester 1. 2. 21 Lo YMD, Corbetta N, Chamberlain PF, Rai V, Sargent IL, et al. (1997) Presence of fetal DNA in maternal plasma and serum. Lancet 350: 485–487. Lun FMF, Chiu RWK, Chan KCA, Leung TY, Lau TK, Lo YMD. 2008 Microfluidics digital PCR reveals a higher than expected fraction of fetal DNA in maternal plasma. Clin. Chem. 54, 1664–1672. NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Introduction - Media 22 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT - Methodologies NIPT cfDNA based cfRNA based Clinical utility s-MPS Digital PCR (Shotgun Massive parallel Sequencing) t-MPS (Targeted Massive parallel Sequencing) SNP based approaches 23 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing RNA based approaches qPCR • Examination of differentially expressed genes (trophoblast vs. Maternal RNA) • Currently being investigated. • Proof-of-principle was successful • Clinical trial disappointing 09-05-2014 NIPT - Methodologies NIPT cfDNA based cfRNA based Clinical utility s-MPS Digital PCR (Shotgun Massive parallel Sequencing) t-MPS RNA based approaches qPCR (Targeted Massive parallel Sequencing) SNP based approaches 24 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT – Digital PCR Absolute quantitation of nonpolymorphic chr1 (reference) and chr21 marker. Difference in quantitation allows for T21 detection Advantage : Ease of use Cheap Disadvantage : Only limited amount of markers to be assessed in 1 experiment Fetal fraction determines complexity (number of “wells”/counts) needed for sufficient statistical power. For 2%, 220816 counts are needed, which is beyond current commercial technology Lo YM, Lun FM, Chan KC, Tsui NB, Chong KC, Lau TK, Leung TY, Zee BC, Cantor CR, Chiu RW. Digital PCR for the molecular detection of fetal chromosomal aneuploidy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Aug 7;104(32):13116-21. 25 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT - Methodologies NIPT cfDNA based cfRNA based Clinical utility s-MPS Digital PCR (Shotgun Massive parallel Sequencing) t-MPS RNA based approaches qPCR (Targeted Massive parallel Sequencing) SNP based approaches 26 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT – qPCR Different array of methods, mostly based on differentially methylated regions (DMRs) Methylation Dependent Immuno-Precipitation (MeDIPPCR) Methylation Specific PCR (MSP) Advantage : Cheap on consumables Disadvantage : Selection/optimization of test is tedious (selection of DMRs) Multiple DMRs needed to obtain sufficient statistical power Not highly multiplexable Laborious 27 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT - Methodologies NIPT cfDNA based cfRNA based Clinical utility s-MPS Digital PCR (Shotgun Massive parallel Sequencing) t-MPS RNA based approaches qPCR (Targeted Massive parallel Sequencing) SNP based approaches 28 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT – SNP based approaches (1) Offered by company Natera Commercial name : Panorama NATUS technology = Next generation Aneuploidy Testing Using SNPs Using NGS, 11000 SNPs are determined within the cfDNA for chromosomes 13,18,21, X and Y PCR amplification of polymorphic regions Sequencing of amplicons using NGS device Based on the SNP genotyping (both plasma as buffy coat), the NATUS algorithm performs a “per chromosome” QC and establishes fetal chromosomal anomalies using a Bayesianbased maximum likelihood statistical method 29 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT – SNP based approaches (2) Advantages High accuracy (also for sex chromosomes) Ability to detect polyploidy Disadvantage Not useable for donor-egg cell pregnancies Only small cohort study published (145 samples) In proof-of-principle : 12.6% of samples had a “no-call” due to poor DNA quality (not passing QC filter) Currently in patent-conflict with Sequenom No information on other chromosomes Zimmermann B, Hill M, Gemelos G, Demko Z, Banjevic M, Baner J, Ryan A, Sigurjonsson S, Chopra N, Dodd M, Levy B, Rabinowitz M. Noninvasive prenatal aneuploidy testing of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y, using targeted sequencing of polymorphic loci. Prenat Diagn. 2012 Dec;32(13):1233-41. 30 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT - Methodologies NIPT cfDNA based cfRNA based Clinical utility s-MPS Digital PCR (Shotgun Massive parallel Sequencing) t-MPS RNA based approaches qPCR (Targeted Massive parallel Sequencing) SNP based approaches 31 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT – tMPS (1) Offered by company Ariosa Diagnostics Commercial name : Harmony Prenatal Test Scope : T13, T18, T21, X & Y (optional) Technology : DANSR (Digital Analysis of Selected Regions) assay and FORTE (fetal-fraction optimized risk of trisomy evaluation) Sparks AB, Struble CA, Wang ET, Song K, Oliphant A. Noninvasive prenatal detection and selective analysis of cell-free DNA obtained from maternal blood: evaluation for trisomy 21 and trisomy 18. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Apr;206(4):319.e1-9. 32 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT – tMPS (2) DANSR : probes for both polymorphic (determine fetal fraction) as non-polymorphic regions (chromosome proportion determination) FORTE algoritm : calculates an individualized odd score for trisomy, based on fetal fraction, chromosome proportion data and maternal age 33 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT – tMPS (3) Advantages Easy fetal fraction determination, using probes for polymorphic regions No need for reference data (FORTE normalizes using intra-run data) : less process drift Cheaper, because of higher multiplexibility Disadvantages : False negative results have been obtained for 1/232 T21, 2/105 T13 and 2/10 T13 No information on other chromosomes/limited normalization capabilities 34 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT - Methodologies NIPT cfDNA based cfRNA based Clinical utility s-MPS Digital PCR (Shotgun Massive parallel Sequencing) t-MPS RNA based approaches qPCR (Targeted Massive parallel Sequencing) SNP based approaches 35 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT – sMPS (1) Offered by companies Sequenom and Verinata Commercial names : MaterniT21 Plus and Verifi resp. Technology : see next slides Scope Sequenom : T21, T18, T13, X/Y aneuploidy, T16,T22 (and “specific” microdeletions) Verinata : T21, T18, T13, X/Y aneuploidy 36 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT – sMPS (2) Verinata (website verinata) N Sensitivit 95% y CI Specificity 95% CI 21 500 >99.9% (90/90) 96100.0 99.8% 98.7-100.0 (409/410) 18 501 97.4% (37/38) 86.299.9 99.6% 98.5-100.0 (461/463) 13 501 87.5% (14/16) 61.798.5 >99.9% 99.2-100.0 (485/485) MX 508 95.0% (19/20) 75.199.9 99.0% 97.6-99.7 (483/488) XX XY N Sensitivity 95% CI Specificity 95% CI Accura 95% CI cy 508 97.6% (243/249) 94.899.1 99.2% (257/259 ) 97.299.9 98.4% 96.999.3 508 99.1% (227/229) 96.999.9 98.9% (276/279 ) 96.999.8 99.0% 97.799.7 Sequenom (website verinata) Results of published clinical trials will be discussed later 37 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT – sMPS (3) Why sMPS : False positive/negative rates decrease over time (mainly by improved bioinformatics algorithms) No test is perfect (tMPS, sMPS nor SNP based) - Numerous factors responsible for test failure / altered DRs, but mainly due to low % fetal DNA Natera test has not been widely validated Applicable to egg cell donor pregnancies Lowest result failure (retest/new sample needed) Generic test : Expandable to other chromosomes Possibility to pick up subchromosomal alterations (if sequencing costs decreases) Possibility to determine fetal SNVs (if sequencing costs decreases) Possibility to determine polyploidy using SNVs (if sequencing costs decreases) 38 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Overview NIPT technique 1. Phlebotomy 5. Cluster generation 39 2. Plasma isolation 6. Sequencing NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 3. cfDNA extraction 4. Library preparation 7. Data-analysis 8. Reporting 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Phlebotomy (1) 1. Phlebotomy Maternal plasma + DNA isolation Collection of maternal peripheral blood (from 12 weeks gestation) in 10 ml EDTA tubes (Streck tubes) with a proprietary stabilizing agent Inhibits gDNA release from nucleated cells Inhibits nuclease activity 40 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Phlebotomy (2) gDNA release from nucleated (maternal) cells over time (0-14 days) 41 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Overview NIPT technique 1. Phlebotomy 5. Cluster generation 42 2. Plasma isolation 6. Sequencing NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 3. cfDNA extraction 4. Library preparation 7. Data-analysis 8. Reporting 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Plasma isolation (1) 2. Plasma isolation Centrifuge blood @ 1600g for 10’ at 4°C (Lo, 2013) / @300g for 20’ at 22°C (Streck) Recentrifuge plasma portion @ 16000g for 10’ at 4°C (Lo, 2013) / @ 5000g for 10’ at 22°C (Streck) Ca. 55% of total blood <1% of total blood Removal of nucleated cells, as a source of maternal DNA Ca. 45% of total blood 43 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Overview NIPT technique 1. Phlebotomy 5. Cluster generation 44 2. Plasma isolation 6. Sequencing NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 3. cfDNA extraction 4. Library preparation 7. Data-analysis 8. Reporting 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – cfDNA extraction (1) 3. cfDNA extraction Detection of cell-free fetal DNA (cfDNA) in maternal plasma in 19971 Shedding of trophoblast cells microparticles of fragmented DNA maternal bloodstream short half life (2 h clearance) Median prevalence of 3% (real time PCR) to 10%2 (digital PCR) in 1st and 2nd trimester Increasing % during pregnancy Reliable detection from 11-12 weeks on 1. 2. 45 Lo YMD, Corbetta N, Chamberlain PF, Rai V, Sargent IL, et al. (1997) Presence of fetal DNA in maternal plasma and serum. Lancet 350: 485–487. Lun FMF, Chiu RWK, Chan KCA, Leung TY, Lau TK, Lo YMD. 2008 Microfluidics digital PCR reveals a higher than expected fraction of fetal DNA in maternal plasma. Clin. Chem. 54, 1664–1672. NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Overview NIPT technique 1. Phlebotomy 5. Cluster generation 46 2. Plasma isolation 6. Sequencing NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 3. cfDNA extraction 4. Library preparation 7. Data-analysis 8. Reporting 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Library prep. (1) 4. Library preparation The cfDNA has to be modified for the sequencing instrument (eg HiSeq) to be able to read the DNA sequences of each individual fragment. The following actions are required : • • • • • • • 47 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing End repair Adenylation (3’) Adapter ligation Library purification (x2) PCR amplification Library purification Library validation 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Library prep. (2) Library validation Average size cfDNA fragments = 150170 bp Average size cfDNA fragments + adapters = ca. 300 bp • Validated libraries are pooled in equal ratios (equimolar). • Because of the unique adapter (1 adapter per cfDNA sample), the instrument can discriminate 48 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Overview NIPT technique 1. Phlebotomy 5. Cluster generation 49 2. Plasma isolation 6. Sequencing NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 3. cfDNA extraction 4. Library preparation 7. Data-analysis 8. Reporting 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Cluster gen. (1) 5. Cluster generation The pooled library sample has to be attached to glass slide (flowcell), so every unique fragment binds to a random but distinct zone on this slide Per zone, there will be 1 unique fragment that will be amplified, so multiple copies of the same fragment exist on that zone (=cluster generation) Amplification needed to overcome current detection limitations (not possible to detect/genotype a single DNA fragment) Maternal cfDNA fragment Fetal cfDNA fragment 50 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Cluster gen. (2) Glass slide coated with DNA fragments that recognize the adapters Random binding of cfDNA fragments to probes on flowcell Maternal cfDNA fragment Fetal cfDNA fragment mm 51 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Cluster gen. (3) Amplification of each unique fragment per cluster (clonal amplification) 52 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Overview NIPT technique 1. Phlebotomy 5. Cluster generation 53 2. Plasma isolation 6. Sequencing NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 3. cfDNA extraction 4. Library preparation 7. Data-analysis 8. Reporting 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Sequencing (1) 6. Sequencing Each cluster is interrogated for its sequence Create correct single stranded template for sequencing reaction 54 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Sequencing (2) Anneal sequencing primer Sequencing By Synthesis (SBS) Iteration of DNA polymerisation (1 base per cycle), laser scanning and decapping 55 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Overview NIPT technique 1. Phlebotomy 5. Cluster generation 56 2. Plasma isolation 6. Sequencing NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 3. cfDNA extraction 4. Library preparation 7. Data-analysis 8. Reporting 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Data analysis (1) Resolution of detection is determined by Coverage (no. of reads) 3 Mb : ca. 150x106 reads required 2 Mb : ca. 192x106 reads required 1 Mb : ca. 380x106 reads required Higher resolution has high impact on total cost Range of currently implemented no. of reads for detecting aneuploidies : Min : 2x106 reads Max : 25x106 reads Yu et al, 2013, Noninvasive Prenatal Molecular Karyotyping from Maternal Plasma 57 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Data analysis (1) Raw Data Maternal cfDNA fragment Fetal cfDNA fragment GC correction Raw sequencing data is aligned to the genome Counting Statistics 58 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Data analysis (2) Z-score calculation Step 1 : normalize for amount of data Divide no fragments for chr N with total no of fragments Sample 1 : 1x representation 59 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing Sample 2 : 2x representation 09-05-2014 NIPT technique – Data analysis (3) Z-score calculation Step 2 : determine the number of standard deviations from mean (control SDs should be established for comparison purpose) 60 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Claimed accuracy (1) The sensitivity/specificity of the test varies per chromosome Near 100% sensitivity and specificity 1. 61 Devers PL, Cronister A, Ormond KE, Facio F, Brasington CK, Flodman P. Noninvasive prenatal testing/noninvasive prenatal diagnosis: the position of the National Society of Genetic Counselors. J Genet Couns. 2013 Jun;22(3):291-5 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Claimed accuracy (2) The sensitivity/specificity of the test varies per chromosome & with bioinformatics corrections 1. 62 Chen EZ, Chiu RW, Sun H, Akolekar R, Chan KC, Leung TY, Jiang P, Zheng YW, Lun FM, Chan LY, Jin Y, Go AT, Lau ET, To WW, Leung WC, Tang RY, AuYeung SK, Lam H, Kung YY, Zhang X, van Vugt JM, Minekawa R, Tang MH, Wang J, Oudejans CB, Lau TK, Nicolaides KH, Lo YM. Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of fetal trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 by maternal plasma DNA sequencing. PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e21791. NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Claimed positive predictive value positive predictive value, or precision rate is the proportion of positive test results that are true positives (such as correct diagnoses). reflects the probability that a positive test reflects the underlying condition being tested for. Its value does depend on the prevalence of the outcome of interest 63 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Claimed positive predictive value If positive predictive value, 99% sensitivity and 0.2% false positives If 1/50 risk 90.8% If 1/500 risk 49.7% 64 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Indications “NIPT shall replace amniocentesis” Guidelines of HC See next slide for indications RIZIV No RIZIV refund for NIPT Biology NIPT will fail in certain situations : twins, translocations, subchromosomal abberations, placental mosaicism,… 65 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Indications Previous indications for invasive NIPT Abnormal TT (>1/300) and no other US anomalies Abnormal US screening suggestive for T21 T21 in previous history Rob translocation 13, 21 Many other indications NIPT optional, but not preferable No indication for invasive…but NIPT desirable ?? Normal 1st trim and older age Low risk 1st trim Previous TT anomalies ICSI /IVF/PGD pregnancies …all pregnancies 66 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Practical information Limitations of NIPT Pregnancy duration NIPT is less reliable if pregnancy < 12w NIPT is impossible < 10 w Maternal weight NIPT is less reliable if high BMI Weight (before pregnancy ) and length requested Other factors influencing outcome High physical activity Infection Cancer … 67 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Practical information Limitations of NIPT Not detectable Mosaïcism of chromosome 21 Deletions or duplications of chromosome 21 Other chromosomal anomalies Molecular anomalies (monogenic ea CF, Fragile X…) Misinterpretations can occur if Maternal chromosomal anomalies or variants Report on chromosomal testing of mother needed 68 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014 Practical information Contra indications for NIPT Twin or multiple pregnancy History of (<3months) maternal blood transfusion stemcell therapy immunotherapy transplantation US anomalies in foetus ( 69 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing array) 09-05-2014 Questions? 70 NIPT - Non-invasive prenatal testing 09-05-2014
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