PR-0162 Competition Coffee - Yu-Chuan Jacky's Roast Profile Machine Worker Start date Duration Start Weight End Weight Change of Weight Note End Temperature Roast Area Index Yu-Chuan Jacky's Roast Giesen 2 YU-CHUAN JACKY 2014-06-11 10:54 08:42 6 kg 6 kg 0% 195.1 °C Charge Temperature 201.2 °C 82,089.4 °C Cropster Printout created on 2014-06-11 19:59 1/2 Details Segments Duration Start to Turning Point 01:45 RoR Environ... (°C) RoR AVG Roast Area Index (°C) -29.9 15,944.7 Time Environ... (°C) Bean Te... (°C) RoR Bean Te... (°C) 00:00 192.8 00:30 161.1 -31.7 165.2 -35.1 01:00 156.5 -25.5 137.7 -37.0 01:30 161.7 3.2 126.3 -18.5 02:00 169.6 6.4 124.9 -5.8 02:30 175.9 7.5 128.5 1.5 03:00 178.8 4.3 134.0 4.7 03:30 182.1 3.1 140.5 6.3 04:00 184.2 2.4 147.0 6.4 04:30 187.4 3.0 153.5 6.3 05:00 190.3 2.6 159.5 6.4 05:30 195.8 4.8 165.0 5.6 06:00 197.1 3.4 170.2 5.4 06:30 198.9 1.3 175.1 5.1 07:00 200.7 1.7 180.0 4.9 07:30 202.6 2.0 184.8 4.9 08:00 204.2 1.7 189.2 4.7 08:30 206.1 1.6 193.4 4.2 08:42 207.4 1.9 195.1 4.2 200.3 Cropster Printout created on 2014-06-11 19:59 2/2
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