Boyd Elba 1097 - Sarkaria Farms

Boyd Elba 1097
Registered Angus
Proven Genetics
SAV Bismarck 5682 x SAV Elba 6381
A young female, sired by one of the breed high maternal sires,
SAV Bismarck 5682. The third dam of 1097 is the famous Elba 1094,
who has produced many pace-setting individuals at SAV. The dam of
1097 records a progeny WR 3@105, YR 2@105.
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CED +7 BW 2.0 WW 56 YW 98 Milk .29 Marb .23
RE .50 $W 43.04 $F 42.39 $B 53.50
487 Whaupaunaucau Rd
Norwich, NY 13815
David Yarnes • Herd Manager
607-336-1681 • [email protected]