IPSWICH BOROUGH COUNCIL The following applications have been registered during the week ending 10th July 2014. Please click on Application Reference Number to view further details and Application Plans. Full Planning Applications IP/14/00567/FUL 48 Cowper Street Part two storey, part single storey side extension. For: Mr And Mrs P McLean IP/14/00568/FUL 567 Foxhall Road Change of use from dwellinghouse (C3) to Care home (C2). For: Mr Brian Bolt IP/14/00569/FUL 569 Foxhall Road Change of use from dwellinghouse (C3) to Care Home (C2). For: Mr Brian Bolt IP/14/00570/FUL St Elizabeth Hospice 565 Foxhall Road Alterations to ground floor windows to north, east and south elevations in north east corner. For: Mr Brian Bolt IP/14/00571/FUL 2 Ernleigh Road Demolition of garage and erection of two storey side extension. Enlargement of existing porch. For: Mr B Raveendran IP/14/00572/FPC Rushmere Hall Primary School 20A Lanark Road Application by Suffolk County Council for the erection of standalone six classroom extension, wc and group rooms. For: Ms Sue Cook IP/14/00574/FUL Land Rear Of 29 To 37 Spring Road Erection of 2 pairs of semi-detached dwellings and 2 detached dwellings, and associated vehicular access. For: Mr And Mrs K Knock IP/14/00575/FUL 26 Westbury Road Erection of part two storey, part single storey rear extension (resubmission of IP/14/00155/FUL). For: Mr Kevin Fryett IP/14/00583/FUL The Railway Public House 243 Foxhall Road Erection of 7 dwellings and garages and new access off Cauldwell Hall Road. For: SEH Developments Ltd IP/14/00584/FUL 566 Wherstead Road Erection of two storey 3 bedroom house and car parking, new vehicular access and landscaping. For: Mr Wesley Henderson IP/14/00589/FUL 39 Cemetery Road Erection of single story rear extension. For: Mr And Mrs Matthew Watson IP/14/00590/FUL 15 Dover Road Erection of single storey rear extension. For: Ms V Krejsa IP/14/00592/FUL 3 Providence Lane Conversion of 1st floor to form a single two bedroomed flat with associated amenity space and change of use of ground floor vehicle repair garage to light industrial storage (B8). For: Mrs J Ward IP/14/00581/CALF 2 Constitution Hill Reduce Oak tree by 5m on height and prune sides to match. Remove Robinia, 5 Leylandii and Pine tree and reduce Oak tree back from garden by 1.5 metres. For: Mr Goldthorpe IP/14/00582/TALF Amenity Land Between 36 Prittlewell Close And 40 Fountains Road Application by Ipswich Borough Council for the felling of Cedar tree, tree protected by TPO 6 (1971). For: Mr Dean Welham Protected Trees Telecommunication Works IP/14/00573/FUL Highway Land Opposite To 281 Henley Road Replacement of existing pole with 12.5 metre monopole, installation of two additional radio equipment cabinets and ancillary works. For: CTIL And Telefonica Uk Ltd Listed Building and Conservation Area Proposals Planning applications advertised in accordance with Sections 67 and 73 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, (Development within a Conservation Area or may affect the setting of a Listed Building) and Listed Building and Conservation Area Consent applications advertised in accordance with Regulation 5 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990. IP/14/00578/FUL 38 Westerfield Road Single storey side extension and summer house in rear garden and new doors to rear elevation. For: Mr Keith Smith IP/14/00579/LBC Chelsea House And 2 Princes Street Removal of stone plinth stall riser and installation of new sliding entrance door and internal ramps. For: Mr Chris Larkins IP/14/00588/LBC The Lodge Anglesea Heights 1 Ivry Street Installation of gates and fencing. For: Mr F Akinola The applications / plans and other submitted documents can be inspected online during normal office hours at the Customer Services Centre, Town Hall, Cornhill (Princes Street entrance), or at home by visiting the Council website. Any person wishing to make representation should do so in writing, quoting the relevant reference number within 21 days of the publication of this notice, to the Head of Development and Public Protection, Grafton House, 15 –17 Russell Road, Ipswich IP1 2DE. WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS SHOULD BE PREPARED USING DARK INK OR BALLPOINT PEN TO AID COPYING. All letters will be copied and available for inspection by Councillors, Press and Public. Householder applications and Minor Commercial Development, in the event of an appeal against a refusal of planning permission, which is to be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing, any representations made about this application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage. Only send information you are happy to be made available over the internet. You are advised that Ward Councillors may attend meetings of the Planning and Development Committee to speak on a constituents behalf. Also under certain circumstances interested parties may address the Committee. An explanatory leaflet on “Having your say on planning applications” is available from the Customer Services Centre. Details of the Development Management system and previous lists of applications are available on our website www.ipswich.gov.uk For General Planning Advice interested persons may contact either Planning Aid [email protected] or Ipswich Borough Council, Development Management on [email protected] Mr Steve Miller DipEP MRTPI Town Planning Operational Manager Date of Publication : 14.07.2014
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