Organisation Chart November 1, 2014 Department 1 Department 2 Christian Tausch D: Dr. Michael Joneck Department 3 Air, Noise, Plant Safety Multidisciplinary Tasks -5040 A -4680 H Dr. Roland Fischer D: Dr. Gerold Hensler Dr. Michael Rössert D: Christian Daehn -5241 A -5703 A Press Officer Julia Schmid -5202 A Dr. Christiane Reifenhäuser -5320 A D: Sigrid Richter -5314 A -5100 A -4670 H Special Unit Eco-energy Institute of Bavaria Dr. Richard Fackler Nature Conservation, Landscape Management and Ecology of Waters Dr. Andreas Otto D: Dr. Walter Joswig -5001 A Vice-President Department 5 Radiation Protection -5346 A -5321 A Claus Kumutat Dr. Wolfgang Berger D: Rebecca Meinel Department 4 Waste Management -5200 A -5194 A President President’s Staff -4500 H Department 6 Administration: Barbara Thome D: Dr. Stefan Leitschuh D: Franz Reitberger Department 7 Bavarian Environment Agency -5007 A -5345 A -5354 A Department 8 Hydro Engineering, Flood Protection, Water Protection Analytical Laboratories, Evaluation of Chemicals Hydrological Services Günter Hopf -5718 A D: Dr. Thomas Henschel -5366 A D: Dr. Friedrich Seyler -5733 A Dr. Werner Reifenhäuser -5300 A D: Dr. Michael Gierig* -5933 A -118 W Dr.-Ing. Werner Wahliß N. N. Department 9 -4800 H Unit 11 Unit 21 Unit 31 Unit 41 Unit 51 Unit 61 Unit 71 Unit 81 (Authorised) Experts, Technical Information Water, Environmental Law Air Quality Control in Plants Strategies and Systems of Closed Substance Cycles Radiation Protection in Industry, transportation and at natural radioactivity Protected Areas Flood Protection and Alpine Natural Hazards Laboratory Planning, Basic Analysis of Inorganic Compounds Climate Change and Water Balance Christian Daehn D: Dr. Manfred Harant Dr. Simone Körner D: Robert Ploner Helmut Luding D: Werner Rehklau Dr.-Ing. Andreas Rimböck -5944 A D: Karl Mayer -5946 A Dr. Martin Schmid D: Peter Zeitler N. N. D: Dr. Harald Morscheid -4811 H Hans-Peter Spörl D: Dr. Axel Zwicker -5661 A -5055 A Dr. Nadja Sedlmaier -5220 A D: Gerald Ebertsch -5207 A D: Gerhard Schmoeckel -5204 A -5321 A -5398 A -5334 A -5335 A -5088 A -5104 A -5289 A -5860 A Department 10 Department Z Groundwater Protection, Water Supply, Contaminated Sites Geological Survey Central Services Dr. Wolfgang Sprenger D: Jürgen Engler Dr. Roland Eichhorn -4700 H -1300 A D: Dr. Bernhard Wagner -4740 H Dr. Richard Fackler -4500 H -5400 A -1515 M D: Gabriele Gersch -4530 H -5252 A D: Thomas Gülden -4560 H -4900 H -4940 H Unit 91 Groundwater Quality, Technology Transfer Water –TTW Dr. Stefan Herb -4910 H D: Dr. Simone Simon-O'Malley -4911 H Contact Person TTW Matthias Worst -4507 H Unit Z1 Unit 101 Geoinformation, Geodata Management Internal Operations, Property Management Dr. Johann Rohrmüller -1905 MAK D: Georg Loth -4672 H Franz Zwurtschek D: Stefan Huber D: Matthias Lienke Unit Z2 Unit 12 Unit 22 Unit 32 Unit 42 Unit 52 Unit 62 Unit 72 Unit 82 Unit 92 Unit 102 Communication, International Cooperation Principle of Emission Protection and Plant Safety Information Service Closed Substance Cycles Monitoring of Radioactivity and Emergency Planning Landscape Development Analysis of Heavy Metals Implementation of the EU-Water Framework Directive Groundwater Monitoring Uwe Mackes D: Dr. Stefan Glaser Dr. Gerold Hensler D: Ulrike Weinfurter D: Hermann Stepper Dams and Reservoirs, Hydraulic Structures, Hydro Engineering Technology Dr. Ulrich Lottner D: Josef Schmederer Sigrid Richter D: Katja Gölling Gerhard Gabel D: Christine Danner N. N. D: Jane Korck Dr. Horst Häußinger D: Dr. Jörg Neumann Geological Mapping, Geohazard Assessment Dr. Bernhard Wagner -4740 H D: Dr. Walter Freundenberger -4710 H D: Thomas Gallemann -1368 A -5170 A -5223 A -5194 A -5185 A -5209 A -5387 A -5306 A -5314 A -5325 A -5111 A -5098 A Gudrun Seidel -1370 A D: Uwe Kleber-Lerchbaumer -1371 A Dr. Jürgen Diemer D: Gottfried Forster -5286 A -5298 A -4821 H -4830 H -4831 H Unit 13 Unit 23 Unit 33 Unit 43 Unit 53 Unit 63 Unit 73 Unit 83 Unit 93 Unit 103 Printed Media, Cartography Clean Air Planning and Traffic Josef Vogl Waste Technology Centre Radiation Protection in Nuclear Facilities in Southern Bavaria Basics of Nature Conservation Basics of River Engineering, Hydro-Morphology, Hydraulic Aquatic Toxicology, Pathology Ecology of Rivers Groundwater Protection Soil Mapping Martin Hezel D: Mathias Boedecker Andrea Wellhöfer D: Dr. Mike Pitz 0821/7000Dr.-Ing. Clemens Marb -280 A D: Heinz-Uwe Riedel -283 A Jens-Uwe Gölling D: Christian Lasrich Ines Langensiepen D: Brigitte Schäffler Alexander Neumann D: Thomas Grebmayer -153 W Dr. Julia Schwaiger D: Dr. Dr. Gunnar Dembek -146 W Dr. Folker Fischer D: Ilona Schlößer -5246 A -4637 H -5449 A -5128 A -5299 A -5310 A -5145 A -5243 A Unit 14 Unit 24 Unit 34 Unit 44 Libraries, Web Services, Data Management Air Quality Monitoring Thermal Waste Treatment Facilities Radiation Protection in Northern Bavaria Protection of Species and Habitats Klaus Buß -1700 K D: Dr. Jörg Zimmerhackl -1761 K Bernd-Ulrich Rudolph D: Johannes Voith Helge Wittmeier D: Claudius Heiter* -5684 A -4646 H Dr. Heinz Ott D: Reinhard Lobmaier D: Ralf Mayer -5182 A -5165 A -1821 K Martin Meier D: Harald Pfaller -5388 A -5769 A Unit 54 -5235 A -5641 A -5193 A -5240 A -4850 H -4853 H Dr. Peter Fritsch D: Michael Wrobel -4920 H -4926 H Dr. Walter Martin D: Dr. Robert Traidl Georg Grün D: Sonja Wibihal* -1316 A -1920 MAK Unit 74 Unit 84 Unit 94 Unit 104 Analysis of Organic Compounds Ecology of Lakes Groundwater Management, Drinking Water Protection Hydrogeology Dr. Thomas Henschel D: Wolfgang Kraier PD Dr. Wolfgang Körner -5287 A D: Hans-Albert Wagener -5908 A Dr. Jochen Schaumburg -164 W D: Christine Schranz -166 W Dr. Walter Wenger D: Dr. Marek Simper Dr. Timo Spörlein D: Barbara Kainzmaier Gabriele Gersch -5252 A D: Katrin von Mammen -4537 H Unit Z4 Spatial Data Infrastructures and Interdisciplinary ICT Applications -4741 H -4743 H Anja Reineke D: Manuela Sanders* Unit 15 Unit 25 Unit 35 Unit 45 Unit 55 Unit 65 Unit 75 Unit 85 Unit 95 Unit 105 Unit Z5 Sustainability, Indicators and Intermedia Environmental Protection Emission Measurements and Quality Assurance Non-Thermal Waste Treatment and Recycling Facilities Radiation Protection in Medical and Research Protection of Birds Protection and Management of Surface Waters Specific Analysis for Environmental Monitoring Water Supply Plants, Coordination, Strategies Economic Geology ICT – Services and Operation 0821/7000Dr.-Ing. Clemens Marb -280 A D: Thomas Bogner -287 A Franz Emmerig D: Martin Meier Dr. Peter Fery D: Thomas Burke Bernd-Ulrich Rudolph -2330 GAP D: Stephan Kluth -16 GAP Dr.-Ing. Joachim Schütter* -5967 A N. N. Quantitative Hydrology of Rivers and Lakes, Flood Forecast River Main Dr. Manfred Sengl D: Sonja Krezmer Unit 56 Hans Frieß D: Claus Hensold -5208 A -5344 A -5355 A -5388 A -5326 A -5332 A -5938 A -5940 A Carmen Roth -4860 H D: Dr. Alexander Kleinhans -4870 H Jürgen Engler D: Reiner Schultheiß -4940 H -4942 H Dr. Georg Büttner D: Dr. Elmar Linhardt -4751 H -4756 H Unit 16 Unit 26 Unit 36 Unit 46 Unit 66 Unit 76 Unit 86 Unit 96 Unit 106 Intermedia Environmental Monitoring Noise Protection in Facilities and in Planning, Noise Measurements and Vibration Landfills Radiation Laboratory Northern Bavaria and Radiotoxicological Monitoring Landscape Management, Wildlife Management Urban Drainage Systems Evaluation of Substances and Chemicals Flood Information Centre, Flood Forecast Rivers Danube and Inn, Catchment Hydrology Contaminated Sites, Harmful Soil Changes Analysis of Soils and Rocks Dr. Ludwig Peichl D: Dr. Jutta Köhler Johann Fichtner V: Georg Eberle Karl-Johann Drexler D: Andreas Schweizer Dr. Ulrich Kratzel D: Dr. Arthur Reischl Dr. Walter Joswig D: Dr. Sina Heppner* German Berger D: Ulrich Kaul Dr. Alfons Vogelbacher D: Frank Wilhelm Dr. Gernot Huber D: Dr. Martin Biersack -5290 A -1840 K -5177 A -5017 A -5362 A -5358 A -1780 K -1781 K -4670 H -4675 H -5740 A -5741 A Dr. Michael Gierig -5933 A -118 W D: Dr. Rudolf Stockerl -5911 A -5960 A -5957 A -4950 H -4951 H -4540 H -5258 A Unit Z3 Water Body Development Concepts and Floodplains -4930 H -4931 H Budget Human Resources and Travel Services Unit 64 -5366 A -5096 A -4505 H -5066 A -4510 H Dr. Michael Wittenbecher -1960 MAK D: Dr. Rosa Dumler-Gradl -1963 MAK Karl Grün* D: Tobias Jansen* -4564 H -5768 A -5050 A -4584 H Unit Z6 ICT Regulation, Development of Environmental Information Systems Thomas Gülden D: Oliver Richter -4560 H -4566 H Unit 27 Unit 37 Unit 47 Unit 57 Unit 67 Unit 77 Unit 87 Unit 107 Unit Z7 Climate Change, Municipal Environment Protection Noise Protection in Traffic, Electromagnetic Fields Waste Management, executive Northern Bavaria Radiation Protection Laboratory Southern Bavaria Fish and Freshwater Ecology Municipal and Domestic Wastewater Treatment Bioassays, Microbial Ecology Avalanche Warning Center, Avalanche Protection Deep Underground, 3D-Geomodelling ICT Applications – Operation and Support Dr. Michael Joneck -4680 H D: Pablo Schindelmann -4682 H Dr. Michael Gerke -5215 A D: Dr. Alexander Attenberger -5176 A D: Dr. Thomas Kurz -4688 H Dr. Wolfgang Güntner D: Christopher Weber Dr. Wilhelm Schindlmeier -5338 A D: Dr. Markus Jahn* -5015 A Dr. Christoph Mayr D: Manfred Herrmann Dr. Friedrich Seyler D: Stefan Bleisteiner Dr. Bernhard Zenke D: Hans Konetschny Dr. Erwin Geiß D: Dr. Gerold Diepolder Unit 17 -4660 H -4662 H -110 W -160 W -5733 A -5736 A Willi Kopf D: Dr. Margit Schade Markus Wahl D: Franz Steinhauser Unit 108 Soil Quality Monitoring and Soil Protection Allocation and Contracts, Contract Assistance Jürgen Kohl D: Georg Ruppert Dr. Kurt Müller D: Thomas Wagner Dr. Bernd Schilling D: Dr. Raimund Prinz Elke Lienke D: Daniela Möller -1730 K -1731 K -5719 A -5729 A Locations Phone Locations Phone A GAP H K +49 821 9071+49 8821 94301+49 9281 1800+49 9221 604- MAK = Marktredwitz M = München, Heßstr. 128 W = Wielenbach +49 92 31951+49 89 9214+49 881 185- -5293 A -5225 A Alpine Space Programme Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) Team Coordination Dr. Antonia Widmer-Leitz [email protected] Phone +49 89 9214-1818 -5056 A -5622 A Unit Z8 Unit 68 Water Protection in Industrial Facilities Gabriele Merz D: Dr. Dieter Rieger Augsburg Garmisch-Partenkirchen Hof Kulmbach -1347 A -1336 A Unit 38 Unit 69 = = = = -1550 M -1543 M Supervision of Waste Streams Flood Risk Management * = Provisory delegation D = Deputy -5124 A -5871 A -4780 H -4790 H -4511 H -4512 H
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