18.56 Race 290m Flat 2 Red 2 Blue 1st £200 + Trophy, Others £40 Total £400 Advertised As: Pinpoint Recruitment Sprint (OR) Date Dis Tp STm 1 PinPoint Football Junior League Sprint SPl Fin By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks Mr.K.R.Glen BALLYMAC DALE Runs: 6 27.Ja 290 22.Ja 290 06.Ja 280 13.De 300 05.Jy 261 27.Jn 261 1sts: 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 2nds: 3 4-5- 5th 3½ 3-3- 3rd 5¼ Solo Solo Offtoaflyer(Sheff) Solo(Shawf) Cape Impact(Sunld) Solo(Sunld) CALZAGHE GEORGE Runs: 27 27.Ja 290 14.Ja 290 07.Ja 290 13.De 480 05.De 470 28.Nv 470 1sts: 12 2nds: 4 2 2 3 3 04.15 4111 3rd 1½ 3 04.24 2555 5th 19 1 04.28 3111 1st 2 Solo Solo Solo Coolemore Joe(Towc) Bubbly Rocket(BVue) Corley Ace(BVue) 3 WOODSIDE TURBO (M) 4 WALSHES HILL (M) 5 BALLYMARTIN RIC (W) 6 OFFTOAFLYER (W) Runs: 2 15.Ja 290 15.Nv 470 White 31.Oc 470 25.Oc 470 17.Oc 470 10.Oc 260 Runs: 7 29.Ja 290 20.Ja 280 Black 13.Ja 280 30.De 280 23.De 280 18.De 280 Runs: 0 28.Ja 290 25.Ja 245 Orange 15.Nv 350 08.Nv 525 01.Nv 350 25.Oc 350 Runs: 18 29.Ja 290 06.Ja 280 Stripes 26.De 245 21.De 245 14.De 245 08.De 305 1sts: 0 2nds: 0 3 5 04.40 4446 6th 5 04.40 4222 3rd 4 04.35 2222 2nd 5 04.47 3322 2nd 4 1sts: 6 5 6 5 4 5 6 7¼ 3 4 4¼ MidToRails MiddleToRails MiddleToRails EP,Led1-RnIn Crd1,Bmp&StkInto¼ QAw,ALed,RlsMid Black Cat Three Syndicate Middle SAw,Crd1&2,EsdSgh ClearRun,MidW Crd1,Middle ClrRun,MidW WideMid Mr.A.Wood 2nds: 1 2-11-11-11-12-1- 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2½ 2¾ 4¾ 3 ¾ 1sts: 0 2nds: 0 5 3 5 5th 6 01.30 3333 4th 3¼ 6 2-3- 1st ½ 6 6-6- 5th 4¾ 1sts: 5 6 6 2 3 4 4 Solo Proud Darkie(BVue) Cooler King(BVue) Jo Jody Junior(BVue) Runaway Rover(BVue) Solo(BVue) Middle Middle Bumped1 Rls-Mid Crd1 MidTRls Mr.C.Roberts 2nds: 3 1-1- 1st 1¼ 1-1- 1st ½ 4-4- 4th 4½ 5-6- 6th 4¾ Solo Swift America(Sheff) Ballymac Daihi(Sheff) Flashing Bolt(Sheff) Russanda Peachy(Sheff) Opus Star(Sheff) Middle Led1 SnLed,Mid-Wide QAw,AlwaysLed EPace,SoonLed EP,SnLd,Middle Mr.S.Roberts WinTm Going Kilos SP/T Meeting 23 Class CalcTm George Power (Unatt) ltf d Vans Escalade-Ballymac Vicky Oc'12 Ir 17.32 -10 32.5 T Intro 17. 22 17.19 N 32.3 T Intro * 17. 19 16.28 -10 32.5 9/4 OR 16. 46 18.09 -20 32.4 T 17. 89 15.63 N 32.8 6/4 OR 16. 05 15.76 N 32.4 T 15. 76 Ted Soppitt (Unatt) bk d Cashen Legend-Emmerdale Baby Au'12 Ir 17.14 -10 30.8 T Intro 17. 04 17.01 N 30.3 T Intro * 17. 01 17.16 N 30.3 T Intro 17. 16 28.59 -20 30.0 9/4F OR 28. 51 27.89 -20 29.7 2/1J OR 29. 21 27.70 -10 30.0 1/1F OR 27. 60 June McCombe (BVue) wbe d Droopys Vieri-Woodside Fantasy Jy'12 Ir 17.28 -20 34.3 T Intro * 17. 08 28.06 N 35.2 6/4F A2 28. 64 28.16 -10 35.1 5/4F A2 28. 30 27.89 N 35.2 T3 Qlfyg 28. 22 27.98 N 35.6 T3 Qlfyg 28. 32 15.44 -15 35.0 T Qlfyg 15. 29 James Wright bk d Zero Ten-Incredible Lulu My'12 Ir 16.94 N 34.6 T * 16. 94 16.11 N 34.4 1/3F OR 16. 11 16.00 -10 34.5 1/3F OR 15. 90 15.86 N 34.5 4/6F OR 15. 86 16.01 -10 34.3 1/1F OR 15. 91 16.46 -40 34.5 1/2F OR 16. 06 Savva Roberts (Pelaw) bk d Black Shaw-Fastaway Jean My'12 Ir Solo MiddleToWide 17.77 -40 33.2 T Intro * 17. 37 Solo(Pelaw) Middle 15.15 N 33.1 T Qlfyg 15. 15 slow away, crowded 1 18.69 N 8/1 OR 19. 12 Jumeirah Hope(Shelb) Debonaire(Lmrck) W,Chl 28.85 N 35.0 5/4 A1 29. 08 ChlRi,LdNrL 18.81 N 35.0 4/7F OR 18. 81 Hi There Andy(Lmrck) Crown Champ(Shelb) EvAw,MvdOff2 18.79 N 34.5 4/1 OR 19. 11 Mr.F.Chekansky,Mrs.M.D.Fenwick James Fenwick bk d Sheepwalk Mac-Download Cayla Sp'12 Ir Temple Sky Wide,Led1 17.48 N 31.6 T2 * 17. 48 EP,Led1,Wide 16.28 -10 31.8 16/1 OR 16. 18 Swift America(Sheff) MsdBrk,Crowded1 14.51 -5 31.3 3/1 OR 14. 82 Bit View Flyer(Pelaw) Solo(Pelaw) Middle,WideRunIn 14.62 -5 31.4 T Intro 14. 57 Middle,Crowded1 14.62 N 31.2 5/2 OR 15. 00 Galmonian Nedzer(Pelaw) Solo(Notts) Mid-W 18.52 -20 31.4 T 18. 32 19.11 Race 480m Flat Red 2 Blue 1st £500 + Trophy, Others £100 Total £1000 (OR) Date Dis Tp STm 1 SR Transport - Welcome To SR Transport Services LTD Maiden Puppy Meeting 3 SPl Fin VICARAGE NIPPER Runs: 5 29.Ja 480 22.Ja 480 15.Ja 480 08.Ja 480 20.De 480 13.De 480 By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks WinTm Going Kilos SP/T Mr.J.Hardman,Mr.D.Spraggon 23 Class CalcTm David Spraggon (Season Unknown)bk b Kinloch Brae-Fatboyz Dizzy Au'13 Ir Solo Rails 28.85 N 25.2 T ReQul * 28. 85 ½ Jogon Sandy FinWell,LedNearLine 29.17 N 25.5 7/2 A3 29. 17 1¾ Ravenvue Lloyd Crowded1,Led3 29.61 -20 25.1 7/2 A4 29. 41 7¼ Burnpark Phantom ClearRun 29.29 N 25.2 4/1 A3 29. 87 4¾ Unknown Silva MissedTrouble1st 29.32 N 25.6 5/2 A4 29. 32 2¾ Iona Patch Led1,(HndTm) 29.72 -20 25.1 3/1 A5 29. 52 Mr.S.Roberts Savva Roberts (Pelaw) 1sts: 0 2nds: 0 bk d Droopys Cain-Townspark Lass My'13 Ir NAME CHANGE from Cush Bridge 2 04.79 Solo Middle 29.67 -60 35.6 T Intro * 29. 07 2 04.75 Solo Middle 29.19 N 35.7 T Intro 29. 19 2 04.77 Solo Middle 29.81 N 35.0 T Intro 29. 81 2 05.86 5555 5th 6¾ Jelly Kelly(Pelaw) SlowAway 26.54 N 34.6 4/1 A3 27. 08 1 05.71 1111 1st 3 LedRunUp 26.59 -10 34.6 T3 Qlfyg 26. 49 Powerful Lass(Pelaw) Mr.C.Roberts Ted Soppitt (Unatt) 1sts: 0 2nds: 0 bd d Shaneboy Lee-Calzaghe Naomi Au'13 Ir 2 04.78 1111 1st DIS Farkland Fly EP,Led1,SnClear 29.33 -20 33.2 T3 Intro * 29. 13 2 1-1- 1st 3½ Frisby Forandrew SoonLed 17.33 N 33.7 T3 Intro 17. 33 2 Solo Middle 17.50 N 33.6 T Intro 17. 50 2 Solo MiddleToRails 17.64 N 33.8 T Intro 17. 64 3 Solo StumbledStart,Rails 17.86 N 33.9 T 17. 86 3 05.01 Solo(Sunld) MidTRls 27.60 N 33.2 T 27. 60 Mr.G.Andrews Stephen Atkinson (Unatt) 1sts: 0 2nds: 0 bk d Scolari Me Daddy-Go Diva Go Au'13 Ir 5 04.73 1111 1st Hd Skywalker Alice MidToW,EP,SnLed,HeldOn 29.47 -50 28.6 T3 Qlfyg * 28. 97 3 05.79 3322 2nd 2 Bower Ellie(Pelaw) MvdOff1,Mid,RanOn 26.60 N 28.2 T3 Qlfyg 26. 76 1sts: 4 2nds: 0 1 04.79 1 04.88 4442 1st 1 04.88 5431 1st 1 04.88 6666 6th 1 04.85 3111 1st 1 3111 1st POCKET DIPPER Runs: 1 27.Nv 28.Ja 480 21.Ja 480 13.Ja 480 19.De 435 14.De 435 3 CALZAGHE PEPPE 4 WHATAREACTION (M) Runs: 0 27.Ja 480 22.Ja 290 White 14.Ja 290 07.Ja 290 04.De 290 29.Nv 450 Runs: 0 28.Ja 480 24.Ja 435 Black 5 EL MONDEO (M) Runs: 0 23.Ja 480 16.Ja 275 Orange 08.Ja 290 08.Nv 525 13.Oc 525 19.Sp 300 6 1sts: 0 2nds: 0 6 03.57 1111 1st 4 1-1- 1st 2 1 03.30 2221 1st 3 2nd 1 1st Mr.P.A.Oliver,Mr.S.R.Pomroy 3 5 3 4½ 2 Vatican Gurkha(PBarr) Vatican Gurkha(PBarr) Solo Minor Bound(Wtrfd) El Lema(Ennsc) El Lema(Wtrfd) BULL FORT (W) Runs: 5 24.Ja 483 17.Ja 483 Stripes 10.Ja 483 20.De 483 13.De 483 06.De 483 1sts: 2 2nds: 0 5 04.36 6666 6th 6 04.30 3555 6th 5 04.23 5666 6th 6 04.22 3111 1st 5 04.32 4542 1st 5 04.22 1111 1st EP,MidWide,ALd EP,Mid,ALed MiddleToRails mid ld 4 28.66 16.30 17.57 28.73 29.80 16.80 Patrick Rosney (Unatt) bk d Godsend-Yahoo Stacey Ap'13 Ir N 32.1 T3 Intro 28. 66 -10 31.9 T2 Intro 16. 20 N 31.6 T 17. 57 +10 4/5F OR 28. 83 -20 32.0 T3 29. 96 +10 34.0 T3 16. 90 Bully Boys 5¾ 7 7 4¼ SH 6¼ Rash Comment(Donc) Blue Silver(Donc) Blue Silver(Donc) Treehouse Gang(Donc) Swift Orwell(Donc) Dans Legend(Donc) SAw,Crd2 Crd2,Wide Crd1,Wide EP,Led1,Wide LedNrLine,Wide ALed,Wide Mark Wheatley (Donc) bebd d Westmead Hawk-Droopys Panto Ap'13 Ir 30.49 -60 32.0 4/1 A1 30. 35 30.23 -20 32.1 5/2 A1 30. 60 30.04 -20 31.6 7/4F A1 30. 41 30.39 -50 32.2 1/1F A2 29. 89 31.44 -100 32.1 6/4F A2 30. 44 30.49 -30 32.1 T3 Qlfyg 30. 19 19.26 Race 480m Flat 1 Red 2 Blue 1st £500 + Trophy, Others £100 Total £1000 Advertised As: Pinpoint Recruitment Standard (OR) Date Dis Tp STm LIKEITALOT Runs: 15 27.Ja 480 21.Ja 480 18.Ja 480 11.Ja 480 28.De 480 15.Oc 480 Unipress Working With PinPoint Recruitment Standard Meeting 4 1sts: 6 4 05.00 2 3 03.25 1 03.31 2 03.32 1 04.68 SPl Fin 2nds: 5 4111 1st 1st 1111 1st 1111 1st 2211 1st 4666 6th By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks Mr.J.Pemberton,Mr.I.Wass 4 See No Gamble(HallG) Solo 1¼ Glenpadden Bolt 3 Glenpadden Bolt 2¼ Coolavanny Bono 17¾ Kneejerkreaction GAINSTOWN BEAVER Runs: 9 29.Ja 480 19.Ja 500 12.Ja 480 30.De 480 18.De 500 13.De 500 1sts: 2 2nds: 1 3 04.62 5 05.10 1345 5th 2 04.13 2556 5th 3 03.29 1111 1st 3 04.37 4144 5th 3 04.26 6½ 7 4 18¼ Solo Romany Rouge(Notts) Romany Rouge(Notts) Russanda Revenge(Sheff) Stay Loose(Sheff) Solo(Sheff) 3 GETAREACTION (M) 4 SIDAZ JONATHAN (M) 5 BUA FARAH (M) 6 GLIDEAWAY STAR (W) Runs: 1 28.Ja 480 20.Ja 480 White 14.Ja 480 23.De 480 16.De 480 02.De 480 Runs: 42 28.Ja 480 16.Ja 500 Black 12.Ja 500 09.Ja 500 03.Ja 305 29.De 305 Runs: 8 28.Ja 480 21.Ja 290 Orange 07.Ja 290 01.Nv 480 25.Oc 480 15.Oc 480 Runs: 6 27.Ja 480 20.Ja 480 Stripes 13.Ja 480 08.De 480 29.Nv 480 22.Nv 480 SAw,Rls,EP,Ld1 Rls QAw,ALed EP,Rls,Led1 CrdWide1,Led3 BadlyBaulked1 Mr.P.A.Oliver Middle Crd3 LdBrfly&Blk2 QAw,AlwaysLed Bmp&BCrd1 Middle Mr.G.Andrews WinTm Going Kilos SP/T 23 Class CalcTm Heather Dimmock (P'bro) bk d Crash-Cornamaddy Daisy Fb'13 Ir 28.65 -20 35.3 5/4F OR 28. 45 29.12 -30 35.6 T Intro 28. 82 28.99 -10 35.5 4/5F OR 28. 89 28.80 N 35.1 4/5F OR 28. 80 29.06 N 35.4 5/4F OR 29. 06 28.42 N 35.2 7/4F OR 29. 82 Patrick Rosney (Unatt) bk d Kinloch Brae-Shifting Women Mr'13 Ir 28.84 N 29.8 T Intro * 28. 84 30.30 -30 29.4 5/4J OR 30. 52 28.83 +20 28.9 6/4F OR 29. 59 27.79 +10 28.8 3/1 OR 27. 89 29.76 -80 28.9 4/5F OR 30. 42 29.23 -30 29.0 T Intro 28. 93 Stephen Atkinson (Unatt) bd d Crash-Cornamaddy Daisy Fb'13 Ir Solo MiddleToWide 29.30 -50 34.4 T Intro * 28. 80 Solo Middle-Wide 28.73 +10 34.4 T Intro 28. 83 Solo MiddleToWide 28.97 N 34.3 T Intro 28. 97 CrdRunUp,Led½ 28.19 -20 34.4 10/1 OR 27. 99 Glideaway King(Sheff) Solo Middle 29.22 N 34.5 T Intro 29. 22 Indalo Ace(Monm) Baulked1,Led3 29.98 -60 33.9 T3 Qlfyg 29. 38 Mr.Johnson,The Executors of the late Mrs E Body,Mr.Woode Colin Wilton (Notts) 1sts: 10 2nds: 8 be d Ace Hi Rumble-Denib Oc'11 Ir 2 04.76 Solo MiddleToRails 29.78 -60 33.6 T Intro * 29. 18 1 05.23 5333 3rd 4¼ Pennys Precious(Notts) Crd1 30.70 -40 32.7 5/4F A1 30. 64 1 05.16 4222 3rd ¾ He Got Fame(Notts) Chl&W4 30.20 +10 32.9 3/1 OR 30. 36 1 05.22 Solo(Notts) Rls 30.29 N 33.9 T Qlfyg 30. 29 1 1-2- 2nd Hd Airmount Chris(Notts) DispLdTh'out,Rls 18.12 N 33.4 T2 Qlfyg 18. 14 2 Solo(Notts) Rls 18.21 N 33.2 T Qlfyg 18. 21 Miss.A.Harrison James Wright 1sts: 2 2nds: 2 be d Droopys Scolari-Bua Gorm Au'11 Ir 4 04.63 1111 1st 7½ Glenside Rumble QAw,SnClear,Mid 29.28 -60 29.7 T3 xRest * 28. 68 4 1-1- 1st 3¼ Glenside Rumble Mid,LedRunUp 17.25 N 29.8 T2 17. 25 5 1-2- 1st Nk Pandoras Secret ALed,Wide1To2 17.66 N 29.5 T2 17. 66 4 04.73 3422 4th 3 Pond Beethoven Chl&Crd3,GoingWell 28.88 N 29.1 3/1 A1 29. 13 5 04.83 4554 4th 9¼ Pond Beethoven Crowded1&3 28.79 N 29.2 5/2 A1 29. 50 5 04.70 6554 4th 4½ Newinn Yolo ClearRun 28.44 N 29.1 25/1 OR 28. 80 Mr.A.Rhodes Julie Bateson (Unatt) 1sts: 2 2nds: 2 bk d Tyrur Big Mike-Darkies Fergus Jy'12 Ir 6 04.84 Solo MidToWide 28.91 -20 36.9 T Intro * 28. 71 5 04.75 Solo Middle-Wide 28.62 +10 36.6 T Intro 28. 72 5 04.96 Led½,Middle 29.13 N 37.0 T3 Intro 29. 13 1st 6¼ Quick Impact 6 04.41 6666 6th DIS Roxholme Kid(Monm) Imp&Fell1 28.08 -30 37.3 4/1 OR 00. 00 6 04.46 4533 1st ¾ Wide,LedNearLine 28.45 N 37.2 7/4F OR 28. 45 Ballyregan Billy(Monm) 5 2222 1st 3 Vatican Dino(Monm) SAw,W,RanOn,(HT) 28.38 +20 37.0 T2 Qlfyg 28. 58 1sts: 1 2nds: 0 2 04.80 3 04.72 3 04.74 2 03.43 2211 1st 2½ 4 04.83 5 04.47 3331 1st 3 19.43 Race 480m Flat 5 Winning Lines British Bred Standard Meeting 1st £500 + Trophy, Others £100 Total £1000 23 (OR) Date Dis Tp STm 1 Red 2 Blue SPl Fin By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks Mrs.J.M.K.Hickman ERIC COURT Runs: 31 23.Ja 480 30.De 500 23.De 480 18.De 500 15.De 280 15.Oc 480 1sts: 10 2 03.60 3 04.43 5 03.44 4 04.38 1 4 04.70 2nds: 6 1111 1st 5333 3rd 3222 2nd 2222 3rd 7¾ 7¾ 1 4¼ 4436 6th 5¼ Corley Gary(PBarr) Farloe Striker(Sheff) Lowgate Rock(Sheff) Swift Curie(Sheff) Solo(Sheff) Newinn Yolo POND BEETHOVEN Runs: 75 17.Ja 480 10.Ja 480 03.Ja 480 26.De 435 05.De 450 27.Nv 480 1sts: 25 1 04.69 2 04.77 2 04.74 3 05.81 2 05.04 3 04.75 2nds: 12 2111 1st 3433 5th 1111 1st 5333 3rd 4222 3rd 1111 1st 5¼ 4¼ SH 2 1¼ 7½ Paradise Malaga Valentia Frosty Mollys Johnny Bramble Jackpot(Pelaw) Droopys Alessio(Sunld) Holdem Reserve 3 MOLLYS REGGIE (M) 4 SCOTSWOOD ROAD (W) 5 HERE WE GO (W) Runs: 36 24.Ja 480 17.Ja 480 White 10.Ja 480 03.Ja 480 27.De 480 20.De 480 Runs: 61 24.Ja 480 17.Ja 480 Black 10.Ja 480 03.Ja 480 23.De 480 06.De 480 Runs: 20 21.Ja 640 13.Ja 480 Orange 13.De 480 05.De 640 08.Nv 480 01.Nv 480 6 1sts: 12 3 04.74 4 05.05 5 04.76 5 04.65 4 04.84 3 04.74 1sts: 16 6 04.86 6 04.80 6 04.90 6 04.81 6 04.86 6 (Scr) 1sts: 5 6 13.81 6 04.82 3 6 16.00 5 4 03.84 2nds: 6 3443 4th 6333 3rd 5444 5th 4433 4th 5554 5th 1111 1st 2nds: 9 6334 2nd 6545 4th 5555 3rd 6664 3rd 2222 2nd 6654 1st 4¼ 6½ 8¾ 3½ 3¼ 2 ¾ 5 2½ 1¼ ¾ ½ Blackhouse Heidi Pond Beethoven Sandyhill Hitman Valentia Frosty Magical Reid Paradise Malaga Blackhouse Heidi Magical Reid Valentia Frosty Valentia Frosty Pond Mozart Swift Meitner(R4) 2nds: 5 1111 1st 3 1111 1st ½ 1343 3rd 3 1st Solo Solo Killie Prince Airmount Paco(Sunld) Princess Fearne Solo CALZAGHE VET (W) Runs: 18 27.Ja 480 22.Ja 480 Stripes 06.Ja 660 30.De 640 19.De 640 13.De 480 1sts: 4 5 04.78 6 04.85 4 13.47 3 14.02 3 13.87 5 04.90 2nds: 5 2222 1st 5 5555 6th 8 3544 3rd 4 Solo Droopys Dampier Lowgate Jasper(Sheff) Solo Solo Rock The Casbah QAw,RlsMid,ALd Crd1&3,BmpRunIn EveryChance EP,CrowdedRnUp Rails-Middle Baulked4 Hixcol Racing Club Crowded&Led1 ClearRun SoonLed CrdStt,RanOn EvCh AlwaysLed Mrs.M.H.Ray WinTm Going Kilos SP/T Class CalcTm Derek Deakin (Donc) wbk d Daves Mentor-Hawkette Sp'11 Br 28.44 N 38.5 T2 Intro 28. 44 28.96 +10 38.2 2/1 OR 29. 68 28.19 -20 38.4 4/7F OR 28. 07 29.60 -80 37.8 5/2 OR 29. 14 16.42 -20 37.5 T Intro 16. 22 28.44 N 37.4 6/1 OR 28. 87 Harry Williams bk d Ace Hi Rumble-Pond Shakira My'11 Br 28.63 +10 31.2 6/4J A1 * 28. 73 28.94 N 31.2 5/1 A1 29. 28 28.78 N 31.1 6/5F A1 28. 78 26.33 -10 31.5 3/1 OR 26. 39 27.15 +10 31.8 7/4F OR 27. 37 28.94 N 31.4 T2 ReQul 28. 94 Stuart Ray bk d Droopys Scolari-Blackhouse Molly Jn'12 Br BadlyCrowded1 29.10 N 34.2 3/1 A1 29. 44 StumbledStart 28.63 +10 33.9 8/1 A1 29. 25 Bumped1 28.67 N 34.0 10/1 A1 29. 38 ClearRun 28.67 N 34.0 8/1 A1 * 28. 95 ClearRun 29.19 -20 34.1 5/1 A1 29. 25 LedRunUp 29.01 N 34.2 9/2 A1 29. 01 Mr.N.J.Barnfather,Mr.I.Lavery,Mr.H.F.Williams Harry Williams bkw d Crash-Poolie Pride My'11 Br Wide,RanOn 29.10 N 35.6 11/4 A1 29. 16 SlowAway,Wide,Crd4 28.50 +20 35.0 6/1 A1 29. 10 SlowAway,Wide,RanOn 28.94 N 34.5 5/1 A1 29. 14 SlowAway,RanOn 28.67 N 34.0 9/2 A1 * 28. 76 AlwaysHandy 29.07 N 34.5 T4 xLame 29. 12 FinishedWell 28.96 N 34.6 4/5F Hcp 28. 96 Mr.P.L.Baas Jan Little (Unatt) bk d College Causeway-Beatties Gem Au'12 Br Wide 39.33 N 35.6 T Intro 39. 33 Middle 29.14 N 35.7 T Intro * 29. 14 EP,Mid-W,ALd 29.70 -30 35.1 2/1 OR 29. 40 Wide,LedRnUp 39.78 +20 35.6 6/1 OR 39. 98 Mid-W,Crd1 29.49 +30 35.7 6/1 OR 30. 03 Mid 29.48 +30 36.0 T 29. 78 Mr.P.Clark,Mr.C.Roberts George Power (Unatt) bk d Head Bound-Quare Deal Ja'12 Br Middle 29.05 -20 32.3 T xRest * 28. 85 Led4 29.21 N 32.2 T2 Intro 29. 21 Bumped1 39.16 N 32.1 6/1 OR 39. 83 Wide 39.58 -10 32.1 T Qlfyg 39. 48 MiddleToWide 39.31 -10 31.9 T Qlfyg 39. 21 Bumped1 29.14 N 32.0 5/4F A2 29. 46 Pick 6 Jackpot Pool - 1st Leg 19.59 Race 480m Flat MJK Sports Event (Les Ferdinand Evening 27th March) Maiden Invitation Meeting 6 1st £500 + Trophy, Others £100 Total £1000 Advertised As: Pinpoint Recruitment Maiden Standard (IV) Date Dis Tp STm SPl Fin By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks Mr.J.Hardman 1 ASSARULA CHAMP 2 QUICK IMPACT 3 ASCOT WOODIE 4 GOFFS CIARA (M) 5 TARMONS JET (M) 6 PINPOINT CLASSIC (M) WinTm Going Kilos SP/T 23 Class CalcTm David Spraggon bk d Burnpark Champ-Assarula Sheila Sp'12 Ir 6 Blackjack Django Crowded1 28.81 N 33.6 10/1 OR 29. 30 5¼ Starlight Sky ALed 28.94 N 33.7 9/4F A3 * 28. 94 3¾ Rosmult Miller SlowAw,Bumped1 29.36 N 33.1 9/4F A3 29. 64 Red 3½ Rosmult Miller(R2) Crowded¾,RanOn 29.21 N 33.4 5/2 Hcp 29. 49 1½ Fortfield Ivy(R7) RanOn 29.46 N 33.2 5/2 Hcp 29. 57 1¼ Upfortherace Crowded3,LedNearLine 29.68 -10 32.9 T3 Qlfyg 29. 58 Mr.D.Walsh Julie Bateson (Unatt) Runs: 1 1sts: 0 2nds: 0 bk d Royal Impact-Droopys Comfort Oc'11 Ir 24.Ja 480 2 04.90 5666 6th 10¼ Colliery Deedee Baulked1 29.08 N 32.9 6/1 OR 29. 90 20.Ja 480 2 04.78 Solo Middle 29.03 +10 33.2 T Intro * 29. 13 Middle,LedTo3 29.13 N 33.2 T3 Intro 29. 63 2nd 6¼ Glideaway Star Blue 13.Ja 480 1 04.83 03.Ja 470 3 04.40 1111 1st 9 EPace,MidW 29.23 -110 33.2 T3 Qlfyg 28. 13 Farran Sexton(BVue) 16.De 470 2 04.49 Solo(BVue) Mid 28.92 -70 32.9 T Intro 28. 22 05.Ap 330 2 (Thurl) (IrishTrial) 18.32 -5 32.7 18. 41 2nd 2 Mr.A.Newitt,Mr.A.Newitt Patrick Rosney (Unatt) Runs: 5 1sts: 0 2nds: 2 bk d Droopys Scolari-Ascot Megan Jy'12 Ir 29.Ja 480 4 04.66 2222 3rd 6¼ Musical Storm Crowded3 28.61 N 34.9 5/1 OR * 29. 11 24.Ja 480 4 04.74 5333 3rd 4½ Tarmons Jet ForcedToCheck1 28.75 N 34.9 4/1 OR 29. 11 Burgess Oscar MvdOff&Bmp1 29.01 +10 34.9 T3 Intro 29. 35 White 20.Ja 480 3 04.75 1222 2nd 3 13.Ja 480 5 04.78 2332 2nd 2¾ Burgess Oscar Middle,ClearRun 28.90 N 34.9 T3 Intro 29. 12 08.Ja 290 4 Solo Middle 17.26 N 34.8 T Intro 17. 26 28.Oc 480 3 03.38 3444 3rd 5½ Molly The Legend(Sheff) CrdRunUp,Blk3 28.16 N 34.5 7/4F OR 28. 60 Mr.A.Wood Andrew Wood (Shawf) Runs: 3 1sts: 0 2nds: 0 bk d Slip The Lark-Aglish Ciara Oc'12 Ir 29.Ja 480 3 04.68 2334 4th 4¾ Valentia Frosty Baulked1 28.71 N 30.4 14/1 OR 29. 10 24.Ja 480 5 04.78 5233 3rd 3¼ Burgess Oscar ClearRun 28.92 N 29.8 8/1 OR 29. 18 ALed,MiddleToWide 29.04 N 29.6 T2 Intro * 29. 04 Black 14.Ja 480 3 04.76 1111 1st DIS Glenside Hero 15.Oc 480 1 04.77 2666 6th DIS Magical Reid KnockedOver1 28.66 +10 29.5 4/1 OR 00. 00 03.Oc 300 2 2-2- 2nd ½ Chl&Crd1,RnOn 18.17 N 29.6 T3 18. 21 Glenside Hero(Shawf) 29.Sp 480 1 04.76 Solo Middle 28.75 N 29.6 T Intro 28. 75 Mr.B.Cutting,Mr.T.J.Prentice James Wright Runs: 33 1sts: 9 2nds: 7 bk d Hondo Black-Knockane Phoenix Oc'11 Ir 29.Ja 480 5 04.89 6555 5th 5 Farloe Quest Crd2 28.82 N 30.3 5/2C OR 29. 22 24.Ja 480 5 04.64 1111 1st 3¾ Brickfield Fire SoonLed 28.75 N 30.4 5/4F OR 28. 75 Mid,ALed 28.68 +10 30.5 T2 ReQul 28. 78 Orange 20.Ja 480 4 04.68 1111 1st 6¼ Greenhill Beauty 10.Ja 480 5 04.73 6655 4th 4¼ Ghetto Empire Crowded1&2 28.88 N 30.5 2/1 A1 29. 21 03.Ja 480 4 04.64 3222 2nd SH Valentia Frosty RanOn 28.67 N 30.5 4/1 A1 * 28. 68 30.De 500 3 04.27 1111 2nd 1¼ Coolboy Blitz(Sheff) SoonLed-RunIn 28.99 +10 30.6 6/1 OR 29. 19 Kelly And The Lads Kelly Macari (Sunld) Runs: 3 1sts: 0 2nds: 1 bk d Hondo Black-Dublinhill Pride Mr'12 Ir 11.Ap NAME CHANGE from Michaels Choice 29.Ja 480 4 04.71 6555 5th 7¼ Valentia Frosty Baulked1 28.71 N 32.1 5/2 OR 29. 30 Blackjack Django QAw,Led-NearLine 28.81 N 32.0 6/4 OR * 28. 87 Stripes 24.Ja 480 5 04.57 1111 2nd ¾ 20.Ja 290 3 Solo Middle-Wide 17.20 N 32.3 T Intro 17. 20 15.Ja 290 4 Solo Middle 17.34 -20 32.4 T Intro 17. 14 13.Nv 480 4 04.70 1111 1st 9½ Mill Mon Amie MidToWide,ALed 28.90 N 32.4 T2 Intro 28. 90 Runs: 5 24.Ja 480 20.Ja 480 08.Ja 480 20.De 480 16.De 480 09.De 480 1sts: 1 2nds: 2 2 04.72 4444 5th 1 04.74 1111 1st 1 04.90 5555 5th 6 (Scr) 5553 2nd 6 (Scr) 6442 2nd 3 04.91 2222 1st 20.16 Race 640m Flat 7 Red 2 Blue 1st £500 + Trophy, Others £100 Total £1000 Advertised As: Pinpoint Recruitment 640m (OR) Date Dis Tp STm 1 Total Recycling Services 640 SPl Fin By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks Mr.J.R.Brown ELWICK GLORY Runs: 13 27.Ja 480 15.Ja 640 06.Ja 640 23.De 480 28.Nv 470 22.Nv 470 1sts: 2 2 04.69 3 13.58 1 13.80 2 04.66 2 04.24 1 04.30 2nds: 4 Solo I See You Solo Solo 2444 4th 11¾ Cashen Maureen 3432 2nd 2½ Forest Sara 1111 1st 6½ BLACKHOUSE HEIDI Runs: 49 24.Ja 480 17.Ja 480 10.Ja 480 26.De 590 23.De 480 23.Au 640 1sts: 13 2 04.86 1 04.84 2 04.87 2 14.91 1 04.93 3 13.62 2nds: 11 4222 1st 6332 1st 5543 3rd 6342 1st 4433 3rd 3335 4th ¾ Hd 1½ 2 4¼ 3½ Scotswood Road Global Made Blackjack Bullet Barefoot Blake(Pelaw) Pond Mozart Jans Bluebell etc ½ 2¼ 2 7 5¼ 4 Romeo Urban(R5) Bay City Ted(R6) Farley Baloo Droopys Tamera(Notts) Sandyhill Hitman(Notts) Mister Mancini 3 CUIL ROCKET 4 BEAUTIFUL DORA (M) 5 FARES PLEASE (M) 6 MOLLYS JOHNNY (M) Runs: 17 29.Ja 480 24.Ja 480 White 20.Ja 480 23.De 680 15.De 500 22.Nv 640 Runs: 46 22.Ja 640 15.Ja 640 Black 06.Ja 640 27.De 640 20.De 640 13.De 640 Runs: 16 24.Ja 640 17.Ja 640 Orange 10.Ja 640 03.Ja 640 23.De 680 15.De 680 Runs: 52 17.Ja 480 10.Ja 480 Stripes 03.Ja 480 27.De 480 18.De 480 14.Au 640 1sts: 8 6 (Scr) 6 (Scr) 2 04.89 5 15.38 3 05.29 1 14.03 1sts: 9 4 (Scr) 4 (R2) 6 (Scr) 4 (R5) 4 (R3) 4 (R3) 1sts: 3 6 (Scr) 6 (Scr) 6 (Scr) 6 (Scr) 5 15.68 4 15.62 1sts: 10 3 04.81 3 04.74 4 04.76 6 (Scr) 6 (Scr) 5 13.71 2nds: 4 6664 1st 6632 1st 2222 2nd 2223 4th 2222 2nd 5433 2nd 2nds: 10 6655 2nd 4333 1st 6663 1st 5663 2nd 4666 2nd 6666 2nd 2nds: 1 5444 5th 6666 5th 6666 3rd 6663 3rd 6433 2nd 6432 1st 2nds: 10 5664 5th 4544 3rd 2222 2nd 6421 1st 6651 1st SH ½ 1½ 1 2¼ Nk 1¼ 4¾ 3½ 2¾ 4¾ Hd 5¾ 3½ SH 5 3½ Till Nine(R2) Swift Mantra(R8) Lanesdown Deb(Scr) Blazing Girl(Scr) Kilara Roz(Scr) Oor Hope(R6) Swift Mantra(R9) Shaneboy Katie(R11) Shaneboy Katie(R11) Swift Mantra(R12) Zulu Baran(Notts) Leathems Marvel(Notts) Magical Reid Ghetto Empire Pond Beethoven Blackhouse India(R9) Colliery Deedee(R1) Solo WinTm Going Kilos SP/T Meeting 23 Class CalcTm Colin Redden (Unatt) (Season Unknown)bk b Westmead Hawk-Killacolla Glory Au'12 Ir Middle 29.09 -20 27.7 T Intro 28. 89 AlwaysLed 39.67 -40 27.9 T2 Intro * 39. 27 MiddleToRails 39.95 N 27.5 T Intro 39. 95 Middle 28.75 N 27.5 T Intro 28. 75 Bmp1,Crd3 27.51 -10 27.3 5/1 OR 28. 35 Crd1,RanOn 27.63 -15 27.2 2/1 OR 27. 68 Mr.S.Ray Harry Williams (Season 14.My'14)bk b College Causeway-Freedom Seacrest Ja'12 Ir LedNearLine 29.10 N 27.1 5/1 A1 29. 10 LedNearLine 28.92 +10 26.6 2/1F A2 29. 02 RanOn 28.92 N 26.3 9/4 A2 29. 03 SlowAw,LedRunIn 36.57 -15 26.3 6/4F OR 36. 42 ClearRun 29.07 N 26.3 T4 ReQul 29. 40 ClearRun 38.84 +40 27.2 5/2 OR 39. 52 Mr.S.T.Dodds James Wright bkw d College Causeway-Cuil Lady Nv'12 Ir StrongFinish,LedNearLine 29.19 N 32.6 6/4F Hcp 29. 19 LedRunIn 29.33 -10 32.9 2/1 Hcp 29. 23 RanOn 28.83 +10 32.8 T2 ReQul 29. 09 Crd3 41.79 +30 32.9 8/1 IT 42. 65 ClrRun,Rls-Mid 29.86 +30 32.5 T2 30. 58 RanOn 39.50 N 33.0 4/6F IT 39. 83 Mrs.L.Gilmore David Spraggon (Season Unknown)bk b Cabra Cool-Starwood Bound Nv'11 Ir StrongFinish 39.80 N 28.2 5/1 Hcp * 39. 81 LedRunIn 39.81 -10 28.1 9/4J Hcp 39. 87 LedNearLine 39.82 N 28.4 3/1 Hcp 39. 82 RanOn 40.04 -10 28.5 9/4F Hcp 40. 42 SAw,FinWell 39.75 N 28.4 4/1 Hcp 40. 17 SlowAway,FinWell 40.74 -60 28.1 5/2 Hcp 40. 41 Mr.F.Chekansky,Mr.R.Graham James Fenwick bk d Head Bound-Belvedere Cindy Mr'12 Ir FinishedWell 39.91 -10 33.0 7/4F Hcp 39. 89 ClearRun 39.17 +30 32.8 8/1 Hcp 39. 85 Crowded4 39.71 N 32.8 4/1 Hcp 39. 97 RanOn 39.33 +20 32.7 7/4F Hcp * 39. 73 SAw,Crd3 41.67 +30 32.9 6/4F IT 42. 35 LdRnIn,Mid 42.19 +20 32.7 5/2 OR 42. 39 Mrs.M.H.Ray Stuart Ray be d Droopys Scolari-Blackhouse Molly Jn'12 Br SlowAway,Crowded1 28.50 +20 33.1 12/1 A1 29. 16 Crowded1 28.88 N 33.0 5/1 A1 29. 16 RanOn 28.78 N 33.1 10/1 A1 28. 79 Led4 29.25 -10 33.1 4/5F Hcp 29. 15 Led¾ 29.26 N 33.2 5/2J Hcp 29. 26 Wide 39.67 N 33.0 T Qlfyg 39. 67 20.33 Race 480m Flat 8 Red 2 Blue 1st £500 + Trophy, Others £100 Total £1000 Advertised As: Pinpoint Recruitment Standard (OR) Date Dis Tp STm 1 Total Recycling Services 480 SPl Fin MAGICAL REID Runs: 16 27.Ja 500 20.Ja 500 17.Ja 480 10.Ja 480 03.Ja 480 27.De 480 1sts: 6 1 04.39 4 04.32 2 04.70 1 04.69 2 04.77 1 04.80 2nds: 7 3222 2nd 1111 1st 3111 1st 1222 2nd 3333 2nd 3423 1st By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks The Conlon Family ¾ 7½ 4½ ½ 1 ½ Southern Henri(Sheff) Droopys Cara(Sheff) Ghetto Empire Valentia Frosty Ghetto Empire Valentia Frosty KILLACOLLA KA KA Runs: 64 21.Ja 480 14.Ja 480 30.Oc 450 24.Oc 450 15.Oc 450 05.Oc 470 1sts: 14 3 04.71 3 04.65 3 04.95 2 04.89 2 05.07 3 04.33 2nds: 15 1111 1st 1¼ 1111 1st 7¼ 1233 3rd 1½ 1111 1st 2 1111 1st 6¾ Droopys Island Alotofboot Tyrur Loughery(Sunld) Solo(Sunld) Risky Pumpkin(Sunld) Bourne Supremacy(BVue) 3 CALZAGHE DAVY (M) 4 SNEEZYS BALBOA (M) 5 BALLYMAC IAGO (M) 6 SIDARIAN BLITZ (W) Runs: 33 27.Ja 480 21.Ja 290 White 03.Nv 500 28.Oc 480 21.Oc 480 15.Oc 480 Runs: 7 21.Ja 290 14.Ja 290 Black 11.Nv 280 06.Nv 290 11.Oc 480 04.Oc 480 Runs: 16 23.Ja 470 16.Ja 470 Orange 09.Ja 470 27.De 470 20.De 470 22.Nv 480 Runs: 12 27.Ja 480 21.Ja 480 Stripes 28.De 480 21.De 500 13.De 480 15.Oc 480 1sts: 16 2nds: 7 4 04.64 4 4 05.09 3455 6th 4¾ 3 04.13 3333 2nd 1½ 5 04.71 5 04.65 2333 4th 3½ 1sts: 2 2nds: 1 4 4 5 4-4- 5th 5¼ 4 4 04.74 3333 3rd 7½ 4 04.64 1111 2nd 2 1sts: 7 5 04.50 4 04.49 5 04.42 5 04.30 5 04.30 3 04.74 1sts: 3 6 04.86 6 04.92 5 03.35 6 04.30 5 04.22 6 04.71 2nds: 1 6555 5th 5555 5th 1453 3rd 3321 1st 2111 1st 1111 1st 2nds: 3 6222 3rd 1st 1112 2nd 1111 1st 4223 3rd 5566 3rd 9½ 6¾ 6½ 3¾ 5¼ 1 1¾ Hd 5 4½ 3 Solo Solo Burnfoot Alpha(Notts) Sidaz Jack(Notts) Solo Conna Trigger Solo Solo Ballymac Daihi(Sheff) Solo Likeitalot Dragon Posse Evanta Jack(BVue) Carlow Bolt(BVue) Carlow Bolt(BVue) Cathys Sky(BVue) Proud Ofthe May(BVue) Magical Reid Whittle Eagle(HallG) Solo Data Romeo Droopys Barclay Coolavanny Jap(Towc) Conna Trigger AlwaysHandy EPace,Led1 Led3 LedTo2 Crowded3,RanOn LedNearLine Sixstar Syndicate Middle,ALed QAw,Middle,SoonClear Bmp1 MidTRls MidToRls,ALed SnLd Mr.C.Roberts Middle MiddleToWide Crd1 Blk1,Crd4 Middle ClearRun Mr.P.Wood Middle Middle Crowded½ MidToRails Middle,ClearRun SoonLedTo4 Mr.B.Haworth Crd¼,Middle SAway,Crd4,Mid Crd1,Wide1,Mid Crd1,Ld3,Mid EP,Mid QuickAway,AlwaysLed Mr.G.D.Norman SAw,W,EP,ClrRun Wide EP,Ld-Wide4 EP,SnLed EvCh ClearRun WinTm Going Kilos SP/T Meeting 23 Class CalcTm James Wright bk d Wheres Pedro-Faithful Laura Sp'12 Ir 28.90 +10 34.9 6/4 OR 29. 06 28.93 +10 34.9 7/4 OR 29. 03 28.50 +20 34.6 7/4F A1 * 28. 70 28.94 N 34.6 6/4J A1 28. 98 28.80 N 34.5 6/4 A1 28. 87 29.19 -20 34.5 7/4F A1 28. 99 James Fenwick bk d Ace Hi Rumble-Killacolla Lady My'11 Ir 28.95 N 32.6 T2 ReQul * 28. 95 29.14 N 32.3 T4 ReQul 29. 14 27.51 N 32.6 5/4F IT 27. 63 27.23 +10 32.4 T 27. 33 27.14 +20 32.4 T2 27. 34 27.93 -10 32.7 3/1 IT 27. 83 29.17 17.16 29.96 28.75 29.02 28.58 Ted Soppitt (Unatt) bk d Crash-Our Favourite Au'11 Ir -20 33.7 T Intro * 28. 97 N 33.9 T Intro 17. 16 +10 33.1 7/2 OR 30. 44 +30 33.6 6/1 OR 29. 17 N 33.4 T Intro 29. 02 N 33.3 5/2 OR 28. 86 Peter Wood (Pelaw) wbk d Head Bound-Fireheight Jane Nv'12 Ir 16.98 N 35.1 T Intro 16. 98 17.04 N 34.8 T Intro 17. 04 16.10 -10 34.3 9/4 OR 16. 42 17.22 N 33.6 T 17. 22 28.60 N 33.0 2/1C OR 29. 19 28.68 N 33.0 4/6F OR 28. 85 June McCombe (BVue) bk d Black Shaw-Ballymac Sasha Oc'12 Ir 28.83 -100 30.2 2/1F A1 28. 60 28.25 -60 30.7 9/4 A1 28. 19 28.66 -100 30.4 6/4F A1 28. 18 28.47 -40 30.3 4/6F A1 28. 07 28.31 -60 30.3 1/1F A1 27. 71 28.84 N 30.3 6/1 IT 28. 84 Heather Dimmock (P'bro) be d Tubbertelly Dubh-Valais May Jn'12 Ir 28.64 -20 33.8 7/2 OR 28. 58 29.19 -30 34.3 T Intro 28. 89 29.32 N 34.0 4/5F OR 29. 34 30.13 N 34.1 5/4F OR 30. 13 28.36 -10 34.0 5/1 OR 28. 62 28.58 N 33.4 10/1 OR 28. 82 20.51 Race 480m Flat 9 Red 2 Blue 1st £1000 + Trophy, Others £100 Total £1500 Advertised As: Pinpoint Recruitment Invitation Standard (IV) Date Dis Tp STm 1 PinPoint Healthcare Invitation SPl Fin By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks Ninjas In Blazers METRO JACK Runs: 10 27.Ja 480 20.Ja 290 15.Ja 290 13.De 480 29.Nv 550 08.Nv 550 1sts: 3 2 04.78 2 2 3 04.22 4 03.45 1 02.89 2nds: 4 1111 1st 1 6666 6th 6½ 3212 4th 2½ Solo Solo Solo Adageo Bob(Towc) Laughil Blake(Shelb) Borna Central(Lmrck) SANDYHILL HITMAN Runs: 23 29.Ja 480 23.Ja 480 10.Ja 480 03.Ja 480 23.De 500 15.De 500 1sts: 7 2 04.78 1 04.75 1 04.68 1 04.84 3 05.15 1 05.19 2nds: 4 1111 4655 2111 1111 1st 5th 1st 1st 2¾ 6 2½ 5¼ Solo Solo Blackjack Django Ghetto Empire Blissful Pudsy(Notts) Cuil Rocket(Notts) 3 KNEEJERKREACTION (M) 4 MAUM LEGEND (M) Runs: 5 28.Ja 480 20.Ja 480 White 14.Ja 480 16.De 480 02.De 480 13.Nv 480 Runs: 14 22.Ja 480 15.Ja 290 Black 08.Ja 290 18.Nv 500 10.Nv 500 03.Nv 500 1sts: 2 2nds: 1 3 04.71 3 04.71 3 04.79 3 04.68 5 04.51 3333 2nd ½ 4 04.31 1sts: 8 4 04.67 4 4 4 05.06 5 04.95 4 05.07 Solo Solo Solo Solo Chaotic Lynda(Monm) Solo(Monm) 1222 2nd 1¾ 1111 1st 3¾ 1111 1st Hd Solo Solo Solo Fit To Win(Notts) Fit To Win(Notts) Viking Jack(Notts) 5 6 SWIFT HOFFMAN (W) Runs: 14 29.Ja 290 20.Ja 290 Stripes 13.Ja 290 12.De 480 08.De 480 25.Sp 480 1sts: 9 5 04.84 6 04.40 5 04.36 5 04.39 6 04.51 6 MiddleToRails MiddleToRails LedRunUp Crowded&HitRails1 CrdRunUp,Ld1 EP,ALd,Rls Mr.G.Andrews Middle Middle Middle Middle Wide,RanOn MidToWide Mr.R.Clarke 2nds: 4 GREENWELL LARK (W) Runs: 38 27.Ja 480 05.De 470 Orange 28.Nv 470 22.Nv 470 15.Nv 470 08.Nv 480 Middle StbStt,Middle Middle QAw,ALd never showed Ld 3,Chl Mr.C.Godfrey 2nds: 8 3222 2332 6333 2222 4456 2nd 1st 3rd 1st 6th 3½ 1¾ 3¾ 1¼ 5¾ 1sts: 8 2nds: 2 6 6 6 6 04.37 2222 2nd 3 6 04.33 2111 1st 2¾ 5 04.68 Solo Cashen Maureen Butts Mott Bit View Ma Caribbean Trixie Princess Fearne Solo Solo Solo Ballygibbon King(Monm) Ballygibbon King(Monm) Solo Middle MiddleToRails Middle Ld1-2,Mid EP,ALd,Mid Ld1,Mid Mr.P.J.Flaherty WinTm Going Kilos SP/T Meeting 23 Class CalcTm June McCombe (BVue) bk d Head Bound-Blasket Music Oc'11 Ir 29.00 -20 33.5 T Intro * 28. 80 17.44 N 33.4 T Intro 17. 44 17.49 -20 32.6 T Intro 17. 29 28.43 -10 32.3 12/1 IV 28. 33 29.45 N 32.0 25/1 OR 29. 90 30.12 N 33.2 1/1J OR 30. 29 James Fenwick bk d Dotland Hit Man-Lightfoot Lady My'12 Ir 28.67 N 35.1 T ReQul 28. 67 28.70 -10 35.7 T ReQul * 28. 60 28.67 N 35.0 5/4F A1 28. 67 28.80 N 35.1 1/1F A1 29. 29 29.75 +20 34.6 9/4F IT 29. 95 29.86 +30 34.9 T2 30. 16 Stephen Atkinson (Unatt) bk d Crash-Cornamaddy Daisy Fb'13 Ir 29.46 -70 34.7 T * 28. 76 28.83 +10 34.6 T Intro 28. 93 28.89 N 35.3 T Intro 28. 89 28.88 N 35.4 T Intro 28. 88 29.60 -40 35.4 T3 Qlfyg 29. 24 28.34 +10 35.3 T Qlfyg 28. 44 James Wright bk d Cashen Legend-Perles Bay Oc'12 Ir 28.44 N 33.9 T ReQul * 28. 44 17.41 -20 34.3 T 17. 21 17.08 N 34.5 T 17. 08 29.53 +30 33.8 4/5F OR 29. 97 29.54 +10 33.9 6/4F OR 29. 64 29.95 +10 33.8 10/11F OR 30. 05 Pat Flaherty (Shawf) (Season 01.Jy'14)bk b Daves Mentor-Greenwell Puma Ap'11 Ir MiddleToWide 29.09 -20 29.7 T Intro * 28. 89 ClrRun,Wide 27.59 -20 29.6 6/1 OR 27. 68 Crd1,Led¾,Wide 27.90 -10 29.5 7/1 OR 27. 80 SAway,Wide 27.78 -15 29.6 4/1 OR 27. 93 Ld4,W 28.01 -10 29.4 T2 ReQul 27. 91 SAw,Crd¼&2 29.49 +30 29.5 1/1F OR 30. 25 Mr.P.L.Scott Patrick Rosney (Unatt) bd d Makeshift-Swift Erin Sp'12 Ir MiddleToWide 17.09 N 33.0 T Intro 17. 09 Wide 17.05 N 32.6 T Intro 17. 05 Middle 17.15 N 32.1 T Intro 17. 15 EP,W,Crowded3 28.09 -20 32.2 2/1 OR 28. 12 EP,Wide,Crd1,RanOn 28.47 -30 32.2 10/11F OR 28. 17 MiddleToWide 28.56 N 32.3 T Intro 28. 56 21.08 Race 480m Flat 10 Red 2 Blue 3 1st £3000 + Trophy, 2nd £500, Others £100 Total £3900 (OR) Date Dis Tp STm 1 PinPoint Recruitment Maiden Derby Final SPl Fin MUSICAL STORM Runs: 4 19.Nv 29.Ja 480 24.Ja 480 20.Ja 290 13.Ja 290 15.De 500 1sts: 1 By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks Mr.K.Heilbron 2nds: 1 1 04.63 1111 1st 3½ 1 04.89 5542 2nd 2½ 2 1-1- 1st 4¾ 2 2-2- 2nd Nk 3 05.29 5555 5th 8 FARRAN HEASLIP Runs: 5 29.Ja 480 24.Ja 480 20.Ja 480 13.Ja 480 08.Ja 480 23.De 480 1sts: 0 2nds: 2 1 04.76 4443 2nd 1 3 04.89 5534 2nd ½ 2 04.82 2 04.81 3 04.71 1 03.49 5553 3rd 5¾ BURGESS OSCAR Runs: 2 29.Ja 480 24.Ja 480 White 20.Ja 480 13.Ja 480 08.Ja 290 22.Nv 550 1sts: 1 2nds: 1 2 04.73 3333 2nd 1 04.78 2422 1st 1 04.83 3111 1st 3 04.76 1111 1st 3 5 4th 3½ 1¼ 3 2¾ 6 4 5 FARLOE QUEST (M) Runs: 2 29.Ja 480 24.Ja 480 Orange 15.Ja 290 08.Ja 290 30.Sp 290 27.Sp 275 6 1sts: 6 5 04.62 4 04.77 5 04.63 5 04.71 3 04.62 5 04.78 2nds: 5 1111 1st 3111 1st 1336 6th 2111 1st 1111 1st 2211 2nd 1sts: 1 2nds: 1 3 04.67 1111 1st 6 04.69 1111 2nd 4 4 2-2- 1st 4 1-1- 1st 4 3-3- 1st 1 ½ 7¾ ½ SH ½ 1¼ 1¼ SH 3 1 BLACKJACK DJANGO (W) Runs: 6 29.Ja 480 24.Ja 480 Stripes 17.Ja 480 10.Ja 480 06.Ja 480 27.De 480 1sts: 1 2nds: 2 6 04.78 4432 2nd 6 04.64 2222 1st 6 04.69 4666 6th 6 04.71 2222 2nd 6 04.74 2211 1st 6 04.87 6665 3rd 1¼ ¾ 11 2¾ 5 1¼ 23 Class CalcTm Patrick Rosney (Unatt) (Ssn Suppressed)bk b Ace Hi Rumble-Days Like This Au'12 Ir NAME CHANGED from Bucks Button Burgess Oscar AlwaysLed 28.61 N 29.8 3/1 OR * 28. 61 Bowline Bolt Crowded2 28.83 N 29.6 5/4F OR 29. 03 Ridgemount Gump SoonLed,Middle 17.11 N 29.1 T2 Intro 17. 11 Ridgemount Gump RanOn 17.55 N 28.3 T2 Intro 17. 58 Final Nike(Notts) ClrRun,Rls-Mid 29.77 +10 28.3 9/2 OR 30. 51 Mr.A.Rhodes Patrick Rosney (Unatt) bk d Ace Hi Rumble-Farran Tina Mr'13 Ir Valentia Frosty FinishedWell 28.71 N 39.1 7/4F OR 28. 79 Valentia Frosty CrdStt,FcdTCk2 29.33 N 38.8 9/4 OR 29. 37 Solo Middle 28.45 +10 38.4 T Intro * 28. 55 Solo Rails 28.69 N 37.8 T Intro 28. 69 Solo Rails 28.82 N 37.4 T Intro 28. 82 SAw,CrdRunUp,Bmp½ 28.19 -20 38.2 4/5F OR 28. 45 Getareaction(Sheff) Courtcraft Limited Patrick Rosney (Unatt) bk d Crash-Dower Twilight Oc'12 Ir Musical Storm Crd3,RanOn 28.61 N 32.9 4/6F OR * 28. 89 Farloe Quest Bmp1,LedRunIn 28.92 N 32.7 5/4F OR 28. 92 Ascot Woodie Led1 29.01 +10 32.7 T3 Intro 29. 11 Ascot Woodie Middle,ALed 28.90 N 32.7 T3 Intro 28. 90 Solo Rails 17.31 N 32.6 T Intro 17. 31 (Lmrck) (IrishRace) 29.50 N 33.1 29. 93 Mr.K.R.Glen,Mr.G.Mackintosh Craig Dawson bk d Hondo Black-Dalcash Dvinsky Oc'12 Ir Farran Heaslip AlwaysLed 28.71 N 32.1 4/1 OR 28. 71 Farran Heaslip Led2 29.33 N 31.9 4/5F OR 29. 33 Magical Reid Bmp1&2,Crowded4 28.50 +20 32.0 9/4 A1 29. 33 Magical Reid Bumped1,Led2 28.94 N 32.0 6/4J A1 28. 94 Tarmons Jet LdRnUp,JustHeldOn 28.67 N 31.7 7/4F A1 * 28. 67 Magical Reid Led2ToNearLine 29.19 -20 31.1 2/1 A1 29. 03 Kelly And The Lads Kelly Macari (Sunld) bk d Rumble Impact-Farloe Peejay Sp'11 Ir Blackjack Django LedRunUp 28.82 N 34.1 5/2C OR * 28. 82 Burgess Oscar Wide,Led1-RunIn 28.92 N 34.3 2/1 OR 29. 02 Solo MiddleToWide 17.38 -20 34.7 T Intro 17. 18 Pinpoint Buster SlowAway,LedNearLine 17.59 N 34.9 T2 Intro 17. 59 Mill Pee Eye ALed 17.29 N 34.2 T3 17. 29 LdRunIn,Wide 17.36 N 34.5 T3 Qlfyg 17. 36 Trickyblueginger(Donc) Mr.P.S.Terzza James Fenwick bk d Head Bound-Lunar Vacation Ja'13 Ir Farloe Quest Wide,RanOn 28.82 N 34.4 5/2C OR 28. 92 Pinpoint Classic FinishedWell 28.81 N 34.7 5/4F OR * 28. 81 Pond Beethoven BadlyBaulked1 28.63 +10 34.4 6/4J A1 29. 60 Sandyhill Hitman Wide,Always2nd 28.67 N 34.3 9/4 A1 28. 89 Geordie Lewis Led2 28.86 N 34.6 T2 ReQul 28. 86 Magical Reid RanOn 29.19 -20 33.9 9/2 A1 29. 08 VALENTIA FROSTY (M) Runs: 16 29.Ja 480 24.Ja 480 Black 17.Ja 480 10.Ja 480 03.Ja 480 27.De 480 WinTm Going Kilos SP/T Meeting 21.24 Race 480m Flat 11 Red 2 Blue 1st £200 + Trophy, Others £40 Total £400 Advertised As: Pinpoint Recruitment Bitches (OR) Date Dis Tp STm 1 Total Recycling Services Bitches SPl Fin By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks Mr.R.Patterson SKYWALKER ALICE Runs: 3 28.Ja 480 21.Ja 480 15.Ja 290 08.Ja 290 18.Nv 500 11.Nv 470 1sts: 1 2nds: 1 3 04.79 2222 2nd Hd 2 04.78 2 3 1 05.25 6666 6th 9¼ 2 04.39 Whatareaction Solo Solo Solo Clounamon Queen(Notts) Solo(BVue) CASHEN MAUREEN (M) Runs: 24 27.Ja 480 20.Ja 290 05.De 470 28.Nv 470 22.Nv 470 15.Nv 470 1sts: 12 4 04.66 4 5 04.26 5 04.21 4 04.35 4 04.34 2nds: 5 1111 3111 4322 2221 1st 1st 2nd 1st 3½ 8 ¾ 5½ 2nds: 3 4356 4th 4333 4th 1222 3rd 1211 1st 2211 1st 4¾ 6 4½ 1 ¾ Solo Solo Greenwell Lark Alma Chic Jaytee China Evanta Fantasy 3 CITY SKY (M) 4 GREENHILL BEAUTY (M) 5 BLAKEFIELD ZARA (W) 6 FLANDYS FIRST (W) Runs: 29 24.Ja 450 16.Ja 450 White 10.Ja 450 20.De 450 06.De 450 29.Nv 450 Runs: 26 27.Ja 500 20.Ja 480 Black 13.Ja 500 30.De 500 23.De 480 18.De 480 Runs: 34 28.Ja 480 21.Ja 290 Orange 15.Oc 450 30.Sp 470 23.Sp 470 18.Sp 480 Runs: 26 16.Ja 480 06.Ja 500 Stripes 30.De 500 23.De 480 18.De 480 07.Oc 480 1sts: 8 4 04.18 5 02.18 4 02.10 5 02.08 5 02.22 5 02.12 1sts: 6 2 04.34 2 04.74 6 04.32 4 04.28 3 03.30 1 03.38 1sts: 9 6 04.74 6 5 05.03 4 04.44 4 04.40 5 04.86 1sts: 7 5 03.66 5 04.37 5 04.31 2 03.39 5 03.39 3 04.72 2nds: 7 3333 3rd 2222 2nd 2222 3rd 2111 2nd 1111 1st 1111 1st 10½ 6¼ 8½ ½ 1¼ 1¼ 2nds: 7 1111 1st DIS 1-1- 1st 6¼ 2220 DNF -2222 2nd 4½ 2222 2nd 2 5221 1st 2½ 2nds: 7 4465 6th 2222 2nd 3544 5th 2355 5th 2333 4th 10½ 2½ 6½ 11 7½ Petes Peg(Donc) Kurious Fire(Donc) Swift Avril(Donc) Miss Babydoll(Donc) Tullymurry Chevy(Donc) Solo(Donc) Market Set Up(Sheff) Tarmons Jet Swift Curie(Sheff) Rustys Candy(Sheff) Geelo Fancy(Sheff) Swift Ulster(Sheff) Patterdale Henry Patterdale Henry Blackjack Bullet(Sunld) Global Made(BVue) Global Made Elwick Scoop Affane Scolari(PBarr) Clonkeen Snowy(Sheff) Rustys Candy(Sheff) Droopys Alessio(Sheff) Greenhill Beauty(Sheff) Solo Middle,RanOn Middle Middle Middle ClrRun,Rls Rls Manchester Buyers Club WinTm Going Kilos SP/T Meeting 23 Class CalcTm Ted Soppitt (Unatt) bk b Black Shaw-Bright Outlook Jn'12 Ir 29.47 -50 27.5 T3 Intro 28. 99 28.83 N 27.5 T Intro * 28. 83 17.57 -20 27.2 T Intro 17. 37 17.37 N 27.6 T Intro 17. 37 29.35 +30 26.4 5/2F OR 30. 39 28.00 -20 27.1 T Intro 27. 80 June McCombe (BVue) (Season Unknown)f b Cashen Legend-Leigh Fantastic Mr'12 Ir Middle 28.79 -20 32.3 T Intro * 28. 59 MiddleTWide 17.25 N 32.5 T Intro 17. 25 QAw,SnClear,MidW 27.59 -20 32.0 4/6F OR 27. 39 LdRnUp,Mid 27.51 -10 32.0 11/10F OR 27. 41 RanOn,Mid 27.60 -15 32.1 5/2 OR 27. 51 CrdRnUp,Ld3,Mid 28.01 -10 31.7 T2 Intro 27. 91 Mr.J.Hamilton Mark Wheatley (Donc) (Season 04.Oc'14)bk b Tubbertelly Dubh-Dalvina Fb'12 Ir Crd3,Mid 28.92 -60 28.3 5/1 B2 28. 71 Crd3,Mid 28.42 -20 28.6 7/2 B2 28. 70 QAw,DispLead 28.51 -20 28.4 2/1F B2 28. 68 QAw,Led2,MidTW 28.95 -50 28.1 5/1 B2 28. 45 Led3,MidTW 29.09 -30 28.3 7/2 B3 28. 79 MidTW 29.30 -40 27.5 T Qlfyg 28. 90 Mr.I.Sinclair James Wright (Season Unknown)bk b Kinloch Brae-Ballyhill Beauty Oc'12 Ir Crowded1&¼&3 28.97 +10 25.2 9/2 OR 29. 91 Middle,ClrRun 28.68 +10 25.1 T2 ReQul * 29. 28 Bumped¼&4 29.01 -10 25.2 4/1 OR 29. 59 Crd&Led1-NearLine 29.21 +10 25.3 9/4 OR 29. 35 QAw,AlwaysLed 28.31 -20 25.1 6/1 OR 28. 11 EarlyPace,Led1 29.05 -80 25.0 9/4 OR 28. 25 Mr.C.Godfrey James Fenwick (Season Unknown)bk b Droopys Scolari-Townspark Lass Au'12 Ir EP,SnLed,DrewClear 29.68 -60 27.7 T2 ReQul * 29. 08 Wide,Led1 17.41 N 27.9 T3 17. 41 Fell3 27.16 +20 27.0 T2 00. 00 Crd2,Mid 28.39 -30 27.1 T2 Qlfyg 28. 45 ClrRun,Mid 28.23 N 27.1 T2 Intro 28. 40 Crd2,Led3 29.35 N 27.3 5/2 A2 29. 35 Mr.P.A.Oliver Tom Heilbron (Pelaw) (Season Unknown)f b Cashen Legend-Flandy My'12 Ir Mid,Crd1,FcdCk2 28.45 -10 26.3 9/2 OR 29. 20 AlwaysHandy 29.23 -10 25.9 3/1 OR 29. 33 Crowded½ 29.21 +10 25.7 6/1 OR 29. 83 BumpedRunUp&¼ 28.15 -20 25.7 5/1 OR 28. 84 CrdRnUp,MidToRls 29.05 -80 26.0 5/2 OR 28. 85 Middle 29.48 N 26.3 T Intro 29. 48 21.40 Race 480m Flat 12 (OR) Date Dis Tp STm 1 Red 2 Blue 3 SR Transport Seniors Meeting 1st £200 + Trophy, Others £40 Total £400 23 Advertised As: Pinpoint Recruitment Seniors SPl Fin PANC THE PRANK Runs: 19 28.Ja 480 22.Ja 290 17.Ja 290 07.Ja 290 18.De 290 31.Jy 290 1sts: 2 1 04.87 5 5 4 3 3 NAVARONE Runs: 86 1sts: 14 18.Ja 642 3 12.80 08.Ja 480 3 04.16 21.De 642 2 12.93 14.De 480H 2 03.45 30.Nv 480H 2 03.43 22.Nv 480H 1 05.12 2nds: 5 1111 1st 2-2- 2nd 2-2- 2nd 1-1- 1st 1-1- By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks Mr.C.Mottram 4¾ 1½ Nk 5¾ 1st 1¼ 2nds: 28 1115 5th 3333 3rd 4343 4th 3333 3rd 4455 5th 1211 2nd 7¾ 7 9½ 3¾ 10½ 2 Jumeirah Wonder Farloe Tommy Geiger Counter Off Beat Ottey Solo Woodys Angel Borna Champ(Sitt) Afan Mist(Towc) Fionntra Molly(Sitt) Con Te Partiro Con Te Partiro Alittlelesslip BOHERNA ROCK Runs: 42 28.Ja 480 21.Ja 480 White 16.Ja 245 09.Ja 435 04.Ja 590 26.De 590 1sts: 11 1 04.82 3 04.85 2 2 05.70 2 15.03 4 14.82 2nds: 7 3333 3rd 1 5555 4th 3¾ 4432 1st 1¼ 1113 3rd 3½ Whatareaction Solo Solo(Pelaw) Bramble Ferdy(Pelaw) Drink To That(Pelaw) Blackhouse Heidi(Pelaw) 4 HILLVIEW ABBEY (M) 5 PATTERDALE JAZZ (M) 6 LOCHDARA BLAIZE (W) Runs: 91 28.Ja 480 24.Ja 500 Black 05.Ja 500 29.De 500 26.De 500 19.De 500 Runs: 27 28.Ja 480 03.Ja 480 Orange 23.De 500 15.De 500 08.De 500 03.De 290 Runs: 43 27.Ja 500 20.Ja 500 Stripes 10.Ja 280 28.Nv 470 11.Nv 500 02.Nv 500 1sts: 24 3 04.89 4 05.25 6 05.21 6 05.09 6 05.17 5 05.26 QAw,Ld-¾ EvCh Bmp3 EvCh EvChRls Crd1H,ChlFr2TCrd6H Mr.R.Collins MidToRls,RanOn Middle Rails SAw,Bmp1,RanOn FinWell,LedRunIn QuickAw,LedTo4 Mr.D.J.Nugent 2nds: 18 3544 4444 2334 2444 3333 4th 4th 5th 5th 3rd 5 7½ 8¼ 9½ 4¼ 1sts: 9 2nds: 6 5 04.81 5 04.81 5552 1st Nk 5 05.15 3454 6th 5¼ 4 05.07 5 05.23 3 1sts: 10 6 04.36 4 04.36 6 6 04.37 6 04.41 6 04.42 MidToRls,ALed AlwaysSecond EarlyP,EveryChance Mid,EarlyPace,Led1 Middle AlwaysLed Mr.C.N.Kyme 2nds: 5 3443 2nd 2 3-32222 5554 2222 3rd 2nd 5th 2nd 2 5¾ 9¼ 5 Solo Alma Valentine(Notts) Droopys Fellaini(Notts) Over Sixty(Notts) Alma Chic(Notts) Oakfront Frankel(Notts) Solo Blackhouse Ben Molly The Legend(Notts) Solo(Notts) Solo(Notts) Solo Ballymac Budget(Sheff) Solo(Sheff) Kylefarney Bob(Sheff) Musical Storm(BVue) Russanda Duke(Sheff) Lowgate Topaz(Sheff) MiddleToWide CrdRunUp&3 Blk2 Blk3,Crd4 Crd1&3 Crd1&3&RunIn The Target Lads WinTm Going Kilos SP/T Class CalcTm Debbie Calvert bd d Westmead Hawk-Fairhill Lady De'10 Ir 29.86 -60 30.0 T2 Qlfyg * 29. 26 17.38 N 30.3 4/1 D3 17. 50 17.51 N 30.9 8/1 D3 17. 54 17.94 N 30.7 T2 17. 94 17.75 N 30.5 T 17. 75 17.91 N 30.4 T2 17. 91 Heather Dimmock (P'bro) bk d Royal Impact-Ballymac Floss Au'10 Ir 40.27 -15 33.6 8/1 OR 40. 74 28.51 N 34.0 T3 Qlfyg 29. 07 40.12 N 33.9 4/1 OR 40. 88 29.81 -20 33.0 8/1 OR 29. 92 29.46 N 33.3 8/1 OR 30. 30 29.72 N 33.6 4/1 OR 29. 89 Peter Wood (Pelaw) bk d Ace Hi Rumble-Hondo On Air Oc'10 Ir 29.47 -50 35.2 T3 Intro * 29. 05 29.17 N 35.2 T Intro 29. 17 15.10 -5 34.7 T ReQul 15. 05 26.06 +20 34.9 5/2 A2 26. 55 36.49 +15 35.3 6/4 S1 36. 64 36.57 -15 35.6 5/1 OR 36. 68 Colin Wilton (Notts) bkw d Royal Impact-Drooyps Siobhan Oc'10 Ir 29.83 -50 32.7 T Intro * 29. 33 30.28 N 32.6 3/1 A1 30. 68 29.75 +20 32.3 5/1 A1 30. 55 30.37 +20 31.9 5/2 A1 31. 23 29.97 +10 32.2 3/1 A1 30. 83 30.63 -20 32.1 5/2 A1 30. 77 Craig Dawson (WhelpdLttr My'13)bk b Shaneboy Lee-Patterdale Chloe My'10 Ir MiddleToWide 29.51 -60 31.0 T ReQul * 28. 91 LedNearLine 29.26 N 30.6 7/4J A1 29. 26 Crd2 30.15 +20 30.6 4/1 IT 30. 77 Mid 30.07 +20 29.8 T 30. 27 Mid 30.75 -40 29.7 T Intro 30. 35 Middle 17.39 N 30.2 T 17. 39 Mr.J.T.Thompson Phillip Stoner (Unatt) bk d Ace Hi Rumble-Graiges Unity Sp'10 Ir EveryChance 29.00 +10 30.5 9/2 OR 29. 26 Middle 29.27 N 30.6 T Intro 29. 27 EveryChance 16.41 -10 31.0 T3 Intro 16. 47 ClrRun,W 27.73 -10 29.5 T3 ReQul 28. 10 Crowded3 28.99 -20 29.7 12/1 OR 29. 54 EveryChance 28.82 +20 29.7 4/1 OR 29. 42 21.56 Race 290m Flat 13 Red 2 Blue 1st £200 + Trophy, Others £40 Total £400 (OR) Date Dis Tp STm 1 Happy Birthday Ian Coates 290 SPl Fin By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks Mr.R.Yanowicz ACAPULCA DIVA Runs: 73 20.Ja 290 15.Ja 290 06.Ja 290 27.De 290 18.De 290 13.De 290 1sts: 15 1 1 2 2 1 3 2nds: 20 3-4- 4th 1-3- 3rd 2-2- 2nd 1-1- 1st 5-5- 5th 1-3- 1st 3¾ 2 1¼ 1 2¾ SH Colliery Jazz Colliery Jazz Wong Ho Colliery Jazz Yearofthedragon Colliery Jazz BOHERNA RUMBLE Runs: 31 24.Ja 290 06.Ja 290 18.De 290 11.De 290 06.De 290 22.Nv 290 1sts: 7 2 3 3 3 3 3 2nds: 7 1-1- 1st 3-3- 4th 2-3- 3rd 4-5- 4th 2-3- 2nd 5-5- 5th 2¾ 2¼ 1½ 6½ 1½ 6¾ Colliery Jazz Wong Ho Yearofthedragon Yearofthedragon Oldfield Lynda Cuil Liam 3 DROOPYS ALESSIO 4 LUKEFAYEGRACE (M) 5 LITTLE SHEIKH (W) Runs: 23 27.Ja 280 06.Ja 280 White 30.De 280 23.De 480 10.De 470 12.Nv 290 Runs: 54 23.Ja 435 18.Ja 435 Black 09.Ja 435 27.De 435 30.Nv 435 25.Ja 290 Runs: 6 24.Ja 245 17.Ja 245 Orange 09.Ja 245 04.Ja 245 28.De 245 11.Fb 290 6 1sts: 7 1 2 1 5 03.31 3 04.42 2 1sts: 8 4 05.72 4 05.68 4 05.47 4 05.68 5 05.66 2 1sts: 1 5 5 4 6 3 5 2nds: 3 3-3- 3rd 5-4- 3rd 1-1- 1st 1111 1st 3222 2nd 2nds: 9 4222 2nd 3334 4th 1111 2nd 1226 6th 2111 1st 3-5- 5th 1¾ 1½ 1¼ 1 1½ 2 6¾ 1 7½ SH 7½ Swift America(Sheff) Offtoaflyer(Sheff) Swift America(Sheff) Swift America(Sheff) Golden Wonder(BVue) Solo Bramble Isobel(Pelaw) Welton Winter(Pelaw) Bramble Ferdy(Pelaw) Welton Winter etc(Pelaw) Rhapsodyinblack(Pelaw) Burnfoot Belle 2nds: 0 1-1- 1st 1¾ 1-2- 2nd 1 6-4- 3rd 5¾ Solo(Pelaw) Puzzle The Judge(Pelaw) Solo(Pelaw) Elyse Mac(Pelaw) Solo(Pelaw) Target Hubert WELLS HONOUR (W) Runs: 37 18.Ja 245 26.De 245 Stripes 07.De 245 22.Fb 290 15.Fb 290 12.Fb 290 1sts: 13 5 5 4 5 5 6 2nds: 8 1-1- 1st ½ 3-21-12-2- 2nd ½ 1st 4 2nd 3 Solo(Pelaw) Farloe Tornado(Pelaw) Solo(Pelaw) Royal Fury Acapulca Diva Farloe Trojan WinTm Going Kilos SP/T Meeting 23 Class CalcTm Debbie Calvert (Season 06.Mr'14)bk b Hondo Black-Ringaround Sue My'11 Ir Blk1 17.32 N 32.0 3/1 D2 17. 61 ClearRun 17.48 -10 32.1 7/2 D2 17. 54 EveryChance 17.30 N 31.6 7/2 D2 * 17. 40 AlwaysLed 17.55 N 31.9 6/1 D1 17. 55 Crowded1 17.47 N 32.3 7/2 D2 17. 66 LedNearLine 17.53 -20 31.6 7/4 D3 17. 33 Ms.K.R.Howey Craig Dawson be d Ace Hi Rumble-Hondo On Air Oc'10 Ir ALed 17.21 N 33.2 3/1 D2 * 17. 21 ClearRun 17.30 N 33.3 4/1 D2 17. 48 Crowded1 17.47 N 32.8 4/1 D2 17. 57 BadlyBaulked1 17.30 N 32.9 4/1 D2 17. 82 RanOn 17.35 N 32.9 5/4F D2 17. 47 ClearRun 16.92 N 33.2 3/1 IT 17. 44 The Conlon Family James Wright bk d Broadstrand Lad-Droopys Quinta Nv'12 Ir EvCh,Rls-Middle 16.12 N 32.5 5/4F OR 16. 26 Bumped1 16.28 -10 32.5 11/10F OR 16. 30 EP,Led1 16.02 N 32.5 5/4F OR 16. 02 QAw,AlwaysLed 28.15 -20 32.6 3/1 OR 27. 95 Crd2,Mid 28.37 -70 32.5 8/1 OR 27. 79 StumbledStart,Middle 17.40 N 32.9 T 17. 40 Mr.P.Alderson Savva Roberts (Pelaw) bk d Ballymac Maeve-Strangford Katie Jy'10 Ir SltCrowded½ 26.29 -20 31.6 6/4F A2 26. 25 BumpedRunUp 26.63 -40 32.0 5/2 A2 26. 75 VeryQuickAw,LedToNearLn 26.06 +20 31.2 4/1 A2 26. 34 EarlyPace,Crowded3 26.95 -80 30.9 3/1 A2 26. 75 LedFrom1 26.66 N 31.8 T3 xLame 26. 66 Crowded1 17.40 N 31.5 8/1 OR 18. 00 Mr.K.Heilbron Tom Heilbron (Pelaw) dkbd d Ballymac Maeve-Little Too Soon Ap'12 Ir Wide 14.76 N 36.8 T ReQul 14. 76 QuickAw,ALed 14.79 +5 37.0 3/1 D2 14. 84 Wide 15.08 +5 37.6 T Qlfyg 15. 13 QAw,LedTo2,Wide 14.90 -5 38.0 T3 Qlfyg 14. 94 MiddleToWide 15.27 -20 38.0 T Qlfyg 15. 07 Crowded1 17.43 N 33.9 8/1 OR 17. 89 Mr.A.Curtis Andrew Curtis (Pelaw) dkbd d Montos Mark-Gusty Gale My'10 Ir Wide 14.92 -5 31.1 T Qlfyg 14. 87 QuickAw,ALed 14.87 -5 30.6 7/4 OR 14. 82 MiddleToWide 14.71 N 31.1 T Qlfyg 14. 71 Wide,EveryChance 17.36 N 31.0 5/4F D3 17. 40 AlwaysLed 17.35 -10 31.1 4/1 D3 17. 25 Middle,ClearRun 17.30 N 31.4 T4 xOffC 17. 54 Meeting RESERVES Date Dis Tp STm 23 SPl Fin A* BLACKJACK STAR Runs: 9 28.Ja 640 21.Ja 480 17.Ja 480 By Winner/Second(Hcp/Venue) Remarks WinTm Going Kilos SP/T Mrs.C.L.Metcalf,Mr.P.S.Terzza 1sts: 1 2nds: 1 2 (R4) 1111 1st 3¾ 5 (R3) 5655 4th 2½ 5 (R2) 5665 5th 6¼ Fearsome Mantra(R2) Slipalong Box(R6) Rocken Angie(R7) B* GEORDIE LEWIS Runs: 6 24.Ja 480 17.Ja 480 10.Ja 480 1sts: 1 2nds: 0 1 04.75 1222 4th 1 Valentia Frosty 2 04.67 1444 4th 7½ Pond Beethoven 2 04.75 3656 6th 10¾ Sandyhill Hitman 1sts: 15 2nds: 8 3 04.71 4333 3rd 7 3 04.80 5444 4th 4 2 04.74 6652 2nd 1¾ 1sts: 6 2nds: 4 4 05.63 3464 5th 3 3 04.74 4 1111 1st 1¼ Sandyhill Hitman Ghetto Empire Blackjack Bullet Global Relief(Pelaw) Solo Whats On(Pelaw) E* MIAMEA (W) Runs: 44 24.Ja 480 21.Ja 480 15.Ja 480 1sts: 13 2nds: 12 6 04.75 2333 1st 2¼ 6 04.77 1345 3rd 2½ 6 04.88 6666 2nd 1¾ 1sts: 9 4 (R2) 4 (R4) 5 (R4) Wraysbury Reward Crooks Maximus Rock The Casbah 2nds: 11 4556 5th 5½ 4454 3rd 1¾ 5554 2nd 2 Blackjack Star(R4) Shaneboy Katie(R11) Shaneboy Katie(R11) 1sts: 10 2nds: 5 5 04.76 4445 5th 1½ 2 04.82 2232 1st ½ 6 (Scr) 6665 5th 6¼ 1sts: 0 2 04.76 2 03.67 1 04.11 Valentia Frosty Ballymac Cash Cover Ya Eyes(R15) 2nds: 3 2223 5th 5¾ 3222 2nd 1¾ 2222 3rd 3 Bowline Bolt Chaotic Lynda(PBarr) Iceman Frank(Notts) 1sts: 1 2nds: 2 3 (R4) 4345 4th 3 2 04.97 4323 2nd 4¼ 3 (R6) 2221 1st 3¾ 1sts: 5 2 04.79 6 (Scr) 6 (Scr) Aero Special(R1) Miss College Aldworth Pebbles(R4) 2nds: 9 2111 1st 5 6453 1st DH 6633 3rd 2 1sts: 7 1 04.95 1 04.70 1 04.99 2nds: 3 6663 3rd 6 1111 1st ½ 5554 3rd 2¼ Romeo Urban Risky Rumble(R10) Crooks Boyo(R4) 1sts: 3 2 04.79 4 04.75 3 04.82 2nds: 1 4444 1st ½ 4445 4th 3 4434 4th 2¼ LackedEPace Crd5,RanOn FcdToCk3,RanOn Stuart Ray bk d Droopys Scolari-Blackhouse Molly Jn'12 Br 39.81 -40 30.7 5/1 Hcp 40. 00 39.17 +30 31.2 9/4 Hcp 39. 93 39.71 N 31.3 5/4F Hcp 40. 18 ClearRun LedNearLine Baulked1 Stuart Ray bk d Droopys Scolari-Blackhouse Molly Jn'12 Br 29.33 N 31.0 16/1 OR 29. 43 29.20 +10 31.0 3/1F A2 29. 30 28.93 +20 31.4 3/1C Hcp 29. 61 Patrick Rosney (Unatt) (Season Unknown)wbe b Westmead Hawk-Any Time Again Ap'13 Ir ClearRun 28.83 N 29.7 4/1 OR 29. 29 RlsMid,Crd1,RnOn 28.65 -20 29.6 4/1 OR 28. 59 CrdStt&3 28.95 +10 29.8 4/1 OR 29. 29 Harry Williams (Season Unknown)bk b Ace Hi Rumble-Poolie Pride Jn'13 Br Baulked1 29.54 +10 29.0 7/4F Hcp 30. 17 SlowAway 29.71 N 29.6 1/1F A6 30. 06 Led¾ 29.48 -10 28.6 3/1 Hcp 29. 86 Led2 LedNearLine Crowded1 Stuart Ray bk d Ace Hi Rumble-Queen Jeanie Mr'13 Br 29.06 N 29.2 4/1 A3 29. 06 29.35 +10 29.4 3/1F Hcp 29. 45 29.29 N 29.7 5/2J Hcp 29. 43 Mr.S.Ray Queenies One Marazion Crash Queenies One L* ROMEO FANTASTICO (M) Runs: 16 29.Ja 480 17.Ja 480 10.Ja 480 Debbie Calvert (Season 11.Sp'13)bd b Kinloch Brae-Tyrur Gaga Ap'11 Ir Wide,FinishedWell 28.99 N 29.8 9/4F A2 28. 99 QAw,LedT1&Bmp,RanOn 29.12 +10 29.8 5/1 A2 29. 41 Wide,RanOn 29.46 -20 29.8 6/1 A2 29. 39 Mr.S.Ray K* QUEENIES THREE Runs: 22 22.Ja 480 10.Ja 480 20.De 480 Steven Roberts (Towc) bkw d Droopys Oscar-Centaur Trooper My'13 Br BadlyCrowded3 26.19 +10 29.0 3/1 A3 26. 54 RailsToMiddle 29.29 N 29.2 T Intro 29. 29 EP,LdRunUp,(HndTm) 26.89 -40 29.4 3/1 A3 26. 49 Mr.H.F.Williams J* QUEENIES ONE Runs: 26 22.Ja 480 17.Ja 480 10.Ja 480 Mr.T.Alderson,Mr.S.Roberts Mr.J.P.Voss I* POND PALOMA (W) Runs: 8 03.Ja 480 27.De 480 20.De 480 28.67 28.80 29.31 Mrs.M.H.Ray H* NEWINN THIS WAY Runs: 10 24.Ja 480 16.Ja 480 12.Ja 480 Crowded1 Crowded1 BlkRnUp,Bmp3,RanOn Harry Williams wbk d Crash-Poolie Pride My'11 Br N 32.5 8/1 A1 29. 23 N 32.4 5/1 A1 29. 13 -20 32.4 9/2 A1 29. 24 Mrs.M.H.Ray G* MOLLYS RONNIE (M) Runs: 45 24.Ja 480 21.Ja 480 17.Ja 480 Led-2,BumpedRunIn Baulked1 BadlyCrowded1 Miss.D.Calvert F* MOLLYS CARLO (M) Runs: 58 28.Ja 640 17.Ja 640 10.Ja 640 James Fenwick be d Barefoot Bolt-Maldini Pops Au'12 Ir 29.33 N 35.0 12/1 OR 29. 39 28.63 +10 34.7 12/1 A1 29. 33 28.67 N 34.7 8/1 A1 29. 54 Mr.N.J.Barnfather,Mr.I.Lavery,Mr.H.F.Williams D* HIGHCLERE POTTER (M) Runs: 19 25.Ja 435 21.Ja 480 18.Ja 435 James Fenwick (Season Unknown)bd b Kinloch Brae-Pass The Pub Sp'12 Ir SnLed,StayedOnWell 39.81 -40 24.7 9/4F Hcp 39. 73 Baulked3 29.45 +10 24.3 3/1 Hcp 29. 98 ClearRun 29.09 N 24.3 3/1 Hcp 29. 73 Mr.P.Clark C* HADRIANS WALL Runs: 47 10.Ja 480 03.Ja 480 27.De 480 Class CalcTm Blackhouse Ben Blackhouse Heidi Blackjack Bullet Crowded2 AlwaysLed ClearRun Stuart Ray bk d Ace Hi Rumble-Queen Jeanie Mr'13 Br 29.06 N 29.4 7/2 A3 29. 55 29.23 N 29.3 5/2 A3 29. 23 29.50 -20 29.3 3/1 P2 29. 48 Miss.A.Harrison MidTW,CrdStt,LedNrLine Bumped2 MidToWide,ClearRun James Wright bk d Premier Fantasy-Fabulous Life Ap'13 Br 29.34 N 35.0 9/4J A2 29. 34 28.92 +10 34.9 8/1 A2 29. 24 28.92 N 35.4 12/1 A2 29. 08 M* THERE U GO Runs: 16 28.Ja 640 16.Ja 435 10.Ja 435 1sts: 1 2nds: 3 2 14.34 3 05.82 3 05.69 Mr.R.Grey Solo Solo(Pelaw) Solo(Pelaw) Ron Grey (Pelaw) (Season Unknown)be b Windy Millar-Maltese Force Oc'12 Br Middle 41.02 -80 27.2 T Intro 40. 22 MiddleToRails 26.45 -10 26.8 T ReQul 26. 35 RailsToMiddle 26.13 N 26.8 T ReQul 26. 13 Travelling Reserves = A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M - All Others Non-Travelling -
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