UNITED VETERANS COMMITTEE OF COLORADO AGENDA 11 FEBRUARY 2014 09:00 WWW.UNITEDVETERANSCOMMITTEE.COM MEETINGS AT VFW POST 9644 2680 W Hampden Ave Englewood, CO 80110-1906 303-789-9733 West of Sante Fe on highway 285. First traffic light, turn right (Brady Court) and follow curving road to top of hill. VFW Post on left OR Turn North on Federal, and then right on Hampden and VFW Post will be on your right. 1. CALL TO ORDER BY UVC PRESIDENT STEVE RYLANT 2. INVOCATION BY UVC CHAPLAIN GARRY TURKS 3. PLEDGE OF ALLIGENCE TO THE FLAG BY UVC 1st VICE PRESIDENT FRANK McCURDY 4. MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR MIA-POW: Source: The National Archives. Note: Each month, a Coloradan that became a POW during military service is being listed. Most are liberated, repatriated, or returned to military service. There are more than 400 Coloradans to list. Please take a moment to know who they were as we have this moment of silence. a. Watson, Norman – Army Corporal, parachute infantry. Detained by Germans, Liberated in 1945. b. Watts, Lowell – Heavy bombardment Army Air Corps. Detained by Germans, Liberated 1944. 5. WELCOME a. FIRST TIME ATTENDEES AND GUESTS i. Fredrick Solheim – Warriors on Cataract – A 501(c)3 nonprofit supporting the healing and reintegration of our wounded warriors into civilian life. [email protected], www.WarriorsOnCataract.org 4-Day whitewater raft tours next May-June for wounded warriors. May 6 for special ops, seals, rangers, etc. May 12 for female wounded warriors. May 30 Cheyenne VA and open manifest. June 6 Salt Lake VA and open manifest. Seeking more participants and more funding support and connections. ii. Will Robinson iii. State House Candidate Alec Garnett iv. VFW Department CO Edward Aitken v.USO - Kathryn Young – Airport center and programming at Buckley, Col National Guard and Warren. We are dedicating to lifting the spirits of our military troops and their families. Operates completely on donations. Now serving USO Denver and Buckley. vi. Veteran Leader Corps – Elvis Leon – VLC is a campus compact of the mountain west and an Americorps Program. New initiative to help Vets transition out of school. Will provide job training (resume and social networking workshops), community engagement, internships, job placement. Operating out of Metro State, UCD, Johnson & Wales, Regis, CSU Pueblo, UD, etc. 6. SPEAKER: Bill Hanna, UVC Legislative Liaison, will discuss legislation that concerns UVC as it affects Veterans. a. Flyer: Legislative Recommendations from Executive & Legislative Committees for Feb 11 UVC b. UVC positions on bills in the State Legislature: Bill presented and President Steve Rylant asked for a vote on the recommendations from the Executive and Legislative Committees for UVC positions on Senate and House bills. The recommendations were approved unanimously. Those positions included: Support for House Bills 14-1015, 141029, 14-1059, 14-1089, HJR14-1005, HJR14-1007, HJR14-2008, and Senate Bills 14030, 14-031, 14-041, 14-056, 14-075, 14-075, 14-088, 14-096, 14-130, and 14-132. The Executive and Legislative Committees also recommended a Monitor position on HB141155. Additionally, the Executive and Legislative Committees recommended and the UVC unanimously approved the addition of a new “State Organizational Priority” as follows: i. “Actively explore the feasibility of exemption veterans service organizations from state and local sales tax.” c. Bill discussed the importance of the title, sponsors and fiscal note on the success of a bill making it through the legislative process. As examples, he noted that the title of HB14-1205, Concerning the Veterans Assistance Grant Program, would not allow an amendment to affect the Veterans Trust Fund; also, the fiscal note on SB14-056 to waive fees on license plates for military and veterans, which the UVC supports, would result in a a need for $1.2 million of additional General Funds to replace the lost fees – about 1/3 of the total budget of the unit in the Department of Revenue section that administers license plates. d. Bill recognized and commended UVC members who have been providing testimony at legislative committees on bills that the UVC supports. He also reported on the status of bills that relate to UVC State legislative priorities, noting that many of our priorities are included in bills that are moving forward in the legislative session. e. Finally, Bill mentioned that the a UVC Legislative Committee is being reactivated, and will meet an hour in advance of the Executive Committee on February 25th, and asked those interested to sign up on a sheet. f. Discussion: Izzy Abbass brought up the possibility of following the new marijuana tax seeking opportunities to benefit Veterans 7. ROLL CALL – MEMBERSHIP CHAIR PAULA SARLLS a. Membership applicants to approve today: i. Post 100 Scottish American Military Society ii. Campus Compact of the Mountain West iii. Rolling Thunder, Inc. CO 1 b. USO at DIA was introduced to vote on next month 8. SECRETARY REPORT – approved with noted exceptions that will be included in amended January minutes 9. TREASURER REPORT – copies provided and announced that Jewish War Veterans have donated $100 today. Report approved. 10. ORGANIZATIONAL REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS WITH HANDOUTS a. VFW - Pete Buchanan, State Jr. Vice Commander. VOD & PP National winners. Colorado delegation going to Washington in three weeks. b. Associated Veterans of Colorado – Ken Melcher – Memorial Day celebration at Fort Logan National Cemetery on May 26 at 1100. c. Center for American Values – Tom Allee – Unveiling of Medal of Honor recipient Romesha on February 20 at 1530 in Pueblo at 101 S. Main St. No charge for this event. d. Veteran Leader Corps – Elvis Leon – VLC is a campus compact of the mountain west and an Americorps Program. New initiative to help Vets transition out of school. Will provide job training (resume and social networking workshops), community engagement, internships, job placement. Operating out of Metro State, UCD, Johnson & Wales, Regis, CSU Pueblo, UD, etc. e. Coopers Troopers – updated UVC, shared this flyer about their organization and projects such as Hyperbaric Oxygen treatments for Veterans, and the Marine Corps Memorial. f. All About Vets - Rolling Thunder Chapter 1 – RT Radio show features live guests, local and national news for Veterans. The Rolling Thunder Today Show with Don Marsh and Mike Messenger – Live every Thursday 0900 on www.milehiradio.com. g. Woman Marines - Paula Sarlls – President of Marine Memorial. Introduced Marine Memorial and Young Marines. h. CO ESGR – Brad Gallup - Book launch party “Your Next Mission” by Lida Citroen Feb 26, 1600-1800 at Tivoli Student Bldg, 320 Auraria Campus, 900 Auraria Parkway, Denver CO 80214. RSVP [email protected]. Open to Student Vets, Vet orgs, and business community members. Www.yournextmissionbook.com i. American Legion – Gary Force, Chairman - Washington conference March 22 – March 26. j. John Rossie – Blue Water Navy Association – 174 co-sponsors of HR 543, “Blue Water Navy Agent Orange Act of 2013” and they are working on a project getting cities, counties, and states to sign resolutions to support it. k. 18th Judicial District Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) – Coordinator Dani Hamilton – serving Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert, Lincoln counties. Hybrid drug and mental health court that diverts Vets (preference given to felony cases) from traditional criminal justice response into a problem solving court. 18-24 month program focuses on treatment, intensive supervision via probation, targets high risk needs. Goal to reduce recidivism and increase public safety. Always looking for Veteran peer mentors. Contact for info, referral, or volunteer opportunities. [email protected] or (832)7297609 l. Project Sanctuary – Geneva Templeton - Winter Park Wipeout Saturday, March 22 at 1500 at Hideaway Park in Winter Park. Activities for whole family. Still recruiting for online marketing internments. Contact Geneva @ [email protected] or 970309-0699 for details. m. Secretary Jenn Latini – Paula Sarlls being honored next weekend 11. UVC LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE a. All covered in Mr. Hanna's presentation. 12. UVC BANQUET COMMITTEE Ken Melcher and Marvin Meyers a. 30 March at Renaissance Hotel on I-70 and Quebec. Keynote speaker General William L. Shelton, Commander Air Force Space Command worldwide. He is an AFA graduate and has held key assignments at numerous command levels during his 38 years of military service. Please get registrations and advertisements mailed in. Registrations can be submitted at www.unitedveteranscommittee.com or www.militaryevents.us/rsvp and enter event code UVC42. 13. UVC MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE – Paula Sarlls – Covered during roll call. 14. COLORADO BOARD OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Dana Niemela a. Dana Niemela – Veterans Trust Fund applications due in March. Next meeting is 20 Feb at 0930 at Excelis, 655 Space Center Drive, COS, CO 80915 i. Denver DHS – Dana Niemela – HVRP provides employment services to homeless and at-risk Veterans. RMHS, VOA, and Family Tree providing housing assistance. RMHS 855-VETS-HAV (8387428), VOA – 303-297-0408, Family Tree – 303-467-2604 15. VETERANS NURSING HOME COMMISSION 16. VETERANS NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATION 17. VETERANS IN HIGHER EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT – Izzy Abbass a. 2014 Colorado Veterans in Higher Education Summit will be August 1 st at the Auraria Campus in Denver. It will be jointed hosted by the Community College of Denver, Metropolitan State University at Denver and the University of Colorado Denver. We want VSOs to be present. Some sponsorship opportunities. b. CO Vets in higher ed website is up – www.highereducationvets.org 18. CONGRESSIONAL STAFFERS AND OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR a. Office of Governor Hickenlooper – Richard Sandrock – Student Veteran interns needed at Governor's office. Please google “Governor Hickenlooper Internship” and apply. Metro Denver Homeless Initiative will hold Point-In-Time survey across Denver Metro January 27-31. VA Funding will make finding homeless Veterans a priority. Formerly homeless Veterans have been hired as Veteran Peer Interviewers. On behalf of the Office of the Governor, requests volunteers from the UVC to help survey homeless Veterans. Please visit http://mdhi.org to sign up. b. Maria Secrest – Congressman Gardner - 55 applications academy nominations completed. Academy applications for 2014 will be submitted online. 22 February – quarterly meeting with military/Veterans advisory committee, comprised of Veterans in 4th District. c. Hal Bidlack – Senator Bennet - updated the membership d. Myron Spanier – Congressman Coffman - Two bills introduced: Infections disease reporting bill, reform construction management of VA hospitals – Orlando, Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Denver/Aurora. Hospital constructions are on the average 35 months behind and $336 million over budget. Unacceptable. i. Bipartisan Proposal to Reform VA Hospital Construction – Press Release ii. House Approves Coffman's Infectious Disease Reporting Bill – Press Release iii. 113th Congress 1st Session H.R. 3593 – To amend title 38, US Code, to improve the construction of major medical facilities, and for other purposes. See this bill. e. Bryan VanDriel – Senator Mark Udall - Sponsoring Military Retirement Restoration Act, restores military retirees cost of living adjustments affected by the recent deal to avert a gov't shutdown. Urging CO Veterans to use the new consumer protection website to report issues with institutions receiving funding from the GI bill. Website will help identify and confront unfair, deceptive, misleading practices at institutions of higher education serving Veterans. Student Vets should continue to come to our office with GI Bill direct pay issues. VA has updated the list of ships with confirmed operations in Vietnam, which added more ships and expanded the information for others. This list helps Vietnam Veterans find out if they qualify for presumption of agent orange exposure. Www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures f. Kathryn Wirkus – Congressman Perlmutter - Reiterated support for naming VA CBOC in Golden through efforts of the UVC. Co-signed with Senators Bennet and Udall. Tuition Fair held last Saturday at Westminster High School. 300 attendees with a panel answering questions about funding for college. AFA Liaison officers attended to discuss attending military academies. Veterans History Project – stay tuned for date of the premier of this documentary on Women Veterans from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan. g. Rossina Santiago-Schroeder – Congresswoman DeGette - Completed Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, West Point appointees. Continuing involvement in immigration issues, workplace development, mental health issues, consumer privacy issues, working with National Jewish to research various respiratory ailments affecting Veterans h. Dale Anderson - Congressman Lamborn – updated the membership 19. VISN 19, VARO, VA CEMETERIES, VA ECHCS, VA DALC, VA HEALTH CENTER a. Anita Urdiales – VISN19 - 2 Staffing updates. Names submitted for position of Deputy Network Director, Medical Center Director, Grand Junction VAMC. We now wait for approval. b. Denver Vet Center – Katy Barrs – MST coordinator and Psychologist providing readjustment services to combat Veterans, Veterans who suffered MST (Military Sexual Trauma), and families. 20. DMVA/DVA a. DVA – SEP Connect - Denver VARO – Rebecca Sawyer Smith – Please visit www.va.gov for e-benefits info and see handout on SEP: Stakeholder Enterprise Portal – www.sep.va.gov – Connecting VA with partners in service. For more SEP information, email [email protected] or call VA Dedicated Support Line at 1-855-225-0709. b. Fort Logan National Cemetery - Joe Turnbach - 362 internments in January. 202 were cremations. A word of caution: coyotes are very active now, it is mating season. c. Memorial Services Network - Steve Best - National Cemetery Administration, MSN III New National Cemetery in southern CO. VA completed acquisition of Rolling Ranch, 374 acres on 1/21/14. Construction will begin when funding is received. Will include a public information center, committal shelters, a maintenance facility, roads, entrance, administration office. Will support approximately ten years of initial burial capacity for casket graves, cremation sites, and columbarium niches. d. ECHCS - Dan Warvi - The Golden clinic is open. Grand opening 21 Feb, 0800-1130. USMC IRR Muster 15 March. Looking for VSO's and Community Groups. Southern Colorado VSO meeting at Adams State University. VSO's invited. OIG Report – went extremely well, overall excellent report. Arts Festival – 4 April at Metro State University, two week show follows. Adams county Vet Center launched. Beware of scams – services are being claimed that should be free. Don't pay for anything the VA offers. 21. OLD BUSINESS 22. NEW BUSINESS 23. UVC PRESIDENT ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CLOSING REMARKS 24. ADJOURN NEXT MEETING DATE – 11 March, 2014 If you would like to fill out a comment sheet BEFORE the meeting, please visit www.uvcform.com. If you are not going to take home flyers, please bring them to the secretary for recycling or future use.
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