Man-in-the-browser • IMT4122 Software Security Trends • Spring 2013 Man-in-the-browser to retrieve content of SSL connections A NDRÉ N ORDBØ∗ IMT4122 Software Security Trends [email protected] Abstract In this paper we will dive into the attack known as "Man-in-the-browser", where malicious code is interacting inside the victims computer tagging along already authenticated sessions. The goal is to demonstrate that content is available even if SSL/TLS is being used. The demonstration code uses Microsoft Detours API and targets primarily Internet Explorer run on Windows XP, although the method in general also works for other browsers and Windows operating systems. 1. I NTRODUCTION Former Secure Socket Layer (SSL), now Transport Layer Security (TLS), is used to ensure confidence in the identity of web applications and also protect access to information being transmitted. A lot of effort has been put in place to protect this end to end communication to fend off "man in the middle" attacks. A related attack is called "man in the browser" and can be considered a subcategory of the former[3]. The idea is to move closer to the interaction between the human user and the machine. One major reason why this is important is pointed out in the assignment description: "E-business and browser banking allows companies to transfer parts of their activity to their customers, using customers’ computers. A tacit assumption in the process is that the system the user uses is free from malicious software."[7] The implied but falsely assumed assumption that customers’ computers are free from malware is of the essence. E-banking has evolved to include usage of one time passwords via different channels. This for protecting against stealing of credentials across sessions and can also be used for allowing finer granularity when authenticating subtasks while being logged in. The goal of this project is to demonstrate with code that malicious applications can eavesdrop on secure TLS connections ∗ Gjøvik before being sent out on the Internet. Performed by attacking web browsers and their dependencies, ultimately fooling the human user. In the following chapters we will look at the requirements given in this assignment, a bit on methodology, the theory behind this technology, an implementation and lastly some preventive thoughts, further work and conclusion. 2. R EQUIREMENTS • Compilable source code is to be handed in together with a verifiable explanation of the steps necessary for compilation on a clean install of an operating system. • The source code is to be accompanied by Doxygen-generated source code documentation. • The presentation needs to demonstrate the techniques employed, ideally including a live demonstration. • Source code must generate zero warnings when compiling and give zero true positives in a static analysis tool for source code vulnerabilities in the chosen programming language. • The expected result is a working demonstrator that is compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, or Opera on Microsoft Windows. Preferably it should work University College (12HMISA) 1 Man-in-the-browser • IMT4122 Software Security Trends • Spring 2013 reliably with more than a single web browser 3. safer methods are preferred but not the main goal of this endeavour. M ETHODOLOGY 4. The assignment text introduces three methods as examples of how a man in the browser solution can be achieved: • Write a browser plug-in • Use a (browser) helper object (DLL module for IE browser, basically a browser plug-in with high privileges) T HEORY The main reason for attacking interfaces closer to the human operator is to avoid having to deal with encryption and authentication and instead utilize the fact that a human somewhere in the chain has to be able to perform these sensitive tasks like banking previously mentioned. Figure 1 shows this concept. • Inject a new thread in the browser process, and then hook into the socket API calls.[5] Since one of the requirements is a solution working for several Internet browsers, then there are at least two options: Write custom code for each browser, or try to discover whether all browsers use common libraries for performing TLS encryption. TLS/SSL is operating in the transport layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite, and without in-depth knowledge, it would be natural to assume browsers rely on functionality in the operating system. This rules out the first two options. One additional resource[1], a presentation from black hat 2008 by Kenji Aiko, was also given. Kenji also mention the Microsoft Detours API[5]1 resulting from Microsoft research. Because the author of this paper doesn’t have much experience with low level programming, the main methodology will be trial and error, actively using tutorials on the Internet for guidance as learning parts of C++ will be a major part of this assignment. A note on the requirements: This project is not going to use Doxygen documentation, mostly because it’s demonstration code and it does not export any API for usage. Code will be documented in the header of source files and in-line. The demonstration code is meant for demonstration and learning purposes only, thus no reason for the requirement of "no true positive using static analysis". Usage of 1 Application Figure 1: Principle illustration of man in the browser The main questions in this section deals with what methods are known for performing man in the browser attacks and find a doable method within the scope of this project. Let’s start by addressing the big picture. The authors of [2] talk of the general concepts. They talk of typical capabilities found in banking Trojans including screen shot, video, keyboard and mouse capture, redirection of web pages and manipulation of HTTP POST/GET/PUT2 requests and the DOM3 in browsers. They also explain how to become one with the user authenticated session in 5 steps. 1. Infection by Trojan 2. Activation upon user initiation of legitimate transaction 3. The user passes all authentication 4. Trojan manipulates outgoing transaction details, replacing a mule4 as the recipient. Programming Interface, often libraries of code that can be reused for requesting pages, transmitting what you search for and transmit online forms 3 The DOM (Document Object Model) can be thought of as the "live" page source of HTML. The source HTML is parsed by browsers in memory, placed in a DOM and rendered. Modifications to this DOM allows for adding and removing of elements like pictures, forms and text 4 In order to hide the true identify of the miscreants behind the attack 2 Used 2 Man-in-the-browser • IMT4122 Software Security Trends • Spring 2013 Figure 2: Example of how detouring and trampolining works (based on an illustration in the cited paper) 5. Trojan manipulates receipts and handles additional transaction authentication by making the user re-authenticate. Typical infection vectors are social engineering sending e-mail with malicious PDF files (phishing) and exploiting vulnerable plug-ins like Java on popular web pages (pharming and water hole). As mentioned later in the paper, these banking Trojans typically have a command and control infrastructure allowing for a back channel and updating the Trojan with new functionality and configurations containing specific target details. The need for customization is nicely summarized in this quote: "For instance, is clearly not of use to perform html injection attacks ... without knowing what to inject and where to do so. Attackers cannot expect inserting a ’Please enter password/email/D.O.B.” field at random into every page to be very successful"[3] Continuing with[2], they discuss the reasons for targeting the browsers: It’s easy to infect computers, detection is hard, traditional strong authentication is inadequate and anti fraud mechanisms are not effective. As they say "However, they [MitB attacks] are especially prevalent in areas where two-factor authentication is densely deployed"[2] 5 Implying It’s an interesting observation, reasonable because without two factor authentication5 simply using key stroke and/or mouse loggers is sufficient. Dynamic authentication using Transaction Authentication Numbers (TAN) and also the mobile TAN becoming popular raises even a new kind of middleman known as the Man-in-the-Mobile. Three points of attacks are mentioned, basically the same as in the assignment description: 1. Browser Helper Objects: dynamically loaded DLL’s loaded by Internet Explorer on startup, have full access to the DOM tree. Said to be very easy. 2. Extensions: Said to be very easy. This paper[11] try to compare extensions in Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera. 3. API-Hooking: Man in the middle between executables and DLL’s, claimed to be difficult. They mention a method "InternetConnect()" in "wininet.dll" for Windows Internet Explorer and methods "CFReadStreamOpen()", "CFReadStreamRead()" and "CFReadStreamWrite()" for Safari on Mac. In the Black hat presentation[1] from 2008, Kenji Aiko talks of API hooking which is diverting function that call external library code. He mentions an API for performing this on Windows named Microsoft Detours and a technique on Unix using LD_PRELOAD[6]. He claims SSL communication in Windows often uses the CryptoAPI provided usage of dynamic authentication tokens changing all the time, compared to being static 3 Man-in-the-browser • IMT4122 Software Security Trends • Spring 2013 by ADVAPI32.dll for internal functionality, specifically "CryptEncrypt" and "CryptDecrypt" functions. During initial testing with "API monitor" (described in the implementation section), I was not able to find anything from Chrome, Firefox or Opera using these two API’s. Internet Explorer used them, but only header information was visible. It’s 5 years ago since written and can be explained by changes since then. Browser implementation might have changed. Another explanation could be the tool used and knowledge required to hook these methods. MS Detours still looks like an interesting path ahead. Microsoft Detours API as described in this paper[5] works by modifying binary code in memory, as apposed to changing the image on disk. It can intercept arbitrary Windows binary functions for 32-bit as described in the paper, and now also 64-bit in the latest commercial version 3. It does so by changing target functions with a jump command to an alternative function (detour function) and also keeps track of the original target in order to call it while detouring (trampoline function). Figure 2 tries to illustrate this method. A short look at browser implementation. Windows has it’s SChannel/CryptoAPI, MacOS has "Secure Transport"6 • Firefox uses an open API called NSS7 . • Chrome/Chromium was according to[9] using operating system provided libraries until 2010, but seems to be moving to NSS. Interesting API’s are "PR_Write" and "PR_read" (NSPR4.dll). • Internet Explorer is primarily only available on Windows and uses the Windows API. Interesting API’s found (using "API monitor") are "InternetReadFile" for raw content, "HttpOpenRequestW" for GET/POST requests and "InternetConnectW" for domain name lookup. 5. I MPLEMENTATION The implemented demonstration code, based on tutorials, consists of an executable "injector.exe" responsible for looking through the running processes on the machine, and injecting Internet Explorer and Firefox DLL’s into the correct processes. The Firefox DLL simply inverts text on all visited pages, while the Internet Explorer DLL sniffs HTTP/HTTPS traffic and appending the content to files on the Desktop. The Windows XP platform selected were running version 8 of Internet Explorer. Techniques used are dependent on usage of function calls. The Firefox API detoured is very general, while as seen with the three API’s used for Internet Explorer only apply to it and a very simple test on Windows 7 indicate changes. 5.1 Setup In order to control the demonstration, virtual machines were set up using VirtualBox from Oracle. Initial trials were performed on 64-bit Windows 7 using Visual Studio 2012. MS Detours, version 3.0 as of now, can be downloaded from Microsoft8 , but is only available for 32-bit architectures for free non-commercial use. This should not in itself be a huge disadvantage because many user processes on 64-bit systems still run in 32-bit mode9 . Initial trouble compiling Detours, even when telling it to compile for 32-bit, lead to migration to a 32-bit Windows XP SP3 system using the freely available Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express package. Microsoft Detours installs source files to a folder under "Program Files". In order to compile it, use a "Visual Studio Command Prompt" found in the start menu, execute "vcvarsall.bat" in order to set up the compiler environment, move to the Detours installation folder, force 32-bit by "set Detours_TARGET_PROCESSOR=x86" command (not necessary on 32-bit) and then run "nmake". Detours comes with a lot of examples in a "samples" directory and a helper file with documentation. 6 Reference/reference.html 7 8 9 In task manager, look for *32 after image name (Windows 7) 10 4 Man-in-the-browser • IMT4122 Software Security Trends • Spring 2013 In order to get a feeling for how API hooking works, and for verifying what different API’s give access to, a tool called "API monitor"10 was downloaded. It supports 32 and 64 bit processes and has a huge list of predefined hooks available for discovery. They have a tutorial on monitoring SSL in Internet Explorer11 . Another great tool called "Task Explorer", as part of the "Explorer Suite"12 displays running processes and lists all imported modules. Good for verifying injection of DLL’s. 5.2 Compiling the code A compressed folder is following this report. It contains: • Compiled code folder • A readme.txt file • Two required files from the compiled Detours folder (detours.lib and detours.h) • Three C++ source files: source_injector.cpp, source_mitb_ff.cpp and source_mitb_ie.cpp 5.2.2 Prerequisites are Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express and MS Detours compiled. 1. Create project named "mitb_ie", select "Win32 Console Application" template and select application type "DLL" under Application Settings. 2. In the "Solution Explorer" window find "Source Files" folder and beneath it the file "dllmain.cpp". Insert code from "source_mitb_ie.cpp" here. 3. Add the header file "Detours.h" and "Detours.lib" from the MS Detours compiled folder to the "mitb_ie" folder inside your project(available in the compressed folder) 4. Compile as normal. This dll will append POST/GET, domain and HTML content to text files on the desktop. "dbgview"13 can be used to view the debug messages it creates using the "OutputDebugString" call. 5.2.3 5.2.1 Internet explorer DLL Firefox DLL Injector executable Prerequisites: Nothing except Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express or equivalent. 1. Create project named "injector" 2. Select "Win32 Console Application" template and select application type "console application" under Application Settings. Many files will be created (37.9 MiB!) 3. In the "Solution Explorer" window find "Source Files" folder and beneath it the file "injector.cpp". Insert code from "source_injector.cpp" here Prerequisites are the same as for Internet explorer DLL. Use the same procedure as for Internet explorer DLL, using code from "source_mitb_ff.cpp". In theory MS Detours is fully able to detour this browser, but the main difference in specific implementation is that during experimenting with Firefox, no Windows API’s were found allowing for the same access to unencrypted content. Firefox (and the same for Chrome and Opera) uses custom implementation. Still, a funny "invert text" code is inserted to show content is available for manipulation. Detouring internal functions is a way to go, but it requires knowledge of them and access to structure definitions used to construct the detouring function. 4. Go to properties of project: "Configuration properties": General: Change Character set to "multi byte" (replacing unicode) 5.3 5. Compile under "Debug": "Buid Solution (F7)". Find the executable under the first /Debug folder The injector.exe file will look for the DLL files in the current path, so make sure injector.exe is run with the dll’s in the same directory. The injector will look for Internet Explorer and Firefox pro- Running the code 11 12 13 5 Man-in-the-browser • IMT4122 Software Security Trends • Spring 2013 cesses, so one of these must be running. The hook is removed when all instances of that browser is terminated. In Windows XP, both running as the default administrative account and as a limited account, both result in the code successfully injecting without any privilege escalation. For Windows 7, injector.exe does not work at all, even when run with administrator privileges, most likely due to the particular method used to inject the code. 6. P REVENTION The assignment asks: "What are the recommend countermeasures that application developers or system administrators should apply to counter this attack?" For application developers, like for example browser vendors, this demonstration has showed that it’s more difficult to perform man in the browser detouring when the browser does not use the default OS API for communicating, so mitigating could involve having tighter control of critical functions like encryption. Static compilation and using own libraries. For OS developers, locking down the permissions to inject code into other processes should be done, but miscreants are still able to poke holes in the defense[12]. System administrators in the context of organizations, and users in general can avoid getting infected by limiting permissions by not running as administrator, using sandbox technology and update vulnerable software. Nothing new here. The problem is caused by having such open platforms as modern operating systems are, being used for all purposes ranging for surfing YouTube to financial transactions. In the short term dedicating a computer for financial and serious stuff from private fun, even using live CD/DVD operating systems for ensuring a clean system are possible but not very practical solutions[4]. Both Almeida et al. [2] and Dougan et al.[3] has their own chapters on how to mitigate man in the browser attacks. Dougan[3] highlights the problem of keeping up the cat and mouse game avoiding the "arms race", and suggest out of band confirmations as the only viable solution, in additional to the unlikely scenario that users stop getting infected with malware. As they say "Practice good computer hygiene" Almeida[2] enumerates a lot of methods and why they don’t protect against these attacks. My thoughts on reading it is that the main problem related to banking is is that banks only authenticate the user, not the transaction details. One time pass codes, even when out of band like SMS, tokens, code cards, only verify you are you. The amount and receiver must also be part of the "signature" the user verifies with. Professor Stephen Wolthusen during Applied Information Security demonstrated such a simple device reading an encrypted message from the screen, displaying the contents of the transaction to the user that can be followed by the generation of a verification code that only applies for the decoded transaction. This method assumes the computer cannot be fully trusted. 7. While searching for solutions on several problems arising during development, several alternative tools were discovered. Most of them supporting 64-bit processes. This question[10] has a good summary of frameworks like • "Deviare API Hook"14 • "MHOOK"15 • "EasyHook"16 • API for Python17 Another interesting perspective could be to look at what real Trojans/botnets use in order to perform man in the browser. The paper [3] compares three botnets "urlzone (bebloh)", "torpig (sinowal)"" and "Zeus (zbot, kneber)" and there are many more to choose from: 14 15 16 17 6 F URTHER WORK Man-in-the-browser • IMT4122 Software Security Trends • Spring 2013 8. • Spyeye • Carberp • Feodo • Tatanga • Silent Banker • Gataka18 Interesting things would be what DLL’s they hook, what functions inside the DLL’s and what hooking techniques are being used. Other ways to inject DLL’s are using registry keys, replacing DLL’s, targeting Import Address Table and System Service Dispatch Table all described briefly in[1]. Another interesting attack is subverting Ajax[8]. C ONCLUSION The main result of this paper is demonstration code showing parts of the Detours API. As for protecting against man in the browser, avoiding being infected with malware is a short term solution, involving dedicating systems for critical tasks like banking from everyday fun like games and YouTube. Avoid being the lowest hanging fruit by choosing alternative operating systems and browsers also helps, but with targeted attacks19 on the rise this is no guarantee. In the long term we must realize modern computers are probably too complex and not trustworthy. Authentication using out of band communication including transaction details is a possible future. R EFERENCES [1] A IKO , K. New reverse engineering technique using api hooking and sysenter hooking, and capturing of cash card access. bh-jp-08-Aiko-EN.pdf. [2] A LMEIDA , M., AND B UYUKSAHIN , U. Man-in-the-browser attacks. http://www.slideshare. net/aknahs/meninthebrowser. [3] D OUGAN , T., AND C URRAN , K. Man in the browser attacks. ~kevin/IJACI-Vol4No1-maninbrowser.pdf. [4] G IBSON , S. Security now! episode 321 (search for "no single approach"). sn/sn-321.txt. [5] H UNT, G., AND B RUBACHER , D. Detours: binary interception of win32 functions. 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