Sunday Morning Services - Unitarian Universalist Congregation of

Unitarian Universalist Congregation
of Fort Wayne
Issue 2 ~ Volume 76
February 2015
5310 Old Mill Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46807
Contact information
Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly
[email protected]
Minister Emerita:
Rev. Dr. Laurie E. Proctor
Congregational Administrator:
Kirsten Eckert-Smith
Office hours:
Sun.-Thurs. 9 AM to 1 PM
[email protected]
(260) 744-1867 (office)
Director of
Religious Education:
Mary Lybarger
[email protected]
Youth RE Committee Chair:
Evan Davis
Director of Music:
Suellen R. Kipp
[email protected]
2015 President:
Toni Kring
[email protected]
Sunday Morning Services
Sunday, February 1, 2015
11 AM: Yuuth Group
Our Director of Religious Education, Mary Lybarger,
will lead our Multigenerational worship centered on
Spirit Play for All.
12:15 PM: Steadfast Hope film & discussion series
from the Social Action Committee
Sunday, February 8, 2015
10 AM: Choir practice
11 AM: Our 2015 Congregational President, Toni
Kring, will give the sermon. Mike Tulley is our
Worship Associate.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
10 AM: Choir practice
11 AM: Share the Love Sunday! Rev. Shelly will lead
worship and our UUCFW choir will be accompanied
by our guest drummer, Abe. Jackie Moore is our
Worship Associate.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
This Congregation is dedicated to the
progressive transformation and
ennoblement of individual and social
life through religion, in accordance
with the advancing knowledge and
growing vision of humankind. Bound
by this common purpose, and
committed to the freedom of belief, we
hold in unity a diversity of convictions.
~~ Source: UUCFW Bylaws ~~
11 AM: Rev. Shelly will lead worship. Her sermon will
explore the UUA Commission on Appraisals report
Who’s In Charge Here? The complex relationship between
ministry and authority.
Childcare hours for infants and toddlers are
10:45 through 12:15
Beloved Community
Diverse Beliefs
Shared Values
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What does it mean to be UU?
One characteristic of being Unitarian Universalist is the freedom
that our Association of Congregations places in the element of
religious authority. As members of a UU congregation, we
subscribe to no creed or set of belief statements, rather we affirm
and promote Principles & Purposes of our Association. These
Principles & Purposes are guides to living our faith. The
Principles hold us to be responsible in our personal lives as well as
in our coming together as religious communities.
As we explore the theme of Religious Authority, allow me to
draw your attention to the 2009 review and revisions of our
Principles and Purposes put forth by our UUA Commission on
Appraisal. It is in these revisions I have found the definition I
appreciate most of the relationship of religious authority.
Unitarian Universalism is not contained in any single book or creed.
Its religious authority lies in the individual, nurtured and tested
in the congregation and the wider world. As an evolving religion, it
draws from the teachings, practices, and wisdom of the world’s religions. Humanism, earth-centered spiritual
traditions, and Eastern religions have served as vital sources. Unitarian Universalism has been influenced by
mysticism, theism, skepticism, naturalism, and process thought as well as feminist and liberation theologies.
It is informed by direct experiences of mystery and wonder, beauty and joy. It is enriched by the creative
power of the arts, the guidance of reason, and the lessons of the sciences.
Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly
In February, you will hear from your Board of Trustees & the Mission/Vision Task Force about
the ways we are growing in our identity and purpose at a Town Hall meeting on Sunday Feb. 22; I
encourage you to attend. Town hall gatherings are not only a forum to receive information; it is
also a place where your voice as a member of the congregation counts as part of the conversation.
Conversation is an important practice of shared ministry.
What is shared ministry? It is the practice of sharing responsibilities for all that we do together.
Ministry is all of what we do together: programming to equip all ages with the tools of their faith,
caring for one another, and worshipping together. In calling me as your Minister, you have placed
in me the authority to lead this congregation on a path that we, you and I, discern together. A
characteristic of my leadership is also to respect the authority you embody as a congregation to care
and create the congregation you dream of; and together we share the responsibility of serving the
reality and dream together. As we move toward deepening our understanding of shared ministry,
conversation is an essential element in cultivating collaboration to move our congregation forward
It is a privilege to be your Minister and to walk on this path of shared ministry with all of you!
See you in church ~Rev. Misty-Dawn
This is NOT part of the current UUA bylaw Article II Principles & Purposes. This is taken from the second draft of revisions
presented to the UUA Board of Trustees by the Commission on Appraisal in January 2009. You can find the related article here:
Diverse Beliefs
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February: Religious Authority
Rev. Misty-Dawn
Shelly Office Hours
“Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it.” ~Henry
David Thoreau
Rev. Misty-Dawn’s office
hours are:
“The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual’s own Tuesday & Thursday: 10 AM
reason and critical analysis.”
to 2 PM and
Wednesday: 5 to 8 PM.
~Dalai Lama
“A leading authority is anyone who has guessed right more than
once.” ~Frank A. Clark
To set an appointment, please
([email protected])
or call (744-1867).
1) In this church, we “call” ministers and elect lay leaders to positions of authority. Does that mean
that we “submit” to their authority? What leadership, or kind of leadership, do we expect in our
free religious community?
2) By what authority do we “do church”?
Take time to discover the authority and power in your life. You might journal or invite a trusted
friend to have a conversation with these questions as your guide:
What authorities have you followed?
What authorities have you resisted?
What authority do you now welcome in your life?
Planned giving
You can include the Endowment Fund of UUCFW in your estate planning and make your spiritual home a beneficiary of your estate. Your
gift is vital to our ongoing financial health and you will leave a lasting
legacy. The Endowment Fund earnings support the UUCFW operating
fund every year.
Thank you to all who have included UUCFW in your estate planning. For questions about your bequest
planning, please contact Kees deWit ([email protected]).
Diverse Beliefs
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Board of Trustees Meeting recap
At the January 19, 2015 Board of Trustees meeting the following occurred:
UUCFW Website: Kees deWit, Rachel Blakeman, and Kirstin Lindsley presented their
recommendation that Clear Elevation be the vendor for our new website. Martin deWit and Toni
Kring were also on the task force. The task force met with three vendors prior to making their
recommendation. The board approved the recommendation unanimously. The goal of the website
will be to attract new persons to our church and to ensure, among other things, search engine
optimization and frequent updating of the website. Thanks go out to Kirsten Eckert-Smith for all of
her years of managing our website and to the task force for all of their hard work to research and
recommend a vendor.
Committee Council Meeting: The newly revised UUCFW Governance and Committee Structure
will be introduced at the February 1, 2015 meeting of the committee chairpersons (or their
representatives). This meeting will be held immediately after the service and lunch will be provided
for attendees. Lisa Johnson, Vice President of the Board of Trustees, is the board member with the
responsibility for overseeing the work of the committees so that committees will have goals which
are compatible with our vision and mission, and that chairpersons, committees and teams (these will
be under a committee) will communicate well with our minister, lay leaders, and other committees.
Our hope is this will help us all be more successful in meeting our goals and in working more
effectively together in our shared ministry. It is expected that the roll-out for the new structure will
take time/trial and error learning on the part of all of us. The Committee Handbook will need to be
revised to be as compatible as possible with the new committee structure.
2015 Board Goals: Toni Kring presented the Board of Trustees with a Board Goals worksheet that
provides the month(s) the goal is to be focused on/attained, the type of goal (i.e., leadership
development, mission/vision, etc), which board member(s) are responsible and the meeting in
which they will present their updates/completed task.
Old Business: The progress on Mission/Vision, monthly education for the board on “Financial
Facts”, Disruptive Member Policy, Sound System Maximization, and Safe Congregation Review/
Implementation were all briefly discussed. Updates were presented regarding the furnace bids, the
Minister’s Contract, Mission/Vision, current financial status, and the policy regarding the use of
memorial gifts.
Looking Ahead: Our Mission & Committee Restructuring Town Hall meeting will be held on
February 22, 2015. This is an important opportunity to be involved in what may be the final step
prior to our March 8 Annual Congregational Meeting when we will be voting on our proposal for a
new Mission statement. Also everyone is reminded that our Annual Congregational Meeting will
be held on March 8, 2015.
Toni Kring, President; Lisa Johnson, Vice President; Terry Mihlbauer, Secretary; Michael Barone,
Treasurer; Colleen Carpenter, Jim Reeder, Kathi Weiss, and Danny Swim, Alternate
Diverse Beliefs
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Shared Values
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Past President Colleen Carpenter’s 2014 Year in Review
Last year the Board had quite a productive and lively year! My personal goals as Congregational
President were:
a) to make the meetings more efficient so that
b) we could move beyond the normal “business” of the Board and work on moving our
congregation forward.
Here is a summary of highlights from last year. Look for a full accounting of the 2014 Board’s
work in the Annual Meeting packet.
Streamlined our Board meetings by implementing a “consent agenda” and assigning a time
keeper. Meetings largely ended on time (give or take a few minutes).
Led a successful March Annual Congregational Meeting which included approving Bylaw
changes to shrink the Board to 7 members and awarding Maggie Curtis and Gary Parkins
Unsung UU awards.
Made progress on our Goals (Communication, Policy, and Mission/Vision):
Convened a Mission/Vision Task Force that engaged the congregation in creating a new
mission statement which will be voted on in March!
Convened a Website Task Force which analyzed our website needs, sought proposals, and
interviewed web design firms. A new website will be ready by June!
Worked in collaboration with committees and staff to write or rewrite several policies/
procedures: Building Use (including Key, Rental), Emergency Preparedness, Inclement
Weather Cancellation, Finance, Personnel, Volunteer Computer Use, and a draft Committee
Raised visibility and accessibility of the Board by hosting 3 “Beverages with the Board” and
participating in Worship Welcome during service.
Paused Scrip to conduct audit and restructure. A new Scrip Committee re-launched Scrip in
November and new procedures were approved.
Participated in a successful second ministerial evaluation of Rev. Shelly.
Supported using Leadership Development funds to help send Vice President Toni Kring, Marsha
Wallace and myself to UUA’s national conference, “General Assembly”, as delegates.
Worked with Finance Committee to determine type and vendor for an external audit.
Approved paying both UUA and Regional dues in full.
Began discussions on re-financing our mortgage, replacing our furnaces; restructuring our
committees (more to come); restructuring our annual pledge drive timeline and process; and,
reviewing Rev. Shelly’s contract.
Read and discussed “Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times” by Peter L. Steinke.
Several Board members (and Rev. Shelly) helped build the Interfaith Habitat for Humanity
House, supported Freedom Indiana, and participated in the Pride Festival (parade & UUCFW
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2014 Year in Review, cont.
Reviewed Bylaws and made a list of suggested changes for 2015.
Helped the Finance Committee pare down and define our Designated Funds.
Attended Safe Space training to build our understanding and commitment to LGBTQ persons &
Participated in shaping annual pledge drive, implementing a successful second “ask”, and
finalizing (and passing!) the 2015 budget.
Awarded Jeanne Nuechterlein, Rachel & Roger McNett, Sandra & Noel Maze, and Ann
McKenna Founders Awards.
All of this was possible because we had a strong Board of Trustees, an indispensable Vice
President, a stellar Minister and staff, and supportive congregation. It was a privilege work on your
behalf to help UUCFW move forward this past year. I am looking forward to another fantastic year
for UUCFW! ~ Colleen Carpenter
Mark your Calendars for this Important Collaboration
UUCFW and the Temple Achduth Vesholom, in partnership, are presenting the film Two Who
Dared; The Sharps’ War on Sunday, April 19, 2-5pm at the downtown Allen County Public Library,
in conjunction with Yom HaShoah.
For their work in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia and Vichy France, the Unitarian minister,
Waitstill Sharp, and his wife, Martha, were recognized as Righteous Among the Nations at Yad
Vashem—the highest recognition accorded by the state of Israel to non-Jews who risked their lives
to save Jews during World War II. They are two of only three Americans to be so honored. This
film that recounts their heroic story is in the process of being remade into a PBS event. Proceeds
from our showing of the film will contribute to that production and move it closer to being aired on
PBS stations.
Two Who Dared will be shown at the downtown library theater between 2 and 5pm on Sunday,
April 19, and will include a reception and a talk-back panel. Peter Braunfeld, Holocaust survivor
from Champaign, IL, will participate in the talk-back. He will also be the featured speaker for Yom
HaShoah for the Temple on April 20.
There will also be an art competition/show for middle and high school students held during
weeks prior to Yom HaShoah. The art show theme is Mourning the Holocaust and Genocide: Past
and Present and will hang in the Wunderkammer gallery from March 21-April 20. Susan Wenger
and Judy Wertenberger have been working with the Temple to publicize and organize the art show.
We will be looking for volunteers for this event, but most of all we’ll be looking for participants.
This is a wonderful opportunity to commemorate and celebrate the long history of compassion and
collaboration between UUs and the Jewish community. We will offer a 90-minute workshop on the
topic on Sunday, April 12, after morning worship. So, mark your calendars for the workshop and
the film.
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Nurturing Our UU Future
February: Religious Authority
nUUz WonderBox for All Ages
Mary Lybarger, Director
of Religious Education
It takes grace in our time to keep our minds open to wonder, to be ready for the
tug from God, the push from the Spirit, and the revelation of deep things from
the hearts of ordinary people. It takes grace, but it is a great gift.
Lewis B. Smedes in “How Can It Be All Right When Everything Is All Wrong?”
In the Yuuth Religious Education classes we are
wondering together…
The month of February theme is Religious Authority
In the Youth Religious Education classes we are wondering together…
I wonder….
how it feels to believe in something?
how it feels to have others not believe the same things you do?
if you have ever voted?
if voting is always fair?
if you believe in your ideas?
if you have ever acted on them?
if sometimes it is hard to admit you are wrong when you make a mistake?
if you’ve ever asked someone to help you figure something out because it was confusing to you?
if it’s easier to find answers when there are several people working on a problem?
if people should be able to talk about something they believe if they don’t know all the information?
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From Todd Campbell, Youth Volunteer
I’ve had the privilege of teaching our grade school Religious Education class once a month since
September 2014. Each time I’m struck by how these young children live out the values of compassion and acceptance as they literally make room for each other around our circle.
My role in our new Spirit Play curriculum has been as the storyteller. The class typically begins
with a story where the youth listen quietly and then are encouraged to ask wondering questions
when it is completed. The stories teach our UU principles which are represented by the colors of the
As is often the case for teachers I have learned as much or more than the students. I have learned
that I like the inclusiveness of the UU tradition and like teaching it to our youth. I like that there is
no one answer taught about how we should think about, or if there even is, a “Spirit of Mystery that
some of us call God” (quoted from our Spirit Play curriculum). I like the connections between all of
life that is emphasized as well as our ability to be active in our world.
It is a different approach from the United Methodist Sunday School of my youth. I confess I loved
learning the stories from the Bible, but I remember there was always a “correct” interpretation. I
love that our youth have the encouragement to wonder about how it all fits together. They are creative young people which I see not only in their wonderings, but also in the “work” they do afterwards. It gives me hope for the future of our congregation, for Fort Wayne, and for our world.
Todd Campbell, friend of UUCFW since 2003 and new member as of January 2015
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery March
Unitarian Universalists across the country will travel to Selma for the Marching in the Arc of
Justice: Revisiting Selma Conference, March 5-8, 2015.
Here at UUCFW, we will commemorate Selma Sunday during worship on March 8, as well as
join those in our Fort Wayne Community organizing a commemorative march at 4pm that day.
Details of the march will be communicated as they become available. In the meantime …
Graham Kreicker, long-time member of UUCFW and
former UUA Trustee now living in Lawrence, Kansas,
will go to Selma and walk the 54 miles to Montgomery.
He says, “The overbearing and extra-legal activities of
white police forces in several cities last year have cast a
much darker aspect on the official observance of the civil
rights march that took place 50 years ago. I will walk to
honor the memories of the fallen leaders of that time,
including UUs Rev. James Reeb and Viola Liuzzo.
I will also walk to honor the memories and leadership
of our own Rev. Richard Langhinrichs and Charles Redd,
and will be carrying their pictures with me. I am called to
make this march. It is both the least and the most I can
In faith, Graham
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Social Action & Service
Street Reach
Our Third Sunday offering recipient for the cold weather months this January and February is Street
Reach for the Homeless which directly serves some of the estimated 100-150 street people residing
in center-city Fort Wayne. The Street Reach van currently provides home-cooked or donated dinner
meals to up to 65 recipients twice a week. Our monetary contributions are sought to buy food or
provide gift cards to local restaurants. New or gently used warm winter clothing, tents, blankets
and sleeping bags are in high demand, of course, but other needed items include reading glasses or
prescription glasses that you no longer use, hygiene items, flashlights, batteries, hand sanitizer, and
feminine sanitary items. Need more information? Google Fort Wayne Street Reach for the
Homeless or contact Taylor Crane, phone 435-9324 or via email at [email protected]. Write
your tax deductible check or money order to UUCFW, with Street Reach on the memo line. Loose
cash offerings will be evenly divided with the congregation’s operating fund, as always.
When something went wrong when my granddaughter was quite young, she would say,
“Oopsie”. Perhaps it was a series of senior moments that caused an accumulation of 10
used tablecloths to land on the floor of the storage closet. They were lonely, forgotten
and unable to be put in use so I took them home and washed them last Sunday. To
avoid another Oopsie Moment, please remember that if you use a tablecloth, you are
responsible for laundering it and returning it to the closet. Thanks, Toni
Attendance & Giving Records
Our certified membership for 02/01/15 is
Our current membership, as of 01/21/15,
is 123
January’s average weekly attendance: 67.5
Our January Third Sunday Collection
benefited Street Reach. We collected
$137.50 in cash and the checks added up
to $190. That’s a total of $327.50 for
January. This will help their cause a lot.
And we’ll help them again in February.
We are so grateful for your continuing
support of our Third Sunday Collections.
Wellspring Food Pantry
The latest needs from the Wellspring Food
Pantry include:
chili without beans
Adult-sized hats & gloves
kidney beans
canned hash
dry (powdered) milk
Sugar-free Jell-O
Diverse Beliefs
Beloved Community
Shared Values
The Valentine fun starts at 1:30 with Sunbeam the Clown
providing happiness, hats, and playfulness for all ages.
At 2, we’ll move into the Social Hall where the band, Rhubarb
Pie, will play music, including requests and sing-alongs. Our
exceptional dance leader, Peg Maginn, will teach the Cha Cha and
give free lessons in signing Happy Birthday.
Valentine cookies to frost and decorate; strawberries,
marshmallows, and chocolate; milk to wash them all down. There
will be valentines to give, send, or take home, and
a balloon to float you out the door.
Join us for this fun, free party!
Beloved Community
Diverse Beliefs
Shared Values
Are you interested in serving on a particular committee? If yes, contact the chair directly.
Religious Education Committees
Congregational Ministry Department
Congregational Ministry Chair
Ed Powers ([email protected])
Worship Committee
Kira Downey
([email protected])
Congregational Music Committee
Dee Koehl
([email protected])
Edith Helbert
([email protected]) and
Beth Jamieson
([email protected])
Rachel Blakeman
([email protected])
Member Services Department
Membership Committee
Rachel McNett
([email protected])
Care Committee
Visitation Coordinator
Beth Jamieson
([email protected])
Cards & Calls Coordinators
Patty Davis
([email protected])
Cynthia Powers
([email protected])
Memorial Services
Jacqueline Moore
([email protected]) and
Kathi Weiss
([email protected])
Stewardship Department
Adult RE
Rebecca Reeder
([email protected])
Finance Committee
Greg Kroemer
([email protected] )
Youth RE
Evan Davis
([email protected])
Endowment & Planned Giving
Kees deWit
([email protected])
Building & Grounds Department
Building & Grounds Coordinator
Edie Stoneking
([email protected])
Memorial Garden
John Moore
([email protected])
Social Action & Service Department
Social Action
John Moore
([email protected])
Langhinrichs Gallery
Cathie Rowand
([email protected])
Romeos contact
John Moore
([email protected])
Sisters in Good Company
Cathie Rowand
([email protected])
Sisters Over Seventy
Ann McKenna
Annual Pledge Drive
Committee on Ministry
Norm Newman
([email protected])
The Langhinrichs Gallery is featuring
Unitarian Universalist Congregation
5310 Old Mill Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46807-3017
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