Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson Professional Summary August 21, 2014 Business address: E-mail address: The University of Texas at Austin Bureau of Economic Geology University Station, Box X Austin, Texas 78713-8924 (512) 471-1836 [email protected] Academic Background Ph.D. Geology, Manchester University, 2002 B.S. with Honors Geology, Manchester University, 1998 Areas of Expertise Application of 3D seismic data to understanding structural and erosional-depositional processes in sedimentary basins Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of extensional basins Professional Work Experience Present Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (November 2012 - Present). Statoil Senior Lecturer, Imperial College (October 2009 - November 2012).Basin Analysis. StatoilHydro Lecturer, Imperial College (January 2007 - October 2009).Basin Analysis. Lecturer, Imperial College (September 2004 - December 2006).Basin Analysis. Geologist, Norsk Hydro, Research Centre, Bergen, Norway (July 2002 - September 2004). Norsk Hydro Post-Doctoral Research Associate, University of Manchester (February 2002 - July 2002). Awards and Honorary Societies StatoilHydro-funded Lectureship at Imperial College (2010-2013) £350,000, 2010 - 2013 EPSRC Ph.D. funding (2009-2012) £55,000, 2009 - 2012 Fully industry-funded Ph.D. (StatoilHydro ASA) (2007-2010) £75,000, 2007 - 2010 Academic-institute funding Ph.D. (King Abdul Aziz Scholarship) (2006-2010) £60,000, 2006 - 2010 Commonwealth Ph.D. Scholarship (2010-2013) £60,000, 2006 - 2010 EPSRC Ph.D. funding £55,000, 2006 - 2010 Fully industry-funded Ph.D. (Statoil ASA) £120,000, 2006 - 2009 StatoilHydro-funded Lectureship at Imperial College (2006-2009) £350,000, 2006 - 2009 Fully industry-funded PDRA (Statoil ASA) (2006-2008) £180,000, 2006 - 2008 Fully industry-funded Ph.D. (Norsk Hydro) £12,0000, 2005 - 2008 Teaching Development Grant (E-Learning in Sedimentology) £4,500, 2005 - 2006 Committee Responsibilities and Professional Activities Guest Editor, Special Issue, Fault Zones, Journal of Structural GeologyNovember, 2010 Guest Editor, Special Issue, Subsurface Sediment Remobilisation and Fluid Flow in Sedimentary Basins, Basin ResearchAugust, 2010 Convenor, GCSSEPM Perkins Conference on Seismic Imaging of Depositional and Geomorphic Systems, Houston, December 7--10, 2010 Session Chair, Sedimentation and Tectonics in Rifts, 2010 American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, New Orleans, 2010 Session Chair, Fault Zones: Structure, Geomechanics and Fluid Flow, Geological Society of London, 2008 Session Chair, Subsurface Sediment Remobilisation and Fluid Flow in Sedimentary Basins, Geological Society of London, 2008 Publications Articles Peer Reviewed Jackson, C., Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., Rodriguez, C., 2014, Internal structure, kinematics, and growth of a salt wall: Insights from 3-D seismic data: Geology, v. 42, no. 4, 4 p., p. 307-310, doi: 10.1130/G34865.1. Burberry, C. A., Jackson, C. A.-L., and Cosgrove, J. C., 2011, Late Cretaceous to Recent deformation related to inherited structures and subsequent compression within the Persian Gulf: a 2D seismic case study: Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 168, p. 485-498. Cardozo, N., Jackson, C. A.-L., and Whipp, P. S., 2011, Determining the uniqueness of best-fit trishear models: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 33, p. 1063-1078. Jackson, C. A.-L., 2011, 3D seismic analysis of megaclast deformation within a mass-transport deposit; implications for debris flow kinematics: Geology, v. 39, p. 203-206. Jackson, C. A.-L., Huuse, M., and Barber, G. P., 2011, Geometry of wing-like intrusions adjacent to a deep-water slope channel complex and implications for hydrocarbon exploration and production: a 3D seismic case study from the Måløy Slope, offshore Norway: AAPG Bulletin, v. 95, p. 559-584. Jackson, C. A.-L., Larsen, E., Hanslien, S., and Tjemsland, A.-E., 2011, Structurally-controlled syn-rift turbidite deposition on the hangingwall dipslope of the South Viking Graben, North Sea Rift System: AAPG Bulletin, v. 95, p. 1557-1587. Kieft, R. L., Hampson, G. J., Jackson, C. A.-L., and Larsen, E., 2011, Stratigraphic architecture of a net-transgressive marginal- to shallow-marine succession: Upper Almond Formation, Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming, USA: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 81, p. 513-533. Faulkner, D. R., Lunn, R. J., Jackson, C. A.-L., Schliese, R. W., Shipton, Z. K., and Wibberly, C. A. J., 2010, A review of recent developments concerning the structure, mechanics and fluid flow properties of fault zones: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 32, p. 1557-1575. Hampson, G. J., Sixsmith, P. J., Kieft, R. L., Jackson, C. A.-L., and Johnson, H. D., 2010, Quantitative analysis of net-transgressive shoreline trajectories and stratigraphic architectures: mid-to-late Jurassic of the North Sea rift basin: Basin Research, v. 21, p. 528-558. Huuse, M., Jackson, C. A.-L., Van Rensbergen, P., Davies, R. J., Flemings, P. B., and Dixon, R. J., 2010, Subsurface sediment remobilization and fluid flow in sedimetnary basins: an overview: Basin Research, v. 22, p. 342-360, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2117.2010488.x. Jackson, C. A.-L., Grunhagen, H., Howell, J. A., Andersson, A., Larsen, A. L., Boen, F., and Groth, A., 2010, 3D seismic imaging of lower delta-plain beach ridges: lower Brent Group, northern North Sea: Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 167, p. 1225-1236. Jackson, C. A.-L., Kane, K. E., and Larsen, E., 2010, Structural evolution of minibasins on the Utsira High, northern North Sea: implications for Jurassic sediment dispersal and reservoir distribution: Petroleum Geoscience, v. 16, p. 105-120. Kane, K. E., Jackson, C. A.-L., and Larsen, E., 2010, Normal fault growth and fault-related folding in a salt-influenced rift basin: South Viking Graben, offshore Norway: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 32, 490-506. Kieft, R. L., Jackson, C. A.-L., Hampson, G. J., and Larsen, E., 2010, Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Hugin Formation, Quadrant 15, Norwegian sector, South Viking Graben, in Vining, B. A., and Pickering, S. C., eds., Petroleum geology: from mature basins to new frontiers: Proceedings of the 7th Petroleum Geology Conference, p. 157-176. Aas, T., Howell, J. A., Janocko, M., and Jackson, C. A.-L., 2009, Controls of Aptian palaeobathymetry on turbidite distribution in the Buchan Graben, Outer Moray Firth, Central North Sea: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 27, p. 412-434. Jackson, C. A.-L., and Larsen, E., 2009, Temporal and spatial development of a gravity-driven normal fault array: Middle-Upper Jurassic, South Viking Graben, northern North Sea: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 31, p. 388-402. Jackson, C. A.-L., Johnson, H. D., Zakaria, A. A., Crevello, P. D., and Tongkul, F., 2009, Sedimentology, stratigraphic occurrence and origin of linked debrites in the West Crocker Fm (Oligo-Miocene), Sabah, NW Borneo: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 26, p. 1957-1973. Jackson, C. A.-L., 2008, Sedimentology and significance of an early syn-rift palaeovalley, Suez Rift, Egypt: Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 52, p. 62-68. Jackson, C. A.-L., and Larsen, E., 2008, Timing basin inversion using 3D seismic data: a case study from the South Viking Graben, offshore Norway: Basin Research, v. 20, p. 397-417. Jackson, C. A.-L., Barber, G. P., and Martinsen, O., 2008, Slope morphology as a control on the geometry and evolution of sand-rich slope systems: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 25, p. 663-680. Jackson, C. A.-L., 2007, Application of three-dimensional seismic data to documenting the scale, geometry and distribution of soft-sediment features in sedimentary basins: an example from the Lomre Terrace, offshore Norway, in Joint SEPM/Geological Society Conference, p. 253-267. Jackson, C. A.-L., 2007, The geometry, distribution and development of clastic injections in slope systems: seismic examples from the Upper Cretaceous Kyrre Formation, Måløy Slope, Norwegian Margin, in Sand injectites: implications for hydrocarbon exploration and production: AAPG Memoir, p. 37-48 Jackson, C. A.-L., Gawthorpe, R. L., Leppard, C. W., and Sharp, I. R., 2006, Rift-initiation development of normal fault blocks: insights from the Hammam Faraun fault block, Suez rift, Egypt: Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 163, p. 165-183. Jackson, C., Gawthorpe, R. L., and Sharp, I. R., 2006, Structural style and development of fault-propagation folds in extensional settings: examples from the Hammam Faraun and El-Qaa fault blocks, Suez Rift, Egypt: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 28, p. 519-535. Jackson, C. A.-L., Gawthorpe, R. L., Carr, I. D., and Sharp, I. R., 2005, Fault growth as a control on the stratigraphic evolution of tidally-influenced and shallow marine syn-rift sequences: the Nukhul and Rudeis Formations, Suez Rift, Egypt: Sedimentology, v. 52, p. 313-338. Jackson, C., and Stoddart, D. P., 2005, Temporal constraints on the growth and decay of large-scale mobilised mud masses and implications for fluid flow mapping in sedimentary basins: Terra Nova, v. 17, p. 580-585. Martinsen, O., Lien, T., and Jackson, C. A.-L., 2005, Cretaceous and Palaeogene Turbidites in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea Basins: Source, Staging Area and Basin Physiography Controls on Reservoir Development, in Doré, A. G., and Vining, B. A., eds., Petroleum geology: North-West Europe and global perspectives: Proceedings of the 6th Petroleum Geology Conference, p. 1147-1164. Gawthorpe, R. L., Jackson, C. A.-L., Young, M. J., Sharp, I. R., Moustafa, A. R., and Leppard, C. W., 2003, Normal fault growth, displacement localisation and the evolution of normal fault populations: the Hammam Faraun fault block, Suez rift, Egypt: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 25, p. 1347-1348. Carr, I. D., Gawthorpe, R. L., Jackson, C. A.-L., Sharp, I. R., and Sadek, A., 2002, Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of early syn-rift tidal sediments: the Nukhul Formation, Suez Rift, Egypt: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 73, p. 407-420. Jackson, C. A.-L., Gawthorpe, R. L., and Sharp, I. R., 2002, Growth and linkage of the East Tanka fault zone, Suez rift: structural style and syn-rift stratigraphic response: Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 159, p. 175-187. Non-Peer Reviewed Huuse, M., Van Rensbergen, P., Jackson, C. A.-L., Flemings, P. B., Davies, R. J., and Dixon, R. J., 2010, Subsurface sediment remobilization and fluid flow in sedimentary basins: preface. Basin Research, v. 22, p. 341, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2117.2010.00487.x. Research Support Pricipal Investigator: Fully industry-funded project, VNG (2011 - 2013, £200,000). Pricipal Investigator: Fully industry-funded project, Maersk (2010, £10000). Pricipal Investigator: Fully industry-funded project, Shell (2009 - 2011, £300,000). Pricipal Investigator: Fully industry-funded project, Statoil ASA (2008 - 2011, £800,000). Principal Investigator: Structural and stratigraphic evolution of the South Viking Graben, (2005 2006, £28000). Principal Investigator: Structural and stratigraphic evolution of the South Viking Graben, (2004 2005, £22500). Lecturing University Teaching Barrel Award Exploration Project (M.Sc. Petroleum Geoscience): University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., 2012. Seismic Interpretation Techniques (M.Sc. Petroleum Geoscience): University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., 2012. Utah Field Course (M.Sc. Petroleum Geoscience): University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., 2012. Miscellaneous Activities of a Professional Nature Consultant, Maersk--Controls on the stratigraphic evolution of deep-water depositional systems, offshore Norway, 2012 Consultant, Rocksource--Evaluation of enigmatic Palaeocene prospects in the Stord Basin, 2012 Consultant, Rocksource--Lead maturation in the Greater Haltenbanken area, 2012 Consultant, Statoil--Influence of normal faulting on syn-rift depositional systems, Njord Field area, offshore Norway, 2012 Consultant, Svenska--Tectonic controls on hangingwall dipslope depositional systems in the East Shetland Basin, 2012 Consultant, VNG--Controls on the stratigraphic evolution of deep-water depositional systems, offshore Norway, 2012 Consultant, VNG--Tectonic controls on Upper Jurassic depositional systems in the South Viking Graben, 2012 Graduate Student Committee Participation External Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Mark Thomas Ireland, 3-D seismic investigation of the diagenesis and deformation of Cenozoic siliceous sediments on the Eastern Atlantic Margin: Durham University, U.K., 2011 External Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Adiotomre Eseroghene Emmanuel, Normal fault geometry, evolution and stratigraphic response in the shallow sub-seafloor offshore Angola, west Africa: University of Manchester, U.K., 2010 External Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Carlos Manuel de Assis Silva, Controls on slope channel-levee evolution in the Amazon: University of Leeds, U.K., 2010 External Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, David Moy, The architecture, growth and tectono-stratigraphic significance of rift-oblique lineaments on the NE Atlantic margin: Durham University, U.K., 2010 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Abdulaziz Al-Balushi, Impact of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) on hydrocarbon maturation and migration: University of Manchester, 2010 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Abdullah Zakaria, Sedimentology of Tertiary deep-water sandstones in NW Sabah, Malaysia: an evaluation of the Paleogene (Oligocene-Miocene) West Crocker Formation and the Neogene (Early Pliocene) Lingan submarine fan systems: University of Manchester, completed, 2010 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Andrew McAndrew, Occurrence and cause of syn-rift erosional unconformities in the northern North Sea: University of Manchester, completed, 2010 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Aruna Mannie, Tectonic controls on shallow marine transgressive systems: University of Manchester, 2010 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Faisal Al-Qahtani, 3D seismic geomorphology of fluvial systems: University of Manchester, completed, 2010 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Hayley Allen, 3D seismic analysis of the stratigraphic expression of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC), offshore Libya: University of Manchester, 2010 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Kehinde Olafiranye, 3D seismic analysis of the temporal and spatial evolution of mass-transport complexes: University of Manchester, 2010 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Paul Whipp, Fault-propagation folding in extensional settings: University of Manchester, completed, 2010 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Rachel Kieft, Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of shallow marine sediments in a syn-rift setting: Hugin Formation, South Viking Graben: University of Manchester, completed, 2010 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Benoit Massart, Improved characterization and modelling of low-permeability sandstone reservoirs: University of Manchester, 2009 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Duarte Soares, Syn- to post-rift transitions on passive continental margins: Cardiff University, 2009 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Elisabeth Evrard, Facies distributions in the Zechstein Supergroup and impact on Late Jurassic rift-related structural styles: University of Manchester, 2009 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Matthew Lewis, Structural and stratigraphic evolution of extensional fault-propagation folds: University of Manchester, 2009 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Nicholas Holgate, A comparative study of controls on shoreline trajectories in rift-margin and rift-interior shallow marine systems: University of Manchester, 2009 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stefano Patruno, Linkage between shelf and slope depositional systems along the margins of an active rift basin: insights from shoreline trajectories analysis: University of Manchester, 2009 Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Evelina Dmitrieva, Development of clastic injections in shallow marine sedimentary sequences: University of Manchester, 2007
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