PETERBOROUGH CITY COUNCIL - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATIONS WITH DECISIONS ISSUED DURING THE WEEK ENDING 14.11.14 Application Details 14/01559/ADV for Aluminium di-bond projecting sign measuring 600mm projection by 580mm height at 249 Lincoln Road Peterborough PE1 2PL Decision: Permitted Decision Date: 13.11.2014 14/01555/ADV for 4 Advert signs and 1 parking restriction sign at 2 Eldern Orton Malborne Peterborough PE2 5NH Decision: Permitted Decision Date: 12.11.2014 14/01568/HHFUL for Replace existing wood frame porch with UPVC frame and apex roof at 9 Grasmere Gardens Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7UD Decision: Permitted Decision Date: 10.11.2014 14/01592/WCPP for Variation of C3 of planning permission 09/01344/FUL Construction of two storey and single storey rear extensions and detached building at rear of site (part retrospective) at 25 Brownlow Road Millfield Peterborough PE1 3PN Decision: Permitted Decision Date: 11.11.2014 14/01628/PRIOR for Single storey rear extension Distance from original rear wall 6.00m Height 3.975m (2.6m to eaves) at 104 Mayors Walk West Town Peterborough PE3 6EY Decision: Decision Date: Date: 14.11.14 Parish/Ward/Grid Reference Parish: Peterborough Ward: Park Grid Ref: E518932 N300123 Parish: Orton Longueville Ward: Orton Longueville Grid Ref: E517361 N295861 Parish: Werrington Ward: Werrington South Grid Ref: E517930 N303122 Parish: Peterborough Ward: Park Grid Ref: E519102 N300944 Parish: Peterborough Ward: Ravensthorpe Grid Ref: E518057 N299289 Applicant Mrs Ciepinska Jumaro 249 Lincoln Road Peterborough PE1 2PL Agent Mr Thievanayagam Sivarajah TYS Retail Ltd ( Nisa Local ) 2 Eldern Peterborough PE2 5NH Mr Steven Lenton 9 Grasmere Gardens Gunthorpe Peterborough Cambs PE4 7UD Mr Sajid Khan 25 Brownlow Road Peterborough PE1 3PN United Kingdom Mr Tony Pignatiello M.A.P. Design Services Hillcroft Springfield Fletton Peterborough Cambs PE2 8BU Mr Mohammed Tarik 104 Mayors Walk West Town Peterborough PE3 6EY Mr Richard Batemen 22 Sunnymead Werrington Peterborough PE4 5BY Withdrawn/Finally Disposed Of 07.11.2014 Page: 1 14/01629/PRIOR for Single storey rear extension Distance from original rear wall 6.00m Height 3.975m (2.6m to eaves) at 106 Mayors Walk West Town Peterborough PE3 6EY Decision: Withdrawn/Finally Disposed Of Decision Date: 07.11.2014 14/01647/ADV for Free standing V sign at Land At Itter Crescent Walton Peterborough Decision: Decision Date: Decision: Permitted Decision Date: 10.11.2014 14/01657/FUL for Proposed installation of new floodlighting at Peterborough Regional College at Peterborough Regional College Park Crescent Peterborough PE1 4DZ Decision: Permitted Decision Date: 14.11.2014 14/01666/HHFUL for Proposed single storey side extension at 76 Uplands Werrington Peterborough PE4 5AF Date: 14.11.14 Peterborough Ward: Ravensthorpe Grid Ref: E518052 N299289 Parish: Peterborough Ward: Walton Grid Ref: E518207 N302148 Parish: Peterborough Ward: North Grid Ref: E518438 N301528 Parish: Peterborough Ward: Park Grid Ref: E520067 N300208 Parish: Werrington Ward: Werrington North Grid Ref: E517169 N304333 Permitted 10.11.2014 14/01654/HHFUL for Proposed ground floor rear extension and front porch and veranda at 204 Crown Street New England Peterborough PE1 3JA Decision: Decision Date: Parish: Permitted 14.11.2014 Mr Mohammed Zulfgar 106 Mayors Walk West Town Peterborough PE3 6EY Mr Richard Bateman 22 Sunnymead Werrington Peterborough PE4 5BY Andy Gilliver Bellway Homes East Midlands 3 Romulus Court Meridian East Meridian Business Park Leicester Leics LE19 1YG Mr S Haider 204 Crown Street Peterborough PE1 3JA Mr N P Branston mrics Branston Assoc. 400 Eastfield Road Peterborough Cambs PE1 4RE Competition Line UK LTD Mr G Hall Unit 6 Sky Business Park Eversley Way Thorpe Egham Surrey TW20 8RF Mr John Taylor John Taylor Architects Ltd The Studio 64 High West Road Crook Co. Durham DL15 9NT Mrs S Shaw 76 Uplands Peterborough PE4 5AF Mr Jason Wilson Remway Design Ltd Treetops The Raceground Spalding LINCS PE11 3AP Page: 2 14/01689/HHFUL for Two storey side and rear extensions and single storey rear extension at 2 Hawthorn Road Dogsthorpe Peterborough PE1 4PA Decision: Permitted Decision Date: 07.11.2014 14/01675/HHFUL for Glazed conservatory to the front elevation at 201 Coneygree Road Stanground Peterborough PE2 8LJ Decision: Permitted Decision Date: 12.11.2014 14/01686/WCPP for Variation of conditions: C3 (Sales and repairs to include motorcycle training) and C6 (Hours to allow for Sunday trading 10001600) of planning permission 01/01609/FUL Use as motorcycle sales and servicing at Wheels Motorcycles First Drove Fengate Peterborough Decision: Permitted Decision Date: 13.11.2014 14/01697/NONMAT for Non material amendment to planning permission 12/01685/HHFUL First floor rear extension, conversion of attached outbuildings, including partial demolition to create new kitchen and conversion of existing garage, including partial demolition to create new garage and guest suite. Amend exisiting limestone to a horizontal timber boarding on east elevation of outbuilding to match material on front of outbuilding at 22 Main Street Barnack Stamford PE9 3DN Decision: Determined Decision Date: 07.11.2014 14/01711/PRIOR for Demolition of Factory 3, support offices and steel framed ancillary buildings at Perkins Engines Frank Perkins Way Fengate Peterborough Decision: Decision Date: Date: 14.11.14 Parish: Peterborough Ward: Dogsthorpe Grid Ref: E520249 N300861 Parish: Peterborough Ward: Stanground East Grid Ref: E521296 N296628 Parish: Peterborough Ward: East Grid Ref: E520504 N298413 Parish: Barnack Ward: Barnack Grid Ref: E507936 N304996 Parish: Peterborough Ward: East Grid Ref: E521067 N299926 Mr And Mrs Kiepura C/O Agent Mr Sajid Ayub 81 Percival Street West Town Peterborough PE3 6AT Mr Norman Lee 201 Coneygree Road Peterborough PE2 8LJ Mr Jason Thomas ADServices 16 Lincoln Road Glinton Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE6 7JR Mr N Steen Wheels motorcycles Limited Wheels Motorcycles, First Drove Fengate Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 5BJ Mr Mike Sibthorp Mike Sibthorp Planning Logan House Lime Grove Grantham Lincolnshire NG31 9JD Mr Rob McMenemy 22 Main Street Barnack Stamford PE9 3DN Mr Andrew McDowall Jonathan Hendry Architects 10 Nickerson Way Peacefields Business Park Holton Le Clay LINCS DN36 5HS Perkins Engines Company Ltd C/o Agent Miss Stephanie Gray Turnberry Consulting Ltd 41-43 Maddox Street London W1S 2PD Permitted - Prior Approval 12.11.2014 Page: 3 14/01718/R4FUL for Concrete skate park with connecting path, drainage and lighting at Recreation Ground Hargate Way Hampton Hargate Peterborough Decision: Permitted Decision Date: 11.11.2014 14/01785/CTR for T1 - Ash - Remove Western facing trunk/stem T1a - Ash - Crown lift to the gutter height of adjacent building T2 - Ash - Remove lowest branch over garden and hedgerow T3 - Ash - Remove three lowest branches at 2 The Orchard Main Road Etton Peterborough Decision: Permitted Decision Date: 10.11.2014 14/01783/PRIOR for Single storey rear extension Distance from original rear wall 5m Height 3.5m (2.6m to eaves) at 18 Exeter Road Millfield Peterborough PE1 3QN Decision: Permitted - Prior Approval Decision Date: 14.11.2014 14/01792/CTR for Damson Tree - Fell at 6 Broad Wheel Road Helpston Peterborough PE6 7EE Decision: Permitted Decision Date: 12.11.2014 14/01791/CTR for T1 Field maple - Fell at Rookswood 7A Chestnut Close Peakirk Peterborough Decision: Decision Date: Date: 14.11.14 Parish: Hampton Ward: Orton With Hampton Grid Ref: E517155 N295038 Parish: Etton Ward: Northborough Grid Ref: E514199 N306485 Parish: Peterborough Ward: Park Grid Ref: E519184 N300728 Parish: Helpston Ward: Barnack Grid Ref: E512066 N305228 Parish: Peakirk Ward: Newborough Grid Ref: E516841 N306772 Mr Charles Ryan Hampton Community Sports Association Beaumont Way Peterborough PE7 8DN Mr Ross Pritchard Red Kite Network Limited Ironbridge Business Centre The Wesley Rooms Ironbridge TF8 7PD Mr Michael Trotter 2 The Orchard Main Road Etton Peterborough PE6 7FP Mr Mohammad Nazim 18 Exeter Road Millfield Peterborough PE1 3QN Mr Mohammed Iqbal 292 Bradford Road Birmingham B36 9AB Mr Russell Armstrong 6 Broad Wheel Road Helpston Peterborough PE6 7EE Mr Das 7A Chestnut Close Peakirk Peterborough PE6 7NW Lee Overton Rutland Tree Care 7 Spinney Lane Stretton Rutland LE15 7RB Permitted 12.11.2014 Page: 4 14/01825/CLP for Proposed rear extension at 80 Pennine Way Gunthorpe Peterborough PE4 7TE Decision: Withdrawn/Finally Disposed Of Decision Date: 11.11.2014 14/01913/NONMAT for Non material amendment (dormer width) to planning permission 13/00840/HHFUL - Construction of double storey and dormer roof extensions at 28 Hodney Road Eye Peterborough PE6 7YJ Decision: Decision Date: Parish: Peterborough Ward: Paston Grid Ref: E517873 N302779 Parish: Eye Ward: Eye & Thorney Grid Ref: E521909 N302833 Mrs Jan Pinches 80 Pennine Way Peterborough PE4 7TE United Kingdom Mr Craig Humber Craig Humber 140 Common View Letchworth Herts SG6 1DQ Mrs M Mangat 28 Hodney Road Eye Peterborough PE6 7YJ Determined 10.11.2014 END Date: 14.11.14 Page: 5
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