I 2 J TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 4 FOR THE COTINTY OF CLACKAMAS 5 STATE OF OREGON, Plaintifl 6 vs. 7 8 9 MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN, DOB; 10/06/1963 DL: OR 8912718 Oefendant. STATE OF OREGON, l0 Plaintifl ll VS. 12 MARIA 13 LOUISA BRENNAN, DOB: 12/31/1968 DL: OR 8912725 Defendant. l4 15 I6 ) ) Court No. CRl500088 ) ) ) INDICTMENT ) ) ) DA No. 005263414 ) ) ) CourtNo. CRI500089 ) ) ) INDICTMENT ) ) ) DA No. 005263416 ) The above-named defendants are accused by the Grand Jury of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, by this indictrnent as follows: 20 THEFT OF SERVICES BY DECEPTION couNT I (oRS L64.l2s/164.o8s) Class C Felony The defendants, on or between Novernber 1,2013, and March 37,2014, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud and avoid payment, obtain services available only for compensation, to wit: labor for plumbing sovices, of a value of $1,000 or more from Todd Templeton and and/or another porott, by use ãf deception, to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. 2l t/t/t t7 l8 19 22 //il/ 23 t/t// 24 ////t I of 3-INDICTMENT / MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN I 005263414 / CR1500088; MARIA LOUTSA BRENNAN / 0052634t6 / CRt500089 Page 25 Clackamas County District Attomey 807 Main Street, Room 7, Oregon City, OR 92045 Phone; (503) 655-843t Fax: (503) 650-8943 1 2 3 4 THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION coLrNT 2 (ORS 164.0ss/164.085) Class C Felony The defendants, on or about January 21, 2074, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of money, of the value of one thousand dollars or more, the property of Local 290 Steamfitters by use of deception, to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, ihat the defendant did not believe to be true. 5 THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION couNT 3 (oRS t64.Oss/164.085\ Class C Felony Ttre defendants, on or between November 1,2013 and March 31,2014, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly with the intent to defraud, commit theft of property, of the value of one thousand dollars or more, the property of George Morlan plumbing by use of deception, to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, oi other state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. 6 7 8 9 IO THEFT OF SERVICES BY DECEPTION couNT 4 (oRS t64.t2s/164.08s) Class C Felony The defendants, on or between October l, 2013 and March 31, 2014, 11 12 County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingl¡ with intent to 13 14 in Clackamas defraud and avoid payment, obtain services available only for compensation, to wit: labor for electrical services, of a value of $1,000 or more from Barnes-Allison Labor Management Cooperation Committee, by use of deception, to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. I5 THEFT IN THE SECOND DEGREE BY DECEPTION corrNT 5 (oRS t64.04s/164.08s) 16 Class A Misdemeanor The defendants, on or about October 22, 2013, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did 17 unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of money, of the value of one hundred dollars or more, the property of Chipotle Mexican Grill by use of deception, to wit: I 8 creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. l9 20 2l 22 23 THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION coLrNT 6 (ORS 164.055/164.08s) Class C Felony The defendants, on or about November 18, 2013, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of money, of the value of one thousand dollars or more, the property of Chipotle Mexican Grill by use of deception, to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. 24 il/il 25 Page 2 of 3-INDICTMENT / MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN 1005263414 / CRl500088; MARIA LOUISA BRENNAN I 005263416 tCR1500089 Clackamas County District Attomey 807 Main Street, Room 7, Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone: (503) 655-843 Fax: (503) 650-E943 I THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION coLrNT 7 (ORS 164.0ssn64.08s) 2 Class C Felony The defendants, on or about January g, 2014, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did 3 unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of money, of ihe value of one thousand dollars or more, the property of Home Depot by use of deception, to wit: creating or 4 confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the defenãant did not believe to be true. 5 6 Said act(s) contrary to statutes and dignity of the State of Oregon. 7 Dated this I 5th day of Janu ary,2015 in such cases made and provided, and against the peace A TRUE BILL 8 Witnesses examined before the Grand Jury (unless otherwise specified, witness gave testimony in person): Denton Deneen Edwards Andy Hilger Justin Melani Gil Millett Gregson Parker Doug Pearson Terry Reigle Todd Ternpleton 9 F Jury l0 1l t2 l3 14 JOHN S. FOOTE District Attorney l5 16 By t7 Jeremy 094s08 JMorrow@co. clackamas.or.us Deputy District Attorney 18 I9 NOTTCE: Where this accusatory instrument charges one or more misdemeanor crimes, the district attorney hereby declares that the state intends that said offense(s) proceed as a misdemeanor(s). 20 2l 22 CONTROL #; JCLAI t4044608/ SID #OR20659076 IMICHAEL ANDRETW BRENNAN CONTROL #: UNKNOWN / SID #UNKNOWN / MARIA LOUISA BRENNAN Agency: Clackamas County Sheriffs Ofhce/14-008741 23 24 25 Page 3 of 3-INDICTMENT / MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN I 005263414 / CR1500088; MARIA LOUISA BRENNAN I 00s263416 / CRl500089 Clackamas County District Attomey 807 Main Street, Room 7, Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone: (503) 655-843 Fax: (503) 650-8943 I 2 J IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 4 FOR THE COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS 5 STATEOFOREGON, Plaintiff, 6 ) VS. 7 8 9 MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN, DOB: 10/06/1963 DL: OR 8912718 Defendant. l0 STATE OF OREGON, Plaintiff, 1l VS 12 13 MARTA LOUISA BRENNAN, DOB: 12131/1968 DL: OR 8912725 Defendant. t4 15 ) ) Court No. CRl500091 ) ) INDICTMENT ) ) ) DA No. 005269232 ) ) ) Court No. CRl500092 ) ) ) INDICTMENT ) ) ) DA No. 005269234 ) The above-named defendants are accused by the Grand Jury of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, by this indictment as follows: ló THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION couNT I (oRS 164.0ss/164.08s) l7 Class C Felony The defendants, on or between February l, 2012 and Ma¡ch 31, 2012, in Clackamas 18 County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of benefits in the amount of $1000 or more, the property of the State of Oregon by use of deception, l9 to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. 20 2t 22 23 24 25 Page t of 8-INDICTMENT 005269234 / CRt s00092 / MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN / 005269232i CRI50009 t; MARIA LOUISA BRENNAN / Clackamas County District Attomey 807 Main Street, Room 7, Oregon Ciry, OR 97045 Phone: (503) ó55-843 Fax: (503) 650-8943 I I 2 3 4 THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION corrNT 2 (ORS 164.05s/164.08s) Class C Felony The defendants, on or between April 1 , 2Ol2 and April 30, 2012, in Clackamas Count¡ oregon, did unlawfully and knowingl¡ with he intent to defraud, commit theft of benefits in the amount of $1000 or more, the property of the State of Oregon by use of deception, to wit: creating or confìrming a false impression of law, value, intentiõn, or other state of minO, ttrat ttre defendant did not believe to be true. 5 6 7 8 9 IO I I 12 l3 THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION çouNT 3 (ORS 164.0ss/164.08s) Class C Felony T}re defendants, on or between May 1, 2012 and May 31,2012, in Clackamas County, oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of benefits in the amount of $1000 or more, the property of the State of Oregon by use of deception, to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION couNT 4 (oRS t64.O5s/164.08s) Class C Felony The defendants, on or between June 1, 2012 and June 30, 2012, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingl¡ with the intent to defraud, commit theft of benefits in the amount of $1000 or more, the property of the State of Oregon by use of deception, to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. l4 THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION couNT 5 (oRS t64.0ss/t64.08s) Class C Felony 16 The defendants, on or between July 1, 2012 and July 31,2072, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of benefits in the 17 amount of $1000 or more, the property of the State of Oregon by use of deception, to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the l8 defendant did not believe to be true. ls t9 THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION coLrNT ó (oRS t64.0sst164.08s) 20 Class C Felony The defendants, on or between August l, 2Ol2 and August 31, 2OIZ, in Clackamas 2t County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of benefits in the amount of $ 1 000 or more, the property of the State of Oregon by use of deception, 22 to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, o. oth.. state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. 23 24 PAgE 2 Of 25 8_TNDICTMENT/ MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN 00s269234 / CRt500092 / 005269232 / CRI5OOOSI; Clackamas County District Attomey 807 Main Street, Room 7, Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone: (503) 655-843 Fax: (503) ó50-8943 I MARIA LoUIsA BRENNAN / THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION couNT 7 (oRS t64.0ss/r64.08s) 2 Class C Felony The defendants, on or between September 1,2012 and September 30, 2012, in Clackamas 3 County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of benefits in the amount of $1000 or more, the property of the State of Oregon by use of deception, 4 to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. 5 THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION 6 couNT 8 (oRS 164.05s/164.08s) Class C Felony 7 The defendants, on or between October 7,2012 and October 31,2012, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of 8 benefits in the amount of $1000 or more, the property of the State of Oregon by use of deception, to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, 9 that the defendant did not believe to be true. IO ll 12 13 THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTTON couNT 9 (oRS ló4.055/164.085) ClassCFelony The defendants, on or between Novernber 1,2072 and November 30, 2012, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of benefits in the amount of $1000 or more, the property of the State of Oregon by use of deception, to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. t4 THEFT IN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION 15 cor.tNT 10 (oRS ló4,055/164.08s) Class C Felony 16 The defendants, on or between Decernber 1,2012 and December 3l ,2072, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of 17 benefits in the amount of $1000 or more, the property of the State of Oregon by use of deception, to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, l8 that the defendant did not believe to be true. l9 THEFT TN THE FIRST DEGREE BY DECEPTION couNT 1l (oRS 164.0s5n64.08s) 20 Class C Felony The defendants, on or between January l, 2073 and April 30, 2073, in Clackamas 2l County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of benefits in the amount of $1000 or more, the property of the State of Oregon by use of deception, 22 to wit: creating or confirming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. 23 24 Page 3 25 of 8-INDICTMENT / MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN I 005269232 / CRl50009l; MARIA LOUISA BRENNAN / 00s269234 / CRrs00092 Clackamas County Dístrict Attomey 807 Main Street, Room 7, Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone: (503) 655-843 Fax: (503) 650-8943 I I THEFT IN THE FIRST DECREE BY DECEPTION couNT l2 (oRS 164.05s/ló4.08s) Class C Felony The defendants, on or between May l, 2013 and September 30, 2013, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly, with the intent to defraud, commit theft of benefits in the amount of $ 1 000 or more, the property of the State of Oregon by use of deception, to wit: creating or confìrming a false impression of law, value, intention, or other state of mind, that the defendant did not believe to be true. 2 3 4 5 UNLAWFULLY OBTAINING PUBLIC ASSISTANCE couNT 13 (oRS 4t 1.630) 6 Class C Felony 7 l0 The defendants, on or between February 1., 2012 and May 31, 2012, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/o¡ attempt to obtain public assistance for the benefit of himself, herself, or another person(s), to which assistance the said defendants andlor other persons were not entitled under Oregon Law by means of failing to immediately notifrthe public welfare division of the receipt andlor possession of property and/or income or of any change of circumstances which directly affected the eligibility for and/or amount of said public assistance. I1 UNLAWFULLY OBTAINING PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 8 9 12 13 l4 couNT 14 (ORS 411.630) Class C Felony The defendants, on or about May 16, 2012, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or attempt to obtain public assistance for the benefit of himself, herself, or another person(s), to which assistance the said defendants and/or other persons were not entitled under Oregon Lawby means of false representation and/or fraudulent device, to wit: failing to report or disclose income and/or assets. 15 UNLAWFULLY OBTAINING PUBLIC ASSISTANCE couNT ls (oRs 411.630) ló 17 Class C Felony 20 The defendants, on or between June l, 2012 and November 30, 2072, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or attempt to obtain public assistance for the benefit of himself, herself, or another person(s), to which assistance the said defendants and/or other persons were not entitled under Oregon Law by means of failing to immediately noti$z the public welfare division of the receipt andlor possession of property andlor income or of any change of ci¡cumstances which directly affected the eligibility for and/or amount of said public assistance. 2t l/il/ l8 19 22 il/// 23 ililt 24 t/l// Page 4 25 of 8-INDICTMENT / MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN I 005269232 / CRl50009l; l\4ARlA LOUTSA BRENNAN / 005269234 / CRr500092 Clackamas County District Attomey 807 Main Street, Room 7, Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone: (503) 655-843 Fax: (503) 650-8943 I I 2 3 4 5 LINLAWFULLY OBTAINTNG PUBLIC ASSISTANCE couNT 16 (oRS 411.630) çlass C Felony The defendants, on or between December I, 2012 and May 31, 2013, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or atternpt to obtain public assistance for the benefit of himself, herself, or another person(s), to which assistance the said defendants andlot other persons were not entitled under Oregon Law by means of failing to immediately notify the public welfare division of the receipt and/or possession of property and/or income oi of any change of circumstances which directly affected the eligrbility for und/o. amount of said public assistance. 6 UNLAWFULLY OBTAINING PUBLIC ASSISTANCE couNT 17 (oRS 411.630) 7 8 t 10 I Class C Felony The defendants, on or about May 23,2013, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain andlor atternpt to obtain public assistance for the benefit of himseli herself, or another person(s), to which assistance the said defendants and/or other persons were not entitled under Oregon Law by means of false representation and/or fraudulent dèvice, to wit: failing to report or disclose income and/or assets. I UNLAWFULLY OBTAINING PUBLIC ASSISTANCE cor.rNT 18 (oRS 4tt.630) lZ Class C Felony The defendants, on or between June 1, 2013 and November 30, 2013, in Clackamas l3 County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or attempt to obtain public assistance for the benefit of himsel{, herself or another person(s), to which assistance the said deferidants 14 and/or other persons were not entitled under Oregon Law by means of failing to immediately notifu the public welfare division of the receipt and/or possession of property and/or income or 15 of any change of circumstances which directly affected the eligibility for and/or amount of said public assistance. l6 UNLAWFULLY OBTAINING PUBLIC ASSISTANCE couNT t9 (oRS 411.630) t7 l8 19 20 2l Class C Felony The defendants, on or between Decernber 1,2013 and May 31,2014, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or attempt to obtain public assistance for the benefit of himself, herself, or another person(s), to which assistance the said defendants and/or other persons were not entitled under Oregon Law by means of failing to immediately noti$ the public welfare division of the receipt and/or possession of property and/or income or of any change of circumstances which directly affected the eligibility for and/or amount of said public assistance. 22 il|il 23 24 25 PAgC 5 Of 8_INDICTMENT 00s269234 / CR1500092 / MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN / 005269232 / CRI5OOOSI; MARIA LoUtSA BRENNAN / Clackamas County Distict Attomey 807 Main Street, Room 7, Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone: (503) ó55-8431 Fax: (503) 650-8943 UNLAWFULLY USING SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE couNT 20 (oRs 4t 1.840) 2 Class C Felony J The defendants, on or between February l, 2Ol2 and May 31, 2012, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or intentionally atternpt to obtain supplemental nutritional assistance of which the person was not entitled to receive under 4 Oregon law. UNLAWFULLY USING SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE 5 couNT 6 21 (ORS 411.840) Class C Felony The defendants, on or about May 1ó, 2012, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or intentionally attempt to obtain supplemental nutritional assistance of which the person was not entitled to receive under Oregon law. 7 8 UNLAWFULLY USTNG SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITIONAL ASSTSTANCE couNT 9 22 (ORS 411.840) Class C Felony The defendants, on or between June l, 2012 and, November 30, 2012, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or intentionally atternpt to obtain supplemental nutritional assistance of which the person was not entitled to receive,utd". Oregon law. l0 ll t2 UNLAWFULLY USING SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE l3 couNT 23 (ORS 411.840) Class C Felony t4 The defendants, on or about December 3, 2012, in Clackamas Count¡ Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or intentionally attempt to obtain supplernental nutritional assistance of which the person was not entitled to receive under oregon law. l5 16 UNLAWFULLY USING SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE couNT l7 18 19 24 (ORS 411.840) Class C Felony The defendants, on or between Decernber 7, 2012 and May 3I, 2013, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or intentionally attanpt to obtain supplemental nutritional assistance of which the person was not entitled to receive under Oregon law. 20 UNLAWFULLY USING SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE couNT 2s (oRS 411.840) 2l Class C Felony The defendants, on or about May 23,2073, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or intentionally atternpt to obtain supplemental nutritional assistance of which the person was not entitled to receive under Oregon law. 22 23 24 25 Page6ofS-TNDICTMENT/MICHAELANDREWBRENNAN /0o5269232i CR1500091;MARIALOUISABRENNAN/ 00s269234 / CRls00092 Clackamas County District Atromey 807 Main Street, Room 7, Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone: (503) ó55-843 Fax: (503) ó50-8943 I UNLAWFULLY USING SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE couNT 2ó (ORS 411.840) Class C Felony 2 3 4 The defendants, on or between June l, 2013 and Novetnber 30, 2013, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or intentionally attempt to obtain supplemental nutritional assistance of which the person was not entitled to receive under Oregon law. UNLAWFULLY USTNG SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE 5 cotrNT 27 (ORS 411.840) 6 Class C Felony 7 The defendants, on or about December 3, 2013, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or intentionally atternpt to obtain supplernental nutritional assistance of which the person was not entitled to receive under oregon law. 8 UNLAWFULLY USING SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE couNT 9 l0 l1 28 (ORS 411.840) Class C Felony The defendants, on or between December l, 2013 and May 31, 2014, in Clackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly obtain and/or intentionally atternpt to obtain supplemental nutritional assistance of which the person was not entitled to receive under Oregon law. t2 UNSWORN FALSTFICATION couNT 29 (ORS ló2.08s) Class B Misdemeanor 14 The defendants, on or about May 23,2}l3,inClackamas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly make a false written statement to a public servant in connection with an 15 application for food and/or medical benefits. l3 l6 LINSWORN FALSIFICATION couNT 30 (oRS 162.08s) I7 Class B Misdemeanor The defendant, Michael Andrew Brennan, on or about December 3,2013, in Clackamas l8 County, Oregon, did unlawfully and knowingly make a false written staternent to a public servant in connection with an application for food benefits. l9 20 2l 22 23 24 Page 7 of 25 8-INDICTMENT / MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN / 005269232 / CRI50009 l; MARIA LOUISA BRENNAN / 005269234 / CRI500092 Clackamas County Distriot Attomey 807 Main Street, Room 7, Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone: (503) ó55-843 Fax: (503) 650-8943 I I Said act(s) contrary to stafutes and dignity of the State of Oregon. in such cases made and provided, and against the peace 2 3 .Dated this l5th day of January,20t5. A TRUE BILL 4 Witnesses examined before the Grand Jury (unless otherwise specified, witness gave testimony in person): Astri Cooper Gil Millett Gregson Parker Clayton Teel 5 Grand Jury F 6 7 8 JOHN S. FOOTE District Attorney 9 l0 By Jeremy 094508 clackamas.or.us 1l Deputy District Attomey l2 13 NOTICE: Where this accusatory instrument charges one or more misderneanor crimes, the district attorney hereby declares that the state intends that said offense(s) proceed as a misdemeanor(s). t4 coNTRoL #: l5 Agency: l6 CONTROL #: Agency: IINKNOWN / sID #oR20 659076 / MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN DHS Children's Protective Services - Ore/DHS864Z TINKNOWN / SID #UNKNOWN / MARIA LOUISA BRENNAN DHS Children's Protective Services - OreiDHSl552 17 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 Page 8 of 8-TNDICTMENT 25 005269234 / CR1500092 / MICHAEL ANDREW BRENNAN I 00s269232 / cRI500091; MARIA LouISA BRENNAN / Clackamas County District Attomey 807 Main Street, Room 7, Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone: (503) 655-843 Fax: (503) ó50-8943 I
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