To: 2/2/2015 1:48:32 PM CST P</ 1 of 10 15128921921 From Nikki Cotbo FAX COVER SHEET For personal use only 70 COMPANY FAX NUMBER FROM DATE RE 61297780999 NIdd Cdb 2/2/20151:48:03 PM CST Form 605 - Nolce of ceag ,g 20 be a sube#,lal holder COVER M =*- e To Whom It May Concern: Plme see theath,ched Form605 - Nolce of ceasm b be a subs lk,1 holder. has nollied the Compmy acco,whigh ThEnk you. Nidd Colb Coillire ke, NIdd Cdb CompaN,ce Aript Flnd Ack,ieors 3.+1 (512) 308-4529 F: +1 ®12) 682-1921 6300 Bee Cam Road BulcIN 1 ALIBK TX 78746 Nldd.Cotk,@c n rmLcom Th.In'=Mage and sly 7: -' : : (the 'un'llid' "my conk*1 conlder•bal proprle&=y sid or prk,leged Wormellon sid se only for their hilended reclplent(s). If you send te hkrded red4Iwit you shoc# rdly te e,dw end del te Mmeaga E-nial 1 : provided for - -· -· cs,lot be · .' · · · · : : · b b e secure or error-*ee. Thi, Memage is and should not be conshued = a Rr**5*,1 or o#ar - or b provide .1.- acMce h b buy or sal aily se(1111* or inaiidd 1 slyHigdlcion wliere the sender IB not proper Icermen or · : -f -, b d o 9 0. ™s Meeige le sublect,0 adcmonal con(mom gnd reeklclone. Pleage read them here: htlpj/legal ·- :.·: - · ' WWW.EFAX.COM 2/2/2015 1:48:32 PM CST Page 2 of 10 For personal use only To: 15128921921 From Nikki Cotbo 1 DImensli AL ImET DTo 11' All'llical"Ii. Om A.....i."*8"'ll.U.Id F.9 01/0128778 11 0114Sm//m 1 lb•Cf..,r **eaM 9 m= .ill P= ....... Blia "I.£..1/.ill/mi"'. h ---1121 To'hom R".an.t PI...././.hu Agm--,aloo of c" b be am... kli. .-Id h./.dil 8.Ka # bida 810 0,4/.1.Al#t IN/0-/Lm/1 k41X 7.. T,t ..... FIE 014 Bl# 11 2/2/2015 1:48:32 PM CST Page 3 d10 For personal use only To: 15128921921 From Nikki Cotbo I-la 18*=! h,05 . A. 2101 Six//9, 6718 N,th ofe=• 580 bea =hatinitlil k,iWIr IR Comp.9 N n,/11<liein, P=nmb Rmources Limi d 095 792 29 ACMA) 1. D//al// i //,///////1 h,Mer a) Nifie ACN/ARSN (4 applicable) DI„,0:,lamt ath Sae Ar,lian A 71* hold, 0=sed 10 be Iob-tial 29/01/2015 hokks on MIC Bevio= notice W= shm to 180 19/11/2014 00 elly 00 H.*nbm.- 19/11/2014 1 0.. h M va* .0- Picticul= of-ch d•nes in, ar cl go in tho *n o£ aret,vi,t fn:se*(2) ofthosobst=11,1 hokicr of m =sociito (3) lit vothl 1=zidm of*0 00„Ii,iy or d=<,inge d» sabili„6,1 holdor wm lit reqdzed to gim s *imml holaq n cele . cnm , . ine = m WhE D-of Plionwho= mtivt kfiest C (6) =1 Ck..Id on Nmro of =11:,il,= of given in rei ion ch'818 (4) to dimp (5) ifixled P Il'S amcled 5-Ann=ure B 1 Cli=lim li •=ad•Ilm Thep.... ./O .Noh...MIDU.. 0) 0:alld= be amod.. O: or kned"Opd fhemD/0 off amoolilk m w#14 *0 1 /mn•[ hold,inr,lidom tovot gt =cm lii 11= 0, 00= m = aing„s: Mine Ninre of=oclition AC}UARSN (ifIpplimble) rA 4. Mdri,= TheaarciI ofge<som named in thh kn m m Wlows: N.,20 1- Addrc= r 1Tr.4 f . C Diman,lonal F,¤1 Adviton LP By: Dimo onal Holdinp Ina, itz Gcosat P:rtns pina t,me By: V 11'Il,=' amlill « m SBells d/8 Al,i-:* 90<22=ry =1 Vix Fetrumy 2, 2015 1 2/2/2015 1:48:32 PM CST Page 4 of 10 For personal use only To: (1) 15128921921 From Nikki Cotbo p/0 2R mIECIIONS Ift n =eanmbs ofsabst=tilhokkn #Alimihr or tellid mlovn inli,m QI acofpor,Ii nd b 014 =,porilknL or #10 n=t•g =dtriti of m oquit trut), 42 - could be in uded in in a.9,.<,im to .b,m Iffherels,=Itinte--*pupofpeng......../gbgmq".Am..m.*I die form aspexif ny =11/ group ifthe r=nherihip of -LE group. with thens== wid ackireges of memben (2) b al=ly set out itt Fi -„.,41 4 ofthe ini Sestbickeinit,I of'relew/* b,t,Ter In 8=/Mn, 601 =16711/(7) ofthe (ijrpor/licm, Act 2001. (3) Seethe d<Loition of '-ific,Ite" insection 9 oflhe Co,pi„dom Act 2001. (4) Itilld' ditzid, 013 (5) 10 Jdy E01 (1 (b) Rly *mt 0 = ollu dic,131,:zices bcc=:,c ofwhioht!»01= oinrete,ant hluM In=* If mib=licm 671*4) Bp a copy of my doajmed Ie¢*ing outthe turns of any rek„/ agre=nA End a ,- -·& mit Ilint hy *10 pgnoil sivine *11 m t iogi,„te didk of=xy 00,1*,10 di or aooompan,this 44401*j imittem-=-44#hot* soheme or =cment; and my qiialilloitiotloftho poww ofapenon to c c[.4 oodrol Ar c:Im:i. 04 or * R„:moe t Ied. of poims or di,po••1 offlie •canitics v which tir r*vn i:*mt,t relates (Indi *1,9 de:,ly the dio *W-=im to v,hicalho pick.*1 Scethc,1.81*# of "mimantas,ms,„.it" iniectlin 9 of the Cotpor,10,= Act2001. Delils ofti comidc„£100 mt ingli* my Id all hi* 0,90,>, Id cd,g ,lit„W Fioo from whom, rcievant imeret nz aoqukred hz or Imy, booomr Mdtied 10 reoeive in reklion to 11/ aoquisition. Dettils =nist bo imludod even iffbob,iret i macidiomal on the pps, g or notof a . Detans nma be induded of w(Inialin,% evm Ifthcy m fhe to rma/1,11 in „wi,1Itz M holdu Ibit„ilil de my bemat on belilf of not p"**to hp=hm *m relevmE .se,El.=48 (6) 1= *ing *1=3 ofa oompiny co,1,linm = a=,inlci divided 1!1< =P=,le cli,=3. 0) Give det=[l< if,p!sol,it# offbo /eigit -ociath d gy amp itt 4,1.00(*di incelhe 1/ mbs,ant holdks natiga 0.1, ,0.11§ 1 Page 5 of 10 For personal use only To: 2/2/2015 1:48:32 PM CST 15128921921 From Nikki Cotbo 1 Il GUIDE I/22 10* 1 n#ad-lot fom p.ofal.-4/br. -1.--6* ASC I ,....In/*h-01 Thl, fbrm„118 be •is,d by ath a director Gr a secr*ry oflhc mbst=idal holder. L.4..1- .. Addlillilill,Ii.'ll.l Ami,wi,r= 1 Nil (a) If..iditio,=1 rp.Re Ii required to compl/tm iqu=tion,the '„,T, „, :, in/Trbe inolied cm a qi- piece ofM= Immind to the kin. (b) Thild.==tbesh ntoilid.doom .y, 0,1"8"'Flibleemtit, f alistld i,Ii,qd inve,tment,c&,mitn A copy ofa dicemit *obe %¥= 10 each dev*Iia,idili =£1=1* (c) The p.non Imist st- a oopy ofthis noti= 0 within 2 bmine- dip der fhey become *„ari af die inhinxitioo; or (11) by 930 in on tlic ncoct tr ing * oftho relovid,oc.„tics =chmgo afber 11., MIN-nroofthol,s*•-dM M B) 1."Hibidis„ Mal.1,• esintl=-19=v'bil„1•„inh di< md (B) fha penon becomes mire of 60 hit,01,tion dming the bid pectod. Ton.ka,ZY...m,2,0,eknn,jew,q ,km•,yOUI 1 =A4.11-1.6-01*1 or¥,t, d =*11/wlia T,=rg n ofatix.*10,r•ncm•Il Wd= 2 Iaw the cocpontion =ne End ACN or ARBN 3 n=nbe the pfle. coE•ocuth*y 4 linf or t,po in BLOCK leticn in d=* hime or blit ink,0 thi the doairacit k cIcely 1*Ne 41- *tago04 5 wn#& me =, utre wteh am=k =h as A, B, C, do 6 =ki,Ii une=,113,11,0 wietfite noidi: Thh ia -m=,02 $000 40.„,b) pagu**to*fo,m 0 mwi 11=mida,4 7 mdd-* 71 =in,1/ be tigicd by *c = peno*) wholigmdlho fbm. W...hal:EN'.1...0.*M'.-m"ya-=--tu.•r IM- 2/2/2015 1:48:32 PM CST Page 6 of 10 For personal use only To: 1. 15128921921 From Nikki Cotbo 17.* I ·1 A p.<In,kid/"no.Und"d ACN 095 792 288 IXITAILS M SUESTANRIAL HOLD¤S In tiIk Form 605, r*brmgo, 10 tbe "Dkno,1.lomi Bodties" irc ref ocs b the following per,oos mi ities id their ie,peative =,odib mdrd,W bodis 0 pogil : NA AII:mlia Limit* (a didiq ofDlinin,lomil Pind Ad,<Ion LP) ACN 065 937 671 Dimeasiomt P =1 Ad,ilon LP Dimcmioo,1 F=t Advilon L;d. (s mjbsidiq of Dit=zioul Fund Achtion LP) „ , ' ·, PundAcivison Cil ULC (a subsiditry of DFA Cm=la ILC) DFA Ciada ILC (a sablidi=y of Di=mtoml Pund Advi,om LP) Niono Dimensional Hoidings Ing (s,mer,1 p-tner ofD; Nmim Di=Ik=l Hoklt, LLC (limited pidils ofDim),1.11 Frind Advbon LID N= 1 F=1 Advison LP) Divid Booth R= Si<=Beld Tkh 1, Annc:Ium -A- r:*ITed to in Fom 605 : Notice of cc„ing t bo a sid,st ,tial holder Dal= Febromy 2, 2015 Prk*Ni DI,=daqi Fi Advilon I.P 1 OF/* A/#* Scorzt=y mid Vb Pr=idd Page 7 of 10 1 CHAN¢:m IN REUVANT 1 1 Pmecallofeacit d.wpht, ardun.'nlho ttseof ard.../11"*62)ofth• .d./.dil holdsolan=od./43) h"*ing.eou".Eyor=killim the mbitmtht holdu Im lai required to :im asubiti,•1•] holans notioe lo 60 0,19.,11 or dicine m = ilky„m: 2/2/2015 1:48:32 PM CST The companles Ind IndMdua comprising the D nensional Entities (as defined above) hold the follounl rele,mt Interests In ordinary fuly paid sh,es in Panoramic RK„urces Um»d: 0) Milibti,Id Sch,Ines DFA Australia Urnlted has thi poA,r to mercise, orcontrol the exercise of, votirg rights attached to these searlties and/or the pow, to dispose of, or control the exercise of the dispos,1 of these searltles as responsible entjty of thi followN rellstered man d Investmemschemes: Nov 20 2014 $ 0.1.""00"/1 AN.U./.n Small Comp."y 13,506.29 27,676 27,676 09,577) (99,577) B) I...utloml'. DFA Alidialla Umlted hasti» powerto exer,rim, orcontrol th I=rds•of, voeng r¥lts attached to thise securlees and/orth. pow, to disposi of, or aintrol the =Ird= of the dkposal of these securities under the folo¥*1 mand,tes with Irmet),tional limmrs: Jan 22 2015 - hn 29 Separate Acco tidllsid A DFAA'vi' LIL .. S.. S (45,45135) 15128921921 From Nikki Cotbo For personal use only To: Il: I ·, il P=]ommic R.Iourcca Li od ACN 095 792 288 ./.il. L Page 8 of 10 {4 Othlr Din: mlom,1 En es Fulds md Milllilillms DFA Austrllia Umited has the poww to cNspose of, or to control the e,cercise of the powereo d pose of, these sea, 01 under sub«M,o,yagreemens Ind consulting services agreements with other members of the Dimersional Entltles In relation to thi following mutual ftslds and mandates: Jan 12 2015 S•par-Accoll dlmed b, DFAAustr,11. Ltd. (d) 5,9 $ (5,61108) (14,395} (14,395) DImensbnal Fund Advlsors LP andiach of #subslclades are each deemed to have the s,n e relev,nt Interests In the securities as DFA Australia Umlted because Inensional Fund Advt,ors LP controls DFA Austrah United; (e) David Booth and Rex Sinquefle Id are deemed to h,va the same re/vant Int///sts Inthe securitles as Dlmensional Fund Advisors LP as they -ch, ind Mck:ally or thro<01 trusts they control, have more than 20% **N power in Dimensional Holdlnv inc., theseneal partn,rof Dlmerslonal FLind A vIsors LP; M DInlinslorml Fund Advisors LP and othar members of the Dimension,1 Entities may aiso have relevaminterests Inthe searlties referred to In par,11aph (c) aboyi as In stment maniaar or Idvt,or to thi mutual funds and mandates referred to:n that pir,gr,ph. 2/2/2015 1:48:32 PM CST 15128921921 From Nikki Cotbo For personal use only A 1 Page 9 of 10 2/2/2015 1:48:32 PM CST 15128921921 From Nikki Cotbo For personal use only 2 To: 1 ' /IJJJ' VI'IM.'"'ILLULL'rti' t i 4 H H iii im ifirililailifir- R 1 01 K 1 1 1 111 N li H1 For personal use only -1 Page 10 of 10 2/2/2015 1:48:32 PM CST 15128921921 From Nikki Cotbo
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