02/02 2015 12:05 F X 0001/008 Lm,147.120 Cihi 8*mt T*•130017 0 PO B= 24011 R.I. 1800 "954i ,/dboi,= VC 1000 F•618 1017 1 Malboi,r= VIC *101 LIN Iii/,Illd -Ill=* A-* U#* a ll OM I Ma WIL la lilm LEGG MASON For personal use only GLOBAL ARMET MANAGEMENT To: ASX Company Announcements From: Legg Mason Asset Management Australia Umited Fax: 03 90178665 Phone: Phone: 03 9017 8600 Pigis (Induclng cover): 8 Dam: 2 February 2015 Platform Company Secretary - Brad Icen Ltd Fax: Re: 1300 135 638 / 02 4926 8201 .. Submission of Form 605: re Bradken Umited 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment El Please Reply Cl Pleese Recycle Il yiu do not riciili al plola plimlillvl on eil 1017 I. Th lu li oc**dia Md ms, bi p,Mild If bcu IM nol e,8 4*Irl Md,li< 0*ell I noli el Il aldolz/l, 00*the dlili1li,ilon Of I Of*10 =inlifih d Ill h li *IdW #DII:IM Pll08 nal*le Ii:il, I;Iiil:Il* by Illiniii. Not,..: PI®880 ffnd follow g Form 605: Notic• of cea*ng b be a subetantial shareholder by Legg Mason Asset Marugsment Australla Umil. 02/02 2015 12:05 F X 0002/008 For personal use only Nodce of cm,ims * be a Iubstantial Ii.relieldir To: Fotm 605 Corpor=tiom, Liw Section 6718 Bradk=t Limited 2 Mmid Stret MAYFIELD WEST NSW 2304 1. I*tmms of 'Ibl n«11 shareholder Les Mmon And Managesmsit Limited (ABN 76004838 849) and Id of the bulial corporate listed in Ancaine A T holder ocased to be a substan al holder on 28 Janumy 2015 & previous nolice wal given to the compmty on 4 Decesnher 2014 Thop=vious notice was daind 2 Decombs 2014 2. Dal of reievaxitic:•reit, Parth#11*rs of=:11 change in. archange in the nature of a relevant interest oftbe substantial holdl or an atmociatc ki Eung scomitics ofthe company or scheme, since the Rib mitial holds was Imt requ red to givc a Iubilintial holding notice to the compeny or achmE are al fbllows: Da*, i Plr,oawl»•e Natgre of relevit aind r ev:nt =dial iate=t dvem k ./MEdties relmilo, ID chmized and 28 January 2015 Ingg Mason ManAmmalt Co, derat Per=Int.I *Sected /11®ded Ccued To be 8,473,281 a suberaxitial BKN Fully shareholder Paid Ordi=ry AustraH. due to tho Limited mid sale of See App=Nx B dech of the Seclu'ities b bodies =porate the odinary listed in course of Annexure A businals 1 Chang. im.=0 1 The penons who have become associal= of ceased to be amocist= 04 or have changed the nattiI. oftizir association with. the substantial holder in ral,Hi,n to mting in#IMMdc #8 11]8 00 Plify of"ehcl-ne arels *,110.Mu Nam® aid ACM/ARN Of applicable) 4 Ad,Ir,I NE re of alloilit oit 02/02 2015 12:05 F X 0003/008 The 2,1*4„,90„ ofdie Perinna nlmed in thi. bm mt u follows: For personal use only Name Nitlm d a=dalloa Legs Magon Aase* Managent Al:*,lin Limited Dated this 2 day ofF Level 47, 120 Collins Street, Motbolum VIC 3000 2015 Rino Lupo Lesg Malon A.®E M=i ne. Australia Limited 02/02 2015 12:05 F X 0004/008 ANNEXURE A For personal use only L."g allon, Inc. .milid./8.. Nin, of Undomking Nature of Clo,I Unk Legg Mason, Inc Parim Undertaking Sub,Idiary of Parent Undertaking Subsldlaty of Par,nt Undelling Lego Mason & Co., LLC Legg Mason Asset Management Australa Umbd Legg Mason Asset Management Hong Kong Umlted Asaet Management (Japan) Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Legg Mason Asset Management Singapore PM. Umlted Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Legg Mason Charitable Four)daion, Inc, Subddlery of Parent Undertaldne Legg Mason Int0rnational Equities (Hong Kong) Umited Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Legg Mason International Equities Umlted Subddlary of Parint Undertaldng Legg Mason Investmerrt Funds Linmed Subsidlry of Parint Undert,lang Legg MARM Inve*nents (Elsope) Umbd Suhidi,ry of Parent Undemldng Lego Mason Investments (Ireland ) Umited_ Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Legg Mason Investments (Luxembovg) Subi ry of Parent Undeml nt SA -ego Mason Inveetments (Tahvan) Limited Legg Mason Political Action Committee (-PAC) Legg Mason Towarzy,two Funduazy Inwestyc inych Spolka Akcyjna Brandnvlne (UK) HolcIrgs Umlted The Baltimore Company Logg Mason & Co (UK) Umhd Legg Mason Canedi Holdings Un Legg Mason Commercial Real Estata Senrices. Inc Leq Mason Funding LK Legg Mason Global Hold Ings L.ki Legg Mason Hokings, LLC Sub•Idlary of Parent Undertialtins Subsldia,y of Parlm Under ldng Subsidiary of Parem Undertiking Subsidiary of Parlrit Undert]Idng Subsidkary of Parent Undertakjng Subsldla,y of Parem Under Idng Subsidiary of Parent Underta , Subidlary of Parent Undertaking Subsidiary of Parent Undidildng Subsidiary of Parlnt Undertaking Subsidiary of Parent Undertmlir, Legg Mason International Holdings, LLC Subsknary of Parint Undertaking Lego Mmon 1 1 7 · 2 Holdligi Subildliry of Parent Undertaking (Cayman) Limited Legg Magon (Chile) Inverslones Holding Subsidh,y of Parent Undert.Wng Limitada Legg Mason I nvestmerrts HoldInge Umited Subsidiary of Parim Undertaldng Legg Mason Investments Managemeril Subsld ry of Parant Undemklng Services Umlted Legg Mason Investments Nominees Subsidlary of Parent Undertabing Limited Legg Mason (UK) Holdings Umlted Lego Mason Real Estate Secu,*144 Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Sub,Idlar, of P.Haundermld, 1 02/02 2015 12:05 F X 0005/008 For personal use only ANNEXURE A Advisors, Inc. Legg Mason Realty Group, Inc. Leqg Mason Really Parblers<Inc Legg Mason T ver, Inc. LM BAM. Inc. LM (BVI) L. nl ed LM Capital Support V, UC 1.MHoldings Umited IM Holdings 2 Umited LM Interna orte; Holding LP LM Tower, LLC Nova Scotia Com pany Buret Associ=§86, Inc. Brandywine Global Investment Minagement LLC Brandywlne Global Irr,estmerrt Managemerrt (Canadal ULC Brandywlne Global Investment Manag ment (Empe) Umbu Brandywlne Global Investment Manigiment (A,1,)N. Limited ClearBridge, UC Cles,Bridge Inves:ments, LLC ClearBrldo• Manageniert Holdings LLC Legg Mason Clearerldge Hold Irm LLC Ligg Mason Fund As=t Mar gement, Inc Legg Maion Investrneit Colrtsel, LLC Legg Mason Investmerrt Counsel & Trust Company, NA. Logg Mason Irivestor Services, LLC LeQg Mason Paitners Find Advisor, LLC LM Pelican Holang#, LP. LMM, LLC IMOBC, Inc L. P Select, LLC Mto Currie Inve-lent M*nagement Umlb,d M,rtin Currie Fund M r ,ment Umlmd Mamn Cunte Asia PTE Lhnited Mdn Currie Inc Martin Currie Irrvestor Sarvices Inc. Permal Ass* Man, ement LLC Subsld !y of Parmm Undertaking Sub*dliry of Parent Under Idng Subildlary of Parent Undertal ns Subsidiary of Parent Undertiking Subsidiary of Parent Undirtabing Subsidlary of Parem Undermldng Subsidiary of p.rnm Undertaking Subs$diary of Parem Undimldn[ Subsidiryof Parent Undenald, Subsidiary of Parem Undelldng Subsldbry of Parerrt Underta ing Subsidiary of Parent Under klng Suhldbry of Parent Undemldng Subsidiary of Parent Under ldng Subsldlry of Parent Undemklng Subsidiary of Parent Undirtildne Subsidiary of Parem Undertlking Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Subsldiry of Parem Undinilnt Su ary of Pirirlt Undertlking Sublidiary of Paint Undemling Substd ty of Par nt Under ldns Subildlary of Parent Undir Idnt Subsid ry of Par,rrt Undem ng Subsidiary of Parent Undertali,8 Subsidiary of Parent Undortaking Subsidiary of Parm,t Undert.kIng Subsidiary of Parent Undertal ing Subsidiary of Parent Undert»king Subskflary of Parent Unden.Wn, Sub,Idlary of Parent Undertaldng Subsidiary of Parerit Undertaling Subsldiry of Parent Undemkil Subsidiary of Parent Underl,Wn, Permal Group Unllted Subsidiary of Parant Undertaking Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Subsidiary of Parmrt Undert king Subsidiary of Pa,rit Undertaking Pormal (Hong KoN) Umlted Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Perrnal Capital Maigement LLC Permal 0931) LLC 2 02/02 2015 12:08 F X 0008/008 For personal use only ANNEXURE A Permal Inve*ned Managemerit Services Limited Permal (Isle of Man) United Pennal Wapan) KK Perrnal (Sirsapore) Pts. 1.Jrr!1§,d QS Batterymarch Frianclal Management, Inc QS Investors Fund MartapiInt, LLC QS Irrveters Hold ge, LLC QS Ir, e,§ors, LLC C]S Ligg son Global Asset Allocation, UC Royce & As,0*tes, LLC Royce Fund Services, Inc Roti Managerneit Company, LLC The Salrit Jine, Bank and Tnmt Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Subsldkary of Parent Unden.Ing Subsldlam of Palnt Undertaldng Subsidiary of Pirent Undert,Wng Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Subsidiary of P,r•mt Undert, ing Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Subsidiary of Parim Undertaldng Subsidiary of Parent Unlmldng Subddlary of knit Underta ing Subsidiary of Parent Undertaldng Subsidiary of Parent undert,IOng Subsidiary of Pirintundertald, Company Ltd We-m Aseet Manager,Int CornDE•ly Weetam Aud Management Company lt& Jap We*ern As# Managimant Company Umlted- UK Subsldlify of Parent Undedilng Subsidiary of hrim Undenaking Subddiary of Pir,nt Undertaking Westorn Agget Malgement Company Pty LS- ALIstrNia Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Welt„n Asest Managernerrt Company DistrR,uldora de Thllos E Valores Subidlary of Parent Undertaling MoN'Umhda Wesk,n Assat M.negeme t Comp, Pta Ltd.- Slruapore Subddiary of Pir,4 Under Wnt Batterymarch Alia GP, LTD BGIM Capital Management, LLC BMML, Inc. Subsidiary of Parlrit Under ling Subsidbry of Parent Undertialdns Subddlary of Parent Undemking Subsidiary of Parent Undert )1 Subsidiary of Parent Undertiking Fauohier P er, Um/d Fauchler Partnern Mar,agemerit Company Umited Gruy Selfert & Company, LLC [M As=t Services, LLC LMIC Services Comp ny, LLC Martin Currie (Holdings) Umbd Martin Cunie Umlted Martin Currie (Bermuda) Umlted China Healthcare GP Urnlted Ching Development Capitml GP 1. It,d Martin Curfie Absolute Ritum Fund GP Limited Moofg Inves*ent Managemelit Umlted (Dormant) Mifn Currie Trustees Um®ed (Dormant) Subsidiary of Parem Undert, ns Subsidiary of Parlnt Undertaldr, Subsidiary of Parent Undertmking Subsidiary of Parim undeildng Subsidil,y of Parem Undemklnt Subsidiary of Parent Undertakins Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Subsidiary of Pirirrt Unden.Wns Subsidiary of Parent Undertaling Suhldiry of Parem Undertaling Subs}diry of Parent Undertaking 3 02/02 2015 12:08 F X 0007/008 ANNEXURE A For personal use only Pelican Hold gs 1, LLC Pdcan Holdings Il, LLC Permal BL,Iness ConsuIUng (Belyng) Company Limited Permmi Capital Holdings UC penni an International LhW Partnernhip Permal MEP C*,man LP Permal Group UC Permal Group Holdings, LLC Pemial Group Holdirlgs Ltd. Permal Group SAS Subsldmfy of Parent Undellng Subsidiary of Parent Undertaldng Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking Subsidiary of Par,rrt Undertaking Subsidiary of Parent Under Ing Subsidiary of Par, t Undertakin, Subsidiary of Parent Undirtildr, Suhldlery of Paria Undemldng Sublidlry of Parem Undirt,Idnt Subsidlary of Parent Undertald, Pormal Irrve*ment CorIBultlr (Shinghal) Subsidiary of Permit Undertaking Permal UK Ltd. Saintro Ltd. SJBTC 1.0. Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking W&P Fund Services Western Asset Hok*ngs (Aughga) Pty Subsldiry of Pirent Undellng Subsidiary of Paterrt Under king Ud. WI#Irn As# Management (B,azll) Subildiry of Parent Urldertaldng L:d. Holdings Urnitada Subsidiary of Parent Unlrtaking Subsidiary of Parent Undertaldne We-rn Ass* Manig,ment (Gayman) Subsldl,ry of Parent Undertlking Holdnge L nited Weetsm Agast Mar ined (UK) Holdings L,n,§ed Subsidiary of Parent Undertaking 4 02/02 2015 12:08 F X 0008/008 ANNEXURE B BIOI Trmsiceons from 2 D„,„nber 2014 to 28 January »15 AS Of 01/28MS 01/28/15 For personal use only 01/28/16 01/28/16 01/28/15 01/28/16 01/28/16 01/28/15 01/28/15 01/2 16 01/28/15 01/28/15 01/Z)/15 01/20/15 01/20/16 01/20/15 01/20/15 01/20/15 01M9/16 01M9/16 01/lot'15 01/19/15 01/19/15 01/19/15 01/07/16 01/05/15 12/29/14 12119/14 12/08/14 12/08/14 12/03/14 S 8 S S S 8 S S S S S S S S 8 S S S S S S S S S B B B B S S 12/03/14 B 12/02/14 B Qty 16731 43420 8778 26378 6868 31842 11921 60019 Fully Paid Ordlm,iy Fuly Paid Odrvy Fuly Paid Or*gy 54479 34463 17736 58847 477 1801 Fuly Pakl Ordliiy 42804 41804 Fuly Pild Ordlri y 678 1784 42804 4.2804 42804 4.2804 4.3112 4.3112 FLIUy Paid Ordlria,y Ftly Paid OrCIr=y = 4.3112 8404 1821 6728 logege 03474 70077 4.3112 4.3112 4.3112 4.6168 4.7085 4.0986 4.5775 12051 14958 4.4717 4.4717 3.4267 &4257 3.4518 Reglleir,d holder clis ind number d -OU.. of..curttl= Holdlrof rlili„lil 1-t Lagg Mion Ald Mallgim,nt AustmiIs LImlb,d Lagg Mlon AH* Mar emef,t Au*al• LIMI»d L*go M'knA,IX Sb,te Snet 684,732 BKN F uly AL:Stral la LJm d Paid Ordhimy Thi B of Now York Mdon 802,764 BKN Fully Paid Onir-y *emint Auttr I Ngtonal Qistodlan Umlted Lagg Mmon Aget S,/bel 1,724662 BKN Fully Paid 04&18,7 Maillgemert Aust Umlbed Lagg Malai A,* Banque NaOonale de 685,319 BKN FLIUy Ptd Ord-y Ple. Man,gem.*Ausnia 3,811,416 BKN UrnIBed 0/gg M=on Al.* Fuly Paid Ordinary QS Im-tors. LLC 2.7736 2.7736 2.7736 2.7736 2.7736 2.801 Fl ly Paid OrdIrgy Fuly Paid C*druy Fuly Paid 0,1111=y Fuly Paid C**wy Fuly Pa Ordilly Furly Paid Ordirllty 2.801 2-801 Bmdkm Umited - 810; m # 2m Jin,=,201 6 Ma,iuge,ner* Austilia Limited P,ic. 2.801 2.801 776,149 BKN Fully JP Morgan Pid Ordivvy Cred: 5ulle Priml 4,250 BKN Fully Pald Ordinly Fuly Paid Orcir=y Fuly Paid Or*r-y Fully Paid Ordhy Fuly Pald O,Whliy Fuly Paid Ord*=y Fuly Pakl Ord-y Fully Paid Ordhuy Fully Paid Ord-y Fully Paid Ordir=y Fdy Paid C*dlnery Fuly Paid Ordinlly Fuly Pu Ord-y Fuly Paid OdhENy Fully Paid Ordlrilly Fully Paid Ordhiy Fully Paid Ordiniy Flily Paid OrdIn,4 Fuly Paid Ord'nary Fuly Paid Or*,a,y Fully Paid Ord-y
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