
VP 4 – Modelling for
Jaromír Pištora
[email protected]
Research activities - 2014
Theoretical and experimental study of nanostructured
magnetoplasmonic systems (Czech-France)
New nanostructured materials for photovoltaic applications (CzechFrance)
Modelling of spin-polarized light-emitting sources (Czech-France)
Surface plasmons in semiconductors (Czech-Canada)
Quadratic effects in magnetotransmission (Czech-Germany)
Nanograting structures in solar absorbers (Czech-Canada)
Propagation of plane waves in anisotropic media (Czech-Japan)
Research activities - 2014
Antibacterial nanocomposites: Experiment and molecular
Electronic properties of new materials (Czech-Poland)
Magneto-optical spectroscopy of Heusler compounds (CzechGermany)
Optical nanoantennas (Czech-USA)
Mueller matrix optical and magneto-optical characterization of Bisubstituted gadolinium iron garnet for application in
magnetoplasmonic structures (Czech-France)
Nanostructures for magnetooptic magnetometry (Czech-USA)
Research activities - 2014
Electrically conductive aluminosilicate/graphene nanocomposites
Light propagation in photonics crystals with defects (CzechGeorgia)
Publications: 1-9/2014
Jimp: 23
Jr: 3
Book: 1
Proceedings: 25
F category: 1
Ph.D. study - DS
Theoretical and experimental study of new integrated magnetoplasmonic nanostrucrures
Université Paris-Sud XI, France
(supervisor Dr. B. Dagens)
Ing. Lukáš Halagačka
Ph. D. study - DS
Modelling and characterisation of materials and nanostructures for photovoltaic applications
École Polytechnique, Pallesaeu, France
(supervisor Prof. P. Roca i Cabarocas)
Ing. Zuzana Mrázková
Ph. D. study - DS
Matrix approach for modelling of spin-polarized light emitting
Ecole Polytechnique, France,
Unite Mixte de Physique CNRS-Thales
(supervisor Prof. Henri Drouhin)
Ing. Tibor Fordos
Ph. D. study - DS
Surface plasmons in semiconductors
Dalhousie University, Canada
(supervisor Prof. M. Cada)
Ing. Jan Chochol
Ph. D. study - DS
Quadratic effects in magnetotransmission
Bielefeld University, Germany
(supervisor Prof. Gunter Reiss)
Ing. Robin Silber
Thank you for your attention