Volume 61, Page 3 (06th July 1918)

V.A.D., Southport ; BAINES,Miss M. L., Asst. Matron,
Horton War Hosp., Epsom; BANI;IiEAD, Miss A.,
A. ,‘Asst. Matron, Richmond, Whitworth and Hardwiclw
On Saturday, June zgth, the following ladies Hospl., Dublin; BARBER,Miss E. M., Sister, Horton
Miss S. E., Sister,
were awarded the R.R.C. by the King at B u ~ l r - War Hospl., Epsom; BARROWCLIFF,
ingham Palace. Miss Elizabeth Ilumphries, who Q.A.I.M.N.S.R., Mil. Hospl., Bagthorpe, frmly. Hursley
Mrs. A.,
received the Militayy Medal, received also a great Camp Mil. Hospl., nr. Winchester; BAYFIELD,
Sister, Hanover Park V.A.D. Hospl., Rye Lane, Peckovation from the public :ham, S.E. 15; BAYNE,Miss A. E., Matron, Isolation
The Royal Red Cross.
Hospl., Southampton; BELL, Miss A. B. H., Sister,
T.F.N.S., and Northern Gen. Hospl., Leeds ; BELL,Miss
Sister Ellen BALDREY,
Queen Alesandra’s Imperial &I. H., Asst. Nurse, Ring George’s Hospl., Stamford
Mrs. G., Matron,
Military Nursing Service, Matron Helen PALIN,Terri- Street, London, S.E. I ; BELLVILLE,
torial Force Nursing Service, and Matron Jessie SMALES,Thrcll Hospl., Queen Anne Street, W. ; BEVAN,Miss A.
G., Sister,T.F.N.S., 5th Lond. Gen. Hosp., St. Thomas’s,
Territorial Force Nursing Service.
Lambeth, S.E. I ; BEVAN,Miss S. S., Asst. Matron,
Ih!ham Nily. Hospl., Hammersmith, W. ; BEWSEY,
Territorial Force Nursiiig Service.-Sister
Elsie Miss E. E., Sister, &.A.I.hl.N.S.R., Mily. Hospl.,
Fargo, Salisbury Plain ; BINGLEP,Miss F., Sister, War
British Red Cross Society.-Matron Annie PEEL.
Hospl., Bradford; BINNS,Miss L., Lady Supt., Matron,
Voluntary Aid DetaclanaePtt.-Mss Emma COLEMAN, Royal Infirnmary, Hull ; BIRIIN, the Hon. M. D. H.,
Miss Margaret CRANAGE,
and Miss Gertrude MILLER.
hiatron (unpaid), Arnot Hill V.A. Hospl., Daybroolr,
Notts; BIRT, Miss Al. C., Matron, Red Cross Hospl.,
The Military Medal,
Huntingdon; BLATCH,
RIrs. I<. M., Matron, Red Cross
Matron Elizabeth HUMPHRIES,Territorial Force Hospl., IZenilworth, Warwickshire ; BLAYNEY,Miss
Nursing Service.
E. I<., Matron, R. Infirmary, Chester; BLENI~ARN,
hf., Lady Supt., Cooden V.A.D. Hospl., Beshill ; BLOTT,
‘Fhc Ruyol Rcd Cross.
The Ring invested the following ladies with the Miss M. E., Nursing Sister. Can. Nursing Service,
Granville Can. Spec. Hospl., Buston ; BOATH,Miss
Royal Red Cross at Buckingham Palace on E.
M., hlatron, Dundee War Hospl., Dundee; BORTON,
Wednesday, June 26th :-Miss F., Matron, Victoria Hospl., Blackpool ; Boss, Miss
A., Matron, Masonic Hall V.A.D. Hospl., Bromley,
Matron Kathlcen PRENDERGAST,
Queen Alesandra’s I h t ; BOTToh.ILEP, Mrs. A. C., Matron (unpaid), St.
John’s Ambulance, 2, Bodorgan Road, Bournemouth ;
Imperial Military Eiursing Service Reserve.
Miss L. M., Matron, Lady Cooper’s Hospl.
fur Oficers, Hursley Park, Winchester ; BOWRING,
Queeii Alexundra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service.
P., Nurse, Hart House Hospl., Burnham, Somerset ;
-Sister Sadie TYLER.
HOWYER,Miss R., Sister, T.F.N.S., and Southern Gen.
Queeii Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service Hospl., Bristol R. Infirmary, Bristol ; BRACE,Miss
Stella BURRELL,and Sister Dora C. A. M., Sister, Q.A.I.hl.N.S.R., R. Victoria Hospl.
Netley ; BRAnrLEP, Mrs. M., Commdt., Dunraven Castle
Territorial Force Nursing Service.-Sister
Martha Red Cross Hospl., Glam. ; BRODRICR,
Miss I<. E.,
Nursing Sister, Can. Nursing Service, Queen’s Can.
British Red Cross Society.-Matron Rate MOORE.
Mily. Hospl., Beechborough Park, Shorncliffe ; BROTHERVoluntary Aid Detachment.-Miss Clare DAGLISH.
TOS, Miss H., Asst. hfatron, T.F.N.S., 1st Northern
Queen Alesandra received at Marlborough House Gen. Hospl., Newcastle-on-Tyne : BROWN,Miss E.,
the Members of the Military and Civil Nursing Nurse, Aus. hfil. Haspl., 9, Cedars Road, Clapham,
BROWN,Miss F. E., Matron, Jaw Hospl.,
Services who have been awarded the Royal Red S.W.;
Brook Street, London; BRUCE,Miss A. L., Nursing
Cross, subsequent to the Investitures at Bucking- 78,
Sister, Can. Nursing Service, Granville Can. Spec.
ham Palace this morning.
Hospl., Buston; BUPFORD,
Miss D. F., Matron, Ridley
Hospl., 10, Carlton House Terrace, S.W. ; BURBIDGE,
The Royal Rcd Cross.
The King has been ,pleased to award the Royal Miss C., Lady Supt., Standish Hospl., Glos. ; BUTLER,
G., Sister, Huddersfield War Hospl. ; BUXTON,
Red Cross, 2nd class, to the undermentioned ladies, Miss
Matron, Princess Royal Hospl. for Officers,
in recognition of their valuable nursing services in M.,
4, Percival Terrace, Brighton
connection with the war :(Tobe continued.)
ABELL, Miss F. M., Matron, Henley Park, and Sisterin-Charge, Daneshill Mil. Hospl., Surrey ; ADAMS, Miss
D. P., Sister (Lady Supt.), V.A.D. Hospl., Cranbroolc,
Kent; ALLHUSEN, Miss E., Nurse, V.A. Hospl., Rhode
We are informed that, as a special mark of their
Hill, Uplyme ; ALLWOOD, Miss M. J., Nursing Sister,
Can. Nursing Service, No. 12 Can. Gen. Hospl., Bram- valuable work during the present war, the course
shatt, Hants ; ANDRRSON,Miss E., Sister, V.A. Hospital, of training at University College Eospital usually
Torquay; ANDERSON, Miss E. R., Charge Nurse, extending over four years will be reduced t o three
Waverley Abbey, Farnham ; ANDERSON,Miss I., Sister, pears in favour of V.A.D.s who have served for
Q.A.I.M.N.S.R., Barnet War Hospl., Herts ; ASPINALL,
Miss E., Sister, Liverpool Stanley Hospl., Stanley Road, two years in a military hospital, and who are well
recommended by their Matron.
This appeaxs a fair arrangement as a foulkh
Miss B., Lady Supt., Priory Hosp.,
Cheltenham; BAGULEY,
Miss F., Matron, St. John Aux. ye* is one of service and not training.
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