Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development in Ethiopia: EU Clusters for Resilience Building (ECHO and DEVCO) April 2014 Projects to be Implemented Across all Clusters R ERITREA FAO: -- Livelihood, Animal Health, Nutrition and Coordination UNICEF: -- Nutrition E D S TIG RAY Other EC Resilience Related Initiatives ACF/SCI: World Vision: -- Livelihoods, Assets Building and Access to Microcredit Tufts University for Research: --- Nutrition Legend International Boundary E Regional Boundary A Woreda Boundary [of Target Woredas] DRR Clusters for Resilience AFAR ! Ziquala Sekota ! Afar Cluster Amhara Cluster Bale Cluster SCI: DRR ! O Liben Cluster Siti Cluster South Omo Cluster Dewe Wolayita Cluster ! ! ! VSF-G Borena Cluster SCI: Telalak AMREF DRR Sectors Ayisha ! ! BE NISHANGUL GUMUZ DRR E N A D D Adaa'r DRR LVIA VSF-G L F G U IB LVIA Chifra SCI: U SCI: ! Ewa O F J AMH ARA T I SUDAN Afdem ! Miesso Dembel Erer Caritas Germany: OXFAM SCI Health DRR Nutrition DRR DRR Livelihoods DIR E DAWA H AR WASH AR I DRR ADDI S ABAB A CORDAID/HelpAge: Merlin: GOAL: Merlin: Arero Moyale Dehas Miyo Moyale K E N YA VSF: DRR 120 240 Disclaimers: The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations and the European Commission concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. DRR Farm Africa COOPI: SCI: SOMALIA IN D IA N O C E AN ¹ Map prepared by OCHA: IMU Section ! Map data source(s): EC CORDAID: DRR Dolo Odo SCI: 60 Kilometers ! ! ! GOAL: Merlin: Filtu Hudet ! Dire ! DRR Dillo DCA: ! CARE: Hamer ! Rayitu ! ! Merlin: Gura Damole 0 SO MAL I COOPI: GOAL: Merlin: ! CORDAID ACF Dasenech (Kuraz) DRR ! ! DRR Dawe Kachen SCI: DRR CARE ! VITA: DRR COOPI: DRR HORIZONT3000 GOAL: Concern: PIN: Interaide Map Doc Name: 23_23.2_ECHO_000_Cluster_022614_A4 Creation Date: 26 Feb. 2014 ! CORDAID: ! DRR ! SOUTH SUD ACFA N Kindo Koysha Sodo Diguna Zuria Fango Humbo Mubarak and Suftu are relatively new woredas whose border demarcation are not yet known and hence not shown on the map. OROMIYA CVM ! SNNPR GOAL: DRR VITA: Disaster Risk Reduction Note Red colour represents projects supported by ECHO Blue colour represents projects supported by DEVCO ! IMC: GAMBE LL A Natural Resources Mgt
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