STANDARD VE RTICAL SHAFT T ILTING PAD THRUST AND TILT ING PAD RAD IAL BEARIN GS SELF CON TAINED - WAT ER COOLED Exclu sively designed to meet stringent conditions of vertical pump,motor and gen erat ors . o o Self adjustment of oil film to stabilise rotat ing shaft. Fully submerged wearin g components to prevent oil saturation and atmospheric adv erse effect. Care fully desig ned features for efficient heat transfer and a cool bearing. o Efficient cooling coils either single row or double row. Software for performa nce calcul ation as customer help when asked for. Manufactured and processed by the latest process equipmen ts and CNC machines . o Matching bottom radial bearing with tilting pad. DVB TECHNOLOGIES VERT ICAL TILTING PAD TH R U ST A ND T ILT IN G PAD PAD IAL BEAR IN G WITH LARGE R S HAFT A N D VARIANT A S LS Model No. Max Shaft Dia (rnm) Aprrox Max RPM (1) Max Starting Load Fs (kN) (2) Max Load Normal Fs (kN) (3) Max Closed Approx Radial Load Fe (kN) Load (kN) Water Cooler (4) 1 VSS 1 VLS 54 64 4000 4000 16.17 14.0 23.1 20.0 26.5 25.5 2.5 2.5 1 Tube 1 Tube 2VSS 2VLS 68 80 3000 3000 23.24 18.7 33.2 27.0 42.3 35.3 3.8 3.8 1 Tube 1 Tube 3 VSS 3 VLS 78 98 2500 2500 30.8 24.5 44.0 35.0 71.2 46.8 5.0 5.0 1 Tube 1 Tube 4 VSS 4 VLS 90 116 2000 2000 43.4 32.2 62.0 46.0 93.7 60.5 9.0 9.0 1 Tube 1 Tube 5 VSS 5VLS 115 138 1550 2000 64.4 56.0 92.0 80.0 143.9 122.4 14.5 14.5 1 Tube 2 Tubes 6 VSS 6VLS 142 162 1200 1600 92.4 80.5 132.0 115.0 208.9 183.0 20.5 20.5 1 Tube 2 Tubes 7VSS 7VLS 165 203 850 1160 127.4 105.0 182.0 150.0 290 .1 243.8 27.0 27.0 Hub 2 Tubes 8 VSS 8VLS 192 238 830 1190 161 .0 131.6 230.0 188.0 369.3 301 .0 37.0 37.0 1 Tube 2 Tubes 9VSS 9VLS 216 264 1040 1230 213.5 178.5 305.0 255.0 487 .0 407.3 44.0 44.0 2 Tubes 3 Tubes 10VSS 10VLS 256 308 800 940 304.5 255.5 435.0 365.0 695.1 583.0 68.0 68.0 2 Tubes 3 Tubes NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. Grade of Oil will have influence on max. RPM Operating loads can be 60% more than max. normal load . HPjacking will notbe required with these max. starting load . Speed and viscosity of oil selected will determine themaximum radial load. A UXIAL TH RUST TILTING PAD RADIAL TI LTING PAD BASE ASS EMBLY WITH SH AFT COLLAR RE MOVED WATER OIL COOLER ASSEMBLY DVB TECHNOLOGIES MOUNTING DIMEN SIONS OF THRUST CUM RADIAL BEARINGS COLLAR BORE & KEY SIZ E AS PER REQUIRE MENT AIR VENT TO BE REMOVED FOR OIL FILLING OF BEARING COVER TAPPED 112" B.S.P FOR DIAL T HERMO METER w 13B 13C "A 13F Model No. A B(h6) C 0 E F 1VSS 1VLS 275 275 127 127 241 241 54 64 164 164 305 305 2VSS 2VLS 315 315 140 140 280 280 68 80 180 180 345 345 3 VSS 3 VLS 360 360 105.1 105.1 324 324 78 98 199 199 390 390 4 VSS 4 VLS 400 400 190.5 190 ,5 352 352 90 116 230 230 430 430 5 VSS 5 VLS 465 465 228.6 228.6 425 425 115 138 264 264 495 495 6 VSS 6VLS 555 555 279.4 279.4 508 508 142 162 315 315 485 485 7VSS 7VLS 615 615 330 330 568 568 165 203 365 365 645 645 8VSS 8 VLS 700 700 368 368 654 654 192 238 405 405 730 730 9VSS 9VLS 815 815 400 400 770 770 216 264 450 450 845 845 10 VSS 10 VLS 920 920 440 440 864 864 256 308 495 495 950 950 •• ,I' / IJ / * Head Office : 250 Block -B. Banik Mansion,Lake Town. Kolkata 700089 (P) 033-25348041/25219773, (F) 033-253441 52 (E) [email protected] (W) www [email protected] m DVB TECHNOLOGIES Works: 43/1 'The Mall' , Kaikhali ,Kolkata 70005 2 (P) 033- 25253631/4320 , (F) 033- 25250 220 (E) worksdvb@yahoo .com
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