Simulating Planetary Crystallization Igneous Environments (SPICEs):" A Suite of Planetary Igneous Crystallization Programs Jesse Davenport,1,2 John Longhi,3 Clive R. Neal,2,4 Diogo Bolster,4 and Bradley Jolliff5 1CRPG, Vandœuvre-les-Nancy, France, 2Nasa Lunar Science Institute, LPI, Houston, TX 77058, 3Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY 10964, USA, 4CEEES, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA, 5Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University, St Louis, Missouri 63130, USA ([email protected]; [email protected]) " Using MAGFOX to model Apollo 17 basalt crystallization! Table 3. A comparison of crystallization Introduction! • Understanding the chemistry of magma is important for understanding how planets differentiate into crusts, rocky mantles, and metallic cores. • A set of programs to model magma formation and crystallization was developed by John Longhi written in Fortran [1,2,3,4]. " • We have converted the programs for use with MATLAB." modeling of Apollo 17 basalts." • Rhodes et al. [8] first attempted to categorize Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts into Type A, B, and C on the basis of whole-rock geochemistry. " • Type A basalts contain 50-60% higher abundances of incompatible trace elements compared to Type B basalts, although both possess similar major element concentrations [9]. " • Neal et al. [10] further divided the Type B group into Type B1 and B2 and proposed a simple petrogenetic model of closed-system fractional crystallization." • Both [10] and [11] only modeled the evolution of trace elements. Here, we model major elements using MAGFOX and compare these results to those previously published (Table 2)." • The revisions (Simulating Planetary Igneous Crystallization Environments, SPICEs) have a simple graphical interface for ease of input and output, but have the same methods and backbone [7]. " • Goal: to make the programs more widely accessible for research and education. ! The Programs! Main" Name/Date" LIQ" • FORTRAN versions of MAGFOX/POX have been Int. Mag. Comp." XTL" used repeatedly on lunar igneous suites. " Xtl. Step" • [5] and [6] give detailed information on the WFX" applicability of different programs on various Pressure" magmas." MAGFOX" End Point" • MAGFOX à Rayleigh fractional crystallization; LIQ" XTL" MAGPOX à equilibrium crystallization " Main" WFX" User Input" • 1% crystallization steps — to calculate the MAGPOX" major element oxide evolution of liquid and mineralogy in several projections (e.g., the OlMain" Pl-Wo-Sil system)." LIQ" • Programs can be used to derive crystallization FXMOTR" INST" sequences of different magmas. " MATLAB Scripts" • FXMOTR à combo of equilibrium and fractional PHYS" crystallization in 1% crystallization steps to RXN" calculate the evolution of major and trace BATCH" elements of a liquid and crystallizing mineralogy Main" LIQTES" Report" TRM" of a magma. " Main" Input" Mincal" TREL" • BATCHà high pressure version of MAGPOX." INST" • SPICEs provides a graphical interface that users with no programming experience can harness to RXN" model crystallization processes ([7]; Fig. 1)." LIQ" • This user-friendly code, when combined with geochemical analyses, can help scientists to Figure 1 (above). A schematic/flow chart describing the methods and process of the SPICEs better understand the petrogenesis of many programs. The program first accepts user input (green). These parameters are then run through a number of scripts (orange). And depending on the program, output detailed data about the magma igneous suites [7].! being modeled. Figure 2 (above). Apollo 17 Type A, B1, B2, and C crystallization sequences. Oli = Olivine; Opx = Orthopyroxene; Ilm = Ilmenite; Pig = Pigeonite; Sp = Spinel; Arm = Armalcolite; Plag= Plagioclase; Aug = Augite." " Figure 3 (right). MAGFOX major element modeling results. A) Al2O3 plotted against Mg#, B) CaO plotted against Mg# and C) TiO2 plotted against Mg#. The arrows show the direction of evolution of the magma starting from 0 PCS or the whole rock (most primitive) to 99 PCS." ! Conclusions & Future Work! • SPICEs has been used in many places: terrestrial, lunar, asteroids, etc." • We converted source code from FORTRAN 77 into MATLAB." • The SPICEs code allow the user to quickly calculate the crystallizing phases of a magma based on its initial composition, pressure (depth), crystallization step, and model terminus. " • The SPICEs code is a valid tool for understanding the evolution of a number of varied magmas on a variety of planetary bodies. " Future Work:" • Bug fixes/continued testing with the help of the planetary community." • Keep the SPICEs code updated with the latest published techniques. For example, updating the methods for which MAGFOX and MAGPOX calculate partition coefficients. " available for free download! • Parental Compositions were taken from Neal et al. [10]. " • Results produce the same crystallization sequences within 10% of each other " • Neal et al. [10] had no plagioclase on the liquidus, whereas the results here produce a significant amount (>40%) after 50% crystallized." Acknowledgements! The authors would like to thank Ben Barrowes, author of f2MATLAB (Barrowes, 2013), for his help with translating the MAGPOX, MAGPOX and FXMOTR FORTRAN code into MATLAB. The authors would also like to thank John Longhi for his contributions to this work and for his contributions throughout his career. This work is supported by NASA Cosmochemistry grant NNX09AB92G and NLSI subcontract from USRA (Lunar and Planetary Institute) #02173-05 to CRN." References! [1] Longhi, J. (1991) Am. Mineral., 76, 785–800 [2] Longhi, J. (1992) PLPSC 22, 343-353 [3] Longhi, J. (2002) G3, 1-33 [4] Longhi, J. (2006) GCA 70, 5919-5934 [5] Slater et al. (2003) 34th LPSC, 1896 [6] Thompson et al. (2003) 34th LPSC, 1881 [7] Davenport, J.D., et al. (2013) (submitted to Comp. Geosci.) [8] Rhodes, J.M., et al. (1976) Proc. 7th Lunar Sci. Conf., 1467-1489. [9] Warner, R.D., et al. (1979) Proc. 10th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf., 225-247. [10] Neal, C.R., et al. (1990) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 54, 1817-1833. [11] Donohue, P.H. and Neal, C.R., (2012) 43rd Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf., Abstract# 2827." On the LPI Computational Tools website:
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