Appendix 1: Desk Study Search Data Statutory & non-statutory sites within 1 kilometre of SX974909 (2009) Enq no. 4746 File Code Site Name Grid Reference SX98/002 Clyst Marshes SX970887 Area (ha) Description Semi-improved marshy grassland, saltmarsh, riverside vegetation and 128.7 species-rich ditches SX99/063 Bishop's Court Quarry Status CWS SX964914 Sand quarry and roadside verge with 8.1 ornithological interest CWS County Wildlife Sites (CWS): these are sites of county importance for wildlife, designated on the basis of the habitat or the known presence of particular species. This is not a statutory designation like SSSIs, and does not have any legal status. County Wildlife Sites are usually included in Local Plans as sites of substantive nature conservation interest and are covered by Planning Policy Statement note nine (PPS9). CWS recognition does not demand any particular actions on the part of the Landowner and does not give the public rights of access. However, it may increase eligibility for land management grants. -1- Appendix 1: Desk Study Search Data Legally protected & notable Species within 1 kilometre of SX974909 (2009) Scientific Name Location Pyrrhula pyrrhula Turdus philomelos Bromus commutatus Near Clyst St George. Near Clyst St George. Clyst Marshes (Subsite C) Oenanthe pimpinelloides Bromus racemosus Clyst Marshes (Subsite C) Clyst Marshes (Subsite C) Common 6 Meadow-Rue Great Pond7 Sedge Thalictrum flavum 8 Badger Meles meles Nyctalus noctula Clyst Marshes (Subsite C) Clyst Marshes (Subsite C) A376, Near junction 30, Granada Services. River Clyst, Clyst St Mary No Common Name 1 Bullfinch 2 Song Thrush Meadow 3 Brome Corky-Fruited Water4 Dropwort Smooth 5 Brome 9 Noctule Carex riparia -2- Date Grid UK Reference protection International protection Status 2006 SX966905 UKBAP (P); Red 2006 SX966905 UKBAP (P); Red 1993 SX970908 DN2 1993 SX970908 DN3 1993 SX970908 DN2 1993 SX970908 DN1; DR 1993 SX970908 DN2 2000 SX970911 2008 SX970913 WCA 6, BA WCA 5, 6; NERC 41 Bern III EC IVa; Bern II; Bonn II UKBAP (P) Appendix 1: Desk Study Search Data 45 Khz 10 Pipistrelle 11 Starling Pipistrellus pipistrellus 45kHz Sturnus vulgaris 12 Otter 13 Teal Lutra lutra Anas crecca 14 Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 15 Mute Swan 16 Roe Deer Cygnus olor Capreolus capreolus 17 Slow-Worm Anguis fragilis 18 Otter 55 Khz 19 Pipistrelle Lutra lutra Pipistrellus pipistrellus 55kHz 20 Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus River Clyst, Clyst St Mary Clyst St George near Winslade Barton. Grindle Brook Near Clyst St Mary. River Clyst, north of Clyst St Mary. On land on bend in the river between old bridge and footbridge. River Clyst, north of Clyst St Mary. Clyst St Mary near Exeter Garden at 12 The Village, Clyst St Mary, Exeter. River Clyst near J30 of M5 Bridge House, Clyst St Mary On stream off River Clyst, near Clyst St Mary. -3- 2008 SX970915 WCA 5, 6 EC IVa; Bern III, Bonn II 2006 SX971903 20082009 SX971904 2006 SX971912 WCA 5; NERC 41 EC IIa, IIIa; Bern II 2004 SX971917 WCA 1 Amber 2003 SX971917 2007 SX972909 Red UKBAP (P); DBAP Amber Amber Bern III 1993 SX972916 DA WCA 5 (KIS); NERC 41 WCA 5; NERC 41 Bern III EC IIa, IIIa; Bern II UKBAP (P) UKBAP (P); DBAP 2006 SX973910 WCA 5, 6; NERC 41 EC IVa; Bern III, Bonn II UKBAP (P) 2005 SX972912 2006 SX973913 NERC 41 UKBAP (P); Amber Appendix 1: Desk Study Search Data 21 Brambling Fringilla montifringilla 23 Pipistrelle Carduelis cannabina Pipistrellus pipistrellus 24 Weasel Purple 25 Hairstreak Mustela nivalis Quercusia quercus 26 a Bat Myotis spp. 27 Stoat Mustela erminea 22 Linnet 28 Slow-Worm 29 Pipistrelle Common 30 Meadow-Rue 31 A bat Yellow Water32 Lily 33 Kingfisher 34 a Long-eared On stream off River Clyst, near Clyst St Mary. On stream off River Clyst, near Clyst St Mary. River Clyst, Clyst St Mary 1 Winslade Park Avenue, Clyst St Mary. CLYST ST MARY River Clyst, Clyst St Mary Grounds of Friends Provident, Winslade Park, Clyst St Mary. 2006 SX973913 WCA 1 2006 SX973913 2008 SX973915 UKBAP (P); Red WCA 5, 6 2007 SX974907 19982001 SX976908 2008 SX977916 Bern III Decline WCA 5, 6 2002 SX978902 Anguis fragilis Pipistrellus pipistrellus Thalictrum flavum Chiroptera Clyst st Mary 2002 SX978904 WCA 5 (KIS); NERC 41 Exeter By old bridge, Bisop's Clyst Exeter 1988 SX9790 WCA 5, 6 1993 SX9791 1994 SX9791 WCA 5, 6 Nuphar lutea Alcedo atthis Bishop's Clyst marsh Clyst st Mary 1983 SX9791 2002 SX979902 WCA 1 Plecotus spp. Shippen and dairy at 2006 SX984912 WCA 5, 6 -4- EC IVa; Bern III, Bonn II EC IVa; Bern II; Bonn II Bern III; CITES (UK reservation) Bern III EC IVa; Bern III, Bonn II UKBAP (P) DN1; DR EC IVa; Bonn II DN1 Amber EC IVa; Bern II; Appendix 1: Desk Study Search Data Bat 35 Badger Westpoint, Exeter Meles meles A3052 Clyst St Mary, near Westpoint. Bonn II 1997 SX985909 WCA 6, BA Bern III NERC 41 NERC Act (2006) Section 41: Species listed under Section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (2006). These are the species found in England which have been identified as requiring action under the UK BAP. All local authorities and other public authorities in England and Wales have a duty to promote and enhance biodiversity in all of their functions. WCA 1 Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) Schedule 1: birds which are protected by special penalties at all times. WCA 5 Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) Schedule 5: species protected against killing, injury, disturbance and handling. WCA 5 (KIS) Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) Schedule 5: (killing & injury): species protected against killing, injury and sale only. WCA 6 Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) Schedule 6: animals (other than birds) which may not be killed or taken by certain methods BA Protection of Badgers Act 1992: badgers may not be deliberately killed, persecuted or trapped except under licence. Badger setts may not be damaged, destroyed or obstructed. DA Deer Act 1991: deer protected under the Deer Act. Bern II Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention) Appendix II: Special protection for listed animal species and their habitats. -5- Appendix 1: Desk Study Search Data Bern III Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention) Appendix III: Exploitation of listed animal species to be subject to regulation ECIIa, IIb EC Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora (Habitats & Species Directive) Annex IIa and IIb: Designation of protected areas for animal and plant species listed. ECIIIa, IIIb EC Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora (Habitats & Species Directive) Annex IIIa and IIb: Species used as criteria for designating Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). ECIVa, IVb EC Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora (Habitats & Species Directive) Annex IVa: Exploitation of listed animals and plants to be subject to management if necessary. Bonn II Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn Convention) Appendix II: Range states encouraged to conclude international agreements to benefit species listed. UKBAP(P) UK Priority Species (Short and Middle Lists - UK Biodiversity steering Group Report 1995) i.e. species that are globally threatened and rapidly declining in the UK (by more than 50% in the last 25 years). Has a Species Action Plan. DBAP Devon Biodiversity Action Plan species: these have been identified as species of key conservation concern in Devon. Devon Notable Species: Selected species recorded from over 50 2km squares in the Atlas of Devon Flora 1984 (R.B. IvimeyCook, Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Exeter). DN1 Devon Notable1: 1-25 2 km squares in Atlas of Devon Flora 1984. DN2 Devon Notable2: 26-50 2 km squares in Atlas of Devon Flora 1984. DN3 Devon Notable3: Selected species recorded from over 50 2 km squares in Atlas of Devon Flora 1984. -6- Appendix 1: Desk Study Search Data DR Devon Rarity: native species recorded from 3 or fewer localities within Devon. Decline Substantial local decline in Devon Red List Bird species of high conservation concern, such as those whose population or range is rapidly declining, recently or historically, and those of global conservation concern. Amber List Bird species of medium conservation concern, such as those whose population is in moderate decline, rare breeders, internationally important and localised species and those of unfavourable conservation status in Europe. -7-
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