Adroit Technologies How to backup and restore your Smart UI system and/or projects Currently the backup and restore provided by the Adroit Config is SYSTEM-wide, that is why it is called SYSTEM backup and restore, where ONLY a specific Configuration can be backed up and restored at a time, as it is primarily intended to be a disaster-recovery fail safe. In other words, this functionality does NOT support selective restoration, which ONLY backs up your projects and their related files, such as their wizards and graphic forms, and not the Configuration-specific settings. In this case, see Project Backup and Restore. IMPORTANT: While we may use the words SYSTEM and PROJECT interchangeably but they are not the SAME thing because in this context SYSTEM includes your complete Configuration, whereas PROJECT could simply be one of the projects that you have configured in your SYSTEM. More details: A SYSTEM-wide backup and restore, backs up and restores your entire configuration. Therefore, after restoring a SYSTEM backup ALL discrepancies between the configuration settings of the backed up Configuration (System) and the current Configuration will be OVERRIDDEN. This has wide-ranging consequences, depending upon which configuration settings have been modified, such as: l since all the CONFIG files are replaced, any custom configuration that you had made, will be lost. l since all the security settings including the allowed users and groups are restored, you may not be able to log into the Server and/or may not have access to all the projects or datasources, if your current user name is not supported or has less privileges in the restored Configuration. l any paths referenced within the Adroit agent database (.wgp) file to datalogs or scripts etc. may be incorrect and need to be checked. Note: This usually occurs when the name of the backed up Configuration DIFFERS from that of the active (currently loaded) Configuration when it is restored. This backup and restore functionality is intended to be a disaster-recovery fail safe, so that once you have backed up your system, you can simply restore it again, after the computer has crashed or been replaced etc. and it your system will continue functioning seamlessly. Note: When backing up a Configuration, the active (currently loaded) Configuration is backed up but when restoring a Configuration, it is always restored over the active Configuration, thereby overriding the current Configuration. System Backup and Restore The System Backup and Restore page of the Welcome section of the Adroit Config configuration dialog performs the backup and/or restoration of your Smart UI and/or Adroit user-configuration. To display this page of settings: 1. Launch the Adroit Config: Click the Start menu, Programs, Adroit 8.3 and the Adroit Config item. The Welcome section is displayed by default, unless multiple configurations have been created, in which case the Configuration page is displayed by default, which needs to be expanded to display the Welcome section. For details, see Working with Configurations. 2. Select the System Backup and Restore option from this page. The backup process generates a single compressed file in the specified location, which contains the date and time of its creation, which contains all the relevant registry settings and all the files and folders containing the user-configuration of the currently specified Configuration. Note: Each Configuration is completely separate or insular, containing its own files, application settings and/or registry keys. For details, see Working with Configurations. This backup excludes the following files: l that were installed by the Smart UI and/or Adroit installation. More details: since if restoring on a clean computer, you need to install the Smart UI and/or Adroit product instead of performing a manual file copy to ensure that the relevant files are registered and the system is properly configured. If need be, keep your current installation files in the same location that you keep this backup. l that are created internally by Smart UI and/or Adroit. More details: since these will merely be automatically re-created once your system is restored and hence do not need to be saved. - 1 of 7 - Adroit Technologies To backup the active configuration: If necessary, launch the Adroit Config utility. If you are using more than one Configuration, then open the Configuration page of the Adroit Config and ensure that required Configuration is the current Active Configuration. For details, see Working with Configurations. In the System Backup and Restore page of the Welcome section: 1. Click the Backup section. 2. If necessary, specify the required path and filename of the required compressed backup file. By default this .ZIP file is stored in a Temp folder in the Smart UI ProgramData folder and has the current date and time digits appended to it. 3. Click the Full Backup button. To restore a backed up configuration: Ensure that you know where your compressed .ZIP backup file is located and that this file can be accessed from the current computer. If possible, ensure that the name of the active (currently loaded) Configuration is the SAME as the name of the Configuration that you have backed up, to minimize the potential for incorrect paths. WARNING! This backed up Configuration will replace the active configuration regardless of its naming, so ALL discrepancies between the configuration settings of the backed up Configuration (System) and the current Configuration will be OVERRIDDEN. If necessary, launch the Adroit Config utility. In the System Backup and Restore page of the Welcome section: 1. Click the Restore section. 2. Click the browse button to the right of the edit box and specify the required .ZIP backup file. 3. Click the Restore button to OVERWRITE all the currently-specified system files and settings, of this Configuration, with those stored in thebackup. Project Backup and Restore Note: This SHOULD be used to transfer project files to and from an engineering workstation. Currently the backup and restore provided by the Adroit Config is SYSTEM-wide, that is why it is called SYSTEM backup and restore, where ONLY a specific CONFIGURATION, including ALL of its configuration settings, is backed up and restored at a time, as it is primarily intended to be a disaster-recovery fail safe. In other words, this functionality does NOT support selective restoration, which ONLY backs up your projects and their related files, such as their wizards and graphic forms. Currently you need to do the following, in order to perform a selective backup and restore: Note: This partial restoration functionality will be added to the product in a future release. Backing up project files: 1. On the Smart UI Server computer that contains the projects you want to copy: 2. Open the Smart UI Designer. Ensure that you save any graphic forms that are currently open in the Designer, which belong to these projects (assuming you want these changes to be copied). 3. Click on the Configuration tab of the Designer ribbon. 4. Click the Open Projects Folder tool, opens the folder containing the configured projects, in Windows Explorer, since these projects are on the same computer. 5. In Windows Explorer: Backup the relevant projects and/or specific folders and their files, either by directly copying them to the required backup directory or zipping them up into an archive. - 2 of 7 - Adroit Technologies Restoring project files 1. On the Smart UI Server computer where you want to copy the backed up projects: 2. Open the Smart UI Designer. Ensure that you close any graphic forms that are currently open in the Designer, which belong to these projects that you are restoring. 3. Click on the Configuration tab of the Designer ribbon. 4. Click the Open Projects Folder tool, to open the folder containing the configured projects, in Windows Explorer, since these projects are on the same computer. Note: You do not need to shut down the Smart UI Designer and Server. 5. In Windows Explorer: Copy the backed up projects into this folder: l If you intend to replicate an entire project then delete it first l If you are copying a partial project (such as some of its folders) then overwrite the existing files. You can also backup and restore any datasources that your projects use too, which is useful for datasources that have extensive configuration, such as OLE DB datasources. Exporting datasources Instead of manually duplicating a datasource from one Smart UI Server to another, you can export the datasource and its configuration to a file and then import this datasource into another Smart UI Server from this file. This is useful for datasources that have extensive configuration, such as OLE DB datasources with many configured queries and/or stored procedures. This can also be used to save time and ensure that clustered Servers have exactly the same datasource configuration. Note: It is not recommended to export or import the datasources within the Management and Projects datasource categories. To export a datasource: Select the required Smart UI Server in the Enterprise Manager, as follows: 1. Open the Enterprise Manager. 2. If necessary, expand Servers. 3. If necessary, expand the name of the required Server connection . Tip: The connection name is prefaced by the Smart UI Server computer name. 4. If necessary, expand the Datasources category. 5. Right-click the relevant datasource name or icon and select Export Datasource. This will display the Browse For Folder dialog. 6. Select and/or create the required folder in which this exported datasource should be saved and then press the OK button. This adds two files to this location, which have the same name as the selected datasource and the following extensions: .DSINFO and .DSINFOINDEX. Note: It is essential that BOTH of these files remain in the same folder in order for this datasource to be successfully imported. For further details on importing datasources, see Importing datasources. - 3 of 7 - Adroit Technologies Importing datasources Instead of manually duplicating a datasource from one Smart UI Server to another, you can export the datasource and its configuration to a file and then import this datasource into another Smart UI Server from this file. This is useful for datasources that have extensive configuration, such as OLE DB datasources with many configured queries and/or stored procedures. This can also be used to save time and ensure that clustered Servers have exactly the same datasource configuration. Note: It is not recommended to export or import the datasources within the Management and Projects datasource categories. Tip:You can also right click the this datasource. Datasources category of the required Smart UI Server to import To import a datasource: Select the required Smart UI Server in the Enterprise Manager, as follows: 1. Open the Enterprise Manager. 2. If necessary, expand Servers. 3. If necessary, expand the name of the required Server connection . Tip: The connection name is prefaced by the Smart UI Server computer name. This will display the Please select the folder to import from dialog. 4. Once the required folder has been selected, all the exported datasources in this folder, in other words their .DSINFO files are displayed. 5. Select the required .DSINFO file, which has the same name as the exported datasource and press the Open button to import this datasource. Tip: It is also possible to simply double click the required file. 6. If this datasource is successfully imported then it will appear beneath the Datasources category of this connection. Note: If the specified datasource cannot be imported, see Troubleshooting importing datasources for possible reasons. For further details on exporting datasources, see Exporting datasources. Working with Configurations Adroit and/or Smart UI make use of configurations, where each configuration is completely separate or insular, containing its own files, application settings and/or registry keys. More details: This allows advanced users who engineer multiple systems at a time to easily separate these systems from each other. This functionality, coupled with the backup and restore functionality allows for the easy packaging and deployment of complete systems along with all their files and settings. Note: Only one configuration can be loaded and used by the various applications at any given time. By default, the Allow Multiple Configurations checkbox is unchecked, so that only one configuration, namely Default, is used, in which case: Note: This Default configuration will either be in Full or HMI mode, depending upon the option you selected on installation. Check the Allow Multiple Configurations checkbox to see which mode is being used. l all the installed Adroit applications and/or services settings are saved to this folder: C:\ProgramData\Adroit Technologies\Adroit\Configurations\Default and/or l all the installed Smart UI applications and/or services settings are saved to this folder: C:\ProgramData\Adroit Technologies\Adroit\SmartUI\Configurations\Default. Note: This configures settings in both Adroit and Smart UI which alter their functionality accordingly. - 4 of 7 - Adroit Technologies When the Allow Multiple Configurations checkbox is checked, then you can see the name of the current Active Configuration and whether it is in Full or HMI mode and this also displays the Select Configuration list box, which allows you to do the following: IMPORTANT: We recommend that only advanced users use multiple configurations, due to their inherent configuration complexities! Note: The active or current configuration is the name that is specified by the Active Configuration, which is changed by selecting a configuration from the list and then clicking the Apply button. Tip: This allows system integrators to easily switch between configurations using the Full or the HMI mode depending upon the projects they are engineering. The mode of the current Active Configuration is displayed beneath its name and this is either Full Mode or HMI Mode. For more details of what HMI Mode entails, see HMI Mode. Note: This setting can only be configured on install or when creating a new configuration, when using multiple configurations. In this case the Configuration page becomes the default (starting) page for this Adroit Config configuration dialog to ensure that you select the required configuration before configuring the relevant application settings. To select the required configuration: 1. Select the name of the required configuration in the Select Configuration list box. 2. Click the Apply button, after selecting the required configuration name. This will change the Active Configuration to this configuration name. Note: You ALSO need to restart all your applications before they can use the settings and project files specified by this configuration. To create a new configuration NOT based on an existing configuration: 1. Click the button next to the Select Configuration list box. 2. Specify the name of this required configuration (project) in the edit field. 3. Choose whether you want this new configuration to use HMI or Full mode, by selecting the required option. 4. Click the OK button to create this configuration. This initializes the applications settings to use the folders of this new configuration and changes the Active Configuration to this configuration name. Note: You ALSO need to restart all your applications before they can use the settings and project files specified by this configuration. To create a new configuration based on an existing configuration: 1. Click the button next to the Select Configuration list box. 2. Specify the name of this required configuration in the edit field. 3. Check the Create new configuration based on checkbox and select the name of the existing configuration whose files, application settings and folders will be copied to this new configuration, instead of using the files, application settings and folders that were created on installation. 4. ONLY if the selected configuration uses the HMI mode, then you can choose whether you want this new configuration to also use HMI or use the Full mode instead, by selecting the required option. 5. Click the OK button to create this configuration. This initializes the applications settings to use the folders of this new configuration and changes the Active Configuration to this configuration name. Note: You ALSO need to restart all your applications before they can use the settings and project files specified by this configuration. To remove an existing configuration: 1. Select the name of the required configuration in the Select Configuration list box. 2. Click the button next to the Select Configuration list box. - 5 of 7 - Adroit Technologies 3. Click the Yes button of the confirmation dialog. Note: You cannot remove the current Active Configuration. Troubleshooting importing of datasources If a datasource cannot be successfully imported, an error is displayed to assist you in determining why this is the case. The following list indicates the possible error messages and their remedies: Error Message Error attempting to import. Did you select the correctly exported datasource file? Service Request: Import Data Source Unsuccessful(||Error! Could not import plugin.) Remedy 1. Firstly, ensure that the specified folder also contains the .DSINFOINDEX file with this same file name as the .DSINFO file. 2. Secondly, ensure that you have the “Export Datasource” security right (policy) assigned to you. 3. Thirdly, ensure that you have selected a file that has been exported from the same version of the product. 1. Firstly, ensure that the datasource that is being imported does not already exist, also ensure that the name of the datasource that is being imported is unique and does not already exist. 2. Secondly, ensure that you have the “Import Datasource” security right (policy) assigned to you. HMI mode HMI mode is a lower cost, simpler version of Adroit and Smart UI, which is a stand-alone solution that supports the addition of up to 2 clients. This cannot be incorporated into a larger distributed project and does not support redundancy. In HMI mode, the AdroitAgent Server has the following restrictions: ONLY loads the following agent types: l o Basic agents: Alarm, AlarmList (only Default), Analog, Boolean, Digital, Date, Expression, Marshal, Perfmon and Timer IMPORTANT: Each Marshal agent used, consumes 16 scan license points. o Advanced agents: AgentGroup, Counter, Eventlog, Eventoutput, Notify, Statistical, String, StringList, Multimedia, Notify, DB Access, Script, Shift, DBLog, AlarmManagement and Custom o System agents: Alias, Beeper, Datalog, Device, Hasp, Proxy, Scan and SystemInformation l prevents the use of the following agent types: AREC, Audit, Command, Frame, Integer, MaxDemand, Multistate, OEE, PID, Real, Recipe, Scheduler, SNMPManager, SystemDatalog and Text IMPORTANT: Due to this change, standard Agent Servers and their projects will be INCOMPATIBLE with HMI licensed Agent Servers and their projects, when they use any of these HMIunsupported agent types. l the Agent Server can only be run in stand-alone mode and not cluster or cluster-aware mode. Note: In HMI mode, when the Agent Server is run, it is forced to run in stand-alone mode, regardless of its current setting. HMI mode is typically configured on installation. However, you can create configurations using the Full or HMI mode by using the Configuration dialog of the Adroit Config utility. Note: You can only see if the current (active) configuration is running in Full or HMI mode, after checking the Allow Multiple Configurations checkbox. When using multiple configurations (when engineering multiple projects), you can specify which configurations run in Full or HMI mode, depending upon your project's requirements. This allows you to easily switch between projects (configurations) running in Full or HMI mode. You can also create additional configurations that are based on existing ones, as needed. l if the Agent Server is licensed for HMI and Adroit has not been configured for HMI mode the Agent Server will display a message box that it cannot continue and it will terminate. The user must either enable the HMI configuration or change the HASP. - 6 of 7 - Adroit Technologies l if Adroit has been configured for HMI mode and the Agent Server is not licensed for HMI, then the Agent Server will continue in HMI mode. - 7 of 7 -
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