Statement by Pioneer Institute about the proposed City of Boston/Fire Department collective bargaining agreement. If the proposed collective bargaining agreement between the City of Boston and the Boston firefighters union is approved, more than $20.97 million in retroactive paychecks will be paid out this summer and $71.43 million in extra compensation will be paid over the next three years, totaling $92.4 million, in a way that disproportionately benefits highly paid administrators and supervisors. This informational report sets forth details about who will get how much. The proposed agreement has not been made public. However, city officials have disclosed in public comments that the tentative agreement reached by the mayor and the union includes retroactive raises of 1%, 2%, and 3% for FY2012, FY2013, and FY2014. It reportedly includes 3%, 3%, and 2% for FY2015, FY2016, and FY2017. City official said that the proposal also provides increases in hazardous duty pay, night time service pay, and career longevity incentives that add approximately an extra one-half of one percent each year to the those increases. Pioneer Institute has applied these raises to Boston Fire Department salary data for calendar year 2013 published on the city’s website, The following charts and graphs demonstrate how much will be paid to fire department personnel if the collective bargaining contract is approved according to the terms described above. This data is based upon the assumption that employees have worked and will work the same number of regular and overtime hours in each year covered by the contract as they did in FY2013. When Pioneer Institute applied those percentage increases to published FY2013 compensation data, the resultant cost was $92.39 million, virtually the same as the city’s publicly-disclosed estimate of $92.4 million. Pioneer’s provided an analysis last week of the yet-to-be disclosed collective bargaining agreement, predicated on the application of $92.39 million in compensation increases over the period of FY2011-FY2016. This revised analysis reflects further information indicating that the 1%, 2%, 3%, 3%, 3%, and 2% increases will respectively be applied to fiscal years 2012-2017, with an extra one-half percent added each year for hazardous duty pay, night time service pay, and career longevity incentives. This revised analysis is predicated on the same $92.39 in total compensation, but paid over the period of FY2012-FY2017 rather than FY2011-FY2016, resulting in a lesser amount of retroactive compensation increases and a greater amount of future compensation increases, but equaling in the same total amount of $92.39 million. This analysis was performed by Pioneer Institute’s Research Director Gregory W. Sullivan, former state Inspector General of the Commonwealth. The data below demonstrate that the collective bargaining agreement will add very high raises to compensation levels that are already very high. A total of 256 fire department supervisors and administrators will be paid more beginning in July 2014 than the Massachusetts State Fire Marshal, who earns $137,985 per year, if the agreement is approved. A total of 148 will be paid more than the Governor, who earns $150,800. Cumulatively, these officials will receive more than $20 million in extra compensation as a result of the collective bargaining agreement, which will provide a total of $92.4 million in extra compensation to all department employees. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Name TITLE Calendar 2013 precontract FY 2014 postcontract Finn,Joseph E. Costin,Dennis B Doherty,Michael J. Fontana,Gerard T. Dunbar,Stephen K Shea,Bartholomew J Hasson,John Dunderdale,Robert McNulty,Joseph G. Granara,David Richard DiBenedetto,Richard J Tully,Bernard J. Fleming,Joseph M Hocking,Michael E Coppney,John T. Anderson,Edward A Henderson,John Calobrisi,Robert J. Harrington,Ronald A Burke,Paul T Holzendorf,Curtis Joseph,David W Smith,Douglas W Fraser Jr.,Roderick J Felton,Richard F. Henderson,Stephen A Cahill,Gerard M Dowling,Robert L. Walsh,Michael J Maughn,Reynold Hoar,James J Dempsey,John Ruggere,Michael J Walsh,John Francis Sifford,Phillip McNeil,Stephen D Brooks,Kevin P Stallworth,Andre R Pettaway,Erik C McCormack,Martin P Miller,Paul S Price,Donald J Byrne,Edward F Feely,Michael G Scigliano,Edward A Dewan,Paul C. McMahon,Joseph G Lonergan,James J Waldron,Steven C McGrath,Robert J. Dep Fire Chief Dist FireChiefAdmn Dep Fire Chief Dep Fire Chief Admin Dep Fire Chief Dep Fire Chief Admin Dep Fire Chief Admin Dep Fire Chief Fire Capt (Scuba) Adm Dep Fire Chief Admin Dep Fire Chief Dep Fire Chief Dep Fire Chief Dist Fire Chief Dep Fire Chief Admin Fire Captain Admn Supn (Bfd/Fad) Dep Fire Chief Dist Fire Chief District Fire Chief Admin District FireChiefAdmn District Fire Chief Admin Dist Fire Chief Commissioner (BFD) Dist Fire Chief Wkg Frprs Elec Equip District Fire Chief Admin District Fire Chief-Tech Fire Lieutenant Admin Dist Fire Chief Fire Captain Admin Dist Fire Chief Dep Fire Chief Admin Dist Fire Chief Fire Lt Admn-Technician District Fire Chief-Tech Dist Fire Chief District Fire Chief-Tech Dist Fire Chief Dist Fire Chief District Fire Chief-Tech Dist Fire Chief Prin Fire Alarm Operator Dist Fire Chief-Technician District Fire Chief Admin Electrical Equip Repairp Dist Fire Chief District Fire Chief-Tech Fire Captain Fire Lieutenant $202,383.48 $199,956.86 $199,631.81 $195,941.63 $194,283.30 $193,517.85 $193,478.78 $193,165.42 $190,718.33 $190,959.53 $188,212.46 $185,735.98 $183,569.04 $183,132.21 $182,724.99 $182,205.73 $182,605.96 $181,264.56 $180,805.80 $179,087.85 $177,592.47 $177,236.55 $176,277.92 $175,000.00 $172,901.23 $171,538.01 $170,732.13 $169,858.13 $170,011.31 $170,301.51 $168,617.89 $168,981.68 $168,879.10 $168,070.78 $168,420.99 $168,061.42 $167,563.61 $166,315.79 $166,302.88 $165,771.41 $165,976.97 $165,392.91 $165,613.09 $164,797.45 $164,846.23 $164,272.33 $163,645.49 $163,448.99 $164,180.82 $162,300.99 $225,080.46 $222,101.28 $221,635.27 $217,522.33 $215,626.73 $214,535.10 $214,446.33 $213,766.08 $211,642.55 $211,638.47 $209,049.54 $206,620.35 $204,536.16 $203,758.69 $202,791.56 $202,405.20 $202,327.89 $201,494.82 $200,756.53 $198,841.76 $196,856.96 $196,490.21 $196,039.81 $194,956.79 $191,946.39 $190,812.77 $189,477.71 $189,225.85 $188,891.34 $188,763.50 $187,872.17 $187,577.80 $187,412.83 $186,974.21 $186,902.86 $186,852.56 $186,409.38 $185,018.42 $184,839.36 $184,384.54 $184,323.35 $183,989.56 $183,985.36 $183,531.66 $182,683.43 $182,397.68 $182,041.95 $181,823.19 $181,813.44 $180,331.65 FY 2017 postcontract 238,532 235,225 234,676 230,312 228,276 226,991 226,873 225,975 224,043 223,894 221,399 218,997 216,962 215,983 214,684 214,376 214,016 213,484 212,580 210,549 208,274 207,901 207,752 206,784 203,233 202,236 200,587 200,704 200,080 199,705 199,283 198,599 198,397 198,177 197,856 197,989 197,578 196,102 195,825 195,416 195,196 195,011 194,874 194,634 193,255 193,140 192,945 192,713 192,263 191,017 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Donovan,Shawn M. Shaffer,Steven E Dolan,John P. O'Donnell,Brian C. Murphy,Steven M Casper,Joseph Neimann,Joseph Quinn,Robert L. Earnest,Norman A Lorenz,Edward Cushing,David J Paschal,Stephen P Stapleton,John Keeley,Paul P Jones,Francis G Nichols,Emmet P Baston,Henry Popp,Charles J. Staunton,Robert M Boyle,Kevin B. Hayes,Patrick S Magee,Richard B Kates,Michael R. Greene,James P Whitman,Jeffrey M Clifford,Peter J. Haines,James Francis Mackin,Christopher K. Burke,Paul F Hogan,Gerald E Verbitzki,Igor Keeley,Stephen F Gallagher,John Michael Bruynell,James D Dean,Ralph T. Raymond,Mark J. Bishop,George W Keeley,Dennis L Ross,Lada J Marshall,Rodney O. Gomes,Daniel D Brienza,Horacio D. Harrison,David C Spence,Michael G Foley,Irene M. Mandeville,Mark Tully,Brian P Brooks,Joseph F. Holt,Thomas E Henry,Brian Pilato,Garry P. Stafford,Barry F. Hutchinson,Paul J Murray,Thomas J. Linnell,Sean Buchanan,Michael Papineau,Charles J Doyle,James M Murphy,Joseph W. Harrison,Karen T. Goglia,William J O'Brien,Mark J Sloane,Christopher Keogh,Stephen W Lee,Quentin D Noonan,John H Fire Lieutenant-Tech District Fire Chief-Tech Fire Captain District Fire Chief Admin FF (Master of Fire Boat) Fire Captain (Scuba Diver) Dist Fire Chief Fire Lieutenant Admin District Fire Chief Admin Dist Fire Chief Fire Captain Admin Dist Fire Chief Dist Fire Chief DistFChief-Tech District Fire Chief-Tech Dist Fire Chief FF (Const Liaison Off) Fire Lieutenant Fire Captain Admin Wkg Frprs Elec Equip EAP Coordinator District Fire Chief Admin Fire Lieutenant Admin District Fire Chief-Tech Dist Fire Chief Asst Supn (Bfd/Fad) Fire Lieutenant Admin FF (Mas Of F Boat) Fire Captain Dist Fire Chief Fire Captain Prin Fire Alarm Oper Fire Captain Fire Captain Admin FF (Mast of F Boat) Fire Captain Dist Fire Chief District Fire Chief-Tech Fire Captain Administ Fire Captain Fire Lieutenant Admin Fire Captain Fire Captain FF (Training Instruc) Fire Captain Admin Gen Frprs-Alarm Const Fire Captain Radio Supv (Bfd) Fire Captain Admin FF (Mas Of F Boat) Fire Captain-Technician Prin Fire Alarm Operator Fire Captain Fire Lieutenant Admin Fire Captain FF (Mas Of F Boat) Fire Captain Fire Captain Chemist Prin Fire Alarm Operator Dist Fire Chief Fire Captain Fire Captain Fire Captain Fire Captain-AdvanceTech FF (Mas Of F Boat) $161,467.53 $161,398.21 $160,762.13 $160,699.37 $160,270.44 $159,894.06 $160,050.15 $160,067.44 $159,889.56 $159,244.84 $158,165.30 $156,591.52 $156,572.12 $156,217.81 $156,041.59 $155,353.13 $155,511.79 $155,342.05 $154,717.57 $154,633.38 $154,471.47 $153,243.42 $152,690.78 $152,358.73 $151,945.85 $151,730.72 $151,239.93 $150,894.06 $150,568.42 $150,707.38 $150,272.43 $149,898.83 $150,540.48 $150,548.93 $149,747.25 $149,631.79 $149,680.01 $148,506.77 $148,680.83 $147,816.91 $147,789.39 $147,007.71 $146,847.47 $146,800.09 $146,245.50 $146,662.81 $145,896.55 $146,105.54 $146,094.57 $145,542.66 $144,943.07 $145,055.04 $145,300.52 $144,679.35 $144,008.55 $143,953.25 $143,332.02 $142,943.39 $142,661.34 $143,082.73 $142,852.11 $142,667.21 $142,540.67 $142,683.44 $142,175.11 $142,031.75 $179,874.00 $179,825.38 $178,651.18 $178,346.65 $178,128.74 $178,077.21 $177,581.89 $177,368.60 $177,280.95 $176,601.99 $175,360.16 $174,179.86 $174,158.24 $173,763.15 $173,566.74 $173,059.12 $172,817.43 $172,541.53 $171,763.12 $171,531.84 $171,137.38 $170,736.36 $170,120.41 $169,213.64 $169,125.72 $169,050.36 $168,158.01 $168,117.85 $167,503.94 $167,209.96 $167,173.61 $167,008.60 $166,976.84 $166,871.24 $166,619.82 $166,459.57 $166,188.39 $165,168.71 $164,860.96 $164,544.77 $164,176.76 $163,642.86 $163,607.67 $163,107.69 $162,936.74 $162,631.06 $162,296.85 $162,125.57 $161,979.32 $161,964.95 $161,485.10 $161,358.50 $161,274.03 $160,904.76 $160,193.44 $160,162.05 $159,689.48 $159,004.93 $158,941.97 $158,908.84 $158,866.43 $158,697.11 $158,557.39 $158,500.53 $158,148.70 $158,020.42 190,783 190,746 189,253 188,805 188,712 188,853 187,972 187,622 187,588 186,889 185,551 184,604 184,581 184,161 183,953 183,552 183,074 182,735 181,865 181,547 181,014 181,103 180,450 179,203 179,307 179,315 178,184 178,325 177,541 176,990 177,190 177,149 176,718 176,545 176,619 176,432 175,972 175,043 174,450 174,458 173,889 173,502 173,541 172,772 172,829 172,095 172,016 171,620 171,393 171,698 171,289 171,021 170,741 170,521 169,785 169,768 169,384 168,524 168,591 168,288 168,357 168,197 168,050 167,874 167,615 167,496 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 Daly,Stephen F. Shea,Joseph D. McGillis,Steven P Keeley,John J Kelly,Colin P. Celona,Michael O. Callow,Richard K Mullane Jr.,Neal A Farrell,Thomas D McGovern,Ryan J. 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 Fleming,John Pfeil,David M. Estrella,Jose A Murphy,Patrick D. Smith,Timothy Blake,Thomas J Provenzano,Joseph M Wahlen,Scott D Coppney,Sean E O'Brien,James G McCarthy,Kevin M White,Edward J Lasa,Santiago Littleton,Van Burke,Christopher Dowling,Ralph Phillip Walsh,David John Marshall,David C Francis,Richard C Garry,Kevin B Cakridas,Peter G. Dillon,Michael P. Carey,Michael B. Mitchell,Steven J. Doyle,Robert J Smith,Darryl L Hayes,Robert E. Geswell,John J Heelen,Brian P MacKin,Gregory J Allen,Alston L. Benevelli,William F 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 Jordan,Adrian S Lorenz,Frederick D Dennis,Marcus A White,James Steven Dimino,Vincent E. Lorenz,Frederick D Fall,Gregory J Ortiz,Santos J. Hardiman,John P Welsh,James E. Glora,Paul G Forristall,John J. Feeney,James C Whelan,Michael J Ellis,Patrick J Clifford,Diane L Driscoll,Robert Paul Dorion,John P. Kelly,Sean F Connell,David J MacDougall,Lawrence Boyle,Scott R. Fire Captain Dist Fire Chief Fire Captain Admin Fire Captain Fire Captain Fire Captain Fire Captain Fire Captain Fire Captain FireLieutenant(ScubaDiv) Frpr-Lineperson&Cable Spl Fire Lieutenant Admin Fire Captain Admin Fire Captain Fire Captain Fire Captain Fire Captain Fire Captain Fire Captain FF (Training Instruc) Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieut-AdvanceTech Fire Captain Fire Captain Fire Alarm Operator Dist Fire Chief Sr Fire Alarm Operator Fire Captain Fire Captain Dir-Transportation (BFD) Fire Captain Fire Captain Fire Lieutenant FF Master Fire Boat Scuba Fire Lieutenant Admin Fire Lieutenant Admin Sr Fire Alarm Operator Fire Captain District Fire Chief-Tech FF(SOCBestTeam) FF (Scuba Diver) Fire Lt AdmnAdvanceTech Fire Lieutenant Admin Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant (Scuba) Fire Lieutenant FF (Training Instruc) Fire Captain-Technician Fire Liieutenant Tech Fire Lieutenant Admin Fire Captain-AdvanceTech Fire Captain Fire Capt Advanced Tech Fire Lieutenant Fire Captain Fire Captain Sr Fire Alarm Operator Fire Lieutenant Admin Wkg Frpr Linepr & Cable Fire Lieutenant-Tech Fire Lieutenant Admin Fire Lieutenant (Scuba) Fire Lieutenant (Scuba) $141,788.96 $141,318.01 $141,870.09 $141,564.82 $141,467.03 $141,428.99 $140,719.09 $140,371.60 $140,770.82 $140,302.29 $157,718.25 $157,444.74 $157,411.44 $157,397.17 $157,360.32 $157,317.04 $156,526.25 $156,389.91 $156,367.98 $156,284.02 167,159 167,002 166,622 166,780 166,779 166,733 165,894 165,883 165,612 165,756 $140,698.39 $140,234.61 $139,923.17 $138,954.34 $139,053.39 $139,153.27 $138,800.12 $138,628.49 $138,582.98 $138,729.39 $137,728.34 $137,674.90 $137,649.98 $137,211.84 $137,178.15 $137,132.71 $137,260.39 $136,842.67 $136,407.12 $136,396.82 $136,196.75 $135,886.21 $135,116.96 $134,951.90 $134,947.16 $135,041.30 $134,975.12 $134,499.74 $134,171.30 $134,087.46 $134,418.19 $133,656.41 $156,047.83 $155,648.38 $155,603.80 $154,810.29 $154,669.72 $154,637.64 $154,387.00 $154,197.02 $154,145.86 $153,718.50 $153,224.44 $153,164.44 $153,139.10 $152,868.16 $152,830.61 $152,779.97 $152,671.12 $152,456.70 $151,971.25 $151,959.77 $151,620.95 $151,139.26 $150,533.29 $150,224.45 $150,134.10 $150,119.21 $149,621.48 $149,375.22 $149,199.69 $149,097.49 $148,940.36 $148,771.59 165,145 164,783 164,897 164,207 163,925 163,814 163,624 163,424 163,369 162,602 162,408 162,344 162,319 162,147 162,107 162,053 161,804 161,710 161,195 161,183 160,762 160,179 159,670 159,276 159,135 159,055 158,302 158,191 158,106 157,993 157,547 157,730 $133,820.37 $133,121.96 $133,219.83 $133,090.78 $133,307.65 $133,069.05 $133,101.12 $132,840.39 $132,978.81 $132,391.94 $132,158.24 $131,991.81 $132,061.61 $131,803.47 $131,805.71 $131,291.10 $131,964.63 $131,509.45 $131,053.42 $131,292.87 $130,752.47 $130,232.10 $148,715.53 $148,309.73 $148,293.95 $148,191.88 $148,105.57 $148,068.61 $148,003.41 $147,995.91 $147,396.47 $147,251.63 $147,235.61 $147,021.47 $146,908.07 $146,840.19 $146,592.17 $146,269.13 $146,266.10 $146,177.50 $145,784.63 $145,737.22 $145,668.79 $145,088.80 157,543 157,311 157,228 157,141 156,875 156,958 156,835 156,978 155,941 156,058 156,171 155,929 155,707 155,752 155,355 155,146 154,742 154,870 154,515 154,298 154,509 153,894 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 Fitzpatrick,Paul S Santangelo,Robert F Doolin,Michael E. Collins,Vincent W. Osgood,Troy T Luciano,Paul S Roach,Joseph H Rogier,Frank C McCarey,Kevin Montoya,David J Creary,Mel G.M. Davis,Ralph E Moran,John B. Montoya,Stephen M. Clark,Jeffrey Harris,Willie K D'Agostino,Robert F. Semexant,Jean N McCarthy,William F Hoban,Paul V Tierney,Michael E McGillivray,Glenn D Hartigan,Brian Robert McGuirk,James L Campbell,Glen A Steiner,Richard F. Hobin,Gerard S. Nee,Brian J Harris,Levi McGuirk,William McDonald,John F Kilroe,John M Mattson,Erik J Hollien,Frederick J Glasheen,Edward J Johnson,Rayshawn Dubeau,John C Smith,Daniel C. McLean,Michael O'Brien,Anthony J MacDonald,Stephen F McManus,John J MacDonald,Dennis A Rodriguez,Jonathan Riley,James P Austin,William G Doherty,Brian D Jordan,Kevin M. Donga,Paul M Minehan,Joseph Cammarata,Guy J Cardillo,Robert S Anderson,Marcus Corwin,Mark A Daye,Dwaine E Dolan,Paul A. Higginbottom,Darrell J Clougherty,Eileen C Foley,Joseph Messina,David J Daniels,Harry W Gibbons,Sean P. Dean,Robert O'Connor,Stephen K. Woods,Patrick J McCann,David W Fire Lieutenant Admin Fire Lieutenant (Scuba) Fire Lieutenant Admin Wkg Frpr Linepr & Cable FF(Instructor)AdvTech Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant-Tech Fire Fighter-Technician Frpr-Lineperson&Cable Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant-Tech EAP Counselor Fire Lieutenant Admin Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant-Tech Fire Lieutenant Fire Alarm Operator Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant-Tech Fire Lieutenant Fire Liieutenant Tech Fire Liieutenant Tech Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Liieutenant Tech Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Liieutenant Admin Fire Liieutenant Tech Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Captain Fire Lieutenant Fire Liieutenant Tech Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant EAP Counselor Fire Liieutenant Admin Fire Captain Public Infor Officer Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Captain FF (EMS Coordinator) Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Prev Supv(Fire Eng) Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Captain Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Captain Sr Fire Alarm Operator Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant $130,158.10 $130,041.84 $129,870.21 $130,036.43 $130,006.05 $130,133.93 $129,820.40 $129,567.19 $129,850.48 $129,394.83 $129,188.21 $129,512.54 $129,009.89 $128,535.95 $128,440.36 $128,619.35 $128,346.84 $128,144.92 $127,948.39 $127,585.46 $127,394.23 $127,378.34 $126,871.30 $127,188.28 $127,120.63 $126,716.78 $126,838.32 $127,236.86 $126,426.45 $126,388.60 $126,078.73 $126,283.53 $126,219.95 $125,967.02 $126,175.65 $126,126.47 $125,923.34 $126,309.11 $126,289.04 $125,999.28 $125,954.90 $125,799.73 $126,092.01 $125,577.48 $125,426.64 $125,551.94 $125,455.89 $125,296.09 $125,347.57 $124,933.71 $124,919.62 $125,122.83 $124,853.56 $125,049.94 $124,762.54 $124,740.88 $124,734.18 $124,519.40 $124,675.58 $124,439.32 $124,225.15 $124,414.36 $124,432.05 $124,394.76 $124,381.17 $124,302.61 $145,006.33 $144,813.94 $144,685.46 $144,588.07 $144,574.53 $144,445.50 $144,189.89 $144,161.09 $144,017.01 $143,935.78 $143,896.68 $143,657.01 $143,286.91 $142,978.51 $142,805.39 $142,785.05 $142,593.13 $142,543.12 $142,323.63 $141,919.37 $141,705.99 $141,625.65 $141,342.98 $141,288.83 $141,150.74 $141,142.12 $141,086.39 $141,020.04 $140,627.34 $140,585.84 $140,459.61 $140,405.80 $140,366.05 $140,335.11 $140,318.97 $140,293.87 $140,286.42 $140,269.21 $140,160.13 $140,151.23 $140,058.56 $140,023.28 $139,940.53 $139,757.53 $139,704.18 $139,652.64 $139,545.59 $139,367.48 $139,207.24 $139,183.42 $139,167.71 $139,112.12 $139,094.09 $139,093.38 $138,772.80 $138,748.66 $138,742.07 $138,721.64 $138,613.07 $138,413.43 $138,393.68 $138,385.61 $138,375.81 $138,364.21 $138,349.72 $138,260.18 153,806 153,569 153,466 153,212 153,208 152,927 152,706 152,810 152,413 152,553 152,614 152,040 151,748 151,538 151,319 151,180 151,036 151,076 150,843 150,414 150,188 150,069 149,920 149,645 149,466 149,691 149,530 149,189 149,043 149,000 148,982 148,775 148,750 148,850 148,701 148,690 148,799 148,543 148,381 148,538 148,417 148,453 148,148 148,161 148,166 148,009 147,896 147,707 147,421 147,628 147,612 147,403 147,534 147,416 147,076 147,050 147,044 147,139 146,873 146,695 146,791 146,666 146,640 146,643 146,628 146,532 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 Bergdoll,Edward D. Dougherty,Thomas P Marston,Ronald Mitchell,Michael James Flaherty Jr.,Thomas P Jerry,Christopher R. Kirleis,Kathleen E. Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant District Fire Chief-Tech Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant ExecAsst(ChiefBureau) $124,266.08 $124,213.85 $124,550.22 $124,022.08 $124,122.27 $124,096.13 $124,048.92 $138,219.47 $138,161.69 $138,150.64 $138,138.71 $138,060.50 $138,031.37 $137,994.56 146,489 146,428 146,211 146,505 146,321 146,290 146,259 If the collective bargaining agreement is approved as described, fire department employees will receive retroactive checks this summer totaling a whopping $20,969,510 and additional increased compensation from FY2012-FY2017, including retroactive payments, of $92.4 million. The following chart lists how that money will be split up by Boston Fire Department job classifications, showing the average retroactive payment and average total increase compensation for each. It demonstrates that firefighters rank near the bottom, and top officials and managers at the top. Boston Fire Department Title Total Avg retro payments Avg total increased compensation Dep Fire Chief Fire Captain (Scuba Diver) Adm District FireChiefAdmn-AdvTech Dep Fire Chief Administration Commissioner (BFD) Supn (Bfd/Fad) 8 1 2 6 1 1 $24,475 $24,161 $23,908 $23,642 $23,044 $22,773 $107,844 $106,464 $105,346 $104,174 $101,541 $100,346 Fire Lt Admn-Technician District Fire Chief Admin Fire Captain (Scuba Diver) Wkg Frprs Elec Equip Repairprs FF (Master of Fire BoatDivMas) DistFChief-Tech(LiaisonRetBd) Asst Supn (Bfd/Fad) FF (Constituent Liaison Off) Prin Fire Alarm Operator EAP Coordinator Fire Captain Administration FF (Mas Of F Boat) Chemist Radio Supv (Bfd) FireLieutenant(ScubaDivTech Gen Frprs-Fire Alarm Construct District Fire Chief-Technician Dist Fire Chief Dir-Transportation (BFD) Fire Captain-AdvanceTechnician Electrical Equip Repairprs## FF Master Fire Boat ScubaDiver Fire Captain Fire Lt Admn-AdvanceTechnician Frpr-Lineperson&Cable Splicers Fire Lieutenant Administration FF(TrainigInstructor)AdvTech Fire Lieutenant (Scuba Diver) Fire Captain Admn-Advance Tech Public Information Officer 1 7 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 9 5 1 1 1 1 15 29 1 2 2 1 56 1 2 24 1 5 3 1 $21,341 $21,135 $20,996 $20,885 $20,621 $20,260 $19,999 $19,983 $19,518 $19,244 $19,219 $19,103 $18,799 $18,499 $18,454 $18,439 $18,204 $18,018 $17,811 $17,802 $17,797 $17,537 $17,238 $17,200 $17,041 $16,989 $16,822 $16,765 $16,380 $16,286 $94,037 $93,128 $92,517 $92,026 $90,864 $89,272 $88,123 $88,052 $86,003 $84,797 $84,685 $84,173 $82,837 $81,511 $81,316 $81,248 $80,215 $79,395 $78,479 $78,441 $78,419 $77,272 $75,957 $75,788 $75,090 $74,859 $74,125 $73,874 $72,178 $71,760 ExecAsst(ChiefBureauOfAdmServ) Fire Prev Supv(Fire Prot Eng) Sr Fire Alarm Operator Fire Lieutenant-Technician FF (FUI MajorCaseInvestigator) FireAlarmOper.(TrainingOfficr) FF(SOCBestTeam)-AdvTechnician EAP Counselor Exec Asst (Dir.of HR) Fire Lieutenant FIU Armorer FF (Scuba Diver) FF (LEPC Title3 Insp) Fire Lieutenant Liaison Ret Bd Fire Lieutenant-AdvanceTech FF (Frst Mar Eng Di) Wkg Frpr Linepr & Cablesplicer Radio Operator (Bfd) FF (FPD Special Hazards Insp) Inside Wireperson FF (Auto Arson Unit) Dep Comm-Planning&Organization FF (Female FF Liaison Officer) FIU Supervisor Photo Unit FIU Digital Lab Supervisor FF (NFIRS Program Manager) Prin Data Proc Systems Analyst FF (FPD Night Division Inspec) FF(SOC Equip & Logistic Mangr) FF Paid Detail Officer Lineperson Assoc Inspec Engineer (Fire) FF(FPD Place of Assembly Insp) Fire Alarm Operator Exec Asst FF (Training Instruc) Fire Fighter-Technician Sr Data Proc Sys Anl (Fire) Mask Repair Specialist Sr Data Proc Sys Anl Fire Captain-Technician FF (Inct Comnd Sp) DEP Fire Fighter (InctComndSp) DFC Fire Fighter-AdvanceTechnician FF ICT DFC (Scuba Diver) Tech FF (FPDInspLevl1Certification) Exec Asst Commissioner Fire Fighter Gen Main Mech Frprs(Cfm)## FF (EMS Coordinator) Chief of Boston Fire Dept. Prin Admin Asst Mtr Eq Rpprs ClassIBPDFleetBFD FF (FPD InspLev2Certification) Prin Accountant Gen Maint Mech Frprs## Management Analyst FF(IncidentCommandSpec)DFC-Tec Sr Admin Asst (Fire) Wkg Frprs Machinist Fleet Safety Coord Radio Repairperson (Bfd) Admin Asst 1 1 6 23 1 1 3 4 1 154 1 5 1 1 6 1 6 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 4 3 6 19 1 10 131 1 2 4 5 8 28 26 1 10 1 861 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 2 2 10 9 1 2 1 4 $16,103 $16,004 $15,997 $15,907 $15,874 $15,745 $15,627 $15,298 $15,054 $15,038 $15,036 $14,982 $14,889 $14,817 $14,653 $14,610 $14,457 $14,430 $14,406 $14,240 $14,171 $14,019 $14,004 $13,899 $13,648 $13,595 $13,481 $13,414 $13,356 $12,972 $12,963 $12,866 $12,828 $12,793 $12,737 $12,697 $12,561 $12,463 $12,351 $12,317 $12,229 $12,117 $12,054 $12,017 $11,444 $11,417 $11,265 $11,209 $10,518 $10,404 $10,176 $10,134 $10,102 $9,838 $9,121 $9,035 $8,656 $8,595 $8,546 $8,283 $7,781 $7,766 $7,736 $70,956 $70,519 $70,488 $70,092 $69,948 $69,376 $68,858 $67,408 $66,332 $66,262 $66,255 $66,014 $65,605 $65,287 $64,567 $64,378 $63,702 $63,585 $63,476 $62,746 $62,441 $61,773 $61,705 $61,243 $60,136 $59,903 $59,404 $59,108 $58,850 $57,159 $57,120 $56,691 $56,526 $56,368 $56,122 $55,946 $55,348 $54,914 $54,424 $54,275 $53,885 $53,390 $53,113 $52,949 $50,425 $50,309 $49,638 $49,392 $46,346 $45,845 $44,839 $44,656 $44,512 $43,352 $40,190 $39,809 $38,143 $37,871 $37,657 $36,499 $34,287 $34,219 $34,088 Sr Admin Asst Wkg Frprs Battery Oper (Fire) Sr Legal Asst (Fire Dpt) Asst Prin accountant FF (Asst Dive Mast) Hvy Mtr Equip Repairperson BFD MtrEquipRpprClassIIBPDFleetBFD WkgFrprsMech Dep Fire Chief Adm-Tech-ADR Collection Agent BFD FirePreve Prin Storekeeper Head Trainer Gen Maint Mech Sr Sign Painter & Letterer## Admin Anl Chaplain In Charge (Fire Dept) Data Proc Sys Analyst Admin Secretary Maint Mech Plumber(Journeyprs) Chief Telephone Operator FF (Procurement Offcr) Maint Mech (Painter)## Head Clerk Maint Mech - HVAC Technician Data Proc Equip Tech Fire Fighter ICT DEP - ADR Fire Captain Admin-ADR Chaplain (Fire Dept) Fire Lt Advance Tech-ADR Student Intern Fire Lieutenant Admin-ADR Prin Clerk District Fire Chief-ADR FF Paid Detail Officer - ADR FF Master of the Fire Boat-ADR Fire Lieutenant-ADR FF (ICT) DFC Technician-ADR Exc Asst to the Fire Comm-ADR FF (FPDInspLevl1Certfctn)-ADR TOTAL 9 1 1 3 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 11 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 1,689 $7,575 $7,555 $7,509 $7,496 $7,459 $7,452 $7,037 $6,759 $6,736 $6,704 $6,616 $6,173 $6,106 $5,984 $5,931 $5,881 $5,690 $5,570 $5,417 $5,345 $5,057 $4,953 $4,758 $4,722 $4,596 $3,144 $2,605 $1,552 $1,225 $1,186 $1,078 $526 $440 $418 $112 $92 $89 $86 $32 $20,969,516 $33,376 $33,291 $33,086 $33,029 $32,868 $32,836 $31,009 $29,783 $29,681 $29,541 $29,151 $27,200 $26,904 $26,370 $26,135 $25,915 $25,070 $24,541 $23,868 $23,550 $22,283 $21,824 $20,964 $20,808 $20,252 $13,853 $11,480 $6,840 $5,396 $5,227 $4,752 $2,319 $1,937 $1,841 $493 $407 $392 $381 $140 $92,398,817 The following graph shows how much of the $92.4.million is attributed to the respective years of the contract, including retroactive periods. Proposed additional compensation by year, totalling $92.4 million $35 M $28.92 M $30 M $24.35 M $25 M $18.16 M $20 M $15 M $12.18 M $10 M $5 M $6.41 M $2.38 M $0 M FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 The $92.4 million in extra compensation proposed by the collective bargaining agreement would be added to compensation levels that are already extraordinarily high. The following compares Boston’s compensation levels for fire department deputy chiefs, district chiefs, captains, lieutenants, and fire fighters with those of Baltimore. Baltimore and Boston are similar in population, with 621,342 and 636,479 residents respectively. Effect of Boston's retroactive FY2013 pay raises on base salaries of fire department employees compared to Baltimore's $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 Baltimore Boston Deputy Chief $130,800 $176,441 District Chief $95,193 $162,118 Captain $80,615 $123,452 Lieutenant $69,328 $108,697 Firefighter $61,501 $85,368 Pioneer Institute is committed to transparency in public contracting, especially for contracts of this magnitude and long-term significance.
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