William John Michael Hrushesky Curriculum Vitae [email protected] 803-429-2184 12 North Cobane Terrace West Orange, NJ 07052 Current Academic/Scientific Positions: Senior Executive Medical Director and Chief Scientific Officer Oncology Analytics, Inc Plantation, Florida Founder and President Sine-O-Graph Corporation West Orange, New Jersey Most Recent Patient Care, Clinical and Basic Research Leadership Activities: Senior Executive Medical Director and Chief Scientific Officer in pharmaceutical utlilization management research (2010-present) Attending physician in general medicine WJB Dorn Veterans Affairs Medical Center (2000-2010) Senior attending medical oncologist (outpatient/inpatient/consultation, 2000-2010) Medical oncology clinical research providing investigator-initiated investigational cancer care (20002010) Co-Director cancer clinical trials program (2000-2010) PI for (over 200) commercial cancer clinical trials, over 20 years PI (more than 20) investigator initiated peer-review funded single or multi-site international cancer clinical trials Director Medical Chronobiology Basic Cancer Research Laboratory (1976-2010) Education: University of Minnesota Internal Medicine Resident Instructor – Depart. Internal Medicine (Richard V. Ebert), 1976-1978 Medical Oncology Fellowship (B.J. Kennedy), 1978-1979 Post Doctoral Associate (Franz Halberg) 1976-1979 National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Treatment, Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, 1974-1976 Clinical Associate/Medical Oncology Fellow (Stephen K. Carter) Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Baltimore City Hospitals Department of Internal Medicine, 1973-1974 Intern in Medicine (Victor McCusick/Philip Zieve/Philip Tumulty) University of New Castle upon Tyne Department of Neurology, 1973 (John Walton) University of Buffalo Medical School, 1970-1973 Buffalo, New York (Years 2, 3 and 4, M.D.) Cancer Research Scientist RPMI (mentor, Gerald P. Murphy) State University of New York, 1969-1970 Upstate Medical School Syracuse, New York (Year 1) Syracuse University Honors College, 1965-1969 AB Philosophy, Thesis: “Man and Happiness” (Jose Benardete) Fine Arts (Sidney Alexander) Zoology (W.D. Russell-Hunter) Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page Table of Contents Current Positions 1 Most Recent Responsibilities 1 Education 1 Military Service 4 Licensure Status 4 Specialty Board Status 4 Prior Academic Employment 4 Honors and Awards 6 Educational Activities 6 Medical Oncology Competence/Areas of Clinical Investigation 6 Cancer Therapy Development Experience 6 Books Published 8 Monographs Published 8 Poetry, Essays, Columns 8 NCI Drug Development Publications 8 Patents granted 9 Peer Review Funding History 9 Appendix I Heroes, Mentors, Protégés 11 Appendix II Protégé Development History 12 Appendix III Published Peer Reviewed Scientific Papers 18 Appendix IV Published Scientific Abstracts 38 Appendix V Highly Selected Invited Presentations 65 2 Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page Military Service: Active Duty, USPHS, Lieutenant Commander July 1, 1972-June 30, 1973; July 1, 1974-June 30, 1976 Licensure Status: New York Minnesota Washington, D.C. Maryland License to Practice Medicine, 1989 [#179930] License to Practice Medicine, 1977 [#0237501] License to Practice Medicine, 1974 License to Practice Medicine, 1974 Active Inactive (Allowed to lapse) Inactive (Allowed to lapse) Inactive (Allowed to lapse) Specialty Board Status: Diplomate ABIM, Medical Oncology, 1979 Diplomate ABIM, Internal Medicine, 1978 Diplomate National Board Medical Examiners, 1974 (Candidate Number 065470) Academic Employment Background (prior positions): Position Institution Professor University of South Carolina Oncologist Dorn VAMC, Columbia, South Carolina Director of Research Dorn VA Medical Center, Columbia, SC Visiting Professor National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, Japan (6 months) Professor (tenured) Albany Medical College of Union Univ. Department Internal Medicine (Oncology); Microbiology/Immunobiology Senior Clinician Investigator VA Healthcare Network, Upstate New York, Albany Samuel S. Stratton VA Medical Center Senior Staff Oncologist VA Healthcare Network, Upstate New York, Albany Samuel S. Stratton VA Medical Center Senior Staff Oncologist VA Healthcare Network, Upstate New York, Albany Samuel S. Stratton VA Medical Center Adjunct Professor Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Department of Chemical Engineering Adjunct Professor Albany College of Pharmacy Adjunct Professor State University of New York, Albany School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences Dept. Date 2000-2010 2000-2010 2000-2004 1999 - 2000 1989 - 2000 1998 – 2000 1989 – 1998 1989 – 1998 1989 -- 2000 1991 – 2000 1994 - 1997 Associate Professor (tenured) (Richard Ebert) (B.J. Kennedy) (Ellis Benson) (Perry Blackshear/Otto Schmitt) University of Minnesota • Department of Internal Medicine • Section of Medical Oncology • Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology • Biomedical Engineering 1986 - 1989 Member Graduate Faculty in Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota 1987 - 1989 Associate Member Assistant Professor Graduate Faculty in Pathobiology, University of Minnesota • Department of Internal Medicine • Section of Medical Oncology and • Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology – Chronobiology University of Minnesota Department of Radiation Therapy Postgraduate Institute of Medical Research Chandigarh, India 1986 - 1989 1979 - 1986 UICC Visiting Scientist (ICRETT Fellow) 1980 (3 mos) 3 Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page Medical Research Specialist Instructor (B.J. Kennedy) University of Minnesota Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology Minneapolis, Minnesota 1978 - 1979 Resident in Medicine (Richard Ebert) University of Minnesota Department of Medicine Minneapolis, Minnesota 1976 - 1978 Lt. Cdr. USPHS Clinical Associate (Stephen K. Carter) National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Treatment Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program Bethesda, Maryland Veteran’s Administration Hospital N.C.I. Oncology Section Washington, D.C. Georgetown University Hospital Department of Internal Medicine Washington, D. C. 1974 - 1976 Straight Medical Intern (Phil Zieve) Baltimore City Hospitals Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, Maryland 1973 - 1974 Fellow (Victor McKusick/P. Tumulty) Johns Hopkins University Department of Internal Medicine Baltimore, Maryland 1973 - 1974 Clin. Student Fellowship (John Walton) University Hospital Department of Neurology New Castle upon Tyne, England 1973 (3 months) Commissioned Officer Surgeon (COSTEP) USPHS University of Buffalo Medical School Buffalo, New York 1972 - 1973 Cancer Research Scientist (Gerald P. Murphy) Roswell Park Memorial Institute Department of Experimental Surgery Buffalo, New York 1970 - 1973 Glenn H. Leak Memorial Special Merit Fellowship (Gerald P. Murphy) Roswell Park Memorial Institute Buffalo, New York 1972 American Cancer Society Special Merit Fellowship (Gerald P. Murphy) Roswell Park Memorial Institute Buffalo, New York 1971 Fellowship Basic Immunology (Noel Rose) Center for Immunology State University of New York Buffalo, New York 1970 Fellowship Medical Disparities State University of New York Buffalo, New York 1970 Teaching Assistant Histology Syracuse University Syracuse, New York 1968 - 1969 Teaching Assistant Biology Syracuse University Syracuse, New York 1967 - 1968 Clinical Instructor (Marty Cohen) Associate Staff Member (Phil Schein) 1975 - 1976 1974 - 1976 4 Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 5 Honors and Awards: • NCI Japan, Visiting Professorship, 1999-2000 • UICC Tech. Transfer. Fellowship Grant, 1980 • ACS Junior Faculty Development Award, 1976-1979 • American Cancer Society, Original Research Grants, 1971, 1972 • Student Research Award, 1973, Association for Academic Surgery • Best Clinical Essay Award, 1973, American College of Surgeons • Clara A. March Scholarship, 1972 • Clara A. March Scholarship, 1973 • Health Profession Grants, 1969-1973 • Regents and Trustee Scholarship Grants, 1965-1969 Educational Activities (partial list): Advisor to PhD and Masters degree candidates as well as medical students, interns, residents and fellows. Mentoring USC junior faculty in USC School of Medicine and School of Public Health, Mentoring junior faculty in Medical Oncology and other Medical subspecialties Mentoring/advising young physicians and scientists on basic & clinical research opportunities Building science-based bridges among Veterans Hospital, South Carolina Cancer Center, University of South Carolina. Lectures in Public Health, Medical and Engineering schools Funding and organization of International cancer research meetings Medical Oncology Practice /Area Clinical Investigation Span Position 2010-present Senior Executive Medical Director and Chief Scientific Officer 1976-2010 Cancer Therapy Development 2000-2010 Professor University of South Carolina Senior Clinician Investigator Dorn VA Medical Center 1990-2000 1979-90 1974-76 Tenured full professor Albany Medical College, Union Univ. Senior Clinician Investigator Stratton VA Medical Center Resident, Medical Oncology Fellow through tenured Associate professor University Minnesota NCI/DCT Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) Clinical associate and medical oncology fellow Areas of Expertise *Oncology pharmaceutical utilization management *Circadian Cancer Therapy *Head and neck cancer *GU cancer *GI cancer *Lung cancer *All other solid tumors *Lung cancer (all types) *GU cancers (kidney/prostate/bladder) *GI cancers *Breast cancer *GYN Medical Oncology (ovarian, endometrial cervical) *Breast Cancer-all stages *GU Oncology-kidney bladder/penis/prostate *GI Oncology-Colorectal/other *Medical director loco-regional infusional therapy program *Lung, GI, Prostate, Head, and Neck *Small cell lung cancer/high dose chemo/Phase I/II studies Cancer Therapy Development Experience (Discovery/Reduction to Practice) 2000-2010 Professor University South Carolina and Senior Oncologist Investigator, Dorn VAMC Created and led the first active cancer clinical trials program at this medical center (PI more than 100 cancer clinical trials) Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 6 Demonstration of the probable mechanisms by which mammographic breast cancer screening in premenopausal women results in more frequent and earlier death from breast cancer than unscreened premenopausal women (VA MERIT Award and DOD IDEA funded). Demonstration of the two-fold seasonality of Pap smear detected human cervical epithelial HPV infection, premalignant and malignant change Published evidence that one of the mechanisms responsible for this seasonality may be seasonal population UVB exposure (VA MERIT Award funded). Preclinical and randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial testing the chronobiotic activity of melatonin in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (VA Merit and CTRF funded). Determining how the circadian clock gene, Per-2, functions as a tumor suppressor in both breast and colorectal cancer models (VA MERIT Award and NIH COBRE Funded). Discovery of the tumor suppressor activity of the Per-1 core circadian clock gene Genomic discovery of genetic pathways responsible for the menstrual/estrous cycle control of postresection breast cancer spread (VA MERIT Award and DOD funding). Discovery that sun spot cysles may coordinate human physiology, infection and malignant potential 1990-2000 Tenured full prof.Albany Med. College/Sr. Clin. Investigator Stratton VAMC, Albany, NY Creation, completion, and publication of preclinical and clinical trials demonstrating that the timing of breast cancer resection within the estrous cycle of mice and menstrual cycle of women determines the frequency of breast cancer metastasis and death from breast cancer, demonstrating that optimal resection timing can save 12-15,000 U.S. and 200-260,000 lives worldwide each year (NCI R-01 and VA Merit Award funded). Created staffed and supervised the first active commercial cancer clinical trials program at this VA medical center (PI for about 100 trials over 11 years). 1976-1990 Assistant and Associate Professor with tenure University of Minnesota Cancer Center Design completion and publication of the first General Clinical Research Center-based randomized controlled trial of circadian cancer therapy Participated in Cooperative Group (CALGB) Cancer clinical trials Designed and obtained NCI R01 funding for a series of multi center clinical trials of circadian cancer chemotherapy Results of these studies demonstrate that optimal timing of cytotoxic chemotherapy diminishes toxicity 3-6 fold while enhancing patient survival four-fold. (NCI R-01 funded and renewed 3 times). Largest user of University of Minnesota General Clinical Research Center for detailed human cancer studies for ten years Invention, development, reduction to practice and manufacture of diagnostic medical device to noninvasively quantify left ventricular compliance and demonstration of its utility for predicting Doxorubicin-induced heart failure. Sold to several pharmaceutical firms for research to study myocardial effects of drugs (SBIRG funded NHLB). Demonstration of the utility of FUDR –continuous nighttime infusion - chronotherapy for progressive metastatic renal cell cancer (NCI R-01 and Medtronic Corp. funded). This remains the only effective cytotoxic regimen for RCC. Creation and completion of the first international multisite controlled randomized clinical trial demonstrating the value of chronotherapy of cancer. Systemic FUDR found to be safe and effective therapy for RCC, only when given by chronotherapeutic continuous infusion peaking each night (NCI R01). Creation, development and Medical Direction of University of Minnesota intrahepatic cancer therapy program Creation and completion of the first randomized controlled clinical trial demonstrating that chronotherapeutic FUDR infusion into the hepatic artery for metastatic cancer eliminates FUDR- induced sclerosing cholangitis, without diminishing cancer control (NCI R-01 funded). Designed, performed, published and presented pivotal data to FDA device approval advisory committee, summarizing clinical experience using the Medtronic Synchromed implantable pump to deliver optimally timed circadian cancer chronotherapy. These studies resulted in FDA approval of the SynchroMed® device for delivery of cancer chemotherapy (NCI R-01 and Medtronic-funded). Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 7 Worked with AIZA Corp and Medtronic Corp to develop the first temporally controllable transcutaneous drug delivery system 1973-1976 Staff physician/clinical associate NCI, DCT (Division of Cancer Treatment), CTEP Monitored CTEP-approved and NCI-funded worldwide cancer clinical trials (NCI) Worked as NCI staff with FDA drug sponsors cooperative cancer study groups and investigators to develop and achieve FDA approval for new anti-cancer agents. Participated in protocol design and review and decision making to make NCI drugs available to cooperative groups and investigators around the world Participation in NCI intramural clinical trials testing high dose chemotherapy in small cell lung cancer and prostate clinical trials (NCI, DCT funded). Phase I, Phase II study design Prepared NDA summary of worldwide preclinical and clinical data describing the toxicity and efficacy of the first biological agents, E coli and Erwinia L-Asparaginase, approved for cancer treatment by the US FDA Presentation of these data to the oncology advisory committee of FDA (ODAC). This work supported eventual FDA approval of these agents for the treatment of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (NCI, DCT, CTEP funded). Prepared summary of all therapeutic work in Renal Cell Carcinoma in preparation for new RCC therapy development 1969-1973 Scientist RPCI and Medical Student, Buffalo, NY Invention, development, reduction to practice and hospital-wide adoption of a unique diagnostic urine test, predictive of acute rejection of renal transplant. (1970-1973) Development and characterization of the RenCa murine renal cell carcinoma model. (1970-1973) The first organized studies of the unique tumor biology associated with orthotopic tumor implantation. (1969-73) (Renal cell carcinoma) First preclinical confirmation of the renal source of erythroprotein (1970) Books: The Pineal Gland and Cancer. Bartsch C, Bartsch H, Blask D, Cardinali D, Hrushesky, WJM, Mecke D (Editors), Springer-Verlag Press, Berlin, Germany, 2001. Circadian Cancer Therapy. Hrushesky WJM (Editor). CRC Press, May 1994. Temporal Control of Drug Delivery. Hrushesky WJM, Langer R, Theeuwes F (Editors). Annal NY Academy of Science, Volume 618, 1991. Monographs: Circadian Disruption and Cancer. Block K, Hrushesky WJM, Blask D. Integrative Cancer Therapies 8 (4), December 2009. Larry Scheving Symposium. Hrushesky WJM (Editor). Journal of Infusional Chemotherapy 5 (1), Winter 1995. Scientific Basis for Circadian Cancer Therapy. Hrushesky WJM (Editor). Journal of Infusional Chemotherapy 3 (3), July 1993. Cancer Chronotherapy. Hrushesky WJM (Editor). J of Infusional Chemotherapy 2 (2), April 1992. Poetry, Essays, Columns: “Uneasy Piazzas.” Published in Poetry, December 2001. “Home of the Brave” Published in The State, February 24, 2007. “Homeless Solution as close as history, and State Hospital” Published in The State, July 7, 2008. (*Other writings available on the website, www.scmedicalchronobiology.org.) NCI Drug Development Publications: Hrushesky WJM, Helman L: Yoshi 864 (NSC 10267), a methanesulphonate derivative. A compilation of what has been done with clinical emphasis. September 1975 [revised May 1976]. Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, Division of Cancer Treatment, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD. Hrushesky WJM: L-asparaginase, a summary and guidelines for its use. September 1975. Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 8 Handelsman H, Hrushesky WJM, Legha S, Penta J, Strauss G, Vilk P: Proceedings, phase I working group and new drug liaison. October 1974. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD. Hrushesky WJM: MER, a new non-specific immunotherapeutic agent. An overview. September 1975. Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD. Hrushesky WJM: Analysis of clinical studies of L-asparaginase EC-2 (NSC-109929) 25 November 1975. Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD. Patents and Copyrights: Rodent Inject-Aid: Laboratory Device Allowing Fast and Simple Murine Access Systems. US Patent #4,709,660 (awarded 12/01/87) One-Piece Catheter Access Port with Guide Wire: Letter of Disclosure (12/08/86), U of MN Patent Office Infuse-a-Fill Manual: Guide to Safe Continuous Chemotherapy Infusion. Copyright (1984) Needle Support System: Medical Device Stabilizing Access to Subcutaneous Vascular Access US Patent #4,675,006 (awarded 06/23/87) Method and Agents for Raising Animal Tolerance to Oxidant Stress-Inducing Antibiotics: Chemical Method of Modifying Drug Toxicity by Modulating Intracellular Redox Status. US Patent #4,548,927 (awarded 10/22/85) Sinus Arrhythmia Monitor: US Patent #4,930,518 (awarded 06/05/90) Sine-O-Graph: Diagnostic Medical Device to Measure Myocardial Compliance Noninvasively. US Patent #4,519,395 (awarded 05/28/85) Canadian Patent #1,196,012 (awarded 10/19/85) PEER REVIEW FUNDING HISTORY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR ONLY Source Title NIH Center for Colon Cancer Research, University of South Carolina Peer Review Type Years COBRE 2002-2007 (Pathology (‘08-‘12 CORE Director) renewed) Initiated 2003-2007 Clinical Trial Concept 2005-2007 Investigator Research 2003-2006 Experience Merit 2002-2006 U.S. Army Foundation VA DOD BCRP CTRF MERIT Supplement VA Biologic Discrimination of Key Molecular Targets to Prevent Metastasis Pilot Program for AllPACE Inclusive Care of Elderly Preliminary Investigation IDEA of the Role of Cellular Immunity in Estrous Cycle Modulation of Post-resection Breast Cancer Spread Mechanisms by Which Merit The Estrous Cycle Modulates Cancer Spread Post-resection Breast Merit Cancer Cure Is Modulated by the Timing of Breast Cancer Resection within the Estrous Cycle Circadian Cancer Therapy RAG Chronobiology of IL-2/TNF R01 VA U.S. Army VA VA VA NIH/NCI Direct $ Funding Amount $300,000 $120,000 $396,000 $86,500 $100,000 $600,000 2002-2005 $4,500,000 1997-2006 $300,000 1997-2000 $288,000 1992-1997 $500,000 1989-91 1984-89 $125,000 $685,000 Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page NIH/NHLB NIH/NCI ACS A Device for Quantification Of RSA Clinical Application of Chronobiology to Cancer Medicine Junior Faculty Fellowship SBIRG Phase I R01 1983 $100,000 1979-2000 $3.5 million 1976-1979 $200,000 9 Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 10 Appendix I- Heroes, Mentors and Protégés Heroes: Baruch Spinoza, Benjamin Franklin, and Richard P. Feynman Mentors: Medicine The late Philip Tumulty, M.D. Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine Johns Hopkins University Chronobiology Franz Halberg, M.D. Professor and Director, Chronobiology Laboratories 420 Delaware St. SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 Tel: 612-624-6976, Fax: 612-624-9989 Creative Thinking The late Otto Schmitt, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Biophysics, University of Minnesota Medical Oncology: The late B.J. Kennedy Professor University of Minnesota Role Models: Philosophy José Benardete, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy Syracuse University, 541 Hall of Languages Syracuse, NY 13244 Tel: 315-443-2245 Fine Arts Sidney Alexander, Ph.D. Professor of Art History Syracuse University Piazza Santa Maria Soprarno, #1 50125 Florence Italy Tel: 39-55-248-095 Zoology The late W.D. Russell-Hunter, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor of Zoology Syracuse University Biomedical Engineering Earl Bakken, Ph.D. (hon) Founder, Medtronic, Inc. 7000 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55432 Tel: 612-574-3000 Translational Research Bernard Fisher, M.D. University Professor Pittsburgh University North Hawaii Community Hospital 67-1125 Mamalahoa Highway Kamuela, HI 96743 Tel: 808-885-4444 Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 11 Appendix II- Protégé Development History Duration of Intimate Interaction Protégé Type of Interaction Jane Reusch, MD Denver VA (303) 399-8020 Research Supervisor 2 years Active Investigator, Professor, University of Colorado, Endocrinology and Staff Physician, Denver VAMC John Berestka, MD Ophthalmologist Research Supervisor 3 years Practicing Marjorie Vukelich, MD (603) 646-5000 Clinical Research Supervisor 3 years Practicing Oncologist Edward Chute, MD Research Co-Advisor 2 years Associate Professor Academic Surgeon Scott Nygaard, MD Research Supervisor 2 years Associate Professor Active Investigator, Academic Pulmonary Physician, U. of CO >10 years Director, Breast Research Center Professor, Yale Donald Lannin, MD, PhD Research Co-Advisor (203) 785-2328 Current Position University School of Medicine Jan MA Van Tornout, MDResearch Co-Advisor 2 years Academic Pediatric Oncologist, UCLA (Los Angeles, CA) Rosellen Lanning, RN (415) 567-1219 Clinical Research Supervisor 3 years Co-Director, Pain Clinic (San Francisco, CA) Kyle Traynor, MD Research Supervisor Advisor, MS Project 1 year Practicing physician, Mayo Clinic Wolfgang Marz, MD Research Co-Advisor Post Doctoral Assoc. 3 years Funded Independent Investigator, University of Freiburg, Germany James Pray, MS (612) 550-7777 Masters Advisor 2 years CEO and Founder Penumbra Inc. 1 year Practicing surgical oncologist Marek Martynovich, MD Advisor and Research Supervisor, Post Doctoral Associate Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 12 Miroslaw Markiewicz, MD Advisor and Research Supervisor, Post Doctoral Associate 1 year Professor, Katowice, Poland, Academic gastroenterologist Francis Levi, MD, PhD 33 14 6770000, x 375 fax: 33 14 726 8097 Research Co-Advisor Mentor/colleague >20 years Director, INSER Chronobiology Laboratory (Paris) Todd Langevin, BS (612) 572-5548 fax: (612) 574-6459 Research Supervisor Mentor/colleague 8 years Vice President Medtronic Corp. (Minneapolis, MN) Robert B. Sothern, PhD (612) 644-5438 fax: (612) 221-2741 Research Supervisor, Ph.D. Advisor Mentor/ Colleague 20 years Faculty, Botany University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN) Darrell Fader, MD (313) 663-1399 Research Supervisor, Advisor/Mentor 10 years Practicing Dermatologist Randal Olshefski, MD Research Supervisor, Advisor/Mentor >10 years Pediatric Oncologist Jeffrey Rabatin, MD (703) 685-7521 Clinical Research Supervisor and Advisor Mentor 3 years Assistant Professor, Medicine; Pulmonary and Critical Care Mayo School of Medicine Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN Reinhard V Roemeling, MD Research Supervisor, Clinical Research Adv. Mentor/Colleague 13 years Vice President Clinical Development, Oncology Daiichi Sankyo Pharma Development Edison, NJ USA Christine Mormont,MS,BS Research Supervisor, M.S. Advisor/Mentor 5 years Asst. Director, Labratoire “Rythmes Biologiques et Chronothérapeutique,” ICIG Hôpital Paul Brousse (Villejuif, France) Susan Schraufek,MD,MS Research Supervisor, M.S. Advisor/Mentor 2 years Practicing Gynecologist Cheryl Wesen, MD (313) 876-3161 fax: (313) 876-7354 Clinical Research Advisor/Mentor 2+ years Academic Surgical Oncologist Henry Ford Hospital, MI Young Kim, PhD Research Supervisor Masters Advisor 1 1/3 years Research Scientist Seoul, Korea Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 13 Stelios Tzannis (415) 494-5000 Ph.D. Advisor Chem. Eng., RPI 3 years Group Leader ALZA Corp., CA Hemant Gupta Research Supervisor 6 months Practicing physician Georg Bjarnason, MD (416) 480-4928 fax: (416) 480-6002 Clinical Research Advisor/Mentor/Colleague 15 years Investigator Associate Professor Medical Oncology, University of Toronto Rostislav Vyzula, MD Basic and Clinical Research Advisor Mentor 3 years Chief of Medical Oncology, Masaryk University, Hospital Czech Republic 5 years Independent Funded Investigator Investigator, Assoc. Professor of Surgery Baylor College of Scott A. Gruber,MD,PhD Research Supervisor, (518) 262-5618 Ph.D. Co-Advisor fax: (518) 262-5560 Mentor/Colleague Medicine Patricia A. Wood, MD,PhD Research Supervisor, 25 years (803) 776 – 4000 x5599 Advisor/Mentor fax: (803) 647- 5656 Basic and Clinical Research Partner Colleague Independent funded Investigator Associate Prof USC Chief of Medical Oncology/Hematology WJB Dorn VAMC Columbia, SC Jason Fishbein, M.S. Medical and Clinical Research Mentor 3 months Working Scientist Adnan Fateh Research Advisor 12 weeks Working Scientist Andreas Hagen, M.D. Clinical Research Free University Berlin Mentor 0049-30-8445-2591 fax: 0049-30-8445-4477 2 years Academic Physician OB/GYN Hospital Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany Jason Galarneau Research Mentor 12 weeks Working Scientist Kathleen Stapleton Research Mentor 12 weeks Working Scientist David Lincoln, Ph.D. (518) 462-3311, x 2258 Research Supervisor 20 months Working Scientist Tim Sullivan (518) 674-8246 Advisor/ Research Mentor 3 years Entrepreneur, Founder, CEO Multimdeia Corp. Josip Gazic Advisor/ Research Mentor 4 months Physician-scientist Shameem Shaik Research Mentor 2 months Physician Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 14 Angela Wo Research Mentor 2 months Physician Michael Canarie (518) 462-7545 Research Mentor 6 months Physician Monique Lin (518) 438-8292 Research Mentor 4 months Physician Shalini Kansal Research Mentor 1 month Physician Melissa Thrall Research Mentor 2 years Physician Paul Bell Research Mentor 3 months Physician Kathleen Bove Research Mentor 2 years Scientist Imran Iman Research Mentor 3 years Physician Kevin Cranmer Research Mentor 3 years Academic Ophthalmologist Kerri Kluetzman Research Mentor 1 year Working Scientist Elissa Ball, R.N. Clinical Research 1 year Clinical Research Nurse Kirsten Tallent Mentor Research Mentor 2 years Physician Elizabeth Rosenmann Research Mentor 3 years lost to follow-up Lawrence Lansing Research Mentor 1 year lost to follow-up Keith Guberman Research Mentor 1 year RPI graduate Joe Blizzard Research Mentor 1 year Academic pharmacist Philip Musk Research Supervisor 1 year Research Scientist Biotech Industry Daniel Patterson Research Mentor Master’s Advisor 3 years Public health practitioner Wesley Jones Research Mentor 6 months Physician Minoru Kobayashi Research Supervisor 2 years Academic surgeon/ Associate Professor Jichi Medical University Japan Mark You Post doctoral Research Supervisor 3 years Funded Research Scientist, Emory University Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 15 Yin Xiong, PhD PhD advisor 5 years NIH/NCI scientist, Bethesda, MD Peter Miller, MD Research Mentor 3 years Current medical resident Sue Haddock, RN, PhD Mentor Masters advisor 2 years Asst. Professor, Nursing Current Assoc. COS Research WJB Dorn VAMC Masami Ohmori, MD Research Supervisor 2 years Asst. Professor Medicine, Academic physician Jichi Medical University, Japan Jovelyn Du-Quiton, MS Research Mentor 5 years Statistician/Biometrist Elizabeth Greene Masters Advisor 2 years University of South Carolina Andrew Taber Research Mentor 2 years Gastroenterology Fellow Alex Friedman Research Mentor 1 year Washington University Undergraduate, Senior Aziz Chowdry Research Mentor 2 years Medical Student, University of South Carolina Jamil Singletary scientist Research Mentor 2 years Working computer Stacy Ayers Research Mentor 5 years Masters Student, SC State University Dinah Quiton, MD Research Mentor 3 years Clinical Research Associate Justin Reynolds Clinical Research Mentor 4 years Clinical Research Associate, WJBD VAMC Stephanie Kidder PhD Advisor Research Mentor 1 ½ years PhD Student, USC Medical School (now at Baylor School of Medicine) Shalish Jones Mentor 6 years Cancer Program Assistant Dora Oroian Research Mentor 1 year Washington University Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 16 Hamayun Nawaz Research Mentor 2 years Medical Fellow Chris Yang Research Mentor 2 years Research Associate Xiaoming Yang, PhD Post-Doctorial Research Advisor 5 years Senior Post Doctorial Associate Christine Ansell Research Mentor 3 years Research Associate University of South Carolina Young Oh, PhD, MD PhD Advisor Research Mentor 5 years Pathology Resident Anmol Baranwal, MD Research Mentor ongoing Research Associate Avinash Mamgain Research Mentor ongoing Research Associate Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 17 Appendix III- Published Peer Reviewed Scientific Papers: 1. Hrushesky W, Sampson D, Murphy G. Lymphocyturia in renal allograft rejection. Arch Surg 1972; 105:424426. 2. Hrushesky W, Sampson D, Murphy G. Carcinogenicity of ethylmethanesulfonate. J Natl Cancer Inst 1972; 49:1077-1083. 3. Murphy G, Hrushesky W. A murine renal cell carcinoma. J Natl Cancer Inst 1973; 50:1013-1025. 4. Hrushesky W, Murphy G. Investigation of new renal tumor model. J Surg Res 1973; 15:327-336. 5. Hrushesky W, Murphy G. Evaluation of chemotherapeutic agents in a new murine renal carcinoma model. J Natl Cancer Inst 1974; 52:1117-1122. 6. Williams P, Hrushesky W, Gaeta J, Murphy G. The influence of hormone therapy on rats treated with the carcinogen ethylmethanesulfonate. Res Comm Chem Path Pharmacol 1974; 7:25-30. 7. Hrushesky W. L-asparaginase activity in acute non-lymphocytic leukemia. Cancer Treat Rep 1976; 60:966. 8. Hrushesky W, Slavik M, Penta J, Muggia F. The "other" asparaginase. Med Ped Oncol 1976; 2:441-442. 9. Hrushesky W. Serpentine supravenous 5-fluorouracil hyperpigmentation. Cancer Treat Rep 1976; 60:639. 10. Hrushesky W, Murphy G. Current status of the therapy of advanced renal carcinoma. J Surg Oncol 1977; 9:277-288. 11. Hrushesky W. Thrombocytopenia induced by low-dose subcutaneous heparin. Lancet 1977; 2:1286. 12. Hrushesky W. Platelets in Thrombocythemia. Ann Int Med 1978; 88:845. 13. Hrushesky W. Subcutaneous heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Arch Int Med 1978; 138:1489-1491. 14. Gordon L, Hrushesky W, Oken M, Kay N, Rydell R. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia in association with a second lymphoproliferative disorder: response to chemotherapy in two cases. Med Ped Oncol 1979; 7:111117. 15. Halberg E, Halberg F, Vener K, Scheving L, Cornelissen G, De Prins J, Hrushesky W, Kennedy BJ. Twentyfour hour synchronized chronotolerance of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) by rats on 8h and 12h photofraction gauged by acrophase and paraphase of rectal temperature. In: Reinberg A, Halberg F, eds. Chronopharmacology. Oxford/New York: Pergamon Press, 1979:377-387. 16. Sothern R, Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Haus E, Kennedy B. Circadian temperature rhythm in LOU rats with and without immunocytoma during polychronochemotherapy with adriamycin and cisdiamminedichloroplatinum II. In: Reinberg A, Halberg F, eds. Chronopharmacology. Oxford/New York: Pergamon Press, 1979:391. 17. Levi F, Halberg F, Haus E, Sanchez de la Peña S, Sothern R, Halberg E, Hrushesky W, Brown H, Scheving L, Kennedy BJ. Synthetic adrenocorticotropin for optimizing murine circadian chronotolerance for adriamycin. Chronobiologia 1980; 7:227-244. 18. Levi F, Hrushesky W, Haus E, Halberg F, Scheving L, Kennedy B. Experimental chrono-oncology. In: Scheving L, Halberg F, eds. Chronobiology: Principles and Applications to Shifts in Schedules, 1980:481511. 19. Haus E, Halberg F, Sothern R, Lakatua D, Scheving L, Sanchez de la Peña S, Sanchez E, Melby J, Wilson T, Brown H, Berg H, Lévi F, Culley D, Halberg E, Hrushesky W, Pauly J. Time-varying effects in mice and rats of several synthetic ACTH preparations. Chronobiologia 1980; 7:211-226. 20. Hrushesky W. Unusual pigmentary changes associated with 5-fluorouracil therapy. Cutis 1980; 26:181-182. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 18 21. Hrushesky W, Levi F, Halberg F, Haus E, Scheving L, Sanchez de la Peña S, Medini E, Brown H, Kennedy BJ. Clinical chrono-oncology. In: Scheving L, Halberg F, eds. Chronobiology: Principles and Applications to Shifts in Schedules, 1980:513-533. 22. Levi F, Hrushesky W, Kennedy B. Perspecitves en chronochimiotherapie anticancereuse. Le Quotidien Du Medicin Chronobiologia 1981; Suppl 2546:46-51. 23. Magnus G, CavFallini M, Halberg F, Cornelissen G, Sutherland D, Hrushesky W. Cyclosporine tolerance improved by circadian timing. 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Gruber S, Hoffman R, Sothern R, Lakatua D, Carlson A, Simmons R, Hrushesky W. Splenocyte natural killer cell activity and metastatic potential are inversely dependent on estrous stage. Surgery 1988; 104:398403. 104. Cipolle T, Canafax D, Rabatin J, Bowers L, Sutherland D, Hrushesky W. Two-dose chronopharmacokinetic optimization of cyclosporine in pancreas transplant patients. In: Reinberg A, Smolensky M, Labrecque G, eds. Annual Review of Chronopharmacology 5. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1988:13-16. 105. Gruber S, Cipolle R, Canafax D, Erdmann G, Burke B, Rabatin J, Hynes P, Ritz J, Gould F, Ascher N, Simmons R, Hrushesky W. An implantable pump for intrarenal infusion of immunosuppressants in a canine autotransplant model. Pharmaceutical Research 1988; 12:781-785. 106. Hrushesky W, Damascelli B, Ravasi G, Spreafico C, Lutman R, Valvassori L, Bellegotti L, Marchianó A, Del Nero A, Bonalumi M. 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Timing is everything. The Sciences 1994; July/August:32-37. 206. Hrushesky W. For autonomy and quality, consider a national health service. Oncology Times 1994; 16:4041. 207. Hrushesky W, Cope F. Fluoropyrimidine cancer chronotherapy. In: Banzet P, Holland J, Khayat D, Weil M, eds. Cancer Treatment: An Update. Paris, New York and Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994:29-39. 208. Hrushesky W. Mammography and the menstrual cycle [Letter to editor]. International J Cancer 1994:151. 209. Hrushesky W. Introduction: cancer and time. In: Hrushesky W, ed. Circadian Cancer Therapy: CRC Press, 1994:3-9. 210. Wood P, Hrushesky W. Cisplatin-associated anemia: an erythropoietin deficiency syndrome. J Clin Invest 1995; 95:1650-59. 211. Wood P, Hrushesky W. Biological perspectives on circadian cancer therapy. J of Inf Chemo 1995; 5:182-90. 212. Wood P, Hrushesky W. Erythropoietin usage in patients with cancer. Cancer J 1995; 1, November/December:243-46. 213. Hrushesky W. 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Identification of therapeutic plasma FUDR concentration during continuous infusion of individually determined maximum tolerated doses. Cancer Therapeutics 1999;2:50-57. 243. Hrushesky W, Vyzula R, Wood P. Fertility maintenance and 5-fluorouracil timing within the mammalian fertility cycle. Reprod Toxicol 1999;13:413-20. 244. Hrushesky W, Lester B, Lannin D. Circadian coordination of cancer take and metastatic spread. Int J Can 1999;83:365-73. 245. Wood P, Lincoln D, Imam I, Hrushesky W. Circadian toxicology. Ballantyne B, Marrs T, Syversen T, eds. General and applied toxicology. Chapter 11, pp 251-270, Macmillan,London: 1999. 246. Wood P, Hrushesky W. Circadian iron and erythropoietin availability and marow responsiveness: Relevance to treatment of anemia. Anemia in Oncol 1999;2(4):2-4, 8. 247. Thrall M, Wood P, King V, Rivera W, Hrushesky W. Investigation of the comparative toxicity of 5-FU bolus versus 5-FU continuous infusion circadian chemotherapy with concurrent radiation therapy in locally advanced rectal cancer. Int J Rad Onc, Biol, Phys 2000;46(4):873-81. 248. Wood P, Hrushesky W. Circadian Timing of Cancer Chemotherapy. The Chemotherapy Source Book, 3rd Edition, Perry, MD (ed), Chapter 12, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore Press, pp 114-31, 2000. 249. Hrushesky W. Timing your Medical Treatments. Bottom Line Health 2000: 14 (7): 1-3. 250. Hrushesky W. Rhythmic Menstrual Cycle Modulation of Breast Cancer Biology. J Surg Oncol 2000; 74: 238-41. 251. Hrushesky W. Melatonin Cancer Therapy: The Pineal Gland and Cancer. Bartsch et al (Eds); Pages 476-508, 2000. 252. Lincoln D, Hrushesky W, Wood P. Circadian Organization of Thymidylate Synthase Activity in Normal Tissues: A Possible Basis for 5-Fluorouracil Chronotherapeutic Advantage. Int J Cancer, 88; 479-85, 2000. 253. Hrushesky W, Matsumura Y, Yamada Y, Saijo N, Sugimura T. The temporal organization of life: the impact of multi-frequency non-linear biologic time structure upon the host-cancer balance. Japan J Clin Oncol 2000. 254. Retsky M, Demicheli R, Hrushesky, W. Premenopausal Status Accelerates Relapse in node positive breast cancer:hypothesis links angiogenesis, screening controversy. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2001; 65(3):217-24. 255. Mizumura Yasuo, Matsumura Yasuhiro, Hamaguchi Tetsuya, Nishiyama Nobuhiro, Kataoka Kazunori, Kawaguchi Takanori, Hrushesky WJM, Moriyasu Fuminori, Kakizoe Tadao. Cisplatin-incorporated Polymeric Micelles Eliminate Nephrotoxicity, While Maintaining Antitumor Activity. Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 92, March 2001, pages 328-36. 256. Retsky M, Demichelli R, Hrushesky WJM. Wounding from Biopsy and Breast Cancer Progression. Letter to The Lancet, Vol 357, No 9261, 31 Mar 01, page 1048. 257. Hrushesky WJM. Timed Delivery, Peer Review – Letters from Readers, The Sciences, Spring 2001, page 48. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 31 258. Bjarnason G, Jordan R, Wood PA, Li Q, Lincoln D, Sothern R, Hrushesky WJM, Yaacov Ben-David. Circadian Expression of Clock Genes in Human Oral Mucosa and Skin; Association with Specific Cell-Cycle Phases. American Journal of Pathology, Vol 158 No 5, May 2001. 259. Hrushesky WJM. Tumor chronobiology. Journal of Controlled Release, Vol 74, 27-30, 2001. 260. Retsky M, Demicheli R, Hrushesky W. Breast Cancer Screening for Women Aged 40-49 Years: Screening May Not Be the Benign Process Usually Thought. Letter to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 93 No.20: 1572, October 17, 2001. 261. Hrushesky WJM. Review of Rich, Tyvin, et al. Modulation of dose intensity in aerodigestive tract cancers: strategies to reduce toxicity. Oncology, Vol 15, December 2001, 1614-17. 262. Kobayashi M, Wood P, Hrushesky WJM. Circadian chemotherapy for gynecological and genitourinary cancers. Chronobiol Int. 2002 Jan;19(1):237-51. Review. 263. Bove K, Lincoln D, Wood P, Hrushesky WJM. Fertility cycle influence on surgical breast cancer cure. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2002 Sep;75(1):65-72. 264. Hrushesky WJM. Letter to the Editor-Re:Love et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002;94:662-9. Journal of the National Cancer Institute Vol 94 (22):1719-1721, Nov 20, 2002. 265. Hrushesky WJM. Letter to the Editor. Androgen suppression and irradiation for locally advanced prostate cancer. The Lancet 360: 1987, 14 December 2002. 266. Retsky M, Demicheli R, Hrushesky W. Breast cancer screening: controversies and future directions. Curr Opin Obstet and Gynecol. 2003 Feb;15(1):1-8. Review. 267. Lis C, Grutsch J, Wood P, You M, Rich I, Hrushesky W. Circadian Timing in Cancer Treatment: the Biological Foundation for an Integrative Approach. Integr Cancer Ther. 2003 Jun;2(2):105-11. Review. 268. Waterhouse J, DeCoursey P (Authors) Arendt J, Campbell S, Hrushesky W, Lemmer B, Lewy A, Terman M, Wehr T, Wirz-Justice A (Contributors) The Relevance of Circadian Rhythms for Human Welfare, Chapter 10 of Chronobiology: Biological Timekeeping, Dunlap et al (Eds); 2003. 269. Patterson D, Wood P, Probst J, Shinogle J, Hrushesky W. Equal access to healthcare in the VA system works to alleviate racial and rural disparities among prostate cancer patients in South Carolina. Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association 2003, 99:185-91. 270. Demicheli R, Bonadonna G, Hrushesky W, Retsky M, Valagussa P. Menopausal status dependence of early mortality reduction due to diagnosis of smaller breast cancer (T1 v T2-T3): Relevance to Screening. J Clin Oncol. 2004 Jan 1;22(1):102-07. 271. Retsky M, Bonadonna G, Demicheli R, Folkman J, Hrushesky W, Valagussa P. Hypothesis: Induced angiogenesis after surgery in premenopausal node-positive breast cancer patients is a major underlying reason why adjuvant chemotherapy works particularly well for those patients. Breast Cancer Res 2004;6(4):R372-4. Epub 2004 May 14. 272. Hrushesky W, Blask D. Letter to the Editor- Re: Melatonin and Breast Cancer: A Prospective Study. J Natl Cancer Inst 2004; 96(11):888-889. 273. Hrushesky W, Wood P, Levi F, von Roemling R, Bjarnason Georg, et al. Letter to the Editor: A Recent Illustration of Some Essentials of Circadian Chronotherapy Study Design. Re: Randomized Phase III Trial of Standard Timed Doxorubicin Plus Cisplatin Versus Circadian-Timed Doxorubicin Plus Cisplatin in Stage III and IV or Recurrent Endometrial Carcinoma: A Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. J Clin Oncol 2004; 22(14):2971-72. 274. Demicheli R, Bonadonna G, Hrushesky W, Retsky M, Valagussa P. Menopausal Status Dependence of the timing of breast cancer recurrence after surgical removal of the primary tumour. Breast Cancer Research 2004 (6):R689-96. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 32 275. Retsky M, Demicheli R, Hrushesky W, Speer J, Swartzendruber D, Wardwell R. Recent Translational Research: Computational Studies of Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Res 2004; (7): 37-40. 276. Demicheli R, Bonadonna G, Hrushesky W, Retsky M, Valagussa. Correspondence: Response to Response by Kopans, Get the Facts Straight. J Clin Oncol 22 (23) 4807-4810, 2004 December 11. RE: #270 above: Menopausal status dependence of early mortality reduction due to diagnosis of smaller breast cancer (T1 v T2-T3): Relevance to Screening. J Clin Oncol 2004; 22(1):102-07. 277. You S, Li W, Kobayashi M, Xiong Y, Hrushesky W, Wood P. Creation of a Stable Mammary Tumor Cell Line That Maintains Fertility Cycle Tumor Biology of the Parent Tumor. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 2004; 40(7): 187-95. 278. Dominitz J, Boyko E, Koepsell T, Heagerty P, Maynard C, Sporleder J, Hrushesky W. Elevated Prevalence of Hepatitis C Infection in Users of United State Veterans Medical Centers. Hepatology 2005; 41(1):88-89. 279. Hrushesky W. Timing is Everything: Diverse Strategies for Measuring It. Molecular Biology of Circadian Rhythms. Book Review: Molecular Biology of Circadian Rhythms, Amita Sehgal, editor. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Liss, 2004. Clinical Chemistry 2005; 51:280-281. 280. Baum M, Demicheli R, Hrushesky W, Retsky M. Does Surgery Unfavorably Perturb the “Natural History” of Early Breast Cancer by Accelerating the Appearance of Distant Metastases? European J Cancer 2005; 41:508-15. 281. You S, Wood PA Xiong Y, Kobayashi M, Du-Quiton J, Hrushesky WJM. Daily Coordination of Cancer Growth and Circadian Clock Gene Expression. Breast Can Res Treat 2005; 91(1):47-60. 282. Wood PA, Hrushesky WJM. Sex cycle modulates cancer growth. Breast Can Res Treat 2005; 91(1):95-102. 283. Hrushesky W, Sothern R, Rietveld W, Du Quiton J, Boon M. Season, Sun, Sex and Cervical Cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 2005; 14(8):1940-47. 284. Hrushesky W, Sothern R, Rietveld W, Du Quiton J, Boon M. Sun Exposure, Sexual Behavior and Uterine Cervical Human Papilloma Virus. Int J Biometeorol. 2006 Jan; 50(3):167-73. 285. Hrushesky WJM, You S, Du-Quiton J, Li M, Ohmori M, Wood P. Circadian cancer biology: Does the time of the day we treat matter? Basic and Clinical Medicine 2005; 25(4):289-330. 286. Demicheli R, Miceli R, Moliterni A, Zambetti M, Hrushesky, WJM, et al. Breast Cancer Recurrence Dynamics Following Adjuvant CMF is Consitent with Tumor Dormancy and Mastectomy-driven Acceleration of the Metastatic Process. Annals of Oncology 2005; 16(9):1449-57. 287. Wood PA, Bove K, You S, Chambers A, Hrushesky W. Cancer Growth and Spread are Saltatory and PhaseLocked to the Reproductive Cycle Through Mediators of Angiogenesis. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 2005; 4(7):1065-75. 289. Restsky MW, Demicheli R, Hrushesky WJM. Does surgery induce angiogenesis in breast cancer? Indirect evidence from bimodal relapse pattern for untreated early breast cancer patients and the mammography paradox for women age 40-49. International Journal Surgery 2005; 3(3) 179-87. 290. Demicheli R, Bonadonna, P Vagalussa, Retsky M, Hrushesky WJM, et al. Comment to Jatoi et al report: Hazard Rates of Recurrence Following Diagnosis of Primary Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2005; 93:1-2. 292. You S, Ohmori M, Pena MM, Nassri B, Du-Quiton J, Al-Assad ZA, Liu L, Wood PA,Berger SH, Liu Z, Wyatt MD, Price RL, Berger FG, Hrushesky WJ. Developmental Abnormalities in Multiple Proliferative Tissues of Apc Min/+ Mice. Int J Exp Pathol 2006 June;87 (3): 227-36. 294. Retsky M, Hrushesky WJM, Baum M. Correspondence: Sociodemographic determinants of cancer treatment health literacy Gansler T, Henley SJ, Stein K, et al. Cancer 2006; 106(3):726-7. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 33 295. Wood PA, Du-Quiton J, You S, Hrushesky WJM. Circadian clock coordinates cancer cell cycle progression, thymidylate synthase, and 5-fluorouracil therapeutic index. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 2006;5(8):2023-33. 296. Levin RD, Daehler M, Grutsch JF, Quiton J, Lis CG, Peterson C, Gupta D, Watson K, D Layer, S Adams, B Desai, P Sharma, M Wallam, M Delioukina, P Ball, M Bryant, M Ashford, D Copeland, M Ohmori, PA Wood and Hrushesky WJM. Circadian Function in Patients with Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. British Journal of Cancer 2005; 93:1202-8. 297. Retsky M, Demicheli R, Hrushesky WJM. Authors Respond to Controversy Surrounding Breast Cancer Study. International Journal of Surgery 2005; 3(4):235-9. 299. Demicheli R, Hrushesky WJM, Retsky M. Comment on Berry DA, Cronin KA, Plevritis SK, et al. Effect of screening and adjuvant therapy on mortality from breast cancer. N Engl J Med 2006; 354;(7):768-9. 300. Demicheli R, Biganzoli E, Boracchi P, Greco M, Hrushesky WJM, Retsky M. Allometric Scaling Law Questions The Traditional Mechanical Model For Axillary Lymph Node Involvement In Breast Cancer. J of Clin Oncology 2006;24 (27):4391-6. 301. Retsky M, Baum M, Demicheli R, Gukas I, Hrushesky WJM. Enhanced Surgery-Induced Angiogenesis for Premenopausal Women Might Partially Explain Excess Breast Cancer Mortality of Blacks Compared to Whites. Int Journal of Surgery 2007;5:300-4. 302. Demicheli R, Retsky M, Hrushesky WJM, Baum M. Comment to Babiera GV et al report (Ann Surg Oncol 2006;13;776-782) Ann Surg Oncol. 2007 Apr;14(4):1519-20. 303. Du-Quiton J, Wood PA, Burch J, Grutsch JF, Gupta D, Tyer K, Lis CG, Levin RD, Quiton DF, Reynolds J, Hrushesky WJM. Actigraphic assessment of daily sleep-activity pattern abnormalities reflect self-assessed depression and anxiety in outpatients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Psycho-Oncology 2010 Feb; 19(2):180-9. 304. Demicheli R, Baum M, Hrushesky WJM, Retsky M. Comment to the paper: Rapiti E, et al: Complete excision of primary breast tumour improves survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer at diagnosis J Clin Oncology 2006; 24:2743-9. 306. Berk L, Berkey B, Blask D, Hrushesky WJM, Kudrimoti M, McGarry R, Mehta M, Rich T, Suh J. A Randomized Phase II Trial of High Dose Melatonin and Radiation Therapy for RPA Class 2 Patients with Brain Metastases (RTOG 0119). Int J of Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2007;68(3):852-7. 308. Kanabrocki E, Hermida R, Torossov M, Haseman M, Bettis K, Young J, Potkul R, Hrushesky WJM. Chronotherapy of Ovarian Cancer: Effect on Blood Variables and Serum Cytokines. A Case Report. Clin Ter 2006 Jul-Aug; 157(4):349-54. 310. Demicheli R, Retsky M, Hrushesky WJM, Baum M. Tumor Dormancy and Surgery-Driven Dormancy Interuption in Breast Cancer: Learning from Failures. Nature CP Oncology, 2007; 4(12):699-710. 311. Retsky M, Demicheli R, Gukas I, Hrushesky WJM. Letter to the editor – Re: Catherine Elton: Letters spurred theory about breast cancer deaths in blacks. Boston Globe, 2007. 312. Hrushesky WJM, Retsky M, Baum M, Demicheli R. Letter to the Editor RE: Prognostic Value of Ki67 Expression after Short-term Presurgical Endocrine Therapy for Primary Breast Cancer. J Nat Ca Inst 2007; 99(13):1053. 313. Retsky M, Demcheli R, Hrushesky WJM, Baum M, Gukas I. Can Surgery Provoke the Outgrowth of Latent Breast Cancer? A Unifying Hypothesis. Breast Cancer Online, 10 (4): 1-6. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 34 314. Ramanathan R, Bjarnason G, Desimone P, Bernard S, Evers J, Braich T, Hrushesky WJM, Samson B. A Phase II, four arm randomized, multicenter trial of oxaliplatin combined with varying schedules of 5-fluorouracil as first line therapy of previously untreated advanced colorectal cancer. Clinical Colorectal Cancer 2008;7(2): 134-9. 315. Oh EY, Wood PA, Du-Quiton J, Hrushesky WJM. Seasonal Modulation of Post-Resection Breast Cancer Metastasis. Breast Ca Res Treat 2008;111(2): 219-28. 316. Demicheli R, Retsky M, Hrushesky WJM, Baum M, Gukas I, Jatoi I. Racial Disparities In Breast Cancer Outcome: Insights into Host-Tumor Interactions. Cancer 2007; 110(9):1880-8. 317. Halberg F, Cornelissen G, Ulmer W, Blank M, Hrushesky WJM, Wood P, Singh RK, Wang K. Cancer chronomics III. Chronomics for cancer, aging, melatonin and experimental therapeutics researchers. J Exp Ther Oncol 2006;6(1):73-84. 318. Retsky M, Demicheli R, Hrushesky WJM, Baum M, Gukas I. Dormancy and surgery-driven escape from dormancy help explain some of the enigmatic clinical features of breast cancer. APMIS 2008 JulAug;116(7-8):730-41 320. Singletary JK, Wood PA, Du-Quiton J, Wang S, Yang X, Hrushesky WJM. Imaging Multidimensional Therapeutically Relevant Ciracdian Relationships. Int J Biomedical Imaging. 2009, Article ID 231539. doi:10.1155/2009/231539. 321. Demicheli R, Retsky M, Hrushesky WJM, Baum M, Gukas I. The effects of surgery on tumour growth: a century of investigations. Annals of Oncology 2008; 19(11):1821-8. 322. Yang X, Wood PA, Oh EY, Ansell C, Du-Quiton J, Hrushesky WJM. Down regulation of circadian clock gene Period 2 accelerates breast cancer growth by altering its daily growth rhythm. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2009; 117 (2) :423-31. 324. Wood PA, Yang X, Taber A, Oh EY, Ansell C, Ayers S, Al-Assaad Z, Carnevale K, Berger F, Pena MM, Hrushesky WJM. Period 2 mutation accelerates Apc Min/+ tumorigenesis. Mol Ca Res, 2008;6(10):1786-93. 325. Jatoi I, Baum M, Demicheli R, Retsky M, Hrushesky WJM, Gukas I. Response to: Dobson R. BMJ;337:a586. Breast Cancer: Black women in US are less likely than white women to survive breast cancer. British Med J. July 2008. 326. Retsky M, Hrushesky WJM, Gukas I. Hypothesis: Primary antiangiogenic method proposed to treat early stage breast cancer. BMC Cancer 2009 Jan 8;9:7. 328. Oh EY, Wood PA, Yang X, Hrushesky WJM. Discovery of candidate genes and pathways that may help explain fertility cycle stage dependent post-resection breast cancer outcome. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009 Nov;118(2):345-59. 329. Nemunaitis J, Clayman G, Agarwala S, Hrushesky WJM, Moore C, Hamm J, Menander K, Licato L, Chada S, Gibbons R, Roth J, Sobol R, Goodwin WJ. Biomarkers predict p53 therapy efficacy in recurrent, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Clin Cancer Res 2009 Dec 15;15(24):771925. 331. Yang X, Wood PA, Ansell CM, Ohmori M, Oh EY, Xiong Y, Berger FG, Pena MM, Hrushesky WJM. ß-catenin induces b-TrCP mediated PER2 degradation altering circadian clock gene expression in intestinal mucosa of ApcMin/+ mice. J. Biochem. 2009;145(3):289-97. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 35 334. Chung H, Lee H, Lamoke F, Hrushesky WJM, Wood PA, Jang WJ. Neuroprotective role of erythropoietin by anti-apoptosis in the retina. J Neuroscience Research. 2009; 87(10):2365-74. 336. Oh EY, Ansell CM, Nawaz H, Yang CH, Wood PA, Hrushesky WJM. Global Breast Cancer Seasonality. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2010 Aug;123(1):233-43. Epub 2010 Feb 4. 338. Burch J, Hrushesky WJM. The Protective Role of Melatonin in Breast Cancer. Breast Diseases. 2009; 20(3): 240-1. 339. Hrushesky WJM. Timing is Everything. BottomLine Health. 2009; 23 (9):1-3. 341. Hrushesky WJM, Grutsch JF, Wood PA, Yang X, Oh EY, Ansell CM, Kidder S, Ferrans C, Quiton DF, Reynolds JL, Du-Quiton J, Levin R, Lis C, Braun DP. Circadian clock manipulation for cancer prevention and control and the relief of cancer symptoms. Int Cancer Therapies Dec 2009;8(4):38797. 342. Guess J, Burch J, Ogoussan K, Armstead C, Zhang H, Wagner S, Hebert J, Wood PA, Youngstedt S, Hofseth L, Singh U, Xie D, Hrushesky WJM. Circadian Disruption, Per3, and Human Cytokine Secretion. Integr Cancer Ther. 2009 Dec;8(4):329-36. Epub 2009 Nov 18. 343. Yang X, Wood PA, Ansell CM, Quiton DFT, Oh EY, Du-Quiton J, Hrushesky WJM. The Circadian Clock Gene Per1 Suppresses Cancer Cell Proliferation and Tumor Growth at Specific Times of Day. Chronobiology International 2009;26(7):1323-39. 344. Yang X, Wood PA, Hrushesky WJM. Mammalian TIM is Required for ATM-dependent Chk2 Activation and G2/M Checkpoint Control. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010 Jan 29; 285(5):3030-4. 345. Yang F, Yang X, Jiang H, Buckhaults P, Wood PA, Hrushesky WJM, Wang GR. Dielectrophoresis Separation of Colorectal Cancer Cells. Biomicrofluidics 2010 Jan 4, 013204(2010). 346. Wood PA, Yang X, Hrushesky WJM. Clock Genes and Cancer. Int Cancer Therapies 2009 Dec; 8(4): 303-8. 348. Yang X, Wood PA, Ansell C, Hrushesky WJM. Circadian Time-Dependent Tumor Suppressor Function of Period Genes. Int Cancer Therapies 2009 Dec; 8(4): 309-16. 349. Zhang R, Hrushesky WJ, Wood PA, Lee SH, Hunt RC, Jahng WJ. Melatonin reprogrammes proteomic profile in light-exposed retina in vivo. Int J Biol Macromol. 2010 Aug 1;47(2):255-60. Epub 2010 Apr 29. 350. Lee H, Chung H, Arnouk H, Lamoke F, Hunt RC, Hrushesky WJ, Wood PA, Lee SH, Jahng WJ. Cleavage of the retinal pigment epithelium-specific protein RPE65 under oxidative stress. Int J Biol Macromol. 2010 Aug 1;47(2):104-8. Epub 2010 May 25. 351. Lee H, Arnouk H, Sripathi S, Chen P, Zhang R, Bartoli M, Hunt RC, Hrushesky WJ, Chung H, Lee SH, Jahng WJ. Prohibitin as an oxidative stress biomarker in the eye. Int J Biol Macromol. 2010 Dec 1;47(5):685-90. Epub 2010 Sep 9. 352. Demicheli R, Ardoino I, Boracchi P, Coradini D, Agresti R, Ferraris C, Gennaro M, Hrushesky WJ, Biganzoli E. Recurrence and mortality according to estrogen receptor status for breast cancer patients undergoing conservative surgery. Ipsilateral breast tumour recurrence dynamics provides clues for tumour biology within the residual breast. BMC Cancer. 2010 Nov 30;10:656. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 36 353. Oh EY, Yang X, Friedman A, Ansell CM, Du-Quiton J, Quiton DF, Wood PA, Hrushesky WJ. Circadian transcription profile of mouse breast cancer under light-dark and dark-dark conditions. Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2010 Nov-Dec;7(6):311-22. 354. Hrushesky WJ, Sothern RB, Du-Quiton J, Quiton DF, Rietveld W, Boon ME. Sunspot dynamics are reflected in human physiology and pathophysiology. Astrobiology. 2011 Mar;11(2):93-103. Epub 2011 Mar 10. 355. Grutsch JF, Wood PA, Du-Quiton J, Reynolds JL, Lis CG, Levin RD, Ann Daehler M, Gupta D, Quiton DF, Hrushesky WJ. Validation of actigraphy to assess circadian organization and sleep quality in patients with advanced lung cancer. J Circadian Rhythms. 2011 May 18;9:4. 356. Grutsch JF, Ferrans C, Wood PA, Du-Quiton J, Quiton DF, Reynolds JL, Ansell CM, Oh EY, Daehler MA, Levin RD, Braun DP, Gupta D, Lis CG, Hrushesky WJ. The association of quality of life with potentially remediable disruptions of circadian sleep/activity rhythms in patients with advanced lung cancer. BMC Cancer. 2011 May 23;11:193. 357. Retsky M, Rogers R, Demicheli R, Hrushesky WJ, Gukas I, Vaidya JS, Baum M, Forget P, Dekock M, Pachmann K. NSAID analgesic ketorolac used perioperatively may suppress early breast cancer relapse: particular relevance to triple negative subgroup. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Jul;134(2):881-8. Epub 2012 May 24. 358. Fishman ML, Kumar A, Davis S, Shimp W, Hrushesky WJ. Guideline-based peer-to-peer consultation optimizes pegfilgrastim use with no adverse clinical consequences. Am J Manag Care. 2012 May 1;18(5):e16872. 359. Fishman M, Shimp W, Krook J, Kumar A, Hrushesky WJ. Correspondence. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2012 Jul 1;10(7) 360. Fishman ML, Kumar A, Davis S, Shimp W, Hrushesky WJ. Guideline-Based Peer-to-Peer Consultation Optimizes Pegfilgrastim Use With No Adverse Clinical Consequences. J Oncol Pract. 2012 May;8(3 Suppl):e14s-7s. 361. Retsky M, Demicheli R, Hrushesky WJ, Forget P, De Kock M, Gukas I, Rogers RA, Baum M, Pachmann K, Vaidya JS. Promising development from translational or perhaps anti-translational research in breast cancer. Clin Transl Med. 2012 Aug 28;1(1):17. 362. Hrushesky WJM, Kumar A, Davis S, and Fishman ML. Countering the Misincentivization of Cancer Medicine by Real-Time Personal Professional Education. J Oncol Pract. 2012 March; 8(2): 70. 363. Retsky M, Demicheli R, Hrushesky WJ, Forget P, De Kock M, Gukas I, Rogers RA, Baum M, Sukhatme V, Vaidya JS. Reduction of breast cancer relapses with perioperative non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: new findings and a review. Curr Med Chem. 2013;20(33):4163-76. 364. Shimp WS, Bobolts L, Fishman V, Fishman ML, Kogler J, Huff DF, Hrushesky WJM. The Leucovorin Shortage: A Tangled Web of Similar Isomers and Huge Cost Differences. Value-Based Cancer Care. 2013 Jul. (online only) http://www.valuebasedcancer.com/article/leucovorin-shortage-tangled-web-similar-isomers-andhuge-cost-differences 365. Lu ZK, Samuel J Kessler BA, Schulz R, Bian J, Chen B, Wu J, Noxon V, Rao1 GA, Leibnitz R, Restaino J, Maxwell W, Norris LB, Qureshi ZP, Martin L, Love BL, Bookstaver B, Sutton S, Fayad R, Jacob S, Georgantopoulos P, Sartor O, Yarnold PR, Huff D, Hrushesky W, Raisch DW, Ablin R, Bennett CLB. Systematic Approach to Pharmacovigilance beyond the Limits: The Southern Network on Adverse Reactions (SONAR) Projects. Adv Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2014 Apr 30; 3(2): 149. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 37 Submitted Manuscripts Demicheli R, Huff DF, Hrushesky WJM. Cancer: When to Treat...When to Watch...When to Think". Nature Reviews Cancer. Submitted for review Jul 2014 Bennett CL, Chen B, Hermanson T, Wyatt M, Schulz R, Georgantopoulos P, Kessler S, Raisch D, Qureshi Z, Lu K, Love B, Noxon V, Bobolts LR, Armitage J, Qian C, Leibnitz R, Ray P, Ablin R, Hrushesky W, MacDougall IC, Sartor O, Armitage JO. Biosimilar oncology drugs: A Southern Network on Adverse Reactions (SONAR) review. Submitted to NEJM Jul 2014. Fishman M, Shimp WS, Bennett CL, Armitage MB, Baranwal A, Bobolts LB, Huff DF, Mamgain A, Kogler J, Hrushesky WJM. Evaluating Efficacy, Toxicity, and Costs of Bone-Modifying Agents in Cancer Care. Submitted to CA. Jul 2014. Lis CG, Levin RD, Grutsch JF, Wood PA, Braun RDP, Bridsall TC, Huff DF, Reynolds JL, Daehler MA, Pearl DK, Shen X, Blask DE, Hrushesky WJM. Evening melatonin (but not morning) prolongs the survival of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (ANSCLC). Submitted to The Lancet. Jul 2014. Baranwal A, Huff DF, Bennett CL, Kogler J, Knopf K, Mamgain A, Shimp W, Hrushesky WJM. The tree falling in the forest: Revised 2012 National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines warning against administering oxaliplatin to older persons with stage II and III colon cancer. Submitted to Journal of Oncology Practice. Jul 2014. Hrushesky WJM, Fishman M, Huff DF, Davis S, Shimo W, Kogler J, Bobolts L, Armitage M, Baranwal A, Kumar A, Mamgain A, Bennett A. Overuse and misuse of adjuvant chemotherapy for stages I and II non-small cell lung cancer chemotherapy: Empirical findings from a privately insured population. Submitted to BMC Cancer. Jul 2014. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 38 Appendix IV- Published Scientific Abstracts: 1. Hrushesky W. Lymphocyturia in human renal allograft rejection. JAMA. Vol. 221, 1972:1424. 2. Hrushesky W, GP M. A murine renal carcinoma. Proc 6th Ann Mtg, Assoc Acad Surg, 1973. 3. Hrushesky W. The place of L-asparaginase in cancer therapy. Proc USPHS Prof Assoc. Vol. 11, 1976:56A. 4. Hrushesky W. Serpentine supravenous fluorouracil hyperpigmentation. JAMA. Vol. 236, 1976:138. 5. Cohen M, Hrushesky W, Minna J. Chemotherapy response after initial treatment failure in small cell bronchogenic carcinoma. Proc AACR. Vol. 17, 1976:112. 6. Hrushesky W, Slavik M, Muggia F. Summary of results with L-asparaginase therapy. Proc ASCO. Vol. 17, 1976:311. 7. Hrushesky W. What's old and new in advanced renal cell carcinoma. Proc ASCO. Vol. 18, 1977:318. 8. Hrushesky W, Cornelissen G, Halberg F, Prins JD, Nesbitt M, Kennedy B. Rythm parameters of experimental data on carcinostatics potentially applicable to clinical chronotherapy. Proc MN Acad Sci. Vol. 46, 1978:26. 9. Hrushesky W, Sothern R, Halberg F, Haus E, Kennedy B. Toward an experimental circadian chronotherapy with cisdiamminedichloroplatinum (PI) and adriamycin (Ad) gauged by survial prolongation in immunocytoma-bearing rats. Clin Res. Vol. 26, 1978:710A. 10. Hrushesky W, Levi F, Nelson W, Kennedy B. Cisplatin chronotolerance. Proc Conf on Combined Modalities: Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy. Vol. 3, 1978:58. 11. Halberg E, Halberg F, Hrushesky W, Cornelissen G, Vener K, Haus E, Scheving L, Kennedy BJ. Circadian rectal temperature acrophase of rats on daily 8 hour photofraction as reference for cisdiamminedichloroplatinum chronotolerance. Proc MN Acad Sci. Vol. 46, 1978:22. 12. Halberg E, Halberg F, Vener K, Scheving L, Cornelissen G, De Prins J, Hrushesky W, Kennedy BJ. Twentyfour hour synchronized chronotolerance of cisdiamminedchloroplatinum (II) by rats on 8h and 12h photofraction gauged by acrophase and paraphrase of rectal temperature. Chronobiologia. Vol. 5, 1978:213. 13. Sothern R, Halberg F, Hrushesky W, Doe) ibR. Circadian optimization of cisdiamminedichloroplatinum (PI) and adriamycin (Ad) combination (PLAd) therapy of an immunocytoma gauged by complete remission or cure. Clin Res. Vol. 26, 1978:712A. 14. Sothern R, Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Haus E, Kennedy B. Circadian temperature rhythm in LOU rats with and without immunocytoma during polychronochemotherapy with Adriamycin and cisdiamminedichloroplaatinum II. Chronobiologia. Vol. 5, 1978:216. 15. Kennedy B, Levi F, Hrushesky W, Culley D, Cornelissen G, Halberg E, Halberg F. Circadian and circannual interactions with murine chronotolerance of cisplatin (CP) with and without hydration. Chronobiologia. Vol. 6, 1979:117. 16. Hrushesky W, Hammerschmidt D. Cefatoxime (HR 756): A platelet-inhibitory cephalosporin antibiotic. Blood. Vol. 54, 1979:245A. 17. Hrushesky W, Pleasants M, Levi F, Halberg F, Borch R, Theologides A, Kennedy BJ. Toward clinical chronotherapy: circadian chronopharmacokinetics of cisdiamminedichloroplatinum (CP) in five patients with widely metastatic carcinoma. Chronobiologia. Vol. 6, 1979:113. 18. Hrushesky W. Subcutaneous heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Toxicol, 1979. 19. Hrushesky W, Sanchez S, Levi F, Brown H, Halberg F, Haus E, Sothern R, Kennedy BJ. Total RNA content of cancer patients' mononuclear cells demonstrate marked circadian rhythmicity. Blood. Vol. 54, 1979:221. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 39 20. Hrushesky W, Teslow T, Halberg F, Kiang D, Kennedy B. Temporal componets of predictable variability along the 1-year scale in estrogen receptor concentration of primary human breast cancer. Proc ASCO. Vol. 20, 1979:331. 21. Hrushesky W, Levi F, Halberg F, Kennedy B. Circadian variation in toxicity and efficacy of adriamycin (Ad) and platinum (DDP) alone and in combination. Proc MN Soc Intern Med, 1979. 22. Levi F, Pleasants M, Hrushesky W, Borch R, Halberg F. Rat urinary chronopharmacokinetics of the antitumor drug cisplatin (CP). Chronobiologia. Vol. 6, 1979:127. 23. Hrushesky W, Kennedy B. Encouraging results obtained with an adriamycin (Ad), platinum (DDP) commbination in patients with advanced transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (TCCB). Proc MN Soc Intern Med, 1979. 24. Hrushesky W, Levi F, Fanning R, Halberg F, Kennedy B. Chemotherapy associated changes in circadian parameters over skin covering histologically validated malignancy. Proc MN Acad Sci, 1979. 25. Bixby E, Levi F, Haus R, Sackett L, Haus E, Hrushesky W, Halberg F. Circaseptan aspects of cisplatin (CP) murine nephrotoxicity. Chronobiologia, 1979. 26. Levi F, Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Kennedy B, Fortuny I. Murine chronotolerance to cisplatin (CP) and its further optimization by hydration. Proc AACR. Vol. 20, 1979:274. 27. Hrushesky W, Sanchez S, Levi F, Halberg F, Kennedy B. The RNA content of circulating mononuclear cells (MC) demonstrates marked circadian rhythmicity (CR). Clin Res. Vol. 28, 1980:349A. 28. Hrushesky W, Levi F, Sanchez S, Halberg F, Kennedy B. Periodicity of human lymphcyte RNA content. Proc XIV Ann Cong Amer Assoc Clin Immunol Allergy, 1980:7. 29. Hrushesky W, Kubicek W, Levi F, Olson M, Beck R, Bliss D, Sanchez S, Halberg F, Kennedy BJ. Impedance cardiography (IC) detecs adriamycin-induced cardiac dysfunction. Clin Res. Vol. 28, 1980:416A. 30. Hrushesky W, Levi F, Halberg F, Haus E, Langevin T, Frenning D, Theologides A, Kennedy BJ. Reduced platinum renal toxicity by treatment based on biologic rhythms. Clin Res. Vol. 28, 1980:708A. 31. Hrushesky W, Levi F, Kennedy B. Cisdiamminedichloroplatinum (DDP) toxicity to the human kidney reduced by circadian timing. Proc ASCO. Vol. 21, 1980:330. 32. Levi F, Halberg F, Sanchez S, Sothern R, Hrushesky W, Langevin T, Haus E, Kennedy BJ. Adriamycin tolerance improved by timed ACTH pretreatment. Clin Res. Vol. 28, 1980:780A. 33. Levi F, Halberg F, Hrushesky W, Kennedy B. Chronobiology--an essential perspective for understanding apparent contradictions in immunotherapy. Proc XIV Ann Cong Am Assoc Clin Immunol Allergy, 1980:4. 34. Levi F, Lakatua D, Haus E, Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Schwartz S, Kennedy BJ. Circadian urinary N-aacetyl glucose amidinase (NAG) excretion gauges murine cisdiamminedichloroplatinum (DDP) nephrotoxicity. Proc AACR. Vol. 21, 1980:307. 35. Medini E, Levi F, Halberg F, Hrushesky W, Haus E, Lakatua D, Levitt S. Circadian marker rythmometry before and during chronoradiotherapy of a patient with extranodal lymphoma. Chronobiologia. Vol. 7, 1980:129-130. 36. Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Heinlen T, Murray C, Kennedy B. Human bone marrow toxicity of adriamycin (Ad) reduced by optimal circadian timing. Proc AACR. Vol. 21, 1980:307. 37. Levi F, Hrushesky W, Holtzman J, Halberg F, Sanchez S, Kennedy B. ACTH 1-17(A) raises cardiac-reduced glutathione(GSH) and protects mice from doxorubicin (D) lethal cardiotoxicity. Notiziario S I Bio C 5, 1981. 38. Levi F, Hrushesky W, Holtzman J, Halberg F, Sanchez S, Kennedy B. ACTH 1-17 (A) raises cardiac reduced glutathione (GSH) and protects mice from doxorubicin (D) lethal cardioxictiy. Intl J Chronobiolia. Vol. 7, 1981:277. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 40 39. Hrushesky W, Abdel-Monem M. Circadian rhythm in ratio of acetylspermidines in human urine in health. Clin Res. Vol. 29, 1981:437. 40. Levi F, Sanchez S, Hrushesky W, Haus E, Lakatua D, Halberg F, Kennedy BJ. Adriamycin (ADR) cardiotoxicity: early assessment by creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) isoenzymes. Proc AACR. Vol. 22, 1981:259. 41. Levi F, Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Langevin T, Kennedy B, Murray C. Adriamycin (ADR) cardioxity: tests of predictable value of circadian cardiovascular rhythm parameters. Proc ASCO. Vol. 22, 1981:364. 42. Vukelich M, Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Langevin T, Levi F, Kennedy BJ, Gergen J, Goetz F, Theologides A. Elevated circadian mesor of pulse in recumbency predicts doxorubicin (D)-induced congestive heart failure (CHF). Notiziario S I Bio C 5, 1981. 43. Pena SSdl, Sanchez E, Halberg F, Haus E, Hrushesky W. Circadian rhythmic response of murine adrenal RNA to in vitro stimulation by ACTH 1-17 inhibited by puromycin. Notiziaro S I Bio C 5, 1981. 44. Vukelich M, Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Langevin T, Levi F, Kennedy BJ, Gergen J, Goetz F, Theologides A. Elevated circadian mesor of pulse in recumbency predicts doxorubicin (D)-induced congestive heart failure (CHF). Intl J Chronobiol. Vol. 7, 1981:344. 45. Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Levi F, Langevin T, Kennedy B. Circadian-circannual aspects of leukocyte count (WBC) depression and recovery in patients given doxorubicin (D) and cisdiamminedichloroplatinum (C). Intl J Chronobiol. Vol. 7, 1981:256. 46. Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Levi F, Langevin T, Kennedy B. Circadian-circannual aspects of leukocyte count (WBC) depression and recovery in patients given doxorubicin (D) and cisdiamminedichloroplatinum (C). Notiziario S I Bio C 5, 1981. 47. Langevin T, Goetz F, Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Steiner B, Gergen J, Levi F, Kennedy BJ. Relative stability of urinary marker rhythms in cancer patients (CP) receiving intermittent nephrotoxic chemotherapy. Intl J Chronobiol. Vol. 7, 1981:275. 48. Hrushesky W, Vukelich M. Increase in 24-hour mean (mesor)recumbent heart rate predicts doxorubicin (D) induced congestive heart failure (CHF). Clin Res. Vol. 29, 1981:736. 49. Hrushesky W, Levi F, Kennedy B, Theologies A, Frenning D. Results of circadian time qualified chemotherapy in patients with advanced ovarian cancer. Proc ASCO. Vol. 22, 1981:472. 50. Hrushesky W, Borch R, Levi F, Langevin T, Lange P, Kennedy B. Human urinary phaarmacokinetics of cisplatin: role of circadian drug timing. Proc AACR. Vol. 22, 1981:175. 51. Langevin T, Goetz F, Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Steiner B, Gergen, J, Levi F, Kennedy BJ. Relative stability of urinary marker rhythms in cancer patients (CP) receiving intermittent nephrotoxic chemotherapy. Notiziario S I Bio C 5, 1981. 52. Hrushesky W, Vukelich M, Halberg F, Levi F, Langevin T, Kennedy BJ, Gergen J, Goetz F, Theologides A. Optimal circadian treatment time reduces cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (C)- induced vomiting. Intl J Chronobiol. Vol. 7, 1981:257. 53. Abdel-Monem M, Hrushesky W, Theologides A. Circadian variation in the urinary excretion of monoacetyl polyamines. Proc AACR. Vol. 22, 1981:40. 54. Dell I, Eaton J, Hrushesky W, Halberg F, Sanchez S, Langevin T, Steiner B. Circadian-stage dependent effect of doxorubicin (D) upon reduced glutathione in the murine heart. Clin Res. Vol. 29, 1981:735A. 55. Gerritzen F, Langevin T, Halberg F, Levi F, Kennedy B, Hrushesky W. Circadian variation in urinary chloride excretion stage in nine clinically healthy men on a 300-ml water load. Chronobiologia. Vol. 8, 1981:181. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 41 56. Roelofs R, Rogin J, Rosenberg L, Hrushesky W. Cisplatin R-adriamycinR induced polyneuropathy: a near universal complication of chemotherapy. Neurol. Vol. 4, 1982:A133. 57. Steiner B, Mukai K, Hrushesky W, Azar S, Dell I, Langevin T, Halberg F. Changes in circadian rythm characteristics of pulse indicate doxorubicin-induced cardiac damage (DCHF). Proc AACR. Vol. 23, 1982:634. 58. Steiner B, Azar S, Mukai D, Dell I, Langevin T, Hrushesky W, Halberg F. Circadian pulse amplitude (PA): an index of cardiac damage? Proc MN Acad Sci. Vol. 23-24, 1982:6-7. 59. Hrushesky W, Lannin D, Olshefski R, Halberg F. Spatio-temporal interactions with dose of inoculum characterize transplantable tumor growth. Am Fed Clin Res. Vol. 30, 1982:747A. 60. Hrushesky W, Dell I, Eaton J, Halberg F. Circadian-stage dependent effect of doxorubicin upon reduced glutathione in the murine heart. Proc AACR. Vol. 23, 1982:12. 61. Magnus G, Scheving L, Halberg F, Shankaraiah K, Cornelissen G, Hrushesky W. Autorhythmometry (AR) validates on small samples sex differences of systolic blood pressure (BP) and pulse (P) in Arkansas high school populations. Chronobiologia. Vol. 9, 1982:348. 62. Vogelzang N, Torkelson J, Hrushesky W, Vosika G, Kennedy B. Progress in the chemotherappy of small cell bronchogenic carcinoma (SCBC). Intl Lung Cancer Mtgs III. Vol. 17-20, 1982:156. 63. Steiner B, Azar S, Mukai K, Dell I, Langevin T, Hrushesky W, Halberg F. Circadian pulse amplitude (PA): an index of cardiac damage? Chronobiologia. Vol. 9, 1982:347-348. 64. Lakatua D, Haus E, Hrushesky W, Langevin T, Halberg F. Persistence of synchronized circadian rhythm in urinary cortisol excretion in cancer patients. Proc AACR. Vol. 23, 1982:948. 65. Hrushesky W, Wood P, Eaton J, Meshnick S. Methylene blue prevents anthracycline toxicity. Clin Res. Vol. 31, 1983:778A. 66. Olshefski R, Rosewall D, Hrushesky W, Hanson R, Langevin T, Wilson D, Halberg F. Chronobiologic aspects of rat liver cholesterol 7 a-hydroxylase activity (7a). Chronobiologia. Vol. 10, 1983:114. 67. Rosenberg C, Hrushesky W, Langevin T, Reusch J, Brown J, Lang P, Kennedy BJ. Hormonal and chemotherapeutic treatment of prostrate cancer. Proc ASCO. Vol. 24, 1983. 68. Hrushesky W, Fader D. A new method of assessment of cardiovascular age and drug-induced cardiotoxicity. Clin Res. Vol. 31, 1983:192A. 69. Jacobson H, Hrushesky W, Janerich D. The cause of seasonal birth patterns is not behavior. Proc XIth World Cong Fertility and Sterility, 1983. 70. Jassim A, Brown J, Hrushesky W, Cornelissen G, Halberg F. Reduction by ubiquinone (CoQ10) of doxorubicin (D) toxicity in LOU rats bearing an immunocytoma. Chronobiologia. Vol. 10, 1983:135. 71. Brown H, Hrushesky W, Halberg F. Circadian leucoyte rhythms in cancer patients on CIS-platinum, adriamycin chemotherapy: progress report. Chronobiologia. Vol. 10, 1983:114. 72. Langevin T, Hrushesky W, Sanchez S, Halberg F. Melatonin (M) modulates survival of CD2F1 mice with L1210 leukemia. Chronobiologia. Vol. 10, 1983:173-174. 73. Jacobson H, Janerich D, Nasca P, Langevin T, Steiner B, Hrushesky W. Circannual rhythmicity in the incidence of endocrine malignancy: evidence for neurohumoral control of cancer (ca) development and growth. Chronobiologia. Vol. 10, No. 2, 1983:135 (abstract #71). 74. Hrushesky W, Haus E, Lakatua D, Vogelzang N, Kennedy B. Seasonality in testicular cell proliferation and seminoma incidence. Proc ASCO. Vol. 24, 1983:18. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 42 75. Hrushesky W, Lannin D, Olshefski R. Transplantable growth depends upon: circadian stage, anatomic site, and size of tumor cell inoculum. Am Assoc Anat. Vol. 205, 1983:85A-86A. 76. Hrushesky W, Kennedy B. Absence of age-dependent chemotherapy-induced hematologic toxicity. Proc AACR. Vol. 24, 1983:137. 77. Hrushesky W. Clinical characterization and attempted control of cisplatin-induced toxicities. 4th Intl Symp Coordination Complexes in Cancer Chemotherapy, FII, 1983:141. 78. Wood P, Hrushesky W. Characterization of cisplatin-induced anemia: an erythropoetin deficiency syndrome. Clin Res. Vol. 31, 1983:743A. 79. Shimp W, Hrushesky W, Frenning D, Peterson B, Kennedy B, Langevin T. Lack of age-dependent cisdiamminedichloroplatinum (C-DDP) nephrotoxity. Proc ASCO. Vol. 24, 1983:14. 80. Hrushesky W, Fader D, Schmitt O. A novel ultradian rhythm analysis: allows rapid noninvasive assessment of cardiovascular age and function. Chronobiologia. Vol. 10, 1983:134. 81. Hrushesky W. The Sine-o-graph pulse monitor: an instantaneous, non-invasive quantifier of cardiac wellness and disease. Proc 2nd U of M/3M Research Poster Session. Vol. #47, 1984. 82. Hrushesky W, Rushing D. Circadian chronopharmacokinetics and chronotoxicology of doxorubicin and cisplatin in human beings with cancer. First Intl Montreux Conf Chronopharmacol--Biological Rhythms and Medications, 1984:p 305. 83. Chute E, Rohde T, Rupp W, Goldberg F, Hrushesky W, Buchwald H. Diurnal variation in glucose levels can impede single rate continuous intravenous insulin therapy. First Intl Montreux Conf Chonopharmacol-Biological Rhythms and Medications, 1984:p 410. 84. Hrushesky W. Non-invasive, quasi-instantaneous, computer-assisted assessment of cardiovascular function by cosinor analysis of the respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) during voluntary cardiorespiratory synchronization (VCRS). First Intl Montreux Conf Chronopharmacol--Biological Rhythms and Medications, 1984:p 705. 85. Hrushesky W, Olshefski R, Wood P, Eaton J, Meshnick S. Doxorubicin toxicity is prevented by methylene blue. Proc AACR. Vol. 25, 1984:297. 86. Wood P, Hrushesky W. Cisplatin-induced anemia: an erythropoetin deficiency syndrome? Proc ASCO. Vol. 3, 1984:22. 87. Hrushesky W, Fader D, Gilbertsen V, Schmitt O, Halberg F. Electrophysiological and mathematical quantitation of the sinus arrhythmia: an instrumentation and integrated data acquisition transfer and analysis challenge. Proc 2nd U of M/3M Research Poster Session. Vol. #47, 1984. 88. Touitou Y, Hrushesky W, Focan C, Auzeby A, Bogdan A. Plasma carcinoembryonic antigen levels in patients with ovary cancer: lack of rhythmic pattern before and after chemotherapy. First Intl Montreux Conf Chronopharmacol--Biological Rhythms and Medications, 1984:p 311. 89. Kennedy B, Hrushesky W. Implantable and extracorporeal programmable drug delivery systems: what to program. First Intl Montreux Conf Chronopharmacol--Biological Rhythms and Medications, 1984:p 412. 90. Hrushesky W. Does the circadian timing of anticancer chemotherapy really matter? Clin Res. Vol. 32, 1984:798A. 91. Shapiro G, Kenyon P, Lang P, Fraley E, Kennedy B, Hrushesky W. Cisplatin (C), doxorubicin (D) therapy: a highly effective combination for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (TCCB). Proc ASCO. Vol. 3, 1984:154. 92. Hrushesky W, Grage T, Kennedy B. Does the circadian stage at which chemotherapy is given really matter? Proc ASCO. Vol. 3, 1984:27. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 43 93. Hrushesky W, Fader D, Gilbertsen V, Schmitt O, Halberg F. Electrophysiological and mathematical quantitation of the sinus arrhythmia: an instrumentation and integrated data acquisition transfer and analysis challenge. Proc 2nd U of M/3M Research Poster Session, 1984. 94. Roemeling R, Kennedy B, Buchwald H, Hrushesky W. Chemotherapy via implanted infusion pump: a costeffective method for delivery of long-term continuous treatment. Am College Physicians, Ann Mtg, MN Chapter, 1984. 95. Hrushesky W, Shimp W, Kennedy BJ. Lack of age-dependent cisplatin nephrotoxicity. Am J Med. 76:579584, 1984. 96. Roemeling R, Olshefski R, Kennedy B, Buchwald H, Hrushesky W. The case for circadian FUDR chronotherapy via automatic programmable drug delivery. Proc ASCO. Vol. 4, 1985:87. 97. Azar S, Hrushesky W. Environmental factor(s) during suckling exert life-long effects upon blood pressure in genetic hypertension. Clin Res. Vol. 33, 1985:882A. 98. Berestka J, Roemeling R, Langevin T, Olshefski R, Buchwald H, Grage T, Hrushesky W. FUDR toxicology in circadian stage dependent. Proc 17th Conf, Intl Soc Chronobiol. Vol. 3-6 Nov., 1985. 99. Azar S, Hrushesky W. Environmental factor(s) during suckling exert longterm effects upon blood pressure in genetic hypertension. 39th Ann Fall Conf and Scientific Sessions, Am Heart Assoc. Vol. 18-20 Sept., 1985. 100. Roemeling R, Langevin T, Berestka J, Olshefski R, Buchwald H, Kennedy BJ, Hrushesky W. Automatic chronotherapy using implanted programmable pumps: an attempt to diminish chemotherapy-related toxicity? Am College of Physicians, Ann Mtg, MN Chapter. Vol. 22 November, 1985. 101. Roemeling R, Wick M, Berestka J, Lakatua D, Haus E, Hrushesky W. Disulfiram and cisplatin chronotherapy allows safe and effective megadose therapy. Proc AACR. Vol. 26, 1985:263. 102. Roemeling R, Langevin T, Berestka J, Buchwald H, Grage T, Hrushesky W. Automatic chronotherapy using an implanted programmable (Medtronic) pump. Proc 17th Conf, Intl Soc Chonobiol. Vol. 3-6 Nov., 1985. 103. Hermida R, Halberg F, Langevin T, Hrushesky W. Circadian stage-dependent response to cisplatin of urinary potassium acrophase: a cost-effective chronotherapeutic marker. Chronobiologia. Vol. 12, 1985:74. 104. Hrushesky W. Toward the objectification of cardiovascular aging. Am Aging Assoc (AGE). Vol. 9, 1985:45. 105. Hrushesky W, Fader D. Non-invasive, instantaneous quantification of doxorubicin-induced heart damage. Proc ASCO. Vol. 4, 1985:41. 106. Hrushesky W. Modifying intracellular redox balance: an approach to improving therapeutic index. 4th Intl Conf Superoxide and Superoxide Dismutase. Vol. 1-6 Sept., 1985. 107. Hrushesky W. Seasonal modulation of breast cancer biology. Breast Can Res Treat. Vol. 6, 1985:179. 108. Hrushesky W. Necessary characteristics for a clinically useful chronobiological monitoring device as embodied in a quantifier of ultradian heart rate variability. Proc NATO Advanced Workshop for Chronobiotechnology and Chronobiological Engineering. Vol. 21-25 April, 1985. 109. Halberg F, Hermida R, Langevin T, Hrushesky W. Circadian leucocyte count characteristics as (double) markers for the timing and myelotoxicity of carcinostatic treatment. Chronobiologia. Vol. 12, 1985:75. 110. Hrushesky W, Roemeling R, Langevin T. Ovarian cancer chronotherapy. Proc 17th Conf, Intl Soc Chronobiol. Vol. 3-6 Nov., 1985. 111. Roemeling R, Berestka J, Langevin T, Wick M, Lakatua D, Olshefski R, Mormont M-C, Hrushesky W. The circadian timing of FUDR determines its toxicity. Proc AACR. Vol. 27, 1986:1657. 112. Roemeling R, Hrushesky W. Programmed automatic FUDR chronotherapy improves therapeutic index. Clin Res. Vol. 34, 1986:569A. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 44 113. Roemeling R, Langevin T, Ganzer P, Buchwald H, Kennedy B, Hrushesky W. Automatic chronotherapy using an implanted programmable pump (Medtronic, Inc.). 2nd Intl Montreux Conf Chronopharmacol— Biological Rhythms and Medications. Vol. 10-13 March, 1986:208. 114. Roemeling R, Rabatin J, Langevin T, Kennedy B, Hrushesky W. High-intensity, time-qualified FUDR chemotherapy for metastatic hypernephroma. Clin Res. Vol. 34, 1986:968A. 115. Roemeling R, Langevin T, Buchwald H, Grage T, Kennedy B, Hrushesky W. Time of day modified continuous FUDR infusion, using an implanted programmable pump, improves therapeutic index. Proc ASCO. Vol. 5, 1986:324. 116. Roemeling R, Hrushesky W. Time-modified continuous FUDR infusion via programmable pump improves therapeutic index. Clinical Progress in Electrophysiology and Pacing: Proc Cardiostim 86, Monaco. Vol. 4, 1986:353. 117. Roemeling R, Rabatin J, Olshefski R, Berestka J, Mormont C, Kennedy BJ, Fraley E, Hrushesky W. Automatically delivered, high intensity, time-qualified chemotherapy for kidney cancer. Am College of Physicians, Reg Mtg, MN Chapter, Mpls, MN. Vol. 21-22 Nov., 1986:#23. 118. Hrushesky W, Fader D, Herzog C. The respiratory sinus arrhythmia: an ultradian rhythm pregnant with medically relevant information. 2nd Intl Montreux Conf Chronopharmacol—Biological Rhythms and Medications. Vol. 10-13 March, 1986:V-14. 119. Hrushesky W, Roemeling R, Langevin T. Ovarian cancer chronotherapy: prolonged remission and survival with lower toxicity. 2nd Intl Montreux Conf Chronopharmacol--Biological Rhythms and Medications. Vol. 10-13 March, 1986:p III-8. 120. Roemeling R, Ganzer P, Berestka J, Langevin T, Wick M, Lakatua D, Mushiya T, Hrushesky W. Circadian stage dependency of FUDR toxicity. 2nd Intl Montreux Conf Chronophaarmacol--Biological Rhythms and Medications. Vol. 10-13 March, 1986:p III-8. 121. Roemeling R, Fraley E, Hrushesky W. Urinary bladder cancer responds to chrono-chemotherapy. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. Vol. 111, 1986:140. 122. Roemeling R, Langevin T, Berestka J, Rabatin J, Buchwald H, Kennedy BJ, Hrushesky W. Automatic anticancer chronotherapy using implanted programmable pumps: an attempt to improve therapeutic index. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. Vol. 111, 1986:97. 123. Rietveld P, Rietveld W, Boon M, Hrushesky W, Sothern R. Seasonal rhythmicity in incidence of cervical neoplasia and infections in Dutch women. Intl Symp on Chronobiol and VI Conf, Indian Soc Chronobiol, Hyderabad, India. Vol. 19-21 Nov., 1986:#31. 124. Hrushesky W. Non-invasive quasi-instantaneous device evaluates cardiac health. Clinical Progress in Electrophysiology and Pacing: Proc Cardiostim 86, Monaco. Vol. 4, 1986:214. 125. Skubitz K, Olshefski R, Roemeling R, Langevin T, Wick M, Mushiya T, Hrushesky W. Timing of amphotericin B therapy is a critical determinant of toxicity. 2nd Intl Montreux Conf Chronopharmacol— Biological Rhythms and Medications. Vol. 10-13 March, 1986:III-6. 126. Hrushesky W. Chronotherapy of ovarian cancer affects tumor response rate and patient survival. 14th Intl Cancer Cong, Budapest, Hungary 1986; 21-27 Aug. 127. Hrushesky W, Fader D. Instantaneous quantification of office-based anticancer drug-induced heart damage. World Med Cong Mtg, Mpls, MN. Vol. 7-10 May, 1986:(Suppl.). 128. Hrushesky W, Fader D. Doxorubicin-induced heart damage premonitorily detected at the bedside or in the office. Proc AACR. Vol. 27, 1986:821. 129. Skubitz K, Wick M, Skubitz A, Olshefski R, Roemeling R, Langevin T, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. Timing of amphotericin B therapy is a critical determinant of toxicity. Clin Res. Vol. 34, 1986:949A. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 45 130. Azar S, Hrushesky W, Kabat V, Click R. Environmental factors during development exert a greater influence upon kidney to body weight ration variability than do genetic factors. Proc 11th Sci Mtg, Intl Soc Hypertension. Vol. 31 Aug.-7 Sept., 1986. 131. Roemeling R, Buchwald H, Kennedy B, Hrushesky W. Programmed automatic FUDR chronotherapy improves therapeutic index. Am Coll of Surgeons, Ann Mtg, New Orleans, LA. Vol. Oct., 1986. 132. Hrushesky W, Roemeling R. Drug schedule and circadian timing affect ovarian cancer response and patient survival. Proc ASCO. Vol. 5, 1986:453. 133. Hrushesky W, Roemeling R. Why automatic drug delivery will change the practice of cancer medicine. World Med Cong Mtg, Mpls, MN. Vol. 7-10 May, 1986:(Suppl.). 134. Mormont M-C, Berestka J, Langevin T, Roemeling R, Mushiya T, Hrushesky W. Toxicology of a new anthracycline, epirubicin, is dependent upon when in the day it is given. Proc AACR. Vol. 27, 1986:1658. 135. Hrushesky W. Circadian drug timing affects dosage intensity, ovarian cancer response and patient survival. Intl Symposium, Ovarian Cancer, Debrecen, Hungary. Vol. 28-29 Aug., 1986. 136. Bowers L, Wick M, Canafax D, Hrushesky W, Benson E. Circadian pharmacodynamics of cyclosporine A in rats and man. 2nd Intl Montreux Conf Chronopharmacol—Biological Rhythms and Medications. Vol. 10-13 March, 1986:III-16. 137. Berestka J, Roemeling R, Ganzer P, Ratain M, Wick M, Fraley E, Buchwald H, Langevin T, Mushiya T, Hrushesky W. Circadian dependency of vinblatine toxicity. 2nd Intl Montreux Conf Chronopharmacol— Biological Rhythms and Medications. Vol. 10-13 March, 1986:III-7. 138. Mulligan J, Roemeling R, Langevin T, van Tornout J, Mormont M, Kennedy BJ, Hrushesky W. The Intelliject pump: a precision tool for chronobiological drug administration. Chronobiologia. Vol. 14, 1987:214. 139. Mormont M-C, Rabatin J, Lakatua D, Sothern R, Roemeling Rv, Barbason H, Hrushesky W. The tumorpromoting barbiturate phenobarbital selectively alters corticosterone circadian rhythm in rats. Chronobiologia. Vol. 14, 1987:212-213. 140. Nygaard S, Young J, Langevin T, Hrushesky W. The toxicity of tumor necrosis factor is circadian stage dependent. Chronobiologia. Vol. 14, 1987:215-216. 141. Peña SSdl, Halberg F, Cornelissen G, Wu J, Wood P, Hrushesky W, Eaton J. Circaseptan aspects of mouse malaria: agreement of original and new protochronanalyses with metachronanalyses. Chronobiologia. Vol. 14, 1987:222. 142. Lanning R, Roemeling R, Hrushesky W. Circadian based, biochemically optimized infusional chemotherapy for poorly responsive adenocarcinoma: a phase I study. Central Society for Clinical Research, Midwest Meeting, Chicago, IL. Vol. 11-13 Nov., 1987. 143. Mormont M-C, Rabatin J, Lakatua D, Sothern R, Roemeling R, Hrushesky W. Is tumor promotion by phenobarbital related to an altered circadian corticosterone rhythm? Proc AACR. Vol. 28, 1987:675. 144. Brown H, Sothern R, Haus E, Sackett-Lundeen L, Swoyer J, Hrushesky W. Circadian characteristics in circulating leukocytes in untreated cancer patients and age-matched controls. Chronobiologia. Vol. 14, 1987:155. 145. Langevin T, Mormont M-C, Sothern R, Berestka J, Roemeling R, Hrushesky W. Comparison of murine circadian susceptibility to two chemically-related anthracyclines, epirubicin and doxorubicin. Chronobiologia. Vol. 14, 1987:195-196. 146. Roemeling R, Rabatin J, Hrushesky W. Circadian shaping of FUDR infusion reduces toxicity and allows higher dose intensity. Central Society for Clinical Research, Midwest Meeting, Chicago, IL. Vol. 11-13 Nov., 1987. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 46 147. Roemeling R, Rabatin J, Hrushesky W. Long term infusional circadian based chronotherapy controls progressive metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Proc ECCO-4, 1987:62 (#233). 148. Scheving L, Tsai T, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. Methylene blue circadian-stage dependently protects mice from lethal irradiation without interfering with its anti-leukemic effect. Chronobiologia. Vol. 14, 1987:233234. 149. Roemeling R, Rabatin J, Hrushesky W. Hepatic-arterial FUDR infusion is less toxic if flow rate varies over time. 3rd Intl Conf, Advances in Regional Cancer Therapy, Ulm, West Germany. Vol. 9-12 Sept., 1987. 150. Roemeling R, Mormont M-C, Wick M, Lakatua D, Langevin T, Berestka J, Rabatin J, Hrushesky W. Timeof-day-dependent prevention of cisplatin (CP)-induced kidney damage by disulfiram (DSF). 1st Intl Symp, Organ Directed Toxicities of Anticancer Drugs, Burlington, VT. Vol. 4-6 June, 1987:#III-11, p. 65. 151. Tornout Jv, Nesbit M, Robison L, Langevin T, Mormont M-C, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. Circannual aspects of Ewing's sarcoma. Chronobiologia. Vol. 14, 1987:249. 152. Scheving L, Tsai T, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. Methylene blue markedly protects mice from radiationinduced tissue injury and lethality, especially during the activity phase of the circadian cycle. 2nd Intl Conf, Anticarcinogenesis and Radiation Protection, Gaithersburg, MD. Vol. 8-12 March, 1987. 153. Sothern R, Kanabrocki E, Seidel J, Osis D, Kaplan E, Marks G, Olwin J, Halberg F, Hrushesky W. Circadian and circannual modulation of aging-related increase in human urinary calcium and zinc excretion. Chronobiologia. Vol. 14, 1987:242-243. 154. Rabatin J, Bowers L, Canafax D, Cipolle R, Hrushesky W. Circadian characteristics of cyclosporine pharmacokinetics in pancreas transplant patients. Chronobiologia. Vol. 14, 1987:222. 155. Ratajczak H, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. Estral milieu at the time of resection of primary tumor determines the metastatic potential of an estrogen receptor-bearing murine cancer. Proc AACR. Vol. 28, 1987:281. 156. Ratajczak H, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. Correlation of metastatic potential with vaginal smear at time of primary tumor removal. Chronobiologia. Vol. 14, 1987:223. 157. Rabatin J, Roemeling R, Lycka B, Hrushesky W. Toxic epidermal necrolysis following relapse of metastatic renal cell cancer after successful infusional chemotherapy. American College of Physicians, Minnesota Regional Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Vol. 6-7 Nov., 1987. 158. Roemeling R, Rabatin J, Kennedy B, Hrushesky W. Circadian shaping of hepatic-arterial FUDR infusion (HAI) reduces or prevents severe liver toxicity. Chronobiologia. Vol. 14, 1987:227. 159. Roemeling Rv, Mormont M-C, Walker K, Olshefski R, Langevin T, Rabatin J, Wick M, Hrushesky W. Cancer control depends upon the circadian shape of continuous FUDR infusion. Proc AACR. Vol. 28, 1987. 160. Ratajczak H, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. Interrelationship of murine mammary adenocarcinoma and cellularity of vaginal smears. FASEB Proceedings, 1987:#3968. 161. Roemeling R, Hrushesky W. Circadian shaping of FUDR infusion reduces toxicity even at high-dose intensity. Proc ASCO. Vol. 7, 1987:170. 162. Hrushesky W. Improving the efficacy of ovarian cancer chemotherapy by stipulating drug timing (circadian), sequence and dose interval. Gordon Research Conference, Boston, MA. Vol. 28 June-5 July, 1987. 163. Hrushesky W. Circadian scheduling of chemotherapy increases ovarian patient survival and cancer responses significantly. Proc ASCO. Vol. 7, 1987:473. 164. Hrushesky W, Roemeling R, Rabatin J. Circadian shaping of FUDR infusion reduces toxicity even at higher dose intensity. Proc ECCO-4, 1987:41 (#157). Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 47 165. Hrushesky W, Langevin T, Nygaard S, Young J, Roemeling R. Circadian stipulation required for reduction of variability in TNF toxicity/efficacy. Intl Conf, Tumor Necrosis Factor and Related Cytotoxins, Heidelberg. Vol. 14-18 Sept., 1987. 166. Langevin T, Roemeling R, Mulligan J, Mormont M-C, Walker K, Tornout Jv, Hrushesky W. Automatic, time-qualified infusion of complex, multi-agent therapy with the Intelliject pump. Proc ASCO. Vol. 7, 1987:1070. 167. Hrushesky W, Young J. The toxicity and efficacy of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) are markedly circadian stage dependent. Gordon Research Conference, Boston, MA. Vol. 28 June-5 July, 1987. 168. Hrushesky W, Roemeling R, Fraley E. Long-term control of locally advanced transitional cell bladder cancer (TCCB) by high-dose intensity, circadian-based adjuvant chemotherapy. Proc 5th Intl Conf, Adjuvant Therapy of Cancer, Tucson, AZ. Vol. 11-14 March, 1987:p. 40, #27. 169. Langevin T, Young J, Walker K, Roemeling R, Nygaard S, Hrushesky W. The toxicity of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is reproducibly different at specific times of day. Proc AACR. Vol. 28, 1987:281. 170. Hrushesky W, Roemeling R, Rabatin J, Fraley E. Continuous FUDR infusion is effective in progressive renal cell cancer (RCC). Proc ASCO. Vol. 7, 1987:425. 171. Hrushesky W, Roemeling R, Rabatin J. Circadian shaped continuous FUDR infusion is effective treatment for progressive renal cell cancer (RCC). Intl Symp, Status of Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma, Vienna, Austria. Vol. 13-14 March, 1987:18. 172. Hrushesky W, Roemeling R, Rabatin J, Fraley E. Effective, safe outpatient treatment for progressive metastatic renal cell cancer (RCC). Proc ASCO. Vol. 7(515), 1988:133. 173. Fischel R, Gruber S, Cahill D, Canafax D, Cipolle R, Erdmann G, Hrushesky W, Najarian J, Ascher N. Immunologic monitoring of local immunosuppression in a canine renal allograft model. FASEB Journal. Vol. 2:5, 1988:20 March. 174. Roemeling R, Rabatin J, Tuchman M, Buchi K, Moore J, Hrushesky W. Circadian timing and mode of fluoropyrimidine administration markedly impact organ-specific toxicity and maximal dose intensity. 3rd Intl Conf of Chronopharmacology, Nice, France. Vol. 14-17 March, 1988. 175. Roemeling R, Hrushesky W. Randomized toxicity and dose intensity (DI) comparison of constant rate infusion vs. circadian modified continuous FUDR infusion. Proc ASCO. Vol. 7(256), 1988:67. 176. Ratajczak H, Thomas P, Heck D, Vollmuth T, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. Seasonal variation of murine antibody formation and host resistance. FASEB, 1988. 177. Hrushesky W. Automatic chronotherapy: an integral part of the future of medicine. Cardiostim 6th Intl Congress, Monaco. Vol. 15-18 June, 1988. 178. Hrushesky W. Drug patterning in toxicity and efficacy. AAPS 4th Japanese-American Conf on Pharmaceutics, San Francisco, CA. Vol. July, 1988. 179. Roemeling R, Sothern R, Langevin T, Popovich J, Haus R, Hrushesky W. Mitomycin-C toxicity depends upon the time of day of injection. Proc AACR. Vol. 29(2028), 1988:510. 180. Roemeling R, Rabatin J, Lanning R, Hrushesky W. Circadian timing rather than quasi-intermittency determines FUDR toxicity at equal dose intensity (DI). Cardiostim 6th Intl Congress, Monaco. Vol. 15-18 June, 1988. 181. Ratajczak H, Thomas P, Vollmuth T, Heck D, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. Seasonal variations of host resistance and in vitro antibody formation of spleen cells from the B6C3F1 mouse. 3rd Intl Conf of Chronopharmacology, Nice, France. Vol. 14-17 March, 1988. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 48 182. Gruber S, Hrushesky W, Canafax D, Simmons R, Matas A. Pharmacokinetic advantage of intra-arterial 6mercaptopurine in a novel canine renal allograft model. American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL. Vol. Oct., 1988. 183. Haus E, Nicolau G, Hrushesky W. Chronobiology of cell proliferation and cancer. Gerontology Meeting, Romania. Vol. June, 1988. 184. Tuchman M, Roemeling R, Lanning R, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. Variability of dehydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) activity in human blood mononuclear cells. 3rd Intl Conf of Chronopharmacology, Nice, France. Vol. 14-17 March, 1988. 185. Gruber S, Hrushesky W, Canafax D, Simmons R, Matas A. Development of a novel canine renal allograft model to study the pharmacokinetic advantage of local immunosuppression. XII Intl Congress of the Transplantation Society, Australia. Vol. August, 1988. 186. Wood P, Nygaard S, Hrushesky W. Cisplatin-induced anemia is correctable with erythropoietin. Blood. Vol. 72, 1988:529. 187. Haus E, Hrushesky W, Lakatua D, Nicolau G. Chronopharmacology in oncology. Gerontology Meeting, Romania. Vol. June, 1988. 188. Hrushesky W, Simmons R. Metastatic potential and splenocyte NK activity are each estral stage dependent. Natural and Immunity Cell Growth Regulation. Vol. #47 Jan./Feb., 1988:53. 189. Sothern R, Halberg F, Hrushesky W. Persistence of doxorubicin susceptibility rhythm for mice in constant light: circadian stage vs. time of day. 3rd Intl Conf of Chronopharmacology, Nice, France. Vol. 14-17 March, 1988. 190. Gruber S, Cipolle R, Canafax D, Rabatin J, Erdmann G, Hynes P, Ritz J, Gould F, Hrushesky W. Circadianshaped intrarenal cyclosporine delivery. 3rd Intl Conf of Chronopharmacology, Nice, France. Vol. 14-17 March, 1988. 191. Tornout Jv, Lanning R, Bostrom B, Somani S, Nesbit M, Hrushesky W. Feasibility, safety and accuracy of a computerized portable automated IV delivery system for antibiotics and chemotherapy. ISCSO, Brussels, Belgium. Vol. 23-25 Aug., 1988. 192. Tornout Jv, ME Nesbit J, Bostrom B, Ramsay N, Somani S, Roemeling Rv, Langevin T, Hrushesky W. Feasibility, safety and accuracy of an automated drug delivery system in a pediatric bone marrow transplant (BMT) setting. Proc ASCO. Vol. 7(1137), 1988:293. 193. Gruber S, Hrushesky W, Canafax D, Simmons R, Matas A. Pharmacokinetic advantage of local 6mercaptopurine (6-MP) in a novel canine renal allograft model. Assoc Acad Surg, 22nd annual meeting. Vol. 27 May, 1988. 194. Langevin T, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. The toxicity of mitomycin-c is circadian stage dependent. 3rd Intl Conf of Chronopharmacology, Nice, France. Vol. 14-17 March, 1988. 195. Lanning R, Roemeling R, Becicka L, Mulligan J, Echo Dv, Hrushesky W. Circadian based, biochemically optimized infusional chemotherapy for poorly responsive cancers: a phase I-II study. ISCSO, Brussels, Belgium. Vol. 23-25 Aug., 1988. 196. Kanabrocki E, Sothern R, Scheving L, Vesely D, Tsai T, Shelstad J, Greco J, Bushnell D, Kaplan E, Rumbyrt J, Sturtevant R, Sturtevant F, Olwin J, Hrushesky W. Circadian reference data including prohormone atrial natriuretic peptides for men in fifth decade of life. XIX Intl Conf, Intl Soc Chronobiol, Bethesda, MD. Vol. 20-24 June, 1989:#10-27-P27. 197. Sothern R, Voegele M, Mattson O, Hrushesky W. A chronobiological statistical package for personal computer. XIX Intl Conf, Intl Soc Chronobiol, Bethesda, MD. Vol. 20-24 June, 1989:#14-2-P2. 198. Hrushesky W, Sothern R, Levi F, Olshefski R, Lanning D, Berestka J, Gruber S. Circadian timing, anatomic location and dose of tumor cell inoculum each affect tumor biology. Proc AACR. Vol. #323, 1989. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 49 199. Schraufek S, Sothern R, Voegele M, Ainsworth B, Serfass R, Leon A, Hrushesky W. Enhancement of respiratory sinus arrhythmia by moderate exercise. XIX Intl Conf, Intl Soc Chronobiol, Bethesda, MD. Vol. 20-24 June, 1989:#F13-5-P5. 200. Swoyer J, Rhame F, Hrushesky W, Sackett-Lundeen L, Sothern R, Haus E. Circadian rhythm alterations in HIV infected subjects. XIX Intl Conf, Intl Soc Chronobiol, Bethesda, MD. Vol. 20-24 June, 1989:#2-17-P17. 201. Sothern R, Rhame F, Suarez C, Haus E, Hrushesky W. Oral temperature rhythmometry in human immunodeficiency. XIX Intl Conf, Intl Soc Chronobiol, Bethesda, MD. Vol. 20-24 June, 1989:#2-18-P18. 202. Gonzalez J, Sothern R, Thatcher G, Nguyen N, Hrushesky W. Substantial difference in timing of murine circadian susceptibility to 5-fluororacil and FUDR. Proc AACR. Vol. #2452, 1989. 203. Teslow T, Hrushesky W, Ashkenazi I. ChronoBioNet: a new facility for society communications. XIX Intl Conf on Chronobiol, Bethesda, MD. Vol. 20-24 June, 1989:#14-4-P4. 204. Roemeling R, Lanning R, DeConti R, Hrushesky W. Longterm intermittent FUDR delivery by implantable programmable pump. Proc Second Conf on the Clinical Applications of Concomitant Infusion Chemotherapy and Radiation, SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, NY. Vol. 6-8 April, 1989:7 [proffered abstract #1]. 205. Bellamy N, Sothern R, Campbell J, Hrushesky W. Circadian and circaseptan rhythms in perceived pain levels in osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. XIX Intl Conf, Intl Soc Chronobiol, Bethesda, MD. Vol. 20-24 June, 1989:#4-1-P1. 206. Roemeling R, Sothern R, Fudin J, Fukuda E, Hrushesky W. FUDR pharmacokinetics at different circadian stages. Proc Satellite Symposium on Chronopharmacology, Berlin, GDR. Vol. 30-31 July, 1989:34. 207. Hrushesky W, Sothern R, Boon M, Rietveld P, Rietveld W. Incidence of cervical cancer, premalignant changes and cytological evidence of papilloma virus infection are each seasonal. Proc AACR. Vol. #1251, 1989. 208. Hrushesky W, Lanning R, Roemeling R, Fraley E, Wesen C, Grage T. Circadian modified FUDR infusion controls progressive metastatic renal cell cancer (RCC). Proc ASCO. Vol. #520, 1989. 209. Hrushesky W. Temporal control of drug delivery. Proceed Intern Symp Control Rel Bioact Mater, Controlled Release Society. Vol. 16, 1989:#15. 210. Hrushesky W. Cancer chronotherapy: a drug delivery challenge. Conf in Clinical Chronobiology, Washington, DC. Vol. 20 June, 1989. 211. Roemeling R, Fukuda E, Fudin J, Mormont M-C, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. Are FUDR pharmacokinetics circadian stage dependent? Proc AACR. Vol. #2345, 1989. 212. Wesen C, Olson G, Roemeling R, Grage, Hrushesky W. Circadian modified intra-arterial treatment of colorectal carcinoma metastatic to the liver allows higher dose intensity to be safely given. Proc ASCO. Vol. #406, 1989. 213. Lanning R, Roemeling R, Hrushesky W. Cost-effective complex multi-drug infusional home chemotherapy. World Congress on Home Care, Rome, Italy. Vol. 14-16 March, 1989. 214. Lanning R, Hrushesky W. Outpatient chronotherapy by implantable infusion pump is less costly than flat delivery by external pump. XIX Intl Conf, Intl Soc Chronobiol, Bethesda, MD. Vol. 20-24 June, 1989:#9-2P2. 215. Pray J, Sothern R, Hrushesky W. Severity of clinical myelotoxicity depends upon the circadian timing and season of cancer chemotherapy. XIX Intl Conf, Intl Soc Chronobiol, Bethesda, MD. Vol. 20-24 June, 1989. 216. Lanning R, Rabatin J, Roemeling R, Wesen C, Grage T, Hrushesky W. Outpatient chemotherapy pump implantation is safe and cost effective. Proc ASCO. Vol. #570, 1989. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 50 217. Bluming A, Gruber S, Hrushesky W. Timing of primary breast cancer surgery relative to menstrual cycle may affect prognosis. Proc ASCO. Vol. #104, 1989. 218. Rhame F, Sothern R, Haus E, Fletcher C, Sackett-Lundeen L, Hrushesky W. Substantial within-day variation in zidovudine levels following steady-state dosing in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. XIX Intl Conf, Intl Soc Chronobiol, Bethesda, MD. Vol. 20-24 June, 1989:#2-9-P9. 219. Rhame F, Sothern R, Sackett-Lundeen L, Suarez C, Hrushesky W, Haus E. Aberrant circadian physiologic, immune and endocrine rhythms in HIV-infected individuals. V International Conference on AIDS, Montreal Canada. Vol. June, 1989:#W.C.P. 81. 220. Tornout Jv, Nesbit M, Bostrom B, Ramsay N, Somani S, Palacio K, Bulger C, Hrushesky W. Computerized delivery of intravenous chemotherapy to pediatric patients. Proc AACR. Vol. #1104, 1989. 221. Grage T, Wesen C, Hrushesky W. Circadian modification of hepatic intra-arterial FUDR infusion. ICRCT ‘89 Berchtesgaden, June 5-7, 1989. 222. Wesen C, Grage T, Hrushesky W. Reduced hepatic toxicity with circadian modification of intra-arterial FUDR in patients with colorectal carcinoma metastatic to the liver. Satellite Symp on Clinical Pharmacology and Therpeutics, Berlin, July 30-31, 1989. 223. Roemeling R, Levi F, Diasio R, Hrushesky W. Circadian time dependencies in toxicity of anticancer drugs. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. Vol. 116 (suppl., part II), 1990:1072 (#16.20.03). 224. Roemeling R, Hrushesky W, McDowell R, DeConti R. Maximally tolerated FUDR dose (MTD) and maximal dose intensity (MDI): a randomized pilot study comparing two opposite circadian schedules. Cardiostim 90, Nice, France. Vol. 20-24 June, 1990:[abstract #883]. 225. Wood P, Peña SSdl, Hrushesky W. Circadian dependency of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) response in the mouse. Proc AACR [abstract #471], 1990. 226. Taylor G, Herzog C, Hrushesky W. Indirect non-invasive quasi-instantaneous evaluation of diastolic cardiac function using quantitative analyses of the respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA). Cardiostim 90, Nice, France. Vol. 20-24 June, 1990:[abstract #60]. 227. Hrushesky W, Roemeling R. Circadian floxuridine infusion improves its therapeutic index. Cardiostim 90, Nice, France. Vol. 20-24 June, 1990:[abstract #882]. 228. Roemeling R, Hrushesky W, Remick S, Horton J, Harper G, DeConti R. Continuous intravenous, variable rate FUDR infusion: A randomized pilot study comparing two circadian schedules for toxicity and maximally tolerated dose intensity. Proc ASCO [abstract #329] 1990. 229. Hrushesky W, Roemeling R. Circadian floxuridine infusion improves its therapeutic index. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. Vol. 116 (suppl., part II), 1990:925 (#10.06.06). 230. Roemeling R, Salzer M, Connerty M, DeMaria L, Wood P, Portuese E, Sanchez S, DeConti R, Chikkappa G, Pasquale D, Ferro T, Hrushesky W. Circadian stage dependent response to IL-2 bioactivity in mouse spleen and bone marrow. Proc AACR. Vol. #1571, 1990. 231. Fader D, Taylor G, Hrushesky W. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia amplitude fall adumbrates doxorubicininduced congestive heart failure. Cardiostim 90, Nice, France. Vol. 20-24 June, 1990:[abstract #689]. 232. Lanning R, Hrushesky W. Cost comparison of wearable and implantable drug delivery systems. Proc ASCO [abstract #1244], 1990. 233. DeConti R, France K, Velaardi M, Krause S, Hrushesky W, Roemeling R. Variable rate, circadian infusions of FUDR by portable programmable Parker micro-pump: Feasibility and safety. Proc ASCO [abstract #1301], 1990. 234. Schraufek S, Taylor G, Ainsworth B, Hrushesky W. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia quantifies aerobic training capacity. Cardiostim 90, Nice, France. Vol. 20-24 June, 1990:[abstract #868]. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 51 235. Wood P, Martynowicz M, Peña SSdl, Chang C, Hrushesky W. Circadian erythropoietin pharmacodynamics. Blood. Vol. 70, 1991:16a. 236. Wood P, Peña SSdl, Martynowicz M, Markiewicz M, Hrushesky W. Circadian biodynamics of erythropoiesis. Amer J Kidney Diseases. Vol. 18:4, 1991:108 [8-9 Feb.]. 237. Buchi K, Moore J, Hrushesky W, Sothern R, Rubin N. Circadian rhythm of cellular proliferation in the human rectal mucosa. Gastroenterology. Vol. 101, 1991:410-415. 238. Markiewicz M, Markiewicz A, Martynowicz M, Hrushesky W. Programmable (micro) infusors and their clinical applications. First Meeting of the Monitored Therapy Society, Wenecja, Poland. Vol. 31 May-1 June, 1991:[abstract #36]. 239. Roemeling R, Fisher H, DeConti R, Horton J, Wilbur H, Hrushesky W, Ruckdeschel J. Continuous FUDR infusion for hormone refractory prostate cancer: a phase I/II study. Proc Amer Clic Oncol. Vol. 10:171, 1991:abstract #547. 240. Salas A, Rábago M, Sánchez P, García-Saénz M, Hrushesky W, Peña SSdl. Chronoelectrophoretic individual assessment of human serum proteins. 20th Intl Conf on Chronobiology, Tel Aviv, Israel. Vol. 16-21 June, 1991. 241. Peña SSdl, Wood P, Martyniwicz M, Markiewicz M, Meacham C, Hrushesky W. Reinforcement of the circadian organization of erythropoiesis by bleeding and/or erythropoietin (EPO) administration. Amer J Kidney Diseases. Vol. 18:4, 1991:108 [8-9 Feb.]. 242. Hrushesky W, Martynowicz M, Peña SSdl, Wood P. Erythropoietin (EPO) modulation of tumor growth. Blood. Vol. 70, 1991:427a. 243. Hrushesky W, Wood P, Peña SSdl, Martynowicz M, Markiewicz M, Meacham C. Paradoxical hematocrit (HCT) fall after erythropoietin (EPO). Amer J Kidney Diseases. Vol. 18:4, 1991:108 [8-9 Feb.]. 244. Peña SSdl, Wood P, Martynowicz M, Markiewicz M, Hrushesky W. Circadian female mouse hematocrit changes by serially independent bleeding and erythropoietin administration. 20th Intl Conf on Chronobiology, Tel Aviv, Israel. Vol. 16-21 June, 1991:[abstract 15.21]. 245. Peña SSdl, Hrushesky W. Circadian chronomodulation by interleukin-2 of survival time and tumor growth in the mouse. 20th Intl Conf on Chronobiology, Tel Aviv, Israel. Vol. 16-21 June, 1991:[abstract 15.25]. 246. Martynovicz M, Blumenstock F, Celle PL, Vyzula R, Cope F, Hrushesky W. Stool albumin content adumbrates fluoropyrimidine induced gut damage. Proc AACR. Vol. 33, 1992. 247. Martynovicz M, Wood P, Peña SSdl, Vyzula R, Wighton T, Hrushesky W. Circadian coordination of hemopoietic and oncopoietic erythropoietin (EPO) pharmacodynamic. SRBR. Vol. 6-10 May, 1992:140(93). 248. Vyzula R, Wighton T, Traynor K, Martynovicz M, Peña S, Wood P, Hrushesky W. Comparative circadian organization of the myelopoetic and unexpected oncomodulatory effects of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). ICCC. Vol. 12-16 July, 1992. 249. Whitaker J, Vyzula R, Clooney M, Abruzzese M, Peña S, Wood P, Hrushesky W. Fertility cycle timing of cytotoxic therapy affects subsequent fertility. 15th San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Vol. 8-10 Dec., 1992:23(8):132. 250. Whitaker J, Vyzula R, Clooney M, Abruzzese M, Peña S, Wood P, Hrushesky W. Fertility cycle phase of cytotoxic therapy affects subsequent fertility. Intl Conf of Chronopharmacology and Chronotherapeutics. Vol. July, 1992. 251. Wood P, Martynowicz M, Peña SSdl, Hrushesky W. Circadian coordination of hemopoietic and oncopoietic erythropoietin (EPO) pharmacodynamics. Intl Conf of Chronopharmacology and Chronotherapeutics. Vol. 1216 July, 1992. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 52 252. Vyzula R, Wighton T, Traynor K, Martynovicz M, Peña S, Wood P, Hrushesky W. Comparative circadian organization of the myelopoetic and unexpected oncomodulatory effects of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). SRBR. Vol. 6-10 May, 1992:139(93). 253. Larkin T, Whittaker S, Peña SSdl, Gruen T, Kazlausky T, Hrushesky W. Use of circadian activity pattern to objectify performance status (quality of life) estimation. ICCC. Vol. 12-16 July, 1992. 254. Peña SSdl, Wood P, Vyzula R, Wighton T, Martynovicz M, Hrushesky W. Ability of ACTH, corticosterone and melatonin to affect circadian IL-2 anti-cancer pharmacodynamics. SRBR. Vol. 6-10 May, 1992:138(92). 255. Hrushesky W. Applications of chronopharmacology to cancer medicine. AACC, Chicago. Vol. 20 July, 1992:38(6):1130. 256. Hrushesky W. Menstrual cycle biodynamics of breast cancer-host balance. ICCC. Vol. 12-16 July, 1992. 257. Hrushesky W. Menstrual cycle biodynamics of breast cancer-host balance. CTRC. Vol. 8-10 Dec., 1992:23(3):131. 258. Roemeling R, Martynowicz M, Peña SSdl, Hrushesky W. Diurnal variations of prostatic specific antigen (PSA) plasma levels in hormone-refractory prostate cancer patients. ICCC. Vol. 12-16 July, 1992. 259. Hrushesky W, Peña SSdl, Wood P, Marynovicz M, Wighton T, Lobo S, Vyzula R. Heterogeneity of interleukin-2 therapeutic activity. Proc AACR. Vol. 33, 1992:300. 260. Hrushesky W, Martynowicz M, Peña SSdl, Wood P. Erythropoietin (EPO) tumor growth modulation. Proc AACR. Vol. 33, 1992:269. 261. Peña SSdl, Hrushesky W, Vyzula R, Lobo S, Wood P. Circadian dependent interleukin-2 tumor growth interaction is favorably modulated by melatonin. Intl Conf of Chronopharmacology and Chronotherapeutics. Vol. 12-16 July, 1992. 262. Tzannis S, Pryzbycien T, Hrushesky W, Abruzzese M, Wood P. The interaction of formulated interleukin-2 solutions with delivery device surfaces. Proc AACR. Vol. 34, 1993:376. 263. Abruzzese B, D'amico S, Green A, Sothern R, Ataya D, Hrushesky W, Richards E, Cope F. Effect of a low carbohydrate formula on circadian glycemic control and lipids in elderly patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) receiving total enternal nutrition support. Diabetes. Vol. Proc Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 28 March-1 April, 1993:(4888-4839):4891. 264. Wood P, Peace D, Hrushesky W. Endogenous erythropoiesis and erythropoietin responsiveness are circadian time dependent. Blood. Vol. 82(10), 1993:225a. 265. Wood P, Peace D, Hrushesky W. Endogenous erythropoiesis and erythropoietin responsiveness are circadian time dependent. American Society of Hematology, St. Louis, MI. Vol. 3-7 Dec., 1993. 266. Peña SSdl, Hrushesky W, Wood P, Vyzula R. Host-tumor balance depends upon IL-2 circadian timing. Proc AACR. Vol. 34, 1993:57. 267. Vyzula R, Hrushesky W, Wood P, Abruzzese M, Borhan-Manesh A, Johnston W, Peña S. Female fertility cycle phase at cytotoxic treatment determines subsequent sexual dysfunction, infertility, and myelotoxicity. Proc AACR. Vol. 34, 1993:255. 268. Vyzula R, Hrushesky W, Wood P, Abruzzese M, Borhan-Manesh A, Peña SSdl. Fertility cycle timing of 5FU determines the severity of its hematologic toxicity. Proc Int Soc Chronobiology. Vol. July, 1993. 269. Wood P, Vyzula R, Abruzzese M, Peace D, Peña SSdl, Hrushesky W. Erythropoietin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are circadian stage dependent. Proc Int Soc Chronobiology. Vol. July, 1993. 270. Hrushesky W. Enhancing breast cancer cure in young women. Proc Discoveries for America's Veterans, White River Junction VAM & ROC, VT. Vol. 3 June, 1993. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 53 271. Hrushesky W, Bjarnason G, Harris J, Marsh R, Diasio R, Huben R, Anderson J, Peterson J, Lokich J, Hivnor T, Cope F. Fluoropyrimidine circadian continuous infusion shape affects its toxicity profile. La Société Internationale de Chronobiologie, Proc VII-5, Québec, Canada. Vol. 11-15 July, 1993. 272. Hrushesky W, Wood P, Abruzzese M, Borhan-Manesh A, Peña SSdl. Fertility cycle timing of 5-FU determines the severity of its hematologic toxicity. La Société Internationale de Chronobiologie, Proc VII-7, Québec, Canada. Vol. 11-15 July, 1993. 273. Hrushesky W. Does breast cancer resection timing within the menstrual cycle impact curability: a metaanalysis. ASCO, Orlando, FL. Vol. 16-18 May, 1993:201. 274. Hrushesky W. Menstrual cycle biodynamics of breast cancer. La Société Internationale de Chronobiologie, Proc VII-8, Québec, Canada. Vol. 11-15 July, 1993. 275. Hrushesky W. Fertility cycle modulation of the host-cancer balance. La Société Internationale de Chronobiologie, Proc XII-9, Québec, Canada. Vol. 11-15 July, 1993. 276. Hrushesky W, Bjarnason G, Harris J, Marsh R, Diasio R, Huben R, Anderson J, Peterson J, Lokich J, Cope F. Circadian synchrony and stability: is time of day cancer treatment meaningful? La Société Internationale de Chronobiologie, Proc VII-9, Québec, Canada. Vol. 11-15 July, 1993. 277. Hrushesky W. Fluoropyrimidine circadian chronopharmacodynamics. Fourth Intl Congress on Anti-Cancer Chemotherapy, Paris. Vol. 2-5 Feb., 1993:29. 278. Hrushesky W, Bjarnason G, Harris J, Marsh R, Diasio R, Huben R, Anderson J, Peterson J, Lokich J, Cope F. Circadian synchrony and stability: is time of day cancer treatment meaningful? ASCO, Orlando, FL. Vol. 16-18 May, 1993:1600. 279. Hrushesky W. Sex and cancer drug and therapy development. Amer Assoc of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Vol. 40, 1993:14-18 Nov. 280. Hrushesky W, Bjarnason G, Harris J, Marsh R, Diasio R, Huben R, Anderson J, Peterson J, Lokich J, Hivnor T, Cope F. Fluoropyrimidine circadian continuous infusion shape affects its toxicity profile. ASCO, Orlando, FL. Vol. 16-18 May, 1993:781. 281. Hrushesky W. Predictable within individual temporal variability and clinical trial design. Clinical Trials in Oncology: Improving Their Design and Analysis, Toronto, Ontario, Oct. 28-30, 1993. 282. Wood P, Peace D, Hrushesky W. Circadian organization and response of the erythron. J Cell Biochem suppl. Vol. 18A:A313, 1994. 282. Vyzula R, Wood P, Peace D, Troha T, Mann G, Hrushesky W. Pharmacodynamics are affected by both fertility and circadian time structures. Soc Res Biol Rhythms. Vol. 4-8 May, 1994. 283. Vyzula R, Wood P, Peace D, Troha T, Mann G, Hrushesky W. Cytotoxic impact upon the fertility cycle stage of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) exposure. Soc Res Biol Rhythms. Vol. May, 1994. 284. Przybycien T, Tzannis S, Hrushesky W, Wood P. Does formulated interleukin-2 retain full activity during delivery by continuous infusion? Colorado Protein Stability Conference, 1994. 285. Hrushesky W. Principles of cancer chronotherapy. SRBR, Amelia Island, FL. Vol. 4-8 May, 1994. 286. Hrushesky W. The demands of predictable multi-frequency and chao-periodic biology upon drug delivery system specifications. SRBR, Amelia Is, FL. Vol. 5-9 July, 1994. 287. Bjarnason G, Hrushesky W, Diasio R, Harris J, Marsh R, Huben R, Lokich J, Anderson J. Flat versus circadian modified 14 day infusion of FUDR for advanced renal cell cancer (RCC): a phase-III study. ASCO, Dallas, TX. Vol. 14-17 May, 1994. 288. Hrushesky W. The menstrual cycle and the buidynamics of the balance between host and breast cancer. SRBR, Amelia Is, FL. Vol. 4-8 May, 1994. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 54 289. Wood P, Peace D, Troha T, Mann G, Hrushesky W. Efficacy of chronic erythropoietin dependent upon the time of day of its administration. Exp Hematol. Vol. 22, 1994:704. 290. Tzannis S, Przybycien T, Hrushesky W, Wood P. Protein-surface interactions lead to incomplete delivery of interleukin-2 with an infusion pump/catheter system. Proceedings Intl Symposia Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials. Vol. 21, 1994:361-362. 291. Hrushesky W. Applications of chronobiology to cancer medicine. White River Junction VA Meeting, 1994. 292. Hrushesky W. Menstrual cycle-surgery-breast cancer-woman interactions: Is it time for a paradigm shift? Lancet conference, London, England, 1994. 293. Hrushesky W. Circadian cancer therapy. 1st Annual European-American Conf on Gastrointestinal Oncology, Bordeaux, France, Sept. 22-24, 1994. 294. Wood P, Peace D, Torosoff M, Vyzula R, Hrushesky W. Can optimal circadian timing of 5-fluorouracil improve the therapeutic index? Biological Rhythm Research. Vol. 26, 1995:460. 295. Wood P, Peace D, Torosoff M, Vyzula R, Hrushesky W. Can optimal circadian timing of 5-fluorouracil improve the therapeutic index? World Conference on Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics, Ferarra, Italy. Vol. 6-10 Sept., 1995. 296. Wood P, Peace D, Hrushesky W. Circadian dependence of erythropoietin response. Biological Rhythm Research. Vol. 26, 1995:459. 297. Wood P, Peace D, Hrushesky W. Circadian dependent coordination of normal hematopoiesis varies with lieage type and level of differentiation. World Conference on Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics, Ferrara, Italy. Vol. 6-10 Sept., 1995. 298. Wood P, Peace D, Hrushesky W. Circadian dependence of erythropoietin response. World Conference on Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics, Ferarra, Italy. Vol. 6-10 Sept., 1995. 299. Wood P, Peace D, Hrushesky W. Circadian dependent coordination of normal hematopoiesis varies with lineage type and level of differentiation. Biological Rhythm Research. Vol. 26, 1995:459. 300. Wood P, Peace D, Torrosof M, Hrushesky W. Circadian dependence of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) anticancer activity. J Investigative Medicine. Vol. 43, 1995:371A. 301. Wood P, Peace D, Torrosov M, Vyzula R, Hrushesky W. Optimal circadian timing of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) improves anti-cancer activity and normal host toxicity and hence therapeutic index. J Investigative Medicine. Vol. 43, 1995:371A. 302. Wood P, Peace D, Torosoff M, Vyzula R, Hrushesky W. Optimal circadian timing of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) improves anticancer activity and normal host toxicity and hence therapeutic index. The Physiologist. Vol. 38(3), 1995:A-31. 303. Hrushesky W, Langevin T, Kim Y, Wood P. Circadian dynamics of tumor necrosis factor (cachetin) lethality. World Conference on Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics, Ferrara, Italy. Vol. 6-10 Sept., 1995. 304. Bjarnason G, Marsh R, Chu N, Hrushesky W, Kerr I. Phase-II study of 5-fluorouracil and leukovorin by a 14-day circadian infusion in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. World Chronobiology Conference, Ferarra, Italy. Vol. 4-9 Sept., 1995. 305. Hrushesky W, Torosoff M, Peace D, Gupta H, Mann G, Wood P. Fertility cycle modulation of cancer biology. World Conference on Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics, Ferrara, Italy. Vol. 6-10 Sept., 1995. 306. Bjarnason G, Hrushesky W, Marsh R, Diasio R, Harris J, Huben R, Lokich J, Dugan W, Anderson J. Flat versus time modified 14-day infusion of FUDR for advanced renal cell cancer: a phase-III study. World Conference on Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics, Ferarra, Italy. Vol. 6-10 Sept., 1995. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 55 307. Hrushesky W, Torrosov M, Gupta H, Mann G, Vyzula R, Wood P. Fertility cycle modulation of the breast cancer balance. Proc AACR. Vol. 36, 1995:256. 308. Hrushesky W, Wood P. Breast cancer and the menstrual cycle. World Conference on Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics, Ferrara, Italy. Vol. 6-10 Sept., 1995. 309. Hrushesky W, Torosov M, Gupta H, Mann G, Wood P. Modulation of host breast cancer balance by the fertility cycle. American Physiological Society, 1995. 310. Hrushesky W, Wood P. Breast cancer and the menstrual cycle. Biological Rhythm Research. Vol. 26, 1995:402. 311. Hrushesky W, Langevin T, Kim Y, Wood P. Circadian dynamics of tumor necrosis factor (cachectin) lethality. Biological Rhythm Research. Vol. 26, 1995:402. 312. Hrushesky W, Torosoff M, Gupta M, Wood P. Modulation of host breast cancer balance by the fertility cycle. The Physiologist. Vol. 38(3), 1995:A-32. 313. Hrushesky W, Torosoff M, Peace D, Gupta H, Mann G, Wood P. Fertility cycle modulation of cancer biology. Biological Rhythm Research. Vol. 26, 1995:402. 314. Torossov M, Hrushesky W, Gupta H, Mann G, Vyzula R, Wood P. Fertility cycle dependent tumor growth non-linearity unmasked. Proc AACR. Vol. 36, 1995:38. 315. Hrushesky W, Torosoff M, Gupta G, Mann G, Vyzula R, Wood P. Fertility cycle modulation of the host breast cancer balance. Proc AACR. Vol. 36, 1995:256. 316. Hrushesky W, Peace D, Wood P. Circadian timing of tumor necrosis factor alpha determines its therapeutic index. Proc AACR. Vol. 37, 1996:485. 317. Hrushesky W, Peace D, Wood P. Fertility cycle modulation of breast cancer growth. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. Vol. 41(3), 1996:272. 318. Bjarnason G, Marsh R, Chu N, Hrushesky W, Kerr I. Phase-II study of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and leucovorin (LV) by a 14 day circadian infusion in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Proc ASCO, 1996. 319. Hrushesky W, Wood P, Bluming A. Optimal timing of breast cancer surgery. Chemotherapy Foundation Symposium XIV Innovative Cancer Chemotherapy for Tomorrow, November 6-8, 1996:55-56. 320. Hrushesky W. Breast cancer, timing of surgery, and the menstrual cycle: Call for prospective trial. Cell Proliferation Society conference, March 1997, Baltimore, Maryland. 321. Wood P, Hrushesky W. Circadian rhythms and cancer chemotherapy. Cell Proliferation Society conference, March 1997, Baltimore, Maryland. 322. Wood P, Hrushesky W. Fertility cycle phase affects 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) antitumor efficacy and toxicity. Proc AACR, 1997. 323. Wood P, Hrushesky W, Klevecz R. Early and late S phase initiation in marrow is circadian time dependent. Proc AACR, 1997. 324. Hrushesky W, Wood P. Human circadian rhythms in antifolate and fluoropyrimidine developmental therapeutics. 11th Inter Symp Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines and Folates, June 1997, Berchtesgaen, Germany. 325. Wood P, Hrushesky W, Galivan J. Glutamyl hydrolase activity in murine serum and tissues varies with circadian time. 11th Inter Symp Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines and Folates, June 1997, Berchtesgaen, Germany. 326. Hrushesky W, Lannin D, Haus E. Clinical evidence for an ontogenetic basis for circadian coordination of cancer cell proliferation. International Congress on Chronobiology, September 1997, Paris, France. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 56 327. Wood, P, Hrushesky W. 5-FU antitumor efficacy/toxicity is affected by fertility cycle stage. International Congress on Chronobiology, September 1997, Paris, France. 328. Wood P, Hrushesky W. Cisplatin-associated anemia: An erythropoietin deficiency syndrome [abstract]. In: Spivak JL, ed. Yearbook of Hematology. St. Louis: Mosby, 1997:3-4. 329. Wood P, Hrushesky W. Cisplatin-associated anemia: An erythropoietin deficiency syndrome [abstract]. Oncology Digest, 1997;2:(Investigation). 330. Wood P, Hrushesky W, Klevecz R. Complex compartmental circadian coordination of hematopoetic proliferative dynamics. Proc Cell Prolif Soc. Baltimore, MD, 1998:26. 331. Hrushesky W, Bjarnason G, Fukushima M, Hagimoto H, Wood P. Plasma fluorodeoxyuridine (FUDR) concentration during therapeutically effective continuous intravenous infusion (CI): possible sex dependence. Proc AACR. New Orleans, LA, 1998:187. 332. Wood P, Lincoln D, Hrushesky W. Thymidylate synthase activity (TSA) in the marrow and small intestine are each ryhthmically coordinated within the day. Proc AACR. New Orleans, LA, 1998:469. 333. Wood, PA, Hrushesky, W, Klevecz, RR. Complex compartmental circadian coordination of hematopoietic proliferation dynamics. Cell Proliferation Society, Baltimore, MD, April 1998. 334. Wood P, Lincoln D, Hrushesky W. Thymidylate synthase (TS), a chemotherapy drug target, varies rhythmically throughout the day in the host tissues for drug toxicity. 3rd Annual VA Oncology Cancer Symposium. San Antonio, TX, 1998. 335. Wood P, Hrushesky W, Klevecz R. Lineage specific circadian coordination of hematopoietic proliferative dynamics and progenitor cell numbers. 3rd Annual VA Oncology Cancer Symposium. San Antonio, TX, 1998. 336. Hrushesky W, Wood P, Bove K. Mammalian fertility cycles modulate cancer growth and spread. 3rd Annual VA Oncology Cancer Symposium. San Antonio, TX, 1998. 337. Hrushesky W. Circadian cancer therapy. 4th International Symposium on Predictive Oncology and Therapy. Nice, France, 1998. 338. Bove, K, Wood, PA, Hrushesky W. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) expression in breast cancer varies with fertility cycle stage. Proc AACR 40: 1999. 339. Bove, K, Wood, P, Hrushesky, W. Molecular mediators of angiogenesis are modulated by the fertility cycle in breast cancer (abstract). Joint meeting of the eighth international conference of chronopharmacology and chronotherapeutics and the american association for medical chronobiology and chronotherapeutics, Williamsburg, VA, 1999. 340. Lincoln, D, Hrushesky, W,Wood, P. Thymidylate synthase (TS) activity (A) circadian time structure in TS Inhibitor sensitive tissues (abstract). Joint meeting of the eighth international conference of chronopharmacology and chronotherapeutics and the american association for medical chronobiology and chronotherapeutics, Williamsburg, VA, 1999. 341. Hrushesky W, Bove K, Wood P. Breast cancer resection within the menstrual cycle: risks, costs and benefits. 1st Milan Breast Cancer Conference. Milan, Italy, 1999. 342. Hrushesky W, Bove K, Lincoln D, Clark R, Wood P. Consequences of the non-linearity of in vivo critical drug target expression. Int Conf on Molec Targets & Cancer Therapeutics. Washington, DC, 1999. 343. Thrall M, Wood P, King V, Rivera W, Hrushesky W. Investigation of the comparative toxicity of 5-FU bolus versus 5-FU continuous infusion chemotherapy with concurrent radiation therapy in locally advanced rectal cancer. 6th Int Conf on GI cancer. Williamsburg, VA, 1999. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 57 344. Wood P, Bove K, Clark R, Lincoln D, Maley F, Hrushesky W. Circadian variation of thymidylate synthase (TS) mRNA and protein levels in normal tissues parallels the rhythm in TS catalytic activity and daily rhythms in DNA synthesis. Int Conf on Molec Targets & Cancer Therapeutics. Washinton, DC, 1999. 345. Hrushesky W. DVA healthcare network upstate new york at albany a clinical investigations unit: adding value and quality without adding cost. 4th annual va oncology cancer symposium. Washington, DC, 1999. 346. Bove K, Wood P, Hrushesky W. Molecular mediators of angiogenesis are modulated by the fertility cycle in breast cancer. 4th annual va oncology cancer symposium. Washington, DC, 1999. 347. Wood, P, Lincoln, D, Bove, K, Clark, R, Hrushesky W. Tumor thymidylate synthase (TS) activity and mRNA vary rhythmically throughout the day. Proc AACR 2000 348. Bove, K, Lincoln, D, Wood, P, Hrushesky, W. Reproductive cycle coordination of tumor growth and postresection local recurrence of a low metastatic potential, gene marked, breast cell line. Proc AACR 2000 349. Bjarnason, G, Lincoln, D, Hrushesky, W, Li, Q, Ben-Wood, Y, Wood, P. Thymidylate synthase (TS) activity in human oral mucosa has a circadian variation with peak activity during S-phase. Proc Amer Soc Clin Oncol 2000. 350. Hrusheksy W, Bove K, Chambers A, Wood P. Reproductive cycle and tumor stage affect measures of cell proliferation and angiogenesis. In: Breast Cancer Research Program, Era of Hope; 2000 June 8-12; Atlanta, GA; 2000. 351. Robert F, Irwin D, Dallaire B, Shuey S, Alkuzweny B, Nasizadeh H, Hrushesky W, et al. A phase I/II trial of 9-aminocamptothecin (9-AC) utilizing a daily X5 schedule: no response was observed despite achieving pharmacokinetic targets (abstract). In: Amer Soc of Clin Oncology; 2000; New Orleans, LA; 2000. 352. Hrushesky W, Sothern R, Rietveld W, Boon M. Pap smear detection of uterine cervical epithelial carcinogenesis and progression is circannually rhythmic and apparently tied to rhythms in human sexuality. In: Seventh Meeting Society for Research on Biological Rhythms; 2000; Amelia Island Plantation, Jacksonville, Florida; 2000. 353. Wood P, Bove K, Hrushesky W. Meaningful and reproducible reproductive cycle modulation of cancer biology. In: Seventh Meeting Society for Research on Biological Rhythms; 2000; Amelia Island Plantation, Jacksonville, Florida; 2000. 354. HrusheskyW. Tumor Chronobiology. International Symposium on Tumor Targeted Drug Delivery Systems, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland; Sept 24-27, 2000. 355. Hrushesky W, Sothern R, Rietveld W, Boon, M. Rhythmic Annual Changes in Cancer Biology Affect Epidemiologic Meaning, the Efficiency of Prevention, Screening and Treatment Strategies; In: 19th Annual VA Health Services Research and Development Services, Washington, DC; Feb 14-16, 2001. 356. Kobayashi M, Wood P, Hrushesky WJM. Tumor Growth Rate Is Highly and Complexly Organized within Each Day. Chronobiology in the New Millenium, 25th Conference of the International Society for Chronobiology, Ankara, Turkey; October 9-13, 2001. 357. Wood P, Bjarnason G, Lincoln D, Hrushesky WJM. Prominent Circadian Organization of Thymidylate Synthase Activity in Human Oral Mucosa. Chronobiology in the New Millenius, 25th Conference of the International Society for Chronobiology, Ankara, Turkey; October 9-13, 2001. 358. Kobayashi M, Wood P, Hrushesky W. Tumor Growth Waxes and Wanes Predictably Within Each Day and This Circadian Pattern Inverts with Cancer Progression. 6th Annual National VA Oncology Conference, Washington, DC;January 23-25, 2002. 359. Wood P, Bjarnason G, Lincoln D, Hrushesky W. Thymidylate Synthase Activity, An Important Cancer Chemotherapy Target, Is Organized within Circadian Time in the Human Oral Mucosa. 6th Annual National VA Oncology Conference, Washington, DC; January 23-25, 2002. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 58 360. Kobayshi M, You S, Wood P, Rich I, Hrushesky WJM. Prominent Circadian and Estrous Cycle Impact upon Tumor Biology. Eighth Meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms. Amelia Island Plantation and Conference Center, Jacksonville, Florida; May 22-26, 2002. 361. You S, Kobayashi M, Rich I, Musk P, Wood P, Hrushesky WJM. Tissue and cDNA Microarrays for HighThroughout Molecular Profiling of Cancer Chronobiology. Eighth Meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms. Amelia Island Plantation and Conference Center, Jacksonville, Florida; May 22-26, 2002. 362. Hrushesky WJM, You S, Kobayashi M., Wood P. Fertility Cycle Coordinates Molecular Pathways Responsible for Cancer Growth and Spread. Era of Hope 2002 DoD Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting, Orlando, Florida; September 25-28, 2002. 363. Wood P, You S, Hrushesky WJM. Fertility Cycle Coordinates Molecular Pathways Responsible for Cancer Growth and Spread. 7th Annual VA National Cancer Symposium, Alexandria, Virginia; October 2-4, 2002. 364. Hrushesky WJM, Wood P, Patterson D, Probst J, Shinogle J, Samuels M. VA Health Care Eliminates Racial and Rural Health Care Disparities. 7th Annual VA National Cancer Symposium, Alexandria, Virginia; October 2-4, 2002. 365. You S, Kobayashi M, Wood P, Xu Y, Musk P, Hrushesky W. Mouse Mammary Circadian Rhythm and mPER1 Gene Expression. 94th Annual AACR Meeting, Toronto, Canada; April 5-9 2003. 366. You S, Xiong Y, Kobayashi M, Wood P, Bickley S, Simu M, Quiton J, Hrushesky W. Tumor cell circadian clock genes are rhythmically expressed in coordination with rhythmic circadian growth and thereby may represent new therapeutic targets. Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Boston, Massachusetts; November 1721, 2003 367. Retsky M, Demicheli R, Hrushesky W. Proposed explanation of mammography paradox for women age 4049. The 7th International Symposium on Predictive Oncology, Nice, France; February 7-10, 2004. 368. Hrushesky W, You S, Xiong Y, Kobayashi M, Bickley S, Quiton J, Wood P. Circadian clocks meter molecular target availability within cancer cells. 1st ISC International Conference on Cancer Therapeutics, Florence, Italy; February 19-21, 2004. 369. Demicheli R, Bonadonna G, Hrushesky W, Moliterni A, Retsky M, Valagussa P, Zambetti M. The timing of breast cancer recurrence after mastectomy and adjuvant CMF chemotherapy supports a dormancy-based model for metastatic development. ASCO 2004, New Orleans, Louisiana; June 5-8, 2004. 370. Berk L, Seiferheld W, Rich T, Hrushesky W, Blask D. RTOG BR-0119: Chronobiological study of the addition of melatonin to radiotherapy for brain metastases. ASCO 2004, New Orleans, Louisiana; June 5-8, 2004. 371. You S, Li W, Kobayashi M, Xiong Y, Hrushesky W, Wood P. Creation of a stable breast cancer cell line that maintains fertility cycle cancer biology of the parent tumor. AACR 2004, Orlando, Florida; March 2004. 372. Hrushesky W, Sothern R, Rietveld W, Quiton J, Boon M. Sun Exposure, Sexual Behavior and Uterine Cervical Human Papilloma Virus. AACR 2004, Orlando, Florida; March 2004. 373. Hrushesky W. Melatonin: The First Anti-Cancer Chronobiotic. South Carolina Academy of Science 2004, Charleston, South Carolina; April 2004. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 59 374. Demicheli R, Bonadonna G, Hrushesky WJM, Moliterni A, Retsky MW, Valagussa P, Zambetti M. The timing of breast cancer recurrence after mastectomy and adjuvant CMF chemotherapy supports a dormancybased model for metastastic development. ASCO, New Orleans, Louisiana; June 2004. 375. Hrushesky, WJM Observation, Quantitation and Therapeutic Manipulation of Circadian Cancer Biology to Prevent, Better Diagnose, and More Safely and Effectively Treat Human Cancer. Proceedings of MASCC International Symposium for Supportive Care in Cancer. Miami, Florida June 24-27, 2004. 376. Hrushesky, WJM . Objectively Measuring Fatigue in Cancer Patients by Measuring Circadian Sleep-Activity Patterns. Circadian Disruption and Breast Cancer, NIEHS Proceedings, Chapel Hill, NC July 9-11, 2004. 377. Hrushesky, WJM Using Circadian Cancer Biology to Prevent, Better Diagnose, and More Safely and Effectively Treat Human Cancer. Proceedings of International Chronobiology Society, Graz, Austria, October 13-15, 2004. 378. Hrushesky, WJM. Chronotherapy of Cancer. Proceedings of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. Baltimore, Maryland November 9-11, 2004. 379. Hrushesky WJM Human Cancer Chronobiology. Proceedings of the International Conference on Chronobiology, January 27-30, 2005, Hamburg, Germany. 380. Lis Chris, Grutch J, Gupta D, Hrushesky WJM. Improved Circadian Function in Patients with Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer who Respond to Chemotherapy. AACR, March 2005. 381. Wood P, You S, Xiong Y, Ohmori M, Quiton J, Hrushesky WJM, et al. Continuous Light Increases Cancer Growth Rate in Clock Gene Replete, but not Per2 Mutant Mice. The First International Congress of Applied Chronobiology and Chronomedicine. Antalya, Turkey, June 2005. 382. Ohmori M, You S, Quiton J, Berger F, Hrushesky WJM, et al. APCmin/+ Mice have Normal Circadian and Estrous Time Structures. The First International Congress of Applied Chronobiology and Chronomedicine. Antalya, Turkey, June 2005. 383. Baum M, Cuzick J, Howell A, Buzdar R, Demicheli R, Greco M, Retsky M, Hrushesky WJM. An exploration of relapse data by hazard rate as a means of developing biological insights into the natural history and treatment of breast cancer: Data from “Arimidex’, Tamoxifen, Alone or in Combination(ATAC) trial and the Milan Institiute Database. Proc ASCO 2005. Orlando, FL. May 13-17, 2005. Abst#612 p31s. 384. Levin RD, Grutsch JM, Hrushesky WJM, Quiton JD, Quinn K, Daehler M. Circadian function of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Proc ASCO 2005. Orlando, FL. May 13-17, 2005. Abst#7291 p693s. 385. Du-Quiton J, Levin RD, Grutsch JF, Daehler M, Gupta D, Lis CG, Hrushesky WJM. Quantitative comparison of three competing actigraphy systems to record and analyze sleep, activity and ambient light. Proceedings of the AACR-NCI-EORTC International Coference on Lolecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, USA. November 14018, 2005. 386. Hrushesky WJM, DeSai B, Du-Quiton J, Wood P, You S, Collier G, Xiong Y, Oh E, Greene E, Ohmori M, McPartland M . Multi-dimensional depiction of circadian dynamics of tumor cell core clock function, thymidylate synthase activity, 5-FU antitumor activity and 5-FU therapeutic index and tumor bearing mouse survival. AACR April 1-5, 2006, Washington, DC. 387. Wood P, You S, Hrushesky WJM. Circadian Clock Coordinates Cancer Cell Cycle Progression, Thymidylate Synthase (TS), and 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) Therapeutic Index. AACR April 1-5, 2006, Washington, DC. 388. You S ,Wood P ,Ohmori M ,Xiong Y ,Du-Quiton J , Bickley S ,Hrushesky WJM . Mammary Tumor Growth Acceleration by Light-at-Night is Associated with Host Circadian Disruption, Altered Tumor Circadian Clock and Clock-Controlled Protein Expression, and is Behaviorally Avoidable. AACR April 1-5, 2006, Washington, DC. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 60 389. Y Xiong, J Quiton, S You, M Ohmori, E Greene, E Oh, V Sue, P Wood, WJM Hrushesky. Host Per2 clock gene mutation in the cancer host slows transplanted lung and colon Per2-replete tumor growth. AACR April 2006, Washington, DC. 390. E Oh, J Quiton, S You, M Ohmori, Y Xiong, E Greene, V Sue, P Wood, WJM Hrushesky. Season of breast cancer resection affects surgical cure. AACR April 1-5, 2006, Washington, DC. 391. LE Greene, J Quiton, EYOh, P Wood, SYou, M Ohmari, YXiong, WJM Hrushesky. The Number of Immune Cells Infiltrating Murine Breast Cancer Predicts Surgical Outcome. AACR April 1-5, 2006, Washington, DC. 392. RD Levin, C Lis, C Peterson, J Grutsch, WJM Hrushesky, J Quiton, K Quiton, M Daehler, D Gupta. Circadian Function in Patients with Advanced Non-Small cell lung cancer. AACR April 1-5, 2006, Washington, DC. 393. Grutsch J, Gupta D, Lis C, Levin R, Du-Quiton, Daehler M, Wood P, Hrushesky WJM. Do Self-Reported Measures of Sleep Quality Correlate with Objective Measures of Circadian Coordination in Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer? AACR April 14-18, 2007, Los Angeles, CA. 394. Du-Quiton J, Grutsch J, Lis C, Gupta D, Levin R, Tyer K, Daehler M, Wood P, Hrushesky WJM. The Relationship Between Quality of Life and Circadian Function in Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer. AACR April 14-18, 2007, Los Angeles, CA. 395. Hrushesky WJM, Sothern RB, Du-Quiton J, Rietveld W, Boon M. Transverse (and Longitudinal) Evidence for Medically Relevant Circannual and Circahemidecadal and Circadecadal Human Time Structures. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium May 30-June 4, 2007, Cold Spring Harbor, New York (pg 64). 396. Wood PA, Yang X, Hrushesky WJM. Circadian Disruption and Cancer. 72nd Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium: Clocks and Rhythms. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium May 30June 4, 2007Cold Spring Harbor, NY (pg. 158). 397. Wood PA, Yang X, Taber A, Oh EY, Carnevale K, Berger F, Pena M, Hrushesky WJM. Inactivation of the Period 2 Circadian Clock Gene Accelerates Intestinal Tumorigenesis in ApcMin/+ Mice. AACR Advances in Colorectal Cancer, Cambridge, MA; Nov 14-17, 2007. 398. Hyunju L, Arnouk H, Lamoke F, Zhang R, Hunt RC, Hrushesky WJM, Wood PA, Jahng WJ. Neruroprotective and Pro-Angiogenic Roles of Erythropoietin in Retina Degeneration. 2008 Annual Conf of Assoc for Research in Vision and Opthamology (ARVO) Ft Lauderdale, FL; April 27 –May1, 2008. 399. Jahng WJ, Arnouk H, Lamoke F, Hunt RC, Hunt DM, Hrushesky WJM, Wood PA, Rando R, Lee H. A New Retinoid Signaling Molecule in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium:RE45. 2008 Annual Conf of Assoc for Research in Vision and Opthamology (ARVO) Ft Lauderdale,FL; April 27 –May1, 2008. 400. Zhang R, Chen P, Arnouk H, Yang X, Oh EY, Wood PA, Hrushesky WJM, Davis R, Jahng WJ Melatonin Protects the Retina from Constant Light Induced Damage via Microtubule Stabilization. 2008 Ann. Conf of Ass for Res in Vision and Opthamology (ARVO) Ft Lauderdale,FL; Apr 27 –May1, 2008. 401. PA Wood, X Yang, A Taber, EY Oh, K Carnevale, F Berger, M Pena, WJM Hrushesky. Inactivation of Period2 Clock Gene Accelerates Intestinal Tumorigenesis. 2008 Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Sandestin, FL; May 17-21, 2008. 402. JK Singletary, EY Oh, MA Friedman, WJM Hrushesky, PA Wood. Gene Expression Analysis Grouping with Gener-Rhythm. 2008 Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Sandestin, FL; May 17-21, 2008. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 61 403. EY Oh, A Friedman, J Singletary, X Yang, C Ansell, SLK Kidder, SE Ayers, DF Quiton, C Yang, PA Wood, WJM Hrushesky. Circadian Breast Cancer Whole Genomic Expression. 2008 Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Sandestin, FL; May 17-21, 2008. 404. C Ansell, EY Oh, C Yang, H Nawaz, PA Wood, WJM Hrushesky. Circannual Rhythm of Global Breast Cancer Incidence. 2008 Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Sandestin, FL; May 17-21, 2008. 405. SLK Bowers, EY Oh, CM Ansell, C Yang, PA Wood, WJM Hrushesky. Season, Estrous and Circadian Cycle Timing of Breast Cancer Resection Interact to Determine Post Resection Breast Cancer Metastatic Recurrence Risk. 2008 Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Sandestin, FL; May 17-21, 2008. 406. DF Quiton, J Du-Quiton, PA Wood, JF Grutsch, D Gupta, K Tyer, CG. Lis, RD Levin, JB Burch, WJM Hrushesky. Sleep-Activity Circadian Rhythm Abnormalities Reflect Self-Assessed Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. 2008 Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Sandestin, FL; May17-21, 2008. 407. X Yang, PA Wood, EY Oh, J Du-Quiton, C Ansell, WJM Hrushesky. Down regulation of circadian clock gene Period 2 accelerates breast cancer growth by altering its daily growth rhythm. 2008 Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Sandestin, FL; May 17-21, 2008. 408. J Reynolds, J Grutsch, PA Wood, D Gupta, C Lis, R Levin, J Du-Quiton, M Daehler, DF Quiton, WJM Hrushesky. Sleep Quality and Circadian Function in Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer 2008 Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Sandestin, FL; May17-21, 2008. 409. PA Wood, Xiaoming Yang, Eun-Yeong Oh, Christine Ansell, Stephanie L.K. Bowers, Chris Yang, Stacy Ayers, WJM Hrushesky. Light at night-induced breast cancer growth acceleration depends on melatonin and tumor melatonin MT1 receptor expression. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY. June 20, 2008. 410. J Guess, J Burch, K Ogoussan, HM Zhang, S Wagner, J Hébert, PA Wood, L Hofseth, U Singh, W Hrushesky. Circadian Disruption and Circulating Inflammatory Cytokines. NYAS Meeting 2009: Circadian Disruption and Cancer. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY. June 19, 2009. 411. WJM Hrushesky. Circadian disruption as preventable cause for and relievable burden of cancer. NYAS Meeting 2009: Circadian Disruption and Cancer. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY. June 19, 2009. 412. X Yang, PA Wood, WJM Hrushesky. Circadian time dependent tumor suppressor function of period genes. NYAS Meeting 2009: Circadian Disruption and Cancer. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY. June 19, 2009. 413. WJM Hrushesky, J Grutsch, PA Wood, C Ferrans, JL Reynolds, DF Quiton, J Du-Quiton, R Levin, C Lis, D Braun. Defining the burdens of circadian disruption in advanced lung cancer and how they may be diminished. NYAS Meeting 2009: Circadian Disruption and Cancer. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY. June 19, 2009. 414. Shimp WS, Kumar A, Bobolts L, Krook JE, Fishman V, Davis S, Anthony C, Walton R, Huff D, Fishman ML, Hrushesky WJM. Improving QOL and safety while reducing costs: Evidence-based adjuvant chemotherapy of colorectal cancer (CRC). Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (PostMeeting Edition). 2013 May; 31(15): suppl; e14646. 415. Fishman ML, Kumar A, Shimp WS, Bobolts LR, Krook JE, Fishman V, Davis S, Walton R, Huff DF, Hrushesky WJM. Effect of pretreatment clinical consultation on oncologist prescribing behavior in the initial Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 62 treatment of NSCLC. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). 2013 May; 31(15): suppl; e19130. 416. Huff DF, Hrushesky WJM, Davis S, Bobolts L, Kumar A, Shimp WS, Krook J, Kogler J, Fishman V, Anthony C, Walton R, Fishman ML. Annual rhythm in filgrastim use in southeast Florida. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). 2013 May; 31(15): suppl; e20697. 417. Kogler J, Hrushesky WJM, Huff DF, Bobolts L, Kumar A, Shimp WS, Krook JE, Fishman V, Davis S, Anthony C, Walton R, Fishman ML. Trends in the use of bone agents in metastatic cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). 2013 May; 31(15): suppl; e20672. 418. Krook JE, Kumar A, Fishman ML, Shimp WS, Bobolts LR, Fishman V, Davis S, Huff DF, Anthony C, Walton R, Hrushesky WJM. Community use of anthracyclines in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) (Poster). Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). 2013 May; 31(15): suppl; e1080. 419. Kumar A, Fishman ML, Shimp WS, Bobolts LR, Krook J, Fishman V, Davis S, Huff DF, Anthony C, Walton R, Hrushesky WJM. Community use of anthracyclines for adjuvant HER2-positive breast cancer (BC). Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). 2013 May; 31(15): suppl; e11609. 420. Bobolts LR, Kumar A, Fishman ML, Shimp WS, Krook JE, Fishman V, Davis S, Anthony C, Walton R, Huff D, Hrushesky WJM. Off-label capecitabine, eribulin, or ixabepilone use in metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). 2013 May; 31(15): suppl; e12034. 421. Hrushesky WJM, Huff DF, Davis S, Bobolts LR, Fishman ML, Shimp WS, Kogler J, Fishman V, Walton R. Ensuring evidence-based cancer medicine by influencing prescribing behavior [poster]. 2013 ASCO Quality Care Symposium. 2013 Nov 1-2; San Diego, CA. 422. Huff, DFQ, Fishman, ML, Davis S, Shimp WS, Bennett CL, Kogler J, Schorer AE, Laura Rose Bobolts, Melissa Armitage, William J. Hrushesky; Evidence-based adjuvant chemotherapy for NSCLC in southeastern United States. 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting (abstract). May 30-June 3, 2014, Chicago, IL. J Clin Oncol (Meeting Abstracts) May 2014 vol. 32 no. 15_suppl e18504. 423. Hrushesky WJM, Huff DFQ, Anthony C, Bobolts LR, Armitage M, Davis S, Bennett CL, Shimp WS, Schorer AE, Fishman, ML, Dobies C, Fishman D, Fishman V, Walton R, Kogler J. Use, misuse, and overuse of white cell growth factors (GF) in community oncology practices in southeastern United States. 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting (poster). May 30-June 3, 2014, Chicago, IL. J Clin Oncol (Meeting Abstracts) May 2014 vol. 32 no. 15_suppl 9654 424. Hrushesky WJM, Bennett CL, Huff DFQ, Anthony C, Bobolts LR, Kogler J, Armitage M, Fishman ML, Davis S, Walton R. Effect of Oncology Analytics (OA) cancer care quality initiative on inappropriate use of erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESA) among cancer patients receiving chemotherapy with curative intent. 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting (abstract). May 30-June 3, 2014, Chicago, IL. J Clin Oncol (Meeting Abstracts) May 2014 vol. 32 no. 15_suppl e17552 425. Lis CG, Levin RD, Grutsch JF, Birdsall TC, Wood PA, Huff DFQ, Reynolds JL, Daehler MA, Pearl D, Shen X, Blask DE, Hrushesky WJM. Evening melatonin (but not morning) prolongs the survival of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (ANSCLC). 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting (abstract). May 30-June 3, 2014, Chicago, IL. J Clin Oncol (Meeting Abstracts) May 2014 vol. 32 no. 15_suppl e19068 426. Baranwal A, Huff DFQ, Fishman ML, Kogler J, Shimp WS, Bobolts LR, Fishman V, Armitage M, Davis S, Anthony C, Schorer AE, Bennett CL, Hrushesky WJM. Adjuvant colon cancer care compliance with level I Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 63 data and NCCN guidelines in the elderly. 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting (abstract). May 30-June 3, 2014, Chicago, IL. J Clin Oncol (Meeting Abstracts) May 2014 vol. 32 no. 15_suppl e14520 427. Bennett CL, Kessler S, Schulz R, Chen B, Magwood J, Yenzen S, Norriz LB, Armitage J, Sartor O, Hrushesky WJM. Are preclinical research findings replicable: An empirical analysis based on EpoR studies in cancer. 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting (abstract). May 30-June 3, 2014, Chicago, IL. J Clin Oncol (Meeting Abstracts) May 2014 vol. 32 no. 15_suppl e17697 Submitted Abstracts: Bennett CLB, Huff DF, Baranwal A, Mamgain A, Hrushesky WJM. Overuse of five expensive oncology pharmaceuticals in the southeastern United States: A physician-level analysis. Abstract #137637 Submitted for the 2014 ASCO Quality Care Symposium. Oct17 - 18, 2014. Boston, MA. Hrushesky WJM, Huff DF, Baranwal A, Mamgain A, Bennett CLB. Cancer care quality and value. Abstract #137678 Submitted for the 2014 ASCO Quality Care Symposium. Oct17 - 18, 2014. Boston, MA. Mamgain A, Huff DF, Bennett CL, Shimp WS, Baranwal A, Bobolts LR, Armitage M, Davis S, Schorer AE, Fishman M, Fishman V, Kogler J, Hrushesky WJM. Adjuvant chemotherapy selection for stage I NSCLC 2011 through 2014 in the southeastern United States. Abstract #137632 Submitted for the 2014 ASCO Quality Care Symposium. Oct17 - 18, 2014. Boston, MA. Huff DF, Bennett CL, Shimp WS, Baranwal A Mamgain A, Fishman M, Davis S, Kogler J, Schorer AE, Bobolts LR, Armitage M, Hrushesky WJM. Quality and value implications of NCCN-compliant use of maintenance rituximab for patients with low-grade NHL. Abstract #137671 Submitted for the 2014 ASCO Quality Care Symposium. Oct17 - 18, 2014. Boston, MA. Baranwal A, Hrushesky WJ, Huff DF, Shimo WS, Mamgain A, Fishman M, Bobolts LR, Schorer AE, Kogler J, Davis S, Armitage M, Bennett CL. Quality and value-focused albumin-bound Paclitaxel decision support for pancreatic, lung, and breast cancer in southeastern United States. Abstract #137623 Submitted for the 2014 ASCO Quality Care Symposium. Oct17 - 18, 2014. Boston, MA. Hrushesky WJM, Baranwal A, Huff DF, Shimp WS, Mamgain A, Fishman M, Schorer AE, Bobolts LR, Davis S, Kogler J, Armitage M, Bennett CL. Adjuvant colon cancer care quality, risk, value and level one data & guideline compliance among the elderly privately insured in southeastern USA. Abstract #137633 Submitted for the 2014 ASCO Quality Care Symposium. Oct17 - 18, 2014. Boston, MA. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 64 Appendix V-Highly Selected Invited Presentations: (Includes government (e.g. FDA, DOD, NCI) University, International meetings as well as public communication live, on TV, radio and online conferences abridged list available on request) Food and Drug Administration Advisory Board: “A review of the clinical utility and toxicology of Lasparaginase in some 8,000 patients,” December 12, 1975. Breast Cancer Task Force: “Clinical applications of chronobiology in cancer medicine,” June 29, 1981. CALGB Chemotherapy Meeting: “Timing: an important variable in toxicity and response,” 1983. Food and Drug Administration Bureau of Drugs and Biologics: “The need for consideration of the circadian stage of drug treatment,” June 12, 1985. National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Scientific Seminar Series: “Chemotherapy timing: a long ignored, yet relevant variable,” October 15, 1985. Food and Drug Administration Medical Device Bureau, Office of Science and Technology: “Application of chronobiologic concepts to diagnostic and drug administration devices,” October 15, 1985. Gynecologic Oncology Group: “Stipulation of drug timing: automatic chronotherapy,” December, 1985. Food and Drug Administration General Hospital and Personal Use Devices Panel, 24th Meeting: “Medtronic DAS,” November 3, 1986. CALGB Chemotherapy Committee: “Further progress in automatic drug delivery and time-based therapy,” Boston, 1987. FDA Bureau of Biologicals: “Log order circadian stage dependence of biological response modifier anticancer therapeutic index,” October 30, 1987. Gynecologic Oncology Group: “Ovarian cancer chronotherapy,” February, 1988. NCI-International Society for Chronobiology, “Circadian timing in cancer chemotherapy,” June 20, 1989. FDA Oncologic and Pulmonary Drug Products Branch, “Chronobiology and cancer drug development,” May 25, 1990. National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project, “Menstrual influence on surgical cure of breast cancer,” February 27, 1991. NCI Grand Rounds, “Menstrual influence on surgical cure on breast cancer,” August 28, 1991. NIH Strategic Planning Regional Meeting, Invited Panel Member, University of Connecticut, Farmington, CT, February 25, 1992. National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine Conference on Drug Development and Women, Washington D.C., “Drug Development and the Menstrual Cycle,” Invited Speaker, June 22-23, 1992. President's Cancer Panel Special Commission on Breast Cancer, “Breast Surgery Timing,” Washington D.C., Invited Speaker, November 12, 1992. International Multidisciplinary Conference on Human Behavior and the Meaning of Modern Humanism, Delphi, Greece, “Multifrequency Chao-Periodic Competitors for Global Impact” and “Chao-Periodic Patterns in the Achievement of Understanding,” June 14 - 17, 1995. Hrushesky • Curriculum Vitae • Page 65 “30th International Symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund: New Frontiers in Mechanistic Cancer Research in Animal Models”, Invited Participant, Tokyo, Japan, November 16-18, 1999. National Public Radio/WYNC Radio NY, NY Talk of the Nation: Science Friday, “Chronobiology: The Rhythms of Life,” Dec 28, 2001. National Public Radio/Durham, N.C. The Peoples’ Pharmacy, “Chronobiology Aids the Prevention Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Disease,” January (several broadcasts) 24, 2002. National Cancer Institute OCCAM “Melatonin, Chronobiology, and Cancer”, Washington, DC, February 28, 2003. Gordon Chronobiology Conference “Detection and Improve Treatment”, Barga, Italy, May 11, 2003. International Conference on Cancer Chronobiology “Chrono-Oncology”, Hamburg, Germany, January 29, 2005. Morehouse College Neuroscience Institute Seminar Series “Cancer Cell Circadian Clocks Coordinate Proliferation, Anticancer Drug Sensitivity and Host Toxicity”, Atlanta, GA, October 17, 2007. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology “Circadian Disruption, Light at Night, and Its Receptors and Breast Cancer Growth”, Snowmass Village, CO, August 10, 2008. New York Academy of Sciences Conference “Circadian Disruption and Cancer”, New York, NY, June 19, 2009. “Cancer and Time”, Bob Klevecz Memorial Conference, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, Duarte,California, September 24, 2010
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